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IF 'lem'tp 

■ Idi. :, X4. 



Cornell University 

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Pi'o/essoi' of Agriculture in the University of Tennessee and State Agricultural 

and Mechanical College ; and Assistant Director of the Tennessee 

Agrictiltufal Experiment Station. 


Press of W. F. Humphrey, 
Geneva, N. Y. 


The publication of this book is the result of the estab- 
lishment of the agricultural experiment stations of the 
United States. At the present time there are in the 
vicinity of 300 persons on the working staffs of the state 
agricultural experiment stations. Who these persons 
are, and what they have done, is a subject of more than 
idle interest to many. The object of this volume is to 
supply this information, riot as gossip, but in so far as it 
appertains to scientific work. Hence the biographical 
matter is confined to that which bears upon science, and 
nothing is presented, excepting the barest facts of biog- 

This work is official to Jaii. i, iSSQj in that, with few 
exceptions, all the infotmation herein presented is supplied 
by the persons whose names are given. Those excep- 
tions are practically official,. as sent us in printed form by 
these persons. The list is not as complete as it should 
be, but is as perfect as circumstances would allow. Some 
station workers would not favor us with the required in- 
formation, which accounts for the lack of their names in 
the pages. Others gave incomplete data, either as to life 
history or to bibliography. Should it be deemed advisable 
to issue subsequent editions, it may be safely presumed 
that they will, in a large measure, supply the lacking 
data of this, the first. Especially should we hope this to 
be true in relation to bibliogra:phy. 

Charles S. Plumb. 

Knoxville, Term., March; i88g. 




Adriance, D. 

Bom Feb. i6, 1867, at Columbia, Brazoria county, 
Texas. Graduated at the Texas agricultural and me- 
chanical college in 1886, with no degree. Assistant in 
agriculture at same college, 1886-87 ; now assistant in 
chemistry, at same, and in Texas agricultural experiment 
station. Address : College Station, Tex. 


Born Aug. 6, 1852, near Canton, Miss. Studied at 
university of Miss., 1871-72. Since 1887 foreman of 
Texas agricultural and mechanical college farm. Ad- 
dress : College Station, Tex. 

Alvord, Henry E. 

Graduated at Norwich university, Vermont, securing 
degrees of B. S. and C. E. Served in United States vol- 
unteers, and U. S. army (cavalry) from 1862-71, inclusive. 
On duty at Mass. agric. college, 1869-71. Engaged in 
farming and teaching from 187 1-8 1 in Virginia and 
Massachusetts. Manager Houghton farm, N. Y., 1881- 
86. Prof, of agriculture. Mass, agr. college, 1886-88. 
President Maryland agricultural college, and director 
Maryland agricultural experiment station from April i, 
1888. Member various agricultural and dairy associa- 
tions, the society for the promotion of agricultural science 
and the American association for the advancement of sci- 
ence, Is medalist of Royal agricultural society of Eng- 

land, and British dairy farmers' association, for services 
rendered. Address : Agricultural College, Md. 


From 1872 to date has written for various American and Eng- 
lish agricultural journals. Author of American chapters of Shel- 
don's " Dairy farming." Cassell & Co., publishers. 

Alwood, William B. 

Born August 11, 1859, near Delta, Fulton coun- 
ty, Ohio. Attended Delta high .school, Wooster 
university, Ohio state university, and Corcoran 
scientific school of Columbian university. For three 
years teacher in the common schools of Fulton coun- ■ 
ty, Ohio. Superintendent field experiments, Ohio 
agricultural expefiment station. May, 1882 to August, 
1886. Observer Ohio meteorological bureau, June, 1882, 
to August, 1886. Assistant commissioner for Ohio to 
World's industrial and cotton centennial exposition, New 
Orleans, 1884-85. Special agent, division entomology, 
U. S. department of agriculture, June 1886-88. Assist- 
ant entomologist in same, 1888. Vice director Virginia 
agricultural experiment station. Address: Blacksburjh, 


Ohio agricultural experiment station report, 1 383. 

On corn, pp. 53-89 ; potatoes, pp. 89-99 ! cattle feeding, pp. 

, Ibid, for 18S4. On wheat, pp. 12-61 ; oats, p. 63 ; corn, pp. 
64-83 ; potatoes, pp. 84-100. 

Ibid, for 1885. On wheat, pp. 10-19 ; corn, pp. 19-49 ; oats, pp. 
50-56 ; potatoes, pp. 57-79 ; pig-feeding, pp. 80-87 ; cattle feeding, 
pp. 88-97. 

Tests with insecticides on garden insects. Bull, /j, div. ento- 
mology, U. S. depH of agriculture, 1886. 

Report on Ohio insects. Ibid., pp. 48-53. 

Notes on insects and insecticides. Fifth rep't Ohio agr. exp. 
station, 1886, pp. 193-229. 

On a system of classification of the agricultural varieties of 
wheat. Essay before Potomac grange, Washington, D. C, April 
9, 1888. 

On the artificial pollination of wheat. Paper before biological 
society of Washington, June 2, 1888. 

And-erson, James T. 

Born in 1851. In 1872 graduated from Washington and 
L,ee university. Pursued post graduate course in science 
(chemistry the chief studjO at Vanderbilt university from 
1876-79, receiving Ph.D. Tutor in English and mathe- 
matics at Vanderbilt while studying there. From 1879- 
86 professor of natural sciences in Central college, Mis- 
souri. In 1886 went to Germany, and studied and 
worked under Prof. Dr. A. W. Hofmann at the univer- 
sity of Berlin. In 1888 elected first assistant chemist to 
the Alabama agricultural experiment station. Address : 
Auburn, Ala. 

Annis, Frank J. 

Graduate Mich. agr. college in 1875 with degree B.S. , and 
later M. S. from same college. Professor mathematics 
and chemistry in Colorado agricultural college, 1879-81. 
Secretary Colorado state board of agriculture since 1881, 
and also secretary and treasurer Colorado agricultural ex- 
periment station. Address : Fort Collins, Col. 

Armsby, H. p. 

Born Sept. 21, 1853, at Northbridge, Mass. Educated 
in public schools of Northbridge and Millbury, Mass. 
Graduated from Worcester polytechnic institute in 1871 
with degree of B. S. Assistant in chemistry at same in- 
stitution, 1871-72. Post graduate studies in Sheffield 
scientific school of Yale college, 1872-74, receiving de- 
gree of Ph. B. Teacher of natural sciences Fitchburg 
(Mass.) high school, 1874-75. Studied at university of 
Leipzig, Germany, 1875-76. receiving degree of Ph. D. 
Assistant in chemistry Rutgers college, 1876-77. Chem- 
ist, Connecticut agricultural experiment station, 1877-81. 
Professor agricultural chemistry Storrs' agricultural school, 
Mansfield, Conn., 1881-83, and acting principal part of 

time. Professor agricultural chemistry university Wis- 
consin, and associate director experiment station of Wis- 
consin university, 1883-87. Now director Pennsylvania 
state college agricultural experiment station. Address : 
State College, Penn. 


Experiments on the decay of nitrogenous organic substances. 
Amer. jour. sci. 1874, p. 337; Proc. Am. ass'nadv. science, 1874, 
p. 80. 

■ Einwirkung der Schwefelsaure auf Pnosphorsaurem Kalk.yown 
prac. chem. 

Absorption of bases by the soil. Amer. jour, sci., xiv, p. 25 ; 
Landw. Vers. Station., xxi, p. 387. 

Relation of the soil to water. Rep. Conn. exp. station, 1877, 
p. 81. 

Experiments on the relations of the soil to water-capillary trans- 
niisbion and evaporation. Rep. Conn. exp. station, 1878, p. 83. 

Determination of albuminoids in feeding stuffs. Rep. Conn. exp. 
station, 1879, P- io4 ! Amer. chem. jour., II, i 

Reports on recent progress in agricultural science, Amer. chem. 
jour., II, 4. 

Manual of cattle feeding, New York, 1880. 

Observations on the feeding of milch cows as practiced in Con- 
necticut. Rep. Conn. exp. sta., 1881, p. 90. 

Farmer's annual hand-book (with Dr. E. H. Jenkins), 1882-3 

Digestion experiments. Rep. Wis. exp. station, 1884, p. 67 ; 
Amer. jour, science, xxix, p. 355. 

Value of cotton -seed meal and malt sprouts as feed for milch cows. 
Rep. Wis. exp. station, 1884, p. 78. 

Comparative value of old and new process bran. Ibid., 1885, 
p. 85. 

Value of new process oil-meal as compared with corn-meal for 
milk production. Ibid., 1885, p. 97. 

The Cooley system of creaming milk. Ibid., p. 118 ; Forsch. 
auf dein Gebiete der Vieh-Haltung , Heft 17, p. i ; Proc. soc. pro. 
agr. science, 1884, p. 49. 

Relation of fat of milk to butter yield. Rep. Wis. exp. sta. , 1885, 
p. 122. 

Feeding value of roller bran. Ibid., 1886, p. 113. 

Influence of the nutritive ratio on milk production. Ibid., p. 147. 

Analyses of milk of different breeds of cows. Ibid., p, 159. 

Tests of dairy cows at Wisconsin state fair. Bulletin 10, Wiscon- 
sin experiment station. 

An apparatus for the estimation of nitrogen by Kjeldahl's 
method. Amer. chem. jour. .^ yiii, i, with F. G. Short, 

Digestibility of maize stover. Agricultural science, II, p. 149, 
■with Wm. Frear. 

Has contributed numerous articles and reports, also, in popular 
agricultural and scientific periodicals. 

Arthur, Joseph Chari^es, 

Bom Jan. 11, 1850, at I^owville, N. Y. Karly educa- 
tion in public schools. Graduated at Iowa agricultural 
college in 1872 with the degree of B. S., in 1877 receiv- 
ing M. S. from same oollege, where was assistant in bi- 
ology during 1877-78. Studied at Johns Hopkins uni- 
versity in 1879, and at the Harvard university summer 
school in 1879-80. Instructor in botany at university of 
Wisconsin, 1879-81. L,ecturer on botany in summer 
school of the university of Minnesota, 1882. Botanist 
to the New York agricultural experiment station, 1884-87. 
Received degree of D. Sc, from Cornell university in 
1886 for post-graduate work. Professor of botany, Pur- 
due university, 1887, and at present of vegetable physi- 
ology and pathology. Botanist to the Purdue university 
agricultural experiment station, and since 1885, to the 
geological and natural history survey of Minnesota. 
Since 1883 co-editor of Botanical gazette. Address : I,a- 
fayette, Ind. 


Flora, of Iowa. 1876. 

Iowa Uromyces. 1883. 

Four reports to the New York agricultural experiment station, 
chiefly relating to plant diseases. 1884-87. 

History and biology of pear blight. 1886. 

Hand-book of plant dissection. 1886. Aided by C. R. Barnes 
and J. M. Coulter. 

Many papers in journals, proceedings of societies and other 
forms of publication. 

Atkinson, GeorgA F; 

A native of Michigan. Graduated from Cornell univer- 
sity in 1885, with degree of Ph. B. While at Cornell held 
a fellowship in botany, and was instructor in that branch. 
Was associate professor of natural history at the univer- 


sity of North Carolina till 1888. Now holds the chair 
of botany and zoology at the university' of South Carolina, 
and is entomologist to the South Carolina agricultural ex- 
periment station. Address: Columbia, S. C. 

Atwater, Wtbur Olin. 

Born May 3, 1844, in Johnsburg, New York. Grad- 
uated from Wesleyan university, Middletown, Conn., in 
1865. Studied chemistry at New Haven, receiving Ph. D. 
from Yale college in 1869, and made a special study of 
physiological and agricultural chemistry for two years at 
the universities of Leipzig and Berlin, also visiting Euro- 
pean experiment stations. During 1871-72 held chair of 
chemistry in the university of Tennessee (then East Ten- 
nessee uuiv.), in 1873 was called to a similar place in 
Maine state college, and the same year returned to Wes- 
leyan university to become professor of chemistry. From 
1875-77 director of Connecticut agricultural experiment 
station, the first director of the first agricultural experi- 
ment station in the United States, During 1882-83 over 
a year was spent in Europe, mostly in Munich and Heidel- 
berg, working in physiological chemistry. For a number 
of j'ears has been a member of the board of control of the 
Connecticut agricultural experiment station. Since April 
I, 1888, director of Storrs' school agricultural experiment 
station at Mansfield, Conn. In latter part 1888 appointed 
director of the office of experiment stations of the United 
States department of agriculture. Address: Washington, 
D. C. 


Has published numerous papers in journals of Germany, France 
and the United States. With G. B. Goode is the author of "The 
American Menhaden." A number of the more important ones in 
agricultural and physiological chemistry have been published in 
the American chemical journal. About 70 articles on "science as 
applied to farming" ran through the American agriculturist 
from 1874-81, and a series not vet completed in the Century mag- 
azine on "the chemistry of food." Among the agricultural papers 


have been the reports of the Connecticut agricultural experiment 
station for 1876-78, and numerous papers in reports of the Connec- 
ticut board of agriculture. 

Babcock, S. Moulton. 

Born Oct. 22, 1843, ^t Bridgewater, N. Y. Graduated at 
Clinton liberal institution, 1862, and from Tufts' college, 
Mass., 1866, with degree of B. A. From 1872-75 student 
in chemistry at Cornell university, and from 1876-79, at 
Gottingen, Germany, receiving Ph. D. from latter, in 
chemistry. Instructor in' chemistry at Cornell university, 
1875-77, and 1881-82. Chemist to New York agricultural 
experiment station, Geneva, 1882-87. Professor of agri- 
cultural chemistry in university of Wisconsin, and chemist 
to the Wisconsin agricultural experiment station, since 
1888. Address : Madison, Wis. 

Bailey, Jr. , L,. H. 

Born in 1858 at South Haven, Van Buren county, Mich- 
igan. Graduated from Michigan agricultural college in 
1882, with degree of B. S., later receiving M. S. From 
1882-84, assistant to Dr. Asa Gray at Harvard university. 
Professor of horticulture and landscape gardening at 
Michigan agricultural college, January, 1885 to August, 
1888. Since then professor of horticulture at Cornell uni- 
versity, and horticulturist to the agricultural experiment 
station of the same. Address : Ithaca, New York. 


Talks afiel^. Hought6n, Mifflin & Co., 1884. 

Field notes an apple culture. Orange Judd Co., 1886. 

Published a technical contribution on the genus Carex, of over 
100 pages, in the proceedings of the American academy of arts 
and sciences. 

Baldwin, John P.. 

Graduated at Ber€a college, OhiO: In charge of the 
Louisiana sugar experiment station ' sugar house. Ad- 
dress : Kenner, La. 


Balentine, Walter. 

Native of Maine. Graduated from the Maine state col- 
lege in 1874, with degree of B. S., and later given M. S. 
A post-graduate student two years at Wesleyan universi- 
ty, and assistant to Prof. W. O. Atwaterinthe Conn, agri- 
cultural experiment station. Studied one year at the uni- 
versity of Greifswold, Germany, and was assistant for one 
year in the experiment station at Halle, Germany. Was 
assistant chemist in the department of agriculture at Wash- 
ington, under Prof. Peter Collier. From i88itodate, pro- 
fessor of agriculture at the Maine state college. Is also en- 
gaged in experimental work in connection with the Maine 
experiment station. Address : Orono, Me. 

Barrow, D. N. 

Graduate of the Louisiana state university. Assistant 
in the Louisiana state agricultural experiment station. 
Has degree of B. S, ' Address : Baton Rouge, La. 

Bartlett, J. M. 

Born Sept. 25, 1857, at Litchfield, Maine. Educated in 
public schools and Litchfield academy, Maine. Graduated 
at Maine state college in 1880, in chemical course, with 
degree of B. S. Post-graduate student at Cornell univer- 
sity in 1883 under Dr. G. C. Caldwell. Assistant chemist 
engaged in special analytical work at Penn. state college, 
1883-85. Assistant chemist Maine agricultural experi- 
ment station, 1885-87. Now chemist to Maine state col- 
lege agr. exp. station. Address : Orono, Me. 

Battle, Herbert B. 

Graduated at university of North Carolina in 188^, with 
degree of B. S. From 1881-87 assistant chemist to North 
Carolina agricultural experiment station. Professor of 
chemistry to Leonard medical school, Raleigh, N. C, 
1886 to date. Ph. D. from univ. of North Carolina, 1887. 
In 1887 elected director of North Carolina agricultural ex- 


periment station, and also state chemist. Address: Ra- 
leigh, North Carolina, 


Chemical conversion tables. 1885, with F. B. Dancy. 

Author of numerous papers on chemical subjects in the journal 
of Elisha Mitchell scientific society, and other periodicals. 

Beal, W. H. 

Born Dec. 9, 1867, at Old Church, Virginia. Educated 
in home schools. Graduated from Virginia agricultural 
and mechanical college, 1886, with degree of B. A. and 
M. E. Since Jan. i, 1887, assistant chemist to Mass. ag- 
ricultural experiment station. Address : Amherst, Mass. 

Beal, William J. 

Born March 11, 1833, ^^ Lenawee county, Michigan. 
Graduated from the university of Michigan, classical 
course, in 1859, with degree of A. B., and later received 
M. A. from same. In 1865 studied at Harvard in scienti- 
fic course, studying mostly with Agassiz and Gray, re- 
ceiving B. S. From 1859-62 teacher in Friends' academy, 
and in Howland institute. Union Springs, New York. 
Prof of botany and zoology in Chicago university, 1868- 
70, and lecturer in several other colleges and academies. 
From 1870-72 professor of botany in Michigan agricultur- 
al college, and professor of botany and horticulture in 
same from 1872-82. Since 1882' professor of botany 
and forestry in same. Given degree of M. S. by Chicago 
university in 1870, and Ph. D. by university of Michigan 
in 1880. President Michigan teachers' association in 
1882. Secretary American pomological society for four 
years. First president (for two years) of Society for the 
promotion of agricultural science. In 1883 president of 
biological section American association for the advance- 
ment of science. Director state forestry commission 
1887-88. BotanLst to the Michigan agricultural experi- 
ment station. Address : Agricultural college, Mich. 


The new botany. 
The grasses of North America. Vol. I, 1887. 

Beckwith, Milton H. 

Born in 1852 at Elmira, New York. Educated in 
schools of that city. Assistant horticulturist to New York 
.state agricultural experiment station at Geneva, 1885-88. 
At present professor of horticulture and entomology in 
Delaware college, and horticulturist and entomologist to 
the Delaware agricultural experiment station. Address : 
Newark, Delaware. 

Bessey, Charles E. 

Born in 1845 ^^ Wayne county, Ohio. Was educated 
in Seville academy, Canaan academy and Michigan agri- 
cultural college ; studied also at Harvard university. 
Degree of B. S. and M. Sc, from Mich, agric. college, and 
Ph. D. from university of Iowa. Acted as instructor in 
botany and horticulture, then professor of same, and 
finally professor of botany alone, at Iowa agricultural 
college, covering years 1870-84. Was vice-president 
Iowa agricultural college. I^ecturer in university of Col- 
orado. Since 1884 professor of botany and horticulture, 
university of Nebraska, and director agricultural experi- 
ment station of same institution. Botanical editor Am- 
erican naturalist sinQ^ 1881. Address: Lincoln, Neb. 


Contributed to various agricultural papers, and before several 
agricultural and scientific societies. Also, geography of Iowa ; 
botany for high schools and colleges ; essentials of botany ; Am- 
erican edition of McNab's botany ; grasses and forage plants of 
Nebraska, vols. I and II ; etc., etc. 

Billings, Frank S. 

Born in 1843 at Boston, Mass. Educated in Massa- 
chusetts schools, and in the veterinary institute and 
medical school of the universit}^ of Berlin, Germany. 


Has the degree of D. V. S. Acted as pathologist to New 
York polyclinic school of medicine. Now director patho- 
biological laboratory university of Nebraska, and veter- 
inanian agricultural experiment station same institution. 
Is also a professor of microscopy and pathology for Chi- 
cago veterinary school. Address : lyincoln, Nebraska. 


Relations of animal diseases to public health. 

Bulletin 3, vol. II, university of Nebraska experiment station. 

Numerous articles in the Journal of comparative medicine, and 

Billow, Russell. 

Graduate of Sewanee university, Tenn., and assistant 
in the I,ouisiana sugar experiment station. Address : 
Kenner, L,a. 

Bird, Maurice. 

Graduated at the university of Virginia, Assistant 
and chemist to the sugar experiment .station, Kenner, 
lyouisiana. Address : Kenper, La. 

Bishop, William H. 

Native of Rhode Island ; born at Arlington Mills, 
June II, 1859. Studied at Friends' N. E. boarding 
school. Providence, R. I., 1874-75, and North Attleboro 
high school, Mass., 1876-77. Graduated Mass. agr. col- 
lege 1882, with degree B. S. Supt. experimental depart- 
ment Hiram Sibley's seed farm, Rochester, N. Y., 1882- 
84. Supt. agricultural department, Tougaloo university. 
Miss., 1884-88. Since April i, 1888, horticulturist to 
Maryland agricultural experiment station, and lecturer in 
Maryland agricultural college. Address : Agricultural 
College, Md. ' ' 

Blount, Ainsworth E. 

Graduated from Dartmouth college, Hanover, N. H., 
1859 with degree of A. B. Taught for 17 years in acad- 


emies in Tennessee and Illinois. Since 1 879 professor of 
agriculture, Colorado agricultural college. In 1888 ap- 
pointed agriculturist to Colorado agricultural experi- 
ment station. Address : Fort Collins, Col. 

Bolton, 1^. M. 

Born in Virginia in 1859. Pursued a complete aca- 
deriiic course at the university of Virginia, and later 
graduated there with degree of M. D. Practiced medi- 
cine three years in Virginia and Mississippi. In 1882 ap- 
pointed tutor in English and mathematics at South Caro- 
lina college, in the meantime pursuing post-graduate 
work in the chemical laboratory. In June, 1883, went to 
Europe and studied chemistry under Bunsen at Heidel- 
berg, and physiology, hygiene, histology and bacteri- 
ology at Gottingen, Wurtzburg and Berlin under Fliigge, 
Krause and Koch. In October, 1886, appointed assistant 
in bacteriology and pathology at Johns Hopkins univer- 
sity. In 1888 elected to the chair of physiology and hy- 
giene at the university of South Carolina and bacteriolo- 
gist to the South Carolina agricultural experiment sta- 
tion. Address : Columbia, S. C. 

Bowman, Walker. 

Born, i860. Native of Virginia. Educated at the uni- 
versity of Virginia and at university of Berlin, Germany, 
taking Ph. D. in 1888 at latter place. Address : Blacks- 
burg, Virginia. 

Brace, DeWitt B. 

