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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 24, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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space and keep your purse organized. stylish design. two current colors to choose from. universal black and noble brown. call right now and order an exquisite chocolate bag made of genuine leather for only 1995. on thursday friday , a powerful g1 class magnetic storm will also hit our planet, so weather-dependent people should get ready. headache. pressure surges, insomnia, cause - mega-explosion of the sun. that night , four simultaneous flashes occurred on the surface of the star. a large number of people were involved in the process. part of the sun, so emissions will certainly reach the ground. thanks for watching, bye.
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on the russia channel it is time for the main news of the day. there's big news on the air. in the studio igor kozhevin. hello. less formalism. well, what do you think, does a washing machine get included in this list or not? well, this is some nonsense. what's wrong with helping residents of flooded regions? our payment amount was set in 2008. now it’s 2024.
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an amazingly touching story from chelyabinsk: in a family where there are already three children, three more were born and dad returned from the northern military district. forces of means to eliminate the consequences of the flood in our country. this is sufficient, but the comprehensive protection of populated areas from high water and the effectiveness of targeted assistance to the population still raise questions. vladimir putin spoke about this today during a meeting on eliminating the consequences of floods in the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. report by olga armyakova. from the first day, the situation with spring leashes in the country has been under special control; this is already the third meeting with the president. heads of regions are in touch, flood victims, ministers, leaders.
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houses, electricity and gas are returning to cities and villages, water supply is being connected, specialists are restoring water within 24 hours, almost 550 more roads have been cleared of water, 22 km have been repaired, over 100 have been cleared of debris, in disaster zones, on behalf of the president, a special government commission is working to assess the damage and its compensation. we plan to double the work of the commissions so that they can work during the may holidays. to evaluate
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the housing of vacated residential buildings. regional payments to victims in the orenburg region alone continue , more than a billion rubles have been transferred, applications are still being received. however , there are tens of times more of them than the monetary compensation paid, more than 400,000 applications from affected citizens for financial assistance were accepted, and you just said 46,000 were issued, well, that’s a little more than 10%, so why so little? in connection with the introduction of a federal emergency and the entire city is submitting, and not the territory that was flooded, then it is not clear why you accept these statements, well, let's deal with this properly, what? submitted an application, it was accepted, which means he is waiting for an appropriate reaction, well, we need to organize the work so that people understand who has the right to what, the president draws attention to the amount of these compensations, which has not changed for 16 years, the amount of payments has been established in 2008
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, now 2024, and this size has not been indexed. i ask the relevant federal departments, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of finance, the ministry of construction, and social departments to return to this and resolve the issue of indexation, let me remind you, today these are 1000, 50,000 and 1000 rubles. they need to be indexed. the payment procedure itself requires attention, which, as it turns out, contains a lot of formalities. there is a list of property for. the stratum to which compensation is paid, it generally needs to cancel this list, lost property, everything needs to be paid appropriate compensation, well , what do we count, whether a washing machine is included in this list or not, well, some kind of nonsense, somewhere the big water is already
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receding , but almost 15,000 houses still remain flooded, first due to floods in in different regions of the country, over 38 thousand people were evacuated, many of them pensioners, people worked their whole lives, saved some money there, bought something for their children, for grandchildren, they too, as a result of the fact that they have a kind of permanent housing, second housing, also do not fall into the category of persons who can count on some kind of compensation, this issue needs to be resolved, difficulties in receiving payments sometimes arise for large families, this is a story from orsk. a woman with eight children, she applied yesterday, a family of 10 people, they bought, they have a house that is now flooded, they bought a small apartment with maternity capital, everyone now has shares there, well,
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a very small one has 3 km, and this is an obstacle to receiving payments, vasily nikolaevich, give denis vladimirovich’s number and telephone number to pasler. well, an hour later our film crew arrived at this large family, you can even see the level here, it stood right up to here, it’s good that we have a two-level house and this entire bottom was flooded, the pankratov family lives in orsk, in a large the house that was 3 weeks ago it’s flooded, there’s still no electricity, that’s why it’s so dark, the gas is turned off, the water hasn’t been pumped out yet, all my supplies are floating, but the family is not entitled to compensation by law, they have a second home, which... they managed to buy two with maternity capital, a new apartment without renovation, the pankratovs cannot live there, after a meeting with the president, local authorities promised to help resolve the issue, if there are no payments, we will not be able to restore and we will not be able to even these things, in the tyumen region, peak flooding is expected on friday, level the ishim river is rapidly growing plus one and a half
