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tv   Fox 29 News at 10  FOX  March 7, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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cars stranded, roads blocked, power out again. some towns a big mess right now. brace yourself for the next storm. yeah, the next storm. your news ♪ >> well that was one to rememb remember. snow a lot of it. cars that just couldn't get around. >> oh, my guess can you hear that? >> wow, was that thundersnow? the march 7th nor'easter now
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history. but wait, more snow in the forecast? seriously? can't we catch a break? >> now, fox 29 news at 10:00. here's a look at the ben franklin parkway out there in philadelphia. our area blanketed in snow. but that nasty nor'easter has moved out of here. some of have you a mess to plow and shovel and how about the refreeze overnight. that is a big concern. the effects of this storm won't go away any time soon. thanks for joining us tonight at 10:00. i'm iain page. we already have plenty of school closings and delays. you can see them scrolling at the bottom of your screen. now among them philadelphia public and arch diocesan schools both are going to operate on a two hour delay tomorrow. meantime, philly snow emergency is now over. all city offices will be open tomorrow. but septa is warning that a number much bus routes will likely be delayed because of all the snow. now, you know we've got team coverage as the area cleans up from this mess. our fox 29 crews spread all over the area going to places where the snow was the heaviest, the roads were the worst and the
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outages are widespread. but let's begin tonight with kathy. kathy, this storm pretty much shamed up just like you said it was. >> it was right on schedule. light snow at the start, the height of the storm in the afternoon and iain look at this. i came through with such force even thundersnow proving that this was a storm to remember. temperatures right now above freezing as they were for most of the storm. 36 in philadelphia and in allentown. 28 in the poconos but overnight tonight, that slush or any precipitation that melted and is wet right now in the form of rain is going to refreeze. 30 in philadelphia. 23 in the poconos. 29 in millville. 28 in trenton where we saw some of the highest accumulations of snow and that means we are going to be in for some serious freezing come tomorrow morning. so this is what we are in for. a refreeze with icy, slushy conditions. i'll be back with more on what's coming in the seven day iain and that could be more snow. >> all right. kathy. thanks. right now the power outages are
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widespread. peco says it has more than 88,000 customers in the dark. the majority of them are in bucks county. pse&g has close to 150,000 customers without power. ac electric has more than 17,000 customers in the dark. all of those utility companies say they have crews out there working to try and get those lights back on as soon as possible. fire officials tell us lower bucks hospital in bristol is in disaster mode. no power and no working generators. our chris o'connell has been bracing the conditions in bucks county all day and joins us live from bensalem. chris? >> reporter: well iain couple hundred thousand people in our viewing area that are without power tonight, for many of them this is the second time in a week the second storm they have lot of power. we are right now on street road in hulmeville road in bensalem we want to turn off the light. that's what we're dealing witch the only lights we're seeing in the lights from headlights and the traffic light out here on
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street road that just came on about an hour ago. another winter storm, another widespread power outage. >> winter is getting rough. you know. that's enough. >> richard vega and his family when fed up with winter before this storm. then tonight their power went out. >> this storm right away when i started hearing branches falling, that started to make me nervous. >> reporter: entire bensalem neighborhood is in the dark. along with the wawa, the mcdonald's and the local liquor store. >> we have kerosene heaters i think we'll be okay. um, and then candles so maybe some board games. >> reporter: in the meantime as the family truck is being used as a cell phone charging station, richie, jr., spent his snow day plowing the driveway. >> plowing the driveway better than going to school? >> yeah arc little. >> reporter: just down the
