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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 2, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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who and where her genes came from. best of all, it's on sale for mother's day. get it now, before she has to remind you. >> we have a lot of breaking news right now brenda video from the sea in portland, oregon. portland state in dan urban area, emily was telling us about at this hour we are getting to know it too and some posts say students call this proudly the "liberation of gaza library" now. cops have gone into get them and pull them out. they can't have an encampment and the main library any longer. we are covering stem to stern every update in the new york versus trump trial. to keep it right here on fox, "america reports" next. >> violent protest is not
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protected. peaceful protest is. it's against the law when violence occurs. threatening people, intimidating people, but is not peaceful protests. [chanting] >> do you think the national guard should intervene? >> no. >> sandra: president biden speaking earlier today condemning the protests on campuses nationwide as the chaos spreads coast-to-coast. the latest conflict in portland, look at this life picture right now. we have been watching this developed and we are watching it as we begin a whole new hour hello and welcome i am sandra smith the new york. >> john: i am john roberts in washington this is america reports another two hours of all
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of this ahead of us, a live look we saw in portland but now ucla after a violent confrontation between protesters and police and anti-israel mob defying orders to leave after the school declared their encampment illegal. >> sandra: law enforcement finally moving in after hours of warning these people to leave using flash bangs and forced to clear the area and arrested thousands of protesters. we have fox team coverage to kick office our coast to coast on the chaos. >> john: cb cotton live in new york university where protesters have set up yet another encampment. >> sandra: let's begin with william la jeunesse live from ucla in los angeles what's the latest from there, william? >> sandra, the protest is over but the cleanup and second-guessing has begun and just arrived two bulldozers to pull away some of this trash. i'm talking about a lot of stuff. no in person classes until monday, the library and hall
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remain closed and student have been told to avoid area but this encasement took about a week ago it took root and you can see what is being left behind, tons of trash. tens of thousands of dollars worth of tents and sleeping bags, medical equipment, coolers, power tools, all of it headed to a landfill. law enforcement arrived here to the operation about 6:00 p.m. last night. that attracted more than 1,000 students who surrounded the protest perimeter. there was a fear they would bum-rush the fences and overwhelm law enforcement. that did not happen. in fact l.a.p.d. simply moved in and swept them away and plug some holes in the promoter area. about an hour later highway patrol special operations or response team entered the encampment. they began to tear down the plywood, toss aside the fencing, peel away these layers that the
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encampment had put up to protect themselves. about, oh, about 1 and 3 in the morning they have joined hands and join arms the protesters and simply arrested them one by one. >> we don't know exactly but we know we are in the hundreds in numbers of arrests that have been made. protesters i cannot say for certain it looked like a lot. i almost want to say thousands. protesters that were out here. >> so, overall, the cleanup operation no injuries it was pretty clean. no injuries, no fatalities, it will be expensive however. there is a lot of graffiti repainted on royce hall and adjoining buildings. there will be things like "genocide" and pro-palestinian sayings and so forth. taxpayers will likely take up the tab as well as the university for that operation. the consequences we are not sure yet about 130 total arrests.
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many students, some faculty as well. yet to be seen whether or not there will be or suspensions or any faculty will be fired. in terms of prosecutions it is unlikely in this town with the d.a. some would argue this is simply the price of free speech. back to you. >> sandra: william la jeunesse at ucla, thank you. john? >> john: coming up the next hour we will talk to a jewish student who was part of the protest. wait till you hear what he has to say. maintain protesters at nyu rebuilding and anti-israel encampment and a school plaza despite warnings they could be suspended if they don't leave the area. cb cotton is live on the campus of nyu, what is the latest? >> hi, john, this is the open air gaza solidarity and encasement that has been up at nyu for more than a week. they are hoping to obstructed the view of cameras with umbrellas we will try to see if anyone will speak with us. hi, can we ask you about your
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demands for the university? high matt, can we speak with you about the demands for the university? >> hang on. >> okay. i am not clear yet on whether someone will speak with us, but we don't know yet either whether the nypd will be called into it clear up this encampment and we have an up-close look of what officers have to contend with over at columbia university. they have some high powered electric saws to get through chain-link doors and once they were in they had to deploy flash bangs, watch. [booming] >> there were more barricades they have to fight through over turn the soda machines, tables and chairs again when they got through the building. all the while students inside kept chanting, watch this.