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meters per day, this is a record value under threat villages in the uporovsky district, there is an emergency evacuation, a rescuer took out 5,000 people, the flood wave along the ishim river is approaching the village of obatskaya , high rates of water discharges from the sergeevskoye reservoir on the territory of kazakhstan remain , which poses a threat to the fate of the section of the federal highway r-402 tyumen-omsk. reversible traffic is organized on the route; it is reinforced on all sides with sandbags, like the dam nearby. rescuers deliver food and medicine to villages cut off by high water. from the obatsky district, reporting by ksenia usoltseva. even in the morning , it was completely dry on both sides of the road, meanwhile, the water level in the ishim river, near the regional center of obatskaya, has already exceeded the dangerous flood mark, now it is important to protect not only the population, but to maintain
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the tyumen-omsk federal highway. a lot of work has been done, more than 12 km have been filled on both sides of the highway in the obat district, five villages and villages that fall within the zone have been completely evacuated probable. people are taken out on boats, nina dmitrievna is 86 years old, because of the threat of high water , she left her house for the first time, in your memory was it so that you were evacuated, taken out. this year it was even more , there was such water, this is the third time i’ve encountered water , a large group of forces, the ministry of emergency situations, the police, road service employees, volunteers continue to work, supplies of sandbags are ready, work on strengthening hydraulic structures has been completed in the kazan and ishim regions the water gradually began to decline, close attention to the constructed dams, their patrols continue, the flood situation in the tyumen region...
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a meeting on summer holidays, where we will consider additional issues. money has been reserved for this, but the head of the ministry of finance also has a proposal for the future to protect populated areas from emergency situations. maybe we should tighten construction permits in places where there are risks of floods, landslides, and so on, so that there are no such risks, which, unfortunately, have materialized. therefore, we will work at the federal level with the subjects, money and resources have been reserved, help will be available. as if i agree with anton germanovich, some issues need to be resolved together with the constituent entities of the russian federation. how to cope with
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the elements, also together, on the ground, volunteers help rescuers and doctors. in addition, humanitarian aid is being sent to the affected regions from all over the country. among the top priorities is helping to pay compensation to those who were left without a roof over their heads. to make it clear to everyone, there is no such support system in any country in the world. when floods and other natural disasters do not exist at all, as a rule, it’s the same everywhere, insurance is everything, if you’re insured, that means you got insurance, that means you’re not insured, well, this is at the risk of each person, we have a different situation compared to foreign countries , this is a different income level of the population, so this system needs to be preserved. moreover, it needs to be improved. well, the president suggested discussing this in a broader format
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when the threat of floods in russian regions subsides. olga armikova and yulia shchedrova, lead. powerful explosions were heard throughout the day today in different regions of ukraine, the russian military carried out new attacks on military-related infrastructure in dnepropetrovsk, kharkov, sumy and other cities. the local power outage schedule was moved one hour earlier. in some areas, telecommunications and telecommunications were lost. in odessa, the arrival is in the area of ​​​​the gorbaty bridge, there is the main railway line, along which the formation of the kiev regime was supplied, and nearby there is a military unit, a repair shop, a fuel depot, there was a fire very strong, just a little, he suffered something, he’ll go again, but wait, he might still be on the move, in the part of zaporozhye controlled by ukrainian militants, a motor depot of one of the ukrainian armed forces brigades was hit, in the kharkov region there was a hit... an american howitzer was destroyed,
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from which areas of the belgorod region were fired upon. in the kherson direction , an observation post of a ukrainian fpvdrone operator was liquidated with a precise strike. ivanovo paratroopers shared details of the assault on the fortifications of yar. the firing points were suppressed by artillery and aviation fire, after what is in the enemy position. our fighters came in behind the armored group. among the western equipment destroyed during the day was a hymarc combat vehicle, three more american galubitzes and one mobile one. guns about the combat work of our units in the artyomovsk direction. voenkur's report on pavel prokopenko's news. i always worry about this place. a lot of cars here were flooded. entry to artyomovsk is only at night. at this time , the enemy’s birds are blind; while landing, they cannot remain in the open for a second . darkness is great for
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work of anti-tank guided missile crews. the anti-tank gun hits not only tanks, any ground targets are available to it, the crew is always ready for battle, we don’t strain ourselves, here we are sitting here, we are, that’s it, that is, they came to us, they say there is equipment there at a point there at a certain point, we quickly ran up and are working on it, outside artyomovsk near solidar , a soldier of the thirtieth mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, vadim chernets, surrendered, and so with his hands raised he follows our copter, with his face turned out to be.
