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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  May 2, 2024 12:36am-1:35am PDT

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♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- orlando bloom, star of "doctor who," actor ncuti gatwa. an all-new "closer look." featuring the 8g band with
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queen cora coleman. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] and now, seth meyers. >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." we hope you're doing well. and now if you don't mind, we're going to get to the news. the biden administration is reportedly set to reclassify marijuana for the first time in more than 50 years, starting with biden no longer referring to it as "reefer." [ laughter ] that's right, the biden administration is reportedly set to ease federal restrictions on marijuana, thanks to a hefty donation from some lobbyists. [ laughter ] former president trump appeared to fall asleep several times yesterday in court. all right, what's going on with him? [ light laughter ] hibernating bears don't sleep this much. i'm starting to think when they say he slept with a porn star, they meant literally. [ laughter ] does he even wear suits to court? or is it just footy pajamas and a night cap? the supreme court yesterday
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declined to take up a case that would block a texas law that requires pornographic websites to verify the age of users. oh, no, however will kids bypass this? [ laughter ] if you're 17 and you can't figure this out, you don't deserve pornography. [ laughter ] it's not exactly hacking into the matrix. the house passed a bill yesterday that would end federal protection for gray wolves and remove them from the endangered species list. you know what that means -- the mcwolf is back! [ laughter ] the "new york times" published exit interviews with 12 departing members of congress yesterday, and several representatives said the best perk of the job was the house of representatives gym. while the worst part of the job is this house of representatives jim. [ laughter ] screen writer aaron sorkin revealed in a new interview that he is working on a new movie about facebook's involvement in the capitol attack. he's hoping it will be out in time for the next one. [ light laughter ]
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walt disney world announced yyesterday that one of the theme park's restrants -- restrants -- [ laughter ] restrants. walt disney world announced yesterday that one of the theme park's restaurants earned a michelin star. said one guest, "the hell is this?" [ laughter ] tsa agents at miami international airport recently discovered a bag filled with snakes in a man's pants. and it was worth it for the headline. [ laughter ] i'd like to talk to you about the logic of that joke later, scollins. and finally, according to a new survey, more than half of employed americans said that they feel like their skills are a little outdated, like since we invented teleprompters. [ laughter ] it's fine, wally. it's a joke. >> yeah, right. >> seth: and that -- there we go. [ laughter ] that was the monologue,
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everybody. we're off and running. [ cheers and applause ] got a great show for you tonight. you know him from "lord of the rings," "pirates of the caribbean," and "gran turismo." his adventure show, "orlando bloom: to the edge," is out now on peacock. orlando bloom is going to be here, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] so excited to talk to him. and he is a talented actor you know from "sex education" and the "barbie" movie. he stars as the 15th doctor in "doctor who" starting may 10th on disney plus. ncuti gatwa will also be joining us. [ cheers and applause ] before we get to that, donald trump fell asleep again during his new york criminal trial, and while to most, that may seem like a bad thing, to his lackeys in the right-wing media, that actually makes him a hero. for more on this, it's time for "a closer look." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: despite his many criminal charges and financial penalties, trump remains completely unrepentant. trump can't even stay awake during his criminal trial, as he showed yet again on tuesday. >> the former president's eyes are reportedly closed again as he listens to testimony from the third prosecution witness of the
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day. >> there was some belief that donald trump was, indeed, sleeping today. and certainly, that he had his eyes closed for much of the time. >> his eyes are closed a lot. and to me, what i will say is he appears to be at rest for considerable periods of time. every time i looked up today, particularly during the first part of the day, donald trump's eyes were closed. he could have been meditating. he could have been napping. that's not for me to say, other than i think he appeared to be at rest. >> seth: i love the euphemisms. [ light laughter ] reporters are talking about a former president like he's a sick cat. is mr. butterscotch okay? we gave him the dewormer and now he appears to be at rest. [ laughter ] maybe it's not for you to say, but i'll say it. he wasn't [ bleep ] meditating. [ laughter ] "there was something i wanted to do today. what was it? oh, yeah. quiet reflection. [ laughter ] mel? mel, if you're looking for me
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i'll be out at the koi pond." [ light laughter ] i guarantee you trump has never meditated in his life. although, now that i think of it, there were a few days in '68 where he overlapped with the beatles in rishikesh. [ laughter ] "give peace a chance. all you need is love. peace, love and money. let's not forget money and power. of course you need power, too. peace, love, money, and power. and of course, the other thing you need, total and complete immunity for all crimes committed as president. [ laughter ] ringo knows what i'm talking about. i remember the maharishi came up to me. big guy, spiritual guy, tears pouring down from his eyes onto his magnificent beard, and he said to me, 'mr. trump, sir -- build the wall. [ light laughter ] namaste.'" [ laughter ] by the way, i wanted to point out real quick, we predicted on monday that trump would fall asleep again. >> seth: we miss trump falling asleep in court. but guys, good news, i think it's going to happen again. [ laughter ] >> seth: you guys, i'm not an expert in many things. but when it comes to