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columbia university says hamilton hall is now an active crime scene. the students who were inside face expulsion. the nypd says the charges range from trespassing to criminal mischief to third degree burglary. how will manhattan d.a. alvin bragg prosecute this? tbd >> so student demonstrators have made it clear they do not want to speak with fox news. you know, john, people here at nyu are upset on both sides of the issue about the university
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leadership's handling of this ongoing encampment. we have confirmed with the university that someone threw red paint on president linda mill's door this week. a spokesperson responded telling us that "the implication of blood and violence and this blatant threat is absolutely unacceptable." dawn, still not clear whether the nypd will be called out here but you can see demonstrated have a lot of demands and they don't want to speak to us about those. back to you. >> john: they have awfully nice golf umbrellas as well. nice advertisement for tailor made. cb cotton for us, thank you. these protesters, sandra, are well-equipped. to be sure. >> sandra: it's crazy. we have some of the aes, also ground shot in george washington, you can see the shot there, what a mess and to see what happened to the statue of george washington there on that university are other live shot.
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when we all heard the president's words earlier the condemnation of these protests turning violent saying that is wrong and that is not part of free speech. what was missing was the action that should be and could be taken to stem this chaos, john. that's what people are waiting on for the action, for the actual cracking down on the violence and cracking down on things like this on your screen. >> john: we heard from the president a little while ago, the first time he has talked about this publicly and personally. in ten days he says anti-semitism on campus is absolutely unacceptable. needs to be dealt with, but at the same time university leadership to a large degree is letting this go ahead. that is in the background there wrapped in the palestinian flag a statue of george washington one of the founding fathers of this great nation and the reason why, probably the united states
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exists in the first place and no one is making a move to restore him to his splendor. >> sandra: in fact we will maybe have more in a few moments but it seems karine jean-pierre, as you imagine she was pressed on the ongoing violence at college campuses her words "violence is not protected we are not an authoritarian nation" or words from the president as long as it is done in a peaceful way with the law we will always support that, well that is not we are seeing, we are seeing complete destruction of pro property. it will take more than words and condemnation it will take action. meanwhile testimony in new york's criminal trial against trump to begin shortly and it looks like the d.a.'s case may be running a dozen roadblocks. martha maccallum executive editor and anchor of "the story" has been in the courtroom and she joins us now. tell us about what you are seeing and hearing, hello. >> martha: high matt, sandra hi, john. they are on lunch break right
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now in this donald trump court case going on one of the things that struck me when i walked into this building this morning is how difficult it is. everything is blocked off, as you would imagine, you go through the magnetometers and a number of checkpoints to get in. the reason that strikes me is you then walk into the courtroom, the former president is walking into down the hallway and into the courtroom, we are in the overflow room i was in there with our legal correspondent and then it really hits you that there is a former president of the united states, a person you saw give state of the union addresses, that you saw give addresses at the republican national convention, travel all over the world, meeting with world leaders, it really did sort of sink in in a way because we cover these stories day today. we are in the midst of it going on but this is a remarkable moment. i mean, imagine if, just talking
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about george washington university, george washington was sitting at the table or any one of president sitting at the table. you know, obviously the prosecution believes that is exactly where the former president deserves to be. but you get into the meat of this today as we started to do with keith davidson who was the man who was an attorney for stormy daniels and karen mcdougal and it quickly rolls into this discussion of hulk hogan and all of this stuff. so it is a really remarkable moment to just take exactly what is happening here. we can go into the legal establishment, what they were trying to lay down here today as well. >> john: in terms of keith davidson who you said was the attorney for stormy daniels and karen mcdougal, he is the one that negotiated the deal with michael cohen to pay stormy daniels, negotiated with david parker for the deal for karen mcdougal, he did not seem to be particularly effective witness for the