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constantly, but then i got injured, then there is a year, there are no such people that he spent a year in this position, the ukrainian armed forces soldier says that he got to the front through mobilization, the military registration and enlistment office said: you will be a driver, you ended up on the first line with a machine gun in your hands, he tells, clearly, according to rote, controls emotions , the soldiers of the nevsky volunteer detachment, who took the tongue, say that there were two more with him, they were eliminated, and it is quite obvious that they were not lost. there are mushroom pickers in the forest, is this drg? well, these are people who came to test our position, how many of us are, what, well, in principle, maybe even though their task was to take someone from us, he competently passed the minefield, did not act on emotions, we can
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conclude that this is not his first day in the war and he knows what he was doing, trying to go beyond the ribbon. the enemy undertakes this often, the main thing is to stop it competently. by surrendering, vadim chernets saved his life; he is now practicing the slightly forgotten russian language, which has been banned in his native world for 10 years. i’ve already read two books here in russian, now i’m reading chekhov and bulgakov, that is, yes, i haven’t read it for 20 years, i started here read, there is a lot of time, every word will be written down, the data will be studied, checked, compared. with the prisoner now. a standard procedure awaits, the veracity of his words must be established, if the result is positive, he can return home; in nevsky’s detachment, the exchange of prisoners is standard practice. pavel prokopenko, konstantin piunov, donetsk people's republic. american president biden was in a hurry to sign the law on military assistance to ukraine. less than a day passed after
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the document was adopted by the senate. formally this is a package military assistance not only to ukraine, but also to israel and taiwan at 95. immediately after the vote in the senate, american secretary of state blinken flew to china to build bridges, but in beijing they made it clear to him that military assistance to taiwan would escalate the situation, and washington’s attempts to once china is accused of collaborating with moscow , beijing perceives it as intrusiveness and tactlessness. our correspondent in the usa dmitry
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melnikov will continue. after six months of delays, a twelve-hour debate about aid. ukraine in the senate no longer seems long. last stop on capitalist hill. the white house is waiting, rushing , and democratic majority leader chuck schumer, demanding a vote immediately without discussion. it's time to finish the job of helping our friends. the ukrainian package of 61 billion returned to the upper house of congress 6 months later as a separate law with almost no changes. non-military aid was lent and the administration is now obligated. us strategy in ukraine, but six months of political leapfrog in washington changed a lot on the battlefield. republicans blame there are several democrats in blocking amendments and voting on the law. condition for
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the allocation of money to kiev. not long ago , republicans promised that they would not spend another dollar or cent on ukraine until we were sure that everything in our house was in order, our borders were secure. they betrayed the american people and completely broke their promises. 79 per. 18 against, foreign aid packages from the senate are sent to biden for signature, the president specially returns to the white house for a triumphant visa long-awaited military supplies to the allies, everyone is waiting for an answer to the question: what next? i just signed a bill, this document will make america and the world safer, the path of this document to my office should have been faster and easier, but in the end we...
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for ukraine, we are talking about 8 billion dollars that were simply stolen by american authorities from russian citizens without trial. we don't like you, we take it away. i don’t want to be cynical, but perhaps the decision to send money to ukraine was made because it will be much more convenient for our ruling class to steal this money if it is taken offshore. however, the main ideologist of blocking billions for ukraine is well known in washington and kiev, the former. perhaps future president donald trump held out to the last, but, as the american press writes, he was forced to concede when the defeat of the vsso turned out to be inevitable
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; trump was not going to take responsibility for the fall of ukraine. certain strategic actions of republican senators, johnson's status visit, as well as small, but politically significant changes helped convince trump on the ukrainian issue. those around trump said he was willing to listen to arguments from several officials who warned him of the potential consequences of a russian victory, as well as the opportunities a second trump administration would have to broker a peace deal. it is obvious that trump, who does not want to be made the main culprit for ukraine’s troubles, could not help but notice the latest statements by american military experts that the new package assistance will not be able to seriously change the situation in the zone.
