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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 2, 2024 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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latest proposal on the table, only on fox news channel friend senator john kennedy grilledy a far left professor at a hearing today. >> classic kennedyd to see all of the good doctors, objective tweets and scientifi c analysis. >> for the record, these are not my tweets. >>ese are retweets and when you retweet stuff you don't support, is that what you're yso telling me, doc? >> i do not say that i don'tyo support this. i simply did not tweets. it was as you were alleging. re i would like to make very clear that this form of regulation is characteristic of the propaganda techniques thd. eretweete >> merkley thank you. are you going to call me a sicks . i wish i could have played it. that's all the time weh at t nem jonathan hunt, live in los angeles. as the clock strikes
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midnight here and campus chaos continues, you are looking screen right at a live shot of the campus of ucla, where hundreds of police clad in riot gear have been massed for several hours now, apparently waiting for the final order to go in and dismantle the encampment. set up almost a week ago by pro-palestinian protesters. but as yet, they have not made the move. on the campus itself is our correspondent, bill melugin. he has been there for hours now. bill and as we watch and wait, bill, i wonder if you have noticed any change in the posture over the last couple of hours or are we simply where we have been with the skirmish lines and no movement? jonathan, good evening to you. i can tell you it's gotten eerily quiet. all the protesters behind us, hundreds of them have stopped all their
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chants. they had been chanting for hours, free palestine, free palestine. now it's kind of quiet and eerie, and you get the sense that it could potentially be the calm before the storm. if police do end up moving in tonight, we'll step out and give you a little look here, this is the lapd skirmish line. they're still in riot gear. still hundreds of lapd officers here. but this is that group we've been showing you all night. they've been chanting that lapd is kkk intifada revolution. but you can hear now they're quiet. they're not chanting anything. some of them are sitting down. we don't know if they're starting to tire out or not, but we are still hearing that law enforcement is going to go into this camp at some point tonight and attempt to clear it out. we are seeing more and more california highway patrol showing up in riot gear. they've got a separate skirmish line set up near the encampment which is behind us, but the outside protesters, the several hundred that have shown up here to show support for the camp, they have definitely calmed down. the only thing we saw was maybe five, seven minutes ago, a group of chp walked by and
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some of them threw water bottles at those chp officers. now you hear them booing somebody on the other side of the gate. every time a law enforcement officer walks out of a building, i can't really tell over there, tommy, who, who that group is following over there. essentially, every time a new law enforcement shows up, the crowd boos them. but it's just really quiet right now compared to what it's been like earlier in the evening. there's not any less police. police are still beefing up all their resources here. they're still surrounding this entire campus. and by what we're hearing from our sources, the plan is still to go in tonight. but it appears maybe these outside protesters are starting to either tire out a little bit or quiet down a little bit. again, it is midnight, so we're just kind of in a holding pattern here, jonathan, waiting to see what happens. yeah. any sense bill that perhaps that is one of the things that the police officers might be waiting for, for that that huge crowd that had gathered to support the
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original protesters in the encampment might simply just tire out and begin to drift away as we hit midnight, 1 a.m. 2 a.m. possibility that the police officers could just be waiting for them to go because it's one less thing to worry about if they're not there. it certainly makes sense from their standpoint that they'd want to go in. if there's a smaller crowd out there and it definitely is smaller. we've seen some of them walk away. the crowd has thinned out somewhat, so, law enforcement definitely would prefer that there aren't as many people out there, but look, they they're going to pick and choose when they want to go in at whatever time they want to. we're not seeing any imminent signs that are about to burst in there right this second. but there's also different patches of law enforcement all around the ucla campus. there's a bunch of sheriff's deputies on the other side where we can't see a couple footballs away from us right now. but, look, if they're waiting this long into the night, into the early morning hours, i think you're right. you're probably getting
