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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Daniel Ellsberg
Author of
CNNW 06/01/2014
Stelter: Edward Snowden has called you an inspiration. Do you view him as an inspiration as well? Ellsberg: I certainly do. I think he's -- I was very pleased to hear that I had been in his mind at all when I saw that on the news just yesterday. I called my wife to take a look at the computer. She said, you should take a picture of that. I'm proud of that because Edward Snowden is a man who makes me proud to be an American, and that doesn't happen every day.
Amy Goodman
Host and Executive Producer for Democracy Now
LINKTV 06/01/2014
Goodman: The latest disclosures from whistleblower Edward Snowden show the NSA has collected millions of images for surveillance programs using facial recognition. The NSA is culling an estimated 55,000 facial images per day from sources including driver's licenses, Facebook, text messages, e-mails, videoconferences, and other communications. Snowden meanwhile has announced he has applied for asylum in Brazil. His temporary asylum in Russia is due to expire in August.
Andrea Mitchell
NBC Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent and Host of Andrea Mitchell Reports
MSNBCW 06/01/2014
Mitchell: Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden making headlines once again with another document leak shedding new light on the U.S. government surveillance capabilities. According to top secret documents obtained from Snowden earlier and now published by the New York Times, the NSA is collecting millions of images a day from emails, text and social media for use in its facial recognition programs. The technology is becoming extremely important to intelligence agencies to try to track suspected terrorists and other targets. And in an interview with Brazil's Globo News, Snowden has now revealed he has applied for asylum in several countries including Brazil. His options are limited. The state department revoked his passport. His asylum in Russia was granted only on in a temporary basis expiring at the end of July.
John Seigenthaler
Host of Al Jazeera America News
ALJAZAM 06/02/2014
Seigenthaler: One year ago this week, Edward Snowden leaked the first classified NSA documents. To mark the anniversary several major websites are launching a new privacy campaign called reset the net. Carey: Countless revelations sparked a global debate over national security versus personal privacy. But on this anniversary several tech companies that have been battling the NSA have an interesting way of upping the ante. The NSA leaks were about far more than government collection of people's phone records. The reports revealed broad attempts by the government to enlist tech companies in its surveillance work. Those revelations quickly led two secure email providers to close down. One phone company went to the secret surveillance court to challenge the NSA's mass collection of phone records. The NSA has reported by been intercepting U.S. made computer products and inserting surveillance tools in them before they are exported.
Richelle Carey
News Anchor Al Jazeera America News
ALJAZAM 06/02/2014
Carey: This week, some tech companies are launching a new public battle against online surveillance. Campaign video: We use the internet to be ourselves, but governments are building a prison around it. We have to stop them. But how? Carey: On June 5th, dozens of companies are launching the Reset the Net campaign. Their message is simple. Don't ask for your privacy. Take it back. Greer: There is safety in numbers when we use encryptions and that's what reset the net is all about. it's about getting more and more people to start taking the first step towards protecting themselves and demanding that the tech companies and websites that we use take the minimum steps to protect us from government surveillance as we were. Carey: That day websites like reddit and Imager and The American Civil liberties Union will display a virtual protest screen and urge people to protect themselves. Video campaign: Folks like the NSA depend on collecting unsecured data from tapped fiber. They depends on our mistakes, mistakes we can fix.
Richelle Carey
News Anchor Al Jazeera America News
ALJAZAM 06/02/2014
Carey: Activists say the solution is to encourage everyone, companies and individuals to install software that will protect privacy and make it more difficult for agencies like the NSA to read e-mail. Higgins: On the one end, we push back against what we call securitynihilism but there is nothing that you can do. On the other hand, when someone says that they’ve devised a system that's completely NSA proof, you can tell that they probably don't know what their talking about. Carey: The likely result from increased user security, activists say, is an internet that's more difficult and more expensive for the NSA to monitor. The Reset the Net Movement is scheduled for Thursday. so look for websites to post messages in a virtual protest of the NSA. But one of the companies we spoke to today said this campaign is about more than just the collection of data it's about making the internet more secure so people feel comfortable to continue innovating.
Gwen Ifill
Co-Anchor and Managing Editor, PBS NewsHour
KQED 06/02/2014
Ifill: The government may be able to force a
Tim Wilcox
Journalist for BBC News
BBCAMERICA 06/04/2014
Cox: Prosecutors in Germany have opened an investigation into the alleged monitoring of Chancellor Angela Merkel's mobile phone by the U.S. National Security Agency, the NSA. Those revelations came to light last year. You may remember by Edward Snowden but it damaged relations quite seriously between Washington and Berlin and the investigation will be seen as diplomatically sensitive. It is the first formal act taken by a German government agency in response to those allegations made public as I say by the former U.S. Intelligence analyst Edward Snowden.
Juana Summers
NPR Reporter
CSPAN 06/05/2014
Summers: Top technology companies including Facebook and Google are warning the senate to tread carefully when they look at this issue of NSA surveillance. Let's take a look at this full-page ad. It’s running today in a number of newspapers, including
Juana Summers
NPR Reporter
CSPAN 06/05/2014
Showing 1201 through 1210 of 1708