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to say whatever they want about me is very, very unfair, while trump is isolated from voters in the courtroom,
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biden himself is on his campaign tours, zero. it is obvious that biden will count sending tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons to kiev as part of his political victories, but whether it will bring victory on the battlefield no longer depends on him. what will happen to ukraine and ukrainians? the white house doesn't care much about people in exchange for weapons. the deal that kiev concluded with washington is now only half completed, and ukraine no longer has any other options other than continuing the war. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. the united states secretly
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transferred atacama missiles to ukraine back in march, and kiev used them twice. politics writes about this. in general, most of the american aid to ukraine, which was only approved by washington, was pre-positioned in germany and poland. cnn reports this, citing its sources. but obviously this was done to reduce delivery times, but the authors note that logistical problems are still inevitable. first of all, from...
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and now captured western equipment from the special military operation zone was brought to victory park. on may 1 , an exhibition of weapons captured in different sectors of the front line will open on poklonnaya hill. american british. german, french armored vehicles, tanks and other combat units will now become exhibits that clearly demonstrate who supports the terrorist regime in kiev. dmitry petrov has already seen them. perhaps the most famous exhibit of those presented now on poklonnaya hill, this is this german infantry fighting vehicle mardor. a little less than a month ago, the news showed that the ukrainian crew abandoned her near avdiivka. our soldiers got it out and cleaned it.
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from the mud they put it on the move, now it’s already in moscow, but before the capture the bmp managed to fight, all the lighting equipment was cut by shrapnel, the blisters were broken, it’s generally unclear how the driver drove, and the crew commander commanded, maybe that’s why they didn’t start at the end of march to save their armored vehicle, they abandoned it on the front line next to left the village of severny, which german was captured, the marder followed the lead, another one of...
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everything is so ukrainian, spend a lot of money, 5 million dollars, do it badly, it is impossible to fight on it, in the end bury it literally and figuratively . the captured equipment began to be displayed on poklonnaya hill closer to night, the day before, and already in the morning people were interested, interested in the equipment, to see the western equipment, how is it, what, compare it with our russian one, we are waiting for the leopard to arrive, and to see the sixth one. so let's go study now. this is only the first batch - six armored vehicles. nearby there are two modifications of an american armored personnel carrier, in fact, the m113, and this is it on the ukrainian off-road. and its dutch version is still in the middle of the last century. a separate mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces escaped from sub-division 110 on these. and this is the turkish armored vehicle kirpi. the armored body provides protection from armor-piercing
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bullets and fragments. artillery shells, ankara supplied 200 of these armored vehicles to ukraine, it arrived practically alive, with an engine and other units, they did nothing. the most formidable of the prisoners' armor, while this battered bradley, an american infantry fighting vehicle, got out of the battle not without losses, there is not one roller on the left track, we like our infantry fighting vehicles better than these nazi ones, and what is better than ours or definitely ours, there is simply no doubt, we have approximately the same plan and i was there today to see how they are being delivered, and on may 1st or 2nd i will come to see the full collection, so to speak, by may 1st here on poklonnaya hill there will be... 30 who supply weapons to ukraine will be exhibited, and almost all armored vehicles from 12 countries, i would like to see, but how, it’s interesting, we support everything that is done in our country, a huge
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hello to all our fighters, guys, we believe in you, come back alive, healthy and victory. dmitry petrov, maxim shchepilov, dmitry arkhangelsky and andrey mashkarov, news! the balance of power on the planet is gradually changing in favor of the world majority, despite the fact that some states resist this process, including by organizing terrorist attacks. vladimir putin stated this in an address to participants in an international meeting of representatives supervising security issues that gathered in st. petersburg. of course, international terrorism remains one of the most serious threats of the 21st century. the purpose of terrorist attacks carried out in different regions of the world. behind which are not only radical groups, but also the intelligence services of some countries, this is undermining the constitutional foundations and destabilizing sovereign states, inciting interethnic and interreligious hostility,