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street the i-95 off ramly to street road shut down. tractor trailers stuck in their tracks. cars spinning their wheels. it was commuter chaos. >> keep going. do not stop. go, go. moments after we helped push a woman out of the snow, our news van got stuck. paralyzed for two hours before these guys helped shovel us out and papule us to safety. >> chain reaction up here. i single act sell tractor. i don't have another ax stole get more track. i'm waiting on a wrecker. >> reporter: as plows will work through the night to clear the freezing streets back at vega house, it's a night of board games and early to bed. they're just hoping power is back by morning. >> it is inconvenient. you know, you don't get to do the things you normally do at nighttime. you know, without power. >> reporter: and the big
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concern tonight and into the morning is what you see right now. although employee trains have been out through penndot and local municipalities you see a nice lawyer of slush still lays on the streets. that will freeze and is starting to freeze and no doubt we'll be affecting commuters tomorrow morning. iain? >> chris, thank you. let's head to south jersey now as we take live look at wildwood down the shore didn't get much snow but when you move closer inland the story was a little bit different. fox 29's shawnette wilson joins us live in cherry hill where people are dealing with some issues from the storm tonight. shawnette. >> reporter: iain, sorry i'm a little distracted right now i can hear plow trucks are in direct where we are right now. but a big problem tonight already as you can imagine the slushy roads and some places the roads have already turned completely to water. take look behind me here on haddonfield road. not that problem here right now but you can just see the build up of slush on the road. the other problem, some residents are in the dark
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tonight after surviving last week's storm. >> when i came out to shovel everything was like sticking in clumps. it was hard to get it up. >> reporter: denise tate and her 15-year-old daughter alexandria relying on flashlight to get them around the house tonight. alec woke up from a long nap snowed in and in the dark. >> i was like, what's happening because it didn't look like it was going to be that bad. usually when it rains it doesn't stick as much. >> reporter: they're entire neighborhood around hazel wood lane in evesham lost power after making it through last week's storm with their lights still on. >> unbelievable. i can't even imagine. i mean because you kind of go through the house you're still learning on lights because you're used to turn on lights as you go in the in different rooms and nothing is happening right now. >> reporter: people who little in willow ridge apartments came out to clean up and dig out their cars since they don't have power either. >> i'm just cleaning off my car for tomorrow. >> reporter: residents in cherry hill have different problem. >> huge branches on our trees and they crack and we heard them and we looked out. >> reporter: gene, says the
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branches in the back aren't the biggest problem though it's the tree in her front yard that came down during the storm blocking the road. she and her husband did their best to put out caution cones warning drivers. >> good thing it didn't fall on our house but i regret it's blocking the street. i just don't want anybody to be hur. >> reporter: my god, so much to be thankful flor as you heard her say it didn't fall on their house but also no one was crossing the street or driving when that tree came down but again, iain, i mentioned another problem which i'm sure we'll be talking about tomorrow. not too far from here, we actually drove by one of those roads where the slush had already started to melt. it was almost like somebody opened a hose and water was just gushing across the roadway very hard to pass. so next coming days i'm sure we'll see as this melt comes the roads a lot of flooded out roa roads. >> absolutely shawnette. stay safe out there, thank you. >> of course we tell you this all the time when snow days especially big one. if you don't need to drive stay home but some people still head out on the roads and then this happens. penndot cameras caught a van
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that got stuck on the schuylkill expressway and then bob kelly was live on air around 3:20 this afternoon when our cameras caught this disaster on 76 at conshohocken looking east and today's storm caused another problems on the roads hike this tree along 76. so the moral of the story is, stay at home when the weather is to montgomery county now we find dave schratwieser. dave, your news truck even got stuck little earlier this afternoon. >> reporter: we did, iain, for about 90 minutes on germantown pike until my good buddy bob breck showed up with his pickup truck and towed us up the hill and got us out of there. props to him tonight. we have about 8-inches of snow here in plymouth meeting in this area right around norristown as well tonight the clean up is underw underway. roger lucas was hard at work wednesday night clearing snow from around his kia suv in norristown. he was busy scooping up what was left behind by his march snowstorm on airy street. >> coming along well.
