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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 24, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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the antediluvian norms according to which compensation was calculated for victims of natural disasters will be revised. vladimir putin discussed the most pressing problems with the heads of cities affected by floods. roman's report. omar magomedov, speaking to the nemesis about how our self-propelled artillery works on the front line. the us senate supported the allocation of new military aid to ukraine. the resumption of arms deliveries will begin in the coming days. alexey vasilovsky from the usa. a cutter on the warpath. what the departing son promised. to the outgoing stoltenberg in a report
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elizabeth gerson. return ticket. russians who spent years in exile are returning home. nahid babayev tried to find out why and what doesn’t suit them in the west. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today in the vladimir chernyshov studio. compensation to flood victims should be issued for any lost property; it is time for the payments themselves to be indexed. vladimir putin announced this today at a meeting on the flood situation. the president conducted it via video link, the heads of the government reported on the situation relevant ministries, governors.
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mayors of flooded cities. putin emphasized in the ursk, kurgan, and tyumen regions that helping people should be approached informally. according to the president, for the victims, it does not matter what level of government is responsible for what, it is important that the problems are resolved. roman sobol found out what people will pay attention to first. now the crest of the flood has already passed the orenburg region, swept along the mound and is advancing on the tyumen region, where the water has gone, new problems emerge, people are returning.
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several hundred thousand applications for compensation, and this is only in the orenburg region, despite the fact that not everyone receives financial assistance, but why? how many people received financial assistance? region, we received financial assistance to 46,000 people, yeah, more than a billion rubles, more than 400,000 applications from affected citizens for financial assistance were accepted, and you just said 46,000 were issued, well, that’s a little more than 10%. you are absolutely right, work is being done in all, and in all other regions the same thing as a percentage.
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the ministry of construction proposes to double the number of experts for the commissions assessing the damage, the may holidays to complete the work in orsk and orenburg, to establish the order of payments, but there are bureaucratic nuances, for example, the house is destroyed, and the family owns other real estate, even the smallest one.
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the first, or when it was purchased with maternity capital, the second, or when the shares in other housing are less than the social norm of 18 km. the head of orenburg gave another example: in the regional center, garden plots were mainly damaged, how to assess the damage in this case, if on paper these are country houses, huh? but such people make up about 50% of the total number of affected gardeners, and today we have 77 snts flooded in orenburg. for many, this
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is also the only housing, as has historically happened in the city of orenburg. firstly, it is necessary to recalculate the established norms for the cost of major repairs per square meter. the amount of payments itself has been established, it was established in 2008, now it is 2024, and this amount has not been indexed either, i ask for the appropriate federal department. the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of finance, the ministry of construction, and social departments will return to this and resolve the issue of indexation. let me remind you that today it is 1000, 5000 and 1000 rubles. they need
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to be indexed. in affected areas , employers should consider providing additional leave to employees who begin renovating their own apartment buildings. does not exist, as a rule, it is the same everywhere, insurance is everything, if you are insured, that means you received insurance, that means you were not insured, but this is at the risk of each person, us... this system has been built and it needs to be improved further, although it would be right to train people to insure their property, rely on the authorities, don’t make a mistake yourself. state mechanisms work slowly, here is a clearly outdated rule when calculating payments, a certain list of items
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for which you can receive compensation is taken into account, the list is ancient, and if something not included in it drowns or burns, alas, ah. it generally needs to be canceled this list, lost property, everything needs to be paid accordingly compensation, well, what do you count, whether a washing machine is included in this list or not , well, it’s some kind of nonsense, everything needs to be canceled on this list. the president paid special attention to helping the families of svo participants and families with children; he instructed deputy prime minister golikova to organize children's holidays, preferably for children from orenburg or kurgan. we were able to go to the sanatorium already during the may holidays. roman sobol, ntv television company. the most difficult flood situation. now in the tyumen region, in the city of shim, the water level is river of the same name exceeded 10 m. nothing like this has happened here for more than 100 years. now the flood crest descends downstream. in
