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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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a person’s life, his dignity, his freedom, so we understand closely why the real russia foundation was created, they support the agents financially, and if so, then the armed forces of ukraine still sponsor them, but why then are they not recognized, since their home is now the usa . in any case, nikitin’s words can no longer be removed from his position, but no matter how it was the swan song for their career. there are enough resources to eliminate the consequences of the flood. however, the protection of populated
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areas raises questions. vladimir putin pointed this out at the meeting. the president instructed to pay compensation for any property lost during an emergency to ensure a uniform, fair approach. anastasia efimova will tell you what else was in the spotlight. enough funds have been raised. rescuers, together with colleagues on the ground, as well as volunteers , act in a professional manner. the president's assessment at the liquidation meeting. and the consequences of floods, however, despite the coherence of the work, it is obvious that there are systemic, organizational and management problems, and, as the head noted state, it remains to be clarified to what extent the existing hydraulic structures, the same dams, for example, comply with the established requirements, but the most important thing now is to assess in detail the amount of compensation payments and ensure a unified fair approach in this matter, i ask federal, regional, and local - authorities continue to provide victims
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with all necessary support, including cash payments, and respond to every complaint and appeal from citizens. it is also important to constantly monitor the epidemiological and sanitary situation, prevent speculative price increases for essential goods, and provide timely medical and legal assistance to victims. for citizens, it makes absolutely no difference what the level is. the authorities are responsible for what problem, where is whose authority, the main thing is that the problems that people face, including those of an emergency nature, are effectively resolved, that people are listened to, their appeals are responded to in a timely manner and to the point, yes, that the entire system of public power worked smoothly and efficiently in the countries. the most difficult situation remains in the orenburg region: the water level is decreasing slowly, a number of settlements are still flooded, more...
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everywhere the picture is the same in terms of what, how many applications are submitted and how many are received, they count everyone who got in, accordingly in connection with the introduction of a federal emergency, the entire city is being served, and not the area that was flooded, that is, people who were not in the flood zone are serving, or what? yes, yes, yes, no, well, i understand, but then it’s not clear why you are taking these?
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statement, written in my certificate, more than 400,000 applications were accepted, and 46,000 were issued, according to these applications, well, let’s deal with this as follows, that a person submitted an application, it was accepted, which means he is waiting for an appropriate reaction, well, this work needs to be organized , so that people understand who has the right to what, work to assess the damage continues; in recent days, river levels, as the head of the orenburg region in the region clarified... have been declining, and they are already starting to restore the damaged facilities, including road surfaces and infrastructure facilities, private houses are being reconnected to the power grid, gas supply is returning, but with suburban children's recreation centers everything is not easy, half of 46 were flooded. the damage to the suburban infrastructure of children's health camps is of great concern. the region is steppe, arid, people have always been drawn to water and shade. therefore, children's camps
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were built historically in picturesque shady floodplains, half of the forty-six objects fell into the flood zone, these 24 camps are the largest... and provided 70% of the region's children's summer holidays, almost all of them are flooded, so it is impossible to objectively estimate their value today. we have roughly estimated that it is about 3.5 billion rubles . we ask you to give appropriate instructions to allocate funds for the restoration of sunbathing camps. of course, the most affected settlement in the orenburg region, orsk, will be resolved here. there are still many problems, but most of all citizens are concerned, of course, with compensation for lost housing. sometimes unexpected difficulties arise here, oddly enough, social programs become obstacles. created in russia, actively using family support tools, such as social and family
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mortgages, maternity capital and others, today, oddly enough, are an obstacle to receiving payments, that is, purchased housing. with the use of maternal capital, since investing in the future of children deprives families of payments for a lost home, we propose to include the possibility of providing payments for the restoration of houses to citizens who have at least a second home in three cases, this is when the second home is under mortgage (the first) or when it was purchased with maternity capital, the second or when the shares in another home are smaller. 600 from the norm of 18 m2. this problem affects many orchans whose houses are flooded. it is no less difficult for all orenburg residents and other municipalities that are in trouble. we pay attention and talk about this to families with children,