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while the methods of criminals are becoming more and more sophisticated and barbaric. this was once again demonstrated by the bloody terrorist attack that took place on 22 march in the moscow region. intelligence services and rights. russian security authorities continue to find out, study all the details of this vile crime, identify its participants, including customers, sponsors, and organizers. none of them should escape fair retribution. the forum is attended by security council secretaries, national security advisers and assistants, deputy prime ministers, heads of law enforcement agencies and intelligence services from 106 countries, specialists for... especially for them , the organizers have prepared an exhibition of fragments of ammunition that were supplied to ukraine were used by western states to shell civilian targets, including with the help of such visual evidence, russia conveys its point of view to other countries,
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many who previously believed that in general the aggression was committed by russia have now changed their point of view, and we convinced them , they say: no, russia. defended itself and was forced to defend itself, russia did not attack, even those countries that seem to take a pro-western position, they also understand, they only say: you please, don’t name it, they’re afraid, on the sidelines of the forum nikolai padrushev also holds separate meetings with colleagues from other countries; today negotiations took place with the head of the national security council of iran, as well as representatives of the states included in the ocean. ukraine. has become a training ground where the largest nuclear powers indirectly fight each other, and zelensky exchanges the lives of his fellow citizens for nato weapons, while the west is trying to drag belarus into the fighting. alexander lukashenko spoke about this today for the first time
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voicing the presidential message at a meeting of the all-belarusian people's assembly. anastasia sakhovskaya, more details. minsk sees all attempts to drag the country into war, the most important issues of defense and security. most of the president's keynote speech. the entire military-security bloc is in the room, alexander lukashenko called on the west not to push belarus to take asymmetric measures in response to a threat to the country’s security, for example, the modernization of american tactical nuclear weapons at european military bases. what questions should we ask then, what got us so excited when we have they placed weapons of similar functionality at their bases? our love of peace is not pacifism. i ask you not to be confused. that threats, we will take symmetrical measures to increase combat power. face to face with nato , 300 thousand foreign troops are training on the perimeter of belarus, which the west hypocritically calls a containment belt, the baltic states are making only
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plans for a line of bunkers, and germany is transferring a 5,000-strong tank brigade to lithuania. the west imposed the image of the enemy in the person of our countries on ukraine. here is footage of a ukrainian trying to sail to moldova, like this a fugitive to nada'. in a mattress the other day he was detained in belarus, he crossed the dnieper against the current, just to avoid ending up in the ukrainian armed forces. the kiev regime is exchanging the lives of soldiers for weapons, this is a deal with the west, according to alexander lukashenko, the work of not only the latter. according to alexander lukashenko, integration union
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with russia also has a chance of expansion. new attempts to crush us russians, belarusians, slavs, to destroy the sense of national pride, culture, rallied and motivated us to restore our former power. delegates vote on composition presidium, alexander lukashenko was elected chairman of the supreme council. according to the updated constitution, the assembly has exclusive powers up to the decision on the legitimacy of elections in the form. symbols of the upcoming holiday. volunteers
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in bright blue uniforms work on the streets of large and small settlements throughout the country, until may 9 , millions of russians and others will receive the ribbon, along with leaflets about their history and wearing methods. 35 countries will take part in the event this year. sanitary shield, infection control in flood zones, these and prime minister mishustin discussed other topics today at a meeting with the head of rospotrebnadzor anna popova. our columnist naililya skrizoden joins me, good evening, well, the pandemic is behind us, viruses are mutating, so how ready is rospotrebnadzor for new challenges? igor, good evening, work is underway in this direction, the time to obtain the result of pcr testing is decreasing, and today it is already 30-40 minutes. new tests allow you to test and identify 40 different pathogens at once, even the most dangerous ones. for to sustainably counter all threats , the sanitary shield initiative is being implemented. this, by the way, concerns not only problems
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related to the risks of infectious diseases, this also concerns quarantine control at the border, this is also the necessary diagnostics, which you promptly deployed during the coronavirus, there are many questions here, and rospotrebnadzor must also respond to requests consumers in case the products are of poor quality or something. with the provision of poor quality services occurred. this initiative covers all territory of the country. our new word is mobile laboratories. today , 20 cities with large populations, primarily those with populations of over a million, have already been provided with facilities where such work can and should be carried out if necessary. as a result, the response time to outbreaks of any, including unknown infections, was reduced to 24 hours. and there are already some. concrete results within the framework of the sanitary shield project. rospotrebnadzor
