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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 4A  FOX  March 6, 2018 4:00am-4:57am EST

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just yet, our storm has not yet even form the coastal part of the storm that is, we will talk about that coming up. 30 degrees, feels like 23, this morning, sunrise time 6:27, and we will probably see a little bit of sunshine to start the day is there your 19-n reading, it feels like 27 in wildwood, 26 in lancaster so certainly winter coat time for sure. we will get in the 40's by lunchtime 43 degrees and a high of 47 we will start out with rain, colder air gets drawn in the storm and unlike last one which was mostly about the wind, this one you will need your snow shovel, bob kelly, we will tell you how much. in fact let's give you a preview of coming attractions for what everybody wants to see. we will go with three to 6 inches on i-95 corridor but a little snow band that could get even worse. so we will talk bit, coming up >> you are right on the money, there, a mile either way can mack a difference of a couple inches and we are trying to
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find snow boots for the leprechaun for the parade. i will to have shop on line for that one this morning. 4:00 o'clock, good morning, lets go east on the schuylkill expressway crew is still working here right on the ramps for 30th street. there is tunnel out of 30th street station, again, left over crews are still out there until five or 5:30 or so, in new jersey, 42 freeway, we're looking good, quiet over in south jersey, traffic lights are still out, in many intersections especially in delco where they got hit the hardest so treat every intersection as fit is a stop sign, especially during at all times but rush hours where we're extremely difficult yesterday, both in the morning and afternoon, and you will find all of the dot's out there today putting down that salt brine solution prepping for the storm later on, karen and thomas, back to you. i went through solve on those lights where lights were out and, still cleaning up
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that within and now we are getting ready for a second nor'easter in just a matter of days look at these people still in the dark, 24,000 peco customers still without power, 18,000, ppl customers they are waiting for the lights to come back on, and let's get to another neck of the wood are you marion station there, steve, are you in wynnewood road. >> reporter: bowman road right here where you can see crudely taped up street, and cones out , and a peco crew are on the scene, not exactly doing anything other than, guarding everybody, from getting killed , because you can see the wires are in a precarious position there, and that pole is leaning, and it looks like the wires have been just yanked from another location and with enough force to pull that pole over and then further down the street further past more yellow tape you can see another peco crew, maybe peeking through that down tree, and tree crews are
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all over the place. this peco man working said he is on a 16 shower shift, no than nonstop work for crews. now we have video. this has been a terrible week, just imagine being without electricity, friday, saturday, sunday, now tuesday, the only advantage some people tell us of having power out in the winter, if you want to believe it or not there is an advantage, that your food doesn't go bad in your refrigerator because your whole kitchen and house is now around 40 degrees, so just awful, and then to think, more heavy wet snow is coming as we come back live, when we look around here to the left, you can see, pine trees, the rest of the trees don't have leaves but pine trees that are biggest danger because they are still full, they are ones that catch snow and come crashing down with that wet, snow that we will get, here are some of the folks coming and telling us what it is like living without electricity all this time. >> people sitting here since friday around 4:00 with no cable, no power, can't even
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take a shower to be honest with you. >> when the guys were cutting wood, i was so happy, i took them coffee to keep them going >> reporter: on top of that once this road does open how about this, bowman just happens to be coincidently a snow emergency route, and we don't mean to make fun of anything, but this road is one of those roads you wouldn't be able to be on at least parking wise or trucks, during snow emergencies and we will look, like we are going to have, a snow emergency in our spots tomorrow with that heaviest snow, and this is heart attack snow. so our advice to everybody out there, remember how old you are, and that is the cardiac arrest type of snow, so take it easy on the shoveling tomorrow, for sure, thomas and karen. >> good point. overtime could continue for those crews right in the weekend. 4:04. lets talk about bill cosby back in court facing same sex assault charges but his lawyers are hoping this is
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last time. lauren johnson is in norristown with the preview, good morning to you, lauren. >> reporter: good morning. there were two big issues on the table yesterday, first was the date of the alleged sexual encounter by andrea constand. the defense attorneys started to pull out phone record, travel schedules to prove to the judge that this did not happen when they say it d reason why that is important because of the statute of the limitations, defense attorneys were hoping that would help advance their motion to dismiss charges all together. judge stephen o'neill rejected that motion and said issue should be taken up at april 2nd trial and jury should decide. that other issue up for discussion is testimony from 19 other women who said they were drugged and attack by america's most famous father. prosecutors brief their testimony will bolster credibility of the andrea conn stan. only woman whose charges were logged begins cosby in december 2015. they want to paint picture of cosby as a predator with a method of assaulting woman.
