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tv   Voennaya politsiya  NTV  April 25, 2024 1:20am-2:11am MSK

1:20 am
open the door, it’s hard to hear you, where are you? open the door, you will see, chikavani, you are crazy, listen, ira, let me in, i need to talk to you, i really need to talk to you, go to bed, you fucking fiance.
1:21 am
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1:25 am
if the question seems difficult, an innovative drug can help with memory problems on the appetizer, it helps improve cerebral blood flow, restore memory and attention. the choice must be balanced, time-tested, for the head to work, this is a star show, the second stage, dueri, miguel, we have a work permit, i’m actually miguel from stanza, okay, mr. miguel istantsev has a work permit, against dzhigan, i thought that our star was kirkorov, i play a negro in every number, mikel, understand this is the first thing that comes to mind, the second and third, to be honest, yeah, well, dumpling, now you’re going to be ready for freedom, we thought it was a club, at least a strong one, i didn’t learn that, let’s
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continue, brothers, let’s continue to fry, we’ll light it until the morning, i can still do tricks, tricks. on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. well, let's go upward. ensign pashkevich, semyon vladimirovich, please. immediately viversky, why is this for the sake of completeness, sit down, tell us a little about yourself, was born in
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kostroma, has a family, studied at gymnasium number five, then at the institute of mechanics and optics in st. petersburg, did not graduate, nothing to add? for example, that an investigation has been opened against you, or is this information unimportant? i didn’t do anything, but they had to notify the mother that you were expelled from the university, and you are now serving, so it was the mother who submitted the application, i thought something serious. major, don’t you think that this is not a personal matter , it concerns everything? while some very alarming picture is emerging, you don’t have a department, a bunch of fugitives, for example, you, major starostina, tell me what prompted you to transfer from the fsb service to the ministry of defense, fish
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he searches where it is deeper, and where the person is better, and what is here, the truth is better? don’t you know, you also ran away from the main directorate of the general staff, i didn’t say with a desire to leave intelligence, my colleagues made an effort, it was as if i was plunged into a septic tank. you know, your commander has a magical gift, for some reason it seems to everyone around him that he is a positive character, honest, loyal, correct, a hero, everyone on the other side is villains, and you know, he has repeatedly been convinced that this is so , so, okay, you turned off the camera,
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that means the interrogation is over, let's leave, roshchin. for a couple words, he needs, let him go, go, i ’ll catch up, everyone, let’s go, i wasn’t eager to see you either, i’m just following an order, whose is my immediate superior, what kind of question, mish, why are you complicating everything if i i’ll stay here, i’ll reveal all your ins and outs, everything, you need to be ready to ask specifically about the case, today at five, you’ll get answers to your questions and fly away, well , at five, so at five, what did he want? nothing
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new, go to the airfield, find out which of the technicians was supposed to meet the drying, which one? one. do you want to talk? no. i waited you at night. he changed and went home, i’m going to him, don’t, come back, what do you want him to
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do, like anukhin, too, if he’s involved, it’s better if he doesn’t know that we found him, of course he’s involved, i’m behind his ears and i’ll drag you, put the checks aside - that’s an order, hello, hello, you’re missing something, hello, it’s hard to hear, listen, is the fifty-sixth apartment in this entrance, is it yurka’s, or what? well, apparently, yes, wheelwright yuri petrovich, huh? so he’s not there, right in front of you he went straight into the hall, this one, who are you, wheelwright, where,
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yuri petrovich, that’s right, there is a conversation, who are you? listen, this is a delicate conversation, let’s better move away, i didn’t hear you, who are you? captain of the check, military police, take a rest, show you the documents, of course. hey, calm down, mother, don’t do this, are you men, guys, calm down, i’m from a special department, now we’ll get you.
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there is no light, we didn’t catch you today, we’ll catch you tomorrow, yes ir, yanukhin is running, ira contacted kant’s base while you were away, and that major bystrov is looking for him in kyrgyzstan, he has clues, anokhin. hey, police, come on, anokhin, open it,
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it’s quick, turn it on, come on, come in here, come on, come on, come on, come on!
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eh, dayar, everything is ready, he, i pulled him out of the hut, i thought he would get better, otherwise, everything is the same here, yes, the zombie box was working, i turned it off. what is it, a tourniquet is lying around, yes, it fell off your hand, but the body was on the sofa?
