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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  April 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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don't see on paper anything that the district attorney's department has done to make this county safe. nothing is words and we don't need no more words. tonight, supervisors are receiving the certification of the results of the recall petition. then they'll set an election date. price's opponents say it needs to happen as soon as possible. and what the supervisors to call a special election. but supporters of price say a recall is a waste of money and undemocratic. they and others are calling for the election to be added to the existing november ballot. there was an election that happened and the people chose pamela price, and the people chose for everything that she said she was going to do. and these recalls started the efforts of the recall started in february. pamela price came in in january. she never had an opportunity to even do her job. d.a. price is also speaking out, questioning whether any election should happen today. she once again
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accused recall organizers of illegally securing an election through fraudulent signature gathering and questionable finances. price says the state is now investigating recall organizers say everything was legal. i am concerned for our community that people would be able to come in with money and overturn an election that people would be able to come in and bring people in who would lie and mislead the public. there are no illegal things done by safe. we followed every rule that was set before us right here. everything we did that we did was by direction. da price is calling for the board to reject the certification of signatures altogether, and is accusing the voter of registrar of not following the charter rules for a recall. the registrar has not followed the law, consistently. he's picked and he's cherry picked. what provisions should apply and what provisions should not? and that is not a democratic process. the
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registrar of voters estimates a special election would cost 15 to $20 million. the board now has 14 days to set an election date in oakland. velena jones nbc bay area news. it is now week two of campus protests demanding universities take a stance on the war in gaza. this is the look at the encampment at stanford university today. while police aren't forcing them out, stanford has warned students those camps violate university policy, so students involved could be suspended or even expelled. so far, stanford hasn't said if any students have actually been disciplined. students at uc berkeley have also been camping out since last week. they've pitched tents on the steps of sproul hall and hung banners from the building. some universities outside the bay area and other parts of the country have launched hard crackdowns on demonstrations, but uc berkeley says it will only involve police to protect students and faculty. a different story at cal poly humboldt. early this morning,
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police arrested about 35 protesters who took over two buildings on campus. the university said it supports free speech, but the barricaded buildings create a fire hazard. protesters took over the buildings last week. it forced the campus to shut down for the rest of the semester, which ends next friday at columbia university, pro-palestinian protesters stormed a building, escalating tensions overnight. this after school leaders began suspending students for not dispersing as protests grow nationwide. the speaker of the house, mike johnson, says it's time for educators to tamp down on anti-semitism overseas. us secretary of state blinken makes a major push for a ceasefire. nbc's alice barr has the details from george washington university, one of the many protest sites. shattered glass and boiling tensions as anti-war protesters at columbia university in new york occupied a building on campus overnight, waving the palestinian flag and
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barring the doors in a major escalation. after the university started suspending students who refused to abandon their encampments. we will be posting we will free palestine. it's part of a nationwide movement of college students demanding a cease fire in gaza, and for their schools to cut financial ties with israel. we are staying here. we are not leaving until our demands for disclosure and divestment, roughly 1200 demonstrators have been arrested across the country as universities step up efforts to clear encampments, in some cases spurring confrontations with police, with protesters removed by force like here at the university of texas at austin, some jewish students say they don't feel safe amid incidents of anti-semitism. house speaker mike johnson calling on university leaders to do more. we will not allow anti-semitism to thrive on campus, the white house saying president biden condemns the term intifada seen
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on columbia's campus as hate speech, and that while he respects the right to peaceful, free expression, quote, forcibly taking over buildings is not peaceful. it is wrong. it all comes as secretary of state antony blinken is in israel pressing to close the deal on a cease fire that would also free hamas held hostages and get more aid into gaza, seeking to ease the suffering and calm the turmoil. while the demonstrations vary from campus to campus, we've been speaking to organizers here at george washington university who say this one has been well organized, largely peaceful from the start, and that it's their mission not to become the story, to make sure the focus stays on the suffering in gaza. in washington, alice barr, nbc news . and coming up, raj mathai will speak with silicon valley congressman ro khanna about the university protests as well as the war in gaza. you can watch that interview at seven during nbc bay area news tonight. some