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the judge only allowed one other woman to testify, and it is reported judge o'neill says he will not be making any decisions regarding this until after the hearing, because he says, that it is a very weight útime to decide, thomas and karen. >> lauer than, thanks very much. very close call for bucks county fire fighter who we told but yesterday. he took a very dangerous fall out there, fighting a fire, so , tim, went inside a home right there, in lower southampton, there it is at 2:45 monday morning. he was searching for victim when the floor gave way, and he fell through, well, the rest of his brothers there the feasterville fire fighters were able to quickly rescue him and take him to the hospital and he was all right, they released him, he went back to work but then didn't want to talk bit. those say the fact that he walked away it is just a miracle. >> to hear fire fighter down
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you don't know what it is, your heart stops, and everybody rush toes get that fire fighter back to safety. we were lucky, extremely lucky >> thank you, very much from the bottom of my heart to the people who saved him from the feasterville fire department, and all of those guys are heroes. >> listening to that mom right there she was just so glad her son was not very much injured at all, the cause of the fire is still under investigation. neighbors in the south jersey town are on edge this morning, after a with man was rob at gunpoint and in broad daylight. police say that the 34 year-old woman, withdrew cash from the bank of america atm last machine afternoon. she went right back to her car , parked nearby and as she got inside a man appeared in the passenger side window, pointed a black handgun at her and then demanded her purse. >> that is scary, i would not think that with happen here in collinswood but it can happen anywhere, i go to the atm all
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the time. >> police say gunman got away, victim was not hurt. suspect was wearing a, beanie style hot, bomber jacket and scarf. very vague description but hopefully police are hoping that you know something to give them a call and go through surveillance video in the area to see who that person may be. four masked men guns walk right in the store in west philadelphia, and they walk out with more than a thousand dollars. look at this terrifying ordeal , right here, police need your help tracking them down. it happened at ins market on the 5200 block of jefferson street last monday night. see the men right there they barged right in the store pointing guns at people inside , one man hopped the counter told the employee to empty the register. they got away with $1,200. pat toomey and chris coons air announcing gun safety legislation called the nix denial notification act for national institute criminal background check system. this will require federal authorities, to notify, state
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law enforce. if someone trying to buy a gun who is not loud to which means if someone were to try to purchase a gun in the background check denied state police would be alerted. >> this should not be partisan , this should not even be controversial with the bipartisan support that the bill already has, i think we have a real shot of getting this done. >> so this would require the department of justice to publish an annual report with statistics about its prosecution of these cases so voters can hold the feds accountable. new jersey lawmakers debate to go legalize marijuana state assembly oversight committee talk about the case for and against legal says all together. three more meetings are planned for the spring. there has been a renewed conversation even since democratic governor came in phil murphy and he advocates for that. pennsylvania's attorney jennies suing uber for failing to notify more than 13,000 pennsylvania drivers that hackers stole the personal information. now uber acknowledge in
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november that for more than a year it covered up a hacking attack that stole personal information about 57 million customers, and drivers, nationwide, pennsylvania's lawsuit seeks civil penalties in the millions of dollars and uber spokesperson declined comment, washington state and chicago have also sued the ride sharing company. the phillies have a day off, in spring training today after hosting minnesota twins. >> and as our kristin rodgers tells us it is not something to them from moving ahead. >> reporter: phillies have the day off today and they are going in to it with great momentum. they won their last two games including a four-three win over the twins just here yesterday. now a day off will give the team to mentally refocus and get rest for their bodies but it will provide a chance for them to continue to build that team chemistry. some players told me that they are going out on the water for a friendly fishing competition there is nothing like a little heated rivalry between teammates to have some great results on the field.
