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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  May 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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crowd would stop anyone in their tracks as a story, you'll see only on seven. >> could it be the calm before the storm. the lapd is standing ground on the campus of ucla, and right now protesters are gearing up. >> you just saw it, brittney griner on her efforts to help other americans jailed abroad. and tonight we have the desperate pleas from those families. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> but it was horrifying. i couldn't believe how bad it was. i'm like, okay, i need to be careful when i walk around, even at night with my dogs. >> we begin tonight with an abc
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seven news exclusive, and this disturbing doorstep delivery. a longtime san francisco local and dog walker shaken by what he found on his front door. good evening. >> i'm ama daetz, and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. this man says he is livid after finding a doll with a noose around its neck, among other things, on the doorstep of his own home in alamo square. >> abc seven news anchor dion lim is on the hate crime investigation and an interview you'll see only on seven. >> i want to go walking dogs. i'm constantly watching my shoulder now. >> it was just an ordinary morning for dog walker terry williams. when he woke up to take his own three rottweilers out for a walk around 6:00, april 26th. what his father found on the doorstep of their alamo square home shook terry to the core. >> he said, hey, you got to pack this down here, son. >> a plastic bag with terry's address and a foreboding message scrawled in marker. >> then it had gangster, thug and then it had some other negative stuff about black people on there, the contents
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inside. >> even worse, they had a picture of me with a noose around his neck. >> then it had a noose around one of the little dog figures, also inside this stuffed doll, so graphic and laden with slurs. >> we can't show any of it on tv. >> and it's like, call me monkey, go pick cotton. >> same goes for a sheet of paper inside the bag. >> the 4th of july is for white people, not for black people. >> terry says. as someone living in alamo square since the 70s, he's no stranger to racism, but never vitriol and hate like this. >> i take the high road and just back away. >> terry has no idea who could have left the package, but provided police the surveillance video from a neighbor showing an individual approaching his home around 1230 that morning. sfpd tell me the incident is being investigated as a hate crime. terry is sharing his story not just to represent his industry as a minority dog walker. >> i'm trying to get more people of my color to do it, but to encourage others to speak out and help end the hate in the neighborhood he loves and calls
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home just got to stop. my people don't speak up. they always keep everything tucked in. you got to speak up. don't let this. you can't let this go by. the more stuff we let go by, the more they feel entitled to do stuff to us. so this is my way of stepping up and standing out saying, no, i'm not letting this happen no more. the only thing is just make me want to stay and fight harder. >> i'm not going nowhere in san francisco. deon lim, abc seven news. >> he's not going anywhere, and neighbors have rallied behind terry and started a gofundme to help him pay for security cameras at his home. you can find a link to it on our home page of the website. abc seven happening now. >> things are rapidly intensified on the campus of ucla. the los angeles police department is warning everyone in the student encampment there to leave or potentially face the consequences. we have a live picture of the scene on campus. you can see still plenty of people hanging around that area. the lapd has declared the pro-palestinian protest as an unlawful assembly. officers arrived on campus shortly before
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nightfall and came over the loudspeakers around 8:00 pm, ordering the protesters to disperse. video shows some of the demonstrators setting up barricades to block officers from their camp. now, some are wearing hard hats and protective gear to defend against what might be to come. the activity on ucla's campus spiked almost 24 hours ago, when counter-protesters threw fireworks and other objects into the encampment. ucla is now moving all classes online tomorrow and friday. of course, that's just one of the countless protests now gripping college campuses across the country. and on this may day, students in the bay area are sharing their perspectives with us on the ground. abc seven news south bay reporter lauren martinez is hearing from those at multiple universities about their message tonight. i've got the power. >> we got the power, a student activist organization from san jose state, held a rally to recognize workers rights on may day and to stand for the people of palestine. >> it is a historic moment for
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students all around the world, especially in the united states. >> san jose state students tell me, even though they don't have a pro-palestinian encampment on campus, their advocacy work continues because we are antiwar in our organizing efforts and we do not want senseless bloodshed, especially for corporate profit. >> palestine. >> on wednesday, students at uc santa cruz are the latest to launch their own encampment. organizers say they put a lot into planning a safe and peaceful demonstration. >> we are completely hands off. we are not going to be touching the police. any counter-protesters, we are like, we will not be touching anybody. we will not be inciting any violence, any destruction, any destruction. >> students say it feels powerful to add their voices to the growing protests and raise awareness. michelle is palestine , sasha stetler is jewish. >> it just warmed my heart to see all different types of people. also like also believing that it is wrong for a genocide
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to be happening, to be a jew in a time of genocide. >> it is incredibly important for us to raise our voice and stand in solidarity with those that are being affected. >> at santa clara university, students and faculty held what was called a teach in on gaza event on wednesday that went peacefully in the south bay. lauren martinez abc seven news. >> may day rallies and protests were held all throughout the bay area today. crowds not only called for workers rights, but also a cease fire in gaza and ending america's support of israel's response to the hamas attack. multiple messages heard today, in what organizers said was a show of unity by one of the largest rallies, took place in oakland. this crowd of a few hundred marched in a big loop through uptown and back around to frank ogawa plaza, where they gathered for speeches and a big rally in the shadows of city hall. >> well, let's move on. you saw it right here on abc seven. an exclusive interview with wnba star brittney griner about her time in a russian prison. among
