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tv   News  RT  April 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the heat in the hollows in gas boulders, 300 bodies are found in the mass drained by the hospital. papa is ready for his read through from the area. and independent review says, there is no evidence to back. israel's planes that stopped from the un relief of what's agents they took part in the have mazda attacks in october and other organizations. evans faced similar, unfounded accusations related to the printer press on top experience. once again, our committee code is past procedures and ambulances as if it shows that the issue is not because the life information because because they think they're all
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political clear. so now the next day out of our elections and that's the headline. india is foreign minister dictates to western media, play being over there, attempting to influence public opinion and find that life is out. i've been us for sending, get more military 8 to taiwan, and that's as america's diploma touches down in shanghai. the kind of a welcome to washington national reaching you live for my new center with moscow. i a michael porch, i smell. i'm at the k alls and con, aging guys. i bet it's been a particularly grim discovery. a mass grave containing more than 300 bodies. it was found outside nasa hospital, which had been one of the largest health centers in the enclave. it comes 2 weeks
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out. these really military with you from the city, o'con eunice, leaving a completely devastated place. the remains have been of june for that date if occasion, and is yet unclear exactly how and when these people died, as most of the cops is set to be in this vast page of the composition of the local media reports claim that the bodies include elderly women, children, and the young men all killed. julie bass, rarely a sold on the region of the un, has raised its own concerns. of the many of the dead was said to have been found naked and with their hands tied as we feel the need to raise the alarm because clearly there have been multiple bodies discovered some of them had their hands died which indicates serious violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law. and these need to be subject to, to further investigations. among the seas were allegedly older people, women and one did, while others were found tied with their hands tied and stripped of their clothes.
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the un human rights office. as these recent reports, problems concerns about the possible war crimes committed by israel in the gaza strip. and we could go just to remind you, palestinians uncovered mass graves at 2 major hospitals in war, turn and claim nicer. and as she for hospitals after they were rated by israeli troops, now government officials say they discovered almost 300 bodies from nicer hospital in hun you and is in southern gaza, some with their hands tied or hadn't coughed. some naked, it is not clear how they died or when they were buried earlier, the u. n's, human rights chief side. he's horrified by the reports of mass graves calling for an independent entrance, parents investigations into the dest stressing it's needs to be performed by international teams. site and quote, prevailing climate of impunity. you add urges that's credible. investigators must
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have all access to the sides. adding that also more journalists need to be able to work safely, and garza to cover the facts that the students suggested that these grades were dogs. by these really forces that one to, to get 3 devices is ro denied to these allegations, calling this claims baseless. and on the founded the idea of says it conducted a precise and targeted to wake operation against him. us in the nicer hospital area in the city of hon. you is in february arresting around $200.00 militants. the army also said that the troops examined buddy is very, it's by palestinians. they are in a bead to tax the dna of the dead, unmeasured with the dna of these rarely hostages. just to make sure that they did not meet the captives. several hostages, one now released said that they were held at another hospital for some time during the week of $250.00, so it makes sense to check some locals we have spoken to also confirms that the
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mass graves appeared as guidelines not having access to the secretary wanted to bury the dead when the idea of launched a soul from the medical complex. it doesn't shed light though, on why some of the buddies have signs of tortures as government officials report. and wow, it has yet to be investigated. of course. what exactly happened? voice is accusing west, some countries have been completed, it's getting louder and louder. it will be, i guess. today you can gather every day we discover must graves, which are a symbol of genocide. hundreds of bodies, sometimes in medical uniforms, sometimes apparently handcuffed, executed. and most we see images of children, tone, this genocide of palestinians would have been impossible without the support of european countries. now one must gray fall through another is being discovered. there are still no sanctions against israel. it is unforgivable complicity. well, what about israel's biggest ally? across the ocean washington,