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next up, they host boston on wednesday n clearwater, florida, kristin rodgers, fox 29 news. more sports news our wells fargo center, it is a little old, tire. they are getting a make over. they have announced they will pump 250 million-dollar into making it better over next three summers. upgrades will include an entirely new mezzanine area, new sound system, more led screens, more food, and also they would lake to have better views of our sky line. sixers star joel embiid weighing in taking it a step further saying get just build a new one, in regard to the possibility of new arena there joe joe has a reason to field invested long term here he signed a five-year contract for the start of the season. still ahead on good day philadelphia, several of the new york's greatest, injured, look at this scene right here, the burning fisod tumbling right on fire fighters, we
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will give you an update on their conditions. an oscar plot twist an alleged thief makes off with the academy award, blank to go one of the night's biggest winners. >> he is very bold he made a video what he had to say straight ahead. good morning, everybody, remember when we did have, two stadiums indoors the spectrum and then they built the wells fargo center, back then it was first union center. 4:12. good morning. looking g sky line all lit up. lets check in with reading, pennsylvania, all with the snowstorm on the way, no excuses, sueby will give us snowstorm on the way, no excuses, sueby will give us details right after the snowstorm on the way, no excuses, sueby will give us details right after the
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it's cleaning season protection. this spring, take on even the grimiest messes with the power of lysol kitchen and bathroom cleaners. kills 99.9% of germs with 0% bleach. lysol. what it takes to protect.
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♪ >> wouldn't that be nice, to put your feet in the contact ban, warm summer. >> thanks, karen. >> 4:15. unfortunately, we do have, a lot to talk about regarding the changes in the weather forecast. probably hearing all kinds of number, six, 12, 18 inches, sue serio is fine tuning that forecast. >> when we give the range only hear the high number, right we say six to 12 you only hear the 12 and it is a range for a reason because it is hard to necessity exactly where those snow bands will set up and
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exactly how much we will get. we say six and you get 12, anyway, here's what we can expect from this storm, heavy wet snow will fall and it will accumulate for more people then dit, power outages, because of that snow could fall at an inch per hour, tomorrow afternoon, which means, with the wind factored in, poor visibility, with the wind blowing the snow around, so, that is some of the characteristics of this particular storm. we have got precipitation, down to our south and west. it hasn't, the energy hasn't transfer yet off shore but we have winter storm watches in effect, and some have been up great todd winter storm warnings for tomorrow so we will sort that all out coming up. 30 degrees is to start today, but we are going to go through our future cast looking at temperatures because this is where it gets tricky for type of precipitation, so late this evening we will start with rain because we are in the 40 's and then cold's gets mixed in and new in the 30's
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at four in the morning but 37 degrees here according to this model and we are right on the line between rain and snow it is a slushy wintry mix here , it is all snow to the north and west of us where we expect higher accumulation so we have a switch between rain and snow throughout the morning and then heavier snow takes over in the afternoon, and then starts to pile up and then we will start to see exit of the storm starting maybe six or seven or 8:00 in the morning, it is timing and temperatures really going to amount the amount of snowfall we will get. lot at ranges for philadelphia , anywhere from the north american model which says 9 inches, european model which says close to five and global model which says close to three. as we always say, the truth light somewhere in between. so these are the ranges we are setting up, three to 6-inch's long i-95 corridor, six to 12 to the north and west, coat to go 3 inches, down to the south and east.