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donald trump, i'm like an fbi profiler. if he ever flees justice, i can tell the feds exactly where he is. gentlemen, you can call off the search. he's in the bathroom at mar-a-lago, with his head stuck in a bucket of chicken, like winnie the pooh. [ laughter ] i know we spent a lot of time on trump falling asleep, but i still have one more thing to say about this in a segment we're calling "seth has one more thing to say about this." ♪ is your main criticism of your opponent is that he's sleep, so much so that you call him sleepy joe, then i would say that your one job as a candidate is not to fall asleep in public. [ laughter ] and again, you called her crooked hillary and have since been indicted four times, so we should have seen this coming. when trump gives someone a nickname, it's only a matter of time before you can apply it to him, if he ever calls someone "hides in a suitcase to get smuggled to russia bob," just know he's in the extra large samsonite. [ laughter ] you can say things about joe biden. yes, he's old. yes, he sometimes flubs a word or loses steam in the middle of a story, but at least he doesn't pass out at his own criminal trial like he's on a red-eye to barcelona.
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[ laughter ] if you can't make it through your own trial for defrauding voters during a presidential election without nodding off, how are you going to make it through your daily security briefings as president? are you going to put a bunk bed in the situation room? [ laughter ] who is on the bottom? rudy? oh! here's a good idea! just paint rudy eyes on the outside of your eyelids and it will look like you're always awake. [ laughter ] and now, he's the only one who will be sleeping tonight. this has been "seth has one more thing to say about this." ♪ trump falling asleep in court has been such a problem that his lawyers are considering various tactics to keep him awake during the trial. >> they've tried a number of different devices to keep trump awake. for example, when there are side bars, an attorney doesn't leave his side anymore, because leaving him alone means leaving him to potentially sleep. he has a stack of papers with him at all times now to go through. but neither of those things seem to have protected trump from his own exhaustion today. >> seth: oh, did "stack of papers" not work at keeping donald trump awake? have you also tried dramamine
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soaked in bourbon? trying stack of papers to keep donald trump awake is like trying to get a dog to stop licking its stitches by giving it a rubik's cube. also, when you said devices, i was hoping you meant like a cattle prod or the "clockwork orange" eye clamps. so far, there only seemed to be one thing that actually works when it comes to keeping frump awake -- showing him video clips of himself. >> what's interesting is there was a witness from cspan. the whole point of this witness was to bring into evidence a few pieces of video, all of which were trump at various rallies, saying how horrible all these women were, and that he's never met any of them. you know, who were accusing him of these affairs. never met any of them. they're liars. it's fabricated. they basically play those words again and again. but then, they play the little clip. and trump goes from this -- and listening. not asleep, but leaning in, because he has a little monitor right in front of him. trump watching trump. trump watching trump is a fully engaged, very invigorated individual.
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>> seth: when he watches clips of himself, he's an engaged, invigorated individual. that's how you describe a patient who just got out of a coma. [ light laughter ] they're talking about him like he's a monkey who just saw a magic trick. he's engaged. he's invigorated. he stopped throwing his own feces. everyone who actually witnesses trump's behavior in the courtroom describes him like he's barely even a functioning adult human, except for his loyal servants in right-wing media. the same people who routinely accuse joe biden of being in cognitive decline now see trump's inability to stay awake during his own criminal trial, not as a flaw, but as a relatable quality, or even a heroic act of defiance. >> did donald trump nod off for a moment? good for him. these things are boring. >> i'd be falling asleep at that trial, too. >> i think i'd fall asleep if i was there. >> trump appearing to sleep and be bored is exactly the response this kafkaesque persecution deserves. trump should go to trial, bring a book. big, fat, john grisham novel.
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just sit there and read. >> seth: again, he's not going to read! [ light laughter ] even if he did have a john grisham book, you'd be able to tell he'd only seen the movie. oh, "the firm," great book. what part are you at? tom cruise just met gene hackman, and they're really -- they're really getting into it. [ laughter ] you have to have very little self-awareness to criticize joe biden for being old but then call trump a hero for falling asleep. when biden does something silly, at least we make fun of him on this show. you know how many times we played the clip of him tripping up the stairs? we would never play that and say, "good for him. stairs are dumb. if i was walking up them, i'd trip, too!" [ laughter ] so, the maga crowd thinks trump is a hero for falling asleep at his own criminal trial. and that's why trump is so unrepentant. he knows his most loyal servants will never abandoned him no matter what he says or does. for example, trump and his allies have been drawing up plans to get revenge on trump's political opponents using the justice department. trump has also called for the manhattan d.a. overseeing the criminal trial, alvin bragg, to be prosecuted. but when trump was confronted with those comments by an interviewer for "time" magazine this week, he pretended he never made them.