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the topics the americans still held in russia and griner's work now with hostage focused nonprofits. >> you wrote that you were hoping to see someone else on that plane. you were hoping to see paul whelan. >> when i walked on and i didn't see him, i was like, okay, maybe i'm early, maybe, you know, maybe he's next, maybe they're going to bring him next and when they closed the door i was like, are you serious. you're not going to let this man come home? >> while griner is home, there are still dozens of americans wrongfully detained or being held as so-called publicly disclosed hostages in other countries. many of their families went to capitol hill this week to demand that more be done. abc seven news reporter j.r stone has their stories. >> this round table house foreign affairs committee meeting might not get the same attention as wnba star brittney griner, describing her time in a russian prison. but similar topics are being discussed. you see, these families have loved
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ones that are being wrongfully detained in other countries now, for 628 days, he's been held hostage in a basement cell by the taliban intelligence services 11 years, eight months and one week. >> he was stopped at a checkpoint and wrongfully detained till today. we don't know why or what happened. we last heard from my dad in october and he could barely make out the words that he was saying because he had stabbing chest pains and difficulty breathing. >> giselle charmot is describing her father, jimmy. she says he's being held in iran, leaving his family in california, fearing for the worst. there are currently 49 americans wrongfully detained in other countries, according to the james foley foundation. those at this meeting also have loved ones being held in afghanistan, syria and russia. news of the trade agreement to help get brittney griner back to the us was addressed. >> how do we cherry pick
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hostages? >> and that should not happen. we should not have a celebrity like brittney griner being brought out by paul wieland. is left behind, and i do give the administration some credit. >> but i also want to raise issues. for instance, we traded victor boot, one of the world's most notorious arms dealers, called the merchant of death, for brittney griner, a basketball player who had a vape pipe. if we're going to do trades, i think the trade should be a fair trade. >> lawmakers, though, vowing to try and do more. >> this cannot be acceptable all on the global stage. >> you do matter. your loved ones that are being held do matter. if these families want us to talk and advocate, but i think we ought to do it now, i hope for more dialog and negotiations to get these wrongfully detained individuals back to america. >> jr stone, abc seven news. >> vallejo city hall will reopen tomorrow, but business will be
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by appointment only. that's after students staged a sit in this afternoon protesting an early morning city council decision to deny a charter school's permit for a new downtown campus. students from elite public school took over the second floor of city hall in this very loud and spirited rally. the council last night overturned a planning commission decision to issue the school a major use permit. it was for campus inside a vacant building on georgia street in the city's downtown. opponents say the city's downtown core is no place for a 400 student school. >> we have some may rain on the horizon, but we're still enjoying this lovely stretch of weather as we take a live look outside. >> abc seven news meteorologist andy patel is getting us ready for our thursday in our 24 hour accuweather forecast. sandhya. yeah and ama if you like today's weather, you're going to love the weather for thursday. >> that's for sure. so let's check out our live picture from our mount tam cam. visibility is just terrific. it is still a
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little breezy in some areas, and it was a warm one inland today up into the low 80s right along the coast in the 50s. temperatures today generally 5 to 9 degrees above average. still retaining some of that warmth from earlier. today. it's 60 degrees right now in santa rosa, san jose, santa rosa, 61 degrees tomorrow morning. sunny and comfortable. temperatures low to mid 50s at 7 a.m. noontime. those temperatures are rising and we're going to have that spring warmth around with 80 showing up once again. breezy along the coast for the evening hours as we check out live doppler seven tracking saturday's storm. i'll let you know if it's going to wash out your weekend plans, or if it's going to be out of here before most of your plans begin. coming right up, dan. >> okay, sandy, thanks a lot. new details a scathing city audit requested by the naacp reveals how the city of oakland dropped the ball on applying for more than $15 million of state grant funding to help fight retail theft. >> last year, there were was no project management and no one
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really took charge. >> that's michael houston, oakland's acting city auditor. on the 37 page report, a communication breakdown led two city departments to separately work on applications and then still miss the deadline at first, oakland mayor shengtao pointed fingers at her city administrator, but then she took accountability during her state of the city address. >> we missed an opportunity with the retail theft grant, and as mayor, i own that, the mayor's office says today that her administration has improved their grant management process and secured millions in other grants and state support. >> well, it comes as oakland is seeing crime rates fall through the first third of the year. >> police data shows a 33% drop in overall crime compared to the same stretches last year. this includes homicides, assaults, rapes and burglaries. burglaries were down 50, but robberies remain high. they're up 11% compared to the same period last
