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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 29, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> oh, so all right. that's your useless trivia for today. >> but there are so many stories that just branch out. we're like, oh my gosh, there's a lion king 75. >> i'm lying. there's a lion king guard. yes! yeah i know nothing about. does your son know about that? >> i'm sure he does. >> okay. >> my poor husband watching all the disney movies this morning. >> oh, i love it. i know we love it because it's paying the bills. it's paying mama's bills. >> mommy, can you put this on? can you put this on? i want the 74. give it to him. 74. >> have a good day, everybody. >> george: good morning america for our viewers in the west. widespread damage after severe weather hits the heartland. tornado outbreak. dozens of twisters reported leaving a trail of destruction. overnight severe storms from texas, oklahoma an entire town flattened.
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iowa, nebraska neighborhoods devastated. ginger tracking it all. the threat is not over. >> linsey: overnight president biden speaking with the israeli leader, discussing a potential deal for a cease fire in gaza and the release of more hostages as hamas circulates more video of an american israeli hostage seen for the first time in captivity. we hear from his family. >> george: hundreds arrested across the country. with college campuses in turmoil amid the israel/hamas war. why people from all sides say they don't feel safe. high schoolers set to make their final decision on where to go to college in just two days. >> gio: under fire. new york's governor seeking an investigation into a local district attorney's conduct. >> i'm the da. i was going 55 coming home from work. >> 55 in a 35. >> i don't really care. >> gio: what happened after she refused to pull over? >> george: jailed in the caribbean after authorities found bullets in an emt's backpack.
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>> we're scared he's not going to come home. my son can't grow up without a father. >> george: his wife's emotional plea and why several americans are facing similar charges. >> gio: monster in the closet. >> we gotta get outta here, now! >> gio: what a thermal imaging camera spotted after a child thought she had monsters in her bedroom. she wasn't wrong. >> linsey: bugging out for the cicada tsunami. why the buzz is even bigger with a rare double emergence. >> george: its's the circle of life. this morning an exclusive first look at the trailer for mufasa, the lion king. how it's a family affair with queen bey. ♪ >> linsey: and philadelphia's buzzing this morning as we rise and shine in the city of brotherly love. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> george: good week across the
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country starting in philadelphia. good morning america. great to be here with linsey and gio. hope you had a good weekend. >> linsey: so glad to be here. as a girl from south jersey, can't wait to rise and shine from philly this morning. we'll tell you about a barber shop there that does much more than teaching kids to cut hair. >> gio: janai is very excited about this. also the reason behind the price hike for fast food restaurants. rebecca jarvis will break that down. george? >> george: we begin with the latest round of severe storms. over the last four days there have been 130 tornado reports, several towns are devastated across the midwest. mola lenghi is in oklahoma. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, george. yeah, widespread destruction after these deadly tornados. here in sulphur, oklahoma, a town just levelled. you can see homes and business, mom and pop shops. these are small businesses reduced to piles of rubble. the deadly tornados flipping cars, ripping roofs off
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buildings. it's hard to even know how to begin to pick up the pieces. a flash flood emergency issued for grove town texas after a thunderstorm dropped close to a foot of rain, causing water rescues. in trinity county, officials say a tornado touched down, causing widespread damage. video capturing the moment a potential tornado was spot ted near rose bud texas. there's no words to describe. >> reporter: an ef-3 tornado with winds over 135 miles per hour leaving at least two people dead including a 4-month-old baby. in sulphur, oklahoma, an entire town flattened. >> tornado right here! right in front of us! >> downtown sulphur is destroyed. >> just never dreamed it would be this much damage. >> reporter: boutique owner julie cox spoke with abc about
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the experience after hers and other sulphur, oklahoma, businesses were left destroyed, saying she worries how she'll rebuild. >> devastation. i have a lot of friends that own this whole street. we're all like family here. >> reporter: in iowa several people were injured and one killed where officials say nearly half the homes there have been destroyed. this morning thousands of people remain without power and about a dozen counties throughout oklahoma remain in a state of emergency, linsey. >> linsey: so much of sulphur unrecognizable at this point. mola, thank you. now let's go over to ginger, who's tracking where the danger is headed next. good morning, ginger. >> ginger: hey, linsey. lots of folks along southeast texas into louisiana waking up with warnings this morning. that's where we'll start, in houston where the earth cam shows showers there. it's the flash flood warnings east of there that have us concerned. you could see 1 to 2 inch per hour rainfall easily. some have seen 6 to 9 inches in just this storm.
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flood watches are up. if you get a flood warning don't drive if you don't have to. this atmosphere is ripe, right? we're late april, early may. these are extremely normal things to happen. however, we're going to see the same area get hit again tomorrow. anywhere from sioux falls, down through des moines, back through kansas city into eastern kansas, northeastern kansas, you want to watch out, especially dinnertime tomorrow. george, we will be following severe weather, unfortunately, throughout the week. april is just that type of usual. usually the third most prolific with torsd. >> george: thanks. we know you'll be on it. overseas and the new push for a cease fire deal in gaza as hamas releases video of an israeli-american hostage held in gaza. foreign correspondent tom soufi burridge is on the scene and spoke with his brother. good morning, tom. >> reporter: good morning, george. yeah, this could be a crucial week for the future of this region. key talks happening in cairo, with secretary of state blinken in saudi arabia amid a major u.s.-led diplomatic push to try and severe a deal for a cease fire in gaza and the release of
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more hostages. this morning with the u.s. and allies pushing israel and hamas to reach a deal for a cease fire in gaza and the release of more hostages, the family of american-israeli keith siegel seen in captivity in a new hamas video, speaking out. >> i and my family hear every day with passion that keith and the other hostages aren't released, exposes them to potential harm if not death. >> reporter: keith's brother david talking to us from rochester, new york, saying that hamas video in which 64-year-old keith breaks down with emotion while speaking under duress gives the family hope at this crucial time. >> we know this is very good news and we're also just terrified that, as each day goes by, something could happen. >> reporter: do you believe the prime minister netanyahu is willing to make enough compromises to get a deal?
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>> i'm asking our whole family is asking him, begging him, to come to terms with whatever the deal needs to be. >> reporter: that video of keith coming after another hamas video of another american-israeli hostage, 23-year-old hersh goldberg-polin. overnight president biden on the phone with netanyahu discussing a potential deal. the israeli leader coming under increasing pressure from protesters on the street and from within his own government. netanyahu's far right coalition partners warning against a potentially reckless deal with hamas. war cabinet minister saying if hostages aren't prioritized the government will not have the right to continue to exist. the white house saying a proposed deal is on the table and it's being considered by hamas. >> we want it to last for about six weeks. it would allow for all those
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hostages to get out and, of course, to allow for easier aid access to places in gaza, particularly in the north. >> reporter: with the u.s. and jordan continuing to get aid into gaza, the u.n. still warning not enough food is reaching northern gaza. the idf releasing video showing on shore preparations as u.s. troops work up the gaza coast to construct a temporary floating pier so large shipments of aid can be brought in. guys, just in. blinken urging hamas to accept what the u.s. secretary of state is calling an extraordinarily generous offer. a senior figure in hamas telling abc news there is progress in relations for the new proposed deal, but some issues still need to be negotiated. gio? >> gio: more than 200 days into this war. all right, tom. thank you very much. amid the war there is growing unrest on college campuses. police arresting hundreds of people this weekend as protests with high schoolers making their decision on where to go to college in just two days. trevor ault is at usc in los angeles with more on this.
