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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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do you dream of realizing yourself in a creative profession? what if you are just one step away from your dream, take part in large-scale competitions for backstage and digital art specialists artmas. declare yourself, get funding and implement your project, become in demand. the creative industries are waiting for you. i want too. leave an application on the website of the national open championship of creative competencies artmas. there are enough resources to eliminate the consequences of the flood.
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constantly monitor the epidemiological sanitary situation, prevent speculative price hikes for essential goods, timely provision of medical and legal assistance to victims, for citizens it is absolutely indifferent what level of government there is, what problem they are responsible for, where whose powers are, the main thing is that the problems people face, including those of an emergency nature , were effectively resolved. so that people are listened to, their appeals are timely and responded to the point, so that the entire system of public power in the country works smoothly and clearly. the situation remains difficult in the orenburg region region, the water level is falling slowly, a number of settlements are still flooded, more than 600 people remain in temporary accommodation centers. there are many applications for payments from citizens, but not all have been processed yet. to date
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, more than 4,000 applications have been submitted, more than 46 people have received financial assistance, it’s just that everywhere the picture is the same in terms of what, how many applications are submitted and how many are received, they consider everyone who got in, accordingly, in connection with the introduction of the federal law, and submits the entire city, and not the area that was flooded. well, that is, they are served by people who were not in the flood zone, or what? yes, yes, yes, no, well, it’s clear, but then it’s not clear why you are accepting these applications, it’s written in my certificate, more than 400 thousand applications were accepted, and 46 were issued, based on these applications, well, let’s figure this out properly, that a person submitted an application, it was accepted, which means he is waiting for an appropriate reaction, so
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this work needs to be organized so that people understand who has the right to what. vladimir putin noted that there is no such powerful system of supporting citizens in the event of natural disasters as in russia in any country in the world. the maximum that people abroad can count on is insurance, if it has been issued. so the current measures are working, but they need to be improved, and most importantly, to approach issues without formalism.
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replenish and so on, it generally needs to be canceled, this list, lost property, everything needs to be paid appropriate compensation. well, what can we count, it hits is this washing machine included in this list or is it not included? well, that's some nonsense. this list needs to be cancelled. the russian army repelled 16 attacks in so, the center, south, west and east groups occupied more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost more than a thousand soldiers and mercenary officers. among other things, tanks and two other armored vehicles, as well as 17 self-propelled guns and howitzers were destroyed. mostly.
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outside artyomovsk , a soldier of the thirtieth mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, vadim chernets, surrendered under solidarity, like this with his hands raised is following our copter, it turned out to be a shooter, this is who i’m on automatic reconnaissance, we
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were holding positions, the simple task was to hold positions, hold positions, or, as the prisoner says, to go to them - it’s just to be a target, the best way to go along.. .
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to take someone from us, he competently passed the minefield, did not act on emotions, we can conclude that this is not his first day in the war and he knows what he was doing. the enemy often makes attempts to go beyond the ribbon, the main thing is to stop it competently. by surrendering, vadim chernets saved his life, is now practiced in the slightly forgotten russian language, which in its native senses has been banned for 10 years. i have already read two books here in russian. i’m reading chekhov now, i’m reading bulgakov, that is, yes, i haven’t read it for 20 years, i’ve just started reading, there’s a lot of time, every word of his is being written down, the data will be studied, checked, compared, a standard procedure will now be carried out with the prisoner, the veracity of his words will have to be established, if
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the result is positive, he can return home, in nevsky’s detachment, exchange of prisoners, standard practice. pavel prokopenko, konstantin piunov, donetsk people's republic. russia can achieve new successes at the front, despite the next supply of american weapons to ukraine. and this was stated by the us presidential national security adviser. jake sullivan also admitted that the states transferred long-range atacoms missiles to kiev back in march, although congress has only now approved a new aid package. i can confirm that in february the president instructed his team to provide ukraine with a significant number of missiles. deliveries began in march and these missiles arrived at ukraine, until recently we could not provide atacoms due to problems with combat readiness, but now a significant number of such missiles are coming off the production line and entering the us arsenal. the us authorities have put an end to
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the fate of ukraine. this is how russian ambassador to the states anatoly antonov commented on the new arms package for kiev. america made a choice in favor of war. took the side of evil and supported fascism. for the sake of its greedy, insatiable military-industrial complex, stration sacrifices the lives of ordinary people. by their decision, local politicians in fact, they put an end to the fate of the entire state, which is used as a battering ram against russia. the cynicism of the us authorities is amazing. here they are talking about the need to pump up the nazi regime in kiev, they are ready to kill as many ukrainians and russians as possible with the help of american weapons. warsaw is ready
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to help kiev return ukrainians of military age to fight russia, the polish defense minister said. i noted that many poles are outraged that young ukrainians, quote: chill in polish hotels and cafes. but polish business is not wants to lose cheap labor. about kiev’s attempts to send as many ukrainians as possible to die, anton dadeke. about 300 ukrainians, or 300 sportsmen, as they immediately began to be called on social networks, blocked the work of the ukrainian consular department in warsaw and demanded that they be issued with international passports. you have internet robs here. the documents were not given to them; at first they referred to technical problems, and then they admitted it; kiev forbade it. any consular services are now unavailable to citizens of ukraine. kiev has big problems
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with mobilization, the armed forces of ukraine have huge problems at the front losses, the number of deserters has exceeded 100,000, the zelensky regime hopes to recruit cannon fodder abroad, they want to put at least 250,000 under bayonets, from may 18, all those liable for military service must appear at the military registration and enlistment offices or register in the conscript’s electronic account, where immediately...