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thieves who stole a car in oakland kept police busy today. this is nbc bay area's sky ranger over the scene this afternoon. investigator say the car was stolen just before noon on international boulevard. officers later spotted it at this gas station. but people ran away. well, police say they then chased after the individuals, eventually arresting them. a south bay family is trying to pick up the pieces. their livelihood has gone up in flames after a fire raced through their food truck. nbc bay area's damian trujillo was with the family today as they try to figure out what comes next. the family says they are at a loss. $95,000 is what they paid for their food truck, and they only had liability insurance, the family says. firefighters woke them up early thursday morning. their food truck parked in front of their home was on fire today. this is what's left of the burbuja food truck. what's it feel like to see it this way? it was triste. la verdad triste. we dalena nicasio says it's sad and
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devastating to see the family business, their livelihood gone. the san jose fire department says the call came in as an explosion on pitcairn way. it spread from the engine area to the driver's compartment. the cause of the fire is still undetermined, but it does not appear to be arson. now what? no ahora? no no tenemos como algo para ir a seguir vendiendo. constantino says now they don't have anything to keep the business going. the family has opened a gofundme account in hopes of making up for their loss. no con tanto sacrificio adquiere para seguir adelante para seguir educando a los hijos para vivir o si quieren un poco modesto. verdad porque es super caro aqui, idalina says the family sacrificed a lot to send one child to college, while preparing the others for the same. now this paso no se lo deseo a nadie me dalena says she wishes this kind of devastating setback on no one in san jose.
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damian trujillo, nbc, bay area news. ferry service between san francisco and sausalito will resume tomorrow. golden gate ferry suspended the service earlier this month. it happened after a routine inspection turned up. structural issues at the pier. crews have now finished repairs on the pylons this week, the pier was reinspected and deemed safe to resume ferry service. making it in the bay could get a little easier for folks in san francisco. the mayor announced today the city was given $37 million in state funds to create new casa adelante affordable housing complex in the mission. this is file video of another casa adelante complex in the city. the new development will be built on south van ness, just off. cesar chavez will host 168 units for low income families, including those coming out of homelessness. the plan is to also include family friendly amenities and commercial space. california is growing again. the population grew last year for
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the first time in almost five years, according to new numbers released by governor newsom today. the golden state gained 67,000 residents in 2023, state officials attribute the rise to an improvement in immigration policies and growth in the natural population. state estimates california now has more than 39.1 million people. president biden is working to loosen up the restrictions on marijuana. since 1971, marijuana has been under the schedule one classification that is the same category as heroin and lsd. it means the drug has no medicinal use and has a high potential for abuse. the biden administration has been working to reclassify marijuana and the drug enforcement administration, or dea, is expected to improve it if approved. marijuana would be under the schedule three. that's the same category as tylenol and steroids. this would allow doctors to study marijuana and discover more medical benefits. former president trump's online activities could land him in jail while he's on trial. that
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word today from the judge overseeing his hush money trial in new york. the judge held him in contempt of court for repeatedly breaking a gag order on this case. on his platform. truth social, mr. trump has constantly attacked people involved in his case. the judge gave him the maximum fine for each post. $9,000 total, but that amount is so small compared to his wealth, the judge warned. jail time could be necessary to get the former president to stop posting. meantime, the wall street roller coaster continues for trump. media shares for the social media group, which owns the president's truth social platform, were up 7% at the closing bell. shares have climbed about 50% in the past week, trading at about $50 a share. the stock, though, has had a bumpy ride on the stock market since its debut this year, trading at a high of about $60 per share and a low of about 20, the company has also asked congress to investigate potential manipulation of its stock. still ahead battling viral hepatitis one vaccine at a
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time, san francisco city leaders are working to bring awareness to the disease. the campaign hitting very close to home for one county supervisor. also, one man's love for biking has branched into something much bigger in tonight's bay area. proud how he's now using his passion to better his community. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. sunshine right now, but we are also tracking some wind. and look at this rain chances still in the mix. we've got updated timing and totals that's going to