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here's that exchange. "from the transcript, you said, 'alvin bragg should be prosecuted.' would you instruct your attorney general to prosecute him?" "when did i say alvin bragg should be prosecuted?" "it was at a rally." "i don't think i said that, no." "i can pull it up." "no." [ laughter ] what do you mean "no"? you can't just turn down a fact-check like it's an hors d'oeuvre at a dinner party. [ laughter ] although there was a way to change that question to get a yes. "i can pull it up." "no." "it's a clip of you." "let me see, let me see, let me see. [ laughter ] color me engaged and invigorated." it just mind-boggling that he still gets away with saying no to true things. what else did trump say no to in this interview? you lost the popular vote twice. nope. you were impeached twice. didn't happen. you've been indicted four times. not true. you have five children. i'm aware of only the one. which one? ivanka. what about donald trump, jr.? no relation. you're not related to donal trump, jr.? never heard of him. i can pull up the birth certificate. no. it's right here. no, it's not. under father, it says donald john trump. no relation. that's your name.
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no, it's not. then what's your name? [ snoring ] [ laughter ] the rest of the interview, however, is very much worth reading. because while he avoids specifics whenever possible, trump nonetheless makes it clear that he would expand the presidency into an imperial entity, nearly unlimited in its power. he would construct camps and deploy the military to deport millions of people. he would allow red states to prosecute anyone who violates an abortion ban. he would fire any u.s. attorney who refuses to prosecute his political opponents, and he's weighing pardons for all january 6th insurrectionists, among many other things. it's a chilling vision of a possible future that could well be imminent if trump wins a second term. the only way we can avoid it is if trump loses, which would be more likely if he is -- >> napping. >> seth: this has been "a closer look." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with orlando bloom, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: for more of seth's "closer looks," be sure to subscribe to "late night" on
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: give it up for the fantastic 8g band, everybody. joining us again tonight on drums, she's a d.j., leader of the queen cora orchestra and drummer for two historic super bowl halftime shows with prince and beyonce. check out her "drum throne international magazine" at and follow her on instagram @iamqueencora. queen cora is here. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, seth. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: our first guest tonight is a talented actor you know from his work in "the lord of the rings" and "pirates of the caribbean" franchises, as well as films such as "troy," "kingdom of heaven," and "gran turismo." his new adventure series "orlando bloom: to the edge" is streaming now on peacock. please welcome to the show, orlando bloom, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> seth: welcome to the show. >> they're all dark, they're all dark, but beautiful. >> seth: yeah, beautiful people. >> yeah, they're beautiful. >> seth: beautiful, barely lit people. >> i can't quite see you, but -- >> seth: what a thrill to have -- first time here. >> man, i can't believe that. this is insane. >> seth: this is very exciting. and let me say about this show, you know, this is about pushing yourself. >> yes, it is. >> seth: and you really -- well you did go for it. this was not a falsely named show. >> yeah. i definitely went to the edge. >> seth: skydiving. free diving, so that's under water. >> yeah. >> seth: and then rock climbing. which one were you most terrified about going into it? >> i think free diving going into it. partly because i love the water. i love the ocean. >> seth: yeah. >> whoo! >> and i was just afraid i might not come back up. >> seth: somebody just cheered the ocean. [ laughter ] >> i like that. >> seth: are you from there? [ laughter ] >> it's kind of a -- i do love the ocean. and i do love -- are you a
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surfer? >> seth: so were you worried that it would ruin the ocean for you? like, what was the fear? >> not coming back up. >> seth: yeah, i guess that's it. right. [ laughter ] and then, you would be like -- >> like, i'd run out of breath. >> seth: "this used to be my favorite place." [ light laughter ] >> they talk about deep water blackouts. >> seth: yeah, that doesn't sound great. >> and i used to do this pool training with laird hamilton some years ago. and i had a few of those. they used to call me "samba boy." because i would really push -- push the edge in the pool. >> seth: yeah. [ light laughter ] >> basically, you do these breath holds and swim with weights underwater and then do it on an exhale so you are building up -- learning to sort of build up co2 in your body. which is something that i needed to learn to do anyway. and to manage the lack of co2, which co2 is carbon monoxide. >> seth: yeah. >> so it's like, that's the challenging part. so, if that happens deep underwater, then you black out. and then, you know, i just had lots of thoughts and fears of that. >> seth: yeah, i just think it's better not to do it. [ laughter ] how long -- >> but then -- >> seth: how long can you hold your breath right now? >> um, like, i was getting up to five minutes or so. >> seth: go!