Born in 1859. Graduated at Boston university in 1881, 
with degree of A. B. and received A. M. from same insti- 
tution in 1882. Received Ph. D. from university of Ber- 
lin, Germany, in 1885. Acted as assistant professor of 
physics, in University of Michigan. Now meteorologist 
to university of Nebraska agric. experiment station. Ad- 
dress : Ivincoln, Neb. 



Ueber die Faradaysche Wirkuug u. eiuige FS.Ue der Brechimg. 
Wied. Annal., 1885. 

On magnetic double circular refraction. Before British assn. 
for adv. of science, Aberdeen, 1885. 

On the splitting of rays iti double refracting media. Before 
Amer. assn. adv. 0/ science, Buffalo, 1886. 

On the transparency and viscosity of ether ; and on a method of 
examining magnetic double circular refraction. Amer. assn. adv, 
0/ science, N. Y., 1887. 

On the transparency of ether. University of Nebraska studies, 

Brinkley, Ernest H. 

Graduate of Baltimore & Ohio machine shops, 1879. 
Farming, and deaUng in agricultural implements and 
machinery, in Somerset county, Md., from 1880-88. 
Now machinist to Maryland agricultural experiment sta- 
tion. Address : Agricultural College, Md. > 

Brooks, William P. 

Born Nov. 19, 1 851, at South Scituate, Mass. Educated 
in the public schools and Hanover academy, Mass. 
Teacher in tuigraded and grammar schools, 1870-72. 
Graduated from the Mass. agricultural college in 1875 with 
degree of B. S., and post graduate in chemistry and bot- 
any, 1875-76. Professor of agriculture and director of 
Imperial college of agriculture farm, Sappora, Japan, 1877, 
and additionally appointed professor of botany and acting 
president in 1880; relieved of latter po.sition 1883, but re- 
appointed again in 1886, and again relieved of acting pres- 
idency, and also farm directorship in 1887. In June, 1888, 
elected professor of agriculture to the Mass. agricultural 
college. Address : Amherst, Mass. 


Papers in second, third and fourth annual reports; editor of and 
author of papers in fifth annual and sixth reports, covering years 
1881-86, inclusive, all of the Imperial college of agriculture, Sap- 
pora, Japan. 

Brose, C. Max. 

Assistant horticulturist and in charge of apiary at Col- 
orado agricultural experiment station. Address : Fort 
Collins, Col. 

Brown, Le Roy Decatur. 

Born Nov. 3, 1848, in Noble county, Ohio. Educated 
in country schools, and the Ohio Wesleyan university. 
Served two years in the Federal army before 18 years of 
age. After the war returned to the farm. In 1869 entered 
college and graduated in the classical course, and later 
became city superintendent of public schools at Hamilton, 
Ohio. In 1882 travelled in Europe. Was elected state 
superintendent of public instruction of Ohio in, 1883, which 
position he held till 1887 when he was called to Nevada, 
to become president of the Nevada state university, and 
director of the state agricultural experiment station at 
Reno, Marshall county, Nevada. Member of New Or- 
leans academy of sciences, and a life director of the na- 
tional educational association. Address : Reno, Nevada. 


Written extensively for educational magazines, published five 
reports of Hamilton, Ohio, public schools, and three reports of pub- 
lic schools of Ohio. * 


Born in 1856 in L,ehigh county, Pennsylvania. Ed- 
ucated at university of Nebraska. Is assistant entomol- 
ogist to United States department of agriculture; ento- 
mologist in United States entomological commission, and 
entomologist to Nebraska agricultural experiment station 
at university of Nebraska. Address : Lincoln, Neb. 

The Orthoptera of Nebraska. 

Brunk, T. L. 

Born July 50, 1859, near Ottawa, 111. Graduated from 
Cornell university in 1886 with degree of B. S.'in agricul- 


ture. Principal Tonica, 111., high school, 1887. Now pro- 
fessor of horticulture and botany in Texas agricultural 
and mechanical college and also horticulturist to Texas 
agricultural experiment station. Address : College Sta- 
tion, Texas. 

BucKHOuT, William A. 

Born in 1846 at Oswego, N. Y. Educated in public 
schools in native town. Graduated at Penn. state college, 
in agricultural course, in 1868. Studied botany under 
tutor, and was. special student in botany under Dr. J. T. 
Rothrock. From 1869-71 was farmer at Oswego, N. Y. 
In 1871 elected instructor in natural history at Penn. state 
agricultural college. Spent winter in special study of 
botany under Dr. Asa Gray at Cambridge. In 1872 was 
elected professor of natural history to Penn. state college, 
and also as entomologist (honorary) to the state board of 
agriculture. Elected botanist to Penn. state college agri- 
cultural experiment station. Address : State College, 


On the gall mites (Phytopti). Amer. assii. adv. of science, vol. 

Burleigh, Bobert F. 

Born Feb 17, 1862, at Franklin, New Hampshire. Edu- 
cated in public schools of native town till 1879. Gradu- 
ated at New Hampshire college of agriculture and me- 
chanic arts in 1882 with degree of B. S., and from Ameri- 
ca veterinary college in 1885 with degree of D. V. S. Af- 
ter, graduating appointed lecturer on veterinary science to 
N. H. agricultural college, and the following year in- 
structor in veterinary medicine and surgery. In 1887 re- 
ceived degree of M. D. from Dartmouth medical college. In 
April, 1888, appointed to chair of physiology and veterin- 
ary science at Kansas agricultural college, and member of 
the agricultural experiment station council of same insti- 
tution. Address : Manhattan, Kan. 


BuRRiLL, Thomas J. 

Born April 24, 1839, at Pittsfield, Mass. Removed to 
Stephenson county, Illinois in 1848. Attended common 
district schools and Rockford, 111. high school. Graduat- 
ed Illinois state normal university in 1865. Was princi- 
pal Urbana city schools 1865-1868. Assistant professor 
natural history Illinois industrial university 1868-70. 
Professor botany and horticulture, same institution, now 
known as university of Illinois, 1870 to date. Vice-presi- 
dent same, 1879 to date. Botanist and horticulturist to 
experiment station, 1888 to date. Member of various 
state, national and foreign societies, to which most of his 
publications have been contributed. Main specialty cryp- 
togamic botany and diseases of plants. Address ; Cham- 
paign, 111. 

BuTz, George C. 

Born Feb. i, 1863, at New Castle, Penn. Early educa- 
tion in public schools of that city. Graduated at Penn. 
state college, in 1883, with degree of B. S. Engaged in 
horticultural work at home during 1883. Taught in pre- 
paratory department Penn, state college, 1884. Engaged 
in horticultural work. New Castle, Penn., and one year in 
California, 1885-87. In July, 1887, elected horticulturist 
to Penn. state college experiment station, which position 
he now holds. Address : State College, Penn. 

CALDWELt, George C. 

Born in Framingham, Mass. Primary education in pub- 
lic schools and academies of Massachusetts, and in New 
Hampshire while parents resided in that state. Graduat- 
ed in 1855 from Lawrence scientific school of Harvard 
university, with degree of B. S. Spent two a.nd one-half 
years at universities of Gottingen and Heidelberg, Ger- 
many, receiving Ph. D. from former university. Professor 
chemistry, physics, and botany in Antioch college, Ohio, 
1859-62. In service of United States sanitary commis- 
sion from 1862-64. Professor chemistry Penn, agricultural 

college, 1864-68, and part of the time vice-president of the 
same institution. Professor agricultural chemistry, Cornell 
university, New York 1868-73. Professor of agricultural 
and analytical chemistry, same institution, 1873, to date. 
Fellow American association for the advancement of 
science ; member of society for promotion of agricultural 
science. Address : Ithaca, New York. 


Agricultural chemical analysis. 1869. 

Introductory chemical practice. 1872, (with Prof.A.A.Brenerman). 

Manual of quantitative analysis. 1885 (with Dr. S. M. Babcock). 

Notes on chemical analysis. 1887. 

Papers in ist Annual report Cornell university experiment sta- 
tion. 1880 : Experiments with various fertilizers on Indian corn ; 
influence of the ration on the composition of the milk ; testing 
milk with the lactobutyrometer ; analyses of plaster ; determina- 
tion of sugar in beets ; with Miss J. Chevalier, Carnots' method for 
the determination of potash. 

In second report, Cornell university experiment station : Rela- 
tion of effect of the ration to its composition ; methods of analy- 
izing milk compared ; new form of fat extractor ; feeding ex- 
periments with malt sprouts, and with ensilage for cows ; Pember- 
ton's method for the determination of phosphoric acid in ferti- 
lizers . 

In third report Cornell university experiment station : Compari- 
son of the pro4uctive effect of the same ration with different breeds 
of cows; gain of steers on a fattening ration . Test of .sampling 
silage ; effect of a maintenance ration with steers ; cost of plant 
food in fertilizers as sold in the state of New York ; effect of 
potash salts as fertilizers for the grape. 

Experimentation and chemical analysis as handmaids of agri- 
culture. Trans. N. Y. state agr. soc, 1887, and other addresses 
before western New York horticultural society, Massachusetts hor- 
ticultural society, American dairyman's association, and society 
for the promotion of agricultural science. 

Marchand du Fecamps' method for the determination of fat in 
milk (with S. W. Parr). 

Caldwell, William Hutson. 

Born April 15, 1866, at Peterboro, New Hampshire. 
Attended grade and high schools at home, and English 
and classical school at West Newton, Mass., 1881-83. 
Graduated at Mass. agricultural college 1887 with degree 


of B. S. From 1887-88, assistant in field and stock experi- 
ments at Mass. agr. exp. station. At present agriculturist 
to Penn. state college experiment station, and instructor 
in agriculture at Penn. state college. Address : State 
College, Penn. 

Campbell, John P. 

Born Nov. 20, 1863, at Cumberland, Maryland. At- 
tended Allegany county academy at Cumberland and 
private school in Darnestown, Md., until fall of 1881. 
Graduated from Johns Hopkins university in 1885 with 
degree of A. B. Held university scholarship for 1885-86 
session, a fellowship during i886-8)i, and was a fellow by 
courtesy the next year, graduating as Ph. D. in 1888. 
Now professor of biology in university of Georgia, and 
entomologist to Georgia agricultural experiment station. 
Addrejss : Athens, Georgia. 

Carpenter, Frank R. 

Born May 7, 1864, at L,eyden, Mass. Public school 
education in home schools, and at Power's institute, Ber- 
nardston, Mass., for two years. Graduated at Mass. agr. 
college in 1887, with degree of B. S. Assistant chemist 
at Mass. agr. experiment station, 1887-88. Since 1888, 
assistant chemist North Carolina agricultural experi- 
ment station. Address : Raleigh, N. C. 

Carpenter, Louis G. 

Graduated at the Michigan agricultural college in 1879 
with degree of B. S., and given M. S. by same college in 
1882. Assistant in mathematics and engineering at the 
Mich, agricultural college for eight years ; and during 
1884-85 acting professor of mathematics. Since Sept. i, 
1888, has occupied chair of physics and irrigation engi- 
neering at Colorado agricultural college. Is meteorolo- 
gist and irrigation engineer to Colorado agricultural ex- 
periment station. Address : Fort Collins, Col, 


Carr, Oma. 

Assistant in laboratory, United States department of 
agriculture. Address ; Washington, D. C. 

Carson, J. W. 

Born Jan. 3, 1865, in Colorado county, Texas. Gradu- 
ated from Texas agricultural and mechanical college in 
1886, with no degree. Connected with Texas cooperative 
association, 1887. Now assistant to director, Texas agri- 
cultural experiment station. Address : College Station, 

Cassiday, James. 

Did special scientific work at Mich. agr. college, for 
which given B. S. degree. For several years at Royal 
botanic gardens, Regent's Park, London, Eng. , and with 
a nursery firm in same city. For four years with Peter 
Henderson, N. Y. City, and 10 years florist and horticul- 
turist at the Michigan agricultural college. Since 1883 
professor of horticulture at the Colorado agricultural col- 
lege, and during three years in this period in charge of 
entomology. Now horticulturist and entomologist to 
the Colorado agricultural experiment station. Address : 
Fort Collins, Col. 

Charbonnier, ly. H. 

Born August 2, 1838, in France. Educated in the Ly- 
ceum, and afterwards at St. Cyr. From 1866-77, profes- 
sor of engineering in the university of Georgia. From 
1877 to date, professor of physics and astronomy at same 
institution, and in charge of the meteorological work of 
the experiment station. Address : Athens, Georgia. 

Chester, Frederick D. 

Born in Connecticut in 1862. Educated at Washing- 
ton university, St. Louis. Graduated at Cornell universi- 
ty in 1882 with degree of B. S. Given M. S. by Cornell 


in 1886. Professor of botany at Delaware college from 
1882 to date. Botanist to Delaware agricultural experi- 
ment station ; appointed, 1888. Address: Newark, Del. 

Clark, John Wesley. 

Born November i, 1849, at North Hadley, Mass. 
Studied at Hopkins academy, Hadley, 1866-67. Gradua- 
ted at Massachusetts agricultural college in 1872, with de- 
gree of B. S. Nurseryman, T. C. Maxwell & Bros., 
Geneva, N. Y., 1872. Foreman of nursery at Quincy, 
Ky., and Brenham, Tex., 1874-77. Superintendent of 
Mass. agric. college nursery, 1877-82. Instructor in agri- 
culture and farm superintendent at same 1883-84. Su- 
perintendent Connecticut valley orchard company. Deep 
River, Conn., 1884-85. Fruit grower in North Hadley, 
Mass. 1885-88. Elected professor of botany and horticul- 
ture at university of Missouri in fall of 1888, and horticul- 
turist to agricultural experiment station. Address : 
Columbia, Missiouri. 


Has contributed to agricultural journals quite largely. 

Coffin, I^ewis A. 

Graduated at Colorado agricultural college in 1888 with 
degree of B. S. Now assistant chemist, Colorado agri- 
cultural experiment station. Address : Fort Collins, 

Colby, George Elden. 

Born November 11, i860, at Claremont, Alameda Co., 
California. Graduated from the university of California in 
1880 with degree of Ph. B. Engaged in chemical work un- 
der Prof E. W. Hilgard for United States census for 1880. 
Analyzed soils, waters and "alkali deposits," and assayed 
coal and iron for the northern transcontinental survey of the 
northern Pacific railroad company, 1880-84. Engaged 
in special chemical analyses of California soils and min- 


eral waters; also soils of the Sandwich islands, and ash of 
the fruit and leaves of the Sandwich islands banana, 1884- 
1885. In 1885 appointed second assistant in the viticul- 
tural laboratory, university of California, which position 
he now holds. Address : Berkeley, California. 

Analysis of the ash of two California wheats. — Appendix No. 7, 
report college of agriculture, university of California, 1880. 

Collier, Peter. 

Born Aug. 17, 1835, at Chittenango, N. Y. Early ed- 
ucation at native home in Yates polytechnic institute. 
Graduated at Yale college in 1861 with degree of B. A., 
later receiving A. M. from same, and M. D., from univer- 
sity of Vermont. Studied in Sheffield scientific school of 
Yale, and assisted in laboratory, receiving Ph. D. from this 
school in 1866. From 1 867-77 professor of analytical chem- 
istry, mineralogy and metallurgy, university of Vermont, 
and of general chemistry in the medical department of 
which he was dean. From 1872-76, secretary Vermont 
state board of agriculture, mining and manufacture. Ap- 
pointed U- S. commissioner to world's exposition at Vi- 
enna, in 1873. From 1877-83 chief chemist to U. S. de- 
partment of agriculture, Washington, D. C. In Jan., 
1888, became director N. Y. state agricultural experiment 
station,, at Geneva. Address : Geneva, N. Y. 


Annual reports chemist, U. S. depart, of agr., 1877-83. Sorghum, 


Born in i860. Graduated at Mich, agricultural college 
in 1885 with degree of B. S. Assistant chemist to Arkan- 
sas agricultural experiment station. Address: Fayette- 
ville, Ark. 

CoMSTOCK, John He;nry. 

Born Feb. 24, 1849, at Janesville, Wisconsin. Educated 
in district schools, Mexico academy, Mexico, New York, 


Fallen seminary, Fulton N. Y., Cornell university and Yale 
college. Instructor at Cornell university 1873-77. Lec- 
turer at Vassar College, 1888. Assistant professor ento- 
mology at Cornell univ. , 1879-81; professor of entomology 
and invertebrate zoology at Cornell, 1882 to date. Ad- 
dress : Ithaca, N. Y. 

Author of notes on entomology. Reports of United States ento- 
mologist for 1879 and 1880. Report on cotton insects. Monograph 
of the Diaspinae. Report on insects for 1 881. An introduction to 
entomology. Numerous articles in various scientific and agricul- 
tural journals. 

CoNNAWAY, John W. 

Born Nov. 18, 1859, in Cedar county, Missouri. Edu- 
cated in the common schools of Missouri, the state normal 
school of south Missouri, and the university of Oregon. 
Took a commercial course in the Portland, Oregon, bus- 
iness college, and medical course at the Missouri .state uni- 
versity. Pursued special studies in microscopy and vet- 
erinary science in the university of Missouri experimental 
and vaccinal laboratory under Dr. Paul Paguin, state vet- 
erinarian. Previous to studying medicine, was engaged 
for a time at farming and stock raising, teaching, and later 
accountant in wholesale agricultural implement house at 
Portland, Oregon. Address : Columbia, Missouri. 


Born July 9, 1 864, in Arkansas. Resident of Mississippi 
17 years. Graduate Miss, agricultural and mechanical 
college, 1888, with degree of B. S. Assistant agriculturist 
experiment station of same college, 1888. Agriculturist 
Kentucky, agricultural and mechanical college experiment 
station, Sept., 1888, to date, and professor of agriculture in 
Kentucky agricultural and mechanical college. Address : 
Lexington, Ky. 

Cook, Albert J. 

Born Aug. 30, 1842. Graduated from the Mich, agri- 
cultural college in 1862, with degree of B. S. Went to 


California in 1863, where staid three years, teaching in 
Eureka and Sacramento. Studied law in 1866, and the 
same year appointed instructor in Mich. agr. college. 
During 1867-68 was at the Harvard university museum 
of comparative anatomy. Is professor of entomology in 
the Mich. agr. college, and entomologist to the agricul- 
tural experiment station of the same institution. Ad- 
dress : Agricultural College, Mich. 


Has written much for agricultural papers for many years. 
Injurious insects of Michigan. 
Manual of the apiary. 

Cook, George H. 

Born Jan. 5, 1818, at Hanover, Morris county. New 
Jersey. Studied in the schools of native home, and 
graduated from the Rensselaer polytechnic institute, at 
Troy, N. Y.,in 1839. Was civil engineer from 1836-38. 
Taught at Troy in institute from 1842-46, being senior 
professor there at the latter date. From 1846-48 in busi- 
ness in Albany, N. Y., and professor of mathematics in 
Albany academy, 1848-50, and principal pf same school, 
1852-53. Late in 1853 took chair of chemistry and nat- 
ural history at Rutgers college. New Brunswick, N. J. ; 
for several years of late has acted as vice-president of 
same. Upon the establishment of the New Jersey geo- 
logical survey, was elected assistant, acting from 1854-56, 
when the survey was abandoned. In 1864 the survey 
was again organized, and Dr. Cook was appointed state 
geologist, which position he still holds. Was the means 
of establishing the Rutgers scientific school in 1862 as a 
branch of the college. When the state agricultural ex- 
periment station was established in 1879, was elected di- 
rector, which position still holds. Was given Ph. D. by 
the university of the city of New York, and 1,1,. D. by 
Union college. Address : New Brunswick, New Jersey. 


All the reports of the New Jersey geological survey, and the 
New Jersey agricultural experiment station, as well as minor 
papers and addresses. 


Cooper, L,. A. 

Born Sept. 6, 1861. Graduated at Franklin county gram- 
mar school, St. Albans, Vt., 1880. Clerk in drug store 
1880-84. Entered university of Vermont in Sept., 1884. 
Assistant chemist Vermont agricultural experiment sta- 
tion from March, 1887. Address: Burlington, Vt. 

Cory, C. F. 

Graduated at the Alabama agricultural and mechanical 
college in 1887, with the degree of B. S. Assistant in 
experimental agriculture, Arkansas agricultural experi- 
ment sub-station. Address : Pine bluff. Ark. 

Crampton, Charles A. 

Graduated at the university of Michigan in 1882 with 
degree of B. L. Studied medicine from 1882-84, receiv- 
ing M. D. Was assistant in chemical laboratory United 
States department of agriculture. In 1885 in charge of 
the New Orleans sugar station of same department, and in 
1887 of the Fort Scott, Kansas, sugar station. At pres- 
ent first assistant chemist, U. S. dept. of agriculture. 
Address : Washington, D. C. 


See bulletins chemical division, U. S. dept. of agriculture, 3-17. 

The analysis of sugar cane and beet juices, with a table for the 
calculation of analyses. Chem. news, Iv, 207. 

Estimation of the carbonic acid in beer and other aerated bever- 
ages, Crampton andTrescott, Amer. chem. jour., ix, 290. 

Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Weizenkeimes und iiber die 
Anwesenheit von eiuer neuen Zuckerart und von Allantoin, Ber- 
ichte, xix, 1180. Richardson and Crampton. 

Crandall, a. R. 

Born Sept. 16, 1840, at Genesee, New York. Early 
education in the common school and in Alfred academy, 
N. Y. Graduate of Milton college, Wisconsin. ' After 
teaching several years, pursued post-graduate studies at 
Harvard under Profs. Agassiz, Gray and Shaler from 


1868-73 inclusive. Appointed assistant to Kentucky ge- 
ological survey 1873. Instructor in natural history at 
Kentucky agricultural and mechanical college, 1874. and 
in 1875 appointed to chair of natural history at same. 
Botanist to experiment station. Address : Lexing- 
ton, Ky. 


Various reports on the geology of eastern Kentucky. Reports 
on the timbers of Greenup, Carter, etc., 

Crozier, a. a. 

Born Sept. 22. 1856, at Hudsonville, Mich. Attended 
district school, and Grand Rapids high school. Graduat- 
ed from the Michigan agricultural college in 1879 with 
the degree of B. S , and from university of Michigan in 
1885 received the degree of M. S. From Sept., 1886, to 
April, 1888, assistant botanist to the United States depart- 
ment of agriculture. Now botanist to the Iowa agricul- 
tural experiment station. Address : Ames, Iowa. 

Grossman, S. H. 

Born in 1863. Graduated at Cornell university in 1888 
with degree of B. S. Entomologist to Arkansas agricul- 
tural experiment station. Address: Fayettville, Ark. 


A new wheat insect. 

Curtis, George W. 

Born Dec. 11, i860, in Bremer county, Iowa. Graduat- 
ed from Iowa agricultural college in 1883 with degeee B. S. 
A., and received honorary degree M. S. A. by same in 
1887. Deputy treasurer Iowa agricultural college, 1883, 
and since then the professor of agriculture in the Texas 
agricultural and mechanical college, and agriculturist to 
the Texas agricultural experiment station. Address : 
College Station, Tex. 