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if these people believe, that let someone fight far away at the front and give their life for the country, someone sits abroad and, moreover , receives services from this country, then it doesn’t work that way. poland is already afraid of being left without botraks due to the tightening of the ukrainian mobilization. the former commander of the polish ground forces, general waldemar skrzypczak, admitted that kiev has no other choice but to row everyone to the front. i don’t know if kiev has any ideas on how to convince young ukrainians to return and go to this
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war. i recently spoke with a young ukrainian here in warsaw. according to him, if necessary, he will flee further to the west, but will not return to ukraine. it is very significant that ukrainians do not see themselves in the trenches at war, but a mechanism to force them back no, no matter how much ukraine wants it. well , only the baltic states expressed their readiness to hand over ukrainian citizens to kiev for slaughter; the rest need cheap migrants no less than... ukraine needs cannon fodder. so the german government has already announced that ukrainians will be given other german documents, they will be able to continue working for the benefit of fatarland, the german one. anton dadykin, lead. there will be no global changes in the judicial system. the main task now is to improve the quality of justice. this position was voiced by the chairman of the supreme court irina podnosova in an interview with our tv channel. what other issues on the agenda will egor tell? increasing the quality of judicial proceedings through the uniformity of judicial practice, eliminating
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discrepancies, and also using modern technologies, chairman of the supreme court irina podnosova, in an exclusive interview with our tv channel, spoke about the key tasks in her new position. there is an increase in the number of incoming appeals to the court every year, this number is an increase in appeals, it certainly indicates that... citizens and organizations feel a sense of security and trust in the judicial system. at the same time , the workload of the judges themselves increases; they only reviewed last year.
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several bills were prepared and submitted to the state duma to amend the civil procedure code. previously, simplified procedures considered cases where the amount of the claim was up to 100,000 rubles. we made a proposal to increase this amount to 500,000 rubles. simplify the procedures for considering certain categories of arbitration disputes simplify the work of arbitration court judges. the courts will release.
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captured western equipment from the special operation zone was brought to victory park. on poklonnaya hill on may 1, an exhibition of american, british, german,
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french armored vehicles will open, providing visual evidence that the west supports kiev terrorists, evgeniy nipot. the trophies of the russian armed forces, this is nato equipment, was supposed to help the ukrainian armed forces gain the upper hand, but was captured and is now displayed in moscow, on poklonnaya hill. the exhibition is organized by the ministry of defense and the museum victory, opening may 1, will feature samples from twelve countries, including a nato state. there were only 18 of these american international maxpro armored personnel carriers at our disposal; now they are traveling around moscow, but as they say, there is a nuance. nearby are the m113 armored personnel carriers, the kind that burned during the vietnam war, they are burning in the fields of zaporozhye, and at least one and a half hundred lost armored vehicles were reported in the donbass. adjacent to this trophy is a dutch modernization that belonged to the 110th separate mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, which retreated from avdeevka. i specially ran from home to see this, because
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i heard this news last night, and now i was wondering what kind of equipment this is, what it is like. well, what are your first impressions from what you saw? nothing special, nothing special, yes, nothing special, yes, that is, every year i go to parade rehearsals, well, when our equipment is much more powerful, much more interesting, more beautiful, well, in terms of equipment also super, the militants are losing their morning bricks, there are numerous traces of this from hits and the swedish b-90 on... on this , a special cape, which was supposed to hide from thermal imagers, did not help, russian soldiers knocked it out with a grenade from 40 meters. the exhibition will also show the failures of the ukrainian military-industrial complex, this cadaver, you can’t call it anything else, azovets alone, was made especially for the terrorists of the national battalion, several layers of armor were welded onto the base of the t-64, it turned out to be a shaped coffin, its
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militants buried it in the kherson direction, unable to evacuate , this german bmp got stuck in the mud too. european boxing championship unity and wrestling opposite.
