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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Lawrence O'Donnell
Anchor of The Last Word
MSNBCW 11/27/2013
O’Donnell: Leaked by Edward Snowden and reported by Glenn Greenwald in the Huffington post, according to the Huffington Post report, the NSA spied on 6 Muslims it deemed radicalizers in order to exploit their personal weaknesses including their online porn habits.
Lawrence O'Donnell
Anchor of The Last Word
MSNBCW 11/27/2013
O’Donnell: One of the leaked documents states
Lawrence O'Donnell
Anchor of The Last Word
MSNBCW 11/27/2013
O’Donnell: in response, a spokesperson for the national intelligence, told the Huffington Post “It should not be surprising that the U.S. government uses all of the lawful tools at our disposal to impede the efforts of valid terrorist targets who seek to harm the nation and radicalize others to violence.”
Glenn Greenwald
Journalist and Activist
MSNBCW 11/27/2013
Greenwald: First of all that the -- none of the people who have been targeted are considered, even by NSA to be terrorists none of them involved in terrorist organizations or involved in terrorist plots in any way. They simply express views that the U.S. government considers radical. Secondly one of the persons is deemed by the NSA to be a U.S. person which means either he’s either a citizen or a valid green card holder which entitles him to substantially increase protections under the law.
Glenn Greenwald
Journalist and Activist
MSNBCW 11/27/2013
Greenwald: So Americans, or U.S. persons are not exempt from this program. Then thirdly, there is a long, ugly history, Lawrence in the united states of the U.S. government deeming certain ideas radical such as the civil rights movement or socialists and communists or anti-war protesters and then taking action to destroy them either their reputations or, their, their professions. And, I think we all as Americans ought to be aware of that history and wary of these kinds of programs.
Glenn Greenwald
Journalist and Activist
MSNBCW 11/27/2013
Greenwald: of course if the U.S. government believes there are people in the world who are expressing view points that are dangerous, of course the U.S. government like any government wants to go out and undermine them. There are a lot of people who express radical views all the time including on lots of cable tv stations who I would look to go in and undermine. that doesn't mean I want the state trolling through the most private data and releasing it to the world in order to humiliate them
Glenn Greenwald
Journalist and Activist
MSNBCW 11/27/2013
Greenwald: and destroy their reputations. That's not something that we want the state, authorized to do. And remember we are talking here, the document says that these six people are exemplars of how this can work. So it’s not confined to just this six or even, Muslim radicals. It’s just anybody the U.S. government thinks are radicalizing people with their view points.
Glenn Greenwald
Journalist and Activist
MSNBCW 11/27/2013
Greenwald: We have a certain set of documents that our source provided to us. We have far from the entire set of documents in the NSA. But what this document is clearly doing is, a document that implicates at least 15 different government agencies at the highest levels of the government and it’s talking about these kind of nefarious plans. We don't know if they released this information. We know they collected it and then discussed and planned ho they could release it to destroy these people’s reputations. And that's what surveillance scandals in the past have been about.
Keith Alexander
General, Director of the National Security Agency, Chief of the Central Security Service and Commander of the United States Cyber Command.
FOXNEWSW 12/01/2013
Wallace: Edward Snowden may have put together something that's been called a "doomsday cache" of top secret documents, much more damaging than anything he's released so far, and that they will be released if anything happens to him. do you think that that is a legitimate and real concern? Hayden: I've seen those reports, Chris. I have no reason to doubt them. Wallace: Do you believe it? Hayden: I have - again, I'm not in government, I don't know the secrets but it's the kind of thing that someone as clever as Snowden has shown himself to be, would probably do.
Michael Hayden
Former Director of the NSA and Director of the CIA
FOXNEWSW 12/01/2013
Wallace: Is there anything we can do about it? Hayden: Well, it's very, very hard. This is, Chris, I'll be very candid with you, this is catastrophic for the safety and the security of the American nation, what this very narcissistic young man has done. Wallace: and to that degree, is it a good insurance policy and should the lesson be, lay off Snowden because you don't want this doomsday cache to be revealed? Hayden: No, I wouldn't think that's right either. That's a bit like a negotiating with terrorist, I don't think we ought to do that either.
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