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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 2, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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developed pneumonia, and you needed to be intubated. he died suddenly shortly thereafter. you may recall couple of months ago another whistleblower by the name of john barnett allegedly took his own life in the midst of legal action against boeing, he had been on a team that manufactured the door plug that blue out mid air on an alaska airlines flight. he told npr he thought boeing was sending a message to anybody that if your are allowed we will silence you. to add to the interest in growing numbers of questions involving this particular circumstance, both whistleblowers apparently represented by the same law firm out of south carolina. >> sean: and thank you for that report. that is all the time we have left, set your dvr see never miss an episode, gray gutfeld will put a smile on your face. have a great night. [ ♪♪ ] [ cheering and applause ]
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>> greg: we could have started earlier! happy thursday everybody! [ cheering and applause ] thank you, thank you, thank you. this week, donald trump told time magazine that if he wins, he will build camps and have the military deport illegal immigrants. joe says if he wins he will tell us the story of how you fought apollo creed for the heavyweight title. [ laughter ] today is world password day, you will never guess my password... [ laughter ] yeah,. needed like an exclamation point and a number or as an will not work. during the next game on thursday citi field had a one dollar hot dog night that sold a record 44,269 hotdogs.
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evidently they were all purchased by one fan. [ laughter ] archeologist at england's university of cambridge have re-created a 75 thousand-year-old man the salt woman's face -- nanda saul. here it is. do i even have to say? 13 years ago, osama bin laden was killed by u.s. navy seals in pakistan. [ cheering and applause ] you are welcome. yeah, 13 years ago osama bin laden was killed by navy seals, or as msnbc describes it, a solemn day when a group of white armstead premises attacked and mostly peaceful muslim.
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after brian cox says of the worst book ever written is that the bible, what apparently has never read any of these... >> that hurts! >> greg: compared your book to the bible, brian! joe biden is considering allowing palestinians to be -- resettle in america. prompting some to change their chance to "death to where i live". [ laughter ] thank you. new ai technology claim as a kindest and which plug orientations through facial structure. to be fair, so can a metal detector. [ laughter ] thank you. and a 31-year-old trans athlete is sparking outrage after competing in a woman's college water polo tournament. yes, a 31-year-old competing get in a college sport seems a
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little old, right? you think that's bad, now competing in woman's college golf. [ laughter ] see what happens? slippery slope people! all right, monolog time, judge march and held on a drop in contempt of court and find him $90,000 for violating the, order, trump should average into his wild, grab 9000 and throated at the judge and say, go bank stormy daniels eight times. [ laughter ] it's funny, the city that can't keep violent felons in jail wants to lock up a present for talking. their priorities are more out of whack than a morning show hosted by people who hate each other of! [ laughter ] >> thank you for coming honesty when it's going well! >> greg: meanwhile the judges daughter it, a political hack
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sending out solicitations invoking the trump trial raising millions for her clients, among them adam schiff, lead prosecutor and trumps first impeachment who hopefully used the money for neck transplant. so trump is not allowed to talk, how did he react? is that the gag unique, unconstitutional, corrupt? >> alyssa: this gag is totally unconstitutional. it's a corrupt system we are in and i think the people are understanding. >> greg: and they are understanding it. has -- as anybody with a pulse nose and that's not you, joe biden, trying to gag trump is like putting a cork in mount ashman it's not happening because isn't it nice to have a president who doesn't meet a teleprompter? [ laughter ] [ cheering and applause ] >> mr. trump: now that he can read it anyway, think if i write my teleprompter and is that while let's say because of the
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weakness in the economy i would like to apologize, pause, pause -- [ laughter ] pause! what was that! that's unbelievable. pause. >> greg: and of course everyone of these big cages is bold [ bleep ]. >> mr. trump: every one of these fake cases is bullish it. >> greg: he said but for donald trump is bold [ bleep ] is gold, despite of the far as he's cracking jokes and living his best life. and joe? trump mocks joe for saying pause, joe seems permanently stuck on pause. >> try to catch up with you. we want to talk to you. i feel like i don't know...