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year. for our abc seven news data team looked at similar stats over the past year and found similar declines. we give you the power to use those same tools where you live. just check out the abc seven neighborhood safety tracker for a wide range of public safety statistics in san francisco, oakland and san jose. you will find it on abc seven >> a serious false start. the reason a bay area high school swim team is missing out on its championship. >> meet the fight over fake meat. florida governor ron desantis is stepping in, and the brand new night time event coming tomorrow in downtown san francisco. first, a look at what's coming up tonight on jimmy kimmel live! right after abc seven news at 11. jimmy. thanks dan and amna tonight it's just you me and ryan g. >> make up. >> can i get some powder. how do i look. do i look cool
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peat in the north coast. high school championships. because of an error in their team's submission. 13 swimmers from acalanes high school qualified for the meet, but when their coach went to submit their names, he encountered issues with the system. the coach says he reached out to the organizers for help, but he never got a response. students now say this meet could have changed a been a chance to qualify for the state championships. >> we've all been working for this for a really long time, and having our first year taken away from covid, and then now this being stripped away from us as well is just devastating. >> organizers tell us they sent
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a reminder to all members and that there will be no exceptions for late entries. >> florida governor ron desantis is taking a stand against fake meat. the republican leader signed a bill to ban lab grown meat from being sold in the state. he says the manufactured product is a threat to florida's agriculture. it's estimated there are 60 startups around the world working to produce lab grown meat. at abc seven news, we take pride in our mission of building a better bay area, and every day we celebrate the breakthroughs that are happening in our neighborhoods. our first tonight starts us in san jose. starting next year, 150 beds will be available in the city's newest interim housing site, via del oro. unhoused individuals within a one and a half mile radius will get first dibs. a philanthropist leased the land to the city for $1 a year for the next ten years, mayor matt mehan believes if more landowners do similar leases, it could be key to ending the city's homeless crisis. >> all about getting people
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stabilized faster and connected to the supportive services that enable them to reclaim some control in their lives and to get on the path to greater self-sufficiency. tsay. >> the city hopes to get residents on board by enforcing a no encampment zone within a two block radius of the quick build. >> our next abc seven building a better bay area breakthrough, is the unveiling of a new bike station in san mateo county, and we were there to check it out. >> as today kicks off, national bike month this is the first bay wheels bike share station in the county. it's in the daly city bart parking lot. >> now the idea here is to offer electric and pedal powered bikes to get you to nearby neighborhoods. bay wheels now has more than 500 stations in six bay area cities, and our final abc seven building a better bay area breakthrough is a party. >> tomorrow, san francisco will kick off its first ever downtown first thursdays event. the free monthly street party will span several blocks of second street from market to folsom. it's an effort from the city to
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revitalize downtown with live music, beer gardens, vendors, art and fashion. as in its name, the event is the first thursday of each month, going from five until 10 p.m. and sounds like maybe the rain is going to hold off just long enough. >> that is really fun. let's hope it does. we know the person who can tell us that meteorologist sandhya patel sandy. >> yeah, and deanna, i think you don't have to worry about the rain on that event, but saturday things are going to be different. let me show you some live pictures from our tower cameras taking the views. they are spectacular no matter what direction you are looking tonight, visibility is terrific and it is pretty mild outside 60 in the san jose area right now, 63 concord, 50 san francisco, oakland right now at this hour 60 in sonoma, believe it or not, 64 in fairfield, 61 degrees in santa rosa. we check out the temperatures compared to 24 hours ago. they are running higher by seven degrees in santa rosa. it is still gusty as we expected. earlier in the day it was also very gusty in parts of
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the bay area, not everywhere right now. 26 miles an hour in novato, santa rosa, 22. we're in that pattern with high pressure here, northwesterly winds that's going to continue. so we'll bring in another day or two of spring warmth through friday before our next system gets in here. and this storm is what's going to bring us the rain on saturday. so here's a look at a live picture right now from our pier 39 camera. the week ahead. tomorrow so sunny and mild to warm again. saturday rain, big drop in temps and next week we are talking about a gradual warming trend to return tomorrow morning. we start off with those temperatures in the comfort zone, but as we head into the noontime hour, it warms up nicely. in the 70s inland 60s, right around the coast, a few 50 showing up, and then at 3 p.m. we will see those temperatures coming up into the 80s for some locations above average. once again, your morning numbers will be in the 40s and the 50s. mainly clear skies. tomorrow afternoon you're looking at 82 in fairfield, 59.5 moon bay. everybody else in between but a
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beautiful spring day. and then here comes a spring storm on saturday. it's a light level. one rain, briefly. heavy, slick roads, breezy conditions, a half an inch to an inch expected for most areas. saturday at 4 a.m. the rain starts to move into the north bay. it spreads at 8 a.m. notice the oranges here. some brief heavy rain expected. the latest models are going heavier, but not the entire time. 10 a.m. you will notice the heaviest showers in the south and east bay and then turning over to scattered showers for the afternoon and evening hours of saturday. so if you do have plans, keep that in mind. the sierra is going to pick up some snow and it will be heavy saturday afternoon, mixing in with some rain and then the breeze kicks in so rainfall projections. most of you will be in that half an inch to an inch category. now if you have travel plans to tahoe friday is your best day to get up there. bright and sunny, 62 degrees saturday it's going to be snow heavy at times, rain and gusty temperatures dropping and a slight chance of a few showers on sunday in the tahoe area.