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a little wet and heavy. but i get ready for the morning time. won't like freeze up. >> reporter: earlier in the day, this was the scene on germantown pike in chestnut hill. during the heart of wednesday's big snowstorm. the wet fast accumulating snow got packed down quickly and left dozens of drivers stuck on these slick hilly roads. >> they're pretty bad honestly as long as everyone gets home safely that's all we care about. >> people stuck all over. >> reporter: or fox 25 live truck was a casualty of the slippery roads. we got stuck for almost 90 minutes. we joined other drivers as they shoveled, pushed and muffled their way up the hills and out. bob breck came to our rescue together us out with pickup truck. >> i live down the coniine saw the backup. so, you know, keep the traffic moving. >> reporter: between six and 8-n nearby plymouth meeting montgomery county. that's where we found joe plowing parking lots. he'd been up sin the early
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morning hours. >> been out since about 3:00 a.m. wee kind of thought it was going to be a dud but it did hit us hard we're glad it stopped when it did. >> reporter: plowing companies broke out all kinds of equipment, big and small, to clear the heavy snow. including a tracks that comes in handy taking snow off sidewalks with lots of ground to cover before thursday morning. >> a lot of people stayed home and took the advice of the weather forecasters. >> reporter: now you can see the plows are out. this is a penndot plow here. gassing up tonight at wawa. ready to hit the streets again. the main hoy ways in pretty good shape. now attack the side streets. watch out for black ice in the morning. iain? >> good advice, dave. thank you as we talked about this before problem tonight as dave just mentioned going to be refreezing that means trouble on the roads. join us at 4:00 a.m. for "good day philadelphia". bob will have all your traffic conditions, sue will have your forecast, and all your day's headlines. good day starts at 4:00 and goes to 10:00 right here on fox 29. down the shore, wasn't so much the snow but the flooding.
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streets covered in water. well, okay, and some snow. brad some in delaware county hit hard again. >> reporter: yes. it has been very long day we have trees down, power out a lot of people are still in the dark tonight. we'll hear from some of them coming up. brad, thanks. plows working hard from the roads to the runway. air travel came to stop in philly today make sure to check your airline if you're heading out tomorrow. ♪
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this was the scene in wayne this afternoon a familiar sight for many across our area. we didn't see too many cars on the road but we did see our share of plows. let's get out to our brad sattin who is live in delaware county where people are still dealing with downed trees and no power after these recent storms. brad? a roller coaster ride for a lot of folks. we are here in broomall. they actually lot of power last friday. it was gone for several days. they lost it again today around noontime. the lights came back on at 7:00 p.m. and then at 7:15, 15 minutes later, it went out aga again. so much work to be done. this peco team trying to get the power back on as quickly as possible on langford road in broomall after a pine tree weighed down by heavy snow knocked out the line by bill mull will he son's backyard. >> we heard cracking and it was big trees in the back that came down. and then it went out. first my neighbor's house went
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out. then there was a crack down the steet. and then we lost and the rest of the block lost. >> reporter: the power in hundreds of homes went out again. many here were in the dark for days after last week's storm. >> i was out two days and then i lost power again today. report roar this tree newtown square that fell and revved on power line last friday was finally cut free of it tonight. it had neighbors nervous because if it fell it would have blocked off the road. >> this is the only way in and out of the development here so if that tree came down it had the potential blocking residents from coming in and leaving. >> reporter: in kennett square sweeten parked her car at the end of her driveway near the road so she wouldn't get snowed in. instead, she got pulled in when the telephone poll came crashing down around noon. >> basically i was sitting in my living room watching tv and there was a huge bang and everything went dead and i look out and there was telephone pole leaning up against my pole. >> reporter: thickness of the snow uprooting trees across the
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area. a long frustrating night for so many home openers. some of whom have been in the dark most of the past week. >> you ready for spring? >> absolutely. absolutely. yeah. then the grass will have to be cut. >> reporter: yes the problems we have. three peco trucks actually just left here a few minutes ago. they are on their their way actual toll another outage found this one and as a result took care of this one first. certainly for those peco crews and other electric crews it is going continue to be busy night tonight. iain. >> absolutely brad. thank you. of course check your septa schedules before you head out tomorrow most of the buses are still either suspend or detour. many of trains will operate on modified saturday schedule. right now the trenton line is suspended. septa says it plans to operate op or close to a regular weekday schedule tomorrow. into new jersey transit also suspending buses today. it's northeast corridor trains are running again but they say you can expect up to delays of an hour between trenton and new
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york penn station. all nj transit trains have license running on severe weather schedule all day. now a lot of you toll us that you heard thunder snow out there this afternoon. watch our dawn timmeney. she was live on very snowy hamilton township when it erupted around 1:30. listen to this. >> i had to change my jacket because there was so much snow on my other jacket. and yeah we heard thundersnow here in hamilton township, new jersey really loud. sounded like a snowplow and then we realized my photographer pete santo and i realized it was thunder snow. >> there it is again. >> oh, my goodness. can you hear that? >> did you guys hear it. >> yes, we heard it. >> we did. >> really? >> yes, we heard it. >> mike masco was applauding. >> mike masco is freaking out right now. >> all right. >> stay calm. >> usually -- you guys it's still doing it. it's still doing it.