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[ laughter ] >> greg: that's amazing to! let's take a look of the people the judges not silence like stormy daniels, usually when she opens her mouth that only affects five dudes and a motel room with a camcorder, were these days she is not taking things lying down, she posted this on to social media platform x. "sad day when a stripper is more honest than the former impeached and dated president". weight issue saying strippers are not usually honest? what? i know. that danzig, rum shakers was lying to me when she said it was just a bug bite. then after being called a toilet she tweeted that this made her the best person to flush the orange turned down for! i hope toilets don't sue for defamation. remember she is a major
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prosecution witness, isn't she prejudicing the case? usually when stormy tri-state abuse and humiliate somebody, she gets $500 an hour. at least that's what she charged you cpmac. [ laughter ] but she's probably still passed that trump once called her or space. a true she was so mad after that tweet she barely touched her bag of oats? man. then there's trumps sleazy former lori michael cohen who is now as popular with the left as hamas. calling the skylar is a calling hitler a bit moody. remember this guys actually that advise trump on how to structure the payments to stormy instead of her usual method of just leaving $40 on the dresser. now he blames trump for the work that he dated which is like a patient getting prescribe the wrong medicine but then getting sued by the hospital. he is far from practicing law
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and a perjurer making him a liar by definition, he was previously trumping -- attraction trouble on their eggs but said he would seize posting a respect for the court, days later he took his clown show over to tiktok to try to make a few bucks. >> when i was testifying before the house oversight committee, i turned around and he said that donald trump has shown acts of generosity but he is not a generous person. >> greg: wow. this guy makes michael of a knocking look like lands darrow. whatever. let's review, we have a connected perjurer as the main witness, supply at the advice the cases based on, we have a form reports are that lost her own case against trump so bad she had to pay him legal fees and promises predicates 10 years of free pony rides. they are allowed to speak but the accused the former president of the united states can't.
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this cases as a ragged as jesse watters hair. anyone fair? the gutfeld investigative team actually got a hold of a shot of the jury. but these are judge merchants rulings, this cases to the legal system which is curvy is to pirates, and remember there is another one just as bad awaiting into the wings down in georgia, two more federal cases, which actors kind of awesome because all of these cases did for trump was make him a better version of trump,'s numbers are up,'s performances sharper cut even looser, more and more americans are looking at his tenure of president fondly. who knew the courtroom would lead to a trump boom? he is premuch leading all the swing states of nationally weigh six points without ever being able to really campaign. the trials are spinach to trumps popeye. so what did the dems do now? they have nothing to run on and every time they use law fair it
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backfires? no wonder they hired steven spielberg, biden has lost in the twilight zone and trump, while he is draws? he better bring a bigger boat. [ cheering and applause ] -- jaws. >> announcer: let's welcome today's guess, number 1 at most land fields, the host of one nation, brian kilmeade! true pause. [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: she can announce fights and defend your rights, charly arnolt. [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: she is like summertime, so halted that all demand dropdead, new york times best-selling author and fox news computer kat timpf. [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: and he uses his head when he's pummeling to the left, comedian and former wnba -- world champion, tyrus. [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: always pleasant to
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have you on the shown. >> i don't think so. [ laughter ] i'm already done three runs and have not gone up to the plate yet. >> greg: don't you agree these trials somehow have made trump stronger, may be just by focusing and containing him a little bit? >> and the gag order could be a blessing and away, he keeps it out of the speeches and helps his people. he has a 2016 team which he made up on the flight, the 2020 team it, in the middle of the pandemic could not gain traction. this team is a well oiled machine have seen it, a got on the pill in the front plane, i went on his plane a couple of times, you would hated there is no drinking. everybody looks straight ahead. he has a machine going. a couple of things michael cohen, the president had a great day by the way, michael cohen to they basically had a guy who is the lawyer for stormy daniels come out and say, michael cohen basically extorted me and on top
