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tv   Taini sledstviya-9  RUSSIA1  April 25, 2024 2:05am-2:55am MSK

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what was discussed back when in ukraine there were slightly more unemployed people than working people, now here is the data, let’s say, in the twenty-second year there are approximately 12 million pensioners, in ukraine now in the territory, yes, 12 million pensioners, and 7 million workers, yes, look, here’s the story, 12 million is a big number, it’s possible here, these people, they need social protection, this is a very important argument that these people in the event of some serious cataclysms will have nothing to provide for them, now they are all ... basically on social protection, the next point, you were having a discussion, vasily dmitrievich was talking about who will give what debts, excuse me, everything has been given away a long time ago, the key more than 20% of the black soils of ukraine, or rather, more than 40%, excuse me, of the black soils of arable land, they already belong to foreign corporations and what will they, and what will they fight for, they are fighting for the land, i already said this once, this phrase that the famous film was don’t be afraid, i’m with you, this is not yours. tooth, not mine. this is his tooth, this is this, how would this be
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it didn’t sound sad, there is no irony here, it’s just that this land has already been given away, and now transnational corporations, they will fight and fight for their land, this is the second argument that we are talking about, who will pay for what, the third argument that indicates that today they are talking about a lot of money that is spent on what people should do, and well, such materials are even so ironic that there is no one to clean up in poland now...
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the question arises: what who will be next for all this and what is the prospect? what i didn’t see, these are pictures of the future, these are pictures of the future, now even sociologists don’t ask, because there is nothing to talk about, a short planning horizon and the forecasts of these american comrades about what vladimir vladimirovich said that they come with pictures, there are some, but they have very powerful guys, there is a corporation, there is very good material there, they predict the situation in ukraine, they predict the situation related to...
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in this case, if we are talking about how will continue to distribute efforts, then i think that most likely the next stage will be the involvement in the conflict of countries that are adjacent to the territory of ukraine, the question of the future, we can talk as much as we like, but we periodically return to this topic, here is vasily dmitrievich about said this, but we have a little forgotten the idea of ​​​​tremorye, just a few weeks ago this story was carried out under the auspices of the poles, i think that in such distant geopolitical plans as...
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they will just consider that part ukraine or the territory that they consider, precisely as part of this large geopolitical project, as the basic goal, which is, and the idea of ​​tremorya, that is, which, no, no, no, what territory of ukraine, that’s what i ’m saying, i i don’t know what part it will be, but again they talk about it, i don’t understand at all, every time you say, here’s svern pavlovich, what was i thinking, to say, to upset, not to upset, where did they get the idea that the americans are going?
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why did you decide that the americans need to end this? no, well, it’s just real, they they are not going to do this, why did you decide that they are even interested?
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well, some street in bendery in lvov, they will calmly say, so we have preserved ukrainian statehood, to say the least, but they have preserved afghan statehood, they are in iraq, what we have preserved, they have no one to tell this to, they don’t care about it at all, because that this will be the responsibility of other administrations, well, that’s right, they have no one to report to, yes, but they don’t care , listen, so why should they report to the ukrainians?
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why are there no american ones in this package? fighters, why aren’t there more this, this and that? and somehow suddenly all this virtual victory began to end with specific complaints against those who had just been gifted with a new fur coat from the master's shoulder, but at the same time they seemed not to be completely pleased. these
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guys who are now storming the consulate, and on the territory of poland, pay attention to what the political forces in germany are talking about now, where 80% of ukrainian refugees did not even... did not respond to the offer to go to work, well, the structures that provide jobs for refugees, only 20% of ukrainians registered and began to work, 80% demand benefits, don’t want to do anything, those 80% suggest that they send back mr. zelensky to replenish the armed forces of ukraine, panic has already begun in the public pages of those heelers , where to run to which country of the european union, from where you will not be deported, not only without a passport.
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in terms of range, the new buk m3 medium-range air defense system, the s300 v4 and s-400 long-range air defense systems, moreover, two types, two modifications of the s500 system will enter service this year in vska. this is against the background of what is happening on the other side. by the way, yesterday the almas antey concern, a manufacturer of most types and types of anti-aircraft and anti-cancer complexes, celebrated its birthday, you can join in the congratulations of the manufacturers of the complex system. air defense, especially since let me remind you that just 22 years ago, precisely by vladimir putin’s decree, dozens of research institutes and
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design bureaus that were engaged in the development of radars, the development of a system of complexes of all types of range, formed such a large structure. by the way, we should also note today’s news events given by the minister of defense, pay attention to his visit to the new complex for training military spacecraft in a squat position.