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has discovered 47 new viruses transmitted by mosquitoes, as well as 14 viruses in ticks. they are carefully checked based on preliminary data and do not carry any risks. how is quarantine control carried out at the border? new technologies for working at the border make it possible to carry out control quite quickly. last year, service employees inspected 42 million people, for example, in 2019 there were 35% fewer, but rospotrebnadzor is also involved in monitoring and organizing children’s summer holidays. yes, this year it is planned to transfer almost half a million children by train. department employees, together with russian railways, mainly control issues security. another area of ​​work of rospotrebnadzor is ensuring epidemiological well-being in the event of natural emergencies, such as on the very first day you left for orsk,
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you reported to me from there, and the situation is now difficult in the kurgan region, in a number of regions and federal districts, and of course, here we need to constantly monitor, first of all, probably the water supply. water, water is the most widespread risk factor, because in orsk and orenburg, in kurgan and tyumen, its main the source is the rivers, and of course the water should not fall. without proper cleaning, we deployed there, in addition to stationary laboratories, three mobile laboratories that are now working, we conducted more than 400 different studies of water. thank you, this was my colleague naisilde. over the past year
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, 50 thousand russian officials were brought to justice for corruption, prosecutor general igor krasnov spoke about this today when delivering an annual report to senators. satisfaction of anti-corruption claims over than by 400 billion rubles. the department will pay special attention to those involved in the illegal legalization of migrants. the issues of combating the crime of illegal and labor migrants are also at the peak of relevance. in this regard, it is important to ensure not only the inevitability of punishment for criminals, but also to strengthen efforts among migrants to prevent illegal behavior. tougher measures are necessary against officials. who, contrary to the law , issue patents, residence permits, and language knowledge certificates to migrants. relevant i gave instructions to the prosecutors at the collegium. i like that the prosecutor’s office is now increasingly focusing on preventive measures, and this is the attitude of the prosecutor general that it is better to prevent
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offenses or crimes than to wait for them to happen, grab them by the hand and severely punish them. the country's chief judges do not often give detailed interviews, but the appointment to the court of the supreme event is out of the ordinary. its chairman was replaced for the first time in modern russian history. vyacheslav lebedev held the post from 1989. since then, of course, a lot has changed, but now the priorities of the chairman irina podnosova are the same. an increase in circulation, it, of course,
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indicates that both citizens and organizations feel a sense of security and... trust in the judicial system, increasing this trust in the judicial system is one of the main tasks of both the entire judicial system and and the supreme court in particular. all the most important things, says podnosova, have already been laid as the basis for a sustainable system by her predecessor and her colleagues. the country now has a mature legal process, another it's all about optimization. the district judge considers 60 cases a month, the arbitration judge 170, the world judge 500, about reducing the workload, and also about the possibility of decisions that can be made. bringing cases to the courts, congratulating the new chairman, the day before, the president said, if we cannot reduce the load by reducing cases, then the second way to reduce the load is to simplify judicial procedures, but previously cases were considered in simplified procedures, the amount of the claim for which
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was up to 100,000 rub. we made a proposal to increase this amount to 500,000 rub. and this is not only for judges, but also for people who will quickly get for...
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a table or a chair, that is, when you organize a court from scratch, gather a team , too, when you are alone, there is no one else, from october 1 the courts started working , they immediately began to administer justice and efficiently, in full, these 2 years seem to me to be very significant in my life, irina podnosova calls herself a non-public person and unaccustomed to television cameras. praises the judiciary, people whose work in the country is invisible, but irreplaceable, promises to help digitalization, but the judicial system will only have more work, because the country itself has become larger. moscow and kiev, through the mediation of qatar, today for the first time held face-to-face negotiations on the return of children who
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were separated from their families by the conflict in ukraine. during the consultation in doha, our country was represented by maria lvova belova, as the children's obbudsman said, the parties reached a specific agreement. as a result of negotiations, we fixed a list of 29 children who should be reunited with their relatives in ukraine. well, one of these myths was the statement about the illegal export of more than 100 children to russia, but in the end, 161 children were found in germany. well, today our budswoman met with ten russian families who came to qatar as part of the program. examination, now with pleasure all of them recently underwent a medical examination and become acquainted with the customs and history of the middle eastern country.