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of that he was furious that he is not asked to go to washington. there was a reason why michael cohen is fixating on donald trump. this is his revenge but it's on michael cohen or donald trump saying it, it's a prosecution witness that said it, and i just feel like a major show better even though you bleeped me three times before i could say hello and that's how trump feels. >> greg: charlie, congratulations by the way you are the first female ufc -- >> octagon announcer. yes, thank you. [ cheering and applause ] >> can appoint something out? >> greg: sure, steal her moment. >> i was the first. i was the first to walk in the octagon and explain it at ufc. >> greg: wow. [ cheering and applause ] >> this is history. >> greg: on behind on brian kilmeade i would like to apologize for him stealing your sundre. >> i'm feeling a little slighted but --
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>> greg: that's amazing you won't let it go will you brian? couldn't just shared, have that moment to herself? it's amazing. charlie, what do you think about michael cohen actually being treated as a serious witness? this guy is trying to get a reality show now. >> he's trying to get a reality show, i actually know his daughter. >> greg: she's kind of -- never mind. >> yes so i doubt she's watching so it's all good. the fact that he's on tiktok trying to get his point across, accepting the money because he can accept money during these live streams, it just shows how pathetic he is and i think that ultimately the fact that he's talking so freely about it when the trial is taking place, that is the opposite of what he's expected to do just shows he's not -- he is already a liar, this just further proves that
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point but a level trump is doing, despite all of the handcuffs that are being put on him right now, he is still campaigning to form more effectively than our current president. he has 10 minutes going to trial, for nine hours a day, he uses that. you look at all of the optics, bad acoustics, horrible writing, his team is basically letting him go. they're not saying this is what you have to say, they're letting him speak freely and answer questions. meanwhile our president has to have a teleprompter, pause, has a team that is telling him and constantly running interference when he's about to say something you should not which is -- which is always been back and love it and i love that trump already addressed nine days ago was going on on college campuses while joe biden did not address it until today which says a lot. >> greg: you know and love, i have hope for kat that trump gets arrested and still campaigns from a prison phone on camera. [ laughter ] >> if the dems keep pushing this
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get worse, he keeps turning it into fuel. >> yeah, i feel like everybody on both sides sees it as very serious, people in the right say this is a little sized justice system, this will be the end of everything and people on the left save this guy gets elected it's the end of everything. but trump, his whole vibe is pretty unbothered. [ laughter ] it. >> greg: exactly! >> he was say these things but you don't see him get emotional in terms of the physical, reactive. it's if somebody breaks up with you and your like i did not even know we were together. [ laughter ] same kind of vibe. that does drive people nuts when you're trying to take that emotional reaction and it's completely flat. >> greg: that's a great point, he's completely -- he seems unfazed. >> to pivot a little bit, we always talk about trump derangement from the left, that it's just as heavy on the right in the sense that they see their
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opportunity with trump and they think this is there moments. michael cohen was supposed to be a lawyer behind the scenes get work done, but he wanted to be in the camera, he wanted to be invited to the white house, he wanted to be his guy, right? what often happens, we see people get opportunities, that normally would not get opportunities. he's a guy like your game on bringing you in, this guy sucks, he's gone. when he doesn't use them with us -- they are slighted and they're more dangerous than the left that are deranged because they go out of their way to go after but michael cohen is taking it to another way. if you do not have this, if you do not have trump, nobody would give a damn about him. so he has to get on tiktok. yes to get a reality. i. once this case moves, he is done, he's out the game. that is on republicans we have to think, we think it looks good on paper but we don't how to play with the league. so even though he's having great
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moments on the campaign trail, you still have to think about the big picture. while the polls have president from doing well, the gambling still has him down. pending it and -- i always pay attention to the bedding opposed to polls, that's one thing the republican party cannot get around, even president from has to figure out, figure out a way to fix rovers is wade because that's all biden has. does not matter how much he does , we have to find a way to respectfully bring them back. if you take that away you're forcing him to debate. you're forcing him to talk what other things because all the running on is the fact that it's roe v. wade and he will take this away. republicans have to take a step -- step back, to be want to be elected or just sound good? that's what has to happen. >> greg: already have to move on. [ cheering and applause ] frat brothers stay strong, in the face of a throng. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> announcer: if you are in the new york area and want to go to 'gutfeld!', click on the link to join our studio audience. [ ♪♪ ]