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the us say it is hard. we fight with the reports about the mass graves and guys are discovered after that the withdrawal was really army, asking israel to clarify the must of seeing the reports about mass graves containing hundreds of bodies around know, chief you. and she said he was horrified by these reports and wondering if you asked as a comments on us and whether you guys to raise this with these really government. we have seen the, those reports and the reports are incredibly troubling and were inquiring on this with the government of israel. but it didn't stop the us senate from improving $26000000000.00 in war time assistance for the region. most of which will of course, go to weapons funding for these really military was just the fraction for committed tearing supplies for guys. and so our friends in israel, america will soon deliver a to help you fight the score. jerbill moss and stand up to
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a ron. and while it is unclear what the investigation into mass graves in gaza will find out or will it change actually anything on the ground was more a financial aid tend political support for israel. now we can send, say, one thing for sure that's the idea of us. can paint the idea of offensive in the guys as 3 will continue bringing more data from both sides a little while humanitarian organizations are on the taking risk admissions to the most bodily affected parts of the enclave and cheese. dave owner was along with the unit sab, deliver, live saving, medical supplies, and water purification, 8 to northern gazda. people who chose to remain in places like to bother you are set to be barely surviving with only a limited shelter in the hardly anything to eat or drink. while on independent review setup to assess the role of owner or has concluded the importance of it's of
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it's what and is without the question. in rob plays an indispensable and eat replaceable role innovation. and this must be said, clearly that stopped from that is the absence of a political solution. we know it provides live, subbing humanitarian aid and essential services to the population. and of course, as, as we speak in this critical time era as a vital role in the u. many tell you on response in guest. meanwhile, warner was had, has welcome to reviews, conclusions over its neutrality amid the war. following these ready accusations, to the contrary, which were found to like any evidence on the basis of the march 2024 list, which contained stuff id numbers is real, made public claims that the significant number of
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u. n. w. a employees are members of terrorist organizations. however, israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of this in the absence of a political solution between israel and the palestinians. u. n. w a remains pivotal and providing live saving humanitarian aid and the central social services to palestinian refugees in gaza. jordan lebanon, syria on the west bank. and also interviewing the hundreds of people, the pro, clear the organization of any wrongdoing. israel has a key is to the you an agency of biomass and that several of its staff had taken part in the have mass attack on october the 7th. following the allegations multiple countries such as the u. s. u k. in germany, all suspended funding to the agency, but a lot of the new report, but it inside they would now resume its payments. policy senior reg, precedence, bulk spice, and evolved for soc claims of the easel. make such accusations to hand to humanitarian work. we basically have to kind of find
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a process how experience such allegations against our medical, his past wordpress, energies, and ambulances. as when this happens is many times as using the 7 once or twice . when does reverses after both the or cs hostages, and how many of those pieces in units and outputs will speak when he does the city . we have these claims of allegations. these allegations were a try were and just an attempt to give justification for the fax. again, or what, how these engagements were not to be in danger of the lives before the committee kind of style and the patients as well. so we continue to call on the international community to apply it pressure to insure protection for health care workers, medical impersonate hospices. we wish 4 and the entered announcement communities to
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continue funding. caldwell and other agencies. so we can continue providing or live streaming services to the people who are in desperate need for it's on india as foreign minister has gone to the western press, 4 into ferry and an ongoing elections in the country. he says there are many who have veered off the our lane and are trying to play political games. i get a lot of these noises from the west on press on the criticize our democracy. it's not because the lack information is because they think they're all political players are not ex, these are games which are being played with us. these are politics. these are our domestic politics, which is going global, global politics, which feels they must know, intrude, and india. you know, how can, how can these jobs decide who should be doing them without, you know,
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consulting us. other comments about the west and media coverage comes as india as my most general elections on the way the articles have made. a host of claims ranging from criticism all the electro system to play means of the prime minister. i personally have a hand in seeing opponents arrested, but all the handles saying good to believe the foreign influence over the country no longer has the power he once had to. so we've seen this for many, many years and this is only growing. you know, the economists, for instance, a big in london always gives elect chosen those the people of india. can you imagine one tiny magazine and one tiny island does? and each time the new election comes down to 1400000000 people who will be, must vote for this is ridiculous side is, you know, these really lead stages of 0 or long gone by a colonialism that's do is in trends somewhere in those systems that have independence in the building. that's the point that i really want to put to you.