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impressive, i would like to add literally one more thought, which the minister of defense said, he mentioned the rokot missile, and this issue of continuity, in 1975 the armed forces of the soviet union put into service the or-100n intercontinental ballistic missile. the missile was produced for 10 years before the gorbachev era, when all this stopped being produced, but even after they stopped being produced , new trends began, so to speak.
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the ukrainian authorities had a kind of social contract with the residents of zaerbi, a simple one: you give us 14 billion each every year, we don’t touch you, suddenly in the twenty-second year, the first first year of the war, the amount dropped to twelve, last year a little less than eleven, in this year it is predicted a little more than nine, that is, incomes from azerbaijan began to fall, so zelensky answered, said, or you will pay, or we will fry you... further, but he went, he took the next step, this is outside, and now inside, in ukraine it was
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decided to increase the number of border guards by 1500, why is this being done, well, it’s a war, well 1500 border guard, where to put them, well, not on the border with the russian federation, not on the border with the russian federation, not on the border with new territories, yes, where, on the western border, yes, so as not to let people out, so as not to let them out, or. .. and since people are still cunning and we have absolute power is corrupt, which means the tax will increase, it will no longer be 6,000, not 12,000, but it will already cost 18 or 20 thousand dollars, because of the quantity. he thinks he has a problem and he writes such a huge post on the telegram channel , he says everything, we know everything, i personally already know everything, the details. russia wants
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more than that, not only does it want, but it has planned and this is russia’s main task now to disrupt the international peace summit. which is planned in geneva on june 15-16, everything and he calls, today he appealed there would be summit video and via skype, and he addressed his people: listen, we must do everything to prevent russia from disrupting this summit, you see, here is the plan, it is he who is addressing his partners so that they do not allow it to be disrupted, because that he can’t i would...
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they will interrogate him there and so on, you know, vladimir rudolfovich, what happens is that the united states of america is giving out money, even for humanitarian aid, at the same time, some even senators are saying that ukrainians are being persecuted in ukraine orthodox church, many say that this is wrong, this is illegal, this is the zelensky regime, which destroys and crushes parishioners, moreover, some even say, there is the armed forces of ukraine, there are people who fight for... these are believers, they parishioners of the ukrainian orthodox church, and how they will fight, knowing what they have there, they will return, but there is no church, no temples, the americans are talking about this, and the top us state deb released a report today, where they wrote out a list of violations, rights violations , and the rights are simple
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citizens, including persecution of the church. the question i have is, if the americans know about this, if they talk about it, but at the same time do nothing, you know, nothing, well, the fact that there is a report, that there is criticism, that the senators say , and what, and what does zelensky get from this, well , what does it do if he gave the command, you know, why did they even take this metropolitan, what did he do, the first thing the sbu writes, it turns out, he called a war, a civil conflict , well, he has the right to say, if there is freedom of speech in ukraine, he can say, i believe this is a civil conflict, so what? well, this is a pro-russian narrative, you know, i wouldn’t be surprised if you tell him that he’s watching the evening with vladimirov, that’s where he gets this information, the second thing they change for him is that he allegedly said during his service, he named the command posts or
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or from ukraine , yes, where they are. ukrainian these are these checkpoints, but he named them because the parishioners asked him, he named, here are two, here, here are two things, you show four, okay, volodya, here are two things, for what, i also since i’m saying, you know, against the backdrop of us assistance, against the backdrop of seemingly criticism, against the backdrop of even the state department’s report, it doesn’t matter, zelensky says, face, they’re taking the person, and at the same time you correctly said a very cynical thing, you correctly said one thing, that. .. no one will ask anything from the americans, from the american authorities, you see, they are not obliged to report to anyone, they are not obliged to explain anything to anyone, it is necessary, it is necessary to arrest churchmen, please, the ukrainian orthodox church must be liquidated, but what questions, the only one who- then there from senators said that you know, he says, in the verkhovna rada there is a draft law on the ban,
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well, it is called differently there, but the essence is about the ban on ukrainian orthodoxy, it’s probably not necessary... good evening, broadcast from st. petersburg, in the news studio. briefly about the main thing. in the interests of peace and stability , an international meeting dedicated to
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global security issues will be held at expoforum. symbol of valor glory. the all-russian event st. george's ribbon started in st. petersburg. gift for newborns and sanatorium-resort tariffs treatment, city deputies held a meeting. good luck to you. four feathered patients from a bird hospital were released. the twelfth international meeting of high representatives in charge of security issues is taking place in st. petersburg. the expoforum brought together specialized deputy prime ministers, heads of law enforcement agencies and intelligence services from 1006 countries, including india, china and serbia. the russian delegation was headed by secretary savbi.
