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tv   Action News at Ten on PHL17  WPHL  September 9, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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tuesday night, a college community gathers to remember a budding designer, not for her violent death but her vibrant life. another bankruptcy for an atlantic city casino and it could signal end of yet another gambling institution. but the big story on "action news" tonight is still growing controversy surrounding former nfl star, ray rice, and video that shows him abusing his wife. >> nfl is on the defense over what it knew about the video and when. like his wife, she has respond are to the first time since video came out via instagram page saying in part no one knows the pain that the media
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and unwanted opinions from the opinion of the public has caused my family to make us relive a moment in our lives that we regret every day is a horrible thing. she added this is our life. what don't you all get. >> meanwhile nfl is under intense scrutiny because of the initial reaction to domestic violence charges against ray rice. today league commissioner roger goodell defended the league in a network interview. >> anyone in the nfl, see the second video tape before monday? >> no. >> reporter: no one in the nfl. >> no one in the nfl, to my knowledge. >> now before that video was released rice was given a two game suspension and $500,000 fine from the league but since then he has been suspended indefinitely from the league and cut all together, from the ravens. now the whole ordeal happened in february and despite that ray rice and janan married the next month. >> "action news" reporter sharrie williams talked to
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domestic violence experts and sharrie, they say abuse wood man often stay with their abusers. >> reporter: abused women, shirleen and brian but also abused men they tend to stick it out. this topic is resonating with people around the country tonight. thousands of survivors are sharing their stories on twitter. they are all over the place. sharing their personal stories, using the hash tag, why i stayed, and why i left. this has just been on twitter and has been just the topic of the day. we spoke with consulars and experts, and they drove home the point that it may take years for victims to leave but most stay, and their reasons are very complex. it is a personal encounter that has become very public but it is not an isolated problem. domestic violence, literally happens around the clock. >> every nine seconds someone is abused by an intimate partner. >> reporter: after such extreme violence why do most victims stay? beth sternam with the laurel
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house say outsiders need to be slow to judge. >> until you have been in someone else's shoes you don't know what that person is experiencing. >> reporter: she says that the aggression typically starts on a low level, maybe a tap or a verbal put down. and by the time the abuses late, couples have more vestedded in one another. >> overtime you build your life and history together, you have friend in common, family in common, love. >> reporter: she says despite a person's background or income, the reasons to stay are generally the same: love, religious beliefs, children, family ties and out of fear. often at booser threatens to harm or murder the the victim if they get out of their relationship. >> it is statistically that is most dangerous time in terms of domestic homicide is as people leave. >> reporter: leaving an abusive relationship is a difficult process. statistics show that a person leaves, seven times, before actually walking away for good. she says that is why being supportive, is so important.
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>> i don't think it is helpful to a victim or a survivor to feel judged or having opinion about what someone else should do. i should never want that to be a determine factor in seeking help. >> reporter: getting help is what it is all b laurel house in norristown is one of of many agencies working to end domestic violence. if you are in an abusive relationship there is help and it can start with the phone call. we have the number up with the national domestic violence hot line, the number right here, 800-799-safe or 7233. the the information is there for us tonight, shirleen. >> the awareness is so important, thank you sharrie. now this year happens to be the 20 year anniversary of the violence against women act. vice-president joe biden, authored the bill in 1994 and today, spoke to the pervasiveness of violence against women. >> i found all of the time i have spent on this i find no
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distinction based on education , background, economic standing. >> the violence against women act is first federal law to address comprehensive approach against domestic violence and sexual assault. other news tonight, her death was brutal and a contrast to the way that she lived her life. tonight friends and family of laura air who hoe gathered in art institute of philadelphia in song and spoken word they remember the 23 year-old design's ledgely killed by a jealous house mate. "action news" reporter dann cuellar is live in center city tonight. dann, an emotional night there. >> reporter: it was a standing room crowd at art institute of philadelphia to honor the memory of laura air joe and it is clear the pain was shared by many at the institute. >> ♪ candle in the wind