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especially large families. this is our year of family. the flood level was maximum in the kurgan region, three dozen were flooded settlements. several bridges were flooded, two were completely destroyed, almost 15,000 people were evacuated from the flood zone, and they tried to inform people directly, sent messages to the phone, posted reminders on social networks, under special control, the families of participants in the special military operation. in total, 136 families were caught in the flood zone, 75 of these families, where 117 people live, had their houses flooded, and each family was contacted daily by government employees and the coordinators of the defender fund. fatherland, such families will be provided with additional financial assistance according to a special procedure, and an agreement has been reached on the exception of the case of collection of funds received as one-time payments for service in bailiffs. governor shumkov very much thanked the federal officials who have been working in the region in recent weeks, including the ministry of emergency situations and
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the ministry of construction. the president reacted instantly: we will reward everyone, we will celebrate everyone, but first we need to do the work, quote, then we will distribute the rugs. based on the discussion head of state. drew attention to a number of fundamental decisions that must be made, one of them is related to the cost of major repairs per square meter of housing, which must be indexed. our payment amount itself was established in 2008, now it is 2024, and this amount has not been indexed either. i ask the relevant federal departments, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of finance, the ministry of construction, and social departments to return to this and resolve the issue of indexation. let me remind you that today
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it is 1000, 5000 and 1000 rubles. they need to be indexed.
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well, what do you mean, is a washing machine included in this list or not? well, that's some nonsense. this list needs to be cancelled. and no less attentive than to the relatives of the special participants. during the military operation, the president asked that large families be taken into account and separately insisted: all the issues mentioned at the meeting need to be worked out, promising to return to them in order to resolve them. the russian army repelled 16 attacks in the ssu. the center, south, west and east groups occupied more advantageous positions, zelensky’s formations lost more than a thousand soldiers and mercenary officers. among other things, destroyed. a tank and two other armored vehicles, as well as 17 self-propelled guns and howitzers, mostly western-made.
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several missile systems were eliminated, including the american stop haimars. a drone production workshop was hit. the air defense system was shot down by 299 combat drones and six french guided hammer bombs. but in the meantime, the states had already secretly transferred atakms long-range missiles to ukraine. this. state department spokesman confirmed vedant patel admitted that this was done on the orders of joe biden. moreover, kiev has already used missiles on the battlefield twice. but the us authorities put an end to the fate of ukraine, as russian ambassador to the states anatoly antonov commented on the new arms package for kiev. america chose in favor of war, sided with evil and supported fascism. for the sake of its greedy, insatiable
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military-industrial complex, the administration sacrifices the lives of ordinary people. with their decision, local politicians actually put a cross on the fate of an entire state, which is used as a battering ram against russia. the cynicism of the us authorities is amazing. here. they talk about the need to pump up the nazi regime in kiev, they are ready to kill as many ukrainians and russians as possible with the help of american weapons. so, washington will begin new military deliveries to the ssu in the coming hours, while even the american military admits that there is no chance of radically changing the situation, but why then does the states need all this fuss, dmitry melnikov found out. after six months of delays, the twelve-hour debate on aid to ukraine in the senate no longer seems long. last
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stop on capitalist hill. the white house is waiting, rushing, and democratic majority leader chuck schumer, demanding a vote immediately without discussion. it's time to finish the job of helping our friends. the ukrainian package of 61 billion returned to the upper house of congress 6 months later as a separate law with almost no changes. non-military aid was lent, and the administration is now obliged to voice the us strategy in ukraine, but for six months the political leapfrog in washington has changed a lot on the battlefield: republicans accuse democrats of blocking the amendments and voting on the law has been postponed several times. senator mike lee talks about deception, they forgot about the southern border and millions of illegal immigrants on the capitalist hill, although until recently this was an indispensable condition for the allocation of money to kiev. not long ago , republicans promised that they would not spend another dollar or cent on ukraine until we
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were sure that everything in our house was in order, our borders were secure. they they betrayed the american people and completely broke their promises. 79 for, 18 against. foreign aid packages leave the senate for biden to sign. the president returns to the white house on purpose to triumphantly endorse long-awaited military supplies to the allies. everyone is waiting for an answer. to the question: what next? i just signed a bill that will make america and the world safer. the path of this document to my office should have been faster and easier, but in the end we acted together we achieved the desired result. the pentagon is already at a low start; the first shipments of ammunition worth $1 billion will be made in the coming days, as cnn reports, american weapons are already standing. at the airfield in poland, ready to be sent to the ssu.