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good morning, trevor. >> reporter: good morning, gio. the heightened response from police and from universities seems to really only be hardening the resolve of a lot of these protesters. what's especially notable is we have people on all sides here, outside and inside the department demonstrations who say they don't feel safe. this weekend, hundreds arrested on college campuses across country. pro palestinian demonstrations escalating further, along with counteder protests and the police response to these accelerating tensions. >> i support the right for people to protest, always, as they should have. i think it brings in a lot of outside, like, stuff. >> reporter: demonstrations from northeastern to indiana, washington university in st. louis, and arizona state, many demanding their schools divest from companies believed to be profiting from the war and calling for a cease fire. several accusing police and their universities of infringing on their right to protest. >> we want to feel supported by our institution.
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we want to feel like they're meeting us. >> we will not be leaving until those demands are met. >> reporter: cornell suspending several students. school officials also accusing some protesters at rallies on campus of chanting anti-semitic phrases. at ucla sunday, pro israel demonstrators holding a counter protest. >> they don't know what is going on in gaza. they don't know what is going on. they need to learn. >> reporter: thousands showing up. university saying a group breached the barrier separateding the two groups leading to some violent altercations. the l.a.p.d. issuing a tactical alert for the weekend. officials at usc accusing some demonstrators of harassment and vandalism, saying no to genocide painted on this statue. this morning, with no end in sight for these demonstrations, more and more colleges and universities grappling with how to move forward. >> public universities and colleges and the police don't have the right to stop a message. they have a right sometimes to
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stop the manner in which the message is being conveyed. hate speech is not protected. there are certain kinds of speech that are protected, but protesting the government's involvement in a conflict overseas is classic first amendment protected activity. >> reporter: and it has been noted that some of the people at these campus demonstrations, including some arrested, are not students. here at usc, the student, faculty, staff, still have to show their i.d. just to get on campus. george? >> george: okay, trevor. thanks. latest on donald trump's criminal trial in manhattan. it resumes tomorrow with testimony from a banker who helped michael cohen set up hush money deal with porn star stormy daniels. aaron katersky is at the courthouse. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, george. the jury is not going to be seated here today, but tomorrow they are going to hear from that banker. he helped michael cohen set up the shell company that cohen used to secretly wire stormy daniels her hush money.
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gary farro is his name. he testified cohen was always in a hurry. every time michael cohen spoke to me, he gave a sense of urgency. prosecutors said that hush payment was a campaign expense and charged trump with falsifying documents. a prosecutor asked his former personal assistant, and when you saw her at trump tower, did you know at that time she was an adult film actress? graph answered, yes, i did. she recalled hearing trump saying daniels may be an interesting contestant on the apprentice. as graff testified trump was subdued. he rose to greet her as she left the witness stand. the two have known each other for 30 years. prosecutors, george, will not be disclosing the order of their witnesses. they fear trump would only verbally attack them. going to be a hearing thursday as the judge considers whether to hold trump in contempt. george? >> george: okay, aaron.
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one of trump's potential picks for vice president south dakota's governor is on defense after strong backlash about a story of the governor shooting her dog. chief washington correspondent jon karl has the story. this is a weird one. >> reporter: george, this is quite a story. it's a story no one recounts in a new book about a short haired pointer, wire haired pointer hunting dog she had on her farm. she said was untrainable. she tried to take the dog out hunting with other dogs. while the dog had a great time running around, it scared off the birds away, it was a disaster. on the way back from that hunting trip she writes she stopped by to see some friends. the dog jumped out of the truck and started attacking her friend's chickens, killing several of them, even whipping around trying to bite noem. noem said she then took the dog out to a gravel pit, george, shot the dog. she said, quote, i hated that dog. as you can imagine, this has caused quite a backlash.
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noem, however, sticking by this, defending herself writing over the weekend, i can understand why some people are upset about a 20-year-old story of cricket one of the working dogs on her ranch. she said in her book is filled with many honest stories of my life, good and bad days, challenges, painful decisions and lessons learned. linsey? linsey? >> linsey: jon an interesting one there. thank you. we turn to the fast food sticker shock after the minimum wage was raised. our chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis is here with details. good morning, rebecca. >> reporter: good morning, linsey. i am hearing from customers every day who say they are already feeling that sticker shock. restaurants have been warning about this since september when california voted to increase large fast food chains minimum wage by 25% from $16 to $20 an hour. in that time restaurants in the state have increased prices by 10% faster than all other states
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according to data essential. the wage increase is meant to give more financial security to the more than 500,000 people who work in fast food restaurants in california and are not teenagers, but adults working to support their families. the california restaurant association said the price hikes were entirely predictable, result of the minimum wage increase. since it took effect, job losses reduced working hours, restaurant closures and higher prices have been on going, the group said. guys, this is something all the consumers who are facing it now are now facing a choice of whether or not to trade down. many of them i hear are doing just that. spending less because they have to spend more. gio? >> gio: absolutely. thank you very much. we're going to turn to the nba playoffs. lebron james and the lakers will try to avoid an early exit tonight. will reeve is here. you told me you were rooting for the knicks. you got it. that's a big win. >> good morning. it was a saturday of blowouts,
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but sunday, sunday delivered. it was great basketball drama. one series already wrapped. anthony edwards and minnesota finishing the sweep of the phoenix suns. now let's get to the knicks. the new york knicks winning a thriller in philly. new york's jalen brunson with a master piece scoring a franchise playoff record 47 points in win over the 76ers. joel embiid, who said he was disappointed with so many knicks fans swarming his home court. shout out to the knicks fan next to me at the bar saying brunson is the best thing to happen to new york since the renovation of la guardia airport. [ laughter ] the knicks now head home with a series lead 3-1. now out west, the clippers and mavericks in a high scoring shootout. dallas coming all the way back from a 31-point deficit, just falling short. clippers hanging on to even the series at two games apiece. the milwaukee bucks playing without their two star, losing 126-113 to the indiana pacers. milwaukee now on the brink of
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elimination. lebron james and the lakers are still alive, holding off the denver nuggets in hollywood on saturday. the series now heading back to denver with the defending champs up 3-1. that game is tonight along with celtics/heat and thunder/pelicans. >> linsey: gotta be happy for the new york knicks fans. they have been waiting for a moment like this. >> gio: look at the grin on his face. >> great time in new york. knicks are up 3-1 coming home. my new york rangers just had a first round sweep of the washington capitals. good time to be a new york fan. [ laughter ] >> george: good to see you happy. coming up an american arrested for carrying bullets in his bag while visiting a popular u.s. tourist attraction. we have his wife's emotional plea this morning. >> linsey: plus this da is under fire for failing to pull over for speeding. >> gio: why a toddler thought there was monsters in her room and why she wasn't wrong. first back to ginger. >> ginger: celebrating here in
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philadelphia the warmest day of the year so far. washington, d.c. could get close to a record, around 90. we'll stick with the above average temps for a few days.
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>> gio: don't miss your first look at mufasa, the lion king, right here on gma. stay with us. (vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it's a bit of a dinosaur, because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation.