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prosecution today. >> yeah. what we watched happen today initially was the prosecution laying down text messages between michael cohen and keith davidson practically sealing the steel working on this agreement they were putting together for stormy daniels. then all of this back and forth over whether or not she would appear first on hannity which she did not do end with jimmy kimmel and a lot of friction over that because they had this agreement but it turns out at that point stormie decided she was willing to break that agreement. she wanted to go on and speak and have her piece so all of that kind of laying the groundwork and really one of the interesting things they established on that side of the equation was all of the back and forth between michael cohen and keith davidson who said he never met or interacted with the former president at all, so then what you see now going on with the defense is they are trying to tear down credibility of davidson. they are the ones who brought in all these other sex tapes that
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he brokered, money exchanged with hulk hogan, he would not get into his transactions for charlie sheen he said look, i have had 15,000 clients. i don't remember everything will transaction. what they are trying to do is basically put him in the same bucket with michael cohen saying neither one of these people come this is the defense, have any credibility also establishing for them that, you know, these deals of call and not by former president donald trump, and the other thing i would just quickly mention, john is an interesting exchange between davidson and cohen where cohen calls him in december right before or after the election. basically is commiserating with him saying can you believe i am not going to the white house? he is clearly angry. wanted to be attorney general and wanted to be chief of staff he is livid he says after everything i did that guy can you believe are not going to the white house? which was an interesting moment recounted by davidson as well who obviously had pretty much
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had it with these lengthy phone conversations with michael cohen railing at him. but they are establishing that friction. it's pretty interesting. than they got into basically establishing davidson. they tried to come of the defense, as an extortionist. that he pulls this money out of all these different celebrities in order to line his pockets which he obviously took issue with. >> sandra: martha maccallum live, we will see you shortly thank you so much. >> martha, thanks. >> good to be with you. thank you. >> john: let's bring in matt whitaker former acting attorney general. to put keith davidson on the stand today the prosecution expecting him to weave a tale to buttress their contention that trump somehow committed a crime by affecting the results of the 2016 election after -- long after the election took place. but as mentioned to martha, it wasn't exactly a seller witness for the prosecution. said a lot of things they probably would not have wanted him to say including he would
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not have considered this to be hush money. he would consider it to be a "consideration." >> right. and they have to do a magic trick right now kind of a card trick. aftershow these document sort of fraudulent documents and we are also related to trying to effect the election. and they need to show both because they are both misdemeanors which elevates it to the felony which extending to six the only reason this is in court but what of this witness say today? essentially saying this happens all the time. and my sense of the courtroom is yes we do extort celebrities. they have the money and we have people making, we don't know if they are accurate charges or not but they are making charges against them so i think this undermines a lot of this in connection to the campaign. this is something that happens to celebrities all the time. 15,000 clients, he said. i think they are case is factually crumbling but as those
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facts crumble, then the law that it is based on completely falls apart. >> matt, sandra here. just to play out some of the former president's comments earlier. >> there is no case and it should have never been brought. if it was going to be brought it should've been brought eight years ago. do know we are talking about 2015, 2016, no one has ever seen anything like it. they wait until i announce russian mark who starts a case right smack in the middle of somebody's elections? it should be illegal. because it is election interference. >> i want your reaction to that. >> he is absolutely right. these were all timed by democrat prosecutors they were elected or appointed that could essentially know how long these cases would take, and time them to hit right in the middle of campaign season of 2024. many of those cases have been delayed, but this one has gone to trial. we are in front of the jury but again as i was telling jon i just don't think the facts are coming in like they had hoped.