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47 degrees today, 38 with that coastal storm tomorrow. it will mostly be a wednesday event but precipitation moves in late tonight, clearing, and cold on thursday, on friday, saturday, we're chilly, sunday we have got some clouds around , we will have sunshine in the morning, when do the showers roll in and when did we get that wintry mix we could get on monday, so, after we get rid of this storm, good ridding is it will be we will focus on the st. patrickes day parade on sunday, bob kelly. >> i know folks are having a shamrock shuffle up there in bucks county, how about the shamrock shuffle. good morning, everybody. buckle up, hello to the shad ers, hello, a live look at maple shade new jersey green for the irish there on the traffic lights and at least are working over here in maple shade. not the case in other areas like first of all lights are out along the schuylkill expressway overhead streetlights, coming in early
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this morning, driving, and then bam you are in the dark from say city line avenue in through that busy stretch of the roosevelt boulevard. yesterday too hitting the reset button on the power grid same deal lights out on kelly drive at hunting park avenue so remember it is a four way stop when lights are out they are still working here on the schuylkill right here near 30th street, it is eastbound on the schuylkill expressway, it looks like on ramp from 30th street still closed but schuylkill itself, main line is opened with the overnight work crews, 95 northeast philadelphia be careful you'll see penndot, new jersey dot, dell dot crews out there putting down that salt brine solution at some point today and start factoring in what you will do tomorrow at this time especially when it comes to the kids and school. live look at bennie no problem into or out of the city and still a lot of traffic lights out in the area impacted by the weekend storm especially here in delco traffic lights
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out along the board here so be careful, treat every intersection there as fit is a subpoena sign, karen and thomas, back to you. 4:20. after a day spent literally defying special counsel robert mueller former trump aid ace peering to reverse himself, last night sam nunberg he will cooperate with the subpoena seeking campaign documents e-mails related to the russia investigation but all day on money told anybody who would listen he was not going to go before the grand jury. >> the subpoena is absolutely ridiculous, why should i hand them over every e-mail i have had with steve ban on and roger stone, since november of 2015? >> he talks to them every day. he add that had mueller may have already had some incriminating evidence on trump but wow not specify what that could be. west virginia lawmakers will meet in hopes of the ending a nine day statewide teachers strike. those same lawmakers met and
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failed to have a proposed pay raise for thousands of striking teachers. the state senate passed measure last week to raise teachers salaries 4 percent but union leaders are holding firm at 5 percent raise. in the meantime public schools and nearly all of the states 55 counties will remain closed . >> this could be solved in five minutes. this could be solved, right here, right now. >> it is a bait and switch and it is unacceptable. >> the state by the way is ranked forty-eighth in the nation in terms of the salaries with most teachers earning about 45 you this dollars a year. talk about frightening moments on board a united airlines flight after an un rulely passenger had to be restrained when she tried to open up the plane door mid air >> there she is, repeating the word i'm god over and over
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again so this was on a express flight from san francisco to b oise, right after she tried to open up a cabin door it got more frightening saying i'm god. pass edgers pinned her down, tight her feet and hands together and flight did land safely. she was taken away for medically val evaluation. >> that went very wrong. fight ago this fire and fisod of the building up in new york city area in brooklyn and all of a sudden you could see it fell off and hit fire fighters people got hurt here, four were injured, one of them critically you can see a chunk of the burning building fall on to them. this was early on monday morning. officials say it took c that fire under control. it is 4:22. so we enjoyed our music, so
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afte rumors beyonce and jay-z may go on tour. you surround yourself a whole lot of people someone leak the weeko not surprisingly twitter is all a bus save those coins we will tell you when where and how much. stay with
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- honey, look what we got! - [narrator] going big (yelling) isn't always best. unless it's a aaa plus membership. get 100 towing miles and free emergency gas delivery. aaa. go ahead. phillies continuing spring training games down in
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clearwater on monday afternoon they were hosting minnesota twins and another good sign for this phillies team how about rhys hoskins his second home run of the spring got all of that, gabe kapler says he loves hoskins discipline at plate, phillies win the game four-three. maybe candidate for catch of the year, angels and red watch billy hamilton layout to get this one. you are not supposed to hustle like that in spring training. um-hmm. great catch by billy hamilton. villanova's jaylen brownson one of the five finalist given to the best point guard in the country. awards can wait this week it is big east tournament in new york. >> staying connected, most importantly, we get to the time when it is pretty much win or go home, so you guys stay connected, to tough runs, tough situations and games, and i mean we cannot get discouraged at any point we have to stay connected. >> you stay connected that is sports in a minute, i'm tom