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the abatovsky district, there are already nine settlements cut off from the mainland. hundreds of people have been evacuated. additional forces of the ministry of emergency situations, police, emergency services, and volunteers have been deployed to the disaster zone. they are strengthening the embankment, which should protect the tyumen-omsk federal highway. and in the orenburg region the situation is stabilizing. orsk, which was the first to take the blow of the elements, is almost freed from water, they are now clearing it streets, courtyards are being disinfected. that night, humanitarian aid from kyrgyzstan arrived in orsk. 10 trucks delivered more than 170 tons of cargo. this is not the first batch; kyrgyzstan has already sent almost 200 tons of things needed to eliminate the consequences to the urals. emergency situation. prime minister mikhail mishustin discussed the flood situation today with anna popova, head of the federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection. one of the areas of work of rospotrebnadzor is epidemiological safety in emergency situations
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of a natural nature, including floods. in the regions that are currently suffering from them, the problem of clean water is acute. on the very first day you left for orsk, you reported to me from there. also, the situation is now difficult in the kurgan region, in a number of regions and federal districts, and, of course, here it is necessary to constantly monitor, first of all, probably, the water supply. in addition to the stationary laboratories, which were strengthened by our institutes, we placed three mobile laboratories there, which are now are working, they almost doubled the capacity of what was there, but if you do this in the central city of the subject, it may not be so difficult, but in orsk, where it is a small city, and there is also a laboratory that was installed there, tyumen and kurgan we have strengthened it with laboratories, all this is now... working together, we have conducted more than 4.0 different studies of water, this is also due to
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the fact that - although according to our data there is no reason to worry, we are worried if in the orenburg area, all the water , which is going to orenburg and korsk and flows along territory of the russian federation, then in two other subjects it comes from another state, here enhanced control was also required, we succeeded, thank you. the meeting also discussed the implementation of the sanitary shield initiative, which is aimed at combating infectious diseases and other threats. popova reported that today the entire territory of russia, including the dpr, lpr, kherson, zaporozhye regions, is included in the sanitary shield of government bodies. russia is ready, ready to work on the formation of a multipolar world order by strengthening global security, with everyone who is interested in this, announced this today.
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bank accounts, cards, and electronic wallets continue to be actively used, and the use of new technologies, including virtual assets, is growing. methods are being developed to attract not only own funds, but also criminal proceeds for these purposes. there remain risks of using commercial organizations for...
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universal missile modules of the angara; shaig was also shown the assembly halls, after which he held a meeting, hearing a report from the commander of the space forces, upon completion of the modernization of the second launch complex of the soyuz launch vehicles, the capabilities of the cosmodrome to support spacecraft launches will double. work is underway to modernize the rokot light-class rocket and space complex, testing of which is planned to begin in december of this year. sergei shaig was also
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informed that the spacecraft preparation complex is equipped with entirely domestic equipment, fire, extinguishing systems, communications. monitoring the oxygen content in the zone of a special military operation , the center group of troops hit 360 identified enemy targets, including 16 strong points, within 24 hours. almost 360 people and dozens of pieces of equipment were lost in su. our artillery is now actively working in the donetsk direction to strengthen the enemy. the crews hit the armored vehicle with precise shots and conduct counter-battery combat. frontline reporting by omar magomedov. in the donetsk direction the gunfire does not cease, the artillerymen support the offensive assault troops, the activity of shots is increasing, on the front line, our reconnaissance has detected the movement of american armored vehicles. the ukrainian armed forces are trying to hold positions in the forest belt, the drone operator reports to the parade, the enemy has delivered reinforcements. the battle is controlled
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live, video from a drone, commanders from different branches of the military coordinate actions online and give orders. unit sight 394 to the left 0.11 to the left 0.11 level less than four, full charge, fire command sounds, fire barrage artillery forces the enemy landing force to dismount, and the driver to look for other escape routes, the vehicle is driven into the desired square, a desperate attempt to hold the position ends in complete defeat, the armored vehicles fly into the air, the riflemen of the anti-tank platoon have distinguished themselves, we are working intensively. often lucky, from morning to night, from morning to morning, during a special military operation, battle tactics have changed radically, the gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount fires only from closed positions, the combat vehicle is covered with branches, a camouflage network, in conditions when enemy drones are hanging in the sky, this is a chance to go unnoticed, but we are getting by with the edges, well, we