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the group of frat rose at the university of carolina are being handsomely rewarded for protecting the american flag from a protesting ball -- mob set on taking down, you did handed to these kids, most college kids can even identify anime conflict. as they were thrown water bottles out of them, they stood tall and kept the flag from touching the ground. and out gofundme page that for them has raised or 460 grand -- over. to quote "throw them with a frat party they deserve". what a treat to see real men in action and not in the women's locker room. compared to the eighties he was out, lumby on tuesday before cops cleared protesters out of a campus building, one dope ask for a food delivery because they were starving and dehydrated and they paid for a meal plan. >> are there all the gated to provide food for students who pay for a meal plan here when
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you mentioned there was a question... >> to allowed to be brought in, it's ultimately a question of what kind of community and obligation columbia feels it has to its students, do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill even if they disagree with you, as basie -- basic humanitarian aid, could people have a glass of water? >> greg: when were you on october 7th household? summit day you will be paying her loans as she serves you espresso? and while the hate spreads, joe scarborough worries it's all just hurting biden's reelection chances. >> are you offended by this? please, him try to help you. i don't want donald trump to get elected. and try to help you. if you're just a bit to figure that out you can change to another channel because we are sorting through this as a country, and this is not helping this is on helping the people of
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gaza, and this is not helping to those of us who want to fight fascism in america. >> greg: yes, fighting fascism, great call it joe, the real problem was saying kill the jews as it helps trump. that is the problem! jesus. meanwhile a college in iran is offering scholarships for u.s. students expelled over the protests. sounds pretty awesome, you don't, you don't need a good sat scores, all you need to do is murder an infidel. where is the gofundme for that? if joe biden can descend away $6 billion surely we can add a few thousand [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] charley cragg what do you think? they got a $460,000, that's a pretty big party. >> what kind of party are they having, can i go? where's my invite? >> greg: i think they will fly you into. >> dare i say these fine patriot frat words that make frat boys are exhibiting what people refer to as toxic masculinity, i love
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to see it, their dominant and assertive, we need more of this, our country was affronted because a stronger man and saved apparently as he have seen in what's being depicted by strongmen. i just can't get over how stupid these pro- terrorist mobs really are. they even sound like they don't know what they're saying, there yelling and they fought it when they mean to be cheering intifada rather, they're transposing the letter -- >> greg: i've been doing that for six month but i'm not a protester. and wincing in for toddler legates taco bell. [ laughter ] >> is just abandoning? you see that girl, monitoring eight, what you talk about? you are the least and of example of what humanitarian is, you are a lost soul the got caught up in a bad tiktok algorithm. >> greg: kat your bro.
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>> yes! >> honorary. >> greg: do those boroughs make you proud? >> yeah, i would also like to be invited to the party, i do have to say, i am concerned about this, and where it will allow us or will make us will only give us our own rights in this country as americans. house representative is just sign some think in response to all of this call the anti-semitism awareness law which sounds great and that's the governments trick every time. how could you be against the anti-semitism awareness law? because it's sanction certain speeches and acceptable and good and constitutionally protected speech. your conservatives, conservatives like, while speech, arguably believe and saying? if the government can decide what speech, they decide what he can and cannot say. i don't hear anybody talking about this. >> greg: i disagree. that's all i heard was conservatives saying they were against this, i heard ben shapiro going off on this and he's jewish. they were saying basically no, the answer to this is not a more government laws.
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>> it passed, a past! >> greg: conservatives are saying -- they were like -- >> that's great! >> greg: 40 or 50 republicans voted against this. >> it but if this becomes law we are screwed. we are so screwed. >> greg: it won't. tyrus? >> i take my first amendment rights more seriously i guess. >> greg: solid gold cornhole wards, that's what i suggest they pay. >> i'm confused, at a know we had to study law for comedy show [ laughter ] where are the labs that? listen, i think they should have a party, get drinks for everybody, be responsible. i'm sure they will get taxed for it so they can pay for some of the infidels college courses. a couple of things that were alarming, scarborough said you can change the channel if you want to assuming is that what he was watching that [ bleep ]. the arrogance on that guy is shocking. >> while the president does watch. but he can't remember!