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the sense that maybe they're waiting for the encampment and maybe some of these outside protesters to settle down, calm down, and hope that some of them leave the area, potentially. lee, and bill, i wonder if, tommy is able to swing to your right a little to show us the encampment. and i was just saying i'm no military or law enforcement tactician, but as you as you look at the encampment there, i believe that you've got royce hall to the right, the powell library to the left is there, and that is heavily barricaded by the protesters there directly in front. is there the possibility that the officers could come through royce hall and or powell library, not have to deal with those plywood boards and that barricade at all and simply come through the buildings and emerge essentially in the middle of the encampment and round everybody up. is that a tactical possibility? jonathan, we were thinking it was, but it
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doesn't look like it at this point, they have completely barricaded the doors to both of those buildings. so let's say the officers were in those buildings. they've got them chained close, stacked up with all sorts of stuff there. they're blocked pretty heavily in both of those buildings. so i don't see officers being able to come storming out of them because they put all sorts of debris in front of the doors as well, but take a look at the skirmish lines right here. you've got chp in the front, lapd behind them again, multiple multiple agencies responding out here. and then you have this encampment, which the school has essentially taken a hands off approach on for over a week as this thing festered and developed more and more and more. and then we saw the climax last night when the tensions boiled over and there was fighting for two hours, a lot of violence. so, you get the sense that law enforcement and the school probably want this encampment finally cleared out at some point before somebody gets hurt again, like
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what we saw last night. so again, just kind of in a holding pattern right now, jonathan. and it is strange to not hear the chanting anymore because we have been hearing it nonstop, literally every second for the better part of 5 or 6 hours, and for them to quiet down, it certainly suggests they may be petering out a little bit. yeah. interesting. great to have you there as our eyes and ears as we are. gameplay all of these scenarios, ultimately, the only people who know are the commanders there on scene. what exactly what they're going to do. bill, great reporting as always. thank you so much. we will be back to bill as any news breaks. if it breaks, we t in for the moment, though, we'll send you back to gutfeldts to tick talks describing pronouns and their body piercings, how we could clear out most of them with a level. ld at meanwhile, they assume the grounds of the university
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are somehow sacred, a sanctuary from civility. it's not y from c. thi >> why is that quite different than a denny's? if these squads tried to impede your ability to get a cheese omelet while preaching cheesy your death, they'd be face first in a waffle iron. firsttheir faces resembling a n free eggo. but they know that would never fly in places where real people are. they getre rea their kicked.rida a take florida and texas. here's a statement from the university florida quote,is this is not complicated. the university of florida is notcomi daycare and we do noe treat protesters like children. treatthey know the rules. t >>he they broke the rulese and they'll face the consequencesthey wil. >> that's florida. that's florida where the candy get sunburns and sick burns. desantis didn't put up with student didn's acting liken lawless during spring break, and he's not going to allog w it on campus. texas, the governor says no encampmentt on cs will be allow. >> instead, arrests are being made. sorry, kids in isn't speech any
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more than pitching a tent makes itchinit daniel frickin boone. look, no one wants to sayy the obvious truth. i these are mindless brats. when i was their age, i wasbrat a mindless brad, too. but i didn't enforce a my mindlessness on others. >> well, except in bars and certais excen restrooms. >> but here, encouraged by the people who indoctrinate them, they demand total blind obedience as well as. an exemption from their own authoritarianism. what'sption fr their that sound? isn't it what they accuse us of oppression. it sounds that way to me. they're the oppressors here. they just at it. and yet the media indulges this default victim status, claimingm republicans are pouncing and seizing on this circusstatuo here's a headline trump gop sees on campus protestp se to depict chaos under biden. see, it's not the fault of these ignorant violent i children. it's your fault for noticing. well, we're goingn your fag to y noticing. >> and every now and then it's funny now.