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have enough to firstly save personnel, and secondly, to save equipment and everything else, because well. .. personal movement at the moment is very undesirable, a fighter with the call sign malek, originally from ovdeevka, along with his family, left the city in the fourteenth, when the punitive operations of ukrainian nationalists began, those who disagreed with the kiev coup d'etat were detained and brutally tortured, many of him acquaintances went missing, he called into the army from donetsk, he has been at the front for three years now, he is fighting not only for his family, but for the bright future of the children of donbass. we do not hit peaceful houses. against civilians, we are hitting armed people, if they lay down their arms, we will stop doing this, it’s simple, let them go home, raise their children, we will do the same here, that’s all, after active shooting , drones were spotted in the sky, they say they haven’t flown so deep yet, perhaps we’re waiting out the attack in
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an abandoned building, the air command came, two drones were spotted in the sky, one time... another kamikaze, it’s unclear whether it’s ours or someone else’s, but just in case we asked to hide in the room, we’ll wait, all areas turn on frequency suppression equipment, powerful equipment for the sake of electronic warfare turns off the komikazes, he falls down like a stone, a pop is heard, the second one manages to get away, the crew of the artillery installation continues to work as if nothing is happening, the former factory mine worker is no stranger to hard work, now our soldiers have prepared their self-propelled gun for firing, fire command may arrive at any minute. omar magomedov, rabadam magomedov, ntv television company. donetsk direction of the special military operation. about an hour ago, american president joe biden announced that he had signed a law on additional funding for ukraine worth $61 billion. the new package of military aid to the kiev regime includes ammunition for air defense, artillery and missile systems, as
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well as armored vehicles. weapons deliveries, according to biden, will begin in the coming hours. well, such a rush obviously. due to the hopeless situation in which they find themselves ukrainian troops. at the same time, the western press and experts are confident that money from washington will only prolong the fire of the kiev regime, and no turning point will occur at the front. they waited more than six months for help from the americans in kiev. it was for this period that the bill languished in the lower house of congress, where republicans refused to approve it, but they gave in. following the house of representatives, the law was quickly passed by the biden-controlled senate. alexey vasilovsky, reporting from the usa. bill to foreign aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan met with virtually no opposition in the senate. several republicans.
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for so long that many nato allies, not to mention kiev, began to doubt the ability of the united states to keep its word, yet for more than six months in congress they could not agree to send aid or not, and full agreement was never reached. conservatives still believe that allocating money to ukraine is a big mistake that will cost washington dearly. but even more expensive - to kyiv. adding even more money to the ukrainian treasury will only prolong the conflict and lead to the loss of even more lives. nobody. the white house, the pentagon or the state department cannot explain what winning this battle looks like. they couldn't say it when we sent the first tranche of aid over two years ago, we must work with ukraine and russia to
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agree on how to end this madness. voices that pouring more and more money into the conflict will not help ukraine are becoming louder in the west. why is our ukrainian policy devoid of any meaning? yes, because we do not have the industrial capabilities to support the war in europe. not only are we seriously limited in the number of dollars that... and we can send to ukraine, we are limited in the number of weapons. and they talk about this not only in the usa. while the senate was discussing assistance to kiev, the british telegraph published an article by colonel richard kemp under the headline “ukraine has 6 months left. ” the new aid may help contain the russian offensive, but it will not help ukraine seize the initiative and go on the offensive yourself. one of the reasons for this is that russia has achieved air superiority, while ukrainian air defense remains inadequate... the second reason is that war-weary ukraine simply does not have enough soldiers and after 2 years of heavy fighting the country does not want to launch mass mobilization, which
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she needs. the american establishment so far refuses to even listen to such a point of view. republican senate minority leader mitch mccon, an outspoken supporter of ukraine aid, explained why he likes this conflict. it is important to remember that we are not fighting this war, our soldiers are not participating in it. "we are helping to defend independence and also causing great damage to the army of one of our two biggest opponents, what may not like here is that some of the republicans don’t want to help kiev at all. mcconnell unexpectedly accused journalist tucker carlson, saying he was the reason, from -for which they began to look askance at ukraine in america. i believe that the demonization of ukraine began with takeran, who, in my opinion, ended up with the same thing. had to, interview with'.