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[ laughter ] really? five minutes? >> i mean, yeah. it's something that you can train. i think a lot of people, you would be surprised how long you can hold your breath for if you train to do it. >> seth: uh-huh. >> that's one of the things that i had to do prior to the show. because actually for the dive, i only really had 4 days to get to what was 102 meters that is -- sorry. meters would be crazy. >> seth: yeah. >> 37 meters, 102 feet. which is like, i guess, one-tenth of the chrysler building or ten floors. i don't know how to put it into -- >> seth: but then you also -- but then to go to the rock climbing you did, what? 400 meters up? >> yes. >> seth: free climbing. >> free climb -- no, no, no, no. >> seth: okay. [ laughter ] >> no. i was definitely -- actually that was the most challenging part was like, figuring out the knots and the -- >> seth: yeah, of course. >> i had this -- i had mo beck who is this amazing climber, was like, i think her one concern for me was like, was i going to tie myself incorrectly. and then other really challenging part is, with climbing is, you have like, a lifeline with a buddy. and she was my buddy. >> seth: gotcha. >> and she's an amazing athlete, but i was more worried about
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dropping her than me falling, if you know what i mean. >> seth: yeah, of course. that would be bad for your career. [ laughter ] >> that wouldn't have worked well, yeah. >> seth: how did your show go? >> great for the tv. >> seth: and only one person dropped. >> exactly, exactly. >> seth: did you -- it did seem like your guides and the people that were teaching you to do this, they were incredible. >> yeah, yeah. >> seth: they are like, so magnetic on screen. but i would imagine you probably have a closeness with them that you don't, say, with co-stars on a movie because there was a life and death -- >> my life was in their hands. >> seth: exactly. >> it's true. i mean, luke aikins is the guy in the wingsuit episode, who -- he famously jumped from 25,000 feet without a parachute. >> seth: okay. that was an accident? [ laughter ] >> he landed in a net. >> seth: did he really? >> yes. >> seth: from 25,000 feet, he jumped into a net. huh. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> seth: huh! >> um, so he -- he had me -- [ laughter ] >> seth: and like, they let him like, have a driver's license? [ laughter ] >> he's -- he's remarkable. but he had, basically, a series of check marks for me to get to. so basically after 25 jumps, you get your "a" license. and on my 26th jump, i jumped a wing suit. and that may be the first time
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that's ever happened because normally, you have to jump 200 jumps -- >> seth: yeah. >> in a -- you have to do 200 skydives before you can jump a wingsuit. wing suiting is -- it can go south very fast. because, what happens is -- the danger with skydiving is, if you're in a tumble, and all you really have to do is pull your chute. but if you're in a tumble upside down then -- when you pull the chute, it might come out -- you know. >> seth: sure. >> you want to be in this beautiful arch position when you pull your chute. when you're in a wingsuit, you're like on a knife edge, because any slight movement in the wrong way will send you into one of those tumbles. and then, it all gets dark really quickly. >> seth: when you're on that knife's edge, and we're going to show a clip of this when we come back from commercial, do you -- when you pull, is there -- >> that's a good position. we should go wing suiting. >> seth: really? oh, look at this. [ laughter ] i told you i was a natural! but did you -- so like where is the pulling a moment where you can actually get off that -- >> yeah. that's where i freak out, right?
