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tv   BOS Budget and Finance Committee  SFGTV  April 24, 2024 10:00am-1:30pm PDT

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>> good morning the meeting will come to order. welcome to the april 24, 2024 meeting of budget and finance committee i'm connie chan. joined by rafael mandelman ask
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supervisor melgar. i would like to thank sfgovtv for broadcasting. >> i reminder for those here silence all electronic devices to prevent interruptions. should you have documents to be include they should be submitted to myself the clerk. public comment taken on each item of the agenda when your item come and up comment is called line up to speak to your right my leftment along the curtains and not necessary on provide public comment we invite to you fill out a card and leave them on the tray by the doors. if you wish to be recorded for the minutes. >> you may submit comment in the following ways e mail them to myself the budget clerk at brent. jalipa
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it will be forwarded to the supervisors and include part of the official file. you may send written comments via postal service to city hall 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place room 244, san francisco, california 94102. and madam chair itemed acted upon today will appear on the supervisor's agenda of april 30 unless otherwise stated. >> thank you, mr. clerk. before we call item one. would like to reminds everyone that we have quite a baptist item for budget and legislative analyst reports today. and for those items we'll have department presentation first, followed by budget and legislative analyst report. then have a discussion on the floor. and go to public comment. and so with this, mr. clerk call item one. >>. s item one, a resolution approving and authorizationing the director of property to enter in license to use and with
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honey bee foods. doing business as jolly b usa for 414 square feet under ground of mihal day plaza effective upon approval of this resolution. through december 82034 license fee. of 1200 annually 3% increases thereafter and authorize being the director of property to enter in amendments or other modifications to the license that don't increase the obligations or liabilities of the city. for the purposes of this resolution. >> thank you, before i call on you this is continue friday previous week. and what was amendd and that required continuance was the base reasoned a conciliation from a monthly to an annual of 12 thousand dollars >> with that, i don't see names we have our discussion and i
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wanted to thank you for being here last week. and waited until the entire meeting to allow us to wrap up your item. i will go to public comment now i don't see names. i don't have follow up questions i appreciate this. and so go to public comment on this item. >> invite public joining us here wish to speak on item 1 to lineup now and come forward. and all speakers will have 2 minutes to speak. we have no speakers. >> thank you. no public comment it is now closed. and i would like to move this forward with recommendation. and roll call. >> and on that motion to forward this resolution to the full board with positive recommendation. mandelman. >> aye >> member melgar. >> absent. chair chan. >> aye >> member melgar is absent.
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motion pass. call item 2. >> item twol a resolution stake the appropriation limits at 11.7 billion for 23-24. and due to the addition of local nonresidential new construction and the percent change in population in the san francisco metro area from the previous year for the purpose of computation of appropriation's limit of the madam chair >> thank you and -- we have the budget the controller's office here. thank you >> good morning, i'm michael from the controller's office. i'm here to present the appropriation limit, i have a presentation but the controller's office does not let us use usb drive the pack was to use g sxhal not letting me log on you have the presentation in
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your packet. the limit is limit on appropriations direct from tax proceased this is a limit on how much tax revenue we can collect if we exceed this over 2 years we return the amount to taxicabs. to establish the limit we start with relevant appropriations in fiscal 86-87 and since that time every year we have been increasing it by population and by measure of cost living. sorry. in 2022 the city's population failed by 6.% and.5% we can choose the greater we choose.5%. and the cost living growth is the california per capita or increase in assessment rules due to new xhushl construction. irrelevant was 4.4 the second 9.upon 74%. we chose the 9. 74.
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>> and the total percentage increase is 9.25%. we can use both temp rare voter approved increases and our tax measures include such an increase. in the past 4 years we have 5 tax increases include those for a total increase in the limit by 1.6 billion. as the time limit runs out that will drop down and will have less of a credit. and here is the calculations last year limit was 9.2 billion. and when we run the calculations the current is 11.7 billion. our total tax proceased subject to the limit was 6.2 billion.
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there are exclusions to make voter approved capitol expenditures and federal mandate and it is social security. our appropriation limit was 11. 7 billion and that makes us 6.3 billion below the limp and that is my presentation. i'm happy to take questions. >> thank you. >> good morning. from the bla item two of the resolution approves the annual spending limit of the for the city. which is upon 11.7 billion dollars. appropriations subject amount to 5.4 billion dollars. it is well below and recommend approval >> thank you. we don't have. we do this every year. and thank you so much for the information and thank you for the budget and legislative
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analyst report it is recommending approval. we will go to public comments on this item. >> members of the public who wish to comment on item 2 now is your opportunity to prop and address this committee. we have no speakers public comment is closed. i would like to move this item forward with recommendation. and a roll call. on the motion to forward this resolution to the full board with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member melgar. >> aye >> chair chan. >> aye. >> the motion passes. item 3 amendmenting the code to prohibit the fire department from providing or using a personal protective equipment containing add p fas and polyflower ibing substance by june 30 of 2026 and requiring
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the fire department to conduct regular meetings and reports in fire commission regarding progress toward meeting the 26 deadline. >> thank you. colleagues. the lead sponse of this legislation which is president supervisor peskin and myself and supervisor safai are cosponsors. it is regrettable today i know that many firefighters are attending the funerals for the passing ofllow lute steven silverrich and will not be present today to join us. so have been asked us to continue this item. to a week. and that to allow our firefighters the time to grieve. this morning. and so, with that, i would like to for us to have a moment of silence i know the board of
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supervisors in memoryium and adjourn our meeting yesterday in memory of him. and so let's have a mobile home of silence before we go to public comment on this item. thank you. let's go to public comment. we invite the public who -- wish to comment on this item 3 now is
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your opportunity to address this committee. thank you, no public comments. it is now closed. and i would like to continue this make the motion to continue had to next week. and roll call >> on this motion, to continue this ordinance to the may first meeting of the committee. vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member melgar. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye. >> we have 3. >> motion passes. call item 4 and 5 fort worth >> 4 is a resolution exempting from the competitive bidding policy in the administrative code the potential lease on a portion of the east end of sea wall lot 301 the sky star wheel llc for operation of the observation wheel. and adopting environmental findings. item 5 is a resolution finding the lease and development of
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pier 30-32. sea wall lot 330 and 15. 3 acre site located along the embarcadero between bryant and beale feasible under the administrative code. madam chair >> item 5 budget and legislate ever analyst report. let's go to the sf port. >> good morning, chair chan and supervisors mandelman and melgar i'm michael martin the port director. we will start with item 4, regarding the proposed waiver competitive bidding for the wheel and the whatever. last year approached by sky star to consider the relocation of the wheel from golden gate park to fisherman's wharf part of the apec conference. we worked with them and able to authorize a temporary special event permit for 6 months at the
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parking lot at fisherman's wharf and install in the time for apec. we benched their operations engaged with our commission and the community. and thought there was a benefit to continuing their tenancy beyond the sick months it fit in well as we await the long-term project of revitalized will develop that same location with visitors serving and retail uses. we have this time where we do negotiations and environmental review for the long-term we felt was a chance to aline this lease with our port plan to increase foot traffic and bridge the gap from the restaurant closures to the fasill uts and reenergy iegz fisherman's wharf. we engaged in meetings for feedback it was very positive. our commission approved a resolution on february 27 recommending to the board wave
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competitive bid to enter an 18 month lease. we are here before you hopefully seek your approval to move ahead. we are happy with the wheel so far. there has been 137,000 tickets sold since last november am 190 thousand dollars of rent to the port and can that will increase as we get to the summer and the rest of the year people are familiar with the attraction. so, we appreciate the mayor for sponsoring this item and appreciate your support and hopefully moveing for approval so we move ahead on this extension. i'm here for questions. your 18 month is the 18 months from the approval of the exemption or 18 months with the exemption guin the lease agreement for 18 months of lease. >> 18 months from the execution of the lease we can't execute until this resolution is effective but have authority to do that as soon as it is
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effective. my guess is beginning of may >> is your lease agreement the terms and condition as they exist? or it will be different? >> by and large as it exists we added a few things. but received community feedback about the intensity and timing of the light show or lights on the wheel. incorporated those to restrict and sky star taken those operational changes. broadly the operation will be what you see as it looks today. >> if i understands and correct me if i'm wrong. because the lose agreement is south does not trirg 9.118 not coming to the board for approval? if that is the case, ksdz you elaborate about the let's agreement itself? >> that is true. under 9118 we need port commission authority. on february 20th meet the port commission approved terms for
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the lose therapy attached to the resolution. broadly the lease is our boiler plate form to protect the port from viability and required base rent and percentage rent. encourages free tickets for under served communities. similar to the license agreement with your approval we proceed on those same terms. >> thank you. and i'm just looking at the attachment for the partial we have received a memorandum of information on the, on legislative file, looking at 18 month term. and monthly base rent 10 thousand dollars and 185 dollars. to increase by 3% effective november of 24. looks like that december 2023,
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that was impressive of 39,000 something riders generating 650,000. in gross revenue. that is impressive. and that's good news. >> absolutely. we are seeing good ridership year over year compared with golden gate park. part is where it is. and we want to build off that we are plan to do more activation in the area next to the sky star wheel to attract more visitors the summer months come and the visiting season peeks. we hope to see them improve more. we are happy with them so far. >> thank you and i'm sure you know i will say this, it is brother it is now than the original location. >> i have to say on record. i appreciate. thank you >> thank you. >> thank you. >> and go to item 5. presentation. move on to item 5.
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i will do a brief kickoff and hand it off. this pier 32 sea wall project is twhoon is important to the board. over the last 25 years we seen a number of failed effort to develop at this attractive and challenging site. we think we have the right team to work on this between the port and our partners. we have been able to work with the bay conversation and development commission and the state legislator to address the regulatory challenges we are move to a feasibility project. you see in the item we don't vice president that project yet we have more work to do, but advancing into environmental review and more dialogues we can find ways to bridge that gap. the import of the project is that we were in front of you talking about the flood study and the draft plan with the army corpse that will be an investment for the city to match
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federal investment this . project is part of strategy to take as much of that hit off the taxpayers. this project because where it is located will build the line of defense for the embarcadero and that is a great winning strategy that bring activity and public benefits to what is now a surface parking lot and birth for us. and we think that is a way to also bridge the gap to the future we need to with flood resilience as sea levels rise. i will hand typeset to my colleagues. good morning. supervisors mandelman and melgar. i'm here to talk about pier 32 sea wall 330 project. >> so first to talk about the project, there are 2 different sides.