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international security is affected by both old and newly emerging conflicts. after the plenary meeting, secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev and governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov toured the exhibition at the expo-forum. among the exhibits are fragments of a projectile from the american highmar multiple launch rocket system , a british-french storm shadow cruise missile, as well as a russian orion drone. and in the evening, participants in the international meeting honored the memory of the defenders of besieged leningrad. flowers and wreaths were laid at the foot of the motherland monument. a minute of silence was held at the peskarevskoye memorial cemetery.
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the ceremony was attended by secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev, presidential plenipotentiary representative in the northwestern federal district alexander gutsan, governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov and foreign delegations. the all-russian st. george's ribbon event solemnly kicked off in st. petersburg. it takes place annually on the eve of victory day. a gaz-63 was parked at the gostiny dvor metro station. front-line vehicle from the great patriotic war. songs of the war years were sung from an improvised stage. volunteers handed out victories st. george's ribbons to passers-by. they appeared under empress catherine the great. orange and black colors meant smoke and flame. later they became a symbol of the valor of russian and then soviet soldiers. since 1917 .
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mom will come there and they will receive these gifts, and these gifts will be given to everyone who has at least one of
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their parents registered or... registered in st. petersburg, the list of necessary things was compiled by an expert group, it included doctors, manufacturers products for children and of course young mothers. some deputies they suggested that it would be better for this support measure to be given in money rather than in goods, but this idea was not supported, because payments for children already exist. this is a good idea, that is, when specialists who, in principle, know, have already passed through, in fact already provide you and me with some minimum set of the most necessary things.
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it’s barely, not that there are any procedures to be done there, this tariff has not been revised for more than 20 years, over 20 years the cost of medical services has increased, and accommodation, in fact, they are reducing this social article, because it is unprofitable for them, yes, that is, everyone is trying in one way or another to extract the maximum profit at the moment, so we simply see that this service is being reduced, it is being reduced every year more and more, more one bill concerns... additional support for volunteers, since the pandemic their number in st. petersburg has increased manifold, according to the authors of the documents, there are now about 150 thousand volunteers in the city, and they help in completely different areas, but sometimes to themselves need support. a resource center will appear in every subject of the russian federation, we ourselves know what an npo is, and the essence of a resource center, it even has that name, you know, a resource center, that is, these are additional support measures that can be provided
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to volunteers. or other activities, but we remember that we have medical volunteers, victory volunteers, fire volunteers and many others. at the same meeting, the annual report was presented by the chamber of control and accounts of st. petersburg. for 2023, its auditors conducted approximately 300 checks. 113 organizations, including several dozen government agencies, came under close scrutiny. in general, the chairman of the control and accounts chamber , konstantin zheludkov, noted that violations in the expenditure of budget funds have become significantly less. the most disciplined are medicine, culture, and social services . but there are questions for institutions involved in landscaping. the main violations in the field of forestry and landscaping are purchases at inflated prices, for example, when performing work on landscaping, construction of playgrounds, paths, supply of play equipment and small architectural forms, there is an overestimation of up to 325%. based on the results of all inspections , more than 220 officials were brought to disciplinary liability.