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so in a wingsuit, your arms are here as you had them. >> seth: yeah. >> so what you have to do is -- you have to bring both of them back so that your body doesn't kind of -- 'cause if you dropped one wing, you would go like that. >> seth: sure, sure. >> so you have to bring them both back at the same time, whilst keeping your legs like -- 'cause even any slight movement of your feet and then suddenly you're spinning, too, right? so it's a whole -- and your body has to be arched. so, then you go back and then you reach and you pull that one. and it's not -- it's not rocket science. but when you're in the air and falling very fast and you've had like a week to do it, it's really challenging. >> seth: yeah. >> and mentally really scary. [ light laughter ] >> seth: so, was there ever a moment that you could actually -- 'cause i imagine the people who do this multiple times, they have -- they find, god knows why, some enjoyment in it. but -- >> it is really thrilling, it's something. >> seth: did you -- could you -- take yourself out of your head of, like, at some point, i gotta put both arms back at the same time? could you actually enjoy what you were seeing? >> yeah, a couple of times. a couple of times out of the times i was in it. i think -- yeah, no, absolutely. i loved it. every moment of it. even the terrifying pieces. it was a great trust exercise in learning to become capable and
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learning to like -- i love the cackling in the background. >> seth: you did have -- you did have some family -- this is in your blood. >> yeah. well, somewhat. >> seth: this is your uncle. >> that is my uncle. >> seth: and this is -- your uncle has -- how many jumps does he have? >> well, he is -- he was 79 there. and he is now 80 and he's jumped his 800th jump. >> seth: 800th jump. [ cheers and applause ] >> he was in the -- he was in the paras in the british military. he was in the paras in the british military. >> seth: got you. so his early jumps were those? >> crazy though as well. he has some crazy ones, 'cause back then -- >> seth: he must think when you're like "yeah, i'm doing this." >> he was like, "it was amazing they even opened, those parachutes back then." >> seth: yeah, exactly. >> "oh, it's going to open!" >> seth: also, "we were parachuting in places they were not that happy to see us." [ laughter ] >> yes. >> seth: that makes it -- all right, when we come back, we're going to show this incredible clip. and i have a lot more to ask. you guys, that's orlando bloom. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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yeah. ♪ ♪ >> come on, orlando. [ wind blowing ]
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>> whoo! >> yeah! >> that's a good parachute for orlando. good parachute for orlando. ♪ >> ah. whoo! >> yeah! >> whoo! oh, yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: we're back with orlando bloom. that was a clip from "orlando bloom: to the edge." i will admit -- at the end, i did kind of want you to just float into one of the parked cars. >> yeah. that happened. >> seth: not like badly. but just like bonk. >> you should have picked the other clip. there's one. there's another clip where i just like, eat it. and then i get up and i go, did you think i had -- did i have you worried then? because i literally just was -- i went into the wind. so when you come in for a landing, you have to go against -- you have to go -- sorry, the wind is coming towards you. see, no wonder. i was going with the wind.
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>> seth: maybe don't teach people how to do it orlando. [ laughter ] >> it was really simple. you just go like this. i was going with the wind. and so, i, like -- anyway. >> seth: that would be the most terrifying thing if you were with your guide in the airplane, and they're like, "remember, go into the wind." and you jump and it's like, "no, wait -- [ talking over each other ] >> there is a moment in the show where i go, "so it's left foot forward right?" she's goes, "right foot forward." i was like, oh yeah. >> seth: you said while we were watching the clip. and it what i was going to ask you. but you said, "oh my god this is giving me ptsd." so when you watch it now -- 'cause again, it's a totally different perspective of what you were seeing at the time. >> yeah. >> seth: the scope of it must just be mind-boggling when you see it now. >> yeah. it gets my heart racing every time. i have to say. i'm like, i can't believe i did that. that was the final stump was sort of -- or the final flight was, we went to -- i think it was about five miles over the ocean and landed on pismo beach. so jumping out of a plane over the ocean to fly -- he had to -- it wasn't me he was calculating how far it was gonna take me. but i didn't want to get anything wrong 'cause, landing in the water would have also posed a few interesting challenges so -- the whole thing was like a pressure cooker.
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and i'm amazed i'm still alive and here i am. >> seth: i also am amazed this is a show you chose to do for yourself. this wasn't court-appointed, right? like, you made -- [ light laughter ] >> yeah. >> seth: 'cause you broke your -- early 20s, you broke your back? >> i did, yeah. >> seth: yeah. and not -- is it okay to say that, maybe, doing a dumb thing? >> well, i mean, no, it wasn't too dumb. but i was trying -- >> seth: i think i read about it -- it sounds -- go ahead. >> oh, no. [ laughter ] yeah, it was pretty dumb. well, i was trying to help some friends who had an apartment and they had a landing on the roof terrace. their roof terrace was -- they had a roof terrace on the landing below their apartment. so i walked up the steps. went out, looked down, was like oh i'm on the fourth floor -- oh there it is, just over there to the left. i'll just jump across. and instead, i saw a piece of metal, held on to it -- and it was not made to hold on, so i fell, and landed on the first floor balcony with iron railings that they have in london. [ audience oohs ] >> seth: oof. >> and an old washing machine. so i got very lucky. but i don't know that it's -- i don't know that i'm necessarily a thrill-seeker from then.