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then that's a bit of inconsistency happens. that all the was, whenever an election guns, it's because one set the rest. the next isn't i wouldn't even say it's all the wisdom act as one set of people. one to decide you must be in power in such a country, especially be india. and you know, if you don't get to a person to be like this, talk to lead these drum beats about the various things i'm doing. yeah. like i said, people just beam you will be seeing this major involved and investment in the washington's own security. that's how the us presidents hilde a good gun, one a, a package signed off on the deal. ukraine will get the lion's share, a war paying $61000000000.00 worth of military supplies support and supplies. i just saw in the national security package that was passed on the house
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representatives this weekend and my understanding is to make america safer is gonna make the world safer and it continues america really ship in the world and everyone knows gets finally support for americans. partners so they can defend themselves against the rest of their sovereign lines and freedom of their service as an investment. our own security is stronger for it again and again. we are strong right? let's cross live to our to you is caleb up in canada is good to have you join me right now. so what the swipe of his president saw pan old is billions in age will now be heading out to washington about take us through what the president had to say as well. the united states is going to begin military deliveries to ukraine within the next few hours. according to president biden, and these deliveries will include air defense, ammunition, high mars, cluster shells, bradley, infantry fighting vehicles,
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and this is all according to the pentagon. now, in his remarks, us, president biden emphasized what he's been saying frequently, which is this claim that somehow nato countries are threatened by russia that potentially if the war and ukraine were to come to an end that, that would lead to then russia marching across europe. and attacking nato countries . now, russia has made clear that they have no such intentions, but this is the section upon which nato leaders continue to sell the prolonging of the conflict. now, the ukraine aid also directs the president. the bill directs the president to provide a tack them's missiles. now, $61000000000.00 is provided from american taxpayer money in connection with ukraine under the new defense spending bill $23000000000.00 of that will be replenishing american arsenals that have been depleted by supplying ukraine with weapons. now
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ukraine is expected to pay back the money that has been provided, that is one stipulation of the bills. the president of the united states has the authority to negotiate the terms of the repayment and right off up to 50 percent of the debt. now, at this point, it's important to note this bill has been delayed and bogged down in congress for quite some time. many republicans voted against it. the majority of republicans in the house of representatives opposed. the bill and speaker of the house mike johnson became speaker of the house on platform of saying he would not approve such a bill, but instead and the speaker would focus on america's security concerns at its own border and economic concerns. however, speaker of the house mike johnson seemed to have reversed himself, sparks an anger for marjorie taylor green, and other republicans that are more firmly on the trump monica camp. and it appears that this bill that passed the senate passed the house has just been signed by us
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president joe biden weapons deliveries will begin in the coming hours. all right, our take correspondent caleb mob, been taking us through all of that in washington. thank you so much. all right, ross, i was in bassett, a to the us. that's the washington has made a choice to sacrifice the lives of ordinary people for the sake of american emissions. have a listen. i mean because deal a we but american made a choice in favor of a more it's sided with evil and supported fascism for the sake of its greedy and insatiable military industrial complex. the administration sacrifices the lives of ordinary people with their decision. local politicians actually put an end to the fate of the entire state, which is being used as a battering ram against russia. the cynicism of the us authorities is amazing. who they talked about the need to pump up the nazi regime and key if we're ready to kill as many ukrainians and russians as possible with american weapons. as a result,
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they want to save the world based on american rules strength and the system of domination of western countries over the world majority. in essence, the administration violated its responsibility into view and charter to bear on an equal basis with other permanent members of the security council. special responsibility for international peace and security. american help will not save zelinski, new weapons will be destroyed and the tasks and goals of the special military operation will be fulfilled. what are they all hi, spoke to the deputy speaker. all this, the voc in pond him and he says that 7 countries with anti war positions don't have many friends in washington, a, b, c that the warranty ukraine was cds here because of the expansion of nato, lend the american allies towards the russian borders. and now we can see that i know you cons are very,