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the first is sea wall 330, this will include phase 1 and potentially 2. could go together or split t. is two residential buildings with 15% inclusionary affordable housing and i land dedication for 100% affordable housing building the developer will look for a partner to develop that site. that would be funded by the development and generated there. 713 units total on sea wall 330. 25% which is affordable. the next piece is pier 32 across the street. the reconstruction of a single resilient pier. that is mostly office with a retail hall fronting embarcadero. food market, retail along embarcadero and include significant horizontal infrastructure improvements,
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including recorrection of the pier and sea wall. there will be one of the flag ship things aquatic center with a pool and deep water for a cruise and military use. speaks to where this is phased the first is the construction limitation. there will be intense construction on both sides that would be very, very challenge to do the same time. the second is financial. and i will talk about if the financing a bit the port will use similar financing tools to other port developments. the public financing with the residential side will help funds the pier side. doing that side first you generate public financing for all of the pier and sea wall improvements. so. as i mentioned, the term sheet
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contemplates community facility district and infrastructure financing district project area they are similar tools what the port uses on pier 70 developments. and as mike said based on the current pro forma and market the project does require an additional 125 million dollars to balance. the assumption going in the fiscal study is identify additional sources and i will talk about those are. but fiscal feasibility and endorsement allow us to move forwards with additional confidence to identify the source. so, the first thing we'll look to is the market. construction will take awhile on the pier side and the sea wall outside and office project. we are hope to see imprudent personments in the office market that could close that gap and completely. if the market does not improve we would look to additional public sources including impact
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fees. and utilizing tax increments or other tax source. adjusting transfer tax, federal or state funding for infrastructure. we are working with army core this is in that flood study area. we are sharing revenue from east birth, any of these would be brought back as part of a lease division and development agreement we bring in the future. finally to talk a bit about the term sheet. contemplates several transaction documents including the develop that cover area and potential for development agreement and separate ground leases for each construction site. the projected time line currently based on execution in 2026, sea wall 30, 2028 to 31 and pier 32 to 2035 built on the assumption could change.
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3032 lease a 66 year term with 900 thousand anual rent and the 3, 30 grounds lease 75 year term. zero rent for affordable building to help that and 600 thousand dollarsanual rent for the other 2 market rate. next steps after this step upon the developer made environmental evidences to planning. we'll w on transaction documents and we will start know pursuing opportunity to close that 125 million dollars infrastructure funding gap. and the developer will coordinate with our team and army core to see how the design
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and construction for this site fits with the larger sea wall project. i like to thank the bla for their work on analyzing the project. and i'm joined by cleanings at the port and the developer if you have questions. thank you. >> thank you. >> item 5 the physical feasibility finding the sea wall lot development and endoergs the term sheet for this project. as the department mentioned the development occur on 2 cites owned by the port. and -- the port provide a fiscal analysis for the project this showed the net general fund revenues generated would be 2.48
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million dollars. that is primarily from the pier fist they are in the developed there would be the maintenance costs would be the responsibility of the dwerp. there is a funding gap of within 25 million dollars. on the pier redevelopment. even including public financing the project now has a funding gap the port has some options they will explore to meet that gap. so we consider approval to be a policy matter and recommend if this does proceed the port update the board had they bring documents on the final financing plan for the project. >> thank you. and so i think there is the question will the lease disposition and development agreement the budget and analyst
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have recommended looking forward to see just helping the board so we understand your financing plan? especially to bridge the 125 million dollars gap of i appreciate the fact the developers in partner with the city is pick out 153 million dollars worth of construction loan to move this forward. so we see that the financial burden rely on the developers themselves to be able to get the financing going. so the question is could you help walk us through like today after in the event we. does not approve and move this forward could you walk us through the timing of when we can expect you to and back and have updates on the development agreement and financing plan? >> sure. so the ena runs through 2026. which provides the outside
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timing for that. after the will be looking at environmental review and working on coordinating the 3032 side with the army core work. and -- we are just getting in that. there is a bit uncertainty what will happen there. the goal is to come back in 2026 depending what happens with the funding gap and the army corps that could change and we'll look at all options to move this project forward. it move its forward and
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continues to as i mentioned construction expected on the pier 6 years. office market and depends what that looks like the financing could change temperature is hard to give you anything with certainty in terms when back in 26 the outside time for the lbga when we come back we'll get the financing plan and briefings how we have the 125 million dollars gab gap and the pacifics it. vice chair man man? >> getting all of the thumb's up. i will support this when we
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would do is -- figure out how the least attractive piece of the projects for the developer would move up early in the projects so that -- the stuff that makes the money is later. >> we seen the city. make up for that on treasure island. i imagine a universe i think i understand how this is playing out. where -- this is a good developer. like they will end their local and care for san francisco and key players and will try to make this work.
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the phasing of this to be 3 foot sea wall lot that is developd and have a project and housing there. they have instead figured out a way to get the pearce down and the intiesment for the project is gone. the answer is how much they have to pay us. depends whether this is done or not. if this does in the work out as we had to do and projects have to come in and figure out a way to make the sea wall lot 330 project w out and we might not like -- the way we are doing this leaves us exposed.
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the port and city regain control of that. in addition to the higher rent they would bayh pay on the sea wall lot site that generates 1.2 million dollars a year. the port used for resilience we gain the fundses and we do have a pretty strong enticement if the dwerp will not move forward we can finds another to move forward with those funds. it is depending on market conscience 75 to 80 million dollars in public financing. as we look at other sources we target everything. there are risks and we worked mitigate that. and make sure that if there are issues we have the ability to target everything to 3032 to close that gap as much as possible and you know when we get to the stage we are red to
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start construction we will have to look at the economics of the project. and figure out what is needed to build the make it go. we are retaining a lot of those tools so we are not left with all of the gap. >> thank you. and we don't have other names we will go to public comment. items 4 or 5 now is your opportunity address the committee if you approach i will start your time once you speak. good morning, i'm katie ladel i lived across the street from pier's 3032 and sea wall lot 330 since 1998.
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i'm cochair of the port's northern advisory committee and i was on the team to evaluate the developers for this project. centralitya was the front runner and they have done a great job of public out reach. and it has not been easy. because there was some negative a lot of negativity around the residential part and strappeda listened. that is what i like about them they are great neighbors and listen. they actually removed 135 of the residential units. they held a number of meetings with hoa's. they had phone call in's. they did great public out reach. they changed the project and added 40,000 square feet for market hall to ensure public
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access. i personal low witnessed the favorable reception from the public for this revised plan at the northern advisory committee meetings the retention of the deep water and investment to strengthen the sea wall are gifts on to which everything else. it has been 20 plus years of failed efforts for the piers they other right people to do it please approve this. thank you. thank you. next speaker, please. good morning rudy gonzalez with building and construction trade's we rise to support. not only the project in terms of the scope and bold vision. but to rise in support of the
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partners. you heard from the last speaker and i think you know not all developers are -- seeing equal low in the ice of working class people. in am dwerp has a professional sxraep consider himself friends of working people in san francisco i can't say this about many in the city they finish when they start and this is as important to the relationship their track record of development this . would bring good jobs t. is down stream. i think supervisor mandelman brought up good points. i think this we will be here sooner than we might expect on the infrastructured and housing side. the fadzing is appropriate given market continues downtown and the urgent and needs to build and deliver housing. will i think that will help finance the other side of the project. there is often over locked from a job standpoint how impactful a
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megaproject can be. those will be important vehicles not just in terms of make sure you have a fall back position from financing perspective but to make surety projects finish. we will bring on local businesses local workers that can start on a megaproject and journey out. we urge your supportful thank you. thank you. that completes our queue. >> thank you. public comment is closed. clothes i would first make a motion to move item 4 to full board with recommendation. and the roll call on this motion, please.
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>> on this motion. to move forward item 4 to the full board with positive recommendation. vice chair mandelman. >> aye >> member melgar. aye >> chair chan. >> aye. >> thank you the motion passes. for item 5 i will also like to make a motion to move item 5 to full board with recommendation. and a roll call as well. >> on the motion to forward item 5 to the full board with positive recommendation, vice chair mandelman. >> aye >> member melgar. >> aye >> chair chan. >> aye. >> the motion passes. >> and mr. clerk call item 6. >> item 6 a resolution authorizeings an amendment to the real property lease of 12.7,000 square feet at 1305 and 09 evans avenue including 13
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park stalls with raoul and denise 50% interest and linda olson and carl edwards trustees in the olson family trust. 50% interest as landlords for 5 year term effective upon approval of this resolution through june 30 of 28 at an if i canned base rent of 39 thousand dollars for a total base rent of 470 thousand and the director of property to nernt amendments or modifications for the lease don't increase the obligations or liabilities of the city. and necessary for the purposes of the amendment or this resolution. madam chair >> thank you, and today we have [inaudible] here. >> good morning, chair chan. before thank you morning seek
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positive recommendation for a resolution authorizing a lease amendment at 1305 evans avenue on behalf of the department for dph. dph occupied this premesis since 2002 operates 3 children and family programs. they have the lifting and empowering generations of adults provides case management and support to families navigating city services. parent training training local nonprofits and civil service providers. who provide free parenting intervention to care givers and parent in san francisco. and they have the family mosaic project supports families to term nance and he stability for youth at risk of out of home placement. this lease amendment covered the
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premesis 12690 square feet there is 13 parking stall. the landlord will provide free. the terms starts upon board and mayoral approval. assuming may first commencement the extend term be 4 years and 13 days rumming through june 13, 2028. >> rent is 470, 544 dollars per year. or 37 dollars and 8 cents per square not a flat rate that does in the escalate for the term. the base year at that time was 36 dollars. we are currently in hold over. but through agreement the hold over rate has been matched to the anticipated future rent of 36 dollars. i take it back. hold over rate matched to the
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current rate of the time which is 36 dollars. utilities are included in the rent. >> i have david with me from dph. and i to answer questions, thank you. >> thank you. an existing lose with dph and ordinance of evans street. on page 23 of the report. this would extend the term through june 13, 28. one time 3% increase in base rent and flat for the remarndz. on page 24 total rent paid by the city overnight term would be 2.3 million dollars. recommend approval. >> thank you.
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i do have a quick questions about the location, quickly and it teem seems like here it is in the plaza. so it is -- for thes addresses the departments are sharing like entire plaza with other entities. is this correct? or am i understanding that correctly. if you are talking about bayview plaza. yea. um, bayview, you are correct. there are several departments that have -- office space in the plaza. not bayview this . is not. >> it looks here as not guilty plaza on the google map. it is a big building and i can
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see that unless i'm inyekt. looks like the address system a big structure and sharing it with other entities within the big structure. >> yes. it is a long building and attentive vs spaces along the block. dph is one of many in this one building. this is a different location than bayview plaza >> i'm looking at the map. i know where bayview is i'm curious how it it is situated and so with this, how is the condition of the spaces? they seem fine on the out set? >> negotiated a floor and
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finish upgrade. tenant of the landlord provide an upgrade to the interior of the existing space. and -- it is eighty-one of thez spaces using for children, youth and families. and looking forward to the training institutes and look forward to seeing cared for and secure.