Author of a work on live stock (horses, cattle, sheep and swiue) 
published in 1888. 


CfJRTis, Henry E. 

Born August 30, 1869, near L,exington, Kentuck}'. 
Graduated at the agricultural and mechanical college 
of Kentucky, 1888, with degree of B. S. Second assis- 
tant chemist Kentucky agricultural experiment station. 
Address : L,exington, Ky. 

Dabnky, Jr., Charles W. 

Born on June ig, 1855, at Hampden Sidney, Virginia. 
Earlj' education at home and at Hampden and Sidney col- 
lege, graduating at latter in 1873 with degree A. B. 
Taught private school, 1873-74. Graduated from univer- 
sity of Virginia in various schools in 1877. Taught during 
1877-78 at Emory and Henry college, Virginia, as professor 
of chemistry and mineralogy. Studied atBerlin and Gottin- 
gen, Germany, at the former in chemistry and physics, and 
at latter the same, with mineralogy, receiving from Gottin- 
gen degree of Ph. D. in 1880. In November, 1880, elected 
state chemist to North Carolina, with laboratory at univ. 
of N. C, at Chapel Hill. On the permanent establish- 
ment of the agricultural experiment station, became full 
director of same, at Raleigh, in 1881. Chemist N. C. state 
board health 1881-83. Made special report on North Caro- 
lina phosphates, 1884, and also on pyrites in 1885. Since 
1888 president of university of Tennessee and director 
Tenn. agr. exp. station. Fellow American association 
for the advancement of science, member German chemical 
society, American institute mining engineers, Virginia 
historical society, etc. Address : Knoxville, Tenn. 


Cinnabar. Chem news, 1877, Isopikraminic acid. Amer. chem. 
jour., 1881. Annalender chemie, 1881. 

On the determiuatiou of nitrogen. Amer. chem. jour., 1883. 

For two years edited Proc. ass. off. agr. chemists, 1883-84. 

Phosphates of North Carolina. Private paper, 1S84. 

Notes on occurrence of cassiterite in North Carolina. Before 
Elisha Mitchell scientific society. 

Author of all reports and bulletins of North Carolina agricultural 
experiment station from i88o-85 inclusive, which include many 
papers of special interest. 


Devol, W. S. 

Born March 24, i860, near Marietta, Ohio. Educated 
in district school. Graduated at Ohio state university in 
1886 with degree of B. Ag. Assistant in botany, Ohio 
state university, 1881-86. Botanist to Ohio agricultural 
experiment Station, 1882-86. Superintendent of field ex- 
periments of same, 1886-88, and botanist and bursar, since 
1888. From 1886-88, superintendent of farm, Ohio state 
university. Address : Columbus, Ohio. 


Bom in 1858. Studied arts at Durham universit}' ; 
medicine at miiversit}^ of Edinburgh and veterinary sur- 
gery at the Ontario veterinary college. Now veterinarian 
to the Arkansas agricultural experiment station. Address : 
Fayetteville, Ark. 

DuGAN, John. 

Assistant in laboratory, U. S. department of agricul- 
ture. Address : Washington, D. C. 


Born Aug. 24, 1868, near Demopolis, Ala. Graduated 
at the Miss, agricultural and mechanical college, 1887, 
with degree of B. S., and as post-graduate student of the 
same, given M. S. in 1888. Now assistant in agriculture 
at the Texas agricultural and mechanical college, and ex- 
periment station at the same. Address : College Station, 

Edson, Hubert. 

Graduated at Hanover college and Columbian universi- 
ty. Assistant chemist, in general agricultural chemistry, 
U. S. dept. of agriculture. Address : Washington, D. C. 


Prepared report of experimental work at Rio Grande, N. J., in 
bulletins 17 and 18 of chemical division U. S. dept. of agriculture. 


Emery, Frank E. 

Studied in public schools of Maine, at Maine central 
institute, Pittsfield, and graduated from Maine state col- 
lege in 1883 with degree of B. S. From January to No- 
vember, 1884, second assistant at Houghton farm. 
Mountain ville, N. Y., then to November, 1886, first 
assistant. From February to December, 1887, super- 
intendent, Maplecroft stock farm, Pawling, N. Y. 
Since December, 1887, supt. of New York agricultural 
experiment station farm. Address : Geneva, N. Y. 

Fake, Norman J. 

Graduate of the school of chemistry, Columbian uni- 
versity. Assistant chemist in U. S. department of agri- 
culture, in general agricultural analyses, especially sugar 
and lard. Address : Washington, D. C. 

Farrington, E. H. 

Graduated from Maine state college in 1881. Post 
graduate student at Yale college in chemistry. For five 
years assistant chemist to the Conn, agricultural experi- 
ment station at New Haven. Now assistant chemist to 
the New Hampshire agricultural experiment station. Ad- 
dress : Hanover, N. H. 

Fernald, Chari^es H. 

Born March 16, 1838, in Hancock county, Mt. Desert 
island. New Hampshire. Went to sea in early days. 
Taught country schools winters. Attended Mafne Wes- 
leyan seminary to fit for college, and took two years of 
college work when the war broke out. Entered the U. S. 
navy, in which was an officer three years, when the college 
studies were completed. At the close of the war resigned 
from navy and returned home. Given degree of A. M. by 
Bowdoin college. Taught in Eitchfleld academy, Maine, 
one year, and Houlton academy five years. Held chair of 
natural history, Maine state college, 1871-86; professor of 


zoology, Mass. agricultural college, 1886 to date. Studied 
under Louis Agassiz on isle of Penekese, and travelled ex- 
tensively in Europe, studying the insects in museums of 
various institutions. Member Boston society of natural 
history; Brooklyn entomological club; Nuttall ornitho- 
logical club; Cambridge entomolgical society; Buffalo ac- 
ademy of natural sciences; American entomological society; 
Fellow of American association for the advancement of 
science. Address : Amherst, Mass. 


Grasses of Maine. 

Butterflies of Maine. 

Sphingidse of New England. 

Orthoptera of New England. 

Catalogue of the North American Tortricidse. 

Moths. Standard natural history, Boston, 1884. 

Numerous descriptive and biological articles in the American 

Fitzgerald, J. K. 

Graduated at the Mississippi agricultural college with 
degree of B. S. Assistant in experimental agriculture, to 
the Arkansas agricultural experiment sub-station. Ad- 
dress : Texarkana, Ark. 

Flint, Edward R. 

Born Sept. 8, 1864, at Boston, Mass. Public school ed- 
ucation in Boston, and two years in Boston lyatin school, 
graduating from English high school in same city. Grad- 
uated from Mass. agr. college in 1887 with degree of B. S. ; 
since this time acting as assistant chemist to the Mass. 
state agricultural-experiment station. Address: Amherst, 

FoRBBS, Stephen Alfred. 

Born May 29, 1844, at Silver Creek, Stephenson county, 
Illinois. Educated at Beloit academy and Rush medical 
college. Received Ph. D. from Indiana state university. 


Captain of cavalry in civil war. Curator Illinois museum 
of natural liistorj^ 1872-77, when it was converted into 
the Illinois state laboratory of natural history, of which he 
has since been director. Illinois state entomologist since 

1882. Professor zoology in state normal university, 1875- 
78. Professor zoology and entomology university of Ill- 
inois, 1884, to date. President western society natural- 
ists, 1887-88. Address : Champaign, 111. 


Four reports as state entomologist of Illinois; a series of studies 
on the food relations of birds, fishes and insects; several articles on 
the contagious diseases of insects; and many other zoological and 
educational papers aud addresses. Edited vols. I and III, Illinois 
state laboratory of natural history, and the report on ornithology of 
the natural history survey of Illinois, vol. I. 

Fkancis, Mark. 

Born March 19, 1863, at Glendower, Ohio. Graduated 
from the Ohio state university in 1887, with degree D. V. 
M. Studied at American veterinary college. New York, 
1887-88. Now veterinarian to the Texas agricultural ex- 
periment station. Address: College Station, Texas. 


Born March 24, i860, in Reading, Penn. Early education 
in public schools of Reading and Norristown, Penn. 
Graduated at what is now Bucknell university, I<ewis- 
burg, Penn., in 1881 with degree of A. B. Special chemi- 
cal study pursued at Harvard, 1881-82, and in 1883 com- 
pleted post-graduate course Illinois Wesleyan university, 
receiving degree of Ph. D. A considerable part of the 
time during 1881-83 was spent in teaching in the scientific 
laboratories of the university at I,ewisburg. In July, 

1883, appointed assistant chemist in the United States 
department agriculture, where in addition to general an- 
alytical work, he engaged in researches upon American 
cereals, sugar production and methods of milk analysis. 
Appointed assistant professor of agricultural chemistry 


in 1885, in Penn. state college, with duties including over- 
sight of agricultural department of college, work of in- 
struction in all the technical agricultural branches, and 
direction of agricultural experiment work. Was elected 
professor of agricultural chemistry in January, 1887, with 
duties as before, and in July, 1887, made vice-director and 
chemist of the experiment station organized under the 
Hatch act. Address : State College, Penn. 


Structui e of the cell wall in the cotyledonary cells of the lima 
bean. Amer. nat., 1883, P- 1282. 

The elemen's in gluten determination. Read before chemical 
society of Washington, March 12, 1885. Amer. chem. jour., vi, 6. 

Report upon observations made in Vermont upon the chemistry 
and physiology of maple sugar production. Part iv, bull. 5, 
chem. div., U. S. dept. agric, 1885. 

A method of indexing scientific literature. Appendix to report 
of committee on indexing chemical literature. Amer. assn. for 
the adv. of science proceedings, 1885, p. 34. 

Feeding experiment on fattening steers with cottonseed and 
corn meal, corn fodder and hay. Bulletin 12, Penn. state college. 

Fertilizer experiments with grass. Bulletin 14 Penn. state col- 
lege- . . ■ . 

Effects of different nitrogenous fertilizers on the proportion of 

clover to timothy in mixed hay. Proc. soc. for the pro. of agr. 
science, 1886, p. 74. 

A comparison of Wagner's and the present "Association" 
methods for the determination of available phosphoric acid. With 
H. B. McDonnell. Proc. third ann. conv. Amer. assn. ofi&cial agr. 
chemists. Bull. 12, chemical division, U. S. dept. of agr., p. 26. 

The composition and food value of dessicated apple pomace. 
Bulletin 16, Penn. state college. 

Report upon agricultural experiment work for 1885-86. Rept. 
Penn. state college, 1S86, pp. 23-236. 

Recent investigations on the nitrogen of soils and plants. Ag- 
riculture of Penn., 1887, pp. 158-171. 

Historical sketch of the agricultural experiments conducted by 
the Penn. state college, 1857-1887. Studies upon the composition 
anil development of soiling crops. Bull. No. i, Penn. state college 
agr. exp.'station. 

First annual report of the Penn. state college agricultural exper- 
iment station. (The portion describing the results of the experi- 
mental work for 1887.) 1888. 

Digestibility of maize stover. Agricultural science, II, p. 149. 
With H. P. Armsby. 


Gehring, Gustav. 

Born July 4, 1854, in Offingen, Wiirtemberg. Early ed- 
ucation in Munich and Ratisbonne. Came to America in 
1873. Graduated at university of Missouri in 1 881. In- 
structor in chemistry at alma mater one year, and held 
similar position two years in university of California. 
Then went to Paris and studied three years at the college 
of France under M. Berthelot and Paul Schiitzenberger. 
On his return to America was elected professor of physics 
and chemistry in the Pittsburgh Catholic college, remain- 
ing there until elected assistant chemist of the Missouri 
agricultural experiment station. Address: Columbia, Mo. 


Investigations on 11 organic compouncis, heretofore unknown to 
chemistry, were presented to the Paris academy of sciences, and 
published in seven different communications in Comptes rendus. 
and in the bulletin de la socieU chimique. 

Georgeson, Charles C. 

Born June 26, 1851, in Denmark. Attended private and 
public schools. From 1867-72 served a five years' appren- 
ticeship in horticulture. Emigrated to America in 1873. 
Graduated from Michigan agricultural college in 1878 with 
degree of B. S., receiving M. S. from same in 1882. From 
1878-80, associate editor Rural New- Yorker ; 1880-83 Pro- 
fessor of agriculture in Texas agricultural and mechanical 
college. At present professor of agriculture in the Im- 
perial college of agriculture and dendrology, Tokio, Japan. 
Address : Tokio, Japan. 

GoEssMANN, Charles Anthony. 

Born June 13, 1827, at Nauniburg, Hessen Cassel, Ger- 
many. Entered university of Gottingen, Germany, 1850, 
studying chemistry with Woehler and Wiggers, botany 
with Bartling, physics with Weber, mineralogy and geol- 
ogy under Walters, and technology with Hausmann. Re- 
ceived degree of Ph. D. in 1853. From 1852-57 assistant 
in chemistry under Woehler at university of Gottingen. 


In 1855 appointed public lecturer (Private decent) for 
chemistry and pharmacy at the university. Secured a 
leave of absence of three years from university to study 
chemical industries of France, England and United States, 
having previously accepted from a former American fel- 
low student, position of chemist and superintendent of a 
Philadelphia sugar refinery. Arrived at Phil, in May, 
1857, and resigned in i860 to go to Cuba, W. I., to study 
the sugar industry. From 1861-68 chemist of Onondaga 
salt works, Syracuse, New York. From 1862-64 was also 
professor of chemistry in Renssellaer polytechnic institute 
at Troy, N. Y. In 1868 elected professor of chemisty to 
Mass. agricultural college, which position still holds. 
Elected chemist to state board of agriculture, and in 1873 
state inspector of fertilizers. Since 1884 has acted as an- 
alyst of Mass. state board of health. In 1882 appointed 
director and chemist of the Mass. state experimentstation. 
Member of Physico-medical society of university of Erlan- 
gen, Germany; fellow American association for the ad- 
vancernent of science; honorary member N. Y, state agri- 
cultural society, and societies for promoting natural his- 
tory, of New York City, Buffalo, etc. , etc. Address : 
Amherst, Mass. 


The following contributions were pubHshed in Annalen der Che- 
mie u. Pharmacie, von Wohler, Liebig, u. Kopp. 

1854. On palmitic acid; Bd. 89 — H. 123. On Arachnidic acid, a 
new fatty acid; Bd. 89 — I. — 11. On the composition of the cocoa 
oil ; Bd. 90-126. On benzo-glycolic acid from hippuric acid ; Bd. 
go-i8i. On a new method of procuring ethylamin ; Bd. 90-r22. 
On the constitution, etc., of leucine ; Bd. 91-129. 

1856. A new method of procuring amarlne and lophine; Bd. 93-139. 
On hypogseic acid — a new acid in peanut oil ; Bd. 94-230. On the 
combinationsof arachnidic acid ; Bd. 97-257. On the constitution 
of the lophine ; Bd. 97-183. On the separation of coumarin ; Bd. 
98-86. On the separation of styraciu ; Bd. 99-376. On certain 
products from hypogteic acid, gaidic acid, etc. (with G. C. Cald- 
well) ; Bd. 99-305. On manganate of potassium as a suitable sub- 
stance to decolorize uric acid, hippuric acid, etc.; Bd. 99-373. On 
a new method of procuring triphenylamine ; Bd. 100-57. On the 


action of zinc chloride on hippuric acid ; Bd. 100-69. On ^^^ crys- 
tallization of sulphocyanide of silver ; Bd. 100-76. 

1857. On the action of iodide of ethyl on tungstate of silver ; 
Bd. 101-218. On a new mode of producing tricapronylarnine ; Bd. 
101-31 . On the tranforniation of nitrobenzol into aniline by means 
of arsenious acid and caustic potassa ; Bd. 102-127. On a new sugar 
plant, Sorghum, saccharatuin ; Bd. 104-335. 

Contribution to the knowledge of the nature of the Chinese sugar 
cane. Sorghum saccharatuin. Trans. N. Y, state agric. soc, 1861, 
P- 785- 

Report on the chemical composition of the brines of Onondaga, 
N. Y. 1862, Syracuse. 

Report on the brines of Michigan. Senate Rep., N. Y., 1862-63. 

Report on the best mode of manufacturing coarse solar salt from 
the brines of Onondaga, Syracuse, 1863. 

Contribution to the manufacture and refining of sugar; or the 
application of caustic magnesia for sugar refining. Syracuse, 

Notes and criticisms on the manufacture of sugar upon the is- 
land of Cuba. Syracuse, 1865. 

Contribution to the chemistry of the mineral springs of Onon- 
daga. Syracuse, r866. '^ 

Report on the salt deposit of Petite Anse, L,ouisiana. Pub. by 
American bureau of mines. N. Y. 1867. 

Contribution to the chemistry of brines. Amer. jour, of sci., 
July and November, 1867. 

Report on the salt resources of Goderich, Canada. Syracuse, 

On the chemistry of common salt, with reference to our home 
resources. Read before National academy at Northampton meet- 
ing, 1869. 

On salt and its uses in agriculture. Rep. Mass. state board of 
agriculture. Boston, 1870. 

On the cultivation of the sugar beet-root as an agricultural en- 
terprise. Rep. trustees Mass. agric. college, 1870. 

On cheese as a food. Rep. Amer. dairymen's ass' n, Utica, 1870. 

Rep. on the chemical composition of some dairy products. An- 
nual rep. Mass. state board of agric, 1871-72, pp. 305. 

On the Stassfurt potash compounds, and their present reputa- 
tion in the agricultural industry of Europe. Amer. cheni. July, 

Rep. oh the quality of the sugar beet-roots raised upon the farm 
of the Mass. agric. college, with regard to their fitness for sugar 
manufacture. Amer.chem..^ 1872. 

Contributions to the history of the beet sugar manuf .cture with- 
in the United States, Amer. chem., 1872. 


Contributions to the requirementsfor a successful home beet sug- 
ar industry. Amer. chem., August "and November, 1872. 

On the fertilization of our farm lands with reference to the judi- 
cioiis application of mineral fertilizers. Jour. New York state 
agric. sec, January and February, 1873. 

Report on commercial fertilizers, and their importance in present 
condition of agricaltural industry. Tenth anu. rep. Mass. agric. 
college, 1873. 

On nitrogen and the extent of the natural resources for agricul- 
tural purposes. Rep. Mass. state board of agriculture, 1873-74. 

Results of the experiments with the cultivation of the sugar- 
beet roots throughout the state of New York, eastern Canada, and 
upon the college farm during the year 1873. College report 

Report of the present condition of our resources of commercial 
concentrated fertilizers. First official report of state inspector. 
Amherst, Mass., 1874. 

In addition to above papers, has since 1874 read many addresses 
before scientific aS50ciatious and agricultural societies on agricul- 
tural and horticultural topics. Also has published official annual 
reports of Mass. experiment station, and state inspector of fertiliz- 
ers, etc., etc., of work carried on for the state. Also contributed 
somewhat for the agricultural press. 

GoFF, Emmett S. 

Born Sept. 3, 1852, at Elmira, New York. Studied in 
home schools. Graduated at Elmira free academy, 1869. 
Horticulturist to the New York agricultural experiment 
station from 1882 to 1889. In January, 1889, elected pro- 
fessor of horticulture to the university of Wisconsin, and 
horticulturist to the Wisconsin agricultural experiment 
station. Address : Madison, Wis. 


Writes occasionally, for the agricultural press on horticultural 

The relation of color to flavor in fruits and vegetables. Ameri- 
can naturalist, 11:84, PP- 1203-I-. 

The temperature of the stem in plants as an index of the depth 
of root feeding. Agricultural science , 1887, pp. 134-7. 

The influence of atmospheric pressure upon percolation. Ibid., 

PP- 173- 

The office of the seed tuber in the potato plant. Ibid., 1888, pp. 



GooDELL, Henry Hill. 

Born May 20, 1839, at Constantinople, Turkey. Fitted 
for college at Williston seminary, Easthanipton, Mass., 
and graduated from Amherst college in 1862 with degree 
of A. B., receiving M. A., from same in 1865. Professor 
of modern languages and English literature in the Mass. 
agric. college from 1867 to date, and president of same in- 
stitution from 1886 to date. Since 1888 director of the 
Hatch agricultural experiment station of the Mass. agric. 
college.. Addre-ss : Amherst, Mass. 

Grange, E. A. A. 

Graduated from the Ontario veterinary college, Toron- 
to, Canada, in 1873, with degree of V S., and for three 
years was demonstrator in anatomy there. For eight 
years professor of veterinary at the Ontario agricultural 
college, being in the meantime provincial inspector of 
livestock, and veterinary surgeon to the Wellington field 
battery and brigade. In 1881 visited England and 
Scotland to inspect veterinary colleges there. In 1883 
elected temporary professor of veterinary science at Mich, 
agr. college, and in 1885 permanently so. Since July, 
1885, has been Michigan state veterinarian. Is also 
veterinarian to the Mich. agr. exp. station. Address : 
Agricultural College, Mich. 

Green, Samuel B. 

Born in 1859. Graduate of grammar schools of Chel- 
sea, Mass., and of the Mass. agr. college in 1879, receiv- 
ing degree of B. S. from latter, and during 1881-82 stud- 
ied there. Foreman, Chas. M. Beach's farm, Hartford, 
Conn., 1879-80. With James J. H. Gregory, seedsman, 
Marblehead,, 1881. Supt. horticultural depart- 
ment, Houghton farm, Mountainville, N. Y. , 1882-85. 
Foreman, Wm. C. Strong's nurseries, Brighton, Mass., 
1885-86. Supt. horticultural department, Mass. agr. col- 
lege, 1886-88. At present professor of horticulture at the 
university of Minnesota, and horticulturist to the Minn, 
agr. exp. station. Address : St. Anthony's Park, Minn, 

Griffin, Harvey H. 

Graduate Colorado agricultural college, 1888, with de- 
gree of B. S. Now in charge of San Luis valley auxil- 
iary experiment station, Del Norte, Colorado. 

Grimm, E>. 

Born in 1855 in Marion county, Oregon. Educated in 
common schools till 1876. Graduated at Oregon state 
agricultural college, at Corvallis, in 1880, with degree of 
B. S. Studied at Mich. agr. college 1882-83, receiving 
degree of B. S. Special student at university of Illi- 
nois in 1883. Elected to chair of agriculture in Oregon 
agricultural college in June, 1883, which position he has 
held since.. In June, 1888, appointed director of Oregon 
state agricultiiral college agricultural experiment station. 
Address : Corvallis, Oregon. 


Born Jan. 26, 1867. Graduated at the university of 
North Carolina in 1887 with degree of B. S. Third assis- 
tant chemist at the North Carolina agricultural experi- 
ment station, being appointed March 9, 1888. Address : 
Raleigh, N. C. 