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very more and more media are billions of dollars to helping you praying against the russia and kindly see that the great hands are trying to launch the meeting 30 at types on russian territory together with this uh and then we can hello. so the only conclusion is that the is directly involved in these goals. and this is very, very dangerous situation and to be in slovakia and the normal people in the euro are reading the freight obviously escalation because you can do got to do a new car, was slovakia and hungry have both to dop, against this dance, as mandated by the use leadership about the ukraine compet. what has been the use reaction to that? are they treating you like an outside or even a power? yeah. that is a big pressure as you can imagine because of use the robot speed. so the primary sto, slovakia, so it's very openly, we are not going to assign the weapons to you brian, we have, i'm going to send the soldiers,
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we are not going to approve the and try of ukraine tonight. so we are going to veto it to be that is, and this is the signals of peaceful silver in the nation. and they are very narrows because they have sort of, they do and they hate some of the nation and display some. well i think that that is the interest of the american military complex to launch it is more tools, brent, these war mongering because they have the profits from this. also the accounts that have the benefits from reaching any that you're being, you know, mean, so it's a combination also on trade and economic. and when the, you to be in unity and restaurants are, you know, in conflict together. it's good for the american business. so i think that it's the american interest, i have these war as long as it's possible, but this is really not the interest of european union. i met the new tries of
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u. s. military a to key at best been increasing polk in the media, but it's time for europe to step up physically. in an article published in foreign affairs, british and american analysts, both countries outside of the u. mold. the idea that brussels would need to set its own soldiers to help. again, the boss blah believes that it's all an attempt to demonize russia. i think that there is a interesting number to come see posts, i'm gonna leave or i'll see you both to most of these war war and war against the russia. and this is not in the interest of you. this is absolutely not in the interest of europe. because the economic energetic and also military and consequences of the so called sweet is the state think for european union. and i think that we should, we should stop in and be, should stall to follow and want to come interest also from the historical point of view. i've never seen any, any history, any affordable for us on. so to come, greg or, you know,
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but i saw the form of a germany or friday night, essentially, to concord russia. so probably this is the, is the case. that's why i think that these, these other strategies strategy to, to spread the viewer and you will be in society uh to basically the people in the role to sort of music organization and all these war ongoing. and this is something that you need to read to use a key of this, not the only one in line for a huge injection of us aid. a $1000000000.00 has been approved for taiwan to move while the us that gives you state has thoughts down in shanghai for a 3 day trip to china city. a news correspondent thing tong has more on this. the agent, he suspect 22 meetings he's trying, he's comforter. part of china as foreign minister won't even cause last visit to china was actually in june last year where he spent a 2 days impatient by this time it's urgent. that includes the team to see if he's in 3 days. so bill,
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we're not very clear about his schedule in china. we can tell that the u. s. e, c, t, the per communication with china this time, and also, oh, he's way to show hi, lee can said all his social media accounts bad at the ongoing direct engagement. it's vital form like making progress between the 2 countries and the chinese. hopefully she'll actually notated that to bring cuz we did as part of the effort by china and the us to implement the call, my understanding squished by the, to president at the meeting in san francisco last year. the tie, one question, the taiwan issue is definitely a import him to a go, but we are still waiting, waiting to see how open can well see a balance of the highway. he sure this time a bad thing, reacted to washington's latest move to on taiwan. say massage options were only aggravated existing tensions in the region. a pretty well turned out to sure. the united states in taiwan strengthen, mailed 3 ties, will not bring about security for ty, one notion,
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and save the doomed fate of taiwan independence. it will only increase tensions and the risk of conflict across the taiwan strait and will ultimately be an act of shooting one's self and the food. the united states should abide by the one china principal installed to jeopardize in peace and stability across the taiwan straits . of the us as taiwan is the largest international back of an arm supply, despite no form of a diplomatic ties of aging, has long one washington that taiwan is a chinese issue and will not tolerate the external indifference. as the new us 8 bill will see the island to maintain and upgrade its military hardware at a time, a taiwanese president has finds washington for the move are to contribute to college, john. she has his thoughts on washington's ultimate goals and the region on the $8000000000.00. so you can tie one, most of that money will actually cycle back to the us military industrial complex.