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i think i was more just more impulsive. >> seth: yeah, that sounds more impulsive than like i'm gonna grab -- >> i'm not like i'm gonna -- >> seth: you have two children now. do you see an adventurer's spirit in them yet? i know they're 13 and 3 so -- >> yeah, yeah. yeah 100%. 100%. i mean, daisy's like, feels like she's climbing stairs when she came out. she is just like really into it. and flynn's -- flynn's very artistic and creative. but he's got quite a lot of spirit. >> seth: did you -- when you did a show like this with the sort of risk taking, did you feel differently about having kids? or just -- not even like, for your own safety. but one day, they're going to watch this and when you tell them not to take chances, they are gonna be like, oh, yeah, dad? >> i don't know. i don't know. i think part of the show -- it's interesting. 'cause i don't think i'm going to tell them not to take chances. i think, i'm gonna tell them to take -- i think what i learned, right, is that if after breaking my back and all of the accidents i had as a kid, which were definitely impulsive and some things were in my control and some things weren't.
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i think that what i learned through the show was that if you actually -- these -- we talk about these athletes, you know, camila jaber as well, he was the free diver, and will. as sort of like adrenaline junkies and they're sort of a negative connotation to that. but actually they're like supreme athletes. they are actually people who are -- you know, you see a 15-second clip on some kind of social media platform. but those people have studied for like years, months out. and they're, like -- so in a weird way, like, i think for me, it was, like, okay, i don't need to be impulsive and get into trouble. but if i -- how about i learn to do the things that i love and learn -- and have that feeling of confronting my fear and being capable. and i hope with the show, in some ways, people kind of go, well, there's -- what's the fear for you? obviously, i wouldn't encourage anyone to go and do this stuff. but what's a version of you pushing? maybe it's like doing standup or just public speaking. or you know, something that doesn't -- that pushes you out. cause it came up for me, with covid. you know, when that happened. and it was like, wait, there's so much fear everywhere. i was like, what am i going to
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do? i wanted to do -- >> seth: it's funny, and i do standup and i think i take the same chances as you. i think we're very similar. [ light laughter ] yeah. your wingsuit is my standup. and we're both like two, cool guys who take chances. [ laughter ] >> yeah. by the way -- by the way. for me, that would be a version -- like, the abject terror i would have before going out to do that. it would be crazy. >> seth: they must have to -- you know, you talk about -- i think that's a really good point. they're adrenaline junkies but they must -- be granular about the safety that goes into these things. >> yeah, yeah. >> seth: and they must -- when you show up and say you want to do a show like this, they must have to clock how seriously you take it. and that must have been -- >> yeah. >> seth: 'cause at the end, i want to show a clip real quick because you guys -- i mean, it does seem like, when you land this thing, you realize exactly how much these people meant to you. let's take a look real quick. >> dude! [ laughter ] >> welcome to my world here, man. >> i love you, bro. i [ bleep ] love you, bro. >> oh, cool. i can't believe what we did. look out. ahh! [ laughter ]
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>> you did it! oh, my god! >> congratulations buddy. >> i love you, man. >> yeah man, good work. >> seth: it's a good group. >> it's a good group. that's monica and jack. monica is actually luke's wife. it's a good group. i got kind of teary there at the end of that. it was -- yeah, you are putting your life in somebody else's -- and actually when you see -- if you see the show, which i hope you guys will watch, on my seventh jump -- you talk about protocols or what you need to do. on my seventh jump -- so we -- i actually had just found out that the queen had died which was really -- kind of -- >> seth: from jumping, right? [ laughter ] >> so, it was a weird thing because there was this conversation about something quite prolific happening, because i'm from the u.k. that was a big number, it was a big thing. but probably for people here, too. but it was -- and then, i go up in the plane. and luke goes, "okay, you don't need your radio, nothing. you're good to go for this one." and this is my seventh jump, right. i jump out, i'm coming down. and i pull the chute. i'm under canopy, and i'm like, "okay." you have what these called toggles and i pull my right toggle.
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and i'm, like -- and it wasn't working. so, i look up. and there's -- it's been caught in a line. and i'm going -- oh, i'm not going to be able to land this. [ light laughter ] so, what do i do? so, the protocol is, you cut one free -- so it's like, the chute is behind. that's one, right? so then you go, one, two -- one cuts your current chute, which is above your head free. two, opens the second one. and i'm, like -- i don't have the radio. i'm like -- okay, one, two. one -- i'm back in freefall. two. and it came out, and i was like -- >> seth: oh, my god. >> i get to the ground -- and i'm like, "was that a test? what is going on?" [ laughter ] and then i get in the back of this truck. and they're like, "we got to get the parachute." and i'm like, "it's over there, it's in a field. i saw it." you know, 'cause i was coming over, i could see it.