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americans. san francisco leaders announced today they are declaring the month of may hepatitis awareness month. hepatitis b can cause liver cancer and spreads through birth or sexual contact. asian americans make up 58% of america's hepatitis b cases, despite being 6% of the nation's population, and it's personal for city supervisor joel engardio, whose late boyfriend, doctor mark lim, found out about
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the virus too late. he wanted to help others by raising awareness there was a successful vaccination for hepatitis b. this is a treatable and preventable disease. before mark died, he saved lives by telling his story. while there is a vaccine for hepatitis b, there is not one for hep c. san francisco public health director says everyone should be screened at least once in their lifetime to help prevent the spread. if you have ever enjoyed biking on one of the bay area's hundreds of miles of bike trails, you've probably enjoyed it. but did you think about all the work and all the people behind the work that made it happen? well, in one east bay city, that person has a name najari smith. we're gonna we're gonna head out. when najari smith moved from new york city to the bay area, 15 years ago, it was a plane that took him to his new home. it was a bicycle, however, that made it feel like home. my first year
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out here in cali, i went back to new york five times and i was very homesick, was looking to like,onnect and meet folks and biking helped to do that. in the years that followed, najari got more and more into biking, joining group rides and volunteering at a local biking nonprofit. but then that group left town, leaving najari with a decision. when that bicycle nonprofit moved away, i, i felt like it still needed. there was still a need to have bicycle activity in richmond, so najari formed rich city rides and transformed himself from a hobbyist into an activist. hey are you joining us for the ride? one of his favorite things to do is lead group rides on the trails in and around richmond, including the one that goes over the richmond-san rafael bridge. when you're at three over here, you want to be on two over here. najari believes bicycles are more than just a fun way to get from point a to, say, point richmond. they have the power to
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literally transform a community. well, that's one less car on the road. it's one more parking spot that's available for people who are riding their bikes. they always have the best parking space. it's a lot more fun. you're able to absorb more of your surroundings under the banner of rich city rides, najari has achieved quite a bit in richmond over the past decade , new trails, even spearheading the development of a new park. but it's still just the first miles of a long journey, najari says. this is, coming in 2025 and e-bike lending center is already in the works, as well as three new community hubs. bikes are our foundation, but it's leading us to see and understand other things that the city needs, other things that the community needs, and we're going to give it to them, najari says. you won't even have to be a cyclist to appreciate the changes that will come, but biking will still be the best
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way to witness them. so i heard about najari through the rails to trails conservancy. they and rich city rides. they're part of a group, the bay area trails conservancy, and they have a goal, right? 2600 miles of bike trails in the bay area. all connected. oh, that one. so no matter where you live, you could you could. yes hop on. you can imagine connected to every other bike trail. you can imagine. i don't recommend doing it all in one day. right? yes, that is a lot 2600. but it's so convenient and everybody's so happy when they're on their bikes, especially those community rides. it has turned into something so much bigger. you rarely see a grumpy person. no way. and it's no way. it's that thing that, you know, for a lot of us, if you don't have a bike, you haven't been on one in years. and then once once you get on one, you're like, oh, this is kind of fun. yeah, well, the weather is perfect for cycling all week. it really has been just amazing outside, today we got that sunshine, dry air, a
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little bit of a breeze. winds going to pick up with the biggest, bigger thing. certainly is going to be some rain coming back in the forecast. we have updated looks at what could be a substantial system for this time of the year, coming just in time for your weekend plans. unfortunately, i'll get you those updates here in just a little bit. let's get you outside right now to this beautiful weather, 74 in walnut creek. we'll dip it down here to 69 at 7 p.m. and then some 50s coming in later on tonight by ten and 11:00. napa also sunshine, 71, will likely pop up to 72 here through the next hour. and then we'll be dipping pretty fast here, 57 by 10:00. we're going to stay dry for tomorrow because of this area. high pressure. it's keeping the storm track in the rainfall just off to the north over washington and oregon. but the way all this has been setting up, as i've been mentioning it, is going to bring in a little bit of wind here for us tomorrow and also warming up those temperatures. let me show you the wind. and really, through tonight we might get a little bit of this wind
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popping up across the north bay in the coastal mountains. some of that red color there, that's gusts of 15 to about 35mph. but we think as we head through tomorrow morning, we get some of those stronger gusts right here through the central valley, 20 to 40 plus miles per hour. then also notice right around the north bay hills, we could see some isolated gusts of about 50. same thing for some of the highest elevations of the east bay and the south bay overall. right now it doesn't look extremely bad for the lower elevations, but once again, if you're going over any of the mountain passes, you will notice that. then we'll start to see that wind taper off here as we head through tomorrow night and right into thursday morning. temperatures for tomorrow also going to be back down into the 40s for much of the bay area under these mostly sunny skies. so i think overall that will make it pretty easy for you to get out the door there on your wednesday morning. 49 here through the peninsula, south bay at 48, we've been used to this lately and a mix here some 40s over the east bay and the north bay, san francisco. the one exception right here at 51. okay, let's get it through our
