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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


George W Bush
President 2000-2008
KQED 05/13/2014
Bush: I authorized the National Security Agency, consistent with U.S. law and the Constitution, to intercept the international communications of people with known links to al Qaeda and related terrorist organizations.Narrator: It was the least controversial and smallest element of the program. There was no reference to the massive gathering of domestic communications data. Gellman: His characterization of the facts was simply wrong. And it was wrong from the beginning. The program wasn't to surveil known suspects, known conspirators. You could easily get a warrant for that. The program was to sift big data. It was to trawl through enormous volumes, literally trillions of telephone calls, trillions of emails, and to look for unknown conspirators.
Barton Gellman
Journalist, contributing to the Washington Post
KQED 05/20/2014
Narrator: The story concerned another NSA program called PRISM. Documents showed how beginning in 2007, nine Internet companies were cooperating with the NSA. Gellman wanted to make sure his reporting wouldn't damage national security. Gellman: We very much did want to know what they thought would do concrete harm, and how, and why. And the U.S. government asked me not to publish the U.S. government asked me not to publish the names of the nine companies that were supplying information to the government in the PRISM program. And I said, "Why?" Their argument was that if we publish the names, then the companies would be less inclined to cooperate. And I guess we agreed to disagree on that one. Audio TV reporting: The Washington Post is reporting that the... Narrator: The Post went ahead.
Barton Gellman
Journalist, contributing to the Washington Post
KQED 05/20/2014
Narrator: The PRISM revelations reached beyond the collection of phone records. This was about the acquisition of content from tens of thousands of NSA targets. Audio TV reporting: Did you check your account on Gmail? Secret spying program is... Gellman: The PRISM program is not about metadata. It's about content. It's the photos and videos you send. It's the words of your emails. It's the sounds of your voice on a Skype call. It's all the files you have stored on a cloud drive service. It's content, it's everything.
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