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>> you're hurting me. oh, it's a lesson in life when your need for attention getsd ay carried away. >> you might end up getting carried away as well mightp. >> let's welcome tonight's, i guess his ex-wife. pt as everything except his depression. actor, writer and comediandeprci jamie lynnan. she's now allergic to gluten. sh toe hates when producers say that's a wrap. host of kennedy the world podcast, kennedy. unlike governor hochul, he can move his face to former gop congressman lee zeldinve his. and she's like rubik's cube,
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twisted in up and seen a garage sales. "new york times" best selling ruthor and fox news contributo catherine. jamie, we care about youbein being a parent, but i'm sure you're a loving parent. >> you have kids. ut i'myothese are children. and children love attention and we're kind of okay with giving it to them. >> shoululd we bd be. >> finally, a serious question to you and you don't know what to do. i was seriously waiting for the insult. for tall right. you know, as a sad, divorced a father with kids who will never speak to again. what would you have done as a parentdi father do if ? >> your kids ended up actually going to college, which they won't the. i feel more comfortable now. te >> yeah. good. well, honestly, as they often san say, when lunch is delivered to the set of thene view lunch,t to unpack here. >> it's all an excuse of what
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i feel like the university has to be about education or not letting kids go to their class. there's so much wrong with so much of this. my favorite thing. i'm so glad you played itrice twice. is the protester being carried? because what i find so ironic, ' that's the kind of protesting i like to hear from protesterss . yes, jeremy, like they're protesting. but then when he goes to carry when, that's real protesting, right? like, if i was part of the protest, i'd be like i'm par pr do you mean hold it back during the earlier protest? this bhe earlitest is how much r you have for actually protesting. protestii absolutely love it. >> i looked up to imagine if i you're sending your to school here and paying $345,000 forthas four years, and this is what's happening. yeah, i that stat and i was like, if i had like three or $4,000, i wouldn't send my kid there. i'd be just like, hey, we didt e it. >> let's keep it. exactly, exactly. >> you know, candy, you also have daughters and congratulation. th
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thank you. we're so excited about the birth of the third and fourth. yes, that's great. yeah. daw. ay noh you know what, kennedy? keep them coming. comi look at that. >> i told that trucker greg hockey. do you know? okay, i what kind of drives me>a crazy is i'm going to both sides here a little bit y t, but everybody's looking for a moment on their phone. wheverybodfor y? i would if somebody was blocking my way, i would probably punch i like, i don't know why. >> where are the guys who just grab these people? >> just throw them, throw them aside. these are not strong people. they actually had some of the fraternities at arizona state and they were doing that. they were going to the encampments and going to dumpsters and just throwing stuff awaythrowi and they were g back their schools. i went to ucla. you wentr school to uc berkeley. i'm actually surprised that berkeley has been pretty quiedt throughout all of this. m that is true. but, you know, it's like i'm happy my daughter is going to a state school in the midwest where this nonsens e is happening.
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if i were a parent, i were spending that kind of money, i would be worrieding ifa pa bet is the h.r. department and it is the senior viceit'scompan president that all these companies that are hiring the future leaders that are now prettyie futaders we sure they a to hire anyone from harvard ornt columbia or places like this that are allowing this propaganda to infiltrate anatio entire generation of people and their bosses. you know, it's like, you know, why they identify with what'seny happening and gotten you know, why they identify with hamas? because hama s picked a fight with a much bigger enemy who had way more guns. o do >> and that's what they're trying to do to the police. they're trying to pick a fight . so one of them gets hurt. and shame on columbia for allowing this happened the because they're going to force the issue and that will be the result. >> no. now, harsh wordsn becaat's goi i enjoy your tai li, let meondei tell you that right off the bat. >> you know what i'm wonderingng if this is a bunch of cause thay that when these kids
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on campus, they play these roles and then when they get out, they go, well, noes tw goig to be in a corporation. i'm going to forget about all of this. i'm going to listeation i ll foh my boss, i'm going to do all the right stuff. but the problem is not with social medi thea, not cos with instagram. >> your cause playing is forever. forer.. they >> should follow them. mm-hmm. and they're asking for amnesty'y as they take hamilton hall at columbia university. and speaking of, you know, non-player characters in what life might be like afterwards.wa so as janitors, we have tord give a shout out to them. it's a tough enough jo tb to hae to clean up. and then reportedly they're held hostagepohostag, y, that these hamas sympathizer types smelleknow thed. >> they haven't showered in about two weeks. if and then the janitors have to clean up after these hamas can sympathizers afterwards. and you, like they're going to have nightmares hav of yourh men in headscarves and women with armpit hairably. we should probably start like a go fund me page four for fe . janitors so, you know, shout out to them