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you can put on barney and say, hey,, look at the debate! [ laughter ] turn it off and watches same thing, par two! same thing. but what bothers me through this whole thing again, i agree a thousand percent of body first amendment rights. but of the or consequences in terms of if i go to the movie theater and i yell "fire! >> everyone: i will be arrested. when you words cause harm, and his ami terrorists, there's a consequence to that. you should be allowed to say whatever the hell you want but understand certain things you say there will be consequences to make these groups don't believe in consequences. they all hate their parents because that's just the behavior, they want to do these protests and then they think their mommy and daddy and this case the police department should drop them water bottles and vegan snacks. like when you say man, we are in trouble we could starve, you could little just walk to taco bell around the corner.
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times out, times out, save my protest face and i'll be right back. no police officers going to touch them. is just ridiculous when they're like, we are starving! next want to be like, yet? really? >> greg: please. and member that time you and i went to see the movie and you kept yelling fire. [ laughter ] soon and i had to pay the price. >> greg: i said we get it! stop yelling fire! >> could you imagine if you and i actually ever hung out. that ever happen? auto think so. me before a spinoff series. >> greg: i would do a fox nation show with you. >> is that he favored up? >> mind to. >> i have to wrap up here. >> okay! [ laughter ] >> i was going to say, on one aboard you but i think this is significant, wish me luck, a bunch of college kids, in march,
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and was it was important thing, you what he said connect the palestinian israeli fight was 15th at 16th, what happened to in march and the end of april this was total manipulation, and it's only 34 percent of college students even knew about the conflict. what changed in a month and a half? the big question is, back to what you said charlie, college kids are not concentrating enough, they're drinking and partying too much vermaak those were the old days went to the parents had to crack down on kids, you're wasting our money. all of a sudden i want to hang out, don't have a protest but i'm lactose intolerant therefore i'm risking my life. >> greg: don't bring us into this. as a lactose intolerant person -- >> and a vegan. >> you got sickle-cell to brother? >> greg: you gotta move on and being yelled out. jeff goldblum forbids leaving
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[ cheering and applause ] >> greg: is the start of the flies says he won't get squad when i died, tonight on hero -- tonight on hero or juror, actor jeff goldblum said he won't leave his money to his kids, he wants his sons to figure it out on their own soon have to roll your own boat. >> i'm not going to do it for you, your not going to want me to do it for you. you have to figure out how to find out what is wanted and needed and where that intersects with your love and passion and what you can do and even if it doesn't you might have to do that anyway. >> greg: i hope his kids weren't counting that money already because it's 871, not
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looking so good lately. sue and that's disgusting. >> greg: all right tyrus stood he's a hero, i got mine, get yours. sea turtle go. >> greg: kat what he thinks? soon i don't know why that's my business, these kids are like six or seven years old. leg data can i go ride my bike? >> greg: i think this is, it's what you call it? you proactive shot. it's like he was trying to get them ready to sink a certain way. it's on like they were deadbeats. >> stay hungry? he has very young kids, kids are eight and nine and he 71. flasch dans. you know that means? >> it's a great movie. >> it dear member when that guy
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set it up, because he passed the auditions, i got the judges, and he got mad, could not figure this out because you want to compete and get your own success jeff goldblum and flashdance? >> greg: charlie let's pretend that never happens. >> i'm going to bug the trend, i think he is a jerk. i don't think that money can buy happiness as though i have heard it's far more preferable to be crying into the front seat of a ferrari than the front seat of a bus. take some stress off your kids, of the kids really want to stick it to dad, mary rich. >> greg: that you go. >> a lot better than mine. >> l like the song from flashdance. >> greg: all right, coming up it's always away and when adam carolla check -- checks in. [ cheering and applause ]
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[ ♪♪ ] [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: he is ready to haul or about california's squalor, looking back committee and
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podcast are the great adam carolla! [ cheering and applause ] adam we have a lot of west coast misery to cover, i'll get right to it. i love how you're involving, just before our eyes it's incredible. every time i see you you're more -- let's talk about the anti- israel protesters at ucla, they are requesting a list of urgent items to be donated, skater helmets, gas masks, shields, elbow and knee pads? seems a they're prepping a battle, what you think? >> well, you know, if they want to skater helmets, elbow pads, kneepads, plywood, on the prepping for battle or building a [ inaudible ] >> greg: that would be useful if they were building a half pipe. >> somebody has to reach tony hogg for comment. [ laughter ]
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>> greg: i think he is selling pills somewhere on cable tv. i don't know, the list also included a request for vegan and gluten-free food. does not sound like this group would be that tough to clear out >> no, i would get them cleared out tonight, out as an invite of the nannies to the campus and give them the bullhorn and there be leg daelyn, i'm so disappointed in you! [ laughter ] >> greg: do you notice is a lot of woman involved? why do you think that is? >> because women are inherently more aggressive and violent than men, we just had a hundred pounds on them so they can't do anything. >> greg: that is interesting. i have not seen the stats, we will move on. almost california to build a house on the edge of the one tent at freeway in la and it includes rock walls, a garden, a grilled, fire extinguishers, decorative lights with working electricity...