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sredenschek. all right. well, ready or not we are getting another nor'easter and sooner then later. crews race to go restore the power as we brace for yet another, storm, and we are talking about a lot of snow, sue will update y
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you will need your shovels , we have got a major storm system coming and it could, dump as much as snow in some parts of our area and then this. >> nobody should ever to have deal with losing their child and not in the way he was taken. >> new lawsuits against man investigators say confessed to killing four young men in bucks county. also. >> going deep, and is it a touchdown? i'm awaiting a signal? it is, touchdown. >> touchdown to clement. >> a super season is starting to day, every single moment of that champion ship journey in an entirely different way and it was worth the wait. >> are you telling me it wasn't a dream, it is real. >> pinch yourself it really happened. >> so good to have you here on this tuesday, 4:30, thomas,
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karen, bob, sue, good morning everyone. >> good morning. it is a busy good morning. >> i saw driving, through lights out, tree down. >> right by fairmount park. >> yes, exactly. is there still debris every where. >> mother nature is not being kind because she's sending us another storm when we have not even cleaned up from the last one and things are starting to change. now that we are getting closer to the game we are getting a better idea of the track of the snow. we know it is just figuring out how much we will get. this just issued a few moments ago by it is a winter storm warning, it makes it more of a storm then we originally thought, philadelphia is included, delaware county, chester, montgomery bucks mercer in new jersey and northampton lehigh berks, all under this winter storm warning. there is potential for higher accumulations then we originally said, so this is why, you know, it is evolving and that is how forecast is
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are. we have six out of 10, your weather for today, it is breezy, cold out there again this morning, bus stop buddy, wearing a phillies cap today, and spring on, a day where we are anticipating, some snow, it doesn't look like much is happening right now, as we look at that light snowfall in west virginia but energy has in the transferred and it has in the because come a coastal storm. thirty in philadelphia feels like 23. sunrise time 6:27. we will start off with some sunshine today, but those, wind chill will be in the teens and 20's. the breezes will pick up as storm approaches, we will get to 43, by lunchtime, topping off at 47, which means we will start off with rain this evening, but then, as colder air mixes in, things get a little messy, been kelly and we will have some new snowfall estimates, coming up, next time. >> little messy. >> yeah, well, maybe that was under stating it.
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>> 4:32. >> good morning, in mess right new we're in a nice quiet, live look at 422 near trooper road. notice something different westbound they shifted traffic over to the newly paved stretch of the roadway, between king of prussia and trooper road, so that is good news. i-95 northeast philadelphia you will see new jersey and penndot and dell dot crews putting down that salt brian solution in preparation for the storm, and then over here in new jersey a live look at freeway quiet working your way in towards walt whitman bridge we have power out, overhead street lamps are out on the schuylkill expressway from say belmont, through city avenue, even with that boulevard merge , so be careful both directions this morning, traffic lights out on the kelly drive, kelly drive, hunting park avenue, nasty accident there yesterday, and eight cars piled up, right around boat house row so just be careful that far right lane of the kelly drive could bized over, this morning and then
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traffic lights are still out, in a lot of intersections in delco, so treat every intersection as a stop sign when these lights are out, karen and thomas, back over to you. >> thanks, very much there. we have got some double trouble we are still cleaning up obviously after that huge storm we haddon friday, power out in areas, peco those are numbers we are getting in right there as we take a look and crews working around the clock, ppl, dell marv, pse&g, ac electric, up and down tri-state area we have got issues right now. >> our steve keeley in montgomery county this morning , steve, good morning to you. >> reporter: three months after christmas it smells like christmas in spots here's what i was just talking about a half an hour ago, pine trees, only trees right now other than holy trees isn't it interesting christmas type trees that still have anything on the branches and they are ones that catch snow but even before wet snow comes this pine tree didn't last through the last storm and half forward school district that