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. >> i feel like this needs to bed a lesson that you are suspended. knd kudos to those university these or those governors know instinctively how to lead. u do' you've cracked down on it. you don't tolerate it because if you tolerate it, it only gets worse. my daughters are 17. ate highthey graduate high schol in two months. they're on the way to college. and it was great to see i that the head of one of their schools, like, cracked down on thi the theis right.d gove >> instinctively, you talked about desantis and governor abbott leading herrngrege in nee york. >> kathy hochul, she ever press come. she was like, this isn't my responsibilit aconference iyn the universities. i have nothing to do here. when you call the national guard the i have nothing to do here. >> if you don't want to lead, and sten'p of the way and let someone else step in who knows instinctively how that i guess i think i think i think kathy hochul is just trying to save face because sheg only has two left. cat, i have to be fair and say that probably a lot of thesehese people aren't students that are there. >> shouldn'tpeopleren't st the h
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call out the interlopers, the people? inopers off what these people tt aren't students are the ones smashing the windows? >> does it mattee arr? yeah, i think just in general speaking, being anti war doesn't necessarily mean you're anti semitic. just like the people who went to the protests on january. weren't all the people inthe pe the capitol on january 6th.l so that's an important distinction. of course, some of the things we'rsuccese seeing or hearingrig people say that are at these protests are very anti-semitic things. they have a right to say those things no matter. y migh disgusting. they may be, but you don't have a right that the zionistsb' the person who says i'm a zionist has a right to say that too. so you don't t to have right to sayo th you can't come in to the library because of what you just said. beof whao i think as as as complicated as people make sp seem, i think it's prettymple straightforward, actually. all speech, no matter how gross it is, protected underee first amendment when you're breaking into buildings. i mean, is there anybodyis protr that thinks that this is okay? i certainly hope not, becausey a
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i think anyone should have any problem calling that out. no, you can't say, oh, you say a prlling ab, can't come to the library you pay for or oh, you know, you can't go to clast gos. also, like if you're paying that big bucks to be on this limpusayin, can't use it. i feel like you should get a little money back maybe. yeaht moneck. >> so i mean, it's just so it's so clear cut and it's shouldn't be hard to call those things out. >> all right. up next, drew barrymor reg: up e over ove a liberal book, boom, hiding your fungus damaged toenails. get clear, healthy looking toenails with neonics, nail clarifying gel. in a clinical study, 90% of nails improved for fungus damaged toenails by neonics new and cvs. we love being outsidnsettere, be sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy now. thanks to our new sun set a retractable awning. we can select full sun orglare. instant shade in just
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today's video of the day comes f to us from drew barrymore, -- oslobbered all over kamalroa her talk show yesterday. >> roll it. i keep thinkinshow rolg in my hd that we all need a mom. i've been thinking that we really all need a tremendous o in the world right now. >> yeah, but in our country, we need you to be mom. >> a lot of the country. >> for those who don't know, mama is the nickname or step kids. >> gre that' her back.r be because apparently for our nonbc bilingual viewers, mom ela alsot means surrogate in spanish. don't laugh. this time i thought my missus was complimenting meeuse was ana ,who addressed her witches shriek. she so caughe asking me earlier about what it means to be likeru the first woman? and you know, it's funny me go get stillstill i
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used to this, right? >> i mean, my staff, for the, sometimes they'lle it show me little things that just amuse me'l. >> like, apparently some people love to talk about the way i laugh. oh yes. hich w >> okay. i love your laugh. well, i have to tell you something. have mi have my mother's laugh. and i grew up around a bunch of women in particular who left from the felt. >> you know, i'm never going lei to be this. >> just. i'm not that person. see, her inappropriate laugh is what women do. laug you find it weird? >> you probably are sexist. sorry, ladies. criticizing her laugh. that doesn't make me . i'm sexist because i say women i can't do math and she's got a poor night. >> thank you, whoever that is. but that's our mom. maybe drew should have asked kamala about the whitehave house drama law or the economic trauma law or her with michelle obama, or whmiy dumber than a la
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ma la. >> finally, can we address how close drew is sitting ad sto her? i'm not sure she's going to ask questions or proposeur. nk thank goodness stupid isn't contagious or they beat eachtupr other. it's like a commercial for breath mints for idiot l ofs. but it's not the first time drew's gotten uncomfortably close with a female gues timt. >> and like i said, female. imeh >> but at least this time shed did get jabbed by a. is that two of us? underage, dated word on the planet. i'm bringing it back. kennedy. kennedy. i never greg back. i said to the trucker, told me i had i was my nickname was. hey, is is stuff children tell you that do what you who comet p with stepchildren okay. that's right. why do dems parental lies.