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>> is that making a difference, mike? >> yes. shhh. [ laughter ] >> dawn was a trooper out there. new jersey teacher is okay right now after she was hit by lightning working bus duty today. it happened in manchester, new jersey, that's in ocean county. she was holding an umbrella when lightning hit that. a house was also hit she never lost consciousness and she's going to be okay. the jersey shore didn't see a lot of snow but they didn't escape the effects of the storm. check out this video from ocean city parts of the down underwater as a new nor'easter the rising tied combined with heavy rain caused that flooding prompting officials to close roads up and down the jersey shore. here's what ocean city looks like now. want to remind you we've got a weather app on days like this, you can get the same up to the minute information that kathy has just check it out on the app store in the google play store. developing right now arrest has been made in a hit-and-run in mayfair that lands a three year old girl in critical condition.
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31-year-old zachary lauer is facing charges for the hit-and-run on the 3200 block of tyson avenue last night. investigators say lauer drove on to the sidewalk hit two kids and their mother. police say lauer left the vehicle and ran from the scene leaving a three-year-old pinned under his car. some people nearby lifted the car off of the girl and lauer is now facing aggravated assault, aggravated assault with dui and other related charges. accused florida school shooter formeform formally charged with7 counts of first degree murder. a grand jury also indic indicted nikolas cruz on 17 counts of attempted murder for the valentine's day mass shooting at marjory stoneman dug high school. the couple who took in the 19-year-old suspect when his mother died yesterday today. they still don't have an answer. cruz public defender said that he will plead guilty if prosecutors take the death penalty off the table.
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watch out, these cops diving for cover and take woman with them. when you see what the other angle shows, wow. >> what are the odds of coming across philadelphia eagles and new england patriots players here in a park in perkasie, pennsylvania but here goes. ♪ i see other carriers touting
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so what is it? it's a winter thunderstorm associated with it a strong upward motion in the strongest part of the storm. it's associated with heavy snow two to 4-inches an hour and we had that across a good part of the region during that heavy banding period. iain? >> all right, kathy, thanks. in bucks county people made the most out of the snowstorm. bruce gordon caught up with people all over town including business owners and even cross country snow skiers. >> reporter: in the bore rove trauma bowersville the snow started early and never let up. for spores general store on the main drag that was okay. business on these kinds of snowy days -- >> usually it's decent. we have lot of local people in the area that like to stop in. >> reporter: they can walk here. >> yeah. >> reporter: that's the best way to go on day like this? >> yeah. >> reporter: homeowners were out with shovels clearing sidewalks of a snow that was not easy to remove. >> it's a little rough now because it's so damp and wet. >> reporter: heavy.
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>> wet snow, yeah, very heavy. snowblower won't even throw it. >> reporter: road conditions throughout the county got treacherous as the day progressed. less traveled roads seemed worse as fast falling snow began to accumulate. bob barlow was set to begin plowing as soon as the flakes stopped falling. >> 309 starting to get little bit slippery there. these back roads now are salted they're getting a lot better. >> reporter: not so bad. >> yeah. >> reporter: if you take it easy exactly. >> reporter: perkasie pa looked like a picture postcard its turn of the century homes coated in white. a snowman out front to complete the scene. >> if you don't have to drive or get to work or whatever it's kind of pretty outside. >> absolutely. it's gorgeous. >> reporter: at the park nearby 19th century covered bridge served as the beautiful back drop for keith haa season and his cross country skiing session a perfect day to get outside says keith. >> it's great exercise you use your entire body it the snow conditions are just about perfect only about three or 4-inches on the ground right now. so it's not too much snow to
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trek through. >> reporter: keith prevailed on the neighborhood kids to put down their video games and head outside to recreate the eagles snow bowl. the frozen ground was padded by a day's worth of frozen precipitation. it's great because you can tackle. you don't get hurt. plus we got off school so it's best thing to do really. >> reporter: win/win. >> yup. >> reporter: even better than video games indoors. >> i'd say. >> reporter: no doubt about it some folks were hit with traffic nightmares, power outages all kinds of nasty stuff here in bucks county most folks seem to have survived the second major storm in less than week with their sanity in tack. in perkasie, pennsylvania, i'm bruce gordon fox 29 news. >> truck on its side in new jersey at the height of the storm. the message from state police slow your roll. even if you weren't driving fast so many spin outs, cars if ditches and so many drivers stopping to help each other out.