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>> we have no speakers. >> seeing no public comment it is now closed. and -- colleagues i would like to move this to full board with recommendation. and with that, a roll call, >> on the motion to in order this to the full board with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. >> aye >> member melgar. >> ayech >> chair chan. >> aye >> we have 3 aye's. >> thank you and the motion passes. >> and for the next item. and -- please call next item 7 and 8 together. >> yes. item 7e is a resolution approving the terminal 2 coffee cafe lease. black point calf and he lacolom
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coffee acting through the airport commission for 12 years 2, one year options to extend of the airport commission and minimum guarantee 420,000 for the first year of the lease. item 8 a resolution authorizationing the anticipate to accept a grant not to exceed 91,000 up to 15% of the original grant may be offered from the aviation administration for the impelementation recycled water system project for the period of time october first of 23 through september 30 of 28. on receipt by the airport commission of a grant offer from the federal aviation administration. madam chair? >> thank you we have sfo here. >> good morning. on item 7 the airports seek approval for a new concession lease in terminal 2 with guava and java for lease term of 12
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years with 2 one year options to extend. guava and java operate in 2 and black point and la colombe. rent is a structure of or minimum guarantee of 420 thousand. this lease resulted from a request for proposal process. guava and java was the highest ranked out of 5. the budget analyst reviews this come recommends approval >> item 8. the airports seek approval to accept and extend 90 million dollars in federal grant from thes aviation administration. airport infrastructure grant aig program. part of the infrastructure investment and job's act of 21. included 15 upon billion for the aig. under the program the faa gives
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a portion of funds to eligible airports for infrastructure projects. applied for funds recycled water system project which includes a new plant capable of removing chemicals from wastewater and i wanted note including per pole floweral. and construction of a distribution system consisting of 200,000 gallon storage tank. pump station. 3 miles of under grounds pipeline and connections to building. a requirement for receiving funds airport will provide matching funds 25% of grant eligible costs totalling 30 million dollars. the bla recommended approval of the resolution and i'm happy to answer questions on either item. >> thank you. >> item 7 approving a
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concession lease at the airport. with guava and java incorporated. there are two coffee and breakfast locations. we detailed the terms of the lease on page 27 of our report. the standard airport terms. and we show on page 27 that this lease will generate approximately 5 hadn't sick million dollars in minimum rent to the airport overnight 12 year term. recommend approval of item 7 and item 8 a resolution approves an accept and extend to the airport of 90 million dollars. this will funds a help fund a project to improve the airport's water treatment capacity to provide recycled water for nonpotable uses and remove chemicals to comply with federal
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drinking water regulations. we detailed the budget on page 31 of our report. total budget is 130 million dollars this is funding that portion of this project in the remaining will be funded by airport revenue bonds. recommend approval of 8. >> thank you. i don't have any other questions. on these 2 items i appreciate the work on the recycle water system project. and receive a federal grant for it. and to see how it will be done. and look forward to seeing it done soon. >> and with that, i don't have other name on the roster go to public comment.
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opinion comment is now closed. i would like to move item 7 with recommendation to full board >> on the motion to move item 7, to the full board with positive recommendation. vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member melgar >> chair chan >> aye. >> we have 3 aye a >> thank you and the motion passes. the motion to forward 8 to the full board with positive recommendation. vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member melgar >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye. >> thank you that motion passes. and mr. clerk item 9
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>> item 9, just 9. >> a resolution improving amendment 3 to the agreement between bayview foundation and dph for substance use disorder service. to increase the agreement by 7.9 million for a total amount not to exceed 19.5 million to extend by 3 years. for an agreement term july 2017 through june 2012 and enter in amendments or modifications to the contract prior to final execution. do not increase the obligations or liabilities to the city and necessary for the purposes of the contractor this resolution. >> thank you. we have department of public healing here yoochl good morning i'm max. director assistance of care behavioral health service joining me doctor kelly hall new system of care director and dph
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controller. before i begin want to ashgs knowledge bayview foundation leadership here. and his leadership members. >> today i'm requesting an approval for bayview hunter point methadone contract proposed contract the agency will provide methadone treatments to address impact of opioid addiction. including medication treatments for the disorder providing daily out patient treatment daily. and including supplemental contract the sole provider methadone doing so at jail. contract to serve 150 individuals per year for out patient methadone for adults. the services in the medication
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addiction treatment service amongst adult behavioral health and out parent service line. >> the agency is one of 7 treatment programs and two of out patient program in the bayview area. they deliver methadone to san francisco jail. for those who have a prior prescription. the agencies methadone program and clinic colocated in bayview a block away from the health center making referrals easily accessible. all of the meth don't program service available 7 days a week and working on the they have walk in and referrals. the agencies this time left year on concern and we with controller's office robbery
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working closely with the agency and we are invest in the the success of the agency. the value partner and establish a coordinated agency technical assistance plan to monitor and implement financial stability and performance improvement activities and seen results from the efforts. the efforts from the past year include regular meetings for assistance regarding the contract performance and budget process. how do they do -- clinical documentation. meeting the medical reform readiness and building occurrence the technical components of billing making billing accessible for staff and trainingum how to dot documentation. . agent improved the financial situation implemented financial policies improvement evidence by the continuation of positive net
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income and days of operating cash reserves. left year we were concerned with staffing. in addition to substance use service stap staff was staffed the leadership is fully also hired including the ceo. cfo. deputy director. chief affiliate and the behavioral health director. finally, the latest promise monitor reports met standards for fiscal 22-23. and improvement from fiscal 21-22. due to the progress in documentation. and enhancing the client retention rates and effortos ensuring staff meet training requirements.
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the amendment on file extend the agreement through june of 27 and this contract funds 2 different programs methadone in the bayview and jail methadone doing so. we detail the budget on page 35 of our report. and this contract was at the board a year ago at that time. we note third degree contractor on elevated concern status it did not mean compliance monitor criteria. and the department of public healing unable to produce performance data for the fiscal years of the contract. they were able to produce the performance data in this case. which shows improvement in terms of the administrative compliance requirement and the agreement as well as the number served.
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the contractor still not meeting the unit of service that is they are condition transacted for. this means initial therapy sessions or number of methadone doses. there has been a slight improvement and part of that is due to the regular issue of not being able to start clients in the jill on methadone unless they are register in the opioid treatment program. part of that is because of the staffing according to dph. this contractor remains on concern. and i think one of the key issues for us is that they are working on the odd and i financial statement. for the past 2 fiscal years. i think this that financial issues they do pose a risk to programming. and it is for this reason we had
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considered approval for the board. i think with this shorter term extension rather than multiyear extension. a shorter term through calendar 25 would provide additional oversight and recommend approval of this resolution as amended. >> thank you. i that say question for the d. public health. is is there a pass in the event here is how i vow this is in the just about the bafz view here in the i think if -- many have heard me the saying this before about many partners and organizations. that clear have for whatever reason it is -- now is in a status that is no longer ideal for the city to continue to be a
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partner. financing, staffing shortage and whatever it is. and is there alternative like a path to continue the service. the end of the day this is built people we must serve with public dollars. so while i want to see and hope that the organization does turn around in what internal w they must do to get there. i hope that they do. in the thevent they don't, what is the city's like recourse. when can we do what is the plan? do you have a plan b? >> we have existing service providers for covering ops treatment services and uniqueness is the station in the southeast working with the african-american communities. primary low plan to ensure the success of the agency meeting financial obligations and staffing. it is come to the worse case we
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have to think of plan b. we do have a mobile treatment available in the southeast areas of town. if needed we can up the capacity. this is not plan we want to go toward making sure we enter the civic program. able to do both. out parent community base. it is the staffing with the cull roll competency and being able to be available to the community that really -- take time to build the trust and to be able to come back and return for treatments and on going treatments in the space. i do hope that in the event given fact that i want to say on the record that what i was hoping for is a one year extension and to come back and to able to have the conversations given the fact
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that is now with the additional time. i hope december of 25 we don't wait until then but that before then. you know meaning before when the end of the fiscal year of 2025. we are able to understand -- where we are heading. we meet with them to fine tune on the technical assistance approaches making sure clients that serve this is the bottom line we are looking at >> thank you i don't see names. go to public comment on the item.
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>> we have no speakers. >> agree with the analyst and the d. public health we scale back this contract in the proposed amendments you should have a copy in front of you you will see a reduced dollar amount of not to exceed from 19 million dollars to now 15 million dollars or so. and you see to scale back instead of skun 30. 27 no december of 2025 and for the increase amount is scaling back from 7.8 mission to 3.8 million dollars. a little over.
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and those changes were maid both in the short and long title on page one and then again throughout the legislation on page two. and so with this amendment, i would like to make a motion to amend and a roll call on that, please. >> and on the motion tow amend the resolution -- with the reductions associated -- vice chair mandelman. >> aye >> member melgar >> aye >> chair chan. >> aye >> the motion passings. and now i would like to make the motion to move forward with the amended item with recommendation to full board and roll call. >> on this motion to forward this resolution to the full board with positive recommendation. machine man. >> aye >> member melgar. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye. >> the motion passes. >> and mr. clerk call item 10.
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>> item 10 a resolution approving amendment two to the agreement between the university of california and the department of public healing for behavioral health service. for high risk aged youth a dulls. to increase the agreement not to exceed 13.4 million. extend the term by 5 and a half years from december of 22 for a total term of july 2018 through june 28 and authorize dph enter in modifications to the contract prior to execution by parties not increase. the obligations or liabilities to the city. and are necessary for the purposes of the contract of this resolution. >> thank you. again we have dph here. why good morning. i'm the director of the adult and older adult system of care
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for health service. >> somented sfeek about our contracts with the university of california san francisco. to case management promise. there are two programs we are speaking about the ut city focus program. this provides case management service and the programs serve individuals across adult life subpoenas from youth, adults and older adults. these are individuals most vulnerable and at risk of negative out come in the community. the uc focus program is contracted to serve 488 cloinlts a year. we have a uc forensic full service partnership program this similarly works with individuals of similar ages. what is unique it provides special care for individual who is have criminal justice
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involvement. all of our programs across work with individual who is have criminal justice involve am, this program is unique where it serves individual when is have the most complex involvement at greatest risk for incareration. serves 175 individuals a year. to where this is in our system of care, in terms of behavioral health serbs this is serving adults. from transitional aged youth through older adults. part of the out patient level of care. intensive case management and partnership services. >> in terms what service are offered through citywide the 2 programs represent 2 of the 10 case management and partnerships we have across the care and in total serve awe thousand individuals a year.
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citywide, service over 50% of individuals in case management programs. and they excel at this. they are wonderful serving individual hos have complex needs integrate in the the community and meeting people where they and are wrap around intensive service. citywide will serve individuals in san francisco, most of the individuals they serve reside in the tenderloin, south of market, bayview, mission and china town neighborhoods. not surprisingly most of the individuals than i serve have a history of homelessness and or substance use disorders. >> this terms how individuals get in the services there are different pregnant ways. individuals for the focus programs can be referred from the office of coordinated care. from existing treatment providers from the jail,
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hospital and exiting hospitalization or psychiatric emergency service. as well as community providers. the forensic's program the referrals work to get in the program. most of the individuals who move in the forensic programs come directly from the jails from behavioral health services. all of the service again provide intensive care including field based care, care cordination with the goal of developing really intensive life skills and intensive service to improve impairment and support transitioning to different levels of care. intensive case manage. some need that for time the goal is to be a medium term intervention we support stabilizing and transitioning them to the next step in recovery. that said, services are provided at the level care for long as
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indicated. when individuals have stabilized which can mean they are engage in the treatment. a reduction in jail contact. hospitalizations. and reduction in acuity in serviceutilization and stable housing and health care for extended period of time we look at transitioning people to the next level of care. we are always positioned the system of care. know that ill sentence not linear in recovery is not linear. if somebody deteriorates we are able to step people back up to the level of care to support them regaining stabilization in the community. we are requesting a retroact ever authorization of the contract. there were delays in agreements and finalizations. and some intensive negotiationings with the renalingents of university california and the city related
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to a disagreement with the computer system around data chairing. that has been resolved we are requesting this this retroactive low be approved. >> we agree with the bla. and again to ask approval of the agreement as amendd and happy to answer questions that you may have. a resolution approves contract with the d. public health increases the term remember from december 20 of 22 to june 30 of 28. a retroactive approval. increases the not to exceed amount by 84 mission to 133.4 million dollars. the contract provides case
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management service across san francisco. service 575 clients per year. we detailed the budget on page 40 and recommend approval of item 10. >> thank you. vice chair mandelman. >> thank you. very important w. citywide is a great partner. i like to be a cosponsor. with that i do have a few questions. first is to staff how do you resoft computer data sharing? i have the luxury of not involved in the legal negotiations. i will defer to the city attorney. >> my understanding is that the
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discussion and the debate did koornd acstoesz city dataasm we hold the data and enter in agreements with providers. we insisted on using our standardized language we feel protects us. and that result in the a long negotiation. but i believe our standard terms were adopted. >> we prevailed. >> thank you. and here i want to confirm again and so, we understand this the contract itself is the expectation with 575 clients being served and looks like the cost of that is 1, 723 per client per month. and of that it seems like ucsf met they achieved 100% of the contracted units.
