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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


John Inglis
NSA Deputy Director
CSPAN 06/18/2013
Q. Has the NSA ever tracked any political enemies of the administration, whether it is a Republican administration or Democrat administration? Have either of the administrations, you said you are 100% auditable, so you would know the answer to this question. Have you ever tracked the political enemies of an administration? A. In my time at the NSA (1995-present), No ma'am.
John Inglis
NSA Deputy Director
CSPAN 06/18/2013
Q Does the government keep video data? Like Mr. Heinz just questioned. Does the government have a data base with video data in it tracking the movements of the American people? A. No, ma'am. Q. I’m sorry, the microphone is on. -- is not on. A. NSA does not hold such data.
John Inglis
NSA Deputy Director
CSPAN 06/18/2013
Q. Does the American government have a database that has the GPS location whereabouts of Americans, whether by our cell phones or other tracking device? Is there a known database? A. NSA does not hold such a database.
Keith Alexander
Commander, U.S. Cyber Command and Director, NSA
CSPAN 06/18/2013
Q. Does the NSA have a database that you maintain that holds the content of American’s phone calls? Do you have recordings of all of our calls? So if we're making phone calls is there a national database that has the content of our calls? A. We're not allowed to do that, nor do we do that unless we have a court order to do that. And it would be only in specific cases, and almost always that would be an FBI lead, not ours.
Keith Alexander
Commander, U.S. Cyber Command and Director, NSA
CSPAN 06/18/2013
Q. So do we maintain a data base of all e-mails that have ever been sent by the American people? A. No. No, we do not. Q. Is there a data base of our government that maintains the text messages of all Americans? A. No, none that I know of, and none at NSA.
Jim Sensenbrenner
U.S. Representative (R-Wisconsin), Chairman of Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security
FOXNEWSW 06/18/2013
Part 1:" The problem you got with the FISA court is that if they go too far there, is no way that somebody who is hurt by their orders can go to a public court to be able to challenge it. if you or Ii were to receive a subpoena or a search warrant for whatever reason, we can go to court and try to get that quashed, because we know what they are asking for and we can make a determination of whether they have gone too far
Jim Sensenbrenner
U.S. Representative (R-Wisconsin), Chairman of Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security
FOXNEWSW 06/18/2013
Part 2:
Keith Alexander
General, Director of the National Security Agency, Chief of the Central Security Service and Commander of the United States Cyber Command.
CSPAN 06/18/2013
Bachmann: Let me ask you a question. How damaging is this to the security of the American people that this trust was violated? Alexander: I think it was irreversible and significant damage to this nation. Bachmann: Has this helped America’s enemies? Alexander: I believe it has, and I believe it will hurt us and our allies.
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN2 06/19/2013
Part 1:Dianne Feinstein
Robert Mueller
FBI Director (at this hearing)
CSPAN2 06/19/2013
Mueller: it is very seldom used, generally use in a particular incident where you need the capability I will have to go back and check in terms of what we need in the images and the like. But It is very narrowly focused on the particularized cases and particularized needs and particularized cases and that is the principal of privacy limitations. Dianne Feinstein: I would like to get that information. (It would be helpful to us.)
Showing 121 through 130 of 1708