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we go over, we pick it up. and there's a guy in the middle of the field. and he thought there was going to be a body out there, right? and i'm like, i literally -- you know, we were like, "no, it was me." "who was it?" i was like, "it was me. don't worry, we're all good." he goes, "no." and luke explained. but it was like -- never in my life have i felt more so grateful to be alive. i was like, oh, really, like that could have gone south superfast. now, there is protocols that you follow and it works. and when you follow the protocol, this will work. there are two chutes for a reason. obviously, thank god the second chute didn't have a malfunction. but, like, it was so -- i think what you will see, it's funny actually because i feel more vulnerable now that the show is out than i felt at all. because it's like -- it's sort of like you're seeing it, and you go wait, what? this is -- you know. and people are responding. but i'm like, uh, yeah. it's a wild one. it's a wild feeling. >> seth: it's funny to think. if you saw a parachute in the field, you would think -- oh, boy. >> where is the body? >> seth: yeah, you wouldn't think "i'm sure they are somewhere else." i would have been so -- if you would have died the same day as the queen, it would have been like on -- [ laughter ] >> nobody would have even known. the queen died, and somebody else.
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[ laughter ] >> seth: but he was asking for it. >> he was asking for it. >> seth: thanks so much for being here. the show is fantastic. [ cheers and applause ] you guys, orlando bloom. "orlando bloom: to the edge" is streaming now exclusively on peacock. we'll be right back with ncuti gatwa. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check. for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid—free remission... and visibly reduced damage. check. check. and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections,
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: our next guest is a talented actor you know from the "barbie" movie and shows such as "sex education" and "masters of the air." he stars as the 15th doctor in tv's longest-running sci-fi series, "doctor who," which premieres on disney plus may 10th. please welcome to the show, ncuti gatwa, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> seth: welcome to the show, ncuti. >> hello! thank you for having me. >> seth: what an exciting time to be with you. this is a big deal. you're the 15th doctor. >> 15th doctor, yes. >> seth: and this is a very -- this is something that was a very well-kept secret. are you good at keeping secrets? >> not at all. [ laughter ]
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>> seth: so how long did you have to keep it? from when you knew you had it, to when it was announced? >> so i think i got announced -- i got cast february. and it was announced in may. >> seth: okay, so three months. how many times you think you gave it away in those three months? >> i'd say about like 10 or 15 each month. [ laughter ] >> seth: and how would you give it away? would people press you? or would you just throw it out to them? >> i -- i -- i would willingly give the information. >> seth: okay. [ laughter ] nobody is pressing you. >> nobody was even pressing me. >> seth: so what kind of people would you tell it to and how would you go about it? >> so, i would drink. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] okay. >> i would be in a bar, with my friends. and i drink. and i meet -- you know how you do, you meet like, your best friend in the bathroom. your new best friend for the night. >> seth: okay, gotcha. so this is a brand-new person. >> the person i'm going to spend the rest of my life with. >> seth: okay, gotcha. >> amazing. by the way, i'm the 15th doctor. [ laughter ] run off, "don't tell anyone!"
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[ laughter ] >> seth: i will say, if you heard it in a bar, you wouldn't think that's true. you know what i mean? if you had come up to me and been like, "hey, just fyi, i'm the doctor," i'd be like, "okay." >> that guy has had a few too many. >> seth: but this is exciting. i mean, obviously, you've done things. you obviously get recognized. but this is going to be a big moment when this happens. this premieres very soon. you're currently on a subway. this is a big deal, in our city, to be on the subway. >> yeah, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] very cool. >> seth: very cool. >> it felt very, very surreal. we actually went to see that just before coming here. and it was like, this is -- i thought it was going to be one poster. it's the whole carriage. it felt -- >> seth: wow. >> very cool, very daunting. >> seth: you actually went to see the subway? >> how vain. [ laughter ] >> seth: did you know where it was going to be, or were you just like --? >> no, they plan -- they plan it. look at them all. look at them all. let's go look at a picture of myself. >> seth: now wait, i have to ask, when your subway came by, were you sort of like, strolling by yourself, hoping people would be like -- >> yeah, i made a few loud shouts by the tube. >> seth: like wait, is that me? >> that's me! [ laughter ]
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exactly that. >> seth: what a coincidence. here i am just in the subway. >> tune in may 10th. >> seth: and this is -- you have family everywhere. you have london, scotland, cameroon, rwanda. >> yes, yes. >> seth: and so, this is premiering worldwide. for the first time, "doctor who" premiering worldwide. and so it must be exciting. are your family incredibly proud? >> very proud, for the first time ever. [ laughter ] first time ever. finally become a doctor. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] made it. so it's cool that we've got this partnership with disney plus. thank you, disney, for streaming us around the world. so it's all going to be one place on may the 10th. >> seth: that's great. and now, obviously, this is a show that has been on since the '60s in various incarnations. is this something that you
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wanted for yourself, like to be, you know, the doctor in the "doctor who" series? >> do you know what, manifestation is real. >> seth: it's real. [ cheers and applause ] >> manifestation is real. >> seth: you can swear to this. >> i can swear to this. >> seth: okay. >> i text my agent one day, i was bored in my house, thinking about how to pay my bills next. and i was, like, "i would love -- just musing, kate. and i would like to play a character like willy wonka or doctor who." and then the next week, she was like -- andy pryor has just called. he's the casting director of "doctor who." i was in the middle of writing an e-mail to him to ask him to consider you and he called me, being like, "can we consider ncuti?" and so, then, i got my audition. and then -- >> seth: most people if they called their agent and said, "i want willy wonka or doctor who," they'd be like, "goodbye." [ laughter ] >> nice dreaming. >> seth: that's like if i called my agent and i'm like, "i want to be like indiana jones or han solo." [ laughter ] >> ask and you shall get, seth. ask and you shall get. >> seth: look, you've had a big year. you were in a big movie. "barbie." >> just a little one. >> seth: just a little one.