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but the contracted performance objectives this is for the 21-22 years. that ucsf met 74% of the contracted performance objective. somehow with the mixed results and that -- the department of public health department over all, program performance and compliance rating at 93%? could you walk us through a bit about the performance management piece? a mix of like 1 huh hub %. units met? and then yes, you know only 74% of the were performance. help us understand how you came to the conclusion the over all performance compliance is 93%? >> absolutely appreciate this. i will note that they have exceeded their contract units of service and unduplicated claims.
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they really and despite the staffing challenges we know exist support people in the community. that said in terms of performance i appreciate that i will say we are there are changes helping in the system now in regards to cal aim and directives from the state. some of this has been lt lead to a learning curve in terms of documentation and in for us as a deputy in terms of changes that are necessary in the performance objectives. i will say like both understanding there is a learning curve for the program. there are things we needed to do to modify and begin it was determine third degree the program over all met their contract and performance objectives and exceed units of service, of course. we monitor programs and work close beely with citywide the
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largest case management program. and so i'm confidence. in when they provide. i think it is more of a learning opportunities for us as a system. how we best navigate the data around that. and to flown to what this looks like in terms of performance objectives. as we move to the new electronic health record provides us with opportunity. i look forward to talking about in the future as we have updated data. >> adoption of the use of epic is it ucsf? ownership the d. public health as well. >> behavioral health service as a whole and most of the contractors are moving to empic on may 22nd. of this year. >> thank you. >> okay. >> i don't have anymoring scombes there is no names go to public comment.
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public comment is closed i like to move this forward. >> the motion to forward this with a positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. >> aye >> member melgar >> aye. >> chair chan. aye. >> thank you the motion passes. mr. clerk item 11. a resolution approving ma'am upon one to the agreement with san francisco public health and the department of public health for food security services increase the agreement by 1.6 million.
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and authorize dph to enter in modifications. agreement not increase the city's obligations or liabilities and are necessary for the purposes of the agreement or the resolution. >> thank you. dph? >> good morning. chair chan. supervisor melgar and mandelman. i'm doctor jones deputy director of the office of antiracism and population health disxrigz also director of food security. i'm pleased come here today to seek approval for a contract amendment for our continue to provide program management services from the public health foundation. program management upon services are for our program on food systems and ensure security and healthy eating for all of san francisco. the changes will be the contract would be increase not to exceed
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11 million dollars. extend for 5 years the contract through june 30 of 2029 provide a bit of a background on service the foundation provides for us. they provide program implementation. subcontractor management. capacity building and program support the program focussed on several objectives promoting food security and healthy eating. managing healthy food supplement grants. some of this work is like with the food security task force and data analysis and communication support and sharing uplifting community data and experience.
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the program implementation activities, the things that the public healing foundation provides are act as a primary liaison with our collaborative agreements. manage and funds based on how our direction. and other federal funds we receive. ensure there are agreed upon accounting are accepted and ensure there is maintenance of records and activities and compliance with all of the state and federal and local reporting requirements. they make sure temporary agreement in place. they carry insurance upon amounts that are required. and that they comply with any other rules that apply to them and for
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the capacity building and and program support, they work at our subcondition tractors to ensure they are complying with the goals of the program. reporting and making sure they are providing us the reports as needed and additional dataasm what this looks like in 23 the program heart of the city served 20,000 unique residents about
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50% came from the zip codes around the market and the rest from the city the city tracks unique purchasers. we know how many are coming in and how many are benefitting from the program. and these funds ensured that program is year round. another one of the examples of the program in the community is the vouchers for veggie program provides vouchers to priority populations focused on families and pregnant people and live nothing sro's and provides additional vouchers they use to purchase fruit s and vegetables. there are over 40 locations where they can be used the impact work is in addition to the activities i have explained. we are working looking forward to working with community
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organizations to share data that has we have publish in the the the first food security and equity report we provided in december of this year. we also are hosting community motesings to hear from organizations on the ground around food needs of clointss they serve. and this bidirectional feedback is important to the work of the department of public health. and relationships among organizations that are working in the community for hung and food insecurity and health. and with that, we do i want to acknowledge we agree with the budget and analyst office recommendations and request approval of this item. and i'm available for questions you may have. thank you.
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item 11 a resolution approved the public health contract with the public health foundation to food security programs this provide vouchers to supplemental food. and provides vouchers of fresh toed to people. and then -- a match for people who shop at the farmer avenue market. using ept. the public health foundation manages these program and tracks performance. according to dph. there are no performance issues. and we detailed the budget for this grant. for the contract on page 45 of our report. it is 54% funded by the general funds and the rest by funds ref nows recommend approval. >> thank you. i don't have questions. thank you for being here and always i think it is 2 decades
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language this was security work you have been doing. i'm grateful for your service thank you. >> thank you. >> with this go it public comment. member of the public who wish to address the committee on almost 11 now you can approach. we have no speakers >> thank you, no public comment it is now closed i like to move this to full board with recommendation. and with this roll call. a notion forward with positive recommendation vice chair machine man. >> aye. >> member melgar. >> aye >> chair chan. >> aye. >> the motion passes. and mr. clerk item 12. item 12 a resolution retroactively approving item 3 trifacta inc. and dph for travelling nurse registry personnel to increase the agreement by 1.5 million not to
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exceed 11.4 million. a total agreement term. june first of 21 through december 21 of 24 and authorize dph enter in amendments or modifications to the contract prior. >> mr. troy williams. thank you for being year i have questions. >> thank you. good morning. chair chan and vice chair mandelman and supervisor melgar i'm troy williams d. public health new chief nursing officer for the health network. this is a role that was created to aline nursing throughout the network and although i work in the dph the past 29 years my
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first day in the february i am looking forward you know to -- serve nothing this new leadership role. thank you, today for the opportunity to discuss the amendments. for our trifacta registry contract. and use of nursing rej streets. you know the department service 100,000 patients a year at san francisco general hospital. serves the most vulnerable the city's only safety net laguna honda. more through neighborhood centers and more. we're grateful to 1400 nurses commitmented to the mission providing amazing care every day. as a nurse, and a front line nurse in the department in the
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psychiatric emergency room at san francisco general. a nurse lead and health air quality professional. i understand the importance of having permanent employees care for patients. foster stability and contnewt of care and this is a priority for me in my role. later we'll get highlights on efforts for hiring permanent nurse we are excited tell you about now the legislation before you today. i the discuss contract amendments to the registry contract. and provide over view of nursing registry why we use it and stabilize and decrease the usage already. conclude with information about significant improvements to oversight and accountability when we use registry nursing
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staff now in place. i like to give an over view and provide context what nursing registry is. sorry. dph is grateful to the nursing staff for hard work and dedication. we have two goals related to nursing one to support well being of nurse. especially if loved once are sick or have leave due to burn out or other reasons and second committed to consistent and high quality care for patients. >> even with the highest number of rn's positions in the department's history in priority to fill these with silv service. classification of nurse we must subelement our nursing staff for consistent and high quality patient care. we meet patient staff ratios and ratios established with unions
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throughout the use. the reason i'm here is to question the approval of amendment 3 to the agreement with trifacta and dph. this will increase the agreement by 1.5 million for a total amount not to exceed 11.4 million. if approved our intent to close this contract after the payment is made. like to give an over view and provide context had nursing registry is and why we use it. we must supplement the nursing staff to provide high quality patient care this ensures we meet state and union mo u patient to staff ratios and the department cease 4 drivers. one, back fill leave. fill vacant positions, address patient surges and to back fill
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new nurse are on boarded and trained. when we need supplement the staff due to these reasons we seek volunteers to work over time. or as nurses we call them p 103's allows existing staff to pick up extraists should. when needed we use registry nurse. rn is a list of nurse licensed and trained to practice nursing in cal camp use registry as this is an industry standard and a tool that health care systems throughout the country use to ensure safe compliant care. as you see from this slide i thank you is important, registry is a small fraction of the nursing staffing the vast majority is administered by silv service staff am you can see the 4% registry projected for 23-24
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is below national averages and represents a steady decrease. in talking to colleagues of mine you see registry from 10-20%. 4% is really good. for this contract i like to call your attention to unprecedentsed events this is required the trifacta. first we experienced surging in patients due covid-19 in laguna honda. this required increase use of registry during the surges especially in the winter. we experienced early flu season. laguna honda 2 year
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recertification with covid which we don't anticipate recurring. the use of registry for patient care under went hospital retraining effort included 80,000 hours of training. required achieve recertificationch laguna honda had to rely on registry to back fill society staff could go to training tied to recert ifshgz. 3 full scale organization wide multiple day training, 4 weeks of cpr for all and back filling positions. so all nursing staff wound care and infection training. one placey we see surge system zuker berg largest acute care facility.
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busiest emergency department and the only level one trauma center serving san francisco in northern san mateo countet only public safety net hospital we turn nobody away and operate over 100% capacity. there were challenge for thes w force and stabilized we are still recovering. we experience health care professionals got sick in covid or had to take leave. many staff experienced durb out and took leaves while others made the difficult decision t retire due to the demands ovrt last few years. surges required the use of registry to serve patients who have nowhere tolls go. surges make it difficult to establish baseline and the goal
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alined with my kosovo pursue evidence base strategies for reliable baseline for needs relating to surge. this will lay the grounds work for a health care environment prioritizing the staff and the patients we serve. temporary traveling nurse registry personnel specifically licensed vocational and registered nurse. laguna honda used trifacta nursing to back fill during the covid-19 surges and laguna honda recertification i spoke b. this is yet contract is over spent by 1.5 million. dp my colleague the dph controller can answer questions
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about that. we are asking you to approve the promoezed amendments if approved dph willpate overage amount of 1.5 million and close out the trifacta contract. because pandemic related burn out took the toll on our staff and the health care workers around the world, we are focusod hiring and retaining nurse staff. also focussing on wellness at work. we have important information to share about improvement in hiring resulted in significant hires over the past 2 years we continue stabilize operations after the pandemic. these enhancements resulted in the most rn's that dph had in history. with 135 new position added since 2019. we have the full time equal of 1500 registered nurse positions.