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eviction. san francisco launched the emergency rental assistance program in 2021. it used money from increased property taxes on homes worth $10 million or more to help low income renters. most of the funds went to back rent, so people wouldn't be evicted. now here's amanda with your monday morning traffic. >> reggie, a mass transit alert for those relying on the golden gate ferry service remains suspended as pier repair continues. instead, golden gate transit has busses taking commuters between san francisco and sausalito. they will be on washington street in the city and anchor street in sausalito. reggie, we're going to check in with meteorologist lisa argen
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the north bay. this is the view from our east bay hills. camera top. vollmer peak at is 52, in santa rosa. that's a good recovery. petaluma though in the 40s there's already wind up in petaluma and the wind builds today. so no change there with mid 60s at the coast that's near average. but from pacifica to half moon bay to point reyes only in the 50s. and then we'll manage near 70 in oakland with mid 70s in our inland valleys, things are going to change and we'll be looking at a warming trend going through the weekend, or i should say the latter part of the workweek and then the weekend. that's a different story, reggie. all right. >> thanks, lisa, for streaming us on the abc7 bay area app. abc seven at seven is next. everybody else is watching gma. >> when a car knocks you off your bike, our team will get you back on your feet. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk a personal injury law call 866. walk up law. >> precision garage door is a local family owned business and part of your community. when
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two inhibitor. tic two is part of the jak family. it's not known. if so, tic two has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaques diocese has been hiding. there's only one, so tic two. so ask for it by name. so clearly you so tic two at tj maxx, you can afford to turn your closet into a place of endless expression with the quality, style, tools, and prices you love. >> max. what makes you you? >> let's get started. bill. where's your mask? >> i really tried sleeping with it. everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire. >> inspire. no k m >> linsey: such an iconic movie scene. welcome back to gma. wouldn't be a morning in philadelphia without hearing the "rocky" theme song. ginger zee is on those steps right now as we rise and shine in philadelphia. [ laughter ]
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i don't know if you ever tried to run up those steps full speed. >> gio: yes. >> linsey: had to pause a little bit there. coming up we'll tell you about a barber shop in philly making a big impact on the community. >> gio: that song really pufps you up. >> linsey: it does. >> george: first top headlines including the severe weather. there have been more than 130 tornado reports over the last four days. strongest was in oklahoma with winds 165 miles an hour. also florida governor ron desantis met with donald trump for the first time since dropping out of the presidential race. source told abc news desantis requested the meeting hoping to, quote, bury the hatchet. desantis plans to raise money for trump's campaign. >> gio: candace parker is retiring. the three time wnba champ, two time gold medallist made the announcement on social media. she said at 38 she refuses to cheat the game. she was the first person to be named rookie of the year and most valuable player in the same season. congratulations to her. this is an unbelievable story,
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bee-lievable. >> linsey: accent on bee. >> gio: one north carolina family. a toddler insisted there were monsters in her bedroom, as one does, right? her parents thought it was just her wild imagination thanks to the recent viewing of "monsters inc." the family started to notice a few bees pop up, then a few turned into tens of thousands. a beekeeper tracked the bees down into the toddler's bedroom using a thermal imaging camera, discovering there was a massive hive there. now the tale is not over because honey bees are endangered. extermination not an option. the family had to begin the long process of removing them from the home. >> george: i was wondering how you were going to pay off that tease. it was a real story. >> gio: they're cute little monsters we don't kill, right? we have a lot more ahead including this. da underpressure for her conduct after she failed to stop for a speeding ticket. that's coming up, george. >> george: now an american arrested for bringing ammunition into the turks and caicos.
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one of a series of similar arrests, he's in custody. we are hearing from his wife this morning. >> reporter: he is waking up behind bars after bringing ammunition into the turks and caicos. his wife back in virginia with their 18-month-old son, hopeful they can get him out on bail this week. this morning the wife of an american emt is making an emotional plea to the turks and caicos police to release her husband from prison. >> he stopped me and said, i have to go. they're taking me to prison. i probably won't be able to talk to you. then it was, i love you, good-bye. >> reporter: tyler was on a cruise ship celebrating a friend's bachelor party when the ship made a stop in grand turks. when he was returning aboard, police say they found bullets in his backpack. the 31-year-old charged with possession of ammunition. >> we're just scared that he's not gonna come home. my son shouldn't have to grow up without a father. >> reporter: wenrick is just one
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of five american tourists to recently find themselves in this situation, bringing ammunition into turks and caicos is against the law and carries a minimum 12 year sentence. >> there was zero intention of ever breaking anybody's laws. >> reporter: ryan was arrested earlier this month when their bag was flagged by airport security. both of their passports confiscated, both charged with possession of ammunition. >> they walked back over and they pulled it up. it was at that point i realized, hey, those are bullets that i buy whenever i go deer hunting. >> reporter: valerie's charges were dropped after 11 days, but ryan remains on the island out on bail. ryan's case, the tsa confirming that four rounds of ammunition were not detected in the traveller's bag during security screening at will rogers world airport. a state department spokes person telling abc news they are aware of the arrests of u.s. citizens in turks and caicos and stand ready to provide all of
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appropriate consular assistance but adding u.s. citizens are subject to that country's laws citing a recent travel alert. >> they are ensuring their locality is safe for individuals to travel to, and that's why we see such a severe measure and punishment on these types of crimes. >> reporter: it's something michael grim learned the hard way. the 26-year-old back home after an eight month prison sentence after airport officials found a gun clip in his duffel bag. his mother warning others. >> it really is heartbreaking because just knowing what they're going through and what they could possibly be looking at, 12 years minimum sentence. >> eva: most of these cases are still pending but this is a good reminder to everyone traveling to double check their bag and check the state department travel advisories for the place you're visiting. you can't be careful enough. >> linsey: 12 year minimum sentence. >> eva: long time. >> linsey: thank you.
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now expanding police searches on long island believed to be linked to another suspected serial killer. the searches are being conducted by the gilgo beach task force but authorities are revealing few details. erielle reshef has details. >> with that multiagency search led by the task force set up to investigate the gilgo beach murders, new questions about what authorities are looking for and whether there could be a link to rex hueurman, the man charged in the murder of four women in that chilling case. this morning a deepening mystery as investigators with the gilgo police task force scour a wood area roughly 45 miles east of the infamous gilgo murder scene. the local da confirming a multiagency investigation, but declining to say what exactly they are looking for. architect rex hueuerman has been charged with the deaths of four women. he denies any wrongdoing. authorities have said their investigation continues to see
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if they can link hueurman to six other victims. >> you have to place the killer there, or have a connection there. >> reporter: law enforcement remaining tieing lipped on the focus of their expanded several but it is happening near where the body of sandra castillo was discovered in november of 1993. her murder remains unsolved. last week canine units, drones and squad cars descending on the thick brush of manorville, new york, where two victims of another convicted serial killer were found in the early '90s. vitrall had been looked at as a suspect in the gilgo beach murders and the death of castillo, but investigators have so far been unable to connect him to additional victims. >> the whole key in going to these other locations is to identify remains, if they find any, and what forensic information they can find that could potentially tie it to this particular killer or just someone else. >> it is still unclear what led
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investigators back to that area, or if they have found anything relevant to the gilgo beach murder investigation. manorville has come up in connection with the gilgo beach murders in the past after the remains of a woman were found there in 2003. rex hueurman is due back in court in june again. he denies any wrongdoing. so much more to come here. >> gio: such a mystery. thank you very much. coming up later here, an exclusive first look at robin's one on one with brittney griner. and what happened when this local district attorney failed to pull over for police? stick around. you're watching gma. police. stick around, you are watching "gma."
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>> linsey: back with a local district attorney under fire for her behavior after being pulled over for speeding. police body camera footage shows her yelling at the officer. demarco morgan is here with this story. demarco, this is a talker. >> everybody was talking about this over the weekend. this story sparking debate on privilege when it comes to position and who you know. well, the officer in charge that day wasn't having it. >> i'm the da. i was going 55 coming home from work. >> 55 in a 35. >> i don't really care. >> reporter: this morning new york's governor seeking a state investigation into a local district attorney's conduct after this traffic stop. >> get out of my bleep. >> reporter: sandra is under fire after police body cam footage shows her intense interaction with a police officer after refusing to pull over. >> stay over here, ma'am.