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i made i t that parental eyes leaders like you had howard stern saying to joe you're liker your country's father. >> and then. and then you got drew saying your mom. >> why is that? because they're a bunch of immaturng them e. you know, it's like the kids who are taking over collegemp campuses are the product of immaturuses ae, emotionally stunted children. and i actually think it's very sexist i. but the only appeal she can make to kamala harris, you knopw to your point, it's not about her economic or political prowess. >>s not he it's just like, can t be like a mom and give me a hug because she's incapableny of anything else? so drew barrymore thinks she's givingthing her this bada it's actually an insult. it's a real punch. >> the uterus. oh, kat, that's pretty harsh. h i mean, i would know >> you can't spell uterus without us.
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>> so does this does any of this this situation make you upset? >> like the fact that they're sittin sitou upsg close to.? >> okay, drew barrymore. i likey like drew barrymore. >> and i di o thinthkhe it's interesting the way she interviews people. ye s. >> it's always the same vibe as like to peeking on molly together while they're waiting in line at the bathroom at a club. that's right. it's like a jets mile.e bath >> like, you feel it?d they're waiting in line. the bathroom. they're likeant , i just lovein you like that. really close. like, touchinga litt tha a litt. >> and that's. that is the vibe. it is weird to see ie itt when n it's kamala in particular. it's an authority figure. and like , i mean, people forget p how many people she put in prison. >> yeah, that's, you knon prisow >> you put those black fatherse in jail, you know? >> how did you feel? and it's not about the rap as somebody with a very
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annoying laugh. yes. well, also, i do have my dadlefa annoying laugh, and i've neverps brought that up as a clapback before. so maybe that' a claps a tip from karma, but it's not the laugh. it's the times in which she laughs. right. shgl, she's talkin about something very serious or something that makes no sense. that's what maket maenses peopl. it's more along the lines of, oh, not your laughs annoying, but more like, are you oka y? yeah, yeah, yeah. i was that i>> gres cringeworth. >> as expected. expected those two? absolutely. yeah. as far as co-parenting a skills, if that's where they want to go with this, you know, howard hoern, drew barrymore, joe biden and kamala harris, as co-parenting skills have stn over the last three. >> right. i think that if drewor g barrymore's pick for great protector is, kamala harris,k at you have to look at the last three years where she's had the opportunitasy to proveto pre herself as possible great protector. and she won't protec at the border, even though she's the border czar, she won't protect parental rights oror, law enforcement orwomen'
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girl sports or a thousand other things. >> so, you know, when you think of her her record and you want to start thinking about nicknames, i mean, your momma, kamala, sharmila and mama, mama dingdong. >> i mean, she's beema dingdn a. she needs to go. and hopefully our opportunity. >> it's such a good point that she could have really made a name for herself on women'st sports because no one else was doing that except for j.k. rowling. and if you really gains. but like, if she she could rea have really steered that and like actually helped her president. can i call you jamila? yeah. yeah. >>m a lot less outa. i love it, jamila.keep i'll answer anything. just keep having me on andhavin. >> are you still sleeping in your car? i actually just closed on at cls minivaedn. thank you. thank you very much. you know what i told you by
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the car? proper work yourself up the property ladder. the ladder? yeah, you did. tyit's a one story.ors. >> it's a four door. it's a i was watching this. i was watching this video, and i was like, i can't believe someone's out awkwardly. kamala. yeah. like, there was a moment where she s, like. she seems normal in the situation. like, it was so craz iy. i don't like the whole parental losing. yes, you said it. . howari didn't like when howardn said that joe biden could be theid that father of our ca. i don't think he could be the father of our country because he's not going to be the father of his hunter. i'm just one guy. that's true.y' one guy. he's not doing it. and honestlys not g ob, that wat the most uncomfortable body language i ever i,comforta i, i proposed to my girlfriend this weekend and i didn't get as close as drew gote as to kamala, i have to ask. i hav yes or no. kiddi >> she said maybe, but it's a no, no, no. shd saallye she said, yeah.
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oh, break it to breaking the news, the gut. >> but i did not know. congratulations. thank you very much. >> wow.should i think we should do the whole d rest of the show on thisf facts >> we can't. but that's amazing. ins gee, i can't. i feel like i can't insult you right now. i know, that's how i was hoping to use that for the cannon. sold her, because she livesr bea in canada. bands >> all right. up next, a school enacts ban ted for, athletes protesting. w clis does it want to have a crack trust safe like this? customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from homewe rep. wiper sos he's go to a safe flight sos he's go to a safe flight in just a few clicks. you. we came to his house, then we got to work. got to work. we replaced his windshield and install new wipers to protect his new glass. to protect his new glass. it's greatforvice thank you. my pleasure. my pleasure. we come to you foratm. for free mobile service. say fly icon.