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we are seeing retention and reduction leaves also drove the use of registry and the end of the fiscal year this is exciting we plan to have no more then and there a 5% vacancy rate. weer well on our way toward that goal. even as we focus we will need to supplement the nursing staffment with level of registry of health care system dom we believe that because of the impacts of covid and lug luge are stable. and with the great stride in hiring.
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does once the drivers are addressed it allows to identify which contract positions canning cancel in the real time that the work we are doing. we will dot same in san francisco general. as we refine the process.
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a registry review and the unions lead by human resource. we can monitor and include them in discussions. over site and accountability will be 1 huh human % data driven. we review registry use every day and monthly with leaders looking for opportunity to reduce our use. biweek rew meetings with hr sdmursing leadership to review vaccance and hes expediting hiring is happening i had the opportunity to attends a few meeting its is excite to see hr partnering with nursing leaders identifying vacancies and developing miring plans to get folkos board quickly. in conclusion our goals remain
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to protect special support the well being of nursing staff and provide consistent and high quality parent care to people who need us. we have a minor amendment to the resolution. we submitted them to the board clerk for your consideration. dph requests approval of the proposed resolution for amendment number 3 to the trifecta contract. i want to say thank you very much supervisors very nice to meet you and my new xroel if there is any more closing comments i'm the responsible leader for nursing registry use. i hope in term when is we talked about monitoring and oversight this falls to me. so, we look forward to making progress in this area. with that, i have my colleague drew the controller for dph and tim from hr and happy to answer questions you may have.
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>> item twhefl is a resolution approving the public healing contract with trifecta contract nurse. the amendment increases the not to exceed by 1.5 million dollars thshg is not for service going forward it is to pay invoices incured over a year ago. and then there was a bilge dispute that is why this islet in coming to the board of supervisors. this contract was the result of a competitive press this occur in the 2020. was used to fund contract nurse to provide covid-19 back fill. at public hospital and back fill nurses training part of
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recertification at laguna honda. swon tht contract has basic performance metrics the department did not track we don't have data specific to this contract. and we note the rates are high. they started 150 an hour. for the service this is consistent -- 95% of the billing. that's higher than the top including benefits of registered nurse in tan san francisco. also higher than the krsz country contract nursing rate. this is the other has been the other provider of contract nurse for san francisco. this contract does have the option to extend it through june of 27. department procured the service or finalizing a
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contract. that does seem like a positive development. we consider approval a policy matter for the burden >> thank you. supervisor melgar. >> thank you, chair chan, thank you for the presentation. so, we spoke earlier this week and i'm not going to say anything i have not told you perjury low but wanted it on the records and for my colleagues, we are at laguna honda going through a moment and we fully convinced we will come out successful. you have been folks through this contract because we need the staffing. that said, it is in the ideal.
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you know one thing that the staff at lug loug prides thoemgz the relationship with the patient. fact that people speak people native language. go out of their way to sing in their language to do people's nails and you know. thez personal relationships are important. and hard to have when somebody is coming through. i support your efforts and glad you are in the position you are in. you know we need safe staffing. and remember we must recruit permanent staff. that is something i will insist on. one of the things i asked the department is that one of the most powerful recruitment tools in terms of benefits is child care. a generaling and the laguna honda. that is being planned. the project at laguna honda has been stalled because of the recertification issues.
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ironically, now it seems like things are moving forward that is positive. my predecessor former president yee insisted we have childcare on the floor of the affordable housing facility built in the laguna honda camp us and that will be available to staff at laguna honda. the greater community and i think tell make a difference but general hospital, we put that promise in the collective bargaining agreement with sciu17 years ago. despite a reboulevard h. and raised manslaughter of dollars we have not made a dent. in this promise. so i am going to insist you then and there after we approve this, we work together and have a good faithef effort to make that promise come true. there have been grievances filed against the city the union won
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we are in the wrong. we are not putting this -- great recruitment tool in our tool box and a promise we made. so, with that i will support this but i also. to put you on notice i hold you accountability to this because it is really important. >> thank you >> thank you. gi want to walk through the trifecta contract kwivenlg it was issue of 5 million dollars. and that is when we are looking at in 2021. and then now by fwent 24 we are look at a totality of 11. 4 million dollars out of which we have billing dispuchlt i don't understand if we are wrapping up with this contract we have to pay them. asouffléing the bilge dispute result at the 11.4 million why
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are we crossing out reoct activity and need until december of 24? and so help me understand. instead of saying this money is to help us end the contract in may of 23 because that is really where we stop. we have not used trifecta 23/24, anyways. and why don't we retroactive low approve amendment and end it in may of upon 2023. and considering the 11.4 million dollars of the total which is in two short 2-1/2 years from 5 million to 11.4 million is an increase. walk me through what happened with the trifecta contract. >> i thank you. i can take a piece of the
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question about retroactivity. that originally when am we submitted the file we label today retroactive not realizing the contract had been extend think we needed to label it to extend the contract. term. in dig into it we see clearly we -- got through the bilge dispute. agreed on the amount as of upon september and as long as the contract is still eligible it is not a retroactive question about request to increase the max amount to pay the final invoice. >> so i think for me and this may require to continue this we are having a conversation and i'm trying to understand.
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if we are saying dleerl says to enter in amendments or modification to the contract required to final institution by all parties. can we have a more precise language incorporating in this resolution to clearly state that this 11 million dollars after the payment of this 11 mission we are done with trifecta.
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>> but right now we anticipate that will carry us through the
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june 30 period. why 2025. 2025. >> so, this is going back only because again, i'm glad youor board now and being our chief and nursing officer. i do have to say and go back again before your time is that last december the dph quail before us for a 39 million dollars over time and in that presentation specifically 100,000 hours of over time again from laguna honda and talked about we need to be recertified. we have to spends that today in the presentation on try facta not only we spend this 39. knife 5 million dollars. it was in the all laguna honda it was general hospital and the entire d. public health.
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we have certified nurse being assist analysis the highef spending on that list and the registered nurse the second. so it is not all laguna honda out theft 39. 5 million dollars over time there is a combination of tlin million dollars over time was paid pie your own salary saving i'm not saying that you are over spendsock general fund but twhan, 39. 5 million dollars of over time spending within your salary saving and again you have the two sizeable and cross country sizeable contract. for on call nurse. that is my layperson way of. to help myself understand. that's a sizeable spends nothing nurse. 2 years ago the strategy and
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today i hear the strategy is that you are going to track it in real time about your hiring and also your need in real time so can you determine the need for contracts in this you will work with hr now to continue to recruit am process. and i think supervisor melgar brought up a good points for the current nurses and existing working conditions and when really can retain them so they don't burn out. i will add-on another layer. focussing on hiring it is take more than a year. 395 days to hire a nurse. today, 3 years later i will add a larry is that recruitment what does that look like halfway through within city college you
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are now building a pipe line to retain nurses real time contract determine sxagz your recruitment? >> good morning. i have unfortunately involved in the recruitment side of it from city college we can garth that information. in terms of time to hire, when nurses apply, we it is about 60-90 day with thes new process. process of hiring? hiring. from application from start of process to on boarding.
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yes. the eligible lists are active for being 6 months. a monthly cycle. i think that today i'm not i want to say that well is a gap somewhere in this the reason i didn't believe you are here. i think there is a gap for a time now between the burn out and hiring and recruit am rate and over time spending. this gap is coming to ahead of usch glad you will sort this out by june 30 of 25. i do hope if i may say, that welcome aboard in february. get to work. and come back in june. what i'm expected to see is a
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comprehensive conversation about over time spending and projection and contract projection. for the two items. but you know dleerl is a budget process. i will not dive in your hr, but i'm expecting by then you have your contract negotiated and wrap and up like a report back. how are the components are coming together. by june. >> i think there is one >> sorry go closer to the mic. >> i wanted point out worn slide -- that illustrates in the way that the way we see it. that a poison emphasis we provide details on recruitment time lines and efforts and things we have done to bolster this creation. we have results on increasing
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permanent hours for 23/24 for pc s nurses that drive down vacancy rate was an important part of ask increasing our civil service authority for registry contracts. when we gollow and have to have nursing hour for the patient, we start with a pc s that's our first option. and we work to the tiers of over time. per diem and arriving at registry. to the extent we have tried to get our heads around the use of cross country and similar contracts, our first priority to drive down the vacancy rate.
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the fiscal or calendar >> fiscal year. of 24 by june. >> had a couple of questions after the hr director spoke. so you said that you don't have the information about city college because you have not been involved or not a recruit am plan that includes city college and san francisco state which have robust nursing program and in my district. which is it. because like we have seen under staffing in all -- you know -- department in thes staechl but like police that is robust plan for recruitment with targets and time lines do we have one nurse there is is one. >> a merit director is over recruitment. >> merit. >> he over cease recruitment
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plan. there is a recruit am plan for nurses and it does not include our local. >> yes. >> institutions. >> yes. >> okay. >> thank you. >> and i think that is perhaps back to dph that we will look forward to seeing that as the components of how do we drive down the vaccance and he recruit am plan and managing of over time. spending and it is in the easy job. we appreciate all the work that you are doing that you have been doing and understands the burn out rate is very real. i think that the most time when i go to any hospitals i think in san francisco especially the er, there is always that board like what is the number one you know concern of our medical staff and nurse it is always staffing we appreciate the work you do. and with the exception this i
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think the budget is tight. we want to make sure money is spent efficiently. i will say one other thing i appreciate the feedback and questions. just to really highlight again one of the biggest -- changes is my role. right? so you know things have been laguna honda and care and my troll bring this together and add to the questions you are asking. and giving where we are.
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we are you comfortable with seeing what the current amendment. i know you say that this is a policy matter. do you for the board to decide if we were to approve this amendment the bilge dispute was a problem. now for with the further amendments to the existing? >> i do. >> through the chair. the d. public health reached out to us. to share the amendment. the amendment took out the language in the resolution. and that makes sense to me there is an existing contract in place the term through the end of 24. retroactive refers to the board proofing a term that has the beginning which has passed.