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>> reporter: it was a night of remembrance for 23 year-old grad student, laura. >> it is hard breaking. i wish we were doing laura's wedding instead of this memorial. >> reporter: it seems students and faculty spared in expense with white roses and candles every where. >> the kids actually made cup cakes and homemade pastries to raise money to buy beautiful flowers. >> reporter: they were very generous in their heartfelt words of tribute. >> lauer ace a designing example of friendship and she showed people the way has the same potential, for strength, leadership and integrity. >> she will always be in our hearts. >> reporter: laura, was murdered in july, her body found stuffed in a duffle bag in kensington. police would later charge a neighbor in mantua jeremiah jackson in the killing and setting her koran fire. investigators say, she had
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lived there at 40th and brown for a week and was about to move because she felt uncomfortable. tonight her parents flew in from oklahoma for a memorial service. our own dave roberts read a proclamation from the city of philadelphia. >> in her memory we mentor the talent and safe guard the future of the next generation of philadelphia's citizens. >> reporter: to hear classmates and faculty tell it, laura had a promising career ahead of her. >> laura had a job that she could have have gone to and this tragic thing happened and it broke our hearts. >> reporter: but tonight, they wanted to focus not to be on the pain that many here share, but on the joy, that the grad student broad many of them. we're live from center city, i'm dann cuellar for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> dann, thank you. closing arguments are set to begin tomorrow in the cristina regusters trial. she's former day care worker
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accused of abducting a child from her school and sexually assaulting the five-year old last year. during the trial defense lawyers questioned how regusters could have hidden and brutalized the child without the knowledge of three other relatives in the same house. prosecutors say that the defendant is the only person, behind the crime. well, it has been a gray day for most of us and shore got the gray, and the wind, as well, sky six looking live at a dark, and dreary atlantic city boardwalk tonight. meteorologist adam joseph joining with us word of a little bit of the warm up, adam. >> taste of summer coming back in. sky six bouncing around a bit with that wind at the shore. philadelphia gusts to 24, 23 in trenton, wilmington five, atlantic city 26, and in wildwood close to 30 miles an hour. last two days we had a pair of 70's. seventy-five yesterday for a high to day 76. below normal of 81 degrees. this is coming off a very warm start to september with highs in the 80's and 90's.
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a little taste of fall but that is not going to last too long. eighty's building in the ohio, tennessee valley. even 90's in memphis, wichita, dallas. there is a bubble of heat that will be spreading to the heat but at the same time, notice to the north and west bismarck, 56 degrees. little sign of winter, with winter storm warnings for parts of monday tan a we will talk about the warmth and cool down, a lot to go over in that accu weather forecast coming up in a little bit, shirleen. >> thanks, adam. a man lives in the see cain apartment complex is now accused of peeping into the homes of his neighbor, upper darby police arrested darren brown, suspect of performing lewd act while looking into windows of residents at laurel manor. it has been happening since july. brown denied charges and is being held on $40,000 bail. parents attending a back to school night in delaware county got a little more reading material then they bargain for.
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one hundred teachers in the ridley school district formed a picket line outside ridley middle school. teachers returned to class without a contract this year after six months of negotiations failed to yield a new one. teachers handed out brochures to parents laying out case for what they called a fair settlement. university of pennsylvania held a annual scholarship welcome dinner tonight. that scholarship ace warded each year to philadelphia residents with financial need who will be attend ago this prestigious university. mayor nutter encouraged students to do their best as they pursue their higher education. and, still ahead on "action news" tonight, cue the long lines, apple's latest and greatest releases have been announced. they are not cheap but there is a new way to pay. another blow for atlantic city, trump taj mahal could be fifth casino to close this year. i'm kenneth moton, coming up why some say this business is just trying to cash in on fears.
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and is the president kind of boring? apparently this kid thinks so. >> oh, boy. >> remind their "action news" at tennis now a full hour each and every night, we will not game you, we promise we hope you come to depend on the news, from the team you have come to trust. so brian at citizens said one deposit a month waves the monthly maintenance fee. he's so good to me. mom! this is amazing! i know. no fee. no. brian at citizens bank. he gave you a special deal? he's into you. sounds like it's time to get back out there. honey, anyone can get one deposit checking. besides, he's younger than your brother. eww. you got that right. one deposit checking. only from citizens bank. one deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee.