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>> i am not staying over here. >> this is a legal traffic stop. >> reporter: the video obtained by local abc affiliate wham captured the moment monroe county da sandra dolling, whose jurisdiction includes rochester new york arrived inside her home garage after officers tried to pull her over for speeding. >> can you tell him to leave me alone? >> hello, sir. >> reporter: in the video, she admitted she was speeding. >> you admitted to me you were going 55. i understand that, ma'am. >> i don't care. >> reporter: even flashing her credentials at one point. >> i am the da. >> okay. >> okay. let me get you my badge. i am the da. >> reporter: now new york's governor has referred the case to the commission on prosecuting conduct saying she has undermined her ability to hold others accountable for violating the law. all nine members of rochester's city council calling for an immediate investigation into her actions. >> i do think that she should resign. i'm not sure she will. >> reporter: the officer
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ultimately giving her a ticket. >> if you give me a traffic ticket, that's fine. i'm the one who prosecutes it. just do it. >> reporter: now apologizing in a video saying she plead guilty to speeding and will under go ethics training. >> i am so sorry. i have been humbled by my own stupidity. i'm fully to blame. >> she went on to say there i am humbled by my own stupidity. i am fully to blame. state lawmakers are joining calls for an immediate investigation into the conduct. there's protests to start at 9 a.m. >> gio: what a story. what a story. everything is on camera. >> everything is on camera. >> gio: demarco, thank you very much. lara has the play of the day. has so many people bugging out. >> lara: i'm sorry for this one. it has been called a cicada tsunami. for many of us the bugs are the sound track to spring or summer. this year though, going to 11, if you will. we'll tell you why they will be louder than ever or at least in more than 200 years.
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it's coming up on gma. it's coming up on "gma." dney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ the magic never leaves you when you stay an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. with the disney resorts collection. it's up early, giving you extra
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and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save. >> gio: back now with our play of the day. cicada apocalypse here. they're a little gross. they're very noisy. what else? >> lara: very well done there. yes, all of the above. it is said to be the biggest invasion in centuries. trillions of red eyed flying cicadas emerging from the ground in several parts of the u.s. already started in the south,
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where noise complaints are pouring in. we're on the brink of a cicada tsunami. >> what you are hearing is the cicada bug invasion. >> lara: tik tok is bugging out. >> billions of these bugs are about to burst from the ground together for the first time in over 220 years. >> lara: time to face the music, or in this case the buzz. in fact, some residents in newbury south carolina have their antenna twisted up. >> they're calling nonemergency. they flag deputies down. people think they are hearing a siren. like it might be a burglar alarm. >> lara: but this year, the buzz will be even bigger thanks to a rare double emergence, as two different groups awaken from their subterranean slumber at the same time. one group pops up every 13 years. the other only every 17 years. the last time this exact pairing has happened was 1803 when
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thomas jefferson was president, but now the cicadas are taking their party above ground in 13 states across the southeast and midwest. and despite the decibels, which can be as loud as a lawnmower or even a jet engine, cicada are harmless. >> they don't bite or sting. this is not something you have to be afraid of. >> lara: for some business owners that sounds like money in the bank. >> i saw throw back shirts are trending right now so i thought wouldn't that be interesting to do a cicada band. >> lara: i guess? [ laughter ] it's already noisy in the south as those red eyed flying noise makers made themselves known. convergence of the two groups is said to be worse in parts of the midwest and specifically, get ready illinois. for folks wondering how long we'll have to live with this, experts say that the life span of a cicada is just four weeks. >> gio: actual zombies, right?
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>> lara: little zombie apocalypse. [ laughter ] >> linsey: making my skin crawl there. >> lara: indeed. >> george: happy monday. [ laughter ] >> linsey: coming up, we rise and shine in philadelphia. janai norman is in the city of brotherly love. hey, janai. >> janai: hey, guys. i am here in the chair ready to go. at mustang barber shop, at dobbins technical high school. this is an incredible program that teaches students not only how to cut hair, but how to become business owners and so much more. we'll meet the incredible teachers of this really, really awesome program. who knows, guys, i could end up with a fresh fade. you won't change the channel now, right? stick around, be right back. chl now, right? [laughs] stick around. we'll be right back. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. come on. i already got a pneumonia vaccine, but i'm asking about the added protection of prevnar 20®.
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>> ginger: coming up an exclusive new look at the trailer for mufasa the lion king. plus more fun right here in philadelphia on gma. local news and weather that's coming up next. and a lot more it's not just designed to look good, it's built to command attention. it's not just a comfortable interior. it's a quiet refuge. they're not just headlights. they light the way
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everyone. our exploratorium camera bathed in sunshine. a beautiful start to the workweek where numbers here downtown, 5152, in redwood city and the golden gate bridge here, where today gets quite breezy once again. blustery at the coast 56 in concord, 53, in livermore. coming up a few degrees in our inland valleys to the low to mid 70s. otherwise very similar to yesterday with upper 60s on the bay shore, san francisco, near average in the mid 60s, 70 in oakland. but the winds here 30 to 40 miles an hour. the accuweather seven day forecast, little change for your tuesday. wednesday we begin to warm up away from the coast. that takes us through the end of the week. reggie >> thanks, lisa. it's more seven at seven. if you're on our abc seven bay area app. if not, it's gma. >> dear california dream, it's been a minute. i haven't given you much time lately because part of your whole dream thing is believing i can own my first
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>> commercial customers now get 3500 total bonus cash on the 2024 ram, 2000 503,500 tradesman crew cab create lasting memories at cirque du soleil kooza in san jose. >> join us under the big top to share unforgettable moments with your loved ones and be amazed by astonishing acrobatic feats kooza, now playing at santa clara county fairgrounds, kooza thanks its official partner, air canada. buy tickets at cirque du >> an >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. tornado outbreaks. overnight severe storms in texas and oklahoma. an entire down flatted flattened. iowa and nebraska neighborhoods devastated. ginger is tracking it all. the threat is not over.
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>> gio: your first look at robin's interview with brittney griner. >> robin: there's people who say, come on, how did you not know you had cart ridges in your luggage? what do you say to them? >> gio: her response and what was going through her mind when the cannabis oil was found. >> linsey: back on the dance floor. the stars of dance moms reunite. what it was like growing up on camera. their relationship with star abby lee miller. >> abby started at a ten and i ended up 13.5. >> that's one thing about abby. although she was our dance teacher, it was so much more than just our dance teacher. >> linsey: and why it was so important to get back together. >> gio: long live the king. this morning an exclusive first look at the trailer for mufasa the lion king, and how queen bey is making it a family affair. ♪ a lovely day lovely day ♪ >> george: we're rising and shining in
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philadelphia with a special barber shop that's a buzz. >> it just has the it factor in philadelphia. i'm just so proud to be part of it. >> george: setting students up for success and giving back to their community, as they say -- >> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> george: big crowd there in philly. good morning america. hope you had a good weekend. >> linsey: and janai norman is there in philly as we rise and shine from the city of brotherly love. i think she's gonna get a fade. [ laughter ] she's at a very special barber shop. we're waiting for it. >> gio: we're waiting for it, janai. learning how to cut hair is only part of what the high school students learn there. we've got a big surprise for them coming up. >> george: first we start with the latest round of severe storms. over the last four days there have been 130 tornado reports. several towns devastated across the midwest. let's go back to mola lenghi. good morning, mola.