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this is increase not to exceed amount t. is true for spending that occurred in the past there is an active contract in place. that made sense to me. >> thank you. >> and assume we are set with the city attorney that makes sense. >> okay. >> i just want to put those things on record the thoughts about -- to make clear this money is going to the dispute or the past due invoice. thank you for that and -- let's move this to public comment. >> if we have members present who michelle to address. amend the legislation as
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proposed by d. public health strike out retroactively. and long and short title and to strike out the sentence which extend the terms by a year. a motion to like to move that motion. a roll call. >> o this motion to amend the resolution as stated. vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member melgar. >> aye >> chair chan. >> aye. >> thank you, this motion passes. colleagues i think that given the fact that it it is for a bilge dispute we had with the contractor and this contract has significantly increase friday 5 million to now 11 million. i'm not comfortable recommending this item. to full board -- but more as
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without recommendation. not to say that not in support of the approval. it is doyle recommend a contract amendment such as this with the types of terms and conditions and reasoning. >> so with that i would like to move this to full board without recommendation. and a roll call, please >> on that motion. to -- yes of this motion. to refer this resolution to the full board without a recommendation as amended. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye >> melgar. >> aye. >> chan. >> aye >> thank you the motion pass. >> mr. clerk call the next item. item 13, a resolution
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retroactively authorizing the police department extend a grant from a california board of state and community correction's officer wellness and mental health grant program to improve well ness and expand source for our sworn members. sthk we have the police department here. good afternoon. chair chan. vice chair mandelman i'm kim wu the chief financial officer for the san francisco upon police department. this is a retroactive accept and extend resolution authorizing sfpd to accept an officer well ness and mental health grant in the amount 1.4 millionful one
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time guarantee from the california board of state and commune corrections. through the budget act of 2022. the program provides a total of 50 million to city and county law enforcement agencies. and the purpose is to improve officer wellness. and expand mental health sources for sworn members. the award amount is 1 million. the sfpd plans to use the grants for wellness and mental health training and service. and number of ways. first the new gym equipment or full gym revamp. based on each 10 district station gym assessments. on what needs to be purchased or replaced. embed health and well being training workshops, mobile app.
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two on sight specialists that will be housed at the academy. train the train are program for 16sfpd personnel to conduct mental health first aid to department staff. and lastly a wellness room and space for the hall of justice. >> regarding the retroactivity the awards the officer well ness and mental health grants to all california city and county law enforcement agencies. and emplaying ralphs based on number of officers within each agency krouts without an application process. sfpd received notification the rescombard a check for the full grant amount on march third, 2023. sfpd has noted extend grant funds has until december first
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of 25, 225 to mitt a report and a final impact report. we ask retroactivity approval to accept and extend the grant. >> thank you. >> supervisor mandelman. >> thank you. add me. >> thank you. and i don't have questions and don't see anyone on the roster go to public comment. thank you. no public comment it is now closed. joy would like it move this to full board where wouldation. and with that a roll call. on the motion to forward with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member melgar. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye. >> we have throw aye's
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>> the motion pass. like to actual the next 2 together. they are accept and extend grant for the police department. so -- mr. clerk call 14 can 15. together. >> item numbers 14 and 15. item 14 is a resolution retroactively authorizing the police department to accept an in kinds gift 900 units valued 49 thousand through the distribution project funded by the subsubstance abuse services administration and admin steers by health care service. 15 a resolution authorizing the police department to accept and extend a grant in the amount of upon 70 thousand from the california governor's office of
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emergency services for forensic science improvement program for equipment per laboratory. madam chair? >> thank you. we have now the police department here. >> okay item 14 is a retroactive resolution authorizing the police department to accept and extend in kinds gift of 900 units. the 900 units narcan valued 48 thousand dollars. through the california distribution project. of 900 units 300 were received on march 29, 2022. and 600 units received on september 8 of 22. the nar can distribution project is funded by the california
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substance abuse and mental health service administration. and administered by d. health care service to reduce opioid over dose deaths which includes fentanyl throughout provision of 3 nar can for organizations and entities. sfpd receiving nar can kit from thes project. since 2019. this resolution is retroactive because we have received the units of narcan the gift is provided by dh narcan distribution project and the state sends the units once the question has been approved. sfpd asks retroactivity approval to accept and extend the gift 900 units of narcan.
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>> move to item 15, is also a resolution retroactively authorizing sfpd to accept and extend the paul forensic science improve am program. the amount upon 70 thousand dollars. annual federal pass through state allocation grant from the california governor's office of emergency service. the grant provides funding for sfpd crime lab to maintain a creditation for forensic services and reduce case backlogs. budget includes continuing education and training for staff to meet the accreditation. requirements and supply and equipment for crime lab to help reduce the backlog. and a note on retroarctivity. sfpd applied for the grant on
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december 12, 2022, and cal oes approved sfpd application on june 7, 2023. sfpd budget each grant in the annual appropriation ordinance and less than 100 thousand, we are seeking retroactivity approval because the state requires you to have proof of authority for the grant agreement to satisfy this grant condition after receiving each grant award. sfpd requests approval to accept and extend the cal oes grant. thank you for your time and i'm happy to answer questions. >> thank you. and i don't see names. go to public comment. >> member who is wish to prosecute speak on 14 and 15 now
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is your opportunity. >> we have no speakers. >> thank you and seeing no public comment it is now closed. and vice chair mandelman. >> thank you, i like to be added for 14 and 15. >> thank you. >> and with that, like to move item 14 and 15 to full board where wouldation. and the roll call. >> on that motion to forward both resolutions to the boards with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member melgar. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye. >> the motion passes. and mr. clerk item 16. >> item 16 is a resolution authorizing the director of property to execute a first amendment to a lease between the city and la cocina inc. city owned property at 101 hyde street extend the lose for a
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year from january first, 26 for a total term of july 7 of 2019 through december of 26 reimburse the tenant in the amount of 10 sick,000 for sidewalk improvement light marring and operation of a shared use commercial and remove utility payments by the tenant. today we have -- sorry.
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we think the amendments aim to support la cocina to grow women lead small food businesses a backgrounds the original mission to foster opportunity through the food all are now transitioning to a kitchen due to the post pandemic challenges.
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i typeset thank you lacochain for their work and hope you approve this lease. thank you. >> thank you. and -- i do believe this one has a bla report. thank you. item 16, this is a resolution amendment to marry's office of housing la cocina 1 where are 1 hyde use for a site dedicated to a development agreement. the funding has not been lined up and what it does it extend the lease agreement through december 26.
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and then remove the required utility payment to march 2020 through the term of the lease. and we estimated the cost the city of the changes is about 300 thousand dollars az and paid for out of the affordable housing funds which is the city accounts for the housing development impact fee this is is consistent with other rent relief the board provided throughout recommend approval item 16.
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which attentives will be activate in the the space wrochl i think we had know? i think i'm curious, i mean, i understands this the master the mysterier leasee, and definitely wanted understand as we wave the rent or in the process i think with the amendment today you offer is the utilities. jot utilities. >> yea. >> which that's great. narrow don't about what the waiver is applicable to. and -- so i look forward to understands the venders and vender's management at the site after all it is a city site. and who is occupying it. even under the master >> my understanding with the new business model is that -- the space will be shire chauffeured out so there is in the necessary low a long-term might be a
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change of different businesses i than they are togetherings minority women owned restaurants and businesses. but this is a new model where there may be venders this work through the space. >> i'm sorry of >> is it a new model or the same they are using on the folsom street space? that is what it sounds like on folsom street the shared kitchen for people who apply and i know they had a waiting list. for -- 25 years. so is it a now model or the same. >> now. >> a new model it is new for 101 hyde it is like the folsom. yea. >> thank you and with that let's go to public comment on this item. >> if we have any members of the public who are present who
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wish to address item 16. >> we have no speakers. >> thank you no public comment it is now closed. >> colleagues i would like to make amendments look like i'm making amendments directly to the lease. itself. combh proposed by mohcd and agree with the la cocina as well. >> yes. >> okay and i will read off it is the first amendment to -- thank you. deputy 73 attorney, i have amendments to the resolution approving the lease the board may make today the board may not introduce to the lease itself. agreement in the resolution in the lease amendments on of the
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the resolution for the lease amendments when i'm looking at the proposed amendments is the on page one and that it is required future on page one line 8. and remove require the future utility payments by tenants. to tell thus is for the future not the retroactive previous utility payments and also until the expiration on termination of the lease and that it is and but it forgets the past payments retroactive for march first 2020 strike out utility payment until line 12 determining that strike out expiration or termination of inserts the phrase less than market rent payable under the lease.
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strike out modification to the first amendments to the lease and take certain action inserts the frooiz phrase will serve a service producing economic barriers and foster economy. line 15 striking out further of the resolution and defined in authorize the director of property inserts accordance with sensions 23.30 of the code and 4. strike out the word lease. incerteds the phrase first metropolitan to the lease and or take certain actions. you see throughout that page 2 and 3 there are where as clauses to further discuss commercial kitchen use. at an affordable rate. reducing economic barriers. and that rent less than market
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rate rent value. and that the low are rent indicating as with the purpose of serving the public reducing economic barriers and such. with that those are the amendments. proposed by the department by mayor's office of housing and economic and community develop the and with that i would like it move the amendments as proposed. and roll call. >> on that motion to amend the resolution as stated vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member melgar. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye. >> we have three. >> motion passes and i lolled like to amend the item to board and a roll call >> on the motion to forward to the full board vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member melgar. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye.
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>> the motion passes. and mr. clerk call 17 and 18 together. >> item 17 and 18, resolutions approving authorizing the director of property for the following and make modifications and actions to the documents and further analysis of the resolution. in authorize director of property to enter in modifications to the documents that don't increase the obligations or liabilities to the city and necessary for purposes or resolutions. 17 is on behalf the mayor's office of housing. acquire real property at 2550 irving from 2550 irving associates lp for 9.6 million agreement for purchase of the sale urn the jurisdiction for use and constructing affordable housing. approving and authorizing the director of property and d a grounds lose to 3s become to the
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borrower for 75 years and 1, 24 year option to extend and base rent of 15 thousand to construct a 1 huh human % affordable 90 unit multifamily development.
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item 18. the execution and delivery of a mull family housing ref now note in one or more series in principle amount. 64 million for the purpose of providing financing for the construction of this 90 unit multifamily project. 2550 irving. approving the form and authorizationing a funding loan agreement the terms and conscience of the loan from the fupdzing lendser to the city and the execution and deliver of that note. a project loan agreement providing the terms and conscience from the city to the borrower and deed, trust and loan documents. an agreement and declaration of restrictive convenance.
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changes and additions to the documents ratifying and approving actions taken in connection with the back-to-back loans and note and project granting authority to city officials to take actions to implement the resolution. thank you. >> thank you mr. clerk. and -- with that we again have house >> good afternoon. project manager with mayor's office of housing and communities development. weer here for two items the development of affordable housing communities by the project sponsor tenderloin neighborhood development. 2550 irving in the outer sunset neighborhood. the first item to authorize 3 actions.
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first a purchase and sale agreement to enable the city to acquire the policy and a grounds lease to allow the city to lease it for 99 years. also for approval is the city loan of up to 16 million. for loan term of 67 years. which is an entity createed develop improvements. the final item authorize issuance of notes not exceeding 63.8 million to facilitate a construction loan for the project. the projects credit union on irving neighborhood corridor 27 and 28th avenues in december of 2019 selected as an experience for 2019 notice of funding availability to develop family or senior housing.