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fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that parker. well... did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter- -sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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number of atlantic city casinos could be shrinking more there is word yet another gambling hall is in during straits. kenneth moton is live outside trump taj mahal and kenneth, you have got the latest here. >> reporter: brian, tough times for this stretch of the ac boardwalk, so many are trying to remain optimistic, trump taj mahal will remain opened but other say the casino business in atlantic city just has not been that lucky lately. revel, the show boat, and now trump taj mahal, all line up next to each other, and they appear to be falling like dominoes on the atlantic city boardwalk. >> i don't know what they need to do but they need to do something quick to get this city back on the feet. >> reporter: trump entertainment has filed for bankruptcy, again, last time was four years ago. this time, it says it is 285 million-dollar in debt, and
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reorganization not liquidation is needed for taj mahal. if it does not cut expenses the hotel and casino will close, honor around have november 13th. >> trump taj mahal is not closing there will not be any unemployment surrounding the the trump reorganization. >> reporter: that is word this evening from governor chris christie who just held a summit monday, to discuss the record number of casino closures this year. the union for casino workers say trump is trying to cash in on that fear by asking 2800 employees to give up pension and health benefits. >> the problem is they are debt service, the problem is miss management and problem is they have put no capital in the building to fix things. >> reporter: local 54 expects new ownership and debt relief will save this 25 year-old casino and hotel, ac mayor don guardian says he is here to provide support to laid off workers and he hopes the taj mahal comes out of its problems stronger. >> this is a transition period. i'm so sorry that it is
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painful for so many people but it is what we need to do. we need to remortgage this gaming mecca, we need to be a city that thrives on tourism but we have to take some of our bays and make it non-tourism to make it succeed. >> reporter: trump plaza shutting down next week, trump taj mahal, it is it for trump entertainment. if this one closest the the company will go out of business. reporting live from the atlantic city boardwalk, kenneth moton for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> another devastating blow for atlantic city, kenneth, thanks very much. it is time for a check of the accu weather forecast. >> meteorologist adam joseph is over at the big board, hi there adam. >> a cool day to day even though that low this morning guys start add above the normal of 63. sixty-seven. it had that damp feeling to the air work that northeasterly win, and you flip to 67, that was the high today. 76 degrees below the normal of 84. your record 49 and 94. sunnies setting around 7:19.
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we're at 68 degrees right now in allentown as well as trenton, lancaster 67. wilmington is 70 degrees. and right along the shore a little warmer because of that easterly win, northeasterly wind, ocean water is 74. it influences, that air temperatures and, a little bit warmer there then some places inland. looking at satellite and radar we had a lot of cloud cover early, bright white clouds and some scattered showers at the shore but now we have had that gray nature, and to the satellite. that is the low clouds that are building in because of the northeasterly wind that is still persistent kind of lock nothing low level moisture and the cooling air is dropping that air temperature near the dew points, trying to bring some saturation so that is why we're seeing cloud build back in. as we look at your morning rush hour tomorrow, rather cloudy, few breaks of sun to the west. sixty-four at 6:00. 7:00 o'clock 65. at 8:00 o'clock in the morning our temperature slowly warming up to 66. as we look at your daze plan inner philadelphia tomorrow after that 66 degrees at
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8:00 o'clock, it turns brighter by 11:00 into the afternoon and feeling more typical for this time of the year by 5:00 o'clock a temperature of 80 degrees. tomorrow north and west partly cloudy and warm already 81. lancaster 78. downingtown 79 degrees. around 80 for berlin, glassboro, west chester 79 as wind relax tomorrow and with the mix of sun and clouds and one more stop to the south and east at the shore, upper 70's, clouds to sun but if you are going to the shore tomorrow just be on the guard, rip current risk is still high because of the water being churned up with the low off the coast. when we come back we will talk more about that seven day forecast where we will really heat it up on thursday and then back it off this upcoming weekend, i'll have details coming up in a bit. see you shortly. with an eventual game one behind them eagles are making roster moves and we are learning more tonight about an injury to a key player. >> ducis roger is live in the "action news" sports center and ducis, you have got the details. >> hi there brian and
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shirleen. eagles signed veteran guard wade smith to a contract, that is because they have lost tackle allen barber for a season due to a high ankle sprain and they have lost evan mathis for a significant amount of time. mathis has been dealing with the mcl injury, to his left knee. the eagles have placed him on injured reserve designated for return list that means mathis will be eligible to return to practice with the team in six weeks, however he will not be eligible to play in the game until week ten against the carolina panthers. monday night, eagles and colts, we will air a pregame special count down to kick off followed by the game itself, all of the action starts next monday at 8:00 p.m. here on phl17. baseball now, no jimmy rollins in the line up for phillies, he is dealing with the hamstring injury he suffered last night. he is not playing tonight against the the pirates. freddie galvis gets the start at short stop more on him in just a moment. highlights in the third inning, russell martin gets the deal, buchanan one more