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ntv. usa. one of the main sponsors of the conflict in ukraine, along with the americans , is the british. the kingdom's authorities, inspired by washington's decision to send a new tranche to kiev, also announced financial and military assistance to the ukrainian armed forces. along with this, london announced plans to strengthen its own defense, and the british prime minister went to berlin. persuade the german chancellor to give as many weapons as possible to ukraine, simultaneously scaring them with horror stories about aggressive russia. which is about to take over europe. elizaveta gerson, more details. germans touchy, they, it turns out, counted the days that have passed since sunak’s appointment
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as prime minister, during which he ignored berlin, all the way to kiev. and only a year and a half after starting work on downing street, which by today’s standards is considered a significant period for the leader of britain, sonok visited scholz. in germany, they verified the common foreign policy goal, the fight against russia, through the hands of ukraine. germany and great britain are together on the side of ukraine. the goal is clear - to provide support so that ukraine can defend itself. it is also important that we nato countries are not at war with russia. probably in honor of the arrival of sunak, who supplies kiev with long-range missiles, stormshadow, and scholz was expected to do a similar act. but scholz again ruled out supplying taurus cruise missiles to ukraine. explaining this by the fact that their use requires the participation of the german military, which the chancellor. does not allow. scholz, holding his taurus, reminded him not to be suspected of weakness, that germany and britain are the main sponsors of kiev, but with an amendment.
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400 vehicles, 4 million units ammunition, 60 boats, a sea raid ship, air defense systems and long -range stormshadow high-precision guided missiles. sunak’s internal project to evict unwanted people from the island to rwanda is estimated at exactly the same amount, 500 million pounds. a similar philosophy with refugees: let rwanda and russia fight for british money, while ukrainians fight for money from the west.
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for every refugee expelled to rwanda, london will pay the african country 150,000 pounds, the same as zelensky is paid for every ukrainian life, this in the west or have not been calculated or have not yet been announced. the british defense industry is being transferred to a military footing, and defense spending will increase to 2.5% of gdp by 2030, promised sunok, sunok, who has not 6 years left in power, but about 6 months. he is confidently being replaced by the laborites, whose foreign policy points in their program coincide with those of the conservatives, but a change of leaders, if the situation allows for it, will be a good reason to disown all the promises of their predecessors. while germany, like britain, pays about 2% of their gdp, both countries promise an increase of half a percentage point. after announcing the cost increase,
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sunok repeated. in response to the promise of his hapless predecessor johnson, johnson also promised to bring defense spending to 2.5% of gdp, but he backtracked on his promise. analysts argue that the british government has no real plans to increase defense spending, despite the constant scares about the russian threat, the call for the introduction of universal conscription, and the demand of the british minister of defense to increase spending on his department to 3% of gdp. in the last published budget.
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stoltenberg intervened in this showdown, saying that there are no plans to deploy additional nuclear weapons in any countries of the alliance. stoltenberg’s collection mission in europe is very monotonous; he almost always tells everyone the same thing. only slight variations are possible. this time, the nato secretary general came up with the idea that europe should pay simply for the fact that russia is its neighbor. i didn't pay before, but now i have to. geography tax. you must
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remember that russia is your neighbor . they were running around the center of london in circles at 6 miles, scared passersby, injured five , crashed into a bus, these are now real threats to the security of the island and there is no need to spend 2.5% of gdp to eliminate them, you just need to hold your horses. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, natalya barshevskaya, natalya
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markevich, tv component. london, now a short advertisement, later in our issue. the ministry of finance wants to deprive the rights of foreign owners of alfabank. why and what other companies? return ticket, russians who spent years in exile return home, why and what doesn’t suit them in the west, tried find out nahid babaev. one for all, all for one, there are classics that you like more and more every time. classic grand burgers and new ones. grand piquant with spicy tomato sauce that you really want to repeat. the classics are already
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available on yandex market. emelya, premieres on monday at 19:30 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. today irina podnosova gave her first interview in her new status as chairman of the supreme court of russia. it outlined the main task that will face the russian judicial system, as before, this is, first of all, the protection of the rights of citizens by the supreme court, there is an increase in the number of incoming appeals to the court every year, this number is an increase in appeals, it is of course indicates that both citizens and organizations feel a sense of security.