Born April 24, 1851, at Dearborn, Wayne county, Michi- 
gan. Graduated from Michigan agricultural college in 
1880 with degree of B. S., and for post-graduate work re- 
ceived M. S. in 1883. From 1880-88, professor of agri- 
culture in Miss, agricultural and mechanical college. 
Now director Texas agricultural experiment station. 
Fellow American association for the advancement of 
science, and member the Association for the promotion of 
agricultural science. Address : College Station, Texas. 


First lessons in agriculture, i887j pp. 118. 
Halsted, Byron, D. 

Born June 7, 1852, at Venice, Cayuga county. New 
York. Educated in district school until 1867. Gradua- 


ted at Michigan agricultural college with degree of B. S., 
in 1871. After teaching at same college, and studying 
two years, received degree of M. S. Studied at Harvard 
university four years, receiving degree Sc. D. in 1878. 
Taught in Chicago high school six months, and then took 
place on American agriculturist va. New York as associate 
editor; was managing editor from 1882-85. From 1885 to 
1889 professor of botany in Iowa agricultural college. 
Since then professor of botany in Rutger's college, and 
botanist and horticulturist to the New Jersey agricultural 
experiment station. Address : New Brunswick, N. J. 


Has written many hundreds of articles for the agricultural press, 
and several papers for journals like Popular science monthly, 
Science, American naturalist. Botanical gazette, Terr ey bulletin, it\.c. 
Edited some books while with American agriculturist, and com- 
piled others. Has published two annual bulletins of department of 
botany of Iowa agricultural college. 

Halter, George 'L,. 

Born July 2, 1859, at Roland, Centre county, Penn. 
Early education at district school at Curtin's iron works. 
Graduated from Pennsylvania state college, in chemistry 
and physics, 1886, with degree of B. S. Assistant in 
chemical laboratory Penn. state college, 1886-87. -^P" 
pointed second assistant chemist Penn. state college agr. 
exp. station, early in 1888, promoted to first assistant 
chemist July i, 1888, which position he now holds. Ad- 
dress : State College, Penn. 

Harper, David Neil. 

Born 1863 at Scotch Grove, Jone.s county, Iowa. Early 
education* at Cumberland Valley state normal school, 
•Shippensburgh, Penn. and Dr. Holbrook's military acade- 
my at Sing Sing, New York. Graduated from Sheffield 
scientific school of Yale university, with degree of Ph. B. 
Was instructor in chemistry at university of Pennsylva- 
nia. Now chemist to the university of Minnesota ag- 
ricultural experiment station. Address : St. Anthony's 
Park, Minn. 

Harrington, H. H, 

Born Dec. 14, 1859, at Buena Vista, Miss. Graduated 
from Miss, agricultural and mechanical college in 1883, 
with degree of B. S., and in 1885 received M. S. from 
same, for post-graduate work. Studied at Michigan agri- 
cultural college in 1882, and at the Conn, agricultural ex- 
periment station in 1885. Assistant chemist Miss, agri- 
cultural and mechanical college, 1883-88. Now professor 
of chemistry at the Texas agricultural and mechanical col- 
lege, andcheinist to the Texas agricultural experiment 
station. Member American association for the advance- 
ment of science. Address : College Station, Texas. 

Harter, George A. 

Born in 1854, at Hagerstown, Maryland. Graduated 
in 1878 from St. John's college, Annapolis, Maryland. 
Has been tutor in mathematics at St. John's college and 
principal of Hagerstown Academy. Is now professor of 
mathematics and physics in Delaware college, and meteor- 
ologist to the Delaware agricultural experiment station. 
Address : Newark, Delaware. 

Harvey, Francis Le Roy. 

Born in 1850 in Tompkins county. New York. Early 
education in Ithaca, N. Y., public schools. Moved to Iowa 
in 1865. Teacher in Iowa public school in 1867. Graduated 
Iowa agricultural college in 1872 with degree of B. S. Re- 
ceived M. S. degree from same college in 1886. For two 
and one-half j'cars assistant in chemistry, entomological 
curator for the natural history society, at Iowa agricul- 
tural college. Post-graduate course in botany, and spec- 
ial student in mineralogy and geology at Harvard uni- 
versity. Taught one year in graded schools of Iowa. 
Occupied chair of sciences at Humboldt college, Iowa, one 
year. From 1875-81 held chair of theoretical and applied 
chemistry and biology in the Arkansas industrial univer- 
sity ; and from 1881-85 chair of biology, mineralogy and 
geology at same institution. In 1885 in charge of Dr. A. E. 
Foote's natural history and mineral establishment at Phila- 


delphia, Pa. In 1887 elected to the chair of natural history 
in the Maine state college, and in 1888 also made botanist 
and entomologist to the Maine agricultural experiment sta- 
tion. Member academy of natural sciences of Phila- 
delphia, Pa., corresponding member Torrey botanical 
club, and the Portland society of natural history. Ad- 
dress : Orono, Maine. 


Special bulletin No. 12 on the forestry of Arkansas, vol. ix, U. S. 
census report, 1880. 

List of the forest trees of Arkansas. 

List of the ferns of Arkansas, with notes. 

Minerals and rocks of -Arkansas. 

Has contributed many notes and short articles, during the past 
ten years, to scieniific periodicals. 

Hays, Wiixet M. 

Born in October, 1859, at Eldora, Iowa. Educated in 
public schools in county. Attended Cskaloosa college 
and Drake university, irregularly from 1878-82. Gradu- 
ated at Iowa agricultural college in 1885 with degree of 
B. S. A. Assistant in agricultural experiments in Iowa 
agricultural college, 1886. Associate editor Prairie 
farfner, 1887-88. At present assistant in agriculture at 
Minnesota agricultural experiment station. A,ddress : St, 
Anthony's Park, Minn. 

Hayward, Albert I. 

Graduated at Mass. agricultural college in 1888 with 
B. S. degree. Senior assistant in agricultural depart- 
ment, Mass. agr. college, 1887-88. Agriculturist, Mary- 
land agricultural experiment station from July 16, 1888, 
to date. Address : Agricultural college, Md. 

Hknry, W. a. 

Born June 16, 1850, at Norwalk, Ohio. Student at 
Ohio Wesleyan university, 1869-70. In charge, New 
Haven, Indiana, graded public schools, 1871-72, and 
Boulder, Colorado, schools 1873-76. Graduated from 
Cornell university in 1880, with B. agr. degree. Ap- 


pointed professor of botany and agriculture, university of 
Wisconsin, in 1880, and professor of agriculture in 1882. 
In 1887. made director of Wisconsin agricultural experi- 
ment station. Address : Madison, Wis. 

In various agricultural journals, and in bulletins and reports of 
the Wisconsin agricultural experiment station. At present staflF 
correspondent of Breeder' s gazette , Chicago, 111. 

Herff, B. a. von 

Born at Worms, Germany. Graduated from university 
of Gottingen, with degree of Ph. D. First served as chem- 
ist to the Ascarnia manufacturing company, at L'halt, 
Stassfurt, Germany. Next chemist to North Carolina 
experiment station. Now assistant chemist to Missis- 
sippi agricultural experiment station. Address ; Agri- 
cultural College, Miss. 


About the action of oxalic acid on orthouitraniline, Berlin, 
About phtalylparatoluidine. Berlin, 1881. 
The Stassfurt industry. Raleigh, N. C, 1883. 

Hickman, J. F. 

Born July 3, 1856, at Fast Liverpool, Ohio. Studied 
in public schools of native home during the winters, till 
1875, when entered preparatory department Penn. state 
college. Graduated from same in 1880. From 1881-83, 
superintendent of the eastern experimental farm, Penn. 
state college, West Grove, Pa. In 1883 farmer and sheep 
grower at East lyiverpool, Ohio. Since 1888 agriculturist 
to the Ohio agricultural experiment .station. Has degree 
of M. A. S., conferred in 1883. Address : Columbus, 

Hicks, lyEwis Ezra. 

Born in 1837 at Kalida, Ohio. Educated in Denison 
university, Granville, Ohio, graduating in 1868 as A. B. 
Also studied at Harvard university and in Agassiz's mus- 
eum, 1869-70. Degrees of A. M. and Ph. D. From 1870 


-84 professor of natural science Denison university. 
Prof, of geology university of Nebraska, 1884 to date. 
Geologist to university of Nebraska agric. experiment 
station, 1887 to date. Dean indu-strial college, university 
of Nebraska, 1888 to date. Associate editor American 
geologist, 1888 to date. Address : Lincoln, Neb. 


Numerous editorials in American geologist. Before Amer. 
assii. for adv. of science : The Dakota group in Nebraska, Anli 
Arbor, 1885 ; the permian in Nebraska ; some typical well sec- 
tions ; preliminary geological map of eastern Nebraska ; the Lin- 
coln salt basin, Buffalo, 1886. 

Tbe Niobrara river considered with reference to irrigation. Vol. 
I, No. 2, American geologist. 

The reef-builders, I, 5. Ibid. 

The soils of Neb.' in relation to geological structure, with a geo- 
logical map of Nebraska. State horticultural society, i888. 

Irrigation in Nebraska. Bull. I, agric exp. station. 

Critique of design arguments, Scribners, 1883. 

HiLGARD, Eugene W. 

Born on January 5, 1833, in Zweibruecken, Rbeinish 
Bavaria. His parents early in life emigrated to a farm 
near Belleville, 111., where the son received his schooling 
from his father. In 1849 he went to Europe and studied 
at Heidelberg, Zurich, and the Academy of mines at Frie- 
burg in Saxony. Secured degree of Ph. D. in 1853 at 
Heidelberg. Spent three years in Spain and Portugal, 
and returned to America in 1855, to take charge of the 
chemical laboratory of the Smithsonian institution, and 
lecture on chemistry at the National medical college. 
Appointed chief geologist to state of Mississippi in 1858. 
Married in i860, in Madrid, Spain, to the daughter of a 
Spanish general. During the civil war was assigned to 
duty in preserving the collections at the university of Mis- 
sissippi, and also carried on scientific research. At the close 
of the war resigned his place as geologist to become pro- 
fessor of chemistrj' in Mississippi university. In 1868 ac- 
cepted chair of geology and natural history in the univer- 
sity of Michigan, but resigned in 1875 to go to the uni- 


versity of California to become professor of agriculture 
and chemistry. Upon its establishment, became director 
of the agricultural experiment station of the university of 
California. Is a member of the National academy of 
sciences, and other societies. Given degree of LL<. D. 
by university of Mississippi in 1884. Address : Berke- 
ley, California. 


Beitrag fur Kenntinsa der Ivichtflamme. Inaugural Dissertation ; 
Heidelberg, 1854 ; 49 pp., 8vo. — Ann. Chem. and Pharm., vol. 
xcii, p. 129. 

On the quantitative assay of clironiium by blowpipe processes. — 
In full : Proc. atner. ass'n adv. set., 1857; 22 pp — In abstract: 
Am. jour, sci., September, 1857 ; 8 pp. 

Report on ibe condition of the geological and agricultural sur- 
vey of the state of Mississippi. Jackson, Miss., 1858 ; 22 pp. 

Report on the geology and agriculture of the state of Mississippi. 
Jackson, i860 ; 391 pp., and map. 

On the quaternary formations of the state of Mississippi. — Am. 
jour, sci.. May, 1866 ; 15 pp. 

Remarks on the new division of the eocene, or Shell Bluff group, 
proposed by Mr. Conrad. — Am. jour, sci., July, 1866 ; 4 pp. 

Remarks on the drift of the western and southern states, and its 
relations to theglacier and iceberg theories. — Am. jour, sci., No- 
vember, 1866 ; 5 pp. 

On tlie tertiary formations of Mississippi and Alabama. — Am., 
jour. i«'. , January, 1876; 12 pp, 

On the geology of lower Louisiana and the rock salt deposit of 
Petite Ansa Island. — Am. jour, sci., January, 1869 ; 6 pp. 

On the condition of our knowledge of the processes in luminous 
hydrocarbon flames. — Proc. am., ass'n for the adv. sci., 1868; Am. 
jour sci., vol. 47, No. 140, p. 218 ; 5 pp. 

Preliminary report to the New Orleans academy of sciences of a 
geological reconnoissance of I,ouisiana. — DeBow's review, Sep- 
tember, 1869 ; 15 pp. 

Summary of results of a late geological reconnoissance of 
Louisiana. — Am. jour, sci., November, 1869; 16 pp. 

Report on the geological age of the Mississippi delta. — Rep. 
U. S. Eng. dep't for 1870 ; 16 pp. 

On the maintenance of fertility in soils. — Rural Carolinian, for 
November and December, 1870 ; 12 pp. 

On the geology of the delta and tlie mudlumps of the passes of 
the Mississippi.— /4»/.yoa^. sci., third series, vol. I ; 34 pp. 

On the geological history of the gulf of Mexico.— /Voc. Am. ass'n 


adv. set., 1871 ; Am. jour, sci., December, 1871 ; Am. naturalist, 
Assn. number, 1871. 

Report on the organization of the department of agriculture and 
the mechanic arts in the university of Mississippi. Oxford, Miss- 
issippi, August, 1871 ; 8 pp. 

Memoir on the geology of Louisiana and the rock salt deposit 
on Petite Anse Island. With plates and diagrams, — Smithsonian 
contr. to knowledge, vol. — ; 34 pp., Ige. 4to. (No. 248.) 

On some points in the geology of the southwest. — Am. jour. sci. , 
October, 1872 ; 4 pp. 

On soil'janaiyses and their utility. — Am, jour, sci., December, 

1872 ; Proc. Am. ass'nfor adv. sci., 1872 ; 10 pp. 

On the silt analyses of soils and clays. — Am. ass'n adv. sci., 

1873 ; Am. jour, sci., October and Nbvember, 1873 ; 9 pp. 

Silt analyses of Mississippi soils and subsoils. Ibid., p. 71 ; Am. 
jour, sci., January, 1874 ; 9 pp. 

Supplementary and final report of a geological reconnoissance 
of the state of Louisiana. New Orleans, 1873 ; 44 pp., 8vo. 

Address on progressive agriculture and industrial education de- 
livered fit the Mississippi state fair, November 14, 1873 J 3i PP- 

Note on Lignite beds and their underclays. — Am. jour, sci., 
March, 18^4 ; 3 pp. 

On Mallet's theory of vulcanicity. — Am. jour, sci., June, 1874 ' 
II pp. 

On the study of natural science iu the common schools. — Michi- 
gan teacher for March, 1874. 

Articles on " artesian wells," " vine culture,'' " wines and wine- 
making," va. Johnson' s universal cyclopedia, 1875. 

Lecture on the Phylloxera or vine louse, delivered at San Fran- 
cisco, Nov. 23, 1875. — University press, Berkeley, Cal., 24 pp. 

Circular concerning an industrial survey, transmission of soil 
specimens, etc. — Bulletin No. 26 of the univ. of California, April, 

1877. 6 pp. 8 vo. 

(First) Report to the president of the university of California, on 
the work of the agricultural department, December, 1878. 63 pp. 
8 vo. 

On the destruction of the ground squirrel by the use of bisul- 
phid of carbon. — Bulletin 'iHo. 32, univ. of Cal., April, 1878. 6 pp. 
8 vo. 

On the flocculatiou of particles, and its physical and chemical 
bearings. — Am. jour, sci., February, 1S79. In translation : For- 
schungen auf dem Gebiete der Agriculturphysik, 1S79. 10 pp. 
8 vo. 

Report on the borings made between lake Borgne and the Mis- 
sissippi river, in 1874, at the site proposed as an outlet for flood- 
waters. — Report of the U. S. engineer department, 1877 ; publ. 

1878. 49 pp., 8vo., with maps and plates. 


(Second) Biennial report of the department of agriculture of the 
university of California. Sacramento, 1879. i'3 PP 1 8vo. 

The loess of the Mississippi valley and the Aeolian hypothesis. — 
Am. jour, science, August, 1879 ; 8 pp., 8vo. 

The agriculture and soils of California. — Report of the U. S de- 
partment of agriculture for 1878 ; 30 pp. 8vo. 

Physical geograpy of the state of Mississippi, Cincinnati 1880, 
10 pp., 4to., and maps, in eclectic series. Van Antwerp, Bragg 
& Co. 

Lecture on "The permanent maintenance of our vineyards." 
Delivered at St. Helena, December 18, 1880. 

(Third) Report of the department of agriculture of the univer- 
sity of California. 42 pp. 8vo. Sacrament6, 1881. 

The later tertiary of the gulf of Mexico. — Am. jour, sci., July, 
1881 ; 8 pp., 8vo., with colored geol. map. 

The objects and interpretation of soil analysis. — Am. jour, sci., 
September, 1881 ; 15 pp. 8vo. 

Progress in agriculture by education and government aid. — At- 
lantic monthly for April and May, 1882 ; 22 pp. 

Report on the climatic and agricultural features aud the agricul- 
tural practi-ce and needs of the arid regions of the Pacific slope. 
Made under the direciion of the commissioner of agriculture, by 
E. W. Hilgard, J. C. Jones and R. W. Furnas, comaiissioners. 
Washington, 1882 ; 182 pp. 

(Fourth) Report of the department of agriculture of the uni- 
versity of California, Sacramento, 1882 ; 179 pp. 

Binige Bemerkungen ueber die Schlaeuinimialyse. — Wollny's 
Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Agricultur Physik. vol 6, p. 52, 
4 pp. 

Report on the cotton production of the United States, according 
to the tenth census. 2 vols., embracing, as personal work, apart 
from editorial : 

(a) Report on the cotton production and agricultural features of 
the state of Louisiana. 100 pp. 4to., two colored maps. 

(b) Report, etc., of the state of Mississippi. 120 pp.,^4to., two 

' (c) Report etc., of the state of California. 131 pp., two maps. 

(d) General discussion of the results of the tenth census, as re- 
gards cotton production in the United states. 69 pp., 4to. 

Report of Prof E. W. Hilgard and F. V. Hopkins, upon the 
examination of specimens from borings on the Mississippi river, 
between Memphis and Vicksburg. Rep. Miss, river commission 
for 1883, p. 479. 19 pp. 8vo. 

The salines of Louisiana. — U. S. Geolog. survey rept. on the 
mineral resources of the U. S. 1883. Pp. 554. 

The asphaltum deposits of California. Ibid., 1884, 10 pp. 


(Fifth) Report college of agriculture university of Cal. Sacra- 
mento, 1884, III pp. 

Reoort on tlie avcricultural features of eastern Washiugtou Ter- 
ritory. The Northwest, 1884. St. Paul. 

Uber die liedeutung der hygroscopischeii Bodeufeuohtigkeit 
fiir die Vegetation. Fonch. auf. d. Gebiete d. Agricultur 
physik, viii, 1885, p. 93-100. 

The old tertiary of the south-west. — Amer. jour, set., xxx, Oc- 
tober, 1885, pp. 266-70. 

On some redeeming features of alkali soils. Proc. soc. for pro. 
of agr. sci., 1885. 

Report of viticultural work during seasons 1883-4, 1884-5, 
with notes on the vintage of 1885-6. Appendix. Rep. coll. of 
agr. univ. of Cal., for 1884. Sacramento, 1886, 210 pp. 8°. 

Hist, outline of the geological survey of the state of Mississippi. 
U. S. Geolog. survey, 1886. 

Hist, outlines of the geological survey of the state of Louis- 
iana. Ibid. 

The beet sugar industry in California. Overland monthly, 
December, 1886. 

Rep. on viticultural work done during seasons 1885 and i886 at 
viticultural lab. univ. of Cal. Sacramento, 1886, 150 pp. 

©n alkali soils, and their relation to irrigation. ' Sacramento, 
i886. 25 pp. 

(Sixth) Rep. on exp. work of college of agr. of univ. of Cal. 
Sacramento, 1886. 

The methods of mechanical soil analysis. Proc. society for the 
promotioti of agricultural science, 1887, p. 48-51. 

The processes of soil formation from north-western basalts. 
Ibid., p. 51-63. 

The mutual reaction of carbonates, sulphates and chlorides on 
the alkaline earths and alkalies. Ibid., 1888, pp. 40-46. 

Hills, Joseph L. 

Born March 2, 1861, at Boston, Mass. Studied at Bos- 
ton Latin school, 1874-77. Graduated at Mass. agr. col- 
lege in 1881, with degree of B. S., and post-graduate at 
same from 1881-84. Assistant chemist Mass. agr. ex- 
periment station, 1882-83. Assistant chemist New Jersey 
agr. exp. station, 1884-85. Chemist to phosphate mining 
company and Port Royal fertilizer company, 1885-88. 
Chemist to Vermont agricultural experiment station, 
1888 to date. Address: Burlington, Vt. 


Howard, Iceland O. 

Born June n, 1857 at Rockford, Illinois. Removed to 
Ithaca, N. Y., 1858. Educated at Ithaca academy and 
Cornell university, graduating at the latter in 1877 with 
degreeofB.S. From June, 1877, to Sept., 1878, post-grad- 
uate student in chemistry and comparative anatomy. 
November, 1878, appointed assistant in entomological di- 
vision, U. S. department of agriculture, Washington, D. 
C. Received degree of M. S. from Cornell university, 

1883. From 1884 to date first assistant entomologist to 
department of agriculture, Washington. Address : 
Dept. of agriculture, Washington, D. C. 


Report on the parasites of the Coccidae. 
Report U. S. commissioner of agriculture, 1880. 
List of the invertebrate fauna of South Carolina, Charleston, 
Hymenoptera, Chapter on. Standard natural history, Boston, 

1884. I ■ ■ 
Descriptions of North American Chalcididae, etc. Bull. No. ^,' 

div. of entomology, U. S. dept. agr., 1885. 

Generic synopsis of the Hymenopterous family Chalcididae. 
Entomologica Americana, 1885-6. 

Generic synopsis of the Proctotrupidse. Trans. Am. entomol- 
ogical society, 1886. 

The chinch bug. Bulletin No. 17, div. of entomology, U. S. 
dept. agric, 1888. 

The codling moth. Rep. com. of agr. for 1887. 

The morphology of the Chalcididae. Proc, entomological society 
of Washington, 1888. 

Shorter articles publi-shed in reports of the commissioner of ag- 
riculture, Canadian entomologist, American naturalist. Psyche, 
Science, Entomologica Americana, Insect life and various agricul- 
tural newspapers. 

Hunt, Thomas F. 

Born Jan. i, 1862, at Ridott, 111. Educated in public 
school at home, and in Freeport high school. Graduated 
from university of Illinois in 1884 with degree of B. S. 
Acted as assistant to Illinois state entomologist, 1885-6. 
Assistant in agriculture, university of Illinois, 1886-8 ; 


assistant agriculturist to agricultural experiment station, 
university of Illinois, 1888 to date. Address : Cham- 
paign, Hi. 


Biliography of insecis injurious to corn, in miscellaneous es- 
says on economic enlotuology. Illinois state board of agriculture 
report, 1885, pp. 57-126. 