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>> in october of 21 they acquired the property for 9 million using a city acquisition loan. due an electric utility easement requirement the sponsor redesigned the build to avoid units or the easement and reduced the unit count to 90 units inform august of 22. the planning department approved the project using senate bill sb35 for affordable housing. in may of 23 the state housing development department award 6.9 in infill infrastructure grant. 29.3 in competitive multifamily housing program loan and community grant for community space on the grounds floor. a factor in the awards is the project's location in a high resourced area which alined with
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the housing element goals. engaged in amount of community engage the project subject to an appeal and litigation. they prevailed in appeal and litigation. were introduction ford annual housing to the irving street area and occurrence over contamination from businesses dry cleaners that were located at the project site and another location near by. obtained cloernss from both the city d. public health and the state d. to beingic substance control. meets residential standards. building will feature vapor
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intrusion to monitor vapors the affordable housing loan committee recommend approval of the loans the community fund today would allow construction of 90 affordable units including 15 units for veterans subsidized by veteran affair supportive housing program 22 reserved for families xit exiting homelessness. a manager's unit. and 52 general affordable lottery units subject to rules for formerly displaced san francisco and those that live or work in san francisco. income restrictions from 35% to 80% in a range from units to studios to 3 bathrooms the grounds floor space for property manage and want staff to help residentses and 24 hour front desk coverage. 150 square foot office for a new
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sunset chinese cultural district funded by the separate state community grant and provide programming assistance with focus on sunset chinese heritage community. the project if anies includes city, state and federal funds. shown including a federal home lone bank of a million of 40 million in state loans and grants. tax christmased and up to 16.9 in city lones for consideration today. supervisors a crucial part of the project state tax credit and bonds require loan closing by june 24. with your support our sponsor look forward to constructing are construction starting june of 24 and project commregz in december of 25. note that the first resolution buffer amended with clerical changes provided to the clerk.
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thank you for combrour consideration and support. thank you. >> thank you. >> report on item 17. for this develop the approves agreements one is the city's acquisition of irving street. affordable housing project. the grounds lease from the city tot ndc up to 99 years special then a gap loan of 17 million dollars to help fund development costs. detailed the terms on page 57 and 58 of our report. there are standard documents for our affordable housing. we note that the board previously approve in the 2021, 14. 3 million loan, 9 million to
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help acquire the site and 5.3 mission to predevelopment work that the acquisition portion is forgiven now that the site is coming into control of the city. the total development cost for this project on page 59 of our report when you include the acquisition costs which is a cost to bring this to construction it is 108 million dollars there are grants, tax credits and loans the actual city contribution here is 26 million dollars. recommend approval item 17 >> thank you. vice chair mandelman >> thank you. thanks ocd for work on a challenging project. and i would like to be added.
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>> next and supervisor melgar. >> i would like to be added as a cosponsor for both items as well. thank you. >> thank you. i we see inquiries so i think that the budget and legislative analyst already put it on the record and with the recommendation for approval i wanted just clarification or you know confirmation from the mayor's office. i have seen other items including 4200 geary that is taking place in our district. affordable senior housing of 98 units they are similar to this one. aulgsz by the tenderloin neighborhood corporation. and that in fact, they for a
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similar deal both come from the 2019 affordable housing bond approved by voters. and -- very similar in terms of -- t structure of the loan agreement. and then similar the way that in terms of process. acquisition of land and the eventual the agreement betweent ndc and the city. >> i want to confirm that is the case with 2550 irving? >> they are similar structures one of the changes the state financing or not that may affect the loan documents other than that what is a private mortgage. the project we have state financing but no private mortgage it is similar in terms of the notes use and theed city fi 4200 geary >> this does have state if anies. >> this has substantial state financing. >> and i think 4200 geary as
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well a dea line to meet it for state financing qualification and -- great. that's all i wanted be on the records to say this is the very standard agreements that the board of supervisor has approved. similar agreement in the past. like as far as i'm correspond since have been on the board since 2021. it is a standard in left but not least the evaluation of the land value at 9 million could you walk us through a bit about that. and how we come about and come about now at this purchase rate? the original acquisition the police credit unite city had a loan of 9 million dollars. based on the aappraisal at the time >> what time was that? which year? do we remember. >> 2019.
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>> that's right >> when the city the stealed take land from thet ndc and grounds lease over time, we are required to get an updated appraisal that came in 9 publicity 6 million. from the time of the acquisition loan provide to now, the principle of 9 million includes interest by june of this year would add up to 700 thousand dollars. the proposal that is before you would forgive or consider that repaid witness they transfer the land tousz. no extra -- exchange of monies. considered paid. >> updated assess of the lands value was done when? >> within the last two months. >> yes >> great. thank you. within the between 23 and 24.
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>> correct. >> great. thank you. want to be on the records about the vowels of the land and how it was assessed publicly on records. thank you. i appreciate it. let's go to public comment on both items. zee in speakers and seeing no opinion then is now close said. i would like to move both to full board with recommendation. and roll call. >> madam chair we have the clerical to item 17. if we can take that. >> thank you. item 17 a clerical amendment. that is referencing on page one referencing the section add a 0 to that and my apol gees i would like to do this in one motion. i would like to make ail motion
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to amend page 1 for the correct a clerical error and with that to is the item for item 17 and with that it is to move both 70 and 18 to full board with recommendation all in one motion. to amend 17 the clerical area and move both 17 and teen full board with recommendation and roll call on that motion. >> on that motion to amend the resolution on item 17 for the clerical edit offered by the department and to forward 17 and 18 to the full board, vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> member melgar. >> aye. >> chair chan. >> aye. >> thank you and this passes. mr. clerk do we have other items before us today sgr >> that concludes business.
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we have our budget and appropriation committee meeting at 1:30 today and the meeting is adjourned.
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>> come shop dine and play. taraval street is open for business. >> i am a coowner at 19th. this establishment came about when me and my brother andy, coowner, we decided that it time for us to take a step up
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in the barber industry, and open up a space of our own. ory business is a community that shows their true artistic side of the barber industry. we are involved in teraival bingo so stop by, get a hair cut and when you do you get the barber sticker made just for us. i say in three words we are community, arts and here to help any way possible we can, so come by, visit at barber lounge, 907 taraval in the sunset. you can find us on instagram. >> time for teraival bingo supporting small business, anyone can participate. it is easy, collect stickers on a bingo gameboard and enter a raffle event.apply. >> (music).
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>> wishing sfgovtv all the very best ownless 30th anniversary thank you, for keeping san francisco informed how we're fighting. >> the rec and park development i want to thank sfgovtv for thirty yearsf the community services. >> hi this is shamming anyone water departmenters i want to wish sfgovtv a happy 30th nonthank you so much >> i don't want to be involved in the process after it happens.
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i want to be there at the front end to help people with something in my mind from a very early age. our community is the important way to look at things, even now. george floyd was huge. it opened up wounds and a discussion on something festering for a long time. before rodney king. you can look at all the instances where there are calls for change. i think we are involved in change right now in this moment that is going to be long lasting. it is very challenging. i was the victim of a crime when i was in middle school. some kids at recess came around at pe class and came to the locker room and tried to steal my watch and physically assaulted me. the officer that helped afterwards went out of his way
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to check the time to see how i was. that is the kind of work, the kind of perspective i like to have in our sheriff's office regardless of circumstance. that influenced me a lot. some of the storefronts have changed. what is mys is that i still see some things that trigger memories. the barbershop and the shoe store is another one that i remember buying shoestrings and getting my dad's old army boots fixed. we would see movies after the first run. my brother and i would go there. it is nice. if you keep walking down sacramento. the nice think about the city it takes you to japan town. that is where my grandparents were brought up. that is the traditional foods or
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movies. they were able to celebrate the culture in that community. my family also had a dry-cleaning business. very hard work. the family grew up with apartments above the business. we have a built-in work force. 19 had 1 as -- 1941 as soon as that happened the entire community was fixed. >> determined to do the job as democracy should with real consideration for the people involved. >> the decision to take every one of japan niece american o japanese from their homes. my family went to the mountains and experienced winter and summer and springs. they tried to make their home a
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home. the community came together to share. they tried to infuse each home are little things. they created things. i remember my grand mother saying they were very scared. they were worried. they also felt the great sense of pride. >> japanese americans. >> my granduncle joined the 442nd. when the opportunity came when the time that was not right. they were in the campaign in italy. they were there every step of the way. >> president truman pays tribute. >> that was the most decorated unit in the history of the united states army.
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commitment and loyal to to the country despite that their families were in the camp at that time. they chose to come back to san francisco even after all of that. my father was a civil servant as well and served the state of california workers' compensation attorney and judge and appellate board. my parents influenced me to look at civil service s.i applied to police, and sheriff's department at the same time. the sheriff's department grabbed me first. it was unique. it was not just me in that moment it was everyone. it wasn't me looking at the crowd. it was all of us being together. i was standing there alone. i felt everyone standing next to me. the only way to describe it. it is not about me. it is from my father.
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my father couldn't be there. he was sick. the first person i saw was him. i still sometimes am surprised by the fact i see my name as the sheriff. i am happy to be in the position i am in to honor their memory doing what i am doing now to help the larger comment. when i say that we want to be especially focused on marginalized communities that have been wronged. coming from my background and my family experienced what they did. that didn't happen in a vacuum. it was a decision made by the government. nobody raised their voice. now, i think we are in a better place as country and community. when we see something wrong we
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have change agents step up to help the community affected. that is a important thing to continue to do. you talk about change and being a leader in change and not knowing whether you have successes or results. the fact of the matter is by choosing to push for change you have already changed things. through inspiration for others, take up the matter or whether it is through actual functional change as a result of your voice being heard. i think you have already started on a path to change by choosing that path. in doing that in april of itself creates change. i continue in that type of service for my family. something i hope to see in my children. i have a pretty good chance with five children one will go into some sort of civil service. i hope that happens to continue that legacy.