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>> reporter: good morning, george. yeah, sulphur, oklahoma, pretty much unrecognizable. much of the town reduced to rubble. these were people's homes, small businesses, mom and pop shops. these deadly tornados flipping cars, ripping roofs off of brick buildings, ripping the walls off brick buildings. just complete destruction this morning. this morning utter devastation after severe weather ripped through parts of the heartland. a flash flood emergency issued for grove town, texas, after a thunderstorm dropped close to a foot of rain causing water rescues. in trinity county officials say a tornado touched down, causing widespread damage. video capturing the moment a potential tornado was spotted near rose bud, texas. >> there's no words to describe. >> reporter: in rural holdenville, oklahoma, winds 135 miles per hour leaving two people dead, including a 4-month-old baby. in sulphur, oklahoma an entire
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town flattened. >> tornado right in front of us! right in front of us! there it is! >> reporter: in iowa, several people were injured and one person killed in minden where officials say nearly half the homes have been destroyed. well, this morning thousands of people still without power and about a dozen counties throughout oklahoma remain in a state of emergency. >> linsey: our hearts go out to those families. mola, thank you. now growing unrest on college campuses amid the israel/hamas war. police arrested hundreds of people this week in protests. this comes as high schoolers are set to make their final decision on where to go to college in just two days. let's go back to trevor ault at usc in los angeles. good morning again, trevor. >> reporter: good morning, linsey. yes, another weekend where the protests continue to grow, tensions around them grew even higher and many more people were arrested. hundreds taken into custody at encampmentes and protests from
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northeastern to indiana to arizona state. lot of these protesters are demanding their university divest from organizations that they believe are profiting from the war. they're calling for a cease fire. they say they are not going to stop. they are not going to leave until their demands are met. some schools like cornell are starting to suspend students, accusing some of them of chanting anti-semitic phrases. at ucla some pro israel demonstrators staged a counter demonstration. it did lead to some violent con altercations between those two groups. at usc officials say while students do have a right to demonstrate, they are accusing some of harassment and vandalism. specifically say no to genocide was painted on a campus statue. what is notable, we have heard from people on all sides who say they don't feel safe. some say they don't feel safe because of the actions of the demonstrators but some say they don't feel safe because of the police response to the demonstrations. gio? >> gio: thank you very much. now king charles, set to resume some public duties this week as
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he under goes cancer treatment. james longman is at buckingham palace with more on this. good morning, james. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, gio. some good news last for britain's royal family. king charles is heading back to work. his doctors feel his cancer treatment is progressing well enough for him to return to public facing duties. he has been working behind the scenes since his diagnosis was made public in february. the palace is also saying any engagement he does have will be adapted so as not to put his recovery at risk. it all kicks off tomorrow. poignant visit to a cancer center where they will be shining a light on the importance of early diagnosis. then in june, they will host a state visit from the emperor and empress of japan. all this takes the heat off other members of the royal family. they've been picking up the slack since he and princess of wales kate had to take a step back from public duties opinion we do not know when kate is back. she shocked the world with her own cancer diagnosis. when her doctors feel it's safe enough to be back, i'm sure she will be.
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it is her and will's 13th wedding anniversary today so we wish them well. guys? >> george: we do. thank you, james. coming up, exclusive first look at robin's interview with brittney griner. what was going through her head when she was taken into custody in russia. >> linsey: also ahead the cast of dance moms reunited. they talk about growing up on camera and star abby lee miller. >> gio: plus the first look at the trailer for mufasa the lion king. lara has a great guest. hey, lara. >> good? we good? >> lara: oh, hi. just loving this lady. there are no hats in this house. jean smart is with us to tell us about the long awaited third season of her hit show. that is coming up on good morning america. can you tell we're excited? >> good morning america. sfx: [alarm clock ringing] sfx: [thunder] sfx: [email notification] ♪
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8:12 am
>> george: time for our gma cover story. first look at robin's interview with wnba star brittney griner. the athlete and activist told robin about those first moments she was arrested at a russian airport for carrying cannabis oil in her luggage. >> robin: you are on russian soil and cannabis oil was found, which you know is illegal there. what is racing through your mind during that time? >> just everything that i'm not gonna see. i'm thinking about my wife, thinking about what my family's going to think, public opinion's going to think. i can just see the headlines now. like, i could just visualize everything i worked so hard for, just crumbling and going away. and then to be somewhere where
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there's no understanding. in the u.s. i can articulate what happened, how this happened. i didn't plan to do this. this was an accident. it was an accident. i understand accidents have repercussions. but there's none of that. there's nothing. >> robin: you say it's an accident. there are people who believe you. but you know there are those who say, come on. how did you not know that you had cart ridges in your luggage? what do you say to the skeptics? >> i would say have you ever forgot your keys in your car, left your car running? have you ever, you know, where's my glasses? they're on top your head. where's my phone? it's in my pocket. it's just so easy to have a mental lapse, you know? granted my mental lapse was on a grander scale, but it doesn't take away from how it can happen. >> george: the memoir coming home is out tuesday may 7th. we'll have more of the interview this wednesday and the full primetime interview will run on
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"20/20" that night. >> lara: george, thank you. it is a dance mom reunion with dancers from the reality show back together for a reunion special. reviewing where things stand after all these years. eva pilgrim sat down with some of them. she's back to tell us about it. hey, eva. >> eva: this was so much fun. this show was a guilty pleasure for so many of us. some of the stars on the show were just little girls when they became famous. now all grown up and back together. fights, trophies and tears. >> how dare you call my daughter a sneak! >> eva: all routine on "dance moms." ♪ >> i can't tell you the last time we've been in the same room. >> ten years. >> eva: dance moms the reunion, a get together over a decade in the making. some of the cast of dancers sitting down with us ahead of special, chloe, kendall, brooke
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and paige and jojo. >> one two three four five six seven eight. >> eva: in one word, how would you describe your times on dance moms? >> crazy. >> an adventure. >> there were a lot of good times. i wouldn't change it for the wormed. >> the first word that comes to my mind is legendary. everybody has had a legendary experience with dance moms. ♪ >> eva: when you're that young, you're still figuring it out. >> i think a lot of people, at least with me, they're always like, you were such a brat on the show. i was going through puberty on national television. >> yeah. >> of course i'm going to get into an argument with my mom or cry if someone yells at me. >> eva: the cameras picking up the fierce tension between the moms. >> you had too much to drink. >> eva: seeing your moms played out that way. >> in the moment it sometimes is
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rough. those fights -- >> we'd go to dinner and the moms would be like, we're not mad at each other. >> anything that happened with the parents never interfered with us. >> girls out the room! girls out the room! >> eva: noticeably absent the woman at the center of much of the drama, dance instructor and series star abby lee miller. >> abby started at ten and i ended up at 13.5. she got harder. >> that's one thing about abby is that although she was our dance teacher, it was so much more than just our dance teacher. >> she definitely taught so many life lessons. >> yeah. when i do my eye liner in the morning i think of her. go out and in so you don't get wrinkles. >> eva: you actually still speak to her? >> if i were to see her. but i don't text her. >> i text her.
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i feel that after the reunion and us talking about it, going through everything, seeing her, i could move on. >> eva: those feelings you were having, you can't even really sort them out at that age. >> yeah. >> right. >> eva: and you're having to dance. >> they were genuine emotion. if i see my mom yelling at my dance teacher, that's not normal. so i would get upset because i just wanted to dance. i didn't want the dramanone of us did. >> eva: each of the girls trying to live their lives on their own terms. >> since the show i went to college. i'm back in pittsburgh. >> i'm a dance teacher. >> i got a degree in creative writing. i'm drafting my first fiction novel. >> i'm still in college. i go to james madison university. also on the dance team. i'm still dancing. >> eva: including jojo who just released a music video for her new song "karma." ♪ i was a bad girl i did some bad things ♪ >> eva: that music video is very grown up. >> no! >> eva: what?
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>> you think so? >> eva: it's a very different look for you. >> i told everybody on my team, look, there's a line and we have to go past it. my goal with this, i didn't care if people liked it or hated it. i wanted people to turn their head at it. i wanted people to talk about it. i am an entertainer. i am an artist. i'm not celine dion. i'm noted not a mariah car whether people like karma or not they sing it. they know it. [ laughter ] it's in their heads. at the end of the day it works. >> eva: what i love about these girls, they're still all friends and they are super supportive of each other. the reunion was special for them. while they've kept in touch, they haven't been together in the same place since the show. dance moms reunion premieres this wednesday night on lifetime. and to mark their new york trip here, they all got matching tattoos. >> lara: oh wow. they're all grown up.