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remember, everyone that undermines michael cohen makes him even weaker. they were hoping these witnesses would rehabilitate him. so everything he is saying is shoot true even though he's a convicted liar. i think it's going the opposite. >> it's interesting something davidson said and martha alluded to this he said he expected everything he had done for donald trump it would be the attorney general or he would be the white house chief of staff. and david said he was so surprised that trump wasn't bringing him to washington he thought he would kill himself which kind of lays the groundwork for somebody who may be a little vindictive when it comes to his former boss. i want to ask you about these protests. because we have seen them going on perry we finally heard from biden, ten days after the last time and that was only because a pool producer asked him about it in the first place. chris merrick garland and all of this and is there a role for the doj under civil rights law to get involved in what we see
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across the country? >> there absolutely is a way. if they wanted to come of the department of justice could have a role. but one of the things that is not happening is the only person i hear her saying thank god for the police and thank you for the l.a.p.d. and nypd for doing your job, and making sure that we are not violating people's first amendment rights and making sure threats of violence of actual violence and takeover buildings and all of the things we are seeing play out on television, no one is backing law enforcement from the biden administration. there is no appreciation for the terrible policies and what position it has put law enforcement in to try to walk this very tight rope of maintaining law and order but at the same time respecting people's first amendment rights but their messages disgusting. >> look at this live shot of george washington and the george washington statue. students are still adding to this. i mean, this is destruction of property. and it remains that way right
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now, met. quick final thought? >> again, i think the american people in places like where i am from an iowa are just completely appalled by what is happening. you know, again, if you have a political because you want to support, go protests. be peaceful. march. but respect other people's equally passionate views and certainly don't desecrate some of our most important national monuments. >> sandra: just brutal. >> john: could see you think of her being with us, appreciate it. now this. [chanting] >> sandra: riot police finally moving in and ending the anti-israel chaos at ucla we will speak to a jewish student at the school who helped organize the encampment. what he thinks about the police response and today's remarks by the president.
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>> sandra: fox news alert on george washington campus and our live shot of the statue that has obviously been vandalized and destruction of property obviously taking place there. you see the flag up to the top right-hand side of the screen there. what we have been watching over the last couple of minutes is students trying to -- or protesters trying to raise the palestinian flag. we saw it move up a few feet it looks like they are having a hard time getting it up there. probably wanting to do it for the first time those trying to do that but they are trying to raise the palestinian flag on the campus of george washington university. these are two different live shots we have of that at this hour. john, that is really happening right now.
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>> john: they tried to do that it university of kauai and at chapel hill and it did not work out too well and city college in new york at the nypd took down the palestinian flag and put old glory back up in its place. let's go to the west coast. the campus cracked on at ucla leaving behind a huge mass following a night of violent confrontation between anti-israel activists. been cursed as a student at ucla is a jewish but he sides with t. people may wonder why you are with the protesters. >> would you mind repeating that question one more time? >> john: yes, sounds a little noisy. it sounds like you were in the protest camp siding with the protesters and a lot of people are asking why a jewish student would be doing that can you explain? >> yes, absolutely thank you for this question. i am glad to be with you as a member of the jewish voice for
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peace at ucla which is an organization that is grounded in the values of justice, equality, and dignity for all. as an organization we believe that zionism was a failed answer to very real questions of jewish safety. and as an individual i don't believe that the safety should have come at the expense of palestinians who have faced over seven decades of ethnic cleansing. and of course the most recent round of violence leaving 1.9 million displaced and so many dead. imminent starvation. that's what brings me to this movement. >> john: so you are in support of people who are saying the violence against palestinians in gaza is wrong. where do you come down on october 7th and the violence against israelis that was perpetrated by hamas? >> absolutely.