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moved in, leaned back, the soup was boiling, the stove was flooded, yeah, what are the neighbors, how are you monkeys, i don’t see anything, i don’t hear anything, i won’t tell anyone, there are no cameras in the apartment, that is, in the entrance, thank you, major, communications, communications, ira, tell anokhin’s wife. let me take you, you have a wheeler, let him go, catch it while this is the only clue, what if anukhin stole part of the cargo for personal use, do you think
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they were transporting sockeye in these tanks. a service dog will confirm or deny this. semyon, we need to start searching for dodar among drug dealers , find me contacts of local dog handlers, uh-huh, ninth, irina dmitrievna, my respects, and you are far away, otherwise i’m on wheels now. from idleness, only if it doesn’t come back as an interrogation, although why not, it seems you the only one from the team, think sensibly, oh, one request, without flattery, as you say, we
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managed to persuade him to surrender, he even threw away his weapon, boring, retelling the report, nothing new, if i knew that you were a hunter of fairy tales, i would have prepared, fairy tales - this is exactly your report, the hostages died as a result of the vok-25m explosion, but you did not mention that someone fired a grenade, it is not on the company’s balance sheet at all, where did it suddenly come from khalimov, but definitely not from us, here i just can’t find out the special status of your department? that’s what we’re talking about, a secret is a secret, but the call may be important, stop the car, of course.
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general magutin, general, it’s none of your business, let me guess, he tried to hush up the investigation, but failed, you know everything, it’s surprising that you don’t know where the grenade came from, so tell me, only the truth will save you from me, you know the truth, and if not,
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ask the blind man, or the one who sent you. “i don’t understand you, then it’s doubly disgusting that they’re using you in the dark, they’ve pulled you up like a glove doll, they’re playing on your hatred for grove, but you won’t even realize that you are helping the enemy, the blind leading the blind, yes, you will both end up in a hole, but you know who is really blind, you, you don’t know grove, what he is capable of? "unfortunately, you you’ll find out about this when he gets tired of seeing the check next to you. what are you talking about? i don’t understand you. although, what’s my business, i’m not the ethics commission, i’m just sorry for you, who. there? aleon
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pechkin brought a package for your boy, you understand? it’s uncivilized that there are police in a vest that suit the taste and color, oleg gas. usually in such situations everyone runs away, and then they are caught up. ebelya, have you got any training? and
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friends, good ones. premiere from monday at 19:30 on ntv. what do you have? certificate? helped detain a particularly dangerous man armed with firearms. tomorrow at 23:00 on ntv. there was drugs in the tank,
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the dog confirmed it. and how kolesnik was going to remove drugs from the airfield. six months ago, the question arose about clearing the territory, and the wheelwright brought in a cheap contractor, his friend. and the regiment is not i sensed a catch. the contractor rolled out painfully sweet conditions. according to the agreement, he has already removed garbage from the airfield three times. the loading was supervised by a personal wheelwright, you realize, there are already three deliveries, it’s time to do it, by the way, this contractor has a site for decommissioned aircraft, they haven’t looked for a wheelwright there yet, they are gathered far away. are there any strangers on the site? eat. you.
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there's definitely someone here. i'll look on the left. are you here. eat. we’re doing nonsense, he ’s sitting somewhere at the dacha right now, eating shish kebab, i wouldn’t hang around here, but i would, because that it wouldn’t occur to anyone to look here, but it occurred to two fools, listen, a company of soldiers is needed here to search every turntable. try the new thermal imager from pashkevich, how will it help? the helicopters are cold, the wheelie is warm, it might turn out to be a fun toy.
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someone was here just now, i’m coming to you, unharmed, but i don’t know where he is.
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what movies have you seen? come on, get up, you dirty pig! how long have you been working with dodar? why are you silent? how long have you been working as dadar? is it not in your interests to remain silent if we take extra without you? i'll take it! timur!
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well, the bastard, the wheelwright, left, that’s it, straight to the heart. why the hell did you go with feversky? wanted to provoke, to draw something out, was it successful? no, in general, he stayed in the car, i went up to anokhin’s widow, i wanted to prepare her, but she felt everything, i had to tell her, i couldn’t calm her down for a long time, then my son arrived.