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gus, you are crushing it! just trying to shed those extra pounds. (giggles) me too. gettin' the beach body back... (sighs) is gonna take a lot of work. this will help you power through. one million dollar power payday, new from the pennsylvania lottery. yup, with top prizes of a million bucks. so, how do i look? like a winner. (they both laugh) keep on scratchin'!
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the ross spring dress event. it's here. where you'll find the perfect dress at the perfect price. whether you want to stand out from the crowd or dance the night away. from a weekend getaway to that special celebration. if you want to save big on dresses for every occasion, you've gotta get to the ross spring dress event, on now. ♪ you're gotta go to ross. here's a look at wilmington we told you it was going to be a
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snowy day and it was a snow day. tomorrow will be as well for many kids. check out all the closings scrolling at the bottom of your screen. among them, philadelphia public and arch diocesan schools both will operate on two-hour delay tomorrow. philly snow emergency meantime now over as all city offices will be open tomorrow. but septa says here's a warning a number of bus routes will likely be delayed because of that snow. in delaware county many still have no power. trees knocked down and the worries about the refreeze to go night. brad sattin joins us live in broomall tonight. brad? >> reporter: yeah, we are in broomall. plows coming by obviously the roads are starting to improve here but the downed trees really the problem. house right here this is bill mullison's house behind it peco crews were there for hours trying to repair a power line that was knock over as a result of some pine trees there. directly responsible because of the weight of the tree for knocking out about a dozen, arc
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come dozen homes actually. many here lost power on friday initially for about two to five days. then they lost it again at around noon today. it was gone until about 7:00 p.m. then it came back believe it or not for about 15 minutes. a huge collective sigh of relief and then it was out again until about 9:15 or 9:30 when these peco crews and there had to be a half dozen them working behind bill's house here finally were able to make the repairs here. so they actually came here on their way to another job they saw the problem here, and as a result were able to stop and fix the power here and then they were off to the next one. obviously iain, a very long night for these crews as they are just kind of going from place to place trying to fix the power as quickl as they can. >> absolutely. brad thanks for that. we appreciate it. how about this? some dramatic pictures from the new jersey state police a few troopers had to come to the rescue of a truck driver who turned over on the turnpike. this was in robbinsville.
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so they posted this picture with the hash tag slow your roll. today state troopers had to respond to hundreds of car crashes and a lot of other traffic issues. snowy roads giving people trouble throughout the area today with snow falling fast. some drivers got stuck in all of that mess. our joyce evans talked to some people having car troubles in chester county. i hit my brakes but lost control on the truck. i can't stop. >> reporter: oh my. you weren't even going fast. >> no, no, no. very slippery. then when the weight pulled you off. >> reporter: humberto cure rows deliver ledee ended as he came inches from flipping his truck into a drainage ditch near unionville good this guy is really lucky, isn't he. >> yes, he is. he almost went into that ditch little farther would have been worse. right front tire was completely off the ground. >> reporter: it took a little while for rivera's towing to carefully pull humberto out of the mud and back on to the
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pavement. >> pretty lucky 'cause you see it's a big ditch. luck killly the truck is final severing fine. nobody got hurt or anything. >> reporter: under worsening conditions not even a mile away. >> no it's not accumulation at all. it's that it's icy underneath. people think it's just slushy. we've had warm weather. don't be fooled. it is indeed dangerous out here. >> reporter: it got really bad really quickly. >> we were only about 30 miles an hour so really wasn't that fast at all. >> reporter: bill lange to the rescue of his friend who spun out of control ending up in the ditch and the sticks south of kennett square. she was stuck inside that car while the state police secured the area stopping traffic before something worse could happen. >> everybody is good. we got one tow truck here. we got another tow truck on the way. so yeah everybody is good. >> reporter: finally, a tow out of there. several other drivers were just as lucky. >> lesson learned stay off the roads when it's not,, when it's
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not good weather. >> reporter: they were all very scary moments that ended with no injuries. not a single one. except for their cars maybe a little bumped, scratched and they're going to need some cleaning. in chester county, joyce evans, fox 29 news. in west philly once the snow stopped early this afternoon people were able to get out and tackle that cleanup on aspen street people got right to work cleaning off their cars, shoveling the sidewalks, not an easy tack though with that heavy wet snow that fell. >> oh, man, it's hectic. it's heavy. it's wet. um, some of its fluffy but most of it's wet. but it's, um, it's a task. >> reporter.the city was sparedw compared to other parts of our veering area. when the flakes started this morning our team was on the air. when it comes to good day you never know what will happen. >> they're going to play in the