Fdrni pa^jers. 13111 report board trustees univ. of 111., 1886, pp. 
196, 204-6. 

On the moisture of soil and its relations to tile drainage and to 
cultivation. University of 111., bulletin No. 3. pp. 40, 1887. 

Experiments in feeding pigs, winter of 1886-7. Univ. of 111., 
bulletin No. 4, pp. 41-57. 

Ensilage. Agric. exp. station, university of 111., bulletin No. 
2, Aug., 1888. 

Huston, Henry A. 

Born April 20, 1858, at Damariscotta, Maine. Educated 
in the public schools of native home, and Lincoln acad- 
emy. Graduated at Bowdoin college in 1879 with degree 
of B. A., in 1882 receiving M. A. Assistant under Profes- 
sor Carmichael at Bowdoin, chemical department, 1879- 
80. Post-graduate chemical work under Dr. Wiley at 
Purdue university, 1881-82. Science teacher in Lafay- 
ette, Indiana high school, 1880-82, and principal, 1882-84. 
Professor of physics to Purdue university and acting state 
chemist, 1884-87, and now state chemist. Director In- 
diana state weather service, 1884 to date. Address : La- 
fayette, Indiana. 


Influence of time and temperature on the solubility of reverted 
phosphoric acid. 1882. 

Report of Indiana wearher service, 1885. 

Hutchinson, W. L. 

Born June 26, i860, nt Shadyside, Harris county, Geor- 
gia. Educated at the Alabama polytechnic institute and 
the agricultural and mechanical college, receiving B. S. 
from the latter in 1884. Was first assistant chemist in 


the state laboratory of Alabama. Later, assistant director 
Louisiana sugar experiment station. At present professor 
of chemistr}'^ to the Mississippi agricultural and mechaui- 
cal college ; chemist to the state agricultural experiment 
station, and Mississippi state chemist. Address : Agri- 
cultural College, Miss. 

Ingersoll, C. L,. 

Born Nov. i, 1844, at Perry, Wyoming county, New 
York. Educated in the public schools of New York and 
Michigan, until 1862. In U. S. army from March, 1863 to 
Aug., 1865. Graduated from Michigan agricultural col- 
lege in 1874 with degree of B. S., receiving M. S. in 1875 
for post-graduate work at same. From 1875-77 assistant 
in agriculture and from 1877-79 in chair of agriculture, 
Mich. agr. college. From 1879-82, professor of agricul- 
ture and horticulture, Purdue university. President Col- 
orado state agricultural college since August, 1882, and 
director Colorado agricultural experiment station since 
March i, 1888. Address: Fort Collins, Colo. 

Irish, Perry Herbert. / 

Born March 12, 1864, at New York City, N. Y. Grad- 
uated from Amherst college with A. B., and secured Ph. 
D. at university of Gbttingen, Germany, in 1888. Has 
acted as private assistant to Prof, K. P. Harris of Am- 
herst college. Now professor of chemistry in the Oregon 
agricultural college and chemist to the Oregon agricul- 
tural college experiment station. Address: Corvallis, 

Jaffa, Myer Edward. 

Born October 6, 1857, at Sidney, Australia. Graduated 
at university of California, 1877, with degree of Ph. B. 
Post-graduate course in university in chemistry, miner- 
alogy, and metallurgy, 1877-80. Ana^-^zed soils for 
tenth census of the United States, from January to Au- 
gust, 1880. Assistant in agricultural laboratory in uni- 
versity of California from August, 1880, to August, 1881. 


Did chemical and clerical work for the northern trans-con- 
tinental survey under the direction of Prof. Hilgard, uni- 
versity of California, from August, 1881, to August, 1883. 
Assistant in viticultural department of university of Cali- 
fornia from August, 1883, to August, 1885. First assis- 
tant in viticultural department, university of California, 
from August, 1885, to date. Address : Berkeley, Cali- 

Jenkins, Edward Hopkins. 

Born in 1850. Graduated at Yale college in 1872 as 
B. A., and received Ph. D. from same institution in 1879. 
Pursued graduate course in analytic and agricultural 
chemistry at Sheffield .scientific school of Yale, from 1872- 
75. Studied in lyeipzig university, 1875-76. Chemist to 
agricultural experiment station, Middletown, Conn., 
1876-77, and from latter date to present time chemist to 
Connecticut agricultural experiment station, at New 
Haven, and since 1883 vice director of same. Address : 
New Haven, Conn. 

Johnson, Samuel. 

Born July 7, 1839, at Springfield, Otsego county, N. Y. 
Educated in district schools, and at Cazenovia seminary. 
Moved to Dowegiac, Mich., in 1862, and engaged in farm- 
ing. Has held various township offices. Since 1880, 
professor of agriculture in the Mich. agr. college, and 
since 1888, agriculturist to the experiment station at that 
college. Address : Agricultural College, Mich. 

Johnson, Samuel William. 

Born July 3, 1830, at Kingsboro, Fulton county. New 
York. Studied at Yale scientific school, and at universi- 
ties of Leipzig and Munich. In 1856 became professor of 
analyticali and agricultural chemistry at Sheffield scien- 
tific school at Yale. Member of National academy of 
sciences, and American academy of arts and sciences. Is 
director Connecticut agricultural experiment station. Ad- 
dress : New Haven, Conn. 



Essays on manures. 1859. 

Peat and its uses. i856. 

How crops grow. 1868. 

How crops feed. 

Translated Fresenius' Qualitative chemical analysis and the 
work on quantitative chemical analysis by the same author. Has 
also written many articles for agricultural papers, and bulletins 
and reports of the Connecticut agricultural e.'cp3rimeal station. 

Jones, W. L,. 

Born in 1827, in lyiberty county, Georgia. Educated in 
a private school in I^iberly county, in the university of 
Georgia, the college of physicians and surgeons at New 
York, and I,awrence scientific school at Harvard univer- 
sity, Cambridge, Mass. Has degrees of A. M,, B. S., 
and M. D. Has been professor of natural history, chem- 
istry and geology in the university of Georgia ; and edi- 
tor of the Southern cultivator and Southern farmer. Is 
now director of the Georgia agricultural experiment sta- 
tion, and professor of agriculture in the university of 
Georgia. Address : Athens, Georgia. 

Jordan, G. £vEE. 

Graduate of Louisiana state university. Assistant and 
chemist] to the North Louisiana agricultural experiment 
station. Has degree of B. S. Addiress : Calhoun, L,a, 

Jordan, Whitman H. 

Native of Maine. Graduated from Maine state college 
in 1875 with degree of B. S. Post-graduate student at 
Cornell university in chemistry and physics in 1877-8. 
Assistant in experimental and analytical work at Wes- 
ley an university in 1878-9. During 1879-80, instructor 
in agriculture at the Maine state college. From 1881-85 
professor of agriculture and agricultural chemistry at 
Penn. state college. Since April, 1885, director Maine 
agricultural experiment station. Has degree of M. S. 
Address : Orono, Maine. 


Kedzie, Robert C. 

Born Jan, 28, 1823, in Delhi, New York. Moved to 
Michigan 1826. Graduated from Oberlin college in 1847, 
receiving A. M. degree in 1864. In charge of Rochester 
academy for two years after graduating. Graduated from 
medical department of Michigan university in 1851, with 
M. D. degree. Practiced medicine for a time, and enlisted 
in Uv S. army in 1862 as surgeon in 12th Mich, infantry. 
In January, 1863, appointed professor of chemistry in 
Michigan agricultural college, which po.sition he has 
since held. In 1872 appointed member state board of 
health. Since 1873 has been active member American 
public health association, and its president in 1882. Fel- 
low of American academy of medicine ; American asso- 
ciation for the advancement of science, and member of 
the American meteorological society, and the society for 
the promotion of agricultural science, of which he was 
president, 1887-88. Since 1888, chemist to the Michigan 
agricultural experiment station. 


Use of poisons in agriculture. Rep. Mich, state board of health, 

Relative value of different varieties of Michigan wheats. 1877. 

Comparative food value of certain varieties of Indian corn, and 
certain mill stuffs. 1878. 

Salt in agriculture. ■ 1879. 

Comparative food value of sound and "yellowed" peaches. 

Composition of wheat at different periods of ripening. 1881. 

Source of nitrogen of plants. 1882. 

Kellerman, William A. 

Born May i, 1850, at Ashville, Ohio. Educated at 
Fairfield academy, Pleasantville, Ohio ; Cornell universi- 
ty, Ithaca, N. Y. , where he was given the degree of B. S., 
and at universities of Gottingen, Germany, and Ziirich, 
Switzerland, receiving Ph. D. from the latter. Was pro- 
fessor of natural sciences five years at the Wisconsin state 
normal school at Oshkosh. Professor of botany, horti- 
culture, etc. , one year in Kentucky state agricultural and 


mechanical college. For five years professor of botany 
and zoology in Kansas state agricultural and mechanical 
college, and at present holds chair in botany at same in- 
stitution. Is botanist to the Kansas state board of agri- 
culture, and to the Kansas agricultural experiment sta- 
tion. Address : Manhattan, Kan. 


Entwickelungsgeschichte der Bliitbe von Gunnera Chilensis. 

Elements of botany, pp. 360. 

Plant analysis, pp. 250. 

Kansas forest trees identified by leaves aud fruit, pp. 16. 

Analytical flora of Kansas, pp. 200. 

Editor of \.h.e Journal of mycology, from 1885-88. 

Has written various articles descriptive of new species of fungi, 
and diseases of plants caused by parasitic fungi, etc., publisbed in 
the reports of the Kansas state board of horticulture, and else- 

KiLBORNE, Fred I^ucius. 

Born Oct. 7, 1858, in Onondaga county, New York, At 
six years removed to a farm in Cayuga county, N. Y. 
Attended district school from six to 10 years of age, and 
from 10 to 13 yearsold wentto same in winter, and worked 
on home farm in summer. From 13 to 15 years in winter 
attended public schools of Syracuse, N. Y., and from 15 
to 19 years the Moravia union school, Moravia, N. Y., in 
meantime spending vacations and summers on the farm. 
Graduated at Cornell university in 1881 with degree of 
B. Agr. In 1885 was given B. V. S. by same institution. 
F^om 1881-85 was anatomical preparator in vertebrate 
'zoology and microscopy, and .special assistant and in- 
structor in botany, physiology and zoology at Cornell uni- 
versity. Is now director of the veterinary experiment 
station, bureau of animal indu.stry, United States depai-t- 
ment of agriculture, to which he was appointed in 1885. 
Since 1887 consulting veterinarian of Washington humane 
society ; and lecturer on the comparative anatomy of do- 
mestic animals and veterinary science and practice, at the 
Maryland state agricultural college, being appointed in 
1888. Addre-ss: Washington, D. C. 



Since 1886 has been veterinary correspondent to the Rural New- 
Yorker^ and occasional contributor to agricultural and stock 

Knorr, Augustus E. 

Graduated at Zurich poly technicum and Columbian uni- 
versity. Assistant chemist in general agricultural analy- 
ses, U. S. department of agriculture. Address : Wash- 
ington, D. C. 

Ladd, E. F. 

Born Dec. 13, 1859, at Starks, Maine. School educa- 
tion home, and at Somerset academy, Athens, Maine. 
Graduated from Maine state college in 1884 with degree 
of B. S. From 1884-87, assistant chemist to New York 
agricultural experiment station, but since 1888, chemist 
to same. Address : Geneva, N. Y. 


Composition and relative digestibility of feeding stuffs. Amer. 
' chem. jour., viii, i. 

Pepsin vs. animal digestion. Ibid., viii, 6. 

Sugars and starch in fodders, and their determination. Ibid., x, i. 
The influence of food on the composition of butter. Agricul- 
tural science, 1888, pp. 25 1 + . 


Born in 1861 in Vermont. Graduated at Dartmouth 
medical college in 1887. Now botanist and microscopist 
to the New Hampshire agricultural experiment station. 
Address : Hanover, N. H. 

lyATTA, W11.LIAM C. 

Born March 9, 1850, at La Porte, Indiana. Educated 
in public schools home. Graduated from Mich, agric. col- 
lege in 1877 with degree of B. S., receivin? M. S. froin 
same college in 1882. Foreman horticultural department, 
1880, and in 1881 assistant in field and feeding experi- 
ments at same college. Professor of agriculture and horti- 


culture, and superintendent of farm, Purdue university, 
1882-84. Director Indiana state weather service, 1883. 
Professor of agriculture and superintendent of Purdue 
university farm, 1884 to date, and in charge of experi- 
mental agriculture at expeiiment station of same college 
since 1888. Address : L,afayette, Ind. 


Reports and bulletins of agricultural experiments, 1882-SS. 

LEE, J. G. 

Graduate of Louisiana state university. In charge of 
diffusion work in Louisiana .sugar experiment station. 
Has degree of B. S. Address: Kenner, La. 

Untner, Joseph Albert. 

Born Feb. 8, 1822, in Schoharie, N. Y. Graduated at 
Schoharie academy in 1837. Then went to New York 
city and engaged several years in mercantile pursuits, in 
meantime continuing literary and scientific studies. In 
1848 returned to Schoharie and engaged in general mer- 
cantile business, at the same time beginning entomologi- 
cal studies. In i860 removed to Utica, N. Y. , and en- 
gaged in manufacture of woolen goods till 1867. Removed 
to Albany, N. Y., in 1868 to become zoological assistant in 
N. Y. state museum of natural history, holding same po- 
sition 12 years, in meantime giving much attention to en- 
tomology. In 1880 was appointed New York state ento- 
mologist by Gov. Cornell, which position he still holds. 
The regents of the universitj^ of New York in 1884 gave 
him degree of Ph. D. Address : Capitol building, Al- 
bany, N. Y. 


From 1863 to 1888, the titles of entomological writings number 
471. Entomological contributions I-IV, published 1869-70-72-76, 
number 380 pp. 

First annual report N. Y. state entomologist, 1882, pp. 381. 
Second ann.rept. same, 1885, pp. 265. 


I.I,OYD, E. R. 

Second assistant agriculturist to the Alabama agricul- 
tural experiment station. Has had M. S. conferred upon 
him by the Alabama agricultural and mechanical college. 
Address: Auburn, Ala. 

lyUPTON, Nathaniel Thomas. 

Born Dec. ig, 1830, in Frederick county, Virginia. 
Graduated at Dickenson college in 1849. Studied two 
winters in Heidelberg, Germany, under Bunsen. Was 
professor of chemistry and geology in Randolph Macon 
college, 1857-58, and the same in the Southern university, 
Greensboro, Ala., 1858-71. In 1871 elected president 
university of Alabama, with chair of chemistry, and in 
1874 called to the professorship of chemistry in Vander- 
bilt university, where he also acted as dean of the faculty 
of pharmacy. In 1885 appointed Alabama state chemist, 
and professor of chemistry in the Alabama agricultural 
and mechanical college, which position he still holds. 
Received degree of M. D. from Vanderbilt university, 
and LL. D. from university of Alabama in 1875. Is a 
member of several scientific societies. Vice-president 
American chemical society in 1880. Chairman section of 
chemistry, American association for the advancement of 
science in 1877, and vice-president of this association in 
1885. Address : Auburn, Ala. 


Has made numerous contributions to technical literature. Also 
is author of "The elementary principles of scientific agriculture." 
D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1880. 

Maynard, Samuel Taylor. 

Born Dec. 6, 1845, at Hard wick, Mass. Graduated at 
the Northboro, Mass., high school, and from the Mass. 
agric. college in 1872, receiving degree of B. S. Post- 
graduate student in 1872-73. Since 1879 professor of bot- 
any and horticulture at the Mass. agric. college, and since 
1888 horticulturist to the Hatch agric. exp. station of 
same college. Address : Amherst, Mass. 



Reports of experiments with numerous varieties of potatoes. 

Grasses and forage plants on station grounds. 1883. 

Observations on insects injurioxis to apples. 1884. 

Notes upon insects injurious to farm and garden crops. 1884. 

Effects of girdling grape vines. 1884. 

Vitality of seeds of weeds. 1884. 

Vitality of seeds as affected by age. 1884. 

Destruction of peach buds by cold. 1884. 

The cultivation of the peach. 1884. 

Utilization of waste lands of New England by the cultivation of 
fruit and forest trees. 1885. 

Practical fruit grower. i885. 

Fruit culture in Massachusetts. 1887. 

Experiments with new varieties of fruits. 1887. 

McBryde, J. M. 

Born in 1841 at Abbeville, South Carolina. Educated 
at the South Carolina college and university of Virginia. 
Engaged in farming in Virginia for some years. Mem- 
ber of Miller trustees of the agricultural department of 
university of Virginia. President of Belmont farmer's 
club of Albemarle Co., Va. Professor of agriculture 
and botany at university of Tennessee, 1879-1882. Same 
chair in South Carolina college in 1882. In 1883 elected 
president South Carolina|college. In 1888, president uni- 
versity of South Carolina, and director of agricultural 
experiment, station of that institution. Is Ph. D. of un- 
iversity of Tennessee, and I^Iv. D. of Southwestern 
Presbyterian university. Address: Columbia, S. C. 

McDowell, Ransom H. 

Graduated Mich. agr. college in 1874 with degree of 
B. S. Assistant foreman of farm of same college four 
years. Foreman and supt. Purdue univer.sity farm and 
experiments one year. Supt. farm Michigan state reform 
school six years. Now assistant agriculturist, Colorado 
agricultural experiment station. Address : Fort Col- 
lins, Col. 


McEachran, William. 

Graduate of both medical and veterinary schools of 
McGill university, Montreal, Canada, having degrees of 
M. D. and V. S. Was dept. government inspector in 
Manitoba and northwestern Canadian provinces for two 
years. Now veterinarian to Colorado agricultural college 
and experiment station. Address : Fort Collins, Col. 

McIntosh, Donald. 

Born Jan. 28, 1840, in Perth, Scotland. Educated in 
grammar schools of Canada. Studied medicine. Gradu- 
ated Ontario veterinary college, 1869, with degree ofV. S. 
Practiced veterinary surgery at Kingston, Ontario, 1869- 
82 ; in New York city 1882-85. Prof, of veterinary 
science at university of Illinois, 1885 to date. Veterin- 
arian to agr. exp. station, univ. of 111., 1888 to dater 
Address : Champaign, 111. 

McKay, J. F. 

Born March 29, 1866, at Owenboro, Kentucky. Gradu- 
ated from Miss, agricultural and mechanical college in 
1888 with degree of B. S. Now assistant in horticulture 
at Texas agricultural experiment station. Address : Col- 
lege Station, Texas. 

Mell, p. H. 

Entered university of Georgia in 1867, pursuing a 
seven years' course of study, receiving the following de- 
grees; A. B., C. E., M. E., Ph. D. Georgia state 
chemist from 1874-77. Professor natural history and 
geology in Alabama agricultural and mechanical college, 
1878 to date. Director Alabama weather service from 
1884 to date, and devised the present system of flags used 
by the U. S. weather bureau, for signalling the condition 
of the weather. In 1888 appointed botanist and meteor- 
ologist to the Alabama agricultural experiment station. 
Member American institute of mining engineers. Ad- 
dress : Auburn, Ala. 

Menke, a. E. 

Born in 1858. Educated at Owen's college, Manches- 
ter, England : King's college, I^ondon, England : Sor- 
bonne, Paris, and Harvard university. Received D. Sc. 
in 1880. From 1883-87, professor of agricultural and or- 
ganic chemistry, Kentucky state agricultural and me- 
chanical college. Now professor of chemistry to Arkan- 
sas industrial university, and director Arkansas agricul- 
tural experiment station. Address : Fayettville, Ark. 


Notes on manganese dioxide. 

Some points iu chemical dynamics. 

Salts of nitrous oxide, cucuniin and turaerol. 

Synlhesis of bomeol. 

Alkaloids of Veratrum virides and Aconitum rapellus. 

On tlie composition of potatoes. 

Action of tobacco on the soil, etc. , etc. 


A native of Maine. Graduated from the Maine state 
college in 1883 with degree of M. S. For two years an 
assistant in the department of .lithology and physical ge- 
ology, at the United States national museum, Washing- 
ton, D. C. Since March, 1886, has been connected with 
the Maine experiment station. Address : Orono, Me. 

Miles, Manly. 

Born July 20, 1826, at Homer, Cortland county. New 
York. Moved to Flint, Mich., in 1837, and followed farm- 
ing till 1846, teaching school in winter from 1842-46. 
Common and high school education, supplemented by 
home studies under direction of Rev. J. G. Atterbury of 
Flint. Studied medicine and received degree of M. D. 
from Rush rnedical college, Chicago, 111., in 1850. Prac- 
ticed medicine till 1859, in meantime studying zoology and 
working with the microscope. Became assistant state 
geologist to Michigan, in charge of zoological department, 
1859-60. Prof, of zoology and animal phy.siology, Mich- 
igan agricultural college, 1860-65. Prof, of physiology 


and practical agriculture, same college, 1865-69. Prof. 
of practical agriculture, in same, 1869-75. Superintend- 
ent college farm, of same, 1864-75. Prof, of agriculture, 
Illinois industrial university, 1875-76. City engineer, 
lyansing, Mich., 1878-79. In charge of farming, lands- 
cape gardening and experiments at Houghton farm, 
Mountainville, New York, 1879-82. In charge of field 
and feeding experiments, Mass. exp. station, 1883. Prof. 
of agriculture, Mass. agric. college, 1883-86. Since that 
period engaged in biological investigations relating to 
agriculture in his private laboratory. Address : Lansing, 


Has contributed to numerous agricultural papers in the United 
States and Canada. 

Report on zoology of Mich. Geological survey of Mich. ^ i860. 
Experiments in top-dressing grass lands. hiep. Mich, board ofag-r., /86s. 

with young pigs fed with milk, 
iu sheep feeding, 

" pig feeding, " " " ' 

" on the application of manures, '* " " ' 

" with root crops (com'cl manures) " " " " 

" " Indian corn (hills and drills), " " " ' 

" on natural variations of soils, " " " " 

'• in pig feeding, " " " " " i86g 

" with spec'l manures (oats in rotation)" " " '' 

" in the appl'n of manures (turnips), '' " n i 

" with Indian corn (rotation), " " " " 

" '■ special manures, " " " ' 

" " new varieties of grain, " " " " 

" pig feeding, " " " " *' 1870 

" in appl'n of manures (oats in rotation) " " " " 

" with spec'l manures (wheat in rota.), " " " <• 

" " oats in rotation, " " " " 

" " spec'l manures (oats iu rotation)" " " " 

Whiffletrees and draught, " " " " " 1872 

Close breeding^, " " " " " " 

Experiments in pig feeding, " " " " " 18.73 

Summary of results in pig feeding, " " " " 

Experiments with manures (grass in rotation), " " " " 

" special " " " " " " " " 

" " . " (wheat" " 1871), " " " " 

Improvements in tile laying, " " " " 

Experiments with ensilage, 1875, Country gentleman^ Oct. 5, '76, 
pp 627-8. 

