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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  April 30, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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being the lead singer of van halen. following david lee roth's departure. over the last five decades, hagar has amassed 25 platinum albums and $50 million in sales worldwide. hagar lives in mill valley. i know it's a bay area guy and you know a rock star and you know his nickname. what? the red rocker, the red rocker, the red rocker. i know raj knew that. i'm so glad you said that. yeah, i was hoping you would say that. we love the red rocker. yeah don't forget, you can watch our newscast 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. and raj joins us now with what's coming up next at 530. here's what we have. the recount is complete, but there's still controversy. a few hang ups in that race to replace congresswoman anna eshoo. so what happens now? also, a new probe into how meta handles election information. the european commission leading this charge. and we're going to take a look at the investigation. and organizers say the california forever
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development is moving to the november ballot. what that means for the billionaire backed project that faces a lot of opposition in solano county. welcome back. the news at 530 starts right now. thanks so much for joining us. i'm janelle wang and i'm raj mathai. it's been nearly two months of counting. recounting and finger pointing. we finally, though have the recount results in that hotly contested congressional race. sam liccardo is already moving on to november, but who is he going to face the tie for? second place may have just been broken. evan low gained 11 votes in santa clara county, while joe simitian gained seven. right now, that's the difference for your votes, but it's still not over. here's nbc's ian cull. after 12 days of recounting 182,000 ballots across two counties, the results are in. evan low now leads joe simitian by just four votes. if the result holds low, will move on
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to face sam liccardo in the november election for the 16th congressional district. but there's a big asterisk here. there are 16 challenged ballots still in envelopes in san mateo county, where simitian has performed better. those arrived after the deadline, but the county and postal service are investigating the postmarks on the envelopes to decide if they should be opened and counted. what they have to look for right now is, is there a full postmark arc? are there may be two, which sometimes can happen is one, what about a postmark that isn't fully stamped? only partially? what do you do with that? also today, after weeks of steering clear from questions raised about the recount front runner sam liccardo issued a statement saying in part i did not request this recount. neither i nor anyone in my campaign has communicated with padilla or his donors about the recount. candidates and their campaigns cannot lawfully communicate with independent expenditure groups, he added. the messy recount
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process shows new laws are needed. he believes there should be automatic recounts and tight races, and that all contributions to super pacs should be made public within 24 hours. the recently formed super pac count the vote has paid for this recount, which was requested by jonathan padilla. padilla worked on liccardo san jose mayoral campaign ten years ago and tells us the donor list will be published by mid-july in compliance with federal election rules. liccardo added after the recount. let's accept the findings and move on. we asked each campaign for an interview this afternoon, and each said they are waiting until all of the results are in. each candidate has something going for himself. for lo, it's that big four point edge right now. for simitian, it's the fact that he's much better known in that part of the congressional district than lo. those are the two things that are going to be balanced as to which comes out
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ahead. we'll have to wait to see in the south bay ian cull nbc bay area news mehta is facing familiar accusations ahead of european elections. the eu launched a probe over disinformation on meta's platforms facebook and instagram. the european commission says it's concerned the company hasn't done enough to combat disinformation leading up to parliament elections. it claims meta may not be complying with european rules and on deceptive ads and coordinated campaigns. a company spokesperson hit back on those accusations, saying it has well established processes for rooting out disinformation. a tragic scene and recovery in charlotte, north carolina. investigators are searching for answers after a gunman killed three u.s. marshals and a police officer. that shooting happened yesterday as the officers were trying to serve a warrant for a suspect. the suspect, 39 year old terry hughes jr, opened fire through a window, then moved into the front yard, where
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officers shot and killed him. at this point, two women inside that home are not considered suspects and are fully cooperating with the investigators. you have to understand the amount of evidence that's going to be collected, probable be well over 100 rounds of gunfire, of projectiles and casings that will be collected. police say they recovered the weapons used in the attack. an ar 15 assault rifle and 40 caliber handgun. a somber day from the bay area to idaho. a sheriff's deputy gunned down during a traffic stop was remembered in a memorial service. walnut creek native tobin bolter was killed in boise, idaho, this month after being shot by a driver he pulled over. hundreds attended his service today in idaho. it was also live streamed at the north creek church in walnut creek. bolter was born in walnut creek and started his career with the pleasant hill police department before moving to idaho. a go fund me to support his pregnant wife has raised over $168,000 so