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led by the russian umar kremlev , the international boxing association iba returned the right to the russian and belarusian national teams to compete with their national symbols at major tournaments, such as the world championships or the european championships. russia, which missed the previous one. the boxing euro here in belgrade acts as if it is still making up for the missed opportunity of last year, judge for yourself, among women from twelve weight categories, 10 athletes are in the semi-finals, and among men, out of 13, 11 boxers reached 1/4. a semi-final in boxing is already a guaranteed medal, at least bronze, but in the russian national team no one hides anything except gold, there are no other awards for us, for me the minimum task is gold, this is the minimum. we don’t see anything other than first place, as if now i can say, oh, self-confident, this is not self-confidence, it’s just self-confidence, we came for gold, so to think, god forbid we get to the semifinals, no, this is
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not about us , the greater motivation is that our flag here would be neutral status, it was probably not so important to win this tournament, in belgrade the russians feel at home, but the closer the decisive fights are, the more often the zauek brothers meet in the ring, friendship is friendship, boxing grows huge. boxers from 33 european countries came to the european championships in serbia, as well as the world championships in uzbekistan, the continental championship was boycotted by countries living on the principle of frostbitten ears to spite their mother. there are no englishmen in belgrade, but representatives of other countries of the kingdom. from scotland and ireland those who participate are not tourists either. vsevod
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shumkov only went forward, his opponent from scotland was even given a knockdown, which is something you don’t often see in amateur boxing, but what you see at the european championship is a motley kaleidoscope of boxing styles, which is why the tournament is valuable. right now a montenegrin and a frenchman are fighting, two completely different styles, one a puncher, the other a player. let's see who wins, i will continue to fight to show that we are better. the russian team at the european championships in belgrade demonstrates not only outstanding skill, but the will to win. since boxers have a rare opportunity to raise the russian flag on the international sports arena, they want to do this as many times as possible. you can’t imagine how nice it is when your anthem plays, when your flag is not just something white with such signs, that ’s it.
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and then joined the usa, this happened with texas. mexico did not agree with the annexation, and a conflict arose. american troops crossed the border, and on this day the first battle took place on
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the rio grande river. the war lasted almost 2 of the year. the american army was better trained and armed. having captured the strategically important port, the interventionists moved towards mexico city. the military cadets who died defending the chapultyp palace fought heroically.
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winston churchel, he planned to capture istanbul, take control of the passage to the black sea and force the ottoman empire to withdraw from the war, but underestimated the turkish forces. an attempt by the anglo-french fleet to break through the strait was repulsed with heavy losses, and the fighting on land turned into absolute hell for the allies.
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the ussr, usa and great britain, 50 states participated in it. although the main provisions of the un were agreed upon even earlier, a sharp political struggle unfolded at the conference. the allies were hostile to the soviet proposal to make all the republics of the ussr members of the organization. nevertheless, we managed to agree on the membership of belarus and ukraine. the americans tried to revise the previously agreed upon principle of unanimity among members of the security council and the right of veto. so that, relying on the pro-western majority, they could dictate their will to the soviet union. but the soviet delegation led by people's commissar for foreign affairs vyacheslav molotov, ambassador to the united states andrei gromyka showed firmness and this option did not pass. westerners were irritated by our calls for the liberation of colonies in asia and africa, but they failed to prevent the inclusion of the principles of equal rights and self-determination of peoples in the un charter. the conference ended with the adoption and
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signing of the charter. since then... despite the fact that the united states and its partners have repeatedly acted bypassing its decisions, it remains the most important instrument for ensuring world order, mutual control of deterrence. 50 years ago, on april 25, 1974, one of the last dictatorial regimes in europe collapsed, in portugal, essentially fascist, the opposition was suppressed, the dissatisfied were thrown into concentration camps, the secret police were rampant, leading the western... performed by a popular singer, it was a signal, and military columns moved towards lisbon.
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government troops went over to the side of the rebels, only pid employees showed resistance, but it was quickly suppressed, people poured out into the streets, laughed, cried for happiness and gave carnations to soldiers and officers, hence the name carnation revolution, the new government began the democratization of portugal and granted independence to its colonies in africa. this is what this day in history was like. the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, which separated the church.
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initially the task was to tear the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is divine among his saints. let's see what will happen next.


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