Stock breeding, D. Appleton & Co., N. Y., 1878. 

Experiments with Indian corn, Mountainville, N. Y., 1882. 

Scientific farming at Rothamsted, Field exp. Pop. sc. inon.^ 
Nov., '82. 



Scientific farming at Rothanisted, Feeding exp. Pop. sc. mon., 
Jan., '83. 

Experiments with Indian corn. ist. rep. state agr. exp. station, 
Mass., 1883. 

Experiments with ensilage, ist. rep. state agr. exp. station, 
Mass., 1883. 

Experiments in pig feeding, ist. rep. state agr. exp. station, 
Mass., 1883. 

Ensilage and fermentation. Popular science monthly, June, 1884, 

Unconscious bias in walking. Nature, July, 1885. 

Notes on microbes of abortion. {Letter to chairman bd. Mass. 
cattle com., 18S3). 

Life on the farm. i6th annual rep. Mich, hort. soc. 1886. 

Light land farming. Rep. Mich. bd. of agr. 1887. 

Microbes of nitrification. Agricultural Science, yia.y, 18S7. 

Feeding for fat and lean. " " March, 1888. 

Nutritive ratios. " " April, " 

Feeding for fat and lean. " " July, " 

l^ines of progress in agriculture. Pop. sci. monthly, Julv, 1888. 

Economy of ground feed. Handbook for farmers and feeders, 
Springfield, Ohio. 

MiNOTT, Charles W. 

Born April I, 1859, at Westminister, Mass. Graduated 
Mass., agr. college, 1883, with degree of B. S. From 
1883-88, engaged in practical fruit growing and garden- 
ing. In March, 1888, elected horticulturist to Vermont 
agricultural experiment station. Address : Burlington, 

Morrow, George K. 

Born in 1840. in Ohio. Educated in home public school 
and neighboring academy. Graduated at university of 
Michigan law school in 1866 with degree of 1,1,. B. 
Given an honorary M. A. from university of Wisconsin. 
Agricultural 'editor Western rural and Western farmer, 
1866-75. Professor of agriculture in Iowa agricultural 
college in 1876 ; same chair in university of Illinois from 
1877 to date. Agriculturist to experiment station, uni- 
versity of Illinois, 1888. Address : Champaign, 111. 


Numerous articles in agricultural papers, or reports, addresses or 
papers for various agricultural, live stock and dairy associations. 


Morse, F. W. 

Born Dec. 6, 1865, at Berlin, Mass. Educated in com- 
mon schools home, and at Northboro high school, from 
which he graduated in 1882. Graduated from Worcester 
polytechnic institute, Worcester, Mass., 1887, with degree 
of B. S. Assistant chemist to Mass. state agricultural 
experiment station, August, 1887-88. Since 1888, assis- 
tant chemist to the New Hampshire agricultural experi- 
ment station. Address : Hanover, N. H. 

Morse, Fred Wellington. 

Born at Decorah, Iowa, April 9, 1855. Graduated from 
the university of California, 1878, with degree of Ph. B. 
From 1878-80 assistant in agricultural laboratory of uni- 
versity of California ; 1880-82, assistant in viticultural 
laboratory of the university of California; 1882-88, as- 
sistant in the agricultural laboratory of the university of 
California. In the summer has been engaged in the fol- 
lowing special work : 1880, studied phylloxera under the 
state viticultural and university of California commis- 
sion ; 1881-82, studied phylloxera under state viticultural 
commission; 1883, studied resistant vines ; 1885, gathered 
viticultural statistics under the state viticultural commis- 
sion ; 1886, investigated vine diseases at university of Cal- 
ifornia ; 1887, investigated gas insecticide in lyos Angeles 


The winged phylloxera ia California. 7%e overland tnonthly, 
March, 1883. 

Spread of the phylloxera by grape boxes. Cultivator' s guide, 
April 10, 1883. 

Decay of grape roots. Ibid., June 12, 1883. 

Replanting phylloxerated vineyards. Ibid., June 24, '83. 

Report on the occurrence of phylloxera in California. Agricul- 
tural department, 1880. 

Report on work done in viticultural laboratory, etc. Agricul- 
tural department. 1882, p. 129. 

Bulletin No. 19. Agricultural department, October 1884. 

Report to viticultural commission on Bauer's mercury remedy, 
June 19, 1885. 


Observation on the life hiptory and habits of the phylloxera in 
California. Agricultural department, 1886. 

Report upon experiments with mercury vapor as a remedy 
against the phylloxera. Agricultural department, 1886. 

Report upon the examination of the phenomena and causes of 
coulure of the vine in San Diego county. College of agriculture, 
1 886. 

Report of comparative observations on coalure on different grape 
varieties. College of agriculture, 1886. 

Report of an examinatiou into the phenomena and causes of a 
supposed vine disease in Los Angeles county. College of agricul- 
ture, 1886. 

The uses of gases against scale insects. Bulletin 71, college of 

The use of hydrocyanic acid against scale insects. Bulletin 73, 
college of agriculture. 

Address : Berkeley, California. 

MUNN, R. L. 

Graduated at Texas agricultural and mechanical col- 
lege, with degree of B. S. Assistant in experimental ag- 
riculture at Arkansas agricultural experiment sub-station. 
Address : Jonesboro, Arkansas. 

Myers, J. W. 

Born May 29, 1853, in West Virginia. Educated in the 
State normal school of West Virginia, at West I^iberty. 
Was student in classical course at Bethany college, West 
Va. , and took post-graduate course, in chemistry. Stud- 
ied at Tufts college, under Prof Dolbear, in physics, and 
at Harvard university, in geology under Prof. Shaler. 
Was three and one- half years in Germany studying chem- 
istry at universities of Gottingen, Breslau and Berlin. 
Was tutor in chemistry at Bethany college ; and taught 
chemistry and physics in Butler university, Kentucky 
university and in the Mississippi agricultural and me- 
chanical college. Was state chemist of Mississippi for 
six years. In 1888 appointed director of the West Vir- 
ginia experiment station, ' at Morgantown. Address : 
Morgantown, W. Va. 


Newman, Clifford Lewis. 

Born July 25, 1864, at Columbus, Georgia. Attended 
grammar schools at Sparta, Ga., and Gordonsville, Vir- 
ginia, and public schools of Atlanta, Ga., from 1877-81. 
Farmed two years. Graduated at Alabama agricultural 
and mechanical college, in 1886, with degree of B. S. 
First assistant at same institution in 1886, at the experi- 
ment station. Assistant in agriculture and natural his- 
tory in university of Tennessee, 1887-88. Assistant in 
field and feeding experiment at univ. of Tenn. agricul- 
tural experiment station, 1888 to date. Address: Knox- 
ville, Tenn. 

Newman, J. S. 

Born in 1836 at Orange county, Virginia. Educated at 
the university of Virginia. Taught school and farmed 
15 years in Virginia and Georgia. Editing clerk in the 
Georgia department of agricul-ture from 1875-83. From 
1883 to date Prof of agriculture in the Alabama agri- 
cultural and mechanical college, and director of the agri- 
cultural experiment stations at Auburn and Uniontown, 
Ala. Six years editor of Southern enterprise. Three 
years president Alabama state agricultural society. Vice- 
president American pomological society. Special statisti- 
cal agent U. S. department of agriculture. Agricultural 
editor Montgomery (Ala.) advertiser. Address : Auburn, 


Farmers' scientific manual, and manuals on cattle, sheep, swine 
and poultry, issued from the Georgia agricultural department. 

NiLES, U. B. 

Graduate veterinary department Iowa state agricultural 
college. After graduation took post-graduate course, 
served as house surgeon ; and gave instruction in veter- 
inary science in the college. Served also as assistant 
state veterinarian. Now occupies chair of veterinary 
medicine at university of South Carolina, and is veterin- 

69 ■ 

arian to South Carolina agricultural experiment station. 
Address : Columbia, S. C. 

NouRSE, David Oliver. 

Born August 19, 1861, at Bolton, Massachusetts. 
Graduated at Massachusetts agricultural college, 1883, 
with degree of B. S. Assistant at Mass. experiment sta- 
tion, Amherst, 1883-84. Superintendent Connecticut 
Valley orchard company, Berlin, Conn., 1884-85. En- 
gaged in farming at Bolton, Mass., 1885-86. Foreman 
Mass. agric. college farm, 1886. Now agriculturist to 
Virginia agricultural experiment station, at Blacks- 
burg, Virginia. Address : Blacksburg. Virginia. 

OrcuTT, I. H. 

Born June 7, 1847, ^'■'^ Oneida county. New York. Edu- 
cated in the common schools till 1866, when entered 
Groveland seminary at Wasioja, Minn. Began studying 
medicine in 1872, and graduated from Chicago medical 
college, March 15, 1876, with degree of M. D. Took two 
years scien-ce course at university of Pennsylvania, 
graduating in 1880 with degree of Ph. D. In August, 
1885, was elected to the chair of natural sciences at the 
Dakota agricultural college at Brookings, and in February, 
1888, was made entomologist to the agricultural experi- 
ment station of that institution. Address : Brookings, 

OsBORN, Herbert. 

Born March 19, 1856, at I^afayette, Wisconsin. Moved 
to Fairfax, Iowa, in 1863. Attended home schools, and 
for a short time Iowa college, at Grinnell. Graduated 
from Iowa agricultural college in 1879, with degree of 
B. S., later receiving M, S. from same. Studied at Har- 
vard university, under Dr. Hagen, in the museum of com- 
parative zoology. Assistant in zoology and entomology, 
from 1879-83 in Iowa agricultural college, and at present 
professor of zoology and entomology at the same institu- 
tion. Address : Ames, Iowa. 



Annual reports or papers in the transaclions of Ihe Iowa horti- 
cultural society, 1878-87. Articles in Canadian entoinologisl,En- 
tomologica Americana, American naturalist, publications of the 
U. S. department of agriculture, etc. 

Pammel, L. H. 

Born April 19, 1862, at La Crosse, Wisconsin. Grad- 
uated from university of Wisconsin, 1885, with degree 
B. Agr. Assistant to Dr. W. G. Farlow, Harvard univer- 
sity, 1886. At Shaw school of botany, 1887-88. Inves- 
tigating root rot of cotton for Texas agricultural experi-. 
ment station. Member St. lyouis academy of sciences. 
Prof, of botany in Iowa agricultural college, and special 
worker in botany for the Iowa agricultural experiment 
station. Address : Ames, Iowa. 

Paquin, PauIv. 

Born June, .1860, in Argenteuil county, Canada, of 
French- Canadian parents. First English education at a 
local school ; later had English and French education at 
Bourget college, Rigaud. Studied medicine at college de 
medicine et chirurgie de Montreal, and at the Montreal 
veterinary college. Received degree of D. V. S. in March, 
1881. Appointed state veterinarian of Missouri in 1885. 
Studied contagious diseasss of man and beast, bacteriol- 
ogy, etc. , at the Alfort (France) veterinary school ; at Dr. 
Latteux's pathological laboratory, at Dr. Cornil's bac- 
teriological laboratory (Paris medical school), and at the 
conferences of Dr. Perdrix, in Pasteur's institute, Paris. 
Received the degree of M. D. from the Missouri state 
university ^nd Missouri medical college. Is now state 
veterinarian of Missouri ; professor of veterinary science 
at the agricultural college of the university of Missouri ; 
professor of comparative medicine in the medical depart- 
ment of the university of Missouri ; director of vaccine 
and experimental laboratory of the university, and veter- 
inarian of the agricultural experiment station of the uni- 
versity. Address : Columbia, Missouri, 



Numerous essays on animal diseases. 

Bulletins No. 15, 16, 24, 31 and 33 of the Missouri agricultural 
college. Winner of Jioo Drize iu American veterinary review. 
Autlior of articles on heredity and breeding in Kansas city live- 
stock indicator, during 1887. 

Patrick, G. E. 

Born in 1851', at Hopedale, Mass. Graduated at Cor- 
nell univensity, with degrees of B. S. and M. S. from same. 
Instructor in Cornell one' year, professor of chemistry in 
university of Kansas nine years, chemist to Iowa agr. ex- 
periment station, 18S8 to date. Address : Ames, Iowa. 


Has published numerous papers, mostly in Proceedings of Kan- 
sas academy of sciences. 

Patterson, Harry J. 

Born Dec. 17, 1866, at Yellow Springs, Pennsylvania. 
Studied at the Penn. state college preparatory school ; and 
graduated from Penn. state college in 1886, with degree 
of B. S. From 1886-88, a.ssistant chemist to Penn. state 
college agricultural experiment station, and sinca 1888, 
chemist to the Maryland agricultural experiment station. 
Address : Agricultural college, Md. 

Peabody, Sei,im H. 

Born Aug. 20, 1829, at Rockingham, Vt. Educated in 
public schools, academies and university of Vermont, 
graduating at latter in 1852. Has degrees of A. B., 
A. M.,,Ph. D. and LL. D., the latter from Iowa univer- 
sity. Was professor of mathematics in Fairfax seminary, 
Vt., 1853-54. Prof; mathematics and civil engineering,. 
Polytechnic college, Philadelphia, Pa., 1854-57. Prof, 
natural sciences Chicago high school, 1865-71 and 1874-78. 
Prof, physics and engineering Mass. agric. college, 1871-74. 
Prof, mechanical engineering,, university of Illinois, 
1878-80. Rfcgent (President) university of Illinois, 1880 
to date. President board directors agricultural experi- 
ment station, 1888 to date, Address : Champaign, IU. 


Editor-in-chief American edition Chambers' encyclopaedia, 1880. 
Author various books on natural history, mathematical text 
books, and scientific treatises. 

Penny, Charles 1,. 

Bom in Pennsylvania in 1858, at Lewisburg. Educat- 
ed at Bucknell university, Lewisburg, Pa., at Heidel- 
berg, Germany, and at Harvard college. Has degree of 
A. M. Held chair in natural science at state normal 
school at Shippensberg, Penn., for six years. Now holds 
same chair in Delaware college, and is ! assistant chemist 
to the Delaware experiment station. Address : Newark, 

Perkins, G. H. 

Graduated at Yale college, and is Ph. D. of the same. 
Worked under geologist Marsh for a while. Howard pro- 
fessor of natural history of the university of Vermont, 
for nearly 20 years. Is also entomolgist to Vermont agri- 
cultural experiment station. Address : Burlington, Ver- 

Peter, A. M. 

Born May 25, 1857, at lyexington, Kentucky. Gradu- 
ated at Kentucky agricultural and mechanical college, 
1880, with degree of B. S! Given M. S. degree in 1882. 
Adjunct professor of chemistry and natural hi.story at 
same institution, i88r. Instructor in chemistry at same 
college, and assistant chemist to Kentucky geological sur- 
vey, 1885 to date. Assistant chemist Kentucky agricul- 
tural experiment station, 1885 to date. Address : I^exing- 
ton, Ky. 

Phelps, Charles S. 

Borti December 5, i86i, at Florence, Mass. Early 
education in home public schools. Graduated at the 
Mass. agricultual college in 1885 with degree of B. S. 
Post-graduate at same college during 1885. Assistant 
chemist at Mass. state experiment station, 1886-87. As- 


sociate manager, Vine Hill and Ridge farms, West 
Hartford, Conn., 1887-88. Vice-director Storrs' school 
agricultural experiment station, Storrs', Connecticut, 
since April I, 1888. Address: Storrs', Conn. 


Born Nov. 4, 1838, at Surry, N. H. Educated at 
Phillips academy, Andover, Mass. , and Harvard univer- 
sity, graduating from latter in 1863 with A. B. degree. 
Now A. M. Professor state normal university. Normal, 
111., 1863-70. Assistant in oflSce state supt. public in- 
struction of Illinois, 1879-1886. Secretary agricultural 
experiment station, university of Illinois, 1888 to date. 
Address : Champaign, 111. 

Pi<uMB, Charles S. 

Born April 21, i860, at Westfield; Mass. Educated in 
public schools of native home till 17 years of age. Grad- 
uated in 1882 from Mass. agricultural college with degree 
of B. S. Assistant editor Rural New- Yorker, New York 
City from February, 1883, to June, 1884. From latter date 
to Oct. I, 1887, assistant director New York agricultural 
experiment station at Geneva, N. Y. In August, 1887, 
elected professor of agriculture and natural history to the 
university of Tennessee and state agricultural college. In 
1888 the office was changed to professor of agriculture, 
solely. Same year made assistant director and in charge 
of field and feeding experiments at the agricultural exper- 
iment station of the university of Tennessee and state agri- 
cultural and mechanical college. Address : Knoxville, 


Is publisher and editor of Agricultural Science, established by 
him in 1887. 

Contributed to New York agr. exp. station reports for 1884, 
1885, 18S6 and 1887, the work relating especially to the ce- 
reals and grasses. 

The fallacies of plat experimentation. Agricultural science, 
Jan., 1888, pp. 4-13. , 

Concerning the groiyth of maize. Ibid., Jan., 1889, pp. 5. 


Dehorning cattle. Bull, i, Teun. a^ric. exp. station, 1888. 

Germinating seed corn. Bull, ii, Ibid. 

Is editor and publisher of this directory. Has coniributed to 
various agricultural and other periodicals, viz. : Country gentle- 
man, Rural New- Yorker, Prairie farmer, American agriculturist. 
Our country home. Southern cultivator, Tennessee farmer, New 
England farmer, Southern live-stock journal. National live-stock 
journal. New England homestead, New York tribune {weekly), 
Philadelphia weekly preis, etc. 

Porter, Edward D. 

Born August 12, 1829, at Tinmouth, Rutland Co., Ver- 
mont. Primary education in the di.strict schools of Ver- 
mont and the grammar schools of Philadelphia, Pa, Grad- . 
uated July 3, 1851, at university of Pennsylvania with 
degree of B. A. Appointed professor of natural philos- 
ophy and civil engineering in Delaware college, Newark, 
Del., May 30, 1851. On June 30, 1855, elected professor 
of mathematics and astronomy in the same college, which 
position he resigned July i, 1859. Appointed principal of 
New London academy. New London, Chester Co., Penn., 
August 12, 1859, and resigned April i, 1861. Elected 
principal of Newark academy, Newark, Delaware, April 
I, 1861, and acted as same 13 years. In 1867 reorganized 
Delaware college as an agricultural college, and was ap- 
pofhted vice-president and professor of agriculture. In 
1873 resigned principalship of Newark academy, and de- 
voted himself to the chair of agriculture and natural 
sciences at Delaware college, and the management of the 
experimental farm. In January, 1881, resigned his con- 
nection with Delaware college, after nearly 30 years con- 
stant connection with that institution, to accept the chair 
of theoretical and practical agriculture in the university of 
Minnesota. When the legislature of Minnesota authorized 
the establishment of an agricultural experiment station, 
under the control of the state university, he was made di- 
rector, which position he now holds. July, i, 1854, re- 
ceived degree M. A. from university of Pennsylvania, and 
.that of Ph. D. from Delaware college in 1883. Address : 
St. Anthony's Park, Minnesota. 


Poum:6roui,ie, Charlbs. 

Bom in 1863 at Chabanais (Dept. de la Charente), France. 
Attended public schools of native town. Studied seven 
years at the college of agriculture at St. Antoine (Char- 
ente inferieure), in the theory and practice of agriculture 
and borticulture graduating in 1882, receiving diploma in 
the first degree in these studies under director Theophile 
Dumas. After graduation passed two years with the Mar- 
quis de Dampierre, president of the agricultural society of 
France, to experiment with grape disease. From 1884-85 
engaged in various horticultural establishments, for get- 
ting additional information in floriculture, vine culture 
and nursery work. Came to America in March, 1886, and 
to the Minnesota agricultural experiment station about 
April I, 1886. Now assistant in horticulture at same sta- 
tion. Address : St. Anthony's Park, Minn. 

Prescot, a. T. 

Graduate of Louisiana state university, in which he is 
now a professor. Biologist to the Louisiana state agri- 
cultural experiment station. Has degree of A. M. Ad- 
dress : Baton Rouge, La. 

Preston, William Ballard. 

Born in 1858. Native of Virginia. Educated at Hamp- 
den Sidney college-, Virginia, and the Virginia military 
institute. Formerly professor i)f physics, etc. , at Virginia 
agricultural and mechanical college ; professor of agricul- 
ture and director of college farm, at same institution. 
May 23, 1888, elected director of agricultural experiment 
station at the Virginia agricultural and mechanical college. 
Address : Blacksburg, Virginia. 

Richardson, Clifford. 

Born March 6, 1856, at Worcester, Mass. Fitted for 
Harvard university at Worcester high school, and grad- 
uated from former in 1877, with degree of B. A. For one 
year worked with Prof. J. P.. Cooke on his researches into 
the atomic weight of antimony. From 1877-78, at uni- 


versity of Bonn, Germany. From July to Nov., 1878, on 
the U. S. geological and geographical survey, under Dr. 
F. V, Hayden, in western Wyoming and the Yellowstone 
park, acting as assistant photographer, and collector of 
botanical specimens. In November, 1878, appointed as- 
sistant chemist U. S. department of agriculture. Has 
made a special study of the chemical composition of Amer- 
ican grasses, and fodder crops and cereals, reporting re- 
sults of same in U. S. department of agriculture reports 
and bulletins. Appointed second assistant chemist of de- 
partment in 1880, and first assistant chemist in 1882. 
From April-July, 1883, acting chemist. Since June, 1887, 
chemist to the District of Columbia. For four years past, 
.secretary association of official agricultural chemists. Is 
a F. C. S., and member of the society of chemical indus- 
try, German chemical society, the American association 
for the advancement of science, etc., etc. Address: 
Washington, D. C. 


The chemical composition of American wheat and corn, pp. 69. 
Bull. No. I, chem. div. U. S. dept. agr., 1883.. 

The chemical composition, etc. Second report, pp. 98. Ibid. 

Third report on the chemical composition and physical proper- 
ties of American cereals, wheat, oats, barley and rye. Bull. No. 9, 
pp. 82, 1886. Ibid. 

Food and food adulterants. Bulletin No. 13, part 2, pp. 130. pi. 
16, 1887. Ibid. 

Food and food adulterants : Spices and condiments. Ibid., 1888. 

Methodsofanalysisof commercial fertilizers. Proc. 3dann. con v. 
off. agr. chem., Aug. 26-27. '86, pp. 59. Bull. 12. Ibid. 

Methods of analysis of commercial fertilizers, feeding stuffs and 
dairy products, adopted at the 4th ann. conv. ass. off. agr. chem., 
Aug. 16-18, 1887, pp. 80. Bull. 16, Ibid. 

The agricultural grasses of the United States, by Dr. Geo. Vasey ; 
also the chemical composition of American grasses by Clifford 
Richardson, 1884. 