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the goal has always been to fasten the company's life rate for young boy and it's contractors, it's lobbyist and, but there's a way that to do it is to increase the us china tension over the tide went straight . this just defies us. continue military prices, use asia, and you just, if i continue us continuing selling weapons to tie one, tie one is one of the largest customers of the us. what big we add this, this, you know, this at the end of the day it's, it's so the that they usually do political, you meet in washington. they, they are all great lining their own pocket. and the, you know, to, by feeding the military industrial complex in us is how the, how they achieve their it's comfortable retirement in the bahamas, thought to it's now i'm at the wanting something,
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bathing over into parents through a chinese owed tape talk the, well, it's only me just social network independent from the us, is that the risk of being banned from us soil. a bill recently approved by congress as the mazda belong to an american auto weston investor. this is not an effort to take your voice away to young americans. i want to say we hear your concern and we hope the tech talk will continue under new ownership, american, or otherwise, from britain, canada, brazil, france. it just needs to be no longer control by an adversary or another. set it up, peter rick adds, has the keys to the social media platform of spreading a pro, him as narrative. i best comes as protests and some of the palestinian cause had been sweeping across some of the most prominent us universities. activists have been setting up camps tracking slogans and carrying banners, demanding an end to genocide in gaza. and that's where it gets claimed,
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take talk. there's destabilizing the political situation within his country. look what's happening in our college campuses right now in this country. problem last activists are taking over public spaces and making a possible campuses to operate choose students are being told to leave campus because their universities can't guarantee their safety. but why is this happening? well, let's look at where young people are getting their news. nearly a 3rd of 8 adults, $18.00 to $29.00. these young people in the us are regular getting these news exclusively from 6 out. this is not coincidence. the chinese communist party is doing this on purpose. they are pushing this race that agenda with the intention of undermining our jump, democratic vice optic talk savvy didn't intense to appeal what he called unconstitutional legislation with bruce is a free speech of american use. this it is unfortunate that the house of
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representatives is using the cover of important for and, and humanitarian assistance to once again, jim through, i've been billed that would trample the free speech rights of the 170000000 americans. the all the other side of the atlantic brussels this now looking into what's been dog tape, talk like an app that's been up to optimized for slow internet connection and limited memory. that's what made doctors ations of that as being shared with the chinese government. something both the develop a being denied that concerns have been also raised on the impacts of good have on mental health. as a rewards use us for watching and liking videos on the platform rejects the accusation, saying that the rewards of daily limits. ty, hey, institute senior fellow, i'll try and get inside of that. it'd be a tactful, picked up a roll following the a well jordan pass. there are different ways in which they could um, you know, push a tick tock in terms of saying that, you know, we,
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we need to have some sort of oversight, etc. but this is political posturing really has nothing to do with reality. this is just the congress, both sides by partisans, you know, trying to be tough on china at the same time that they're throwing more bullets and bombs towards gaza and supporting war efforts and ukraine. it also brings up this issue, right? you know, here here's blinking, going to china extensively to make nice. and what is they doing? congress is passing a anti china laws as he's literally entering the country. and at the same time, they're putting on steel tariffs and saying they're going to investigate chinese e v vehicles and green technology, especially in solar and wind. this is a clear indication of that, you know, the policy makers in washington are kind of shooting 1st,
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trying to figure out who they shot afterwards. but loss of general persecutor sides of the country saw a 3.5 percent increase in terrorist acts in 2023 with most of the attacks perpetrated by ukrainian radicals. this comes out the president puts in his describe terrorism as one of the biggest challenges the world is currently facing, addressing and international security fob and st. petersburg. he sighed at last, bonds deadly attack on the moscow consulate for. as a salient example, in the international terrorism is undoubtedly one of the most serious threats of the 21st century. the purpose of terrorist attacks in various regions of the world carried out not only by radical groups, but also by the intelligent services of some countries, is to undermine constitutional foundations, that stabilize southern states and insight into ethnic inter religious hatred. at the same time, the methods of criminals are becoming more and more sophisticated and above barrett


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