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my heart breaks for everyone that has been affected by this violence. that goes for israelis and palestinians. at the same time i believe that one crime does not justify other war crimes. as a person of the united states, i see my government backing one party to this conflict. funding weapons and i believe my role is to address my own complicity and the complicity of the government through which i am a citizen. >> john: president biden spoke about this a little while ago in terms he talked about violence and free speech and the anti-semitism. that we see being on some college campuses across the country. listen to what the president set a short time ago. >> there should be note place in any campus, no place in america, for anti-semitism or threats of violence against jewish stu
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students. there is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind whether it is anti-semitism, islamophobia, or discrimination against americans or palestinian americans. >> so, ben, you have been amongst the protesters have you witnessed any anti-semitism or support for hamas? >> in my experience i have not. i would say this is a place where president biden and i agree. i think there is no place for anti-semitism and one of my values as part of this movement is a commitment to jews and jewish communities. i respect the feelings of others when they feel this is something that they have experienced anti-says anti-semitism and what i think that means is to look much more critically and vigorously with the problem of anti-semitism. because it is a real problem. and yet we need to be able to
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distinguish between, say, a protest to chant or something that makes us uncomfortable and maybe even conflicts with things we have been told that a very young age. and material violence, hatred, so while that is not my experience, you know, i respect that they are feelings others have and i would say as part of this movement i can attest that i feel welcome not just as an organizer but also as a jewish person. we make jewish programming a regular part of the encampment and i think it is a very beautiful space for learning and community. >> john: so really quickly before you go and i hope you can hear me, what do you say -- and we have talked to plenty of them, jewish students who feel threatened who don't feel comfortable being on college campuses, people who have been accosted and told they cannot pass or go to school, what do you say to those folks? >> yeah, i think it's really
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complicated. as a jewish person myself it is something i have a lot of empathy for. and having gone through many of these experiences myself, i would say it is fraying to realize we are allowed to make distinctions between jewish and israeli and zionist. although these categories may blur, i think it's important to recognize when a student is made to feel uncomfortable because of a political position they hold. i would say has been the case rather than making people feel uncomfortable based on their identity, per se. again, these things a blur and i think we need to be much more critical about their inter interaction. >> john: we thank you for joining us and giving us your perspective on all of this. it is a perspective we have not heard before, thank you we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me.
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>> john: sender? >> sandra: this just in from cb cotton these are life pictures at ucla we are getting some word out of new york city were nypd sources are confirming to her about the protests here that 282 people were arrested tuesday night at columbia university and a city college of new york. 134 of them were not affiliated with either school. that is nearly half. 148 to did have an affiliation, but by the way, and affiliation is not necessarily a current or full time student. we will have more on that coming out also as we look alive at ucla hours after police dismantled the encampment there on the school grounds. many are asking if it's too little too late. we will hear from a ucla medical student who said that the police should have moved in day one.
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morning, that is a live look at what is left of that. still quite a mess they are. arresting anti-israel protesters who refused to leave our next guest as ucla should have addressed this day one. eliana joelkofski was there since day one. i believe you heard our last guest a jewish student who supports these protests what was your reaction to hearing his words? >> i just want to say he seemed like a really nice guy and seems to care deeply about palestinians and israelis, but i have to say that being anti-israel is a french minority in the jewish community. there have been several studies and polls that show 90%-95% of genocide mike jews are zionists meaning they have the right to
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exist, they should live freely r native homeland and it does not mean they should live there at the expense of palestinians. people are redefining this term, but the vast majority of jews are pro-israel. so tokenized doing this student part of jewish voice for peace which is a radicalized group and on it is tokenization that does not resent the jewish community and just because we have they are part of this does not remove them from anti-semitism just because they hold a shabbat in the camp does not mean they aren't also chanting "death to zionists" or anti-fado which is a call for violence against jews. it does not absorb them from anti-semitism and it does not mean there movement is not anti-semitic. >> sandra: i can't help but look at these pictures where they are cleaning up the ucla campus just scooping up all the trash left behind from these
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protests. trash bags, you know, just all of the personal items that were left behind on the lawn there they are scooping them up and putting them into a dumpster. i am sure a lot of the students were on the front line of the climate change protest as well. this was a bit from our guest that we heard from a moment ago been cursed end. i want to get your reaction to this. >> i feel welcome not just as an organizer but as a jewish pe person. we make jewish programming. it's a regular part of the encampment. i think it is a beautiful space for learning and communities. >> sandra: that's interesting a very beautiful space. as the president this morning condemned any protest that turned by when he says he does support the peaceful protests that are happening. the encampment tea set are not. those are not peaceful. i know your take is this is too
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little too late they let this fester too long. >> that is exact what i believe and though he says this in cabinets peaceful i know it has been -- there has been violence every single day. on the first night my close friend, lonnie, was physically assaulted multiple times. she was pushed off a ledge for holding a sign against hamas. i saw them in a circle chanting intifada and that is a call for violence against jews and anyone who knows israeli history knows the first and second anti-fado resulted in a lot of suicide bombings and murdering jews. to be chanting that in the middle of a campus does not belong in an academic environment like that. >> sandra: this was a ucla professor near hoffman saying these protests have been anything but peaceful, listen. >> this was never peaceful. jews were never allowed to go into the campus, jews were not
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allowed in the library, jews were not allowed to go to classes, it was never peaceful. they are vandalizing the entire quad. >> sandra: let me ask you something, eliana, did your friend who you described endured a lot of violence and threats specifically to her, you said she was physically shoved and pushed, did she ever call the police and report that? >> yes, that was the first night and you see pd was there and they did not intervene. you cpd has been there every single day, just standing idly by a-determiner. i think that is because ucla administration never told them to intervene. this is really on the ucla. the ucla leadership for not shutting the encampment down on the very first night after there was already physical violence. ucla let it fester until there were major crop, clashes and riots and then sent in law enforcement.