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business kit for breakfast. instead on two run double, pittsburgh leads three-two. leave to it little freddie galvis to save the day. in the fifth home run his second of the season, solo shot, ties the game at three. same count in the seventh, miguel franco the rookie big hit, galvis has the speed. galvis scores three times on the night. phillies win, four-three. first time they have beat the pirates this season. coming up next half an hour penn state's coach tells us why he is not interested at all, at all in discussing the the bowl ban list that was announced yesterday. hear this coming up later on. >> focus on the future, ducis, thanks very much. much more "action news" when we come right back. zombies are invading a popular tourist spot see how the at tracks is getting ready for a scary good
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on health check at ten a fourth american aid worker sickened with ebola has now arrived in the united states. ambulance, carrying the latest patient arrived at emery university hospital in
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atlanta. that patient, who had not yet been identified, was able to walk inside, and two other americans were successfully treated at that same facility. meanwhile doctors in the nebraska say they are encouraged by the progress of yet another infect american, doctor rick sakri is improving and ace leather. you would think meeting the leader of the free world would be thrilling for just about anybody but you would be wrong. check out this little man, his father had just retired from the secret service so he and his parents were invited to meet president barack obama but as you can see it became too much for him to handle. he tea side todd do what any ansy child would company he dove headfirst in the oval
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it took practice to scare the the living daylights out of people and these actors were hard at work, at eastern state penitentiary. they helped preparing for new season of terror behind the walls, today they have learned some techniques and practiced scarring each other, terror behind the walls debuts, september the 19th. always a great event looking forward to doing it again this year. screams of horror to screams of excitement a big day for apple fans. >> we've got the scoop on the brand new iphone hitting stores next week, plus you two has a present for all of your itune users details coming up. a seven year-old and his mom go for a ride in the golf cart her mistake was letting
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[♪] hello, again. if you are joining us at 10:30 here are the stories we are covering on phl17. a designer killed by her neighbor were honoured tonight.
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there were white roses as friends gathered at the the art institute of philadelphia. she killed her and set the car on fire. >> goodall is speaking out anyone that saw the video of ray rice knocking out his girlfriend. rice was cut from the ravens. the former star's wife janay is blaming the media for getting her husband cut from the team. they are threatening to shutdown the taj mahal. they own trump plaza which is closing in a week. we begin with a bizarre police chase.
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they were tries to b to allude e police by jumping on trees. a student tried to use a pass that was not valid. after an argument with a cashier the police got involved. a scuffle broke out. the student jumped the turnstiles and jumps into a car and on top of a eastbound train. the student was on top of the train as an oncoming westbound train was en route as the passengers are trying to talk him down. >> it's a bizarre incident. he could have got somebody hurt as well hurt himself. it is bizarre. i never saw anything like this before. >> the officers finally trapped the man and he finally gave up. at 1 10:30 a man died.
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shortly before 1:00 gunshots were fired at pennsylvania avenue. they encountered shawn brown. three plain-clothed detectives were involved here. they say that brown was armed. a gun was recovered from the scene. an autopsy is set for tomorrow. a peeping tom is on the loose in radnor. on sunday night a man was spotted about the bryn mawr apartment complex. he took off when police were called. the police increased the patrols around the area. they are encouraging anyone that lives near the apartments and sees a suspicious person to call 911 immediately. radnor police are teaing witdealingwith a rash of burgla.
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they were creeping around the first floor while the residents slept upstairs. a $5,000 award is offered for police to nab the bad guys. would-be burglars trying to steal from a staff. averchurch. after searching they found the two men and arrested them. the newark police are on the hunt for a man that robbed a man in a wheelchair. he was out exercising on buchanan circle when a 12 and 14-year-old rushed up from
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behind and pushed him. the impact pushed the wheelchair into a storm grate and it got stuck. that is when they pounched. they tried to choke me. they decided let's get out. they took off with my keys. they bullied him a few days earlier. he has no idea who they are. the philadelphia school district is settled a religious lawsuit filed by the u.s. justice department. that suit claims it's a policy of regulating the length of beards failed to accommodate the religious beliefs of a long-time police officer.