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>> george: you didn't join in on that, did you? >> eva: no tattoo anywhere on my body. [ laughter ] >> lara: they seem so happy to be together. >> eva: they were so happy. just a genuine friendship that exists between them is genuinely special to watch. >> lara: really fun. thank you, eva. let's check in with ginger again, live in philadelphia. >> ginger: hi, lara. so great to be with you. how lucky are we? we get to be here in philadelphia, one of the nicest days of the year for a ray of sunshine herself, meteorologist karen rogers for 6 abc. philadelphia is known for cheesecake but also pretzels. >> we love our cheese steak, we love our pretzels. i bring you the ginger zee philly pretzel. what do you think of that? remarkable likeness. >> ginger: i was going to say they did a very nice job. eyebrows on point. lips are fuller than mine. >> they're artists there. >> ginger: since you brought us so many pretzels, i'll take this opportunity to eat and you can do weather.
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>> beautiful day, isn't it? it's warm. it's a little humid already. we are chasing record highs here in philadelphia. so today we're getting to the upper 80s. record high is 90. we're not alone in this heat. as you well know, all throughout the great lakes and northeast, we're dealing with the warmth out there. unseasonably warm temperatures. 90 for the high in d.c. they'll hit the upper 80s as well down in areas south and west, chasing those records. as we look at the next couple days we still stay in the 80s tomorrow. we cool off a little bit. mid 80s. little summertime treat for you, ginger. >> ginger: late april summer. >> need to finish off with a little water. >> ginger: that will happen before the end of
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>> linsey: time to rise and shine in philadelphia. the birth place of the united states, also home to some of the best barber shops in the country. janai norman is in north philly at a special barber shop that is one of a kind. i'm thinking you come back with a one of a kind hair style. maybe a little shave on the side? >> janai: yeah, you know, i think we can do the bun up top. they can cut it around. we're still figuring out what hair cut i'll get here at mustang barber shop. we are at dobbins technical high school. this is a really special place where the kids aren't just learning to become barbers and to cut hair, but how to run businesses and so much more. i'm going to introduce you to all of the incredible folks but
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check this out. in the heart of philadelphia, there's a contagious camaraderie at mustang barber shop. >> fun experience. just come here and be yourself. >> reporter: but the barbers behind the clippers are high school students. the shop inside dobbins technical high school. >> we are the only barber shop program within our city. our students can actually walk out being an entrepreneur. >> reporter: the program is led by faheem alexander. >> barber shops are the beacon in the inner city community. barbering just has the it factor in philadelphia. >> reporter: faheem traded his time working with celebrities like common, ice cube, for a seat at the head of the class, returning to his hometown to teach alongside miss angela miller. >> i'm here with angie. they understand me. they know what i need.
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>> i get to talk to them about my personal life outside school. >> reporter: on top of learning about tapers and fades, these students are giving back. >> dobbins just went to a baptist church on saturday and we gave hair cuts there. >> reporter: it's more than just the hair. it's about creating the feeling of community that barber shops are known for. >> with our students, when i see them, i see my 15-year-old self. >> i look up to him as, like, my pops. >> if you give a student a career, you're giving them an opportunity. you're giving them the sky. sky's the limit. >> reporter: all right, guys. i'm here with mr. faheem alexander and ms. angela miller. so great to be here with you guys. first, mr. faheem, you're from philly. >> born and raised in philadelphia. south philadelphia. >> reporter: south philadelphia born and raised on the playground -- no. >> barber shop as well.
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>> reporter: the barber shop. >> barber shop. >> reporter: so you came back home to philly to help out here in this barber shop. before that you didn't have any teaching experience. how has working here changed you? >> it changed me a lot. you know, sometimes i feel like joe clark the leading character morgan freeman. [ laughter ] >> reporter: explain a little more. >> took over east side high, troubled high school in north jersey. '88, '89 the movie came out. really good movie. dobbins reminds me of that. i had michael bell he showed up at 4 a.m. this morning to help for the shoot today. he'd bring my things. >> reporter: you feel that as much as you are pouring into them, they are pouring into you, too? >> yes, definitely. >> reporter: ms. alexander -- >> miller. >> reporter: sorry, ms. miller. when the kids leave here, they are getting certifications
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leaving high school. these are certifications from a barber school would cost $20,000. >> yes. >> reporter: what is it like for you to see them thriving not only here, but beyond? >> it's amazing. students are leaving with their license. they can go out, make money. they can have a business if they want to. they're changing lives. without having a loan to pay back. they're getting everything here at dobbins high school for free. >> reporter: that makes a huge difference. gives them such a head start. mr. faheem, you have been a celebrity barber. all the a-lister, common, all of them, the roots. >> that's my -- they're my folks. from the phrenology record. >> yeah. okay. well, we have got a very special message that we want to show you here, check this out. oh, my god. >> peace. what's up? mustang
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cuts. this is questlove. legendary roots crew. proud philadelphian. give it a shout out to my man mr. alexander and miss miller. congratulations on all that you've done for the city of philadelphia. well, mustang cuts next time in philly when i get home, i'm gonna pay a visit. thank y'all so much for doing so much for the community and for putting a bright spot on philadelphia peace. >> gotham. all right. >> and there's a little thing we like to say at gma. but wait, there's more. we've got another surprise for you. our friends at the grooming company bevel. they want to make sure that you guys are all set up here. they want to love on you guys and everything you're doing at the barbershop. so they're going to set you up with new clippers, new shavers. >> oh my god. and so much more. thank you. >> thank you. oh my god that's amazing. thank you thank you guys for all that you are doing pouring into this community. >> it is so important. thank
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you. thank you guys guys back to you. >> what a great idea. love that. such a difference. janay. thank you for bringing us that. and tomorrow. rise and shine. spotlight heads to the twin cities. coming up an exclusive first look at the mufasa trailer . they are the very best. >> they are champions. >> kind of blowing my mind. >> who are the jeopardy! masters? six all time greats. one incredible tournament. i think i'm doing this correctly. bring it. >> jeopardy! masters prime time event starts wednesday on abc. be the rookie new tuesday, nine eight central on abc. always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm stephanie sierra from abc seven mornings. let's get a look at traffic. amanda. good morning stephanie. >> we're going to take you straight to the east bay. our oakland, 8-80 camera showing things really filling in on your monday morning commute,
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especially if you're heading up north on 880. this is as you pass the coliseum, of course, in oakland. stephanie, back to you. >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist lisa argen has your accuweather forecast after the break >> it's like playing a video game, but in real life. yes >> when we bring a truckload of magic to your house, that magic is yours to keep. big open rooms without clutter. and that feeling of fresh air. freedom. call one 800. got junk direct from broadway. >> funny girl is musical comedy heaven with celebrated songs like don't rain on my parade and people. don't miss the theatrical event of the season, playing now through may 26th at the orpheum theater. xterm let's go. >> give it to you. ain't gonna give it to your ex. go give it to ya. he gon give it to you. let's go. give it to you. for
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you to get it on your own. and go deliver to you. knock, knock. open up the door. let's go. give it to you. we gon give it to ya x gon give it to you. he gon give it like you before. your >> for quality turf at warehouse prices, visit artificial turf express. >> it's like playing a video game, but in real life, yes. >> when we bring a truckload of magic to your house, that magic is yours to keep. big open rooms without clutter and that feeling of fresh air freedom. call one 800. got junk. >> hey, bay area, live with kelly and marcus coming up. we'll chat with anne hathaway about her new film, the idea of you. >> plus justin hartley stops by. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> hi there. monday morning. good morning. what a gorgeous view from our exploratorium
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camera. temperatures are into the low 50s. san francisco 55 and oakland and san jose with redwood city coming in in the mid 50s. it is in the low 50s, santa cruz going for a high of about 70 today. breezy here. beautiful start to the day. 54 santa rosa 53, in livermore. so temperatures once again today near average. very similar to what we had over the weekend. breezy to gusty winds here along the coast just in the upper 50s. about 70 in oakland, 73 in napa, 80 inland by wednesday. stephanie. >> all right lisa, thank you. we will have another abc seven news update coming up in news just about 30 minutes in just about 30 minutes. and always on our news app and >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> lara: we are back now on gma with an exclusive first look at the trailer for mufasa the lion king. this is the origins story of the beloved character from the disney classic. take a look.