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but after that it was complete chaos. you know, it is a shame to the jewish community. they have not protected the jewish community at all. >> sandra: i have five seconds left, eliana you are studying medicine. we need our best and brightest to get in there and study and come out good doctors. are you worried about the future of college in america? >> i mean i don't want to say any thing about my fellow classmates that is bad but i will say i am the most vocal pro-israel student and probably the only openly very zionist student. there are other jewish students, not very many, which is concerning, that is a problem to address another time. but there is a very wide spread anti-israel belief in my med school. there is a lot of i would say anti-semitic rhetoric. >> sandra: that is an incurable statement. i mean, there is no room for
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that in medicine. >> yes. my school specifically i don't know if you heard about the anti-semitism that was previously in the first year curriculum, but yeah. we have been in the news. one of the first year classes, the leader led a free palestine chant so it's embedded into our curriculum. >> sandra: those are huge statements. eliana we will follow-up with you thank you so much. >> we have a very conflicted judge unfortunately. you never know. but other than that there is no case. it never should have been brought. >> john: for president trump once again sounding off in his criminal case as the jury hears more testimony today and now it looks as if the d.a.'s case could be starting to fall apart. carrier bond joins us next were the case goes from here.
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>> john: it seems every day there's a new protest and new competition between police and protesters today. that is at portland state on that southwestern side of that city that right police there you can see them geared up with their flex e cuffs have a standoff with protesters who apparently, sandra, had occupied the library. according to local reports they got people out of the library moments ago we heard the police announcing "stay behind a police tape, do not engage with the police or you will be arrested" as they tried to clear the scene there. everywhere else in america something pops up. >> sandra: the demonstrators are chanting back after they say arrests will be made when you interfere with the police on the
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ground there but they are standing ready and we are watching it. a moment ago it was interesting i saw one of the cops on the ground with a long stick up above their heads. clearly they are taking pictures of everything happening in real time if this were to escalate. we will keep watching, john. >> john: some of the protests we have seen and the videos online are fully kitted out themselves. i watch the competition between a protester who had a helmet and his own riot shield trying to take a run at a police officer. he lost the confrontation. he went down like he had been hit by the refrigerator and the police dragged him across the police line and put him into custody but these protesters are not afraid to confront the police which is where it gets really, really dicey because once the protesters start to make a point saying we can go after the police, that is sometimes when people get hurt.