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snow. i want you guys to see -- you see? >> lauren johnson snowball right to the face live on the air. catch more of that good day tomorrow morning starting at 4:00 if you want to catch lauren again we posted that video on facebook and instagram. enjoy. >> caught on camera suspected drunk driver hit by his own car. police say they tried to pull over 30-year-old isaac bon sue for equipment violation in alexandria virginia just outside of washington. d.c. early sunday. while they were trying to run away from police he gets out of his car for gets to put it in park and that's when it runs in front of -- he runs in front of it and gets hit. police took him into custody unharmed after a brief chase. his charges include driving while inn tock indicate, fell felony hit-and-run and possession of marijuana. stunning video now of attempted car robbery one of the would be thieves just ten years old. police say the ten-year-old stole some car keys from a car dealership in holly hills florida just near daytona when
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he and his mom were shopping for a car. so when the ten-year-old and adult friend realized they can't start the cars they take off and get this the ten-year-old arrested four times last year. he's accused of stealing cars in daytona beach. >> ♪ >> flowers. beautiful to smell. but not as good to eat. >> eat. >> that's what i cauliflower show. hank's take coming up. ♪ >> yeah. thundersnow. you heard kathy. it rock the area today. did you hear it? ♪
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which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more. let's take a look outside our old city studios beautiful night out there the snow was falling all day in philly but people who wanted to get to town were not going to let them -- the snow stop them and one of the big draws in philadelphia this week of course is the flower show. if you can get there, you got to experience a warm, dry and beautiful treat. that's what our hank flynn did. here he is.
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>> snow mageddon sort of again. look, save the snowplows for later take time to smell the flowers. >> this is the best. this is the best show we've ever been to. we can walk around and still find each other. >> it's hank. it's a nasty winter day out. so i thought i'd bring it down to the old flower show. my take is, even though it's still beaut towel to look at it smell, they don't taste very good. >> outside was mid winter nasty a lot of places were closed. not the philadelphia flower show. >> better off in here. >> thank goodness i bought a dozen roses because they a good deal. but the snow they were hoping for customers. >> great day to see the show because the crowds are less. >> yeah yeah yeah. >> but we're hoping we had a snow day last year. we're hoping today will be a busier than last year's snow day. >> that was the word good turn out but not as good as if there were no snow. i started passing out roses to the ladies and singing them
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songs. >> ♪ flowers, there were never such delightful snow showers ♪ >> ♪ flowers >> it work out. spear witnesses high. >> well it gives us hope that the weather will get nice. >> sure. >> because you see all the flowers and they smell delicious. i'm ready to shop. >> smell delicious. >> yeah. >> they do to me, too. >> i was wondering if we were going to eat them. >> sure. oh, my goodness. >> hmm. spring is close enough you can taste it. >> and eating flowers allowed me to talk to purists like bruce my breath smelled like roses. >> this year it's very rich and very full with vegetation and flowers and i enjoy that because seeing old cars in buildings is not as appealing as the vegetation itself. >> you did that without any salt and pepper. it's tasty. >> yummy. >> that's the take away call me
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crazy singing songs and eating flowers that crushes the winter blues. what, you never ate a flour? [ laughter ] >> if you've had enough of this winter take a fly to fancy go to the flower show do whatever turns you on because trust me as soon as you walk back out the door reality will be waiting on you. i'm hank and that's my take. ♪ look out these cops diving for cover. they take a woman with them and when you see what the other angle shows, hard to believe. >> kathy, this storm came in and left just like you said it wou would. iain we have another one to watch. do you believe it? >> don't say it. >> i know, i know. give us a break. we're watching another developing low. it's on the weather map it handled yet this one would come early next week
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friends, colleagues, gathered here are the world's finest insurance experts. rodney -- mastermind of discounts like safe driver, paperless. the list goes on. how about a discount for long lists? gold. mara, you save our customers hundreds for switching almost effortlessly. it's a gift. and jamie. -present. -together we are unstoppable. so, what are we gonna do? ♪ insurance. that's kind of what we do here. here's something you should know. there's a serious virus out there that 1 in 30 boomers has, yet most don't even know it. a virus that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. hep c can hide in the body for years without symptoms. left untreated it can lead to liver damage, even liver cancer. the only way to know if you have hep c is to ask your healthcare provider for the simple blood test.