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♪ >> this story begins far beyond the mountains and the shadows. on the other side of the light. a lion was born without a drop of nobility in his blood. and would change lives forever. mufasa. ♪ >> the earth will shake. destiny awaits you. ♪
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>> lara: you saw it there. mufasa features original songs and an all-star voice cast including beyonce and her daughter blue ivy carter in her first role. it premieres december 20th. >> george: that looks like something. here with rachel mcadams who is making her broadway debut in mary jane. for a minute there we were all transfixed by mufasa. [ laughter ] tell us about mary jane.
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>> i don't know why i'm here anymore. [ laughter ] mary jane is a play about a single mom who lives in jackson heights, new york. she's raising her young boy alex, who's 2 1/2. has very special needs that need a lot of help. it's about the village that she finds that helping her raise her son and keep her going. she's really incredible, resilient woman who finds, you know, joy in every aspect of her life, especially with her son. >> george: it's been awhile since you've been on broadway. what's it like to be back? >> i have never been on broadway. >> george: never? i was told it's been 25 years but i didn't want to say 25 years. [ laughter ] >> it has been 25 years since i have been on stage though. that is correct. but this is my fired time on broadway. it's been amazing. >> lara: this must be so exciting for you.
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this role perhaps resonates personally for you? >> it does, yeah. well, my mom was a nurse so i kind of got a small taste of what it is to be a health care worker and to, you know, care deeply and sort of be stuck in a system that isn't always in support of the best care. >> lara: it's one thing to do that in a movie setting. it's quite another to express -- that's heavy stuff in front of a live audience. >> yeah, it is. it's really rewarding though. she's such an amazing character, and this is the part of a lifetime so i love going out there every night, finding something new with my amazing cast mates. i think what people have been finding surprising is, you know, it is heavy material at times, but it's also really funny. all the women i work with are
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just hilarious comediennes and they have incredible timing. so i think you get a little bit of everything which is reflective of life. my character says that, you know. someone says to you, mary jane, you're gonna have good days and bad days, just like everyone. what do you do with them? >> lara: exactly. >> linsey: just down the street from here we have the notebook adaptation on broadway. 20 years since the movie debuted. >> i can't believe that. >> linsey: a lot of people have questions about that rain scene. they thought it was really rain. what was actually happening there? >> in the movie? >> linsey: yes. >> oh, yes. well, it was -- it didn't rain when we needed it to, you know? cue the rain. so, yeah. they had to pump rain from the bottom of the lake through fire hoses and pelt us with it. [ laughter ] >> george: it's really hard.
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>> yeah. so, no, 'cause i had -- the lovely cast of the musical came to our opening night. i saw joy woods. i said, i'm so sorry about all that rain. she was like, no worry, i threw my hair up. my hair is still wet from the show earlier that day. but, yeah. i hear -- it makes for great theater, i guess, having all that rain actually on stage and in the show. i have heard it's amazing. i'm very excited to see it. >> gio: can we talk about mean girls regina george. my husband interviewed rene. she's obsessed with you. >> i love her. i got to introduce her on snl which was amazing. she's incredible. and so, i mean, so young and so poised and so, you know, i just -- she was awesome.
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>> lara: look who else is awesome? look at you. you crushed. >> gio: what's the most quoted line from that movie? >> fetch seems to come up in all carnations. someone just asked me to putted on a mary jane play bill the other day, can you write, is butter a carb on my play bill? [ laughter ] i was like, these worlds colliding. i was like, whatever you want, sure. but, yeah. [ laughter ] >> george: thank you for coming in, rachel. coming up jean smart is here to talk about her new season of "hacks."
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>> this is the first time you are sitting down like this to tell your story. are you ready? you are told to go through your bed come and you felt --
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>> self-conscious. >> what were you thinking in that moment? >> my life is over right here. >> you were told you'd be nine years and one of the worst prisons in russia. >> announcer: brittney griner, robin roberts, "prisoner in >> lara: i just feel like i'm a dear old friend. i love having you here so much. five time emmy award winning actress jean smart is with us. two most recent emmys come from "hack." now the show is back for season 3. we could not be happier to say that. i have been waiting. >> i know. >> lara: i'm so happy that it's finally here. are you enjoying it as much as your audience is? sure looks like it. >> it's so much fun. season 3, oh my gosh. finishing that was so great. we started it in 2022. nine episodes. we finished in 2024. >> lara: worth the wait, i hope. >> i think it is, yeah. >> lara: all is well with you? >> yeah yeah yeah. >> lara: back and better than ever.
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i want to ask you about your character coming off a wildly successful special. she reunites with the comedy writer we all love and pray survives you. >> yes. >> lara: you had fired at the end of season 2. what can we expect with you and ava? >> oh my gosh, the way they've got the characters back together is -- they were worried about how to do it and make it seem natural. it's like they're kind of awkward with each other for a minute. it lasts about a minute, then the insults start and they're back. >> lara: how would you describe the relationship for few people who haven't seen the show between you an ava, who's so brilli brilliant. the actress who plays her. >> she's amazing. well -- >> lara: is it mother/daughter? it is kind of maternal in a way. a long way. >> deborah's relationship with her real daughter is so
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unhealthy that i think that this is sort of her do over. lot of this is just the generational head butting which i think the audience enjoys. and can identify with. we've all got kids or parents who think, you just don't get it. >> lara: right, right. george and i were just saying how the writing is just so brilliant. want to show everybody a little clip. take a look. >> custom made for me. i never got to wear it. >> it just won't close. did you drink seltzer today? i read that it can make you bloat. >> i got two weeks. i can make it fit. >> how do these look? >> no words. >> walk. ♪ born born to be alive ♪ >> lara: you are back. your character is back. i mean, that's just a great example of the snappy writing on this show.
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in addition to that, you said you do a lot of crazy stuff. i listed a few stuff. golfing, hiking, tango. you operate a bull dozer? >> right. he was adorable. he was such a good sport. >> lara: you got to film in las vegas? >> no. we only shot there for two days. that was the first time i shot, last two days of season 3. >> lara: it was full of laughs. >> it was. we all stayed up way too late, drank too much and gambled too much. >> lara: well done, my friend. [ laughter ] your co-star hannah is going to be on. she plays your writer. you two are comedy magic together. anything you'd like us to share with her or ask her when she's here in a couple days? >> oh, tell her not to embarrass us like she usually does. and watch her special june 13. she has a comedy special. >> lara: really? >> i'm here to plug my stuff, but i'll plug hers. >> lara: that's what we do.