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temperatures tomorrow. we're going to warm it up by about 4 to 7 degrees. that's going to make it feel i think even nicer out here tomorrow. 78 in milpitas over to the east bay. got a few 80s for you out to concord. antioch and walnut creek. low 80s. hayward 75 peninsula, chilly 60 at half moon bay. we just can't warm it up this time of the year because of that ocean breeze. and down here towards redwood city, 75, san francisco 70. in the mission. that's going to be the warm spot up here towards clear lake 77. so we have that sunshine for tomorrow, but everything still looks like it's on track to change for us as we head into saturday. the big thing we've been noticing today is the updated forecast. models are now bringing the storm system closer towards us, and that does up our confidence of getting some rainfall here on saturday. so right now i'm looking at widespread chances, temperatures much colder in the 60s. look at these initial forecast updates here for saturday. we're looking at a quarter to a half inch, maybe about a quarter inch for the south bay and everywhere else averaging about a half inch. now that is way above our daily
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averages for this time of the year. check this out, we only average about 100th of an inch, daily average in san jose this time of the year. so we would see numbers that would be about 25 times our normal rain on saturday. if everything holds together with that storm system. so exciting on the front that it will keep our fire danger down and it's not going to be wet all weekend, but the cold temperatures, that's going to be hard for us. look at this 81 tomorrow, 59 then on saturday. so it's on the way. on the way. that is quite a drop in just a couple of days. huge. and it's just one day a one day blip. and then we go back to a nice spring like temperature. exactly. so we can get over that. we can get over that. thanks jeff. coming up, doctors have released new guidelines for mammograms. the reason women should be gettin screened earlierg.
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with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose levels. no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at
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the u.s. preventative services task force issued this new guidance today. it recommends women get a mammogram every other year starting at 40. until now, the recommendation was every other year starting no later than 50. the change is in response to rising cancer rates among women in their 40s. the task force estimates that this could save up to 20% more lives compared to the old guidance. insurance companies often follow the task force's recommendations when determining coverage and reimbursements. a san jose newspaper is taking legal action against the hottest trend in tech. we're talking about artificial intelligence. the mercury news and seven other newspaper publishers filed legal claims against microsoft and open ai this morning. they claim the companies illegally used
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copyrighted articles to train their ai models. when asked about the accusations, open ai said it takes great care to support news organizations. microsoft declined to comment. this legal challenge comes after the new york times sued open ai a couple of months ago over similar copyright issues. if you've been to mcdonald's lately, you may have noticed fast food isn't necessarily cheap food anymore. prices are up, and the burger chain is facing backlash today in a call with investors, the president and ceo of mcdonald's acknowledged rising prices have pushed away some customers. he says mcdonald's needs to be laser focused on affordability to attract diners. meanwhile, to try and convince customers the prices are worth it. the chain has rolled out an improved version of its burgers, and it's also working on a larger burger, a legendary rocker with ties to the bay
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sammy hagar was recognized for his contributions to the world of rock and roll music. the ceremony was held today. speakers included john mayer and hagar's longtime manager, the salinas native is known for
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classic hits such as i can't drive, 55 heavy metal, and for being the lead singer of van halen. following david lee roth's departure. over the last five decades, hagar has amassed 25 platinum albums and $50 million in sales worldwide. hagar lives in mill valley. i know it's a bay area guy and you know a rock star and you know his nickname. what? the red rocker, the red rocker, the red rocker. i know raj knew that. i'm so glad you said that. yeah, i was hoping you would say that. we love the red rocker. yeah don't forget, you can watch our newscast 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. and raj joins us now with what's coming up next at 530. here's what we have. the recount is complete, but there's still controversy. a few hang ups in that race to replace congresswoman anna eshoo. so what happens now? also, a new probe into how meta handles election information. the european commission leading this charge. and we're going to take a look at the investigation. and organizers say the california for


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