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was shut down yesterday, you can see why, when you have little kids having to walk to school around this and driving around this you have zero visibility as well. now, that the schools are back opened today take it easy every where because kids are walking around this and what he just had a driver come through here you cannot see cars coming, four way stop, but even with the four way stop when you are blinded by a thick tree that came down, that tells you that you have got to take it a lot easier. so watch out especially pine trees that survived this storm they are going to catch this heavy, sticky wet snow and looking straight ahead above us you can see power lines, you don't even need bhen you hae that heavy snow and you have got lines in between two poles , we have seen power lines coming down just from the heavy ice, snow build at tht looks like it is 200 years old and survived tha precariously up on that yard elevated from the sidewalk so that tree survived storms can ty
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survived, survive a win storm at downtown the street, next stowe storm you can see these big of these pur lines and power poles so if you have had power , since las yourself, a lotteryg at this very same time i suggest make sure you have your cell phes 100 percent at all times because you never know if you will lose power but any, phone t can hold a charge for four days goingthe poor people that t power on friday and still don't have it just yet a lot ofe schools are saying if you need to come in charge your phones you can do area. thanks very much. we appreciate it. the three bucks county men murdered last lawsuits.e filed wrongful they are suing suspect killer cosmo dinardo, his parents,
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families, and as well as cousin sean kratz. july 2017 broughtal slayings of jimmy patrick, deanhio, thomd mark sturgis. >> i never thought i would feel this and lose my devastatir family. >> so sad. they are broken hearted, the suspect he lured his victims to their death. in montgomery county bill cosby will be back in court prel hearing on these charges. lets get right to lauren johnson in lauren. >> reporter: so with the jury dead locked unable to make a prs are having their second shot of bill cosby's freedom all playing outetal hearing. so yesterday, lawyers from bet side gathered here and basicalle trying to paint picture of the 80 year-old as one of theredaton
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hollywood just recently made aware of sexual aware during meo movement. lsosecutors want 19 accusers of being drugged and attacked but cosby's lawyerser argued the dead, their families are shot or lost. judge stephen o'neill said wow not rule to whether allow end oe hearing call it a weighty issue and needs time to reviewot time, to take the stan, jury dead locked retrial when prosecs say they are attempting to go after cosby in time their skip to show this is not just a single isolated incident, thomas. thank you, lauren. 4:38. this is wild party, he is stealg an award, hold it up, rorrer the whole thing, and then this
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act you'll i happened. >> all right, baby. best producer oh, yeah baby you are not best producer. how about best liar. that he posted on social media and may not be first time he has stolen a major award. we will explain. your weather authority bus think morning, sue serio. >> now we are seeing some changes and we are under a winter storm warning, these are counties that are highlighted in bright pink here that national weather service just upgraded to a winter, storm warning the potential there for higher snowfall amounts we will break it all down coming
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i had a bad day too. i forgot my briefcase. ♪ ♪ feed his kindness, where there's jif, there's love.
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feed his kindness, have an nfc champion ship game here, there is >> it gives you chills.o it. >> that is rig chills. been 30 days since eagles were crowned >> it is so exciting, our super bell champion shirt like so many of us are, wearing our gear for single second. >> she has worn that for pennsylvania 30 days. >> why in the off. >> eagles got to invite a couple hundred season ticket noe complex last night they were
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given a sneak peak of the documentary produced by nfl films. all they birds fanth nfl the whe super super bowl by memory there was unseen footage here. they were super excited. players were on hand like matt hollins who talk about the season and fans just could not believe it. >> nobody is in a bad mood. this is incredible. >> this is awesome. >> i'm 46. i've waited for this. it is just special. >> it was fun. >> commemorative dvd goes on sale today and guess what, nfl films senior pre dueser steve truth will be joining us on good day to talk about the whole experience of putting this film together and some of the unseen clips. >> it is 4:43, no problem. >> we are talking about kevin spacey releasing first trailer for house of cards and a look atlife after
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your crops might your ovebe in 1st grade.a pants. but when your en is crafted with nothing but heart and hard work... you're closer to t you know what sue serio is doing at the weather center. >> screaming. >> she is having a bigdot know . >> i don't see any balloons over there. you. lets get a check of the
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forecast in 15 seconds... i'm crying, that is what i have been doing in the weather center. no, not again. so this looks like it has the potential of being an even bigger storm, we have for tomorrow afternoon snowfall rates of an inch per hour, double digit accumulations possible. these are areas under winter storm warning, winter stop warm, new castle county, delaware and count ace cross the river in new jersey, maybe three to 6 inches in those places but because the snow mixes with sleet and rain at times it is tough to call those accumulations amounts. here's where the storm is right now. energy is getting ready to transfer off shore and once that happens then the nor'easter will get crank up.