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the attorney for the district says it can keep the beard-trimming policy. and adam joseph is joining us on a cool night. yeah. we have a cool northeasterly wind. it's relaxing a bit. it gave us a fall chill today. as we take a look on the ben franklin bridge. all is quite. good visibility. the sizzle is here for thursday. the double scan live and present temperatures and satellite and radar that shows the drier air pushing from the west. double scan live on the onbut not finding a job. if we look at the number.
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oxford 67. sea isle city and smyrna 71. and the coastal system is pushing away. it brings rip currents on wednesday. the lower clouds are developing overnight. high clouds are starting to come in from the west. over all the flavor for wednesday it's a brighter day. however, if you are going to be at the shore tomorrow, the time of high tide between 8:30 and 10:30 there is flooding and in the back bays and delaware bay and mouth of the delaware river near wilmington high tide between now and midnight. we have that one more tide tomorrow morning we are going to watch. as we look at wednesday, the low is push fog the east.
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we are sandwiched from the next system to the west. the temperatures bump up to 80 degrees. as we get prefrontal, 88. it is muggy on thursday. evening thunderstorms from the actually cold front as we look at the lehigh valley tomorrow sun and clouds. if you are at the shore we watch for the rip currents there. and crowds in the morning giving away to sun and a temperature of 77. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast the temperatures 80. humid on thursday. at 8:00, the storms with the front coming through, by the time that friday rolls around the front is off the coast and we cool it off. 79. saturday is like today. a lot of clouds. spitting shower in the afternoon. not at washout for 75.
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a brighter day on sunday. we stay below average or monday and tuesday. mid 70s. a little flavor of summer the next two days before fall takes over. thank you, adam. did a police officer go too far when he ticketed a 7-year-old boy. what the boy did that landed him a court day. a bizarre scene. a court day. a bizarre scene. a woman tries to run over her we build spiralmate. and prorail. we're number one in north america. here at ductmate industries, pennsylvania workers are proud to make top-rated parts for ventilation systems. and they're proving there's a future for manufacturing in pennsylvania. i've got a plan to rebuild our manufacturing economy. and we'll do it by connecting companies with vocational education to ensure that our workforce is trained for the jobs of today.
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i'm tom wolf. and together, we can build an economy that works for the middle-class.
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a terrifying case of the domestic violence/x was caught p camera in california a. screaming woman knocked her husband off the scooter and backed up and ran the scooter over. you see the man struggling to getting back up and get out the way. a neighbor shot the entire episode with their phone and posted it to social media. she called the police who arrested the woman. the man that did not want to be identified said this was just a misunderstanding. >> i was not hit. and it was, um, it was a thing of trying to stop someone from
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drinking and driving. >> the neighbor that shot the video says it is not the first time she captured bizarre behavior. this time she was afraid in someone could be badly hurt. a 7 year old learned the hard way he's too young to drive. hz/ has the ticket to prove it. they had a family vacation at vaintexas. >> i was shocked. you know, i never heard of a 7-year-old getting a ticket. he was worried that he was going to go to jail. >> he made me write the thing on the ticket thing. i was scared. in galveston you have to be a licensed driver to operate a
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golf cart. the 7-year-old should not get the ticket. he is working with the family to straighten out the mess before clayton's october 4th court date. ah-ha. she is gone but not forgotten. how funny woman joan rivers was honored this evening. what you can expect from the brand new iphone and a street from a hit band. and the top news headlines starting
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huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that.
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well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44... whoooo! forty-four, that's me! get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts! whooo! gimme some! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. whoo! forty-four ladies, that's me! whoo...gonna get some cold cuts today! the much anticipated iphone 6 was introduced today. brandi hitt has the latest from cupertino, california. >>reporter:the apple iphone is going>u tim cookt= unveiling iphone 6 with a 6+ but a new apple watch.