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high-speed railway moscow-petersburg. the new complex near the moskovsky railway station will be built simultaneously with the lobby of the ligovsky prospekt-2 metro station. this is where the main flow of passengers coming from the capital will go. now the highway is being designed at territory of the city, all decisions undergo urban planning approvals. 30 billion rubles have been allocated from the st. petersburg budget for the project. the governor noted that the order of the russian president on the construction of high-speed lines is of strategic importance. let's find out the
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weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello from the weather forecast from the studio leonid petrov. rain of varying intensity will occur everywhere, but temperatures will not change significantly. on thursday in st. petersburg and the region. submitted by the hydras of the center of st. petersburg on april 25 in the leningrad region cloudy day in the water the field is expected to be about 8° above zero, a little more, maybe in tikhin and baksitogorsk as well. in st. petersburg during the day it is a little humid, moderate, windy, cloudy and also +8, on friday night it will not be colder than during the day, you will have a good day in any weather. major firefighting exercises were held in the kenosevo district, according to the scenario
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, it became hot on the street, ideal... if initially this means the forestry forces, which means a small patrol complex, are extinguishing, then subsequently additional forestry forces are involved in the form there fire trucks. the leningrad region - in general, in the north-west, has a leading position in extinguishing forest fires; we extinguish all fires that arise on the first day of the fire; unfortunately, 99.9% of fires occur due to human fault. tenants of forest lands trained together with rescuers. such exercises on the eve of the fire season were carried out in all districts of the leningrad region. four feathered patients at the bird hospital have found freedom. olga
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skripkina will tell the story of the rescue. the feathered badass has a reason show your character. owl was offended by a flock of crows. well, she got hurt, we picked her up and treated her. to deal with it, the feathered chaos was stopped by the residents of st. petersburg and brought the owl to the hospital, another of the same poor fellow was washed and fed, they were lucky, unlike the asaeda long-eared owl, birds with fractured wing legs were nursed for six months, each underwent
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surgery, now it was time to be discharged, the owl assailed and the long-eared owl flew away in english, without saying goodbye, and the owl sat for a long time on a nearby tree, looking at it. their saviors every year in st. petersburg they help dozens of birds that are in trouble, last season 23 birds were rehabilitated, most often, according to our statistics, these are owls, owls , long-eared owls, there are much fewer hawks, on the territory of the reserve of the northern coast of the neva bay there are all conditions for birds, this place is also called an ornithological pearl, 120 species have been counted, some are here constantly, others fly by, attracting... reeds are an ideal shelter for winged birds, you can see how the local inhabitants live with this in the summer, through the thickets, they laid an ecological route, a bull trail, at the end of may a roar can be heard everywhere here, it is similar to the sound made by a bull or a bull, this is an outdated
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name for the animal, hence the name of the trail is bull, although the howls are not porno-ungulates, birds. the bittern bird loudly announces itself and can be heard from 5 km away, to see the source of the sound is rare luck, it merges with the reeds, freezes and even sways like grass, however, other birds here are less shy, for example, carostel and marsh harrier, but the luckiest visitors they will meet moose, swimming to a small island. young individuals, together with their mothers , swim across this small channel and feed where no one can disturb them, and as you know, the young ones... he loves these beginning spring shoots, alchs, birches, lindens, respectively, this is for him there is a good food vase, and there they are, no one bothers them, there is such a small kindergarten, one might say, a buga path 2 km long, passes through the reeds through
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a grove, with rare plants and trees, long-lived, this is an oak contemporary of peter i, five people are not enough to grasp the trunk of the king of the forest. olga skribkina, dmitry sevastyanov, sergey vasiliev, lead st. petersburg. this was st. petersburg news, all the best.
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rixas premium seagate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children. vladimir khotinenko's film a mirror for a hero was released on the screens of the soviet union on april 16 , 1988. the time has come for big changes. glasnost, perestroika, reforms. no one understood what would happen to the country and its people. they opened. the archives argued to the point of exhaustion about
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stalin, repressions, stagnation, entire generations felt at a loss, for what they lived, risked, fought, fought, denied themselves everything. at this moment , a movie appeared, as heroes from the late eighties, find themselves 38 years ago and endlessly live the same day, may 8 , 1949, what's wrong? in fact, the plot is simple, what is it, two people were walking, meeting by chance, tripping over a wire, ending up in 1949, and then they find out that the day is in a loop, each begins to act in accordance with his character. dear friends, we continue the concert of our rock club, as soon as adam and eve left the gates of paradise and were expelled.
