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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Jeremy Scahill
Co-Founder, The Intercept
CNNW 01/18/2015
Scahill: Under this administration the war against whistleblowers is, in effect a war against independent journalism. Because what- the message the White House is sending, and I'm glad the James Risen case seems to be going away now, but it should have gone away a long time ago. When you say that we don't have a right to talk to unauthorized sources in government what you're effectively saying is you're only allowed to print official leaks or official statements of the government. It undermines the very idea of a free press. So the U.S. is not absent in this even if it was absent in the literal sense on the ground in Paris. Stelter: I think to get into comparisons to Russia and Egypt makes me nervous. We are much more free here. Scahill: Absolutely. We're much freer and we hold ourselves up as a beacon to the world. There's no comparison with Russia, Turkey and the United States but that doesn't mean we don't have our own war on journalism. Yes, there are different levels of it. But let's don't pretend the United States does not have a hostile posture at times toward journalists who are reporting inconvenient facts.
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