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for us, it's time to get tested. let's take a look at reading right now. today's storm the second in on one-two punch. people still dealing with outages from the last nor'easter friday, now they got to deal with more snow, ice and falling trees, power lines. talk about a close call. here's some damage dash cam video out of rye brook, new york from friday's nor'easter. large trees falls down brings a power line with it and almost hits two officers and a woman with them. they got away just in time.
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thankfully no one was hurt but that's incredible video. of course the storm friday and today system affected the entire northeast. many people all up the coast still trying to dig out or get their power back on. fox news correspondent bryan llenas reports from quincy, massachusetts. >> reporter: quincy, massachusetts, it's a race against mother nature. less than seven days after this coastal city was pummeled by massive winter storm, residents hurried clear debris before the second nor'easter in a week hi hits. >> i don't have power. i don't have heat. >> reporter: moderate coastal flood warning is in effect in massachusetts. five days after 7 feet of water submerged quincy forcing 500 rescues and damaging 100 homes. residents are just trig to catch a break. >> i'm going to have to rip out the floors and the kitchen cabinet industry. it's really going to be -- i don't know. i don't know if i can actually repair the house or it actually has to be destroyed. >> reporter: 60 million people are under a winter storm warning until thursday morning
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stretching from eastern pennsylvania to most of new england. eight to 12-inches of snow falling in philadelphia and new york city while a foot and a half is expected in parts of western massachusetts. with the weather comes travel chaos. more than 2600 flight cancellations nationwide mostly in the new york area. >> there's no snow at all. i'm a little frustrated no one used any cerebral thought to say hey it's not snowing let's get the planes running. >> reporter: back in quincy, sue is riding out this storm after sick feet of water flooded her home. >> i don't think the tides are going to be bad so i compared to the last one i think i can stick this one out. >> by tomorrow morning it is pretty much begun for everybody except across parts of maine where some of those areas also are going to see well in excess of a foot. >> reporter: coastal flooding isn't supposed to be nearly as bad as last week, power outages are a concern. wind and rain taking down power lines that are already weakened from the last storm.
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so far more than 350,000 people have lot of power in the region. in quincy, massachusetts, bryan llenas, fox news. let's take a look at rehoboth beach in delaware we got through the storm but looking at the potential for more snow. yeah, you heard that right. details just 15 seconds away. in weather tonight we're talking about cold temperatures from the 30s today into the 20s to night and let's look one more time at this massive storm. it came in with light snow, powered through with that intense band and thunder snow, it's out of here. long gone. but look at what is left. these impressive snow totals. remember last night we talk about some areas picking up eight to 15-inches of snow plus.
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here's the plus. princeton township 17.8-inches. richboro, pa in bucks county 16-inches. broomall pa12. bryn mawr on the mainline 11. cherry hill, new jersey, 8.5. philadelphia at the airport 6.1-inches of snow. the snow is gone. but we have to continue to deal with what's leftover. the area of low pressure is just off the coast of new england and pounding boston and you can see the wrap around bands and the western part of massachusetts and connecticut. that's the banding we saw earlier picking up about two to 3-inches of snow an hour. outside the roads are wet and that's all going to refreeze. anything untreated is going to be icy come tomorrow morning. 36 right now in philadelphia. that northwesterly wind as the storm has pulled away the poconos 28. 35 degrees in wilmington at this moment. look at the wind chills though. we have a good wind out of the northwest making it feel like it's in the 20s north and west. 28 and 29 in millville. feels like it's 25 right now in
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wrightstown and atlantic city. so let's go hour by hour tonig tonight. through tomorrow. tomorrow morning temperatures at 7am mainly at or just below freezing. by 2:00 o'clock, we peak in the 40 ways westerly wind but plenty of sunshine. winds gusting to about 25 miles an hour tomorrow afternoon. and then by friday morning, into the afternoon, we warm it up still that that west wind temperatures still in the 40s still below average for this time of year and then late at night friday night if you're going out skies ill be clear. temperatures falling close to freezing again. now, here's the scenario for sunday night into monday. two of our long range models are saying, okay, this area of low pressure skirt east off the coast. one of our models that american model we talk about the gfs has an area of low pressure another coastal storm moving up the eastern seaboard and coming close enough to provide us with some snow. we'll continue to watch that and let you know the latest on the development coming up of course over the next 24 to 48 hours. hopefully it will be a miss.