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far. bolter was 27 years old. firefighters spent the day mopping up after fire, raced through a building last night in downtown concord. it started around 1030 last night in a vacant three story building near sunset avenue. you can see just how big that fire got when crews arrived. they searched the building to confirm it was empty . it took about three hours to knock down those flames. the streets around the fire will be closed until sometime tomorrow as crews clean up and investigate this fire. no word yet on a cause. the project is called california forever, and as we've been reporting for months, it's facing a lot of criticism. this is the group of billionaires aiming to build a new city in solano county. today, that group announced it's secured the signatures to get the initiative on the november ballot. however, it's still going to be an uphill battle. here's nbc's pete serratos. over 20,000 solano residents have signed the petition. california
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forever ceo john cermak says his group has gathered the signatures. they need to place their initiative before voters this november. the group wants to build a green community that it claims will include thousands of affordable homes, shopping, dining and walkable neighborhoods in what is currently farmland near travis air force base. but voters must first decide to rezone the 17,500 acres of land for development. i think it's a real vote of confidence by the voters in solano county. the businesses downtown are dead. there's no restaurants really to eat at. when people come into town, you know, i have to take them either to napa or somewhere else. vicki jackson is one of the 20,472 voters who has signed on the longtime real estate agent says she's tired of a lack of services and affordable housing in solano county. she says she just had to deliver bad news to another client that the person
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couldn't really qualify because the interest rates were so high and, you know, the payment was going to be around $5,000. and so and this is a family that can put 20% down. and still they can't really afford the $5,000 payments. this is a terrible idea. congressman john garamendi is among the elected officials who remain staunchly opposed to the plan. garamendi says voters will end up shouldering the cost. i understand that the taxpayers of solano county, the state of california, and quite possibly the federal government are going to be asked to finance a good portion of this urban sprawl. we're going to be announcing a number of employers who want to come here and number of major entertainment things that would come to solano county. and i think people are going to start asking elected officials how many companies that you bring to solano county? the county registrar is now counting and verifying the signatures, a process that could take weeks. in solano county, jodi hernandez, nbc, bay area
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news. thank you, jodi. despite mortgage rates hovering around 7, home prices are soaring nationwide. that is according to the s&p corelogic case-shiller index. prices jumped 6.4% in february as strong demand and tight supply pushed prices higher. it is the fastest rate of price growth since november 2022. walmart is rolling out its largest private food brand launch in two decades. it's called better goods. the store says the goal is to appeal to younger customers who are not brand loyal and want chef inspired foods that are more affordably priced. better goods products are now available in stores and online. walmart says by the fall, there will be almost 300 products available. a big day for amazon on wall street amazon reporting profits tripled in the first quarter of this year, growing to more than $143 billion. the growth was driven by profits from ads on prime video and its cloud computing service. there is also
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widespread cost cutting, including layoffs. a lot of red on wall street today. stocks tumbled, closing out a losing month. dow fell 570 points to finish its worst month since september of 2022. the nasdaq closed down 325 points, and the s&p 500 dropped 80. the labor department says the employment cost index, which is a measure of wages and benefits, was higher than expected this quarter. and that's raising fresh inflation concerns. the fed will make its interest rate decision tomorrow afternoon. she's out hundreds of dollars because a credit card perk is not paying off, and the company's not really helping. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura, nbc bay area responds next. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. we're tracking a little bit of wind plus some rain chances gathered out here in the pacific. i'll have updated timing and totals for your weekend and the sierra snow
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that's also com
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that's no good. our consumer investigator chris kamara followed the money for her and found a lesson for you chris. rebecca in san jose recently realized she did not get about three years of cash back rewards she expected from her amazon cash back credit card. more than 500 bucks. well, despite hours on the phone, no resolution or cash back. so rebecca reached out to our team. we contacted amazon headquarters. well, it turns out rebecca's card was not connected to her family's amazon prime account. amazon fixed that, and now she's getting cash back for her purchases. amazon also gave rebecca $561. what she says she would have earned if her accounts had been connected. amazon told us in this case, we've worked to resolve this for
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the customer. if i could rewind and travel back three years to the day amazon sent rebecca her first statement, i would encourage her to review it and every statement after that to make sure she was earning the perks she expected. and that's savvy advice for you. for any monthly bill, check for minor mistakes today so they don't become major problems. months or years later, rebecca reached out online. you can to scan the qr code on screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. he always has some good tips. yeah for sure. and you got to get that cash back. okay jeff let's talk about our weather. it's going to be a beautiful week. it is all the way up until friday. then i was thinking saturday everybody can get their peacock account kind of up and going. their streaming account. yes if you haven't. because, i mean saturday is like the best day to just kind of have an excuse to not do any chores and just stay inside and maybe be a little bit lazy here because we