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foreign owners of alpha bank and alpha insurance. today the ministry of finance announced that it has filed an application with the moscow region arbitration court to suspend the corporate rights of two cypriot companies: abh financial and alfa insurance holdings. they are, accordingly, part of the chain of ownership of alfabank and alfastrakhovanie. according to the ministry of finance, in the context of anti-russian sanctions, these cypriot owners are interfering with the activities of the bank and insurance company. last march year became known. that
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mikhail fridman and pyotr avin were going to sell their shares in alfabank, which is the largest private bank in russia, but then this story died down. at the beginning of march this year, the government included the structures that own alfabank and alfa insurance in the list of so- called economically significant organizations. the government said that such organizations, with the help of appeals to the court, would be able to move to russian jurisdiction. earlier, the ministry of industry and trade filed the same claim in court. he demanded suspend the corporate rights of the dutch x5 retail group to its russian subsidiary. x5, being a russian company, simply registered in the netherlands, manages the pyaterochka, perekrestok and chizhek retail chains. deputy head of the ministry of industry and trade viktor evtukhov then clarified that the ministry’s lawsuit is about reducing the share of the dutch company, and not about the seizure of the russian asset ux5. the government approved the deal under which the russian. the german company hugo boss will buy out the
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stokman department store chain, the deputy head announced. ministry of trade viktor evtukhov. the kommersant newspaper cites the assessment of the general director of the infolay company , analyst mikhail burmistrov, who believes that the transaction amount did not exceed 800 million rubles. this takes into account the fact that the russian authorities require foreigners leaving russia to sell their assets at a discount of at least 50% of the market value. hugobos' business includes inventory and cash accounts. premises rental rights. hugo boss stopped online sales and operations of its stores in russia in march twenty-two . at that time, the german company had there are 19 stores here, but as the kommersant newspaper notes, hugo boss continued wholesale deliveries to russia. the owner of stockman, yakov panchenko, bought the business of the online retailer lamoda from the global fashion group holding in the twenty-second year. today the ministry of finance announced that residents of belgorodskaya. regions whose houses were declared uninhabitable due to shelling will be able to receive a preferential mortgage
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at 2% for new secondary housing buildings. also , as the ministry of finance reported, mortgages at 2% on secondary housing will be available to quote: participants and combat veterans who took part in, assisted in the implementation of tasks in a special military operation, as well as persons carrying out their activities in certain federal authorities, social sphere, health care, culture and sports in the territories of the donetsk people's republic, lugansk people's republic, zaporozhye and kherson regions. end of quote. the ministry of finance adds that preferential mortgages on the specified conditions can be taken out until april 30 , 2025. the russian stock market ended trading in the red today. investors apparently they are selling shares because they are being cautious before the may holidays. the ruble has risen in price, the dollar at the end of the day is less than 93. probably exporters here are selling foreign currency in preparation for paying taxes. tesla shares are currently growing by
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11%, almost. the company announced that its net profit in the first quarter of this year fell by 55% compared to last year, but investors were inspired by elon musk's statements that by the end of this year tesla could begin production of the long -awaited and many already buried like that called the budget tesla, which is expected to cost $25,000, although it is not yet clear whether it will be a completely new model or a version of an existing one. now the cheapest tesla is about 39. turkish airlines has stopped selling. tickets from russia to mexico for the next 3 months. it is currently impossible to find tickets on the airline’s website with departures before july 31 from moscow and st. petersburg or kazan to mexico city or cancun. as the association of tour operators of russia clarifies , airlines offered all tickets departing from 23 april to july 31 or return or change
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the route in them. since march , messages began to arrive that turkish airlines in istanbul was canceling flights. russia, having spent years in immigration , are returning home, why and what does not suit them in the west, i tried to find out the nakhit babaev, but
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celebrate hits with us for rubles and other prizes in restaurants and the rostix app, it happens you dream of something beautiful, but what you get is not what you get, you expect one thing, you encounter something completely different. and it happens that you are waiting for a regular banking application, but you get the best one. alfabank is the best mobile bank. not just profitable, alpha profitable. this is the program today, we continue our release. in moscow, on the eve of victory day, a new open-air exhibition opened. in victory park on poklonnaya gora they presented captured weapons and military equipment that our military captured during