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>> because you wear it, we invented new ways to connect and to communicate directly from your wrist. and it's also a comprehensive health and fitness device. >>reporter:it worked insync with the iphone. >> it's thinner than any phones we ever made. >>reporter:they have a new curved glass front and video functions. apple demonstrated apple pay. you no longer need your wallet at checkout. >> your total is 23.87. >> that is it. >>reporter:with several retailers own credit card companies on board it stores all your information. it's encrypted. >>reporter:apple is trying to stay ahead in a large screen
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smartphone market cook at the helm following the death of steve jobs. they unveiled the computer 30 years ago. you can pre-order the iphone this friday. it means the older models are starting to lose value. brandi hitt. cupertino california. they had help from bono.-( all 500 million iphone user can download the son album right now. those without an itune account you will have to wait for the
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new bono album. there was a showing of "the "the fisher king"." it was followed by discussion on depression. williams committed suicide on his san francisco. the bright lights of broadway were dimmed i in honorf joan rivers. she went into cardiac arrest. she passed away days later. her funeral on monday was a star-studded event. time for sports tonight. ducis rodgers is live over the big board. hi, ducis. >> hi shirleen and brian. today the team, they put barberry on injury reserve.
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and dyer has an injury. he will not be eligible to play until week 10 against the panthers. they have signed smith. we have a special countdown and kickoff of the game. all the action starts here at 8:00. phils andç pirates jimmy -- he gets to davi david buchanan. leave it to freddie to save the day. a homerun. the second in the season. it's a solo shot. he ties at 3-3. and the rookie, that is a big
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hit. galvas scores three times. the phils one 4-3. >> it's awesome you know. it was a good game, you know and get a chance to play and do good. >> he likes to be the guy. he when he does swing the bat and get hits you have$ñ hits and he hits in big moments. >> the rutgers are on the road on saturday. the coach is quick to point out because the ban is not gone it does not mean their bowl eligible. they have to be good on the field first. >> it's amazing how many people texted me and e-mails how awesome you are bowl eligible. we are not.
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>> you enjoys are going to ask 55 questions that don't have to do with rutgers. but i would like to talk about rutgers and maybe a little more about rutgers. >> he had a allen iverson tone in that. they begin training camp. rutgers, and then rutgers. how are you doing? never mind. thank you, ducis. and lesean mccoy, did he leave a 50¢ tip on a 26-dollar bill. he claims that he did. it is going to come in handy for the new mccoy jersey. he had his heart set on. that is a .03% tip.
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a new record. we reached out to the mccoy the owner says that he stands by the decision to post the receipt. they were abusive. receipt. they were abusive. the tiny tipnw is callous an
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to prove a point about internet speeds, we slowed down an up escalator. this is crazy i don't get it, this one is working ladies, shouldn't up be as fast as down? yeah. shouldn't internet speeds match as well? yes. do your socks match? my socks match. do your eyeballs match? yes. cable does not match the speeds. makes you want to go mad. erggggh. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - upload speeds as fast as your download speeds join now at verizon.
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you two day-dreaming? (millers, in unison) yes. (postal worker) about your victorian dream home? (mrs. miller) uh huh. (postal worker) or maybe a colonial home? (mr. miller) how did you... (postal worker) you have the new game from the pennsylvania lottery. (mr. miller) yeah, the new $1,000,000 instant jackpot! (mrs. miller) with 5 top prizes of $1,000,000. (postal worker) welcome to the neighborhood! (voice over) want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning today. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. check out the flooding in las vegas. it's a result of a man soon
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moisture and rep in an remnantsa hurricane colliding. the crews repair pavement washed away by+8ñ the rain an flash flooding. >> we are going to see cloud cover in the morning. sunny breaks north and west. 64 at 6:00. 66 at 8:00 in the morning. the day plan shall over all for wednesday starts around the 66 at 8:00. 75 by noon. it's bright sun at the shore with a milder high at 80. thank you, adam. thank you, adam. and finally a minnesota man created a fun house for his four cats. i am not sure we are doing the story now? why not. there goes the video.
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greg cougar has built 100 yards ever overhead cat walks. some lead to the basement and some to closets. he has he has ahe has a syndrom. he spent 15 years on the project. but not done. we are done. we are done.
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visit a branch, call or go online today. [dog barking] mom... the dog again. gloria: i know, papi. i want to strangle that crazy old thing. just ignore it. it's easy for you to ignore because you have the old-man hearing. but manny and i-- we have the young ears. i don't get how one dog keeps you awake when you grew up sleeping through cockfights and revolutions. mm-hmm. very funny, jay. manny hasn't been able to sleep in weeks. it's screwing his brain for school. and it doesn't stop. it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. yes, that could be annoying. - [sighs] - [dog barking] that's it. i'm going over there. gloria, now, don't go starting something because whenever you do, i'm the one that-- that she couldn't hear. [door opens] they're gone. cam.