Born in 1 86 1. Graduated at Iowa agricultural college 
in 1886 with degree of B. S. Assistant in farm experi- 


ments in 1887. Now horticulturist to the Arkansas agri- 
cultural experiment station. Address : Fayetteville, 

Riley, Charles V. 

Born Sept. 18, 1843, in London, England. Boyhood 
spent at Walton, on the Thames. Subsequently attended 
private schools at Chelsea and Bayswater, till 1854, when 
he went to France and entered the college of St. Paul at 
Dieppe, where he remained three years. The next three 
years were spent in a private school at Bonn, Prussia. In 
i860 came to America and settled on a farm in Illinois, 
in Kankakee county, where he remained till he went to 
Chicago to become reporter'on the Evening journal, and 
finally became editoriallj' connected with the Prairie 
farmer. Served in 134th Illinois volunteers from May, 
1864, till close of the war. In the spring of 1868 became 
state entomologist to Missouri, holding this place till 
1877, when he took charge of the Unites States commis- 
sion for investigating the Rocky Mountain locust. Made 
United States entomologist in spring of 1878, which place 
he resigned in 1879, and during this and the next year 
was engaged on the entomological commission. Was re- 
appointed United States entomologist upon the accession 
of Dr; I/Oring to the commissionership of agriculture, 
which position he has since held. Is curator of insects 
in the Smithsonian institution. Is corresponding mem- 
ber of London, French, Berlin, Swiss, Belgian and 
American entomological societies. For many years re- 
cording secretary, and for two years president St. Louis 
academy of science. Is a fellow of the American philo- 
sophical society ; American pomological society ; Amer- 
ican association for the advancement of science ; Associa- 
tion for the promotion of agricultural science, and of the 
philosophical and anthropological societies of Washing- 
ton, D. C. Has been lecturer on entomology to Cornell 
university, the Kansas state agricultural college, Missouri 
state university and Washington university, St. Louis. 
In 1872 given honorary A. M. by Kansas agricultural col- 


lege, and Ph. D. by Missouri state university in 1873. 
Address : Washington, D. C. 


In 1868 established the American entomologist, which complet- 
ed two volumes. Ha.s contributed voluminously to agricultural 
journals, especially Colman' s rural world , Rural New-Yorker, 
New York tribune, St. Louis Journal of agriculture. Garden 
(London), Nature (London), Gardener' s monthly , American agri- 
culturist. Popular science monthly, Ainerican naturalist, etc. 

Nine reports on insects of Missouri. 

Potato pests. Orange Judd company. 

Locust plague in the United Slates, 240 pp. 

Economic entomology in Campbell's atlas of Missouri, 

Contributed to Appleton's American cyclopaedia, Johnson's 
universal cyclopasdia, and the American edition of Cyclopaedia. 

Reports chief of entomological division of United States depart- 
ment of agriculture, excepting years i88o-8r. 

Roberts, Isaac Phillips. 

Born July 24, 1833, at East Varick, Seneca county, New 
York. Educated in district schools up to the age of 16. 
Three years in Seneca Falls (N. Y.) academy. Two win- 
ters of private instruction under a Yale graduate. Given 
degree of M. Ag. by Iowa agricultural college. Secretary 
board trustees same institution 1870-74, and occupied 
chair of agriculture there 1871-74. Member society for the 
promotion of agricultural science. Fellow national science- 
association. Professor agriculture at Cornell university, 
1874 to date. Appointed director Cornell university 
agricultural experiment station, 1888, and dean college 
of agriculture of Cornell in June, 1888. Address: Ithaca, 
N. Y. 


Author of about 100 papers published in Canadian, New York, 
Wisconsin and Pennsylvania annual dairy reports, and in leading 
agricultural papers of the United States. 

Agricultural education. Cylopaedia of education. 

Development of American agriculture : Encyclopaedia Brit- 

Effect of foods on civilization. Annual report for 1887, Hol- 
stein Friesian breeders' association. 


Ross, B. B. 

Graduate of the Alabama agricultural and mechanical 
college. Chemist to the Louisiana agricultural experi- 
ment station. Is also professor in the- Louisiana state 
university and agricultural and mechanical college. Has 
degree of M. S. Address : Baton Rolige, La. 

Ross, Isaac. 

Graduate of university of Alabama. Was breeder of 
Jersey cattle near Opelika, Ala. Now first assistant ag- 
riculturist, and in charge of the stock and dairy at Ala- 
bama experiment station. Address : Aiiburn, Ala. 

Russell, Frank L. 

Native of Maine, Graduated at the Maine state college 
in 1885, with degree of B. S. Since then graduated at 
the New York college of veterinary surgeons, with de- 
gree of V. S. For a time a practicing veterinary surgeon at 
Lewiston, Maine. In March, 1888, elected veterinarian to 
the Maine agricultural experiment station. Is now en- 
gaged in studying bacteriology and pathology at John's 
Hopkins university. Address : Baltimore, Md, 

Salmon, Daniel E. 

Born July 23, 1850, in Morris county. New Jersey. 
Graduated at Cornell university in 1872, with degree of 
B. V. S Visited Europe in 1872, and took a two term 
course at Alfort veterinary school, France. Given D. 
V. S. by Cornell university in 1876, and made non-resi- 
dent lecturer on veterinary science at same institution iu 
1877. In 1878 was appointed for two months veterina- 
rian to the bureau for investigating swine diseases. In 
1879 was appointed assistant to Dr. Law of Cornell to 
aid in stamping out contagious pleuro-pneumonia. This 
same year, under the auspices of U. S. department of 
agriculture began investigating animal diseases in the 
south. In 1883 commissioner of agriculture Loring ap- 
pointed him to lake charge of a veterinary division of the 
U. S. dept. of agriculture, and the same year congress 


passed an act establishing a bureau of animal industry, 
to which he was appointed chief, which position he has 
since held. Address : Bureau animal industry, Washing- 
ton, D. C. 


Many scientific papers in the reports of the United States de- 
partment of agriculture and bureau of animal industry. Also in 
the proceedings of the American association for the advancement 
of science, the society for the promotion of agricultural science ; 
the American public health association, and the biological society 
of Washington, D. C. 

Samford, T. D. 

Graduated from Alabama agricultural and mechanical 
college 1887 with degree of B. S. Assistant in botany 
and meteorology to Alabama agricultural experiment sta- 
tion. Address : Auburn, Ala. 

Sanborn, Jerbmiah W. 

Born Feb. 4, 1847, at Gilmanton, New- Hampshire. 
Educated at the academies of Pittsfield and Gilmanton, 
N. H. Given degree of B. S. by the New Hampshire 
agricultural college. Supt. of public schools of Gilman- 
ton when 21 years old. At 27 years of age became mem- 
ber of state legislature, and chairman in same of commit- 
tee on the agricultural college. In 1866 was elected su- 
perintendent of the New Hampshire agricultural college 
farm. In 1882, went to university of Missouri at Colum- 
bia, to become professor of agriculture and dean of the 
agricultural department. In 1882 elected secretary Mis- 
souri state board of agriculture. Is at present professor 
of agriculture in the university of Missouri, and director 
of the agricultural experiment station of that institution. 
Address : Columbia, Missouri. 


Numerous papers in the transactions of the New Hampshire 
State board of agriculture, concerning investigations on the New 
Hampshire agricultural college farm, up to 1882. General contri- 
butions to the agricultural press of the country. Twenty-eight bul- 

letins of the university of Missouri agricultural college farm an dex- 
periment station. Contributed the portion on the world's progress 
in agriculture in Gateley's "World's progress." 

Schweitzer, Paul. 

Born March i6, 1840, at Berlin, Germany. -Educated 
at the gymnasium and university of Berlin. Degree of 
Ph. D. from university Gottingen. From 1860-62 was 
chemist of chemical works at Schoeningua, Brunswick, 
Germany. Assistant to Prof Henry Rose of Berlin from 
1862-63. Volunteer in Prussian army 1863-64. Assist- 
ant teacher, polytechnic school of the state of Pennsyl- 
vania, Philadelphia, 1865-66. Assistant school of mines, 
Columbia college. New York city, 1866-72. Professor of 
chemistry in Missouri state university from 1872 to date. 
In July, 1888, elected chemist to Mo. agr. exp. station. 
Corresponding member New York academy of science. 
Fellow American association for the advancement of 
science. Address : Columbia, Mo. 


On tribasic phosphoric acid, etc. Annals of the lyceuni of nat- 
ural history, N. Y., 1869. 

On the quantitative .separation and determination of iodine, 
bromine and chlorine. Chemical news, (American supplement) 

The various methods for the determination and separation of 
baryta, strontia and lime, etc. American chemist, 1870. 

On chresol and phenol and their homologues. American chem- 
ist, 1871. 

On the action of sulphurous acids on metals. Ibid. 

Notice of a curious boiler deposit. Ibid. 

On the felsites of the Palisade ranges. Ibid. 

On the employment of bromine in analytical chemistry. Ibid. 

Analysis of two specimens of mica. Catalogue Mo. state univer- 
sity. 1874. 

Analysis of four feldspars. Ibid. 

Action of rain water on lead pipes. Ibid. 

Columbia chalybeate spring. Ibid. 

The water supply of Columbia. Ibid. 

On the specific gravity of lead. IbM. 

On the true composition of coal, and on the methods of arriving 
at it, etc. Ibid. 1875. 


The water supply of Columbia, .Boone Co., Mo. Ibid. 

The various methods of separating aud determining barium, 
strontium and calcium. Proc. Amer. chem soc, 1876. 

On the cause of discrepancies in the estimation of silver in pig 
lead. Ibid. 

Analysis of the gneiss of Manhattan island. Ibid. 

Some neve acid ammonium sulphates. Ibid. 

A lecture ou petroleum, its history, etc. Pamphlet, 1878. 

Analysis of potable waters. Rep. chemist of board of health 
lo town of Columbia, Mo., 1879. 

Statistics on the production of wheat in the United States,' etc. 
Rep. Board of agriculture of Missouri. 1881. 

A large number of analyses of mineral waters. 1881. 


Born Feb. 26, 1855, in New Jersey. Graduate of the 
chemical course, university of Illinois, 1875, with degree 
of B. S., and given degree of M. S. for post graduate 
work, by same. Assistant in chemistry, instructor, as- 
sistant professor and professor of agricultural chemistry 
at university of Illinois, 1875-82. Chemist and manager 
Kansas sugar company, 1882-85. Spe;cial agent U. S. 
department of agriculture, 1885, for the erection of dif- 
fusion batteries for extraction of sugar from sorghum and 
sugar cane in Kansas and Louisiana. Director Kentucky 
agricultural experiment station, 1885 to date. Address : 
Lexington, Ky. 


Report on the manufacture of sugar, syrup and glucose from 
sorghum. By H. A. Weber and M. A. Scovell. iS8l. 

Reports and bulletins Kentucky agricultural experiment station. 


Born April 19, 1851, at Salem, Mass. Educated in 
district sirhoolat Manchester, Me., aud in Hebron, Kent's 
Hill and Waterville Classical institute. Graduated in 
Maine state college in 1873, with degree of B. S. Taught 
in district schools of Maine during college course. Lec- 
tured on botany in 1876 in Bowdoin college summer 
school of science, and previous to this taught botany to 
the school teachers and others of Bangor, Me. Assistant 


in fish hatchery with commissioner C. G. Atkins, at 
Bucksport and Grand l,ake Stream, Maine, 1874-75. An 
officer in Girard college from Jan. i, 1877-May i, 1885. 
Field botanist t-o Northern trans-continental survey, 1883. 
From May i, 1885-Nov. i, 1888, in United States depart- 
ment of agriculture of Washington, first as assistant. bot- 
anist (one year) and then as chief of the section of vege- 
table Ipathology. From Nov. i, 1888, to date, professor 
of botany and horticulture, university of Tennessee and 
state agricultural and mechanical college, Knoxville, and 
botanist and horticulturist to Tennessee agricultural ex- 
periment station. Member academy natural sciences of 
Philadelphia, and recording secretary botanical section 
same ; society for the promotion of agricultural science, 
Bufialo academy of natural science ; biological society of 
Washington. Corresponding member Torrey botanical 
club. Fellow American association for the advancement 
of science. Chevalier of the order of merit agricole of 
France. Address : Knoxville, Tenn. 


Weed.s of Maine. Report Maine board of agriculture for 1869. 

Ornamental and useful plants of Maine, I.e., 1874. 

List of grasses collected by Mr. C. G. Pringle in Arizona and 
California in summer of 18S1. Torrey bulletin, 1882 vol. ix, 6, 7, 8, 
12 ; X, 3. 

List of grassed from Washington Territory, I. c. vol. x, 6, 7. 

Grasses of the Yellowstone national park. Botanical gazette, 
vol, xi, 7. 

Some arctic grasses. I.e., vol. xi, 2. 

New or little known grasses. Torrey bulletin, vol. xv, i. 

Notes on Andropogon. Botanical gazette, vol. xiii, it. 

Observations on the genus Cinna. with description of, a new 
species. Proc. acad. nat. sci., of Philadelphia, 1884, i pi. 

Revision of the North American Meliceaa, 1. c, 1S85, pp. ,40-48, 
I pi. ' • 

Agricultural grasses of central Montana. Proc. soc. p;:o. of agr. 
sci., 1883, pp. 12. 

Agricultural grasses of Arizona, 1. c, 1885, pp. 5, 

Black rot, 1. c, 1885, pp. 7. 

A new fungus disease of the vine: Greeneria.fuliginea,\. c, 
,1887, pp. 2. 


New observations on the fungus of black rot of grapes, 1. c, 
1888, pp. 4. 

Successful treatment of black rot, I.e., 1888. 

Contributions to the flora of Kansas — Gramineae, pi. 3, pp. $. 
Proc. lyihaun. meet. Kansas acail. of sci. 

Fungus diseases of plants. U. S. dept. of agr. rep., 1885, pp. 
76-87, pi. I. 

Fungus diseases of the grape vine. Bull. 2, botan. div., U. S. 
dept. agr., pp. 123, pi. 7, i88b. 

Report mycological section. U. S. dept. agr. rep., 1886, pp. 
95-138, pi. 9, maps 2. 

Report section vegetable pathology, U. S. dept. agr. rep., 1887, 

PP- 323-397, Pl- 17- 

Report on the experiments made in 1887 in the treatment of the 
downy mildew and the black rot of the grape vine, with a chap- 
ter on the apparatus for applying remedies for these diseases. 
Bull. 5, botanical div., section vegetable pathology, U. S. dep. agr., 
188S, pp. 113, fig. 24, pl. II. 

Fungicides. Circular, section vegetable pathology. U. S. dept. 
agr.. No. 5, pp. 10, fig. 2, 1888. 

Cereals and grasses. Cyc. Brit. Amer. supp. 

Botanical characters of the black rot. Physalospora BidweUii, 
Sacc. Read before botanical club. Amer. ass. for the adv. of sci., 
1888, pp. 4, pl. I. 

Black rot yLcestadia BidweUii) (with P. Viala). Bull. 7, section 
veg. paith., U. S. dept. of agr., 1888, pp. 29, pl. 1. 

Fungus diseases of the vine and their remedies. Proc. N. J. 
state hort. soc, i2th ann, meeting, 1886, pp. 123-145, pl. i. 

Observations the past season with grape rot and mildew, , I.e., 
1887 pp. 133-146. 

Le traitement du black rot eu Amerique, par M. P. Viala, suivi 
du rapport oflSeeil par M. Lamson Scribner. Progres agricole, 
1888, pp. 7, fig- 3- 

Experiences sur le traitement du black rot et du brown rot eu 
Amerique. Le progris agricole, Sept. 30, 1888. 

Has also contributed various papers on grasses and fungi for 
Caiman's rural world, Orchard and garden, Maine farmer , Home 
farm, Progres agricole, Torrey bulletin. Botanical gazette. 

Shelton, Edward Mason. 

Born Aug. 7, 1846, at Huntingdonshire, England. 
Came to America (western New York) in 1855, and re- 
moved to Michigan in i860. Graduated from Mich. agr. 
college in 187 1. Studied under Dr. Manley Miles at 
Illinois industrial university. . Superintendent of the 


government experiment farm, Tokio, Japan, 1872. In 
1873 joined the Greeley colony of Colorado, but re- 
turned to Mich. agr. college. Since 1874 professor of ag- 
riculture and superintendent farm, Kansas agricultural 
college, and since 1888 director agricultural experiment 
station of that college. Address : Manhattan, Kan. 


Has contributed largely to the agricultural press, and written 
reports and bulletins of the experiment work at the Kansas agr. 
college farm. 

Shiel, William. 

A native of Scotland. In charge of the field experi- 
ments at the Louisiana sugar experiment station. Ad- 
dress : Kenner, La. 

Short, Frederick Garland. 

Born 1858, in Boston, Mass. Graduated from the Bos- 
ton city schools. Was two years special student in 
chemistry at Harvard university. Instructor in chemis- 
try one year at Worcester free institute, Worcester, Mass. 
From 18S4 to date first assistant chemist to Wisconsin 
agricultural experiment station. 


Born in 1853. Graduated from Cornell university in 
1875 with degree of B. S., receiving M. S. in 1876 from 
same, and Ph. D. from Syracuse university in 1879. In- 
structor in geology and paleontology at Cornell univer- 
sity, 1875-77. Prof, of geology, zoology and botany atuni- 
versity of North Carolina, 1877-81. Special agent for loth 
census United States in 1880. I,ecturer on economic geol- 
ogy, Cornell university, 1887. Since, professor of biology 
and geology to Arkansas industrial university. Special as- 
sistant to Arkansas geological survey since 1887. Biolo- 
gist to Arkansas agricultural experiraent station. Ad- 
dress : Fayetteville, Ark," 



On the geological survey of Ithaca, N. Y., and vicinity. 

Rhododendron Catawbiensis. 

Discovery of iron implements in a prehistoric mine in North 

Occurrence of mica in North Carolina. 

New Alamado mines of California, etc. 

Sims, C. W. 

Was graduated from South Carolina college (now uni- 
versity of South Carolina) in 1883 with degree of B. S. 
After post-graduate course of three years in this college, 
was given M. A. Taught in graded schools of Colum- 
bia, S. C. Is now assistant chemist to the South Caro- 
lina agricultural experiment station. Address : Colum- 
bia, S. C. 

SpEER, R. p. 

Born in 1828 near Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Educat- 
ed at Alleghany college, Penn. Moved to Cedar Falls', 
Iowa in 1853. Capt. Co. B. 31st, Iowa infantry vol., 
1862-65. Owned and managed for 22 years the largest 
general nursery of fruit and forest trees, etc., in northern 
Iowa. In 1874 member lower house of Iowa legislature. 
President Iowa state horticultural society for two years, 
and director of said society 12 years. Member board of 
trustees Iowa agricultural college for four years. In Feb- 
ruary, 1888, elected director Iowa agricultural experiment 
station. Address : Ames, Iowa. 


Hss contributed articles for many years to annual reports Iowa 
state horticultural society. 

Spencer, Guilford L,, 

Graduated from Purdue university in 1879 with degree 
of B. S. and A. C. Studied at university of Michigan, 
1879-81, receiving degree of M. S. Assistant to state 
chemist of Indiana, 1882. Student in H. Pellet's private 
laboratory, Paris, France. Assistant chemist, in general 
analytical work, U. S. department of agriculture. Ad- 
dress : Washington, D, C, 



Bulletin 5, divisiou of chemistry, U. S. dept. of agriculture, 
part II, pp. 106-136. 

Bulletin II. Ibid. 

Bulletin 15. Ibid. 

Papers on the manufacture of sugar and determination of phos- 
phoric acid. 

Smith, Jared Gage. 

Born in 1886, atScotsburgli, N. Y. Graditated in 1888, 
at the university of Nebraska, with degree of B. S. As- 
sistant agriculturist, agricultural experiment station, uni- 
versity of Nebraska. 

Smith, I,oren P. 

Born Oct, 16, 1850, at Trumansburg, New York. Ed- 
ucated in public schools home, and graduated at Cornell 
university in 1872, with degree of B. Agr,, receiving M. 
S. degree from same in 1873. Employed two years at the 
Alexander institute, White Plains, N. Y., and one win- 
ter on the Vermont state board of agriculture, by the uni- 
versity of Vermont. Address : Atnes, Iowa. 

Confined to newspaper articles. 

Smith, Theobald. 

Born in 1859, at Albany, New York. Graduated at 
Albany high school in 1876 ; at Cornell university in 
1881 with degree of Ph. B., and at Albany medical col- 
lege in 1883 with degree of M. D. Since early in 1884 
has had charge of the laboratory of the bureau of animal 
industry of the U. S. dept. of agriculture. Non-resi- 
dent lecturer on pathogenic bacteria and their relation to 
hygiene at Cornell university, 1886 and 1887. Ivecturer on 
bacteriology at the Columbian university medical college, 
Washington, D. C. Address : Bureau animal industry, 
Washington, D. C, 


During past four years has published 10-15 minor articles on 
bacteriology in New York and Philadelphia medical journals. 
Some of these have been reprinted in the American microscopical 

Stockbridge, Horace Edward. 

Born May, 19, 1857, at North Hadley, Mass. Stud- 
ied in public schools of Hadley and Amherst, and at 
Power's institute, Bernardston, Mass. Graduated from 
Mass. agricultural college in 1878 with degree of B. S., 
and receiving same from Boston university. Post-gradu- 
ate in chemistry at Mass. agr. college, 1878-80, being as- 
sistant in sorghum sugar experiments at Amherst in 1878. 
Special chemist to United States department of agricul- 
ture, Washington in 1888. Student in chemistry January 
to September, 1881, at Mass. agr. college, and from Sep- 
tember, '81, to January, '82, instructor in chemistry at 
same institution. From April, 1882, to August, 1884, 
studied chemistry, agriculture and the natural sciences 
at Gottingen, Germany, receiving Ph. D. degree in 
August, 1884. Associate professor of chemistry, Mass. 
agr. college, 1884-85. From June, 1885-88, professor of 
chemistry and geology in the Imperial college of agricul- 
ture, Sapporo, Japan, and in 1887 appointed chief chem- 
ist to the government for the department of the Hok- 
kaido. Now director Purdue university agricultural ex- 
periment station. Address : I^ayfayette, Indiana. 


Six prize essays from the Peim. state agricultural society, 

Ueber die Analytischen Bestimmungen derZuckers der Kiibe 
nebst der Anwendung von Neuren Verfahen. 1884. 

Comparative experiments with manures in solid and liquid 
forms, 1886. 

Occurrence of muscarine as a product of putrefaction : Fatal 
poisoning through the consumption of this alkaloid as a pto. 
maine, 1887. 

Report on a case of criminal morphine poisoning, 1887. 