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officers from the ministry of defense helped the happy father in the family of whom triplets were born to get directly from avdeevka to chelyabinsk. mother of many children who already has a three-year-old daughter, as well as two younger sisters in her care, will remain in the maternity hospital for now so that the newborns gain weight under the supervision of doctors. yulia karakulova has all the details. three heroes, as doctors affectionately call the boys born into the world, and mother daria gave them the names misha, vova and artyom, all three sons were born healthy and strong with an average weight of about 2.5 kg. the amazing situation is that a young woman had triplets spontaneously, she had twins from her grandmother, from her mother, and so let’s say this heredity. daria is only 25 years old, but she has already become the heroine’s real mother. the family has a three-year-old daughter. in addition, the young woman has two younger sisters in her care; her parents died. the governor
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of the chelyabinsk region, alexey teksler, came to the perinatal center to congratulate daria. the birth of one child is a holiday, and i understand how this birth is a holiday. but the biggest surprise was waiting for the mother of triplets. my husband alexander came home on vacation for a month with a special military operation. here an idea immediately appeared. we made an agreement with the ministry of defense and they granted leave to help ensure that my dad came to be discharged. the regional military registration and enlistment office helped organize the long-awaited meeting. the serviceman came to chelyabinsk directly from avdeevka. the command of the military unit made a decision very quickly, organized proper interaction and provided a short-term one in the shortest possible time. to leave for employee alexander, the young father himself admits that when he found out that he was going to have triplets, he didn’t immediately believe it. first things first
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they did it, they said it was twins, he was confused, it was twins, it was twins, then his wife said that there were triplets, it was a total shock. while the doctors are not letting daria and the kids go home, but in order to help his wife cope with the three heirs, alexander was allowed to come to the ward, generally small, like a doll, they will discharge a large family from the maternity hospital, as... only the heroes will gain weight. yulia karakulova, evgeny emeldinov, news: southern urals. right after us, don’t miss two more episodes of the comedy melodrama angels of the district. the shatalovs come to stay with their classmate, but thanks to the head of the family, the holiday in a luxurious mansion turns into a huge scandal. as a result, mikhail does not find support from alena and leaves the party alone; meanwhile, their son becomes interested in a new girl. we will find out where the plot will turn now at 21:20 on the channel. well, while there is big news on the air, here’s what will happen next in our program. the british prime minister congratulated
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the german chancellor on the increase in the military budget. strange meeting. meanwhile, having escaped from the bukingen palace, the horses galloped around london. the president of argentina is canceling free education; residents did not understand such savings. it is prohibited to keep passengers in duhat. aviation authorities have written instructions. having tied allabai to the car, she dragged him around the city, what’s wrong with the resident of krasnoyarsk? look what a gorgeous fat tail, let's heat the jar, the premiere on rtr, he came, showed up, ruined everything, don't you dare say that, credit, let's buy a clean room, and not for 400, for 800, no way, no... come on you arranged everything listen, call me one person, angels of the area, what, where are we, yes, now, now
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you’ll find out, today on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about vacation. anexc. welcome to rixca with premium magavish suds and villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas are combined with a golden sandy beach, 1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make
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your vacation unforgettable. rixa with premium. the holiday you've been dreaming about. hotel for an unforgettable experience rixos sharmelsheikh, only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharma is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul. where every detail is created to be admired. rixas premium cigate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and beauty coral reefs and sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsus premium sea
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gate. rixas premium seagate. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk. are you with us? yes, when. my soldiers are coming running. they carried me. another shelling began. they laid me down, lay on top of me. one bullet is still in me, and this, let's say, is my trophy. we had a famine then. and here comes the grandmother, she is hungry, but she carries this kurba. people say: baby, feed me dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, support them in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and kudos to you, what you are doing
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is simply amazing. from monday to thursday on rtr, i’m your new neighbor, well, and a new part-time district police officer, after graduation we immediately agreed to submit an application, well, what a wedding, come with us, guys, this is my girlfriend, she was yours, she will be mine pain, sasha. sasha, he survived, he’s already well, can i hug you, fear, i don’t advise you to complain, if you blurt out a word anywhere, we ’ll bury you in the forest, despair, there’s no evidence, not from eyewitness testimony, yes there will be, please don’t interfere an honest fair investigation, when you, now
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for without explanation, that it was honest, do not be afraid of anything, amazing woman. love will overcome everything. from april 29 on rtr. big news is on air, we continue the release. three more launches of angara family rockets are planned to be held at the plesetsk cosmodrome this year. and after modernization of the launch complex, it will be possible to launch kakwa vehicles into orbit.
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for launching spacecraft into all types of orbits in the interests of the ministry of defense. the cosmodrome is a military one, it was specially located in the arkhangelsk region, because there is low, very frequent cloud cover, excellent camouflage from western reconnaissance satellite images, the launch is completely ready, all communications, all media have been started, everything is ready, that’s right, everything is ready. deputy commander-in-chief aerospace forces reports to the minister of defense. in '57, when the cosmodrome was just being built, it was listed in the documents. as a hangar facility, and now has become a test site primarily for the rocket of the same name, here is the successful launch of 2020. the angara launch vehicle,
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the latest russian space development in this workshop, is presented in two versions: light, angara 1.2, capable of delivering up to 3.5 tons of cargo into orbit and heavy angara a5, with a payload capacity of 10 times more. already successful. completion of the modernization of the second launch complex of soyuz launch vehicles, the capacity of the cosmodrome to support spacecraft launches will double . however, the improvements are not complete; by the end of the year they plan to open another launch complex; from plesetsk it will be possible to launch rockets of all modifications currently available in russia. grigoriev, news. the day after the british prime minister announced military aid to ukraine worth £500 million, the british press is trying to digest it. heading on the topic, e.g.