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accuweather seven day forecast that warmth holds for a couple more days. although the fog returns in patches friday morning and then that level one storm. much cooler, wet and breezy on saturday. don't worry, by sunday you'll get a chance to get outside the weather cooperates and a little bit milder heading into next week. ama and
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my 100% all-white meat popcorn chicken combos for $6.99? you're in luck, i did. if you weren't thinking that, i bet you are now. my popcorn chicken combos are only $6.99. get 'em sauced & loaded for just a buck more. welcome to jack in the box!
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the los angeles dodgers and the arizona diamondbacks turned sideways because of b's. yeah it's been all the buzz today. >> matt hilton of blue sky pest control in phoenix, arizona, saved the day and got the game started last night. he had been at his six year old t-ball game when he got the call, hoping his son would understand. >> he was unfortunately in bed by the time i got home around 11 or so. i know he was originally a little bummed, but it kind of was. it was kind of cool because when he got home with the rest of my family, because i have four kids, they got home right in time to see the, the ceremonial first pitch that they let me do. that kind of helped lessen the blow. and, i think he's forgiven me since. >> i'll bet. >> look at this. from the little league field to the big leagues a day matt hilton and his family
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will never forget. he was great. >> great story. all right, well, would you believe the a's have a better record than the giants? >> that is hard to believe, isn't it? sports director larry beil is here. larry. >> dan. umma, the a's have a slightly better record with a payroll that is $145 million less than the giants. i'll tell you what. you got to deal with mason miller and that oakland bullpen. good and cache in, at cache creek casino resort,
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right now they're 15 and 17, giants 14 and 17 close. but the a's going for a sweep of the pirates this afternoon. stomper where's my broom. where's my broom. we're sweeping these guys. no score in the second inning. that is about to change. courtesy of abraham toro. high, deep and ■aloha means goodbye. one nothing. athletics more power in the third. tyler nevin, son of former padre phil nevin. his hit streak now at nine games. another bomb. the a's claim nevin when the orioles just let him go take him. former giant ross stripling had lost his last ten decisions. that streak is over. strikes out o'neill cruz right there. six scoreless frames and the win for stripling and the closer mason
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miller. this guy throws an easy 100 miles an hour gets ke'bryan hayes on the ground out. that ends the game. a's victorious four. nothing they have won four straight. how about the giants in boston jorge soler he's frustrated. takes it out on his bat. thunder thighs right there my leg would be broken a third inning tom murphy this is high. this is deep. this is over. the monster solo homer that he hit, wicked had giants down two one in the fourth. mike yastrzemski, carl's grandson. oh, that's a perfect bunt. brings in the tying run. that's yaz's mom. she loves it. but the sox score the final four runs of this game. dominic smith right here. rbi single and the giants fall six two. nba playoffs tonight. mavericks and clippers in game five luka doncic under the weather battling an injury. he's out there. kawhi leonard out yet again with knee issues. all luka all the time. doncic slicing and dicing through the clipper defense for the layup. the mavs
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they just go right into la and dominate doncic here. one on one against the center. step back three. he had 35 mavericks cruise on the road one 2393 to take a32 series lead. let's kick it. bay fc hosting portland. oh no! double head knock. ouch. 60th minute bay fc down a goal. deyna castellanos shoots and scores were tied at two apiece, but former stanford star sophia smith scored twice and this is the game winner right there. lefty curving it home and portland holds on for a32 win. sports on abc sev
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you may new at 11 san kicked off asian american and pacific islander heritage month. >> tonight, our own abc seven news anchor, dion lim, hosted the ceremonies. they included several performances and awards for local dignitaries, including former mayor willie brown. tonight's event was put on by
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the apa heritage foundation. san francisco will have other cultural celebrations throughout the month, and we will try to cover as many of those as we can. that's right. >> all right. thank you so much for joining us tonight. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel. >> larry biel, all of us. we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel ryan gosling. >> have a great night. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, ryan gosling -- and jeff ross. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> j


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