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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Mike Rogers
U.S. Representative (R-Mich.), Chair, House Select Committee on Intelligence
MSNBCW 06/23/2013
Rogers: He (Snowden) has jeopardized our national security. I disagree with the reporter. clearly, the bad guys have already changed their way. Remember, these were counterterrorism programs essentially, and we have seen that bad guys overseas, terrorists who are committing and plotting attacks on the united states and our allies have changed the way they operate. We've already seen that. To say that that is not harmful to the national security of the united states, or our safety, is just dead wrong.
Mike Rogers
U.S. Representative (R-Mich.), Chair, House Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Rogers: I think the American people, certainly some well intentioned members in this chamber, have legitimate concerns. They should be addressed. We should have time and education on what actually happens in the particular programs of which we speak. I'll pledged each and every one of you today and give you my word that this fall, when we do the intelligence authorization bill, we will work to find additional privacy protections with this program that has no e-mails,
Mike Rogers
U.S.Representative (R-Mich.), Chair, House Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Rogers continued 1: no phone calls, no names and no addresses. 14 federal judges have said yes this comports with the constitution. 800 cases around between the 1979 case have affirmed the underpinnings of the legality of this case. 800. So 14 judges are wrong and 800 different cases are wrong. The legislators on both intelligence committees republicans and democrats are all wrong. Why is it that people of both parties came together
Mike Rogers
U.S. Representative (R-Mich.), Chair, House Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Rogers continued 2:Rogers: and looked at this program, at a time when our nation is under siege by those individuals who want to bring violence to the shores of the United States. Because those who know it best support the program because we spent so much time on this to get it right. To make sure the oversight is right.
Mike Rogers
U.S.Representative (R-Mich.), Chair, House Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 07/24/2013
Rogers: The good news is we do not have to what if, it's not theoretical. 54 times this and the other program stopped and thwarted terrorist attack here and in Europe, saving real lives. This isn't a game. This is real. It will have a real consequence. This is hard. Think about the people who came here before us this great body. Madison, Lincoln, Kennedy served here. And the issues they dealt with and the politics of big and moving America forward while upholding the article (1 mandate)
Mike Rogers
Representative (R-Mich.), Chair, House Select Committee on Intelligence,
KNTV 07/28/2013
There are no names and no addresses in this database. There's more information on an envelope that you fill out and stick in the mailbox than are in this database. This is billing records that already exist. They said we just need to put them in one place and hold them longer so we have a number to compare them to. So they're not calling them. They're not doing pattern analysis. Here's the best news of all. In this program, zero privacy violations, 54 terrorist, violent terrorist attacks, thwarted. That's a pretty good record. That's a great record.
Mike Rogers
Representative (R-Mich.), Chair, House Select Committee on Intelligence,
KNTV 07/28/2013
And that tells me this is one program that works to protect your privacy and live up to our constitutional obligation in Congress that says we must provide for the general defense of the United States. We have found how to do this and protect your privacy. Remember most people think these phone calls are recorded. They're not. Most people think their names are associated with these phone numbers. They're not. It's just a whole list of phone numbers with no names and no addresses.
Mike Rogers
Representative (R-Mich.), Chair, House Select Committee on Intelligence,
KNTV 07/28/2013
no names and no addresses. When a terrorist number, just a terrorist number is found, they plug it in to these numbers and it pops up with somebody they may be talking to in the United States. Again no name and no address. What we do with that is say, Oop, that's bad we're going to give this to the FBI to determine who that person even is. And so that's the way we protected privacy and that’s why there's been zero privacy violations with this, and it's been able to used to stop 54 violent terrorist attacks.
Mike Rogers
Representative (R-Mich.), Chair, House Select Committee on Intelligence
FBC 08/29/2013
Rothman continued: the NSA with $10.8 billion and the National Reconnaissance Office with $10.3 billion. Some lawmakers furious about the report, House Intelligence Committee Chair, Mike Rogers, saying quote “Disclosures like the one published today have nothing to do with protecting American’s liberty or advancing other public interests. Disclosures of our capabilities and programs jeopardize the efforts of the American men and women in the Intelligence Community who have dedicated themselves to protecting American lives and interests.”
Mike Rogers
Representative (R-Mich.), Chair, House Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN 09/12/2013
I will ask you all to be skeptical. This notion the agency is collecting on U.S. persons and giving it to any foreign intelligence agency, in the way it was described, is completely wrong. That is not what is happening. I can’t go into a lot of other detail, but I can guarantee you the privacy of Americans are protected in the way we operate. Part of the problem was, we were too aggressive in the oversight, and we documented it and talk about it with leadership in order to fix it. They stole the slide deck and put it out there…
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