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>> just a little one. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: you were -- it was --, look, it was the best -- it was a great oscars. top-to-bottom, it was a great oscars. you were at the oscars. >> i was at oscars. >> seth: and you were also on stage. you got to perform on stage. "just ken," there you are. [ cheers and applause ] >> "i'm just ken"! >> seth: that has got to be, like, also, like, very nerve-racking to do -- you know, again, a live musical performance at the oscars. you guys were seamless. >> seamless -- i don't know. i think the camera caught all my wrong moves. >> seth: okay. >> but i was happy to be there. i was very happy to be there, at least. >> seth: did you -- how many runs at it did you get for rehearsal? because you know, space just isn't there that long. >> no, i think i had about two or three rehearsals before the main event. >> seth: yeah. >> but so -- ryan was incredible in the film. absolutely amazing.
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and the film was amazing. and it's so nice of ryan to invite us to -- >> seth: it was great. it was very nice to see you all together. >> to have a little shindig with him. >> seth: you're friends with one of a -- a real friend of the show over here, jonathan groff. >> hey. >> seth: our friend jonathan groff. he's going to be on the show soon. and you guys got to work together on "doctor who." >> yes. >> seth: but this is a photo of you somewhere very special. >> very, very special. we went to go see beyonce. >> seth: wow. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: in cardiff? you saw beyonce in wales? >> in cardiff. of all places. she loves cardiff. [ laughter ] she loves wales. >> seth: yeah, she's from cardiff. >> she's from cardiff. yeah, returning back to her roots. >> seth: that's fantastic. and did you -- was jonathan -- i would imagine jonathan is a pretty special person to see a beyonce show with. >> he is a very special person in general. he stars in this next season of "doctor who." and he is incredible. such a talented actor. and when we were having, like, our audition, i guess, together, he told me that he had tickets for beyonce. and i was like, "get him the job. [ laughter ] he needs -- give him the job. i'll be coming with you." >> seth: that morning, you
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called your agent and was like, "i think i want tickets to beyonce." [ laughter ] >> yeah. that's what happened. jonathan. >> seth: this is so great. i was talking to jonathan. >> that's how it happened, seth. >> seth: hey, congratulations on everything. it's a very exciting time to be talking to you. i really appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: that's ncuti gatwa. "doctor who" premieres may 10th on disney plus. we'll be right back with more "late night." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ wow. -incredible, isn't it? eah. well, with your home, auto, boat and rv all bundled with progressive you've got the peace of mind to really wander. yeah. yeah, i just hope it stays this way. once word gets out about these places they tend to -- -are you done? -aaand there it is. well, at least your vehicles are protected. let's hit the road. hey fam! i'm just at this beautiful lake that i just discovered. practicing gratitude, manifesting abundance.
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♪ >> announcer: come join the audience at "late night" live in studio 8g. for tickets, head over to follow us @latenightseth on all social media platforms. subscribe to late night seth on youtube. find us online at and subscribe to the "late night podcast," featuring "a closer look," guest interviews, and more. available wherever you listen to podcasts. ♪
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that's why you need... strength that's anything but ordinary. hefty hefty hefty ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: i want to thank my guests, orlando bloom and ncuti gatwa, everybody! i want to thank queen cora coleman and the 8g band. thanks for watching, everybody. we love you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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