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the aid package can be expected to include air defense systems as well as artillery ammunition. we will continue to be in close contact with ukraine, our allies, in order to understand what needs to be prioritized. supply of heavy weapons worth billions dollars, including long-range atacoms missiles, washington is withdrawing. assume responsibility for all future defeats of kiev, but the lost time must somehow be justified, the leader of the republicans in the senate , mcconnal, found the last one, the one who dared to tell the west the truth about the ukrainian.
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special reserve fund for ukraine. we are talking about frozen russian assets about 8 billion dollars, which were simply stolen by the american authorities from russian citizens without trial. we don't like you, we take it away. i don't want to be cynical, but perhaps the decision to send money to ukraine was made because it will be much more convenient for our ruling class to steal this money if it is taken offshore. however , the main ideologist of blocking billions for... ukraine is well known in washington and kiev; the former, possibly future, president donald trump held out to the last, but as the american press writes, he was forced to give in when the defeat of the armed forces of ukraine turned out to be inevitable, taking responsibility for the fall of ukraine trump didn't intend to. certain strategic actions republican senators,
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johnson's status visit, and small but politically significant changes helped convince trump on that point. those around trump said he was willing to listen to arguments from several officials who warned him of the potential consequences of a russian victory, as well as the opportunities a second trump administration would have to broker a peace deal. it is obvious that trump, who does not want to be made the main culprit of ukraine’s troubles, could not help but notice the latest statements by american military experts that...
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and not trump, who now has no time for ukraine at all. in criminal court in new york in connection with his affair with porn star stormy daniels, trump was threatened with months in prison for violating a court order of non-disclosure, banned even from posting on social networks, keeping his mouth shut for presidential candidates in the midst of an election campaign, special punishment. "i'm not allowed to defend myself, and other people are free to say whatever they want about me, this is very, very not fair. while trump is isolated from voters in the courtroom, biden himself, on his election tours, continues to feign cheerfulness, but it doesn’t last long, he tries to scold trump, who cannot be trusted, but
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the subconscious takes over. how many times will he come." proves that we cannot be trusted, no one does, although everyone is looking forward to the biden-trump debate, but the chances that the current president will be allowed to commit political suicide on live television are almost zero. obviously, sending weapons kiev for tens of billions biden will count dollars in his political victories, but whether it will bring victory on the battlefield does not depend on him. what will happen to ukraine and ukrainians? the white house? the deal that kiev concluded with washington is now only half completed, and ukraine no longer has any other options but to continue the war. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. the cabinet of ministers of ukraine has prohibited the issuance of any documents to those liable for military service if they are
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abroad, but did not appear at the military registration and enlistment office or did not create a digital office in which they can send a summons to the front. with the mobilization at the front, the armed forces of ukraine suffered huge losses, the number of deserters exceeded 100,000, the zelensky regime hopes to recruit cannon fodder abroad, they want to put
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at least 250 under bayonets. from may 18, all those liable for military service must report to the military registration and enlistment offices or register in the conscript’s electronic account, where they can immediately receive a summons. naturally, there are no people willing to go straight into the meat grinder, so even before the new rules came into force, those who fled for...