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history, maybe they are here to change it , maybe this day is key for their lives and for them to change? understand yourself,
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the parents of the era, and then return to your time and live on, if possible, you need to look at history like in a mirror, where were your fathers, where were your grandfathers, where were your great-grandfathers, this is the mirror of history, the wisdom of the picture is that it is... a door, which opens up the opportunity for you to see what was there before, before you came into this world, and what does it mean for you? oh, my god, everything will be new for tomorrow.
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sign documents approving the budget, timing and theme of the future film. the day before , he came across a book by svyatoslav rybos, a mirror for the hero. she carried him away. having escaped the bustle of his life on a trip, vladimir khotinenko had the opportunity to think a little about himself, creativity, prospects and recently read books. i would like to make a movie based on this plot, but why? as a matter of fact, no.
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i’ll do it with this money, i say, i’ll do it, i’m letting you go, i said. vladimir khotenenko felt his theme, the way composers capture future music. the director, in order to realize the idea, needed a screenwriter with a super-sensitive attitude towards the world, he knew such a person, her name was nadezhda kazhushannaya, they understand me very well, as if i type, the code is hidden forever from me, however, everyone knows that they don’t need me touch,
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because i’m roaring, screaming, running, the music is screaming, of course, this is all serious, i don’t want to
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crazy scary time, it's the same thing. nadezhda kazhushannaya brought into the plot a situation where the same day is repeated again, from sunrise to sunrise, and i understood that since this frantic day is repeated, spinning, it means this is a test, a test,
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you know? in cinema literature there is a special term: a time loop, when the hero lives through the same period, tries to change it, break out of it. on the one hand it is a gift, on the other it is a curse. many famous science fiction writers wrote about this: aizi kazimov, stanislav lem, arkady strugatsky. nadezhda kazhushano came up with a time paradox, independently of others. it was her personal insight, which became an event in cinema and provoked the appearance of similar films in different countries of the world. look, the smolenskaya metro station is being built in moscow. this is how the atlantic nato bloc was created, the next day she called me and said: come, her way of speaking was so wonderful, just don’t say no right away, don’t say no right away, it concerned precisely this pita of time, here i am i say, which one is not, it’s yes with an exclamation
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mark, the group nautilus pompilius is playing their program for you, the idea itself is very interesting, i generally love science fiction.
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not only as a wonderful, wonderful actor, whom vysotsky called a cat.
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he didn’t know where to go from despair, work helped him not to go crazy, his condition then added to the character a trait of hopelessness and obsession, which the audience saw, and therefore remembered his vovchik. he really liked the material, and they met, i think, with khotinenko, naturally on mikhalkov's site, naturally, although these... were terrible days for bortnik, we see how he sat on this, even, it seems to me, during filming, since this is all
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connected with the departure of his friend vladimir semyonovich, from this departure he i didn’t recover until the end of my life, this is my testimony to this, because he said more than once, yes, i ’m broken, i’m broken, yes, yes, well again, great, i’m a strange wife, but most importantly , ivan bortnik had something to say . the whole thing is created there, such a vachik , the paradoxical nature of ivan bortnik combined upbringing in an intelligent family with
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the spirit of a post-war gangster moscow colony, i’ll blow up a drunken one, he grew up in a colony, near three train stations, he grew up, and there someone came from prison, left and he got drunk there, of course, despite the fact that at home , he was a reading boy, he was an amazing shy person, i repeat. a reader, very fond of books, he was very annoyed that he began to lose his sight over the years, it was downright annoying, you understand, he had several lubes on the table, the light was on, and he, he all the time, about books, about books, his parents headed the state literary publishing house, it turns out how many amazing people he saw in childhood, showed me materials and manuscripts of boris leonidovich pasternak, anna akhmatova. ivan bortnik knew how to see the depth of dramatic material; a thinking, reading actor immediately appreciated the script that
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fell into his hands. yes, it is truly known that the organizer of the robbery is the head of the tyukin mine. i understood perfectly well that acting fate rarely offers such a gift as this role. your honor, madam separation, through the sly squint of ivan on board. looked at this world, realized his isolation, he could go on a spree, find company for an intoxicating feather, at the same time , he really needed few people, two or three people in the whole universe, he learned to be self-sufficient, to find support in himself in creativity . when they gave me the deadline, i also couldn’t believe it, but it turned out that he really looked like his partner in the mirror for the hero, actor sergei koltakov. well, let's get acquainted, nemchinov andrey ivanovich.


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