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a special military operation. visitors will be able to see more than thirty samples of combat vehicles from 12 countries, including the usa, great britain, germany, france, turkey, sweden and ukraine. you can also see the leopard tank, widely advertised in the west, as well as the marder and bradley infantry fighting vehicles. in addition , samples of small arms will be presented at the exhibition. the exhibition will open on the first of may and will run for a month. also today , the all-russian st. george’s ribbon campaign started across the country. volunteers distribute military symbols for free fame and tell you how to wear it correctly. in the capital, you can get a ribbon in the city center, at train stations, and in parks. and today a presentation of a new one took place in moscow. commercial organization eurasia, its goal is to strengthen business cultural ties in the post-soviet space, they will be developed with the help of so-called public
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diplomacy, that is, through informal meetings, educational programs, training grants, internships for young professionals, and this is our conviction that -truly people's diplomacy can be only when it is, firstly, absolutely equal, regardless of who is big, who is small, who has more stable traditions, maybe with less stable traditions, everyone has their own characteristics, everyone has their own interests , in this we are so interesting for each other, and for us, for our country, for russia, since we are talking today on the russian platform, to build relations on equal terms, in this case through public diplomacy, i am sure that this will be at the heart of the activities of our npo, eurasia, this is absolutely naturally, because this is how we build our lives within the country, we count. in eurasia added that it is being created to support intercultural dialogue and promote the ideas of a multipolar world. the organization will work not only in
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neighboring countries, but also in turkey, serbia, romania, bulgaria, hungary, mainly with young people. last year , more than 700 people returned to russia from so-called unfriendly countries, according to official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova. according to her according to him, this is the result of the repatriation program, which will be continued, because... they are interested in the return of compatriots, they are interested, as it turned out, many of those who, for various reasons, ended up in the west, were not satisfied with the education system there, health care, and recently this was compounded by dissatisfaction with the new spiritual values ​​that they are trying to instill there, especially in children. nahid babaev met with the displaced people, found out how they live here after returning, my name is sergey, i am 8 years old lived in america and 3 weeks ago... when he returned to russia. sergey is a professional photographer, since childhood he dreamed of moving to hollywood, well, because i grew up watching all these films, for me the only option in life,
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when i first came to new york, i knew where to go, that is, i could even don’t look at the map, i imagined from the movies and games that new york was like that, that i just, yeah, there, there, there, that’s it, i knew all this, i saw myself in america, well, that’s just me should live there. a dream come true in 2016. new york, los angeles, miami, oscar, grammy, matgala, everything was like in the song, lived. in manhattan i shared secrets with the stars, but it turned out that behind the bright image of the people of hollywood there is an emptiness, you look at how they communicate, how they spend their time, it ’s like who you have to become, you can’t remain yourself if you want to become someone else, and i realized that the people working in hollywood were just bastards, there was such convenience and artificiality in everything, and sergei decided to return, these are the cucumbers - this is real rarity, that is, real small purple cucumbers are practically, well, impossible to find in large stores, the passion for photography has not gone away,
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you cannot hope that you will not be officially harassed. hildebrand scientists in russia, they quickly found interesting and well-paid work. now there are a lot of requests related to the need to become less dependent on foreign components, be they physical or software. and for this we need our own developments. medicine in russia pleasantly surprised me. in france with her there were problems, the attending physician, my usual one, just retired, it was some kind of disaster, finding a new doctor, it was, it was just some kind of tragedy, while i found a new doctor, i called millions of offices, everyone said the same thing and also, we don’t take on new patients; the opportunity to see a doctor right away, rather than wait in line for several months
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, delighted joe. we are family. we lived in the usa for 9 years and 2 years ago we returned with the whole family to russia. svetlana and joe met in 2013 at a church in san antonio. got married and settled in the usa. having already lived there for 3 years, i realized that i love russia very much, i really miss our people, our culture, and i just started to miss russia very much, although we came over these 9 years, we came almost every 2 years, in the summer for a month and a half. the medical care system in the usa also played a negative role, for example, families were advised to treat covid with water, and it was impossible to sign up for cte, and this despite insurance of $1,500, but this is not the only one and not the main one reason, the couple has five children. we also have older children, they should have already been studying at the university by that time, and it is very expensive to pay for three children, and such a large amount so that they can all study.
