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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 24, 2024 9:05pm-9:19pm MSK

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frozen assets cannot generate income, and if they do, they belong to the owner of the assets, as their direct derivative. confiscation of these funds is robbery. it is no coincidence that the head of the european central bank , christina lagarthe, last week warned brussels of the dramatic consequences of such a move. but this apparently had no effect. the decision of the american congress to confiscate russian assets, which in the united states are estimated at $5 billion, is a crime from the point of view of international law, because manipulation s... germany, while rishi sunok was listening to the national anthem at a reception in berlin in the middle of london, right next to the buckingen palace, an emergency occurred with completely unpredictable consequences. horses
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broke free from the position of the life guards horse regiment, frightened by the sounds of construction, they galloped through the streets of london in the morning rush hour, and no one could do anything about it. our correspondent alexander khabarov has details. the clatter of horses racing at full speed has added to the traffic on london streets today. later it turned out that in normal morning departure time. the animals were frightened by the roar of falling concrete on one of the threes, they rushed, throwing off their sidaks, the royal horse guards, along the way, one of them crashed into a tourist bus, the other rammed a minivan that stood at the sidewalk, waiting for passengers. i didn’t see the moment when the horse crashed into my car, it felt like i was swept to the side, i didn’t understand what happened, the horse was bleeding, the guardsman who fell from it, according to eyewitnesses...
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the police were chasing around the city the rest horses, there were five of them in total. this map shows that they fled in different directions. two horses rushed to east london and were caught 9 km from the center. the unusual jumps were watched in amazement by drivers of cars passing by, and passers- by trying to capture such an event. cell phones. one of the eyewitnesses was hit by a horse. the riders who were caught suffered various injuries. the armed forces believe that there is no serious damage involved. the horses were caught and their condition is now being assessed. it is reported that the horses could not be kept by the soldiers of the royal life guards and the elite blue and royals regiment, where representatives of the royal family and bearers of aristocratic surnames served at different times. horse guards... participate in various
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ceremonial events and conduct constant training, during one of which everything happened. particular attention to this incident was added by the fact that the runaway horses must take part in a solemn parade in honor of the official birthday of the british monarch, it is held every june in this square in front of the headquarters of the royal horse guards. this place is popular with tourists who like to take pictures with the horse guards. there are signs nearby asking you to be careful. he decided to use shock therapy to overcome the gigantic budget deficit. report by sergei brilev. that's all today.
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argentina is debating how many people came out to march the day before against cuts in funding for state universities; 40,000 were expected. federal police conservatively estimate the march at 150, organizers say there were 800. the lancion newspaper gives the figure 430. be that as it may, this is the most massive protest against the libertarian, that is, seemingly freedom-loving government, which, due to how many people gathered, did not dare to apply the new rules on dispersing the pickets with subordinate forces.
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is happening for the first time in 20 years, it is no coincidence that inflation is collapsing, every month it will be less, but firstly, on an annual basis, inflation is still hundreds of percent, i still have to call the argentine people, quote: heroic, secondly, not only trade unionists, but also students took to the march from the national congress to the presidential palace, although it was believed that young people were all nicer, but no, among the adults, not only opponents, but also supporters, nicer, came out for the march. today in the right-wing newspaper there is such a headline: a short circuit in the libertarian narrative, all because education in argentina is considered untouchable, and miley in his office
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turned the ministry of education into just a department. let's go back to the one who told us about freedom, beyond tweets. my grandmother was 9 years old when she had to start working. she followed her peers and dreamed of finishing primary school, but she couldn’t even get into it, we, her grandchildren, got everything with a university diploma, because we had a choice. miley chooses something else, he cuts social spending, but this does not in any way cancel his intention to find money for 24 f-16 fighter jets from nato denmark, and as for the entire nato, to make argentina its global partner. in the last 24 hours, turn. a message appeared on the mit argentina website that it will demand from. pakistan and sri lanka, so that these countries arrest the head of the iranian foreign ministry, ahmad vahidi, who is heading there. this is how the milea government approached the story of the terrorist attack in 1994 at the jewish cultural center in buenos aires. it was truly terrifying. 85 people died. there were accusations against iran,
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but iran denied them. but if the previous argentine government tried to enter into a dialogue with iran, then it was a mile away. and more about nato. this is the organization of the contract. north atlantic, and here the south atlantic. moreover, the resolution of the general assembly declared this southern atlantic a zone of peace where there can be no foreign troops, and according to the latin american treaty, this is all a nuclear-free zone, and how can argentina become a global partner of nato. in short, there are more and more questions for miley not only within argentina, but also from at least its neighbors. sergey brilev, news from latin america. flight delay, extreme weather conditions. or a technical malfunction of an airplane is no longer a reason to keep passengers in a stuffy cabin. domestic airlines today received a new order, according to which the temperature on board aircraft should not go beyond 20-25°. and if compliance with the standards is impossible, then, as specified