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or they have to use more excessive force to calm down the protest. how often did we see portland in the news back in december of 2020? here it is again. >> sandra: arrests have been made. have the efforts to remove students in the standoff in the library there. we will see what happens next we will watch this live at portland state seaport in oregon they've been putting a police state. as we heard the announcement a moment ago there was a reporter on the ground i should say letting us know exactly what he was seeing. they are putting a more police barricades, but right on the other side of the police tape you can see the protesters are aligning right up. to your point they are not afraid of the police. they had been walking by flipping them the bird. it is not good what we are seeing, john. >> john: it's interesting to see the contrast between what is happening here in the very large police presence and at ut austin and a parent we know ut dallas. and what is happening out ucla. here in portland state police are in full force, and ut austin
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and dallas the same thing yet it took as long as it did for ucla to get the police involved even though that too. >> sandra: we will keep watching these life pictures. >> john: in the criminal trial against trump it is said to continue shortly it looks like the d.a.'s case may be starting to crumble. our fox news legal editor carcarryurban, i think the prosn was trying to score some points of keith davidson knowing is the person who cut the deal with michael cohen for the silence of stormy daniels and david packer and the silence of karen mcdougal, what he said didn't seem to help their case. >> i think it helps trump more than their case. in fact one thing i thought he said that was interesting was he talked about how what the hush money payments actually were a. of your member a threshold issue
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in this case is whether donald trump lied when his bookkeeper classified the payments to michael cohen to stormy daniels as a "legal expense" the state has taken much issue with this they said it was stealing something else and also i would like to have said reimbursement to michael cohen or stormy daniels. however, when the state question keith davidson who is the lawyer for stormy daniels and karen mcdougal on the stage and asked if he would characterize those as hush money he declined to do so. he said its consideration. consideration is a legal term with contracts and it means exchanging something of value in return for a promise to abide by the contract so here that would be stormy daniels getting paid for not disclosing this alleged encounter with donald trump but i thought it's very interesting john and sandor that he would not say it was hush money and called it consideration which by the way is another word for legal expense. >> sandra: interesting. how would you describe the vibe
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in the courtroom? >> everyone is paying pretty close attention there has been some laughter as lawyers have gone back and forth. you know -- keith davidson obviously he is a lawyer so when he is being russian by a lawyer he is doing his own lawyer thing in response. at one point the defense got frustrated with him accusing him of playing "layer games" but it's interesting the other thing i thought was notable the defense went after keith davidson implying he has a pattern of extorting celebrity clients in the past but then it mentioned hulk hogan and others and said you have a pattern of squeezing people for money when things hit the fan. the point of them doing that was to show what they are trying to prove which is this is not about the election for donald trump but a financial benefit to keep it on davidson and his client because he would get a very big cut of the pay off when he was able to get these things off the
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finish line. >> sandra: let me ask you this question >> john: back to the idea of legal expenses the charge is falsifying business records to cover up a previously committed crime which is extensively trying to affect the outcome of the 2016 election. and the false purgation of the business records the payments to michael cohen were listed as "legal expenses" so if it was legal expenses that was listed in "consideration" according to keith davidson, where is the prosecution's case? >> exactly. compensation for an nda is arguably a legal expense. it is also cons consideration. i'm sitting there thinking i can't believe that state wants up with the former president of the united states and prison over quibbling over terms and how a legal expense should be classified. that is really what this goes down to because it has to be established before we get to these so-called concealing of an
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underlying crime and that is problematic as well because the statute they seem to be pointing to is the candidate of unlawful means and problems here one, if it's a conspiracy need terkel or more people but second they were only charged donald trump and he cannot be in a conspiracy with himself. two, unlawful means. what does that mean to promote a candidate by unlawful means? it strikes me they are riding into the law what unlawful means as they go along and hoping no one notices. >> sandra: that's a lot. what do we see happening in the next couple of hours here? >> they will continue to cross-examine keith davidson, we will hear more about these contracts, these ndas the payments he negotiated on the half not just mcdougall and stormy daniels but others as well but the bottom line is nondisclosure agreements, contracts, payments are not illegal. >> john: we will see where the
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prosecution case goes from here thank you we will let you get back into court. >> sandra: thank you. any moment now the former trial against the former president and trump fleming at all as election interference aware to things go from here? we are going to sit down with alina habba spokesperson for the former president she will join us just ahead. zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ ) ♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and
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>> people have the right to get an education, to get a degree. the right to walk across campus safely without fear of being attacked. >> say it loud and say it clear =!-exclamation-point scientists are not welcome here exmac >> i want you to hear me loud and clear when i say this: we are not going to apologize for existing! >> john: president biden finally breaking silence o


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