Report of the chemist to the government for the Hokkaido, 
including experiments conducted, 1888, 


Rocks and soils : their origin, composition, and characteristics) 
chemical, geological and agricultural. John Wiley and 
Sons. 1888. 

Stone, Winthrop Ellsworth. 

Born June 12, 1862, in Chesterfield, New Hampshire. 
Attended the public schools of that town, and, 
Mass. until 1878. Graduated in 1882 at the Mass. agri- 
cultural college with degree of B. S. Assistant and in 
charge for a time of experimental work at Houghton 
farm experiment station, from 1882 to 1884. From 
1884-86 assistant to Dr. C. A. Goessmann. at Mass. agri- 
cultural experiment station. Studied two years at the 
university of Gbttingen, Germany, in 1888 receiving de- 
gree of Ph. D. in chemistry and botany. Since Sept. i, 
1888, chemist to the Tennessee agricultural experiment 
station at Knoxville. Address : Knoxville, Tenn. 


Published short papers in connection with the work at Hough- 
ton farm in reports of the same, in reports of New York state 
agricultural society, and articles in various agricultural per- 

Ueber die Gahrung der Galactose. Ber.d. Deutsche Chem. Gesells- 
chaft., xxi, 1573. 

Furfurol bildung als Reaction auf Arabinose. Ibid., xxi, 2148. 

Ueber Arabinose, Galactose uud ahnliche Korper. Pamphlet. 

A reaction for arabinose audits occurrence in cereals. Agricul- 
tural science, Dec, 1888. 

Stubbs, William C. 

Born in Gloucester county, Virginia. Educated at 
William and Mary and Randolph Macon colleges, and 
the university of Virginia, graduating at the latter in 
186.8. Taught in east Alabama college, and the Ala- 
bama state agricultural and mechanical college till 1885. 
Was also Alabama state chemist till 1885. From 1885 to 
date professor of agriculture in the Louisiana state uni- 
versity, and state agricultural and mechanical college, di- 
rector of the agricultural • experiment stations, and state 
chemist. Has degree of A. M. and Ph. D. Address : 
Baton Rouge, La. 


Sturtevant, E. Lewis. 

Born Jan. 23, 1842, at Boston, Mass. Graduated at 
Bowdoin college, degree of A. B. Enlisted Sept. 10, 1862. 
Jan. 10, i860, Capt. Co. G. 24th Maine volunteers. Editor 
Scientific farmer, Boston, Mass., part of the time in con- 
junction with E. H. Libby, from February, 1876, to Octo- 
ber, 1879. Director New York agricultural experiment 
station, Geneva, New York, January, 1882, to December, 
1887. Address : South Framingham, Mass. 


Frequent contributor to agricultural press, and lecturer on ag- 
ricultural subjects. 

Summers, Henry E. 

Born August 18, 1863, in Rochester, New York. 
Graduated from Rochester free academy in 1882, and 
from Cornell university in 1886 with degree of B. S. 
From 1886-87, fellow in comparative anatomy at Cornell 
and during 1887-88 in comparative anatomy and ento- 
mology at same. Since 1888 associate professor of zoology 
at the university of Tennessee, and entomologist to the 
Tenessee agricultural experiment station. Address : 
Knoxville, Tenn. 

SwEETSER, William S. 

Born Dec. 24, 1865, at Worcester, Mass., where received 
early education. Graduated from Worcester high school 
in 1885, and Worcester polytechnic institute in 1888, in 
chemical course, receiving degree of B. S. Now second 
assistant chemist at Pennsylvania state college agr. exp. 
station. Address : State College, Penn. 

Taft, Levi R. 

Born Aug. 22, 1859, at Menden, Mass. Studied at 
Menden high school, 1874-78. Graduated from Mass. 
agricultural college in 1882, with degree of B. S. Assist- 
ant in botanical department, Mass. agr. college, 1882-85, 
and assistant professor of horticulture and bursar 1883-85. 


Professor of horticultui-eand assistant professor of biology, 
university of Missouri, 1885-88. Since '88 professor of hor- 
ticulture in the Michigan agricultural college, and horti- 
culturist to the agricultural experiment station of the 
same. Address: Agricultural College, Mich. 


Has contributed to the agricultural press. 

Thorne, Charles E. 

Bom Oct. 4, 1846, in Green county, Ohio. Educated 
in country district and private schools, supplemented with 
a few terms in the Michigan agricultural college, and in 
Antioch college. Farm superintendent Ohio state uni- 
versity, 1877-81 ; associate editor Farm and fireside, 
1881-87 ; director Ohio agricultural experiment station 
from 1888 to date. Address : Columbus, Ohio. 

Tracy, S. M. 

Born April 30, 1847, at Hartford, Vermont. Graduated 
from the Michigan agricultural college in 1868 with de- 
gree of B. S. Professor of botany and horticulture, 
Missouri state university, 1877-87. Now director of 
Mississippi agricultural experiment station. Has degree 
of M. S. Address : Agricultural College, Miss. 


PhEeiiogamic flora of Missouri. 

Report of investigation of western grasses. For U. S. dept. of 

Has written numerous papers on agricultural and scientific sub- 

Trelease, William. 

Educated at Cornell and Harvard universities. Professor 
of botany at university of Wisconsin till 1887. Since, di- 
rector Shaw school of botany, St. Louis, Missouri, and 
consulting botanist Arkansas agricultural experiment 
station. Address : St. lyOUis, Mo. 

Numerous botanical works. 


Trescot, Thomas C. 

Assistant chemist, United States department of agri- 
culture, engaged in general agricultural analyses, espe- 
cially nitrogen determination. ' Address : Washington, 
D. C. 

Troop, James. 

Born March 15, 1853, at Bennington, New York. Edu- 
cated at home public school. Graduated at Michigan ag- 
ricultural college in 1878, with degree of B. S., and re- 
ceived M. S. in 1882. From 1881-84 assistant in botany 
and horticulture at same college. Professor of horticul- 
ture and entomology, Purdue university, 1884 to present, 
and now horticulturist to Purdue university agricultural 
experiment station. Address : lyafayette, Indiana. 


Reports and bulletins of horticultural experiments, 1884-88. 

TuTTLE, Albert H.* 

Born in 1844, in' Summit Co., Ohio. Graduated at 
Pennsylvania state college, 186S. Taught from 1868-70 
in first state normal school of Wisconsin. Graduate stu- 
dent and instructor in microscopy in Harvard museum of 
zoology under Prof. Agassiz, ' 1870-72. Travelled and 
studied in Europe 1872-74. Professor in Ohio state uni- 
versity 1874-88 ; during one year of, this period absent on 
leave as graduate student in the biological laboratory of 
Johns Hopkins university. In summer of 1888 elected 
professor of biology and agriculture at university of Vir- 
ginia at Charlottesville, Va. 

*Abstracted from Science, Sept. 14, 1888. 


Born 1858. Graduated at the Maine state college in 
1886 with the degree of B. S. Assistant in agricultural 
chemistry at Cornell university, 1886-87. Now chemist 
and vice director Arkansas agricultural experiment sta- 
tion. Address : Fayetteville, Ark. 


Tyler, C. F. 

Graduated at Berea college, Ohio. Assistant in Lpivi- 
siana sugar station sugar house. Address : Keuner, La. 


Born June 22, 1856, at Mine Brook, Somerset county, 
New Jersey. Attended public schools till 12 years of 
age. From iSys-'yy assumed management of his father's 
farm. Graduated from Rutgers college in 1 88 1 with degree 
ofA. B. From September, 1881, till June, 1882, assistant to 
Prof W. O. Atwater, of Wesleyan university, aiding in and in chemical work upon the nutritive value 
of foods, and the sources of nitrogen in plants. Appointed 
in June, 1882, as first assistant chemist to the New Jersey 
agricultural experiment station. In 1884 the degree of 

A. M. was conferred by Rutgers college for work done and 
thesis presented. Address : New Brunswick, N. J. 

Warner, Clarence Duane. 

Born June 16, 1852, at Granb}^ Mass. Received di- 
ploma Salem collegiate 'institute. Graduated at Mass. 
agric. college in 1881 with degree of B. S. Studied under 
Prof. J. J.' Sylvester at Johns Hopkins university, 1883- 
84. Since 1884 has held chair of mathematics and physics 
at the Mass. agric. college, and since 1888 has acted as 
meteorologist to the Hatch experiment station of the same 
college. Address : Amherst, Mass. 

Published a work on mensuration in 1886. 

Weber, Adolph H. 

Born September, 9, 1859, at San Francisco, Cahfornia. 
Attended public schools of San Francisco, and graduated 
at the universit}' of California in 1880 with degree of Ph. 

B. Studied at Freiburg, Saxony, from 1880-84, under 
CI. Winkler, Weisbach and Richter, and took degree of 
metallurgical engineer. Field assistant United States 
geological survey in summer 1886. Geologist in field of 


California state mining bureau from July, 1887, to March, 
1888. At present assistant in college of agriculture, uni- 
versity of California. Address : Berkeley, California. 


Report to the state mineralogist in state mineralogist's seventh 
report for 1888. 

Weed, Clarence M. 

Born Oct. 5, 1864, at Toledo, Ohio. Attended private 
German school, and then public school course at Lansing, 
Mich. Graduated at Mich, agricultural college, 1883, 
with degree of B. S. Special student and assistant to 
Prof A. J. Cook at same institution, and part of time stu- 
dent under Prof J. H. Comstock, at Cornell university. 
In 1884 given degree of M. S. by Mich. agr. college. As- 
sistant editor Pratrze farmer, 1884-85. Entomological as- 
sistant at Illinois state laboratory of natural history, under 
Prof S. A. Forbes,. 1885-88. Entomologist Ohio agr. 
exp. station, 1888 to date. Entomological editor Prairie 
farmer, 1885-88. In charge of entomological department 
Orange Judd farmer, and American garden. Address: 
Columbus, Ohio. 


Food of birds, toads and frogs, 1884. 

Some new Illinois Microgasters, 1887. 

Experiments in preventing curculio injuries to cherries, etc. , 1888. 

WiCKSON, Edward J. 

Born August 3, 1848, at Rochester, N. Y. Graduated 
at Hamilton college, 1869, with degree of A. B. In 1872 
took A. M. in course. Agricultural editor Uticd morning 
herald, 1872-75. President Utica dairymen's board of 
trade, 1874-75. Secretary New York farmer's club, 1873- 
1875. Editor Pacific rural press (San Francisco) 1876, to 
date. Lecturer on dairy husbandry in the college of agri- 
culture, university of California, 1878-1885. Secretary 
Cahfomia state horticultural society, 1879 to date. Lec- 
turer on practical agriculture and instructor in economic 


entomology, university of California, 1885, to date. As- 
sistant superintendent of experimental grounds, univer- 
sity of California, 1886, to date. President San Fran- 
cisco microscopical socieiy, 1S86. Address : Berkeley, 


Contributions to agricultural literature have been chiefly edi- 
torial writings for above named journals. 

Dairy husbaridry, Harper's magazine, Nov. 1875. 

Chemistry of feeding, N. Y. state dairymen's ass'n. Rep. 1875. 

Science and farming. Illinois dairymen's soc. Rep. 1875. 

Synopsis course lectures on dairy husbandry. Rep. college of 
agriculture, university of California, 1879. 

Address at corner stone laying Chaffee college of agriculture, 
university of southern California, 1883. 

Wheat varieties resisting Hessian fly. Bulletin 58, university 
experiment station (California), Oct. 9, 1886. 

Reports on forage.plants and cereals. Bulletin 72, university of 
California, Aug. 12, 1887. 

Reports on injurious insects. Report university of California, 
college of agriculture, 1887. 

Arsenical sprays for codlin mdth. Bulletin 75, university of Cal- 
ifornia, experiment station, Nov. 19, 1887. 

California mission fruits. Overland monthly, April, 1888. 
: The Vacaville fruit district. California view publishing com- 
pany, 1888. 

Wheeler, William P. 

Born at Syracuse, N. Y. First assistant at the New 
York agricultural experiment station, and assistant chem- 
ist. Address : Geneva, N. Y. 

Whitcher, George H. 

Born Nov. 13, i860, at Strafford, New Hampshire. 
Attended Coe' 8 academy at Northwood, N. H., and one 
term at Pittsfield academy, N. H. Graduated at the 
New Hampshire agricultural college in 1881. Superin- 
tendent New Hampshire agricultural college farm in 
1883 ; instructor in agriculture at same college, 1883-87 ; 
professor of agriculture at same 1887 to date. In Feb- 
ruary, 1888, elected director of the New Hampshire ag- 
ricultural experiment .station, Address : Hanover, N. H. 


White, B. O. 

Bom July 17, 1848. Graduated in the chemical course 
of the uuiversitj^ of Vermont in 1873, with degree of Ph. 
B. Professor of natural sciences, Dickenson seminary, 
Williamsport, Pennsylvania, . from 1874-76, and same 
chair at Western college, Iowa, 1876-79. Farmer, Col- 
chester, Vermont, 1879-87. . Assistant chemist Vermont 
agricultural experiment station from March, 1887. Ad- 
dress : Burlington, Vt. 

White, H. C. 

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1850. Educated in 
private schools in and near Baltimore, and at the univer- 
sity of Virginia. Has degrees of A. M., B. S., C. E., 
M. E. and Ph. D. Was professor of chemistry in St. 
John's college, Annapolis, Md. Science lecturer to Pea- 
body institute, Baltimore. Is now professor of chemistry 
in the university of Georgia, state chemist to Georgia, 
and chief chemist to Georgia agricultural experiment 
station. Address : Athens, Georgia. 

Whitney, Milton. 

Native of Baltimore, Maryland. Studied agricultural 
chemistry, physics and allied science for three years at 
Johns Hopkins university. Appointed assistant in 
chemical laboratory in Bowdoin college, Maine, and later 
studied under Prof. W. O. Atwater, at Wesleyan univer- 
sity, and was an assistant in the Connecticut agricultural 
experiment station. For two years farm superintendent 
of the North Carolina agricultural experiment station. 
Since 1888 professor of agriculture in the university of 
South Carolina, and vice-director South Caroline agricul- 
tural experiment station. Address : Columbia, S. C. 

Wiley, Harvey W. 

Graduated at Hanover college, 1867, degree A. B., re- 
ceiving A. M. from same in 1870, and Ph. D. in 1876. 
Received M. D. degree from Indiana medical college, 
1871, and B. S. from Harvard university in 1873. Stud- 


iedin Berlin in 1878. Professor of Latin and Greek, But- 
ler university, Indiana, 1868-71; science teacher, Indian- 
apolis high school, 1872 ; professor of chemistry, Butler 
university, 1874; professor of chemistry, Indiana medical 
college, 1874-77 ; same position, Purdue university, 1874 
-83; Indiana state chemist, 1881-83 ; chief chemist Unit- 
ed States department of agriculture, 1883 to date. Presi- 
dent section C, American assn. for the adv. of sci., 1886; 
of the chemical society of Washington, 1886, and of the 
association of official agricultural chemists, 1886. Ad- 
dress : Washington, D. C. 


An automalic filtering apparatus. Amer.jour. sci., v. p. 350. 

The metric system of weights and measures in pharmacy, Proc. 
Amer. assn. adv. of sci., 1S73, pp. 94 et seq. 

Apparatus for rapid evaporation,, Proc. A. A. A. S., 1876, 
Amer. chemist, October, 1876. 

Apparatns for continual extraction with ether or alchohol, I¥oc. 
A. A. A. S., 1876. 

Analysts of Amejican woods. Ibid.. 

A new form of Goniometer. Ibid. 1877. 

A new reaction for the detection of hydrochloric acid in pres- 
ence of hydrobromic and hydroiodic acids. Ainer. chem. jour., 
ii, p. 48., Chem. news, xli, p. 176. 

Absorption spectrum of uranine. Amer. chem. jour., i, 211. 

Analysis of maple saps. Proc. A. A. A. S., . 1879. 

Rotatory power of glucose and grape sugar. Ibid., 1880, pp. 308. 

Influence of acids and bone black on rotatory power of glucose. 
Ibid., 1880, pp. 320. 

Amylose. Ibid., 1881. Science, Oct. i, 1881, 

Mixed sugars. F*roc. A. A. A. S., i88r. 

Relation of reducing power of glucose to its specific rotatory 
power. Ibid., 1881. 

Sugar cane. Phar. jour, and trans., xii, p. 140. Chem. zeit., 

1881, p. 856,/. Ber.d. chem., 1881, 984. 

Estimation of starch sugar in cane sugar. yo«r. Amer. chem. sac, 
i88q, p. 387._ " 

Adulterations of sugar and sirups. Rep. Indiana state board of 
health. 1883. 

Direct determination of dextrose, dextrine and maltose in glu- 
cose and grape sugar. Chem. news, xlvi, p. 175 ; Dingl, jour., 
cclvii, p. 378; Chem. geit., vi, p. 1206; Wagner's /asAn Ber., 

1882, p. 692. 


Report on glucose. Nat. acad. science, p. 19; Bui. del' assoc. der 
chimistes. ii, p. 201. Zeit.d. Ver.f. d. Rubenzuckerind. d. Deutch. 
Reichs., Oct., 1884. 

American butters and their adulterations. PfOC. A. A. A. S., 
1883. Jersey bulletin, iii, p. 313. 

Note sur un proc^d6 pour indiquer la fin de la reaction du glu- 
cose avec une solution alcaline de cuivre. Bull.d. V assoc. deschi- 
mistes,ii,i884,p.io8;Zeit. d. Ver.f. Rubenzuckerind., ■x.s.i,'^. 
1 151; Chem. Central. Blatt,yi\, p. 959. 

Analyses des Cannes k sucre, des Cannes &. sorgho et des bagas- 
ses. Bull d V assoc. des chimistes, ii, p. 154. 

Composition of American milks. Science, V. p. 130. 

Determination of lactose in milk by optical methods. Amer. 
chem. jour., v, pp. 289 et seq. 

Beilstein. Organische Chemie, p. 847. 

Composition of maple sugar and sirups, and their adulterations. 
Ghent, news, Ii, 1317, pp, 884-. 

Honey and its adulterations. Amer. apicuL, iii, 12, 1885. 

Estimation of acetic acid in liquids containing organic matter 
by distillation. Chem. new}, liv, p. 34, Chem. Central- Blatt, 
xvii,p. 844. 

Kumys. Amer. chem. jour., viii, p. 200. 

Economical aspects of agricultural chemistry. Proc. A. A. A. 
5., 1886. , 

Melting point of fats. Ibid.; Jour. Anal, chem., I, No. i. 

Areometric method of estimating fats in milk. Ibid. 

Inaugural addiess president association of official agricultural 
chemists. Bull, iz, chem. div. U. S. dept. agr., Sept. 1886. 

Unexplained noises. Science, Oct. T5, i885. 

Annual presidential address of the chemical society of Washing- 
ton. "Our sugar supply." Dec, 1886. 

Bulletins of chemical division, U. S. dept. of agr., Nos. 2, 3, 5, 6, 
8, 13, 14, 17, 18. 

Renort on methods of analysis of dairy products. Bull. 16, chetn. 
div. U. S. dep. agr. 

Report on analyses of potash. Ibid., No. 7. 

Sorghum as a sugar producing plant. Proc. 8th meeting sac. 
prom. agr. sci., pp. Sa-f. 

Sorghum, its success and value. Address before the agricultural 
society of Indiana. Proceedings, 18S3. 

The spirit of scientific progress. at i6th commence- 
ment Indiana med. coll., Feb. 27, 1885. 

On the causes of variation in the content of sucrose in sor- 
ghum. Botanical gazette, March, 1887. 

The use of phosphorus contained it} irpq. ores as a fertilizer. 
Agricultural science, i, 3, pp. 49+. 


The refractive index of oils. Washington chemical society. 
March meeting, 1888. Jour. analy.chem.,ll,ViQ. 2,- 

Bechi's test for cotton seed oil. Wash. chem. soc, March meet- 
ing, 1888. Jour. chem. soc, 11, No. 3. 

Note on the action of the digestive fluids on cotton seed oil. 
Wash. chem. soc , March meeting, 1888. 

The value of the iodine number in sorting lards. Ibid., April 

Sweet cassava {fatrophamanihot, or A'ipi. Agricultural science, 
ii, p- 256+. 

Wilkinson, L. W. 

Born March 6, i860, in Barbour county, Alabama. 
Ivived on a farm near Ozark, Ala. Common school 
education till 20 years of age. Then taught district 
schools two years. Prepared for college at Clop- 
ton high school. Dale county, Ala. Graduated from Ala- 
bama agricultural and mechanical college in 1886, with 
degree of B. S. Received degree of M, S. on completing 
post graduate course in 1888. Second assistant chemist 
at Alabama a,gricultural experiment station. Address : 
Auburn, Ala. 

WiivLiTs, Edwin. 

Native of New York, but moved to Michigan in 1836. 
Graduated from university of Michigan in 1855. Has 
held various political positions in the state, in the mean- 
while practicing law. From 1883-85, principal state nor- 
mal school ; since 1885, president Michigan agricultural 
college. In 1888 elected director of Mich. agr. exp. sta- 
tion. Address : Agricultural College, Mich. 

WippRECHT, Walter. 

Born Jan, 3, 1864, at Sisterdale, Kendall county, Texas. 
Graduated from Texas agricultural and mechanical col- 
lege in 1884 with no degree, but as post graduate in 1885 
secured B. S. A. Studied chemistry at university of Jena, 
Germany, 1887-88. Assistant in chemistry, Texas agri- 
cultural and mechanical college, 1885-86. Now holds sim- 
ilar position in Texas agricultural experiment station. 
Address : College Station, Texas. 


Withers, William Alphonso. 

Born May 31, 1864. Graduated from Davidson college, 
North Carolina, in 1883, with degree of A. B , receiving 
A. M. in 1885. From January, 1884, to date, assistant 
chemist (prornoted from fourth to second) at the North 
Carolina agricultural experiment station. Address: Ral- 
eigh, N. C. 

WoLL, F. W. A. 

Born May 23, 1865, at Bergen, Norway. Received B. S. 
from state university of Norway, in 1882, and Ph. B. in 
1883. Studied general analytical and synthetical chem- 
istry at same university, 1882-85. Came to America in 
fall of 1885, and took a post-graduate course at the uni- 
versity of Wisconsin, 1885-86, receiving M. S. degree in 
1886 for special studies in agricultural chemistry. Since 
1886 second assistant chemist at the agricultural experi- 
ment station of the university of Wisconsin. 


Variou.s contributions to local and other agricultural papers and 
psriodicals. Ensilage vs. corn fodler for milk production. Agri- 
cultural science, II, pp. 183-2 1 1 and 219-34. 

Wood, A. H. 

Graduated at the New Hampshire agricultural and me- 
chanical college in 1885. Foreman N. H. agr. college 
farm one year. Now supt. of dairy at New Hampshire 
agricultural experiment station. Address : Hanover, 
N. H. 