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do have some rainfall on the way and those colder temperatures now, the entire weekend is not going to be a total loss when it comes to being able to get outside. so we're going to have that full timeline on what's coming our way for this weekend. certainly looks like an unusual late season storm as far as tomorrow goes. as janelle mentioned here, we have this area of high pressure in the pacific that's going to keep the storm track to the north for tomorrow. and those rain chances for now, this will bring in some warm and also some windy weather. let me take you to the wind. and really this is going to impact the mountains the most. if you're doing any traveling over the mountain passes you will get into some wind here. starting tomorrow morning, anywhere from 20 to about 50mph. also travel through the central valley. that wind is going to be coming out of the north and the west certainly could get some of that wind popping up through napa county mountains, parts of the east bay and the south bay overall doesn't look extremely bad at the lower elevations, but still dealing with some wind here of ten to about 20mph. we'd hang on to some of those wind gusts here through tomorrow afternoon, maybe up to about 31mph in san
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francisco. and then we should start to see that wind taper off through tomorrow night and also into thursday morning. temperatures for tomorrow back down into the 40s. going to be a chilly start here through the tri-valley peninsula and the south bay. have it to 48 through the south bay and the tri-valley at 47 san francisco. the one spot with 51. and for the north bay will be at 48 temperatures as we roll through tomorrow, looking like this across the bay area, down here through the south bay, it will put us at 77, in san jose, right over to the east bay, 81 in antioch, 80 as well in walnut creek, then for hayward, 75, the peninsula, 72. in san mateo down to palo alto, 76, san francisco 70. in the mission and the marina at 64. and right here for the north bay 77, in clear lake and 80 back towards napa. so warm and sunny weather right now, but as we have been mentioning, it's looking more and more likely we'll get a storm system for this weekend. so kind of exciting on that front. we usually don't get rainfall this time of the year, and the big
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change i'm starting to see on how things would be developing is the storm system itself would actually be moving closer towards the bay area, so that's going to be able to increase our rain chances. in fact, right now , the way things are lining up for us, we'd actually be in for some widespread rain chances on saturday and temperatures down in the 60s. look at this estimated rain on saturday, a quarter to a half inch possible. you go north of the bay area, some spots in the northern coastline, maybe one to 1.5in. i think we'd see about a quarter inch here for the south bay, and then all other areas averaging about a half inch right now, not only the rainfall. look at the sierra snow. we'd be getting into some winter conditions here , maybe up over a foot for kirkwood twin bridges and for kingvale snow starting around pollock pines and just after colfax. so get ready for this winter blast. it is on the way. other thing we're tracking is severe weather through the central u.s. tomorrow. if you're doing any traveling that way, watch out. we could see some more tornadoes develop on that
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7-day forecast. here you go. on sunday, we dried out and low 60s in san francisco. and for the inland valleys, low 80s next few days. then we're at 59. saturday does dry out on sunday. and we'll warm it up to 68. so i'm all on board now. it's just going to be a day. like i said, to not have to do those chores right? that that big list of things. my son has a baseball game saturday. well, it's going to have to get moved the way it looks now, i know my daughter has a softball game. her last game of the season in. oh no. we'll see. maybe we can still maybe there's a makeup game. we've done that in the past. so okay. thank you. we're not blaming jeff. no i know well, keep an eye on it. we just want the season to wrap up all right? that's the truth. thanks, jeff. okay. up next, speaking of baseball, the giants starting to find out their footing this season. here. thanks tsomeo
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defense wins games. that's how the giants won three world series over the past 14 years. so far this season, the starting pitching is pretty good and should get better. let's check in with our giants insiders. the giants rotation seems like it's as, beastly as we expected it to be. and as we, as much as we hyped it to be for this season, and this is without cobb even being back in the mix, it's interesting because, you know, there was a point where you thought cobb was going to be back that first weekend or
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pretty soon. there after. and blake snell you thought would be in the rotation that first road trip at dodger stadium. and you know, we know he's a slow starter but thought he would be contributing in some way. yeah, so if you had told me that at the end of april, they have one of the best rotations in the national league, i'd say yes of course. we all saw this coming. i was high on some of these guys. i did not see this coming with, with especially that this trio of, obviously people who listen here, i've been very high on kyle and, i'm happy keaton wins getting a shot. i think he had a good year last year, but what they've been able to do lately, combined with jordan hicks, who just woke short stop like he just this is just who he is now, you're almost like when he goes, you're almost disappointed. i think that he's still not like, getting into the seventh or eighth, and they're not going to they're going to be careful with him. but you watch him go and you go like, man, if this was not year one of him as a starter, you'd be like, he'd