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surprisingly, this was the first time she expressed the idea of ​​moving to russia out loud. not svetlana, but joe. coming here, i realized how good it is here, especially in moscow. i've been to many cities in russia, but moscow is something. i lived in new york and i know what an american big city is like, the streets are unsafe , dirty everywhere. moscow is much, much cleaner and safer. children study, older ones at universities, younger ones at school. svetlana got a job. joe is learning russian and has a video blog where he talks about life in russia. it was very important for me that my children knew, but...
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but completely according to the residual principle: veliky novgorod is +11, petrozavodsk +7 the weather is rainy, in volgda with rain and +12. in the center of the black earth region there will also be rain, and if in yaroslavl and vladimir it is +15-18, then in the south
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of the black earth region it will be up to 26. in the volga region there is no precipitation, but... the temperature is more modest in the south, without any modesty, really hot, tomorrow maximum 30-35, cooler in the crimea in the ozovo region, and there is a very strong wind there, it and the heat, triggers for increased. fire danger level up to the highest fifth class. about capitals in 15 seconds. relevance, reliability, confidence in the future, important criteria both in weather forecasting and in choosing a bank for business. uralsip bank, prompt resolution of issues, individual approach and financial stability. 3 months of free service when opening a business account as a gift. and capitals. in in st. petersburg tomorrow with light rain and up to +8, in moscow it will be warmer up to 21. light rain too. there will still be a gusty wind, on friday +21 or even 22 and a thunderstorm very summer-like, then the weather should not let us down more than spring on the may holidays, at least that’s what it seems according to today’s ideas about
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the further development of atmospheric processes. thank you, irina polyakova with the weather forecast, well, these are the main news for this hour, i’m vladimir chernyshov, i wish you all the best, goodbye. so you think that kravchenko is someone incited him to take a hostage? this is a distracting maneuver, all the arrows have been turned to it, and this is not the first time, today she spent two hours spinning me on the case, they ask a lot of questions about you, only about this case, nothing more, what did you tell me, rib? i didn’t say anything, think for yourself, why should i say anything, i need a person like you, there is no goods, everything often burned down, you understand what my money was worth, except for
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your fuss about uninvited guests, we didn’t have any, you fell, here taking into account the massacre you will count, the grip of... before the governor, which means it is not he who ordered it, someone else, thank you, if at a later time i will wake up healthy, if i fell again, touching my head high, all the strength of spirit, go ahead. carrying my brains, i walk the road, i believe that i am ready, i believe that i am ready, i will not be lucky,
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just have the strength, to understand neither tomorrow nor yesterday, the beast i am inside, to calm down and swam to besiege the violent king. i can say, she was born wearing a shirt, then what can we say about me, how long will you keep her, it’s a difficult question, how will things go, i want to transfer her to moscow. this is out of the question, transportation is out of the question for now, let's go, she needs rest.


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