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like: what does sunk smoke? according to the authors, none of his projects are credible, neither the promise to raise a generation of non-smokers, nor the law on the expulsion of migrants, nor the intention to put the economy on a war footing, sky news is looking for its own explanations. by spending this money not on medicine or education, but on defense, sunok wants to become a wartime prime minister, and it is part of his strategy to appeal to the most conservative voters. today sunok urged german chancellor scholz to spend more on the war. scholz nodded his head, but repeated that taurus would not give long-range missiles to kiev. report by mikhail antonov. two met today in berlin. political losers, chancellor scholz and prime minister sunok are competing for primacy in the collapse of the ratings of their own parties, the german social democrats, the british conservatives, both of them have almost zero chances of retaining power, it’s just that for some
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the electoral disaster will happen at the latest in september next year, and for others already in january. to this success they initially they took different paths, but then a curve led them onto the same path. germany and great britain stand together. side of ukraine. our goal is clear: to support ukraine so that it can win. it is also important that we, the nato countries, did not find ourselves in a war with russia. we stand here together as europe's defense leaders, steadfast nato allies, ukraine's two greatest supporters in europe. and together we will continue to support ukraine as long as necessary. london recently announced another aid package kyiv in the amount of 500 million pounds.
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germany is finally spending 2% of gdp on defense, but for scholz and his government this also entails the unpleasant need to cut social spending. captain. the military-industrial complex, that’s who should be congratulated, we must arm ourselves in advance so that we intimidate the enemy so that things don’t come to war. they learn to intimidate with all their might. spiegel magazine
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posted a new documentary on its website , the heroes of which were the director of the kmv concern, which produces leopard tanks, and another thousand bundeswehr soldiers during exercises in poland. the emphasis is on the psychological warfare unit or group of balls, as the military personnel themselves call it. we record the sounds of tanks and drones and play them over the loudspeaker in order to influence the enemy and mislead them. so that the enemy thinks that a large column of tanks is approaching? yes, that’s right, the enemy will need to make an effort to find out what it is and where the sound is coming from. this will give our own forces time to surround the enemy or attack from the other flank. but at the same time time their increasing ability begins to worry. the russian army to put
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the enemy in a difficult position, the commander of the norwegian army unexpectedly opened up, not to the detriment, of course, of his own self-esteem, although little is known about the combat capability of the formations entrusted to him. general christofferson said that the improvement of russia's armed forces has exceeded his expectations. this is now actually a nato-style army. the modernized or rebuilt russian military is now much more similar to ours than i would like it to be said a year ago. russia was able to practically avoid sanctions. many in the west have already admitted that sanctions do not work, but the last ones to do so will be european commission officials. on the eve of the june elections to the european parliament, it is critically important for them to convey to taxpayers the idea that money is being taken from their pockets for a reason, and for this they need to intimidate not only russia, they also need to thoroughly intimidate their voters. putin’s victory will change not only the fate of ukraine, but...
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tear germany away from itself. the fact is that this phenomenally expensive weapon should be used against targets that are tens or even hundreds of times cheaper. they need a lot of money, it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to restrain themselves from the temptation to exploit frozen russian assets. the chief of european diplomacy, barel , claims that europe has invented a relatively honest way of withdrawing funds. the assets are frozen, but according to their new rules they are still capable of generating income of up to 3 billion euros per year. from a legal point of view, we have secured it. these incomes do not belong to russia, since they do not are considered sovereign assets. i'm talking
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specifically about income, not about assets in general. nothing frozen can generate income, and if they do, then they belong to the owner of the assets, as their direct derivative. confiscation of these funds is robbery. it is no coincidence that the head of the european central bank , christina lagarthe, last week warned brussels of the dramatic consequences of such a step. but this apparently had no effect. the decision of the american congress is the confiscation of russian assets, which in the united states are estimated at $5 billion - a crime from the point of view of international law, because there can only be one manipulation with frozen material: defrosting. in the west they constantly talk about a world order based on rules, while at the same time they are constantly ready to rewrite these rules to suit themselves. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, conductor berlin, germany. and while rishisunok was listening to the national anthem at a reception in berlin, in the middle of london right next to the buckingham palace. an emergency with completely
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unpredictable consequences. five horses escaped from the position of the life guards con.


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