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be right there with logan because there's very efficient and not giving up any damage, and just looks like a top line starting pitcher. so i think it's very encouraging for him, something like this will keep you in it all year, no matter what else is going on. and that was kind of the argument going into the year was that these guys will be fine because of their starting depth. so i feel like the thing that gets me most excited about the rotation as well is knowing how many years the majority of these players will be with the team, like it's something you can look forward to for the next one four, three, four years. win and harrison are under team control for a long time. yeah logan webb is signed through 2028. jordan hicks is signed for the next four years. so it does you know robbie ray it doesn't really matter what you decide to do. like if you decide to stay or go because they're in pretty good shape and you know, things will happen, guys will get hurt, there will be there will be issues here and there. but this is a pretty good starting point is they're trying to build consistency just to have two, three, four guys you
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can count on every spring. you can see more of our giants talk podcast on, or by downloading the podcast. still ahead, preparations continue on a variety of fronts for the olympics this summer, and we are getting a peek at the recipes developed specifically for the olympians. all that after norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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spears. the settlement was approved by a judge on friday, days before the case was set to head to trial. it had to do with several elements surrounding her conservatorship that was dissolved in 2021 after an audio of spears pleading to a judge to dissolve it was leaked, but several issues were still entangled with the courts, like attorney fees. no details on the settlement amount, but britney spears attorney said her wishes for freedom are now truly complete. well, thousands of olympians we know this are heading to paris this summer with an appetite. of course they are to satisfy their needs. several top names chefs will be on the job at the athletes village. that's the place to be. the french company called sodexo live plans to make meals at a restaurant that will be open around the clock. there at the village, three michelin star chefs create 500 recipes. the company will also serve employees and cater to two dozen competition venues. olympic officials have pledged to cut its carbon footprint in half
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compared to previous games. 80% of the ingredients for the meals will be locally grown there in france. speaking of the olympics , a big opportunity for team usa artistic swimmers in the olympic games, the swimmers are emboldened by the absence of russian swimmers. for the past six olympics, russia has won every gold medal for artistic swimming, but this summer, because of the invasion of ukraine, russian athletes will not be allowed to compete in team events. so the us is ready to take advantage. one of the artistic swimmers who will be in the pool is bill may. he's from the south bay. he came out of retirement right after the olympic committee voted to allow men to compete in artistic swimming at the olympics, so it's a great opportunity for myself. it's a dream. so for young athletes to see it and see the inclusion of men and to see the acceptance, i think it's a big step for our sport to grow and to become even a greater sport. may grew up training at the santa clara aquamaids, and hopes to bring home a gold
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medal. we will be cheering his team on for sure. that look great. audrey asistio joins us now with what's coming up next. right now at six, we are following breaking news near the san jose state campus. a man who was riding a scooter is now in critical condition after a collision involving two vehicles. we are live at the scene with the very latest. also an alarming discovery in a quiet neighborhood. what police are telling us about the illegal brothel they busted inside a san jose home. also could we see another college campus in san francisco? was something mayor breed first proposed. now, one of her opponents in the city's mayoral race is expanding on that proposal. and no more surprising fees on your restaurant bill. the new california law going into effect this summer. the news at six starts right now. good evening, and thanks for being with us. i'm raj mathai and i'm audrey asistio. we begin with breaking news out of san jose tonight. a
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man is now in critical condition after getting into a collision involving two vehicles while he was riding a scooter near san jose state. our jocelyn moran is at the scene. has been talking to witnesses out there. jocelyn, what are you learning? yeah, well, right now the street has reopened. this happened on 10th street. it reopened just a few minutes ago. but you can get a good idea of just how busy the street can really get. many cars are driving through here in just the last couple of minutes. police say this happened a little after 1:30 p.m. the street was blocked off for several hours. police say a man was on a scooter when a crash occurred involving two cars. you can see at least one white car in this video, along with the scooter on the ground at. witnesses tell us the man ended up under one of the cars. police say he was taken to a nearby hospital with life threatening injuries, and he remains in critical condition. just a short time ago, we talked with someone who heard it all happen. i heard like a lot of commotion, somebody sound like somebody screaming. so then i went to the window, actually, andn


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