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during the event, they were protesting the biological male actually did win first place. is this nuts yet? plact mean that as a pun.pon. >> all of a sudden we woke up one day and transgendered people became the superior human race. >> like, when did that happen? >> after days after days of the year, now are holidays to celebrate these's and when anyone else's rights are in conflict, when it is inin the best interests of this chick with a stick to to go inay a different direction that always rules. yeah. and if your daughter has a problem with going to the girl's bathroom with the girls locker room, with the other, well, you're out of luck. yeah, you got daughters. and if they get, like, what they get, just, like, would they get in troubl troubla they refused to share the bathroom with it? >> stick licked back. whatever you said, b they're going to get called a bigot and a fascist.
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and they're the ones who are goinist nazig to be targeted wit attack is if you're being th olerant, you want to defend women's rights, speak up on behalf of all these girls. >> right. you know, kaall tht, all i keept thinking about is shotput and kat, lik e, have you everdoing sh thought about doing shotput? >> oh, my god. don't even know what one looks like. okay, it's a bit just a metal ball, but i don' >> grebasicallt think you could pick it up. exactly. yes. would you pacould it upy to see kat doo a shotput? shot. all right. come on. >> b. out the shot] put it. do you think i'm really that, like, interested in getting up from my seat i? well, i understand how it's legal for this public to do this. i don't know if the protest is constitutionally protected. speechs purcha i. i don't understand how it means. they're not occupying anything . they're not blocking anything. they just didn't show up. erally j shothat's against the . well, i mean, it's not against the law. they just got banned from all shotput.
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jamie, do you know that the shotage got all sh industry is y a year industry? i did not know that. is that true? no. greg: i at. yeah, that's why. that's why i didn'i t know. >> i feel like if i could give a little tip to, the transgender athlete who plays on the women's team maybe don't win by slete mayo. yes. gender. make it a little bit closer. saw an amazing once during the glove touch. >> the woman tapped outhing dute >> i go, you got to make it a little bit close. did you see like this person won? they had they had three in the shotput. they had three more feet and one more . >> that's what it said. >> i don't know if they still do this, but when i when i was wrestling in high school, we had a girl that wanted to wrestle a that just like wrestled on our team. right. right. and it was where we had, like, different goals for the matcm as h though, because, like, she wanted to pin me and i wanted her to pin me. >> that is great.
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where do the shop? i stop. i just don't know. even where we're shopping, . t , you know how did that come? even in the candy we put out.a n but is it how do han you comdye in handy as a sport that you would do later it like is it like, oh, my canlater i'm brok >> can somebody. >> these ancient greeks had some crazy ideas. crazhesereeks ati'm sure if your at hamilton hall last night, throw the hamas terrorists back outside at kennedy. thi >> it is the thing is, a lot of people say the female athletes should be the ones speaking up. they're the ones where speaki the matters. and here are four females that think it banned for speaking up. >> it's insane. i know. i actually there are a lot of where i'm not on the side of the biological male who's competing in a female category. this case is a little bitca different and you know thiiffers student has been identifying as a female for years, like. since joe has janie since she wamie.s. t i but this isn't someone like i
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letourneau. it's like, oh, my god, like, it's so bad in swimming, but i love it. like, i would love to be so much better than other people. beat'd better than wha what, cat the women. like, ifomen i raced against li- nine year olds, i would also be better than theolm because i have a slight biological advantage. but in thi haves, you know, this this it's a person who really has been born in the wrong bod body. >> and for a lot of people, i think it's made up and they're a buncyr some madh a queens and it's super annoying and they're turning sports on cs its head. this case, unfortunately, isn't helping, but this is one of those cases where help thctually i feel bad for the person because they haven't made any other accommodation other than to say, okay, even you can't do competitive sports, period. mmodatio and that seems i have a cough. i'm not crying. h. n a bas a little hars yeah, you know what? you don't have to cry. okay, but they shouldn't ban. >> those kids. they should. well, they shouldn't have banned those kids. no, they shouldn't be on those kids. mean that is also the wrong reaction. it's an oversimplification to a the wro it's complicato one is making it better. >> i agree with yos makingu rigp need to stop crying. kennednedyy.