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kiev has no other choice but to row everyone to the front. according to my information, ukraine has a very large shortage of soldiers. i don’t know if kiev has any ideas on how to convince young ukrainians to return and go to this war. i recently spoke with a young ukrainian here in warsaw. according to him, if necessary, he will flee further to the west, but will not return to ukraine. it is very significant that ukrainians do not see themselves in the trenches at war, and
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there is no mechanism to force them back, no matter how much ukraine wants it. but only the baltic states expressed their readiness to hand over ukrainian citizens to kiev for slaughter, the rest need cheap migrants no less than ukraine needs cannon fodder. so the german government has already announced that ukrainians will be given other german documents, they will be able to continue working for...
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also that we, nato countries, did not find ourselves in a war with russia. we stand here together as europe's defense leaders, steadfast nato allies, ukraine's two greatest supporters in europe, and together we will continue to support ukraine for as long as it takes. the other day , london announced another aid package for kiev in the amount of 500 million pounds. they will give anti-tank systems, drones, air defense ammunition, stormshadow cruise missiles. the day before.
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so that we intimidate the enemy so that things don’t come to war. they learn to intimidate with all their might. spiegel magazine posted a new documentary on its website, the heroes of which
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were the director of the kmv concern. psychological warfare or a group of balls, as the military personnel themselves call it. their task is to drop propaganda materials on the enemy’s head and disorient him with various sounds. we have good experience using with this machine, for example, we record the sounds of tanks and drones and play them over the loudspeaker to influence the enemy. mislead so that the enemy thinks that a large column of tanks is approaching? yes, that's right, the enemy will need to make an effort to find out what it is and where the sound is coming from, this will give our own forces time to surround the enemy or attack from the other flank. but at the same time, they are beginning to worry about the growing ability of the russian army to put the enemy in a difficult position. suddenly the commander of the norwegian
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army opened up. not to the detriment of his own self-esteem, of course, although little is known about the combat effectiveness of the formations entrusted to him. general christofferson said that the improvement of russia's armed forces has exceeded his expectations. this is now actually a nato-style army. the modernized or rebuilt russian military is now much more similar to ours than i would have said a year ago. russia was able to practically avoid sanctions. many in the west have already admitted that sanctions do not work. but the last people to do this will be european commission officials. on the eve of the june elections to the european parliament, it is critically important for them to convey to taxpayers the idea that money is not being taken from their pockets in vain, and for this they need to intimidate not only russia, they also need to thoroughly intimidate their voters. putin's victory will change not only the fate of ukraine, but also the fate of all of europe. friends, there is only one way to resist this, there is only one language that
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putin understands, this.
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bring, then they belong to the owner assets as their direct derivative. confiscation of these funds is robbery. it is no coincidence that the head of the european central bank , christina lagarthe, warned brussels last week about the dramatic consequences of such a step, but this apparently had no effect. the decision of the american congress, the confiscation of russian assets, which in the united states are estimated at $5 billion , is a crime from the point of view of international law, because there can only be one manipulation with frozen assets: unfreezing. in the west they constantly talk about a world order based on rules, while at the same time they are ready to constantly rewrite these rules to suit themselves. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. ukraine has become a testing ground where the largest nuclear powers fight indirectly. for the sake of billions of the west, zelensky is ready to send ukrainians to death, and they are also trying to drag
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belarus into hostilities. about it. alexander lukashenko said, he spoke at the all-belarus people's assembly, anastasia sokhovskaya knows what else was said. minsk sees all attempts drag the country into war, the most important issues of defense and security. most of the president's keynote speech, the entire military-power bloc in the hall. alexander lukashenko called on the west not to push belarus towards asymmetric measures in response to a threat to the country's security, for example, the modernization of american tactical nuclear weapons at european military bases. what questions do we have then? we got so excited when we placed weapons of similar functionality at our bases, our love of peace is not pacifism, i ask you not to be confused, as threats grow, we will take symmetrical measures to increase combat power. face to face with nato , the baltic states are building 300,000 foreign troops around the perimeter of belarus, which the west hypocritically calls a containment belt.
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plans for a line of bunkers.


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