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we will watch temperatures and precipitation for tonight. here we go at 8:00 it starts to roll role in as rain, snow to the north, and then you see how right along, it really is along i-95 corridor we're right between the line between snow and rain which means we will get some sleet mixed in, tricky travel for the morning. here's the morning commute and then tricky travel for evening commute is because of the high rates of snowfall at an inch an hour and temperatures are dropping down in the 30's and now gets really to the point where it is really piling up. so, for tomorrow, it is really , tonight into tomorrow, and maybe even into a couple of hours early, early thursday morning but we do clear out during the day on thursday, it stays chilly through weekend with temperatures in the 40's, and of course our parade is on sun dane a we will refine that forecast as we get closer but potential is there for both commutes to be pretty messy
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tomorrow. >> buckle, start making your plans today, air travel plans, will be impacted tomorrow. good morning. 4:48. here's a look at high water. this is delaware avenue i believe this is the holiday inn there. it would be northbound side of delaware avenue closed. i'm not sure if this is a water main break or result of high tide, and of course water coming off the delaware river but nonetheless it -- lets see if this knuckle head tried to drive through this puddle of water here. he will come to a halt, all right, that within g delaware avenue right there, by ben franklinway lag good herg your way toward philadelphia we have a brand nhe st. patrick's day parade. you often hear me talk abo le v, sisters of
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invite meade for lunch, lets take a look. mom always said breakfast was messmp , here it is true. here in america we have bacon, egg, cheese, jelly have at breakfast in ireland. so for the answer, we came andt here in bucks county. inside the hottest spot in new town b green parrot i'm here with the whole staff, you may remember bob fray buddy, rhawnhurst, cafe, you have done fantastic. how long have you been here.>> . >> sister le ver gerttrued we are running the wrong package. i necessity nuns got up early w. weak make corrections, we will fix that and make sure we show you the gre shot, i was sum on to the mother house over there in aston, can't wait to show you te
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story about the we do have the package. we do. about the parade on sunday. >> lets talk about the st. philadelphia, you can catch it only on fox from noon to three , you know we will the snowplows and shovels ready to go to make room for all of the to join us in center city but the paradehi here on fox 29, bak over to get out ruler. you were bad. >> it 4:51. what a story here frances mcdormand won for b sunday nigh. >> somebody stole her trophy and she was in upset , they filming out who they think dit. police arrested a is, frances mcdormand winning her oscar st has done this before, has all kinds of pictures on social years old.
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they is, terry bryant. he stole her a ceremony's after party. he was a ticket holerony dinnerk oscar and then brazenly on soaks media. >> it is governor's ball wow. who wants to tell me >> congratulations. >> can you imagine that, congratulations for people w iee and then during that one, no one knows are, he is charged with grand theft and then it was given backces m. >> he was an invited guest, he had a grabbed a statue off table, went around and how bold is that to take video. >> mine, baby mine.
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>> so people heard video congratulating him, statue is worth a dollar did you know that. >> no. >> if you want to sell it back or try to sell a statue you sign a contract that you have to sell it back to the academy for one dollar which prevents anyone from profiting off, selling their statue. over $900. >> that is crazy. >> lets talk about paradise. if you want to go to paradise we have an island and job that is out of this
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if you are in the hunt for a job this may peak your interest is here. >> basically a dream job richard branson the billion air who founded the virgin group need a personal assistant to live on his private island so your duties are, administrative tasks like e-mail, filing, archives, resume, two minute video explaining why you fit the role, applications, deadlines are on saturday. that is where all of the stars , celebrities always go. >> how much do you get paid. >> it doesn't matter, they pay you on sunshine and i hang out where star and celebrity. >> after a while sunburn will only get you so far. lets get you caught up on the top stories this morning, with lauren johnson. >> hey there, thomas, second day of the pretrial hearing in montgomery county for bill cosby what his lawyers asked for yesterday and how a judge cosby what his lawyers asked for yesterday and how a judge replied all that ...what are you doing?? cosby what his lawyers asked for yesterday and how a judge replied all that i don't need all this. mucinex fast-max can handle most of my symptoms.
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name one. how about nine? even... yea - i can read. we're done here. mucinex fast-max cold, flu & sore throat fights 9 symptoms. let's end this.
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they declare love dogs dat first get. dogs love more, because they are more. let's treat them that way.nc190.
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right now on good day philadelphia, bracing for n nor'easter set to hit the delaware valley as we are working thts back on. >> this tree tore out our entire cable, phone line so we have no communication in that way.ff da. >> bill cosby back in court for second day as he tries t acg
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the stand. another word to the man you can thankhe >> never heard that ward before i moved to springfield. >> i don't perfectly done word. >> "good day philadelphia" at 5:00 a.m. starts now. >> good day, everybody. >> you can make up be right. >> yes. >> so we're in the state of shock for storm. >> yes. >> g,d so good to have you here us. >> so busy but most busy, it is you can see sue your fingers working. >> it is really tough with the nor'easter. we all know that but potential is here for a big storm. it is much more of the a snow event then last one was a wind event but we will have wind factoring in this too. we can go on and


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