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>> i am paul, sheriff of san francisco. [ music ]
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>> for us, we wish we had our queue and we created spaces that are active. >> food and drinks. there is a lot for a lot of folks and community. for us, it started back in 1966 and it was a diner and where our ancestors gathered to connect. i think coffee and food is the very fabric of our community as well as we take care of each other. to have a pop-up in the
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tenderloin gives it so much meaning. >> we are always creating impactful meaning of the lives of the people, and once we create a space and focus on the most marginalized, you really include a space for everyone. coffee is so cultural for many communities and we have coffee of maria inspired by my grandmother from mexico. i have many many memories of sharing coffee with her late at night. so we carry that into everything we do. currently we are on a journey that is going to open up the first brick and mortar in san francisco specifically in the
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tenderloin. we want to stay true to our ancestors in the tenderloin. so we are getting ready for that and getting ready for celebrating our anniversary. >> it has been well supported and well talked about in our community. that's why we are pushing it so much because that's how we started. very active community members. they give back to the community. support trends and give back and give a safe space for all. >> we also want to let folks know that if they want to be in a safe space, we have a pay it forward program that allows 20% to get some funds for someone in need can come and get a cup of coffee, pastry and feel welcomed in our community. to be among our community, you are always
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welcome here. you don't have to buy anything or get anything, just be here and express yourself and be your authentic self and we will always take care of you. dev mission's goal is aiming to train young adults, youth so we can be a wealth and disparity in underserved communities like where we are today. my name is leo sosa. i'm the founder and executive
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director for devmission. we're sitting inside a computer lab where residents come and get support when they give help about how to set up an e-mail account. how to order prescriptions online. create a résumé. we are also now paying attention to provide tech support. we have collaborated with the san francisco mayor's office and the department of technology to implement a broad band network for the residents here so they can have free internet access. we have partnered with community technology networks to provide computer classes to the seniors and the residents. so this computer lab becomes a hub for the community to learn how to use technology, but that's the parents and the adults. we have been able to identify what we call a stem date. the acronym is science
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technology engineering and math. kids should be exposed no matter what type of background or ethnicity or income status. that's where we actually create magic. >> something that the kids are really excited about is science and so the way that we execute that is through making slime. and as fun as it is, it's still a chemical reaction and you start to understand that with the materials that you need to make the slime. >> they love adding their little twists to everything. it's just a place for them to experiment and that's really what we want. >> i see. >> really what the excitement behind that is that you're making something. >> logs, legos, sumo box, art, drawing, computers, mine craft, and really it's just awaking opportunity. >> keeping their attention is like one of the biggest
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challenges that we do have because, you know, they're kids. they always want to be doing something, be helping with something. so we just let them be themselves. we have our set of rules in place that we have that we want them to follow and live up to. and we also have our set of expectations that we want them to achieve. this is like my first year officially working with kids. and definitely i've had moments where they're not getting something. they don't really understand it and you're trying to just talk to them in a way that they can make it work teaching them in different ways how they can get the light bulb to go off and i've seen it first-hand and it makes me so happy when it does go off because it's like, wow, i helped them understand this concept. >> i love playing games and i love having fun with my friends playing dodge ball and a lot of
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things that i like. it's really cool. >> they don't give you a lot of cheese to put on there, do they? you've got like a little bit left. >> we learn programming to make them work. we do computers and programming. at the bottom here, we talk to them and we press these buttons to make it go. and this is to turn it off. and this is to make it control on its own. if you press this twice, it can do any type of tricks. like you can move it like this and it moves. it actually can go like this. >> like, wow, they're just
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absorbing everything. so it definitely is a wholehearted moment that i love experiencing. >> the realities right now, 5.3 latinos working in tech and about 6.7 african americans working in tech. and, of course, those tech companies are funders. so i continue to work really hard with them to close that gap and work with the san francisco unified school district so juniors and seniors come to our program, so kids come to our stem hub and be exposed to all those things. it's a big challenge. >> we have a couple of other providers here on site, but we've all just been trying to work together and let the kids move around from each department. some kids are comfortable with their admission, but if they want to jump in with city of
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dreams or hunter's point, we just try to collaborate to provide the best opportunity in the community. >> devmission has provided services on westbrook. they teach you how to code. how to build their own mini robot to providing access for the youth to partnerships with adobe and sony and google and twitter. and so devmission has definitely brought access for our families to resources that our residents may or may not have been able to access in the past. >> the san francisco house and development corporation gave us the grant to implement this program. it hasn't been easy, but we have been able to see now some of the success stories of some of those kids that have been able to take the opportunity and continue to grow within their education and eventually become a very successful
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citizen. >> so the computer lab, they're doing the backpacks. i don't know if you're going to be able to do the class. you still want to try? . yeah. go for it. >> we have a young man by the name of ivan mello. he came here two and a half years ago to be part of our digital arts music lab. graduating with natural, fruity loops, rhymes. all of our music lyrics are clean. he came as an intern, and now he's running the program. that just tells you, we are only creating opportunities and there's a young man by the name of eduardo ramirez. he tells the barber, what's that flyer? and he says it's a program that teaches you computers and art. and i still remember the day he
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walked in there with a baseball cap, full of tattoos. nice clean hair cut. i want to learn how to use computers. graduated from the program and he wanted to work in i.t.. well, eduardo is a dreamer. right. so trying to find him a job in the tech industry was very challenging, but that didn't stop him. through the effort of the office of economic work force and the grant i reached out to a few folks i know. post mates decided to bring him on board regardless of his legal status. he ended his internship at post mates and now is at hudacity. that is the power of what technology does for young people that want to become part of the tech industry. what we've been doing, it's very innovative. helping kids k-12, transitional
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age youth, families, parents, communities, understand and to be exposed to stem subjects. imagine if that mission one day can be in every affordable housing community. the opportunities that we would create and that's what i'm trying to do with this >> (music). >> hi, i'm emmy the owner of emmy's spaghetti i offers working that with some kind of fine dining and apron and feeling stuffy and in the 90s in san francisco it was pretty pretense in a restaurant in the restaurant scene i want to it
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have a place to have a place for my friends to guess i started the restaurant a no better place the outer mission spaces were available that's when i opt in two 10 he start with all people and work with them and the events they create one of the events we do every year and backpack give away and give piaget away and a christmas part with a santa and bring 5 hundred meatballs and pa get and we're like in the mission not about them knowing where the food comes from but a part of the community. and my restaurant emmy's spaghetti and fun banquet
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and san francisco not the thing that everybody knows about we stay under the radar we show the showcase i take it food and we started to eat we wanted to have comfort food and that a claims friend from i take it and helped me create meatballs and dealing evolved over the years in the beginning one plate of spaghetti and a meatball we tried to make the portions as big as they could be. and now we have quite a few types pasta dishes with a la begin and meat sauce or have a partition to a lot of food we
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are at a point with all the favorites i don't change the menu often 0 i eat here so much but everything is fresh your cocktail menu is the best it's ever been one thing on the menu our magazine ghetto we change the flavor one of the fun things it is served in the historically we're known emmy's spaghetti as a friendly place and when i opened i wanted my friend to be welcome and other parents to be welcomed and it is very for this is a place for families especially in san francisco and this is where though hold their celebration important i mean you're coming to a family restaurant and you're coming for o to a fun place i love being
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the owner and pretty sure my life i enjoy running the psta spaghetti place i hope to be here a while we'll see how it goes we everyone is a friend we're hoping you'll be a >> i don't think you need to be an expert to look around and see the increasing frequency of fires throughout california. they are continuing at an ever-increasing rate every summer, and as we all know, the drought continues and huge shortages of water right now. i don't think you have to be an expert to see the impact. when people create greenhouse gases, we are doing so by different activities like
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burning fossil fuels and letting off carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and we also do this with food waste. when we waste solid food and leave it in the landfill, it puts methane gas into the atmosphere and that accelerates the rate at which we are warming our planet and makes all the effects of climate change worse. the good news is there are a lot of things that you can be doing, particularly composting and the added benefit is when the compost is actually applied to the soil, it has the ability to reverse climate change by pulling carbon out of the atmosphere and into the soil and the t radios. and there is huge amount of science that is breaking right now around that. >> in the early 90s, san francisco hired some engineers to analyze the material san
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francisco was sending to landfill. they did a waste characterization study, and that showed that most of the material san francisco was sending to landfill could be composted. it was things like food scraps, coffee grounds and egg shells and sticks and leaves from gardening. together re-ecology in san francisco started this curbside composting program and we were the first city in the country to collect food scraps separately from other trash and turn them into compost. it turns out it was one of the best things we ever did. it kept 2.5 million tons of material out of the landfill, produced a beautiful nutrient rich compost that has gone on to hundreds of farms, orchards and vineyards. so in that way you can manage your food scraps and produce far less methane. that is part of the solution. that gives people hope that we're doing something to slow down climate change. >> i have been into organic
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farming my whole life. when we started planting trees, it was natural to have compost from re-ecology. compost is how i work and the soil biology or the microbes feed the plant and our job as regenerative farmers is to feed the microbes with compost and they will feed the plant. it is very much like in business where you say take care of your employees and your employees will take carolinas of your customers. the same thing. take care of the soil microbes and soil life and that will feed and take care of the plants. >> they love compost because it is a nutrient rich soil amendment. it is food for the soil. that is photosynthesis. pulling carbon from the atmosphere. pushing it back into the soil where it belongs. and the roots exude carbon into the soil. you are helping turn a farm into a carbon sink. it is an international model. delegations from 135 countries have come to study this program.
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and it actually helped inspire a new law in california, senate bill 1383. which requires cities in california to reduce the amount of compostable materials they send to landfills by 75% by 2025. and san francisco helped inspire this and this is a nation-leading policy. >> because we have such an immature relationship with nature and the natural cycles and the carbon cycles, government does have to step in and protect the commons, which is soil, ocean, foryes, sir, and so forth. -- forest, and so fors. we know that our largest corporations are a significant percentage of carbon emission, and that the corporate community has significant role to play in reducing carbon emissions. unfortunately, we have no idea and no requirement that they disclose anything about the carbon footprint, the core
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operation and sp360 stands for the basic notion that large corporations should be transparent about the carbon footprint. it makes all the sense in the world and very common sense but is controversial. any time you are proposing a policy that is going to make real change and that will change behavior because we know that when corporations have to disclose and be transparent and have that kind of accountability, there is going to be opposition. >> we have to provide technical assistance to comply with the state legislation sb1383 which requires them to have a food donation program. we keep the edible food local. and we are not composting it because we don't want to compost edible food. we want that food to get eaten within san francisco and feed folks in need. it is very unique in san
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francisco we have such a broad and expansive education program for the city. but also that we have partners in government and nonprofit that are dedicated to this work. at san francisco unified school district, we have a sustainability office and educators throughout the science department that are building it into the curriculum. making it easy for teachers to teach about this. we work together to build a pipeline for students so that when they are really young in pre-k, they are just learning about the awe and wonder and beauty of nature and they are connecting to animals and things they would naturally find love and affinity towards. as they get older, concepts that keep them engaged like society and people and economics. >> california is experiencing many years of drought. dry periods. that is really hard on farms and is really challenging. compost helps farms get through these difficult times. how is that?
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compost is a natural sponge that attracts and retains water. and so when we put compost around the roots of plants, it holds any moisture there from rainfall or irrigation. it helps farms make that corner and that helps them grow for food. you can grow 30% more food in times of drought in you farm naturally with compost. farms and cities in california are very hip now to this fact that creating compost, providing compost to farms helps communities survive and get through those dry periods. >> here is the thing. soil health, climate health, human health, one conversation. if we grow our food differently, we can capture all that excess carbon in the atmosphere and store it in unlimited quantities in the soil, that will create nutrient dense foods that will take care of most of our civilized diseases. so it's one conversation.
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people have to understand that they are nature. they can't separate. we started prowling the high plains in the 1870s and by the 1930s, 60 year, we turned it into a dust bowl. that is what ignorance looks like when you don't pay attention to nature. nature bats last. so people have to wake up. wake up. compost. >> it is really easy to get frustrated because we have this belief that you have to be completely sustainable 24/7 in all aspects of your life. it is not about being perfect. it is about making a change here, a change there in your life. maybe saying, you know what? i don't have to drive to that particular place today. today i am going to take the bus or i'm going to walk. it is about having us is stainable in mind. that is -- it is about having sustainability in mind. that is how we move the dial. you don't have to be perfect all the time. >> san francisco has been and will continue to be one of the
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greener cities because there are communities who care about protecting a special ecosystem and habitat. thinking about the history of the ohlone and the native and indigenous people who are stewards of this land from that history to now with the ambitious climate action plan we just passed and the goals we have, i think we have a dedicated group of people who see the importance of this place. and who put effort into building an infrastructure that actually makes it possible. >> we have a long history starting with the gold rush and the anti-war activism and that is also part of the environmental movement in the 60s and 70s. and of course, earth day in 1970 which is huge. and i feel very privileged to work for the city because we are on such a forefront of environmental issues, and we get calls from all over the world really to get information. how do cities create waste
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programs like they do in san francisco. we are looking into the few which you are and we want innovation. we want solutions.
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