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overnight looking at temperatures that will be in the 20s and the 30s. 30 in philadelphia. 23 in the poconos. 27 in pottstown. and in wilmington 29 degrees. during the day tomorrow, plenty of sun but little bit of wind. the temperature only 41. so some melting going on. a slow melt that's what we want. highs above freezing and lows below freezing so we don't see everything melting at once. on the seven day forecast from the weather authority, friday partly sunny, breezy. saturday 46. the morning low 28. sunday our philadelphia saint patrick's day parade it is dry and sunny. morning show possible monday. and then tuesday and wednesday sunny and dry. highs only in the 40s. lows in the 20s and the 30s. so iain i got to tell you i think february is shaping up to be nicer than march. that happened last year. >> i know. i missed february, kathy. >> i do too. never thought i'd say that. >> i know right. kathy thanks. all right. tom what's coming up in sports. >> good evening. cold night here in philadelphia but the blood always boils a little bit more when the flyers
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and penguins play. tonight late in the season playoffs at stake it was no different. eagles sent a loud and clear message about repea repeating ar bowl champions. what the birds did was down right defensive. sports is next. ♪
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from cherry hill to evesham to marlton, slushy roads, people digging out and even more people in the dark tonight. i'm shawnette wilson. we'll take through and show you just how people are making out. fox 29 news at 11:00 is next. ♪ your nissan sports wrap on fox 29. eagles played in the last game of the season and today made the first major move of the off season. eagles picked up pro bowl defensive tackle miaul cal bennett from seattle along with seventh round pick gave up a fifth rounder and marcus johns johnson. bennett is 32 years old coming you have his third straight trip to the pro bowl.
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good stats this year. eight and a half sacks, 40 tackles but the number that i like the most, played in almost 85% of seattle defensive snaps. the eagles already over the cap and bennett will make $27 million over the neck three years. so howie roseman still has some work to do. flyers have a lot of work to do as well snapping out three game losing streak. perfect remedy the hated pittsburgh penguins in town. pittsburgh started the night a point ahead of the flowers in the metropolitan division flyers pulling out all the stops tonight. michael kendricks, jason kelce anything they could do to help the flyers tonight. maybe it work early. game tied at one. travis doing the dirty work right there. flyers take the two-one lead. it looks good, right? um-um. rest of the night rest of the game really belonged to the penguins sidney crosby in, shot, saved. connor on the rebound. penguins within the five-two. first sixers fans now a lakers fan. billboards in los angeles trying
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to lure free agent to be lebron james to los angeles. la attorney and self proclaimed lakers fan taking credit for this purchase. calf nears in la this weekend. this guy is an attorney. and he just through away your money. three weeks from tomorrow the phillies open the season in atlanta against the braves. we know aaron nola make the start and he had pretty good start today against the red sox in clearwater. how about he goes five -- four solid innings. right this curve ball this thing is nasty. gave up five hits. gave up one hit and had five strike outs on the day. you want to work out the little things in spring training. so game tied at one. routine pop up kathy you got it. iain you got it. no nope. phillies within the game two two-one. opening round of the atlantic ten tournament in massachusetts ends lasalle season. minute men win it 69 hoy 67. finally tonight bring it back. at least those of us old enough to remember bullpen carts are
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back. the funky four wheelers popular for the late 60s through the '80s coming back. arizona diamondbacks bringing them back. i love it. i will make a buck list i got to ride in a bullpen cart. i need one. >> we needed one of those today. >> all that snow exactly. >> that will do it for us
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