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by the federal air transport agency and rostransnadzor, people should be immediately taken to the airport terminal. report by ainur valeakhmetov. this is practically our last. vacation photo nadezhda shows with trembling hands, this was their last trip with her husband, vacation to the capital of thailand for the napalkov family from krasnoyarsk ended in tragedy. that day , about 300 passengers spent, according to her, almost 4 hours in the cabin, where the temperature was over 30°. several people, including my husband, became ill at once. they gave him oxygen to breathe, it seemed to feel a little better, then it got worse again, worse. growing, then an ambulance was called to the flight attendant, due to lack of oxygen , sergei lost consciousness, he had his first cardiac arrest, in a hospital in thailand, they could not save him. we did not have no right to choose whether to stay in this heat or not, we were simply locked up like in a tin
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can. and this is footage from sochi, the flight to moscow is delayed, but people are not allowed out, the air conditioners are not working, it’s 20° outside, and even more so in the cabin. after an hour of delay , someone felt the acrid smell of carbon dioxide, there is experience in using gas analyzers and the sensations already there were definitely over 2-300 minutes, that is, far beyond the norm, naturally people began to experience some side effects, that is, there was dizziness, fatigue, control the temperature in the cabin will now be controlled by the federal air transport agency and rostrans supervision, airlines are ordered to disembark people on stuffy planes, and the board will now be maintained thanks to the auxiliary power unit. this system, as a rule, is located in the tail part of the air day. thanks to it , fresh air enters the aircraft cabin every 2-3 minutes, but some airlines can be serviced by special equipment on the ground. the latter method is more expensive, not all airlines
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are willing to pay for this, so in case of an emergency there may be delays flights, worried carriers. maintaining the temperature regime on the ground is additional. forensic examinations have been ordered. the supervisory authorities recommended submitting their documents as quickly as possible with a set of new rules. ainurulyakhmetov, mikhail devyatkin. maria dobroratnykh, maria slyaguzova, alexander rusatenko, elena goleeva. news. in krasnoyarsk, the police began an investigation into the owner of allabay, who tied him to the trunk of a car and dragged him along with her. they forced me to stop and was unable to pick up the animal and load it into the car. in daria okuneva sorted out the details of the story. she tries to force allabai to sit in the trunk, and then finds a simple solution: she takes the leash and presses on the gas. carrying along an empty highway. at full speed, not paying attention to the limping, panting dog
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who was in a hurry after the car, the neighbors watching the picture were horrified, i have no words, i just have no words, they had previously treated the dog very cruelly when they were walking, the police began an investigation , there are signs of animal cruelty and gross violation of traffic rules, the owner of alabai was quickly found; she wanted to show the dog to the veterinarian. however , due to a previous injury, the animal was unable to jump into the car, so the woman tied the dog to the car and started driving. today alabai actually ended up in a veterinary clinic and under the supervision of police officers, he was brought there by his owners. you didn't feel sorry for the dog. why did they do this? for the case to go to trial, you will need video evidence, witness statements, veterinarian reports, the case has prospects. in this case, of course, you can raise the question of... initiating a criminal case in accordance with article 245 of the criminal code of the russian federation and
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then evaluate the actions of this woman, who, judging by her behavior, certainly caused pain to the dog. criminal cases related to flaying began to be initiated more often after the state duma toughened the punishment for them. last year in st. petersburg , a flayer who beat to death a small dog barking on the street received a 3-year sentence in a colony. the same amount was given to a resident of severodvinsk.
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along with people, they save animals, these are real people, but the victims of the run after the car allabay is lame, but on his own four he left the veterinary clinic and headed home, the further fate of the animal and its owner will be decided by the police. alexander usatenko, dmitry afanasyev, diana schastlivaya, news. our broadcast will continue with local news, colleagues, as we see, have already taken places in their studios, but before we all go to our regions, we’ll briefly introduce you. with what our two branches will tell you about. first, let's give the floor to state television and radio broadcasting company karachaev circassia and elena prokopenko. three couples
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got married today on the beautiful date 24 0424 right in the mountains. good evening, igor. yes, for the first time in koracevo-cherkessia , a wedding ceremony was held at an altitude of 2,500 m. a special site for wedding ceremonies was opened at the popular resort of arkhis. the newlyweds climbed to the highest point of the northern slope on the apollo cable car. a ceremonial exchange of rings and unforgettable wedding photos against the backdrop of stunning mountain scenery. now on the 24th of every month, those who wish will be able to hold a wedding ceremony at this site. yes, thank you, elena, we’ll let you get ready for the broadcast, we’ll use the remaining minute before the regional part to...


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