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son, andryusha disappeared somewhere, mom, we have grief, such grief, i know, mom, my father, and who are you? my name is irina dmitrievna, accept! my condolences, i have to tell you, let’s better go there, no, i have to leave, where again
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? called anukhin, so what, he’s his son, he hasn’t called for six months, let’s invite him to talk, the phone is turned off, his mother might know where he is, although it’s unlikely, i think so too, okay, the results came from kyrgyzstan in... tyanukhin, yes, it was the gas that killed him, and not the injection of a drug in his blood, but the dose, i would say, is not lethal, it’s a sleeping pill, i don’t believe in accidental deaths, and i don’t believe, there’s only one needle prick on the left arm, but it’s definitely independent, well, the first dose is immediately fatal, there’s some kind of inconsistency between them, if only i could figure out who had it, i know
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who we are dealing with. i narrowed the search, and akabir tykuev, a native of tajikistan nicknamed dadar, organized powerful drug trafficking of apyats from afghanistan through the countries of the former eurasian economic community. for which he received 10 years from us, at the request of tajikistan he was extradited and returned, i wonder who gave him a visa, why? submitted a request to the migration service, but kabir tykuev did not cross the border of the russian federation, he is an illegal immigrant, which will complicate his search, listen, this free shooter should not be here, killing everyone right and left, we will take dodar, if we find the last stories before him, we need to speed up decoding of the recorder, i’m not sure that they’ll let me in, well, with this attitude they won’t let me in, but if you take me, they’ll take me as dear...
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why, syoma, didn’t you tell your mother that you joined the army, but i thought she was okay anyway, while i was studying in st. petersburg, we talked on the phone twice or even just one, it’s clear, and you’ve been in opposition for a long time, but we haven’t been in opposition. she just has no time for me now, we lived together for a long time, my father left before i was even three, and two years ago she met a man, it’s just funny, they behaved like teenagers, then the wedding was like a girl with a photo, with guests, and then your mother became pregnant, and you felt abandoned, but no. i gave up the room to the little one, i got tired of sleeping in the kitchen, our apartment is small, i went to st. petersburg, got admitted, and there was alice, uh-huh, yes, where should i go home, to the kitchen, here i thought that what did you think, that the army is giving away an apartment, and you
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will carry aliska across the threshold with flowers in your arms, clearly, the limbic system has gone into overdrive, conservative therapy no longer works, well, we need to resort to emergency surgery, so, syom, you go alone, and i’ll go and bring tatyana. look, i'm not sure. syoma, are you sure you can do it, and you will do it. remember these three words and forget the rest. that's it, a man needs no more than three words in his life, you know? come on, go. student. dad asked not leave roshchin alone. come on, he's already a grown boy. what do you think? there are other options? well, yes, so that you and i can unwind. roshchin was up to something. can we not talk about him? we may not talk at all.
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we have a free minute, we can sort everything out sooner. with greetings from the nineties, yes, i didn’t bother looking for my frag, i hope my pajamas don’t bother you, and the rest are already downstairs, just us, they have nothing to do with it, yeah, well, i’ll be right there, 5 minutes, here the pilot dropped the first pair, further request to reset the second pair through. the speed was 20 seconds, acceleration, braking before resetting, we don’t need anything else, thank you, wait, wait, that’s all, but all that remains is to calculate the coordinates, i’m already
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at home, i remember everyone walking, still i think that it will be more reliable to record the speed when resetting the first pair. was 330, then acceleration in 20 seconds on the cruiser 750, reset of the second pair after 5 minutes 23 seconds, the coordinates of the first point are known to us, the second is easier to find. you understand, but i realized that i’m paying you a lot, come, thank you, father, yeah,
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master, was someone singing? that will never bother me again, but i’m on a private visit, listen, kostya, you’re an experienced hunter, forgive me for being like that, kostya, if anything happens, i’m petro. i call a lot, sing, but there’s not enough substance, well, let’s get to the point, the thing is that i haven’t had anything to do lately, so i decided to unwind a little, maybe you can arrange for me, but a small safari for a modest fee, and well , with a fire, with a guitar, under the stars, eh?