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behind it. but how do you like the game you see getting canned by thate mean orange man. our second video of the day comes to us from matt sourpuss nicole wallace, who's about as appealing as a heat rash. watch as she what will happen if trump wins this exact time next, depending on what happens7 in november, seven months from no monw. we can't say for certain that there would even be a white house correspondentsn orn even a free press or evenress o a white house press corps, depending on what happens in november, seven months from right now. just so next year, i might not be sitting here. i might not be at white house correspondents dinner or a free press day f. >> you might not be sitting>> y theroue.
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sorry, no one knows or cares where you'll be sitting. you could be sitting s where naked inke the middle of a traffic intersection and no one would care. you're on msnb c. nobody takes you seriously. and the only audience you ever get is when weudience show cliu on fox. apparently o has a delusion of grandeur is that it makes sense. >> but sheake sens has less of n impact than a punch from katch. all right. >> i love the fact that shet sh thinks that she is dangerous. >> kat, does she does she really believe this? >> that's that's what yi want o her to. i don't know which is worse. i know she really believes this and she thinks that the other side ojustr is she just saying that because that's like the kind of stuff people say, yeahe stuf, i don't know, man. you know, i've got to say it, but it doesn't make any sense. >> well, you know what's funny, too is that she was talking about the effects of a trump presidency, not on america presiden is like aboo could happen to the economy. this could happe
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n to law and order. >> it's this could happen to me. well, it's so scary.s of scary. guys, look what happens if this person is like that she wass already president. we know exactly what happened. they theiden house correspondents dinner every year noew, that was the only difference. and course, it's going to be a press corps because his favorite activity cos favorig with the press corps. yes. you know, jim acosta is, the only person in washington who has a for the trump presidency, because without becu president trump, he is completely irrelevanse t. it's true. and it's so funny, jamie. it's like that trump doesn't destroy the media. the media destroys themselves going after trump. >> ever since the 2016, cnn was never the same. >> their derangement just completely has took whatever objectivity they had left and tossed it intohcan the trash can where you live. >> that's right. i remember, i was like, wow, was what was that? atand what a great point kennedg makes it. they always go like, what's goinhappeng to happen if
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he's president? look, he he was. he was. yeah. we could see. yeah, it's i think it's sad too they're bringing they didn't have to bring up trump. >> there's no reason to bring up trump in this moment. even wheup trun biden gives his speech. he's also bringing up trump like they can' ngt not talk about him. it's so sad. that would be like a comedian coming on. s comingutfeld he has to mentin his ex-wife. >> yeah, yeah. u told >> how she act. have you told her yet? >> the ex-wife that you're getting married? yeah. just now on your show. oh, that's hazing. wow. that is hilarious. you didn't even consider that, did you? >> i was far all right. >> i've been happily married for a while. oh, okay. well, that's good. yeah, you say that was >> gaid no such bitterness. >> leave it. this is another reason to vote for trump.or >> yeah, absolutely. and. >> k. nnedy is right trump? president trump was there for four years. the white house press corps,
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they have had their biggest moment in the sun during their e four years. and the press corps continueth and president trump, as kennedy pointed out, would many times go round and around the room where the reporters can ask the craz aroy least wace most unhinged questions that were on their minestions d and life went on and we felt like the freedom of the press at times to the extreme was in existence during those four years. sos in we've been there, done t. nicolle wallace is just outing herself important for the rest of us to just call. . all right up next, look like situation. but they go from transparency is you better start being real careful this no ordinary kind of mush the guilty shall be punished open safe.
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so by self unleashing health transformation, should we be concerned a crook like mayor pete yet still out on the street english police tweeted out a computer generated wanted poster of a maen who looks like pete bootedd judge. but one of the gallagher jake, oasis. the suspect apparently broke into a 90 year old woman's home and falsely identified himself as a police officer, the same way mayor pete identifies himself as competentpo. well, we got to thinkingha what our wanted postert ous woud look like. >> here's kennedy.
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here's here's me. here's cat. >> i check out lee. >> and finally, here's jamie. anyway, there's certainai generation that has no idea what a guy wearing a barrel means, but everybody our age the greatof depression, the great to pickaninny does. >> shoul, itd they? >> mayor pete's passport? they should bathily should they should take ly shoul his his federal key card, too. yeah. it should be nowhere near power. a powed hisy cardiac thr, rathee if he's going into some older lady