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that's what we do. all right. you won -- i'm plugging you now. you won two emmys as lana gardner way back on "frazier." she was an old high school class maim. i think emily our producer found a clip of you just little b roll. you were a classmate of frazier and niles. they both had crushes on you. you went on to date frazier on the show. then they even thought about doing a spin off show for you? >> i was told they were thinking about spinning off her and her son but they decided it wasn't feasible. not only would they have to pay the producers of frazier, but all the producers of cheers. >> lara: it was a spinoff. >> yes. >> lara: party keeps going. >> that's what i was told. >> lara: that's funny. because she was brilliant. seven episodes you did, i read. all right. you're working on a one woman show as well. what can we expect to see? >> oh my gosh. i'm so excited about this. >> lara: i'm so excited about it.
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>> gorgeous piece of writing by jamie whack. we're hoping to do it in new york next summer. not this summer, but summer of 2025. it's just phenomenal, phenomenal. >> lara: will you come back and see us, please? >> yes, yes. >> lara: thank you so much, jean smart. "hacks" season 3 premieres. so excited. it's on max. please do check it out. we're gonna head back to ginger now though. she is live for us in philly. hey, ginge. >> ginger: hey, lara. can i get an invited to that? that would be fun. let's talk about this. i'm back here with karen rogers. 6 abc. we were just discussing, even though it's gorgeous, next rain wednesday. you've been really wet this year. >> here it is in april. we've already had over 15 inches of rain. that's more than 5 inches above average already. >> ginger: you are not alone. all the way up through parts of new england. that dark purple 130%. that fuscia, 150% of normal.
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entire state of connecticut, rhode island in there, too, at about 11 inches above. big deals when it comes to rain. enjoy this dry day. >> we will. >> ginger: let's get a check closer to home. >> lara: coming up on gma, we're celebrating national small business week kicking off gma boosting your business with our sponsor chase for business. you do not want to miss this segment. grated folks, great stuff coming up on gma.
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join the millions who're feeling the power of osteo bi-flex®, the #1 pharmacist recommended joint care supplement. (♪) find our coupons in sunday's paper. >> lara: we're back now with the kick off to our serieses gma boosting your business as we celebrate national small business week. lifestyle contributor lori bergamotto is here with more on this. good morning, lori. >> good morning, lara. what better way to do it than
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bring in the owners of some incredible businesses to show off their products which are all shopable by scanning the qr code on your screen. this segment is sponsored by chase business by simplifying their financial processes so they can focus on running their business. let's meet everyone. >> lara: we are gonna start with kin apparel. tell us about your country -- your company. >> yes. so in 2014 i started my natural hair care journey and real realized there was no hoodie or hat that fit my big head let alone protected my hair. so i started kin apparel. >> lara: i love that. >> we make satin lined clothing that doesn't leave your hair frizzy or dry like cotton does. >> lara: i also like that you make it big. if you're doing a top knot or have something in your hair you want that covered. i always go with size extra large. thank you for helping my
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journey. >> and you don't want to mess up your hair. feel this. >> it feels good. >> these bucket hats are waterproof and satin lined. >> waterproof, satin lined and comes in four different sizes. >> show lara how these work, too. >> yes. we're all about functional fashion. so our sets are satin lined. big satin hood. and the arms are detachable. say you just took a trip to the topics, you can take these off. then we have satin pockets as well. >> lara: i love it. you have thought of everything. great business idea. hello again. this is melissa gallardo of bonita pierce candles. your business is very personal i understand. >> it was born out of my need to find fragrances and candles that represented my latino heritage. i didn't find anything on market so i created premium home fragrance to really celebrate the culture of what is latino and american. >> lara: just smell.
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>> they are amazing. you can plant the top of the paper here, right? they grow wild flowers. >> every can comes with a cover and you can plant seeds with it. put it under a thin layer of soil and it will grow wild flowers. >> we love it, melissa. thank you very much. >> lara: great idea. all right. our next is chef and business owner auzerais bellamy from blondery. blondery. you are mixing gorgeous with gourmet. >> after my decade long career in fine dining we started this company. we specialize in elevated baked goods. we ship them all over the country. >> mother's day is coming, ladies and gentlemen. i just want to say. what's your best seller? >> i have it for you right here to try. our pecan and salted caramel blonde. or brooklyn black cow.
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>> lara: thank you. >> gourmet ingredients. high end. >> spectacular. >> thank you. >> lara: let's go. thank you so much. delicious. okay. last but certainly not least, the business is solgaard, adrian solgaard. you get sustainability. you are all about sustainability in your products. >> yes, sustainability. we believe everything should be 3-d. design, durability and do good. we use sustainable materials in all the things we make. we use ocean bound plastics. for every item we sell we collect six pounds of plastic from the ocean. this is called the carry on closet. right here when you travel -- you got everything you need. >> lara: wow. look at that. >> it makes travel a breeze. >> three d, design, durability, do good. if you have a product that makes travel easier, that's something we do for every day. >> thank you very much, adrian. this is incredible stuff.
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we love having everybody here. thank you to all of our guests and our sponsor chase for business who helps entrepreneurs chart a path to growth, one on one relationships and a clear understanding of the communities they serve. >> lara: can we talk about this situation? you look fabulous. thank you very much to all our business owners. thank you, lori. remember, guys, all of these products are shopable on our website. just scan the qr code right there on your screen and shop away. we'll be right back. on your scn and shop away. we'll be right back. >> announcer: "gma" "boosting
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>> you get disney+ and espn plus all in one plan. >> indeed. >> watch live tv like jimmy butler. >> where are you going? >> to cut the cord, call heavenly greens today and save up to $500. >> plus get a free leaf blower. >> this week gma live in five mystery cities. >> so where will gma pop up? >> maybe we'll be in your neighborhood. where will we be. >> we're coming to you america. get ready. >> all this week where will we be. >> get ready get ready get ready . that was a great start to our rise and shine week. big thanks to jenny, ginger and our team in philly and we rise and shine in the twin cities tomorrow. >> have a great day >> this is the first time you are sitting down like this to tell your story. brittany, are you ready? >> brittney griner, robin roberts, the powerful and
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emotional exclusive prisoner in russia. this wednesday night on abc news this week, had a late night date with kimmel. love that. i would love to do that with you. with emily blunt, ryan gosling, jerry seinfeld, john mulaney, jeff ross, melissa benoist, korine, leon with leon bridges, and so much more. new kid create lasting memories under the big top at cirque du soleil kooza in san jose. >> kooza now playing at santa clara county fairgrounds. buy tickets at cirque du >> this season, our new nate and jeremiah collection for living spaces is an updated, well-traveled take on coastal living inspired by some of our favorite coastlines from california to montauk to portugal. >> the clean, modern lines and natural materials, including oak and marble, evoke a sense of calm sophistication designed to mix and match easily with the pieces you already own. >> the collection adds style along with functionality and comfort. >> elevate your home with our new voyage collection from nate
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effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type two diabetes ask about the power of three with ozempic. >> if it weren't a drink from mcdonald's, you wouldn't try this hard. >> pick up a medium oreo frappe for just 3.89, or a medium iced coffee for just 2.79. >> ba da ba ba ba ba. >> i'll have your forecast on abc seven mornings. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm stephanie sierra from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with amanda. >> good morning stephanie. we're going to take you straight to the bay bridge toll plaza where the metering lights are still on. you can see traffic is backed up to about the middle of the parking lot there. it is slow across the span into sf,
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but then on the golden gate, nothing in your way as you make your way in and out of the city. lisa. >> all right. amanda. good morning everyone. nice and sunny out there. the breezes kicked up in spots already from san francisco. you can see all that beautiful sunshine. 53 right now it is 59. in hayward. another look at how clear and calm it is at the golden gate bridge. 58, in santa rosa. highs today, very similar with mid 60s downtown. windy there. gusty at the coast 70 in oakland, low to mid 70s inland and the accuweather seven day forecast warming by the end of the week. >> lisa thank you. time now for live with kelly and mark. we'll be back atll be back ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, academy award winner anne hathaway! plus, star of the series "traer


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