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how the hike did the city even let this happen adam? >> it's funny all these homeless guys, they are incapable of finding a job because they are unemployable but they turn into -- and turning to property brothers when it comes to building a house? [ laughter ] [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: does anybody know where they got all the materials from? >> yeah, they got them from a taxpayer who has been waiting 10 years for a god damn permit. [ laughter ] >> greg: last topic, and you ranking is california eighth on the most dangerous state to raise a family. is ago ray -- ranks first. what you make of this list? >> come on, new mexico's only number 1 because it has the word mexico and it? [ laughter ]
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>> greg: do you think california would be higher? >> while everybody is worried about the violence but in california it's not the violence, it's the teachers transitioning to your daughter and commencing your center joint hamas. >> greg: you have a new animated show, and we have to run but i wanted to tell us about it and we will show a clip >> it's mr. bertram, it's on the daily wire plus starting may 12, and it's the work of my life. >> greg: do you have rows and -- who is starring in it? >> roseann, megan kelly is in it, jay moore is in it, lots of great names. >> greg: i haven't been asked yet, gee thanks adam. all right, we have a clip, let's
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roll it. >> i don't know what you're talking about but then again and never know what you're talking about, you're always making up words? divisive? it's divisive! >> know, intersection audi has nothing to do with traffic. >> it know, you don't have to be pregnant to be a bruising person no, bipoc is not a dead rubber. >> greg: it's on daily wire, thank you for coming on, you are awesome. up next... something. [ cheering and applause ] >> announcer: if you are in the new york area and would like to get students see 'gutfeld!', click on the link to join our studio audience risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal,
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>> greg: a story in five words the rights have better chains and it draws, tyrus, a study using ai facial recognition found that conservatives tend to have a larger lower faces. or like i would like to call it, stronger draws. do you think this is true? >> i do think it's true, of the
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lot of liberal guys have been very weak chins. that's why they have to grow beards. >> greg: look at adam schiff we don't know where his chin is statement why is the dude working as a barista in brooklyn, you don't want to see was under their. >> greg: such a good point, have you noticed that? warned you once a liberal? >> albert call myself a political at one point, i was definitely never liberal? >> greg: a notice when you got -- when you became a concert of it or you got it -- you got a stronger chin. >> working out is concerted far right is so that's a also we believe in a corner for diet which gives us more structure to our face, taking us back to the gave men area days if you will. as you saw the protesters they want the gluten-free and vegan snacks! they don't get the same facial features. >> greg: i noticed that, on the left certain lefties don't have a chain and summit lake o'brien who makes up for it with
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many chins. >> that was uncalled for. [ laughter ] i guess i'm confused, you say stronger draw, huge muscles and the draw, why wouldn't stormy daniels be the greatest conservative? [ laughter ] i don't know -- i'll just go really quick, how about just asking somebody? we need ai? haymac, how do you vote? [ laughter ] >> greg: i don't know. i think it's true though, i think it's part of the face. did i ask you yet? >> we haven't even spoken. [ laughter ] i will say it's amazing if you look at people's groups, what music they listen to, where they live, then you ask if they were in a mask or not, you know exactly be! you find out they were in a mask, oh, you voted for biden's. >> birkenstocks and socks he's a liberal. [ laughter ] >> greg: don't go away we will
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