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come in, let's discuss it, sit down, tanya, set something for the table, tatyana, you sit down yourself. nothing, a conversation about business, a man’s conversation, what is this, fern salad, i salted it myself, mm, well, we’re not hungry yet to chew the tops, but i’d really like to try it, can i please, thank you. we’ll be, wow, unusual, but tasty, well, don’t
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poison people, but make some casul there, and not this is yours, pine cone jam, but what, straganina with pine cone jam is very good, i ’ll bring it. we will, we will. well, as i understand it, we’re not going to decide here, but
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why are we such athletes going to hang out in the premises, it’s good in tag now, yeah, yeah anything is better than here, bone, no offense, but it’s no longer useful, and what is this, it looks like honey, it’s jam. 100 siberian herbs, but there are fewer of them, in fact, my grandmother taught me, there is hemlock, fragrant, thyme, and from you i added something, ragweed, that’s all, that’s all, you know what, that’s pasture, that’s it here’s meat, kostya, you don’t understand anything, just think about it, game, berries, mushrooms, even this fern, this is all a huge
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assortment for an online store, but what about a million-dollar business, i have a parenzen here such a specialist, he will make you a website, packaging, but what, bone, you understand, your wife just has some kind of incredible gift, a fool, a cat polishes balls from idleness, and a fool from idleness... boils cones, fool, i, i’ll probably go, tatyana vasilievna, thank you. wait.
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this is for you, i call it umkina yumka, here are raspberries, blueberries, pine nuts and honey, take them. tatyana vasilievna, tanechka, if you knew what a miracle you are, you have only one drawback, he snores over there, you need another. smart, sensitive, gentle, loving, a person who is able to appreciate you, you understand. and there is such a person, tanechka, tanya.
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damn, petrovich couldn’t warn him in advance, so, i’m sure i can do it, i’ll do it, tatyana, i’m semyon, kostya will probably kill him, wait, who’s who, i don’t understand, my kostya woke up, and petya and i are in the bathhouse, do you understand? “i don’t know how it is, please run, he took him to the stable, now he left the aquarium so as not to see your face, again you, what do you want from me, i need you to be gone, i lived with
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nyutka for six months, she i lived with the memories of you, i’m tired of you, i’m already tired of you, some bitch windy as it is"? waited for a moment in the forest , broke everything, but i didn’t wait for anything, it was i who arranged that business trip for you, i faked the fake news about your death, i’m a canopy, i ’ll track my cell phone, you’ll pick me up on the way, where are you got ready, it’s none of your business, run home, what did you say? i’ve been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, it’s finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you’ve been waiting. spring, now
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spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition we all smile joyfully, we meet the liberators, follow me, guys, come back, postopovich, go to the station and work, but i want to fight, we’ll get there. to a strong underground organization, and of course, if possible, sabotage work, electrician, fourth category, that ’s good, give me your mines, i’ll go, i’ll accomplish a feat, this hero is not going anywhere, we must end him, the fate of a saboteur, you
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don’t seem happy, hero , that he remained alive, i thought they would give me an order for the chest, not before the order, it would be a homeland, a premiere. on friday 20:00 on ntv. kostya, i understand i made a big mistake, but you you’re doing even more, but let’s go! kostya, that’s enough, that’s enough, you’re annoying me, i won’t go anywhere else, okay, it’s a good place, even too much for you, come on! “dig, as for you, or what to dig? quietly, ledunov, i ask you, mowing, i ask you, calmly, don’t twitch, give me your hands, go, hit me!”
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go home, what the hell are you doing, timur, slow down, you have to get the passenger in, be patient, now every second is important, semyon, what do you know, lidenov has a phone with him, i spotted him, he’s somewhere here, what the hell is there, it seems to be moving, it seems to be in our direction. stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stand, stand, i'll kill him.
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stand, bastard, stand, hands, hands, i myself gave up. petya, no, where did you bury him, i will kill you, wake up creature, where did you bury him, i will bury you myself, stop, this is useless, ira, ambulance, ashkevich, you can restore the route only if his phone had a fitness tracker , which he doesn’t have, a car accident, a man
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unconscious, hit his head, yes one is 35 years old, let’s go by visual references, the recorder was working, ira, wait for the ambulance. now turn right, there is a dirt road, at a fork turn left, stop, otherwise i won’t figure it out on my own, there’s a dead end here. petrovich,
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petrovich, petrovich, petrovich, he’s here, alive, come on, get up, get up, get up, don’t yell, timur, your head is splitting, you can go, but what do i have behind my back? the wings haven’t grown, so i can go, what kind of wings, old sinner, the cauldron is waiting for you, but it’s not time yet, we’ll fight again, you have a weapon, you’re a serious person, we’re leaving, your friend murin may come here, and the security for you why, move, shoot, he’s only alive at the legs, you have 2 hours, you won’t find him, they will look for you, you are in a serious mess,
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hot spot, final episodes, we need to get out of here, i don’t want anything to happen to you, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, we are one step away from the finals to the semi-finals to us traditions , guests are coming, there will be a celebration, your vocals are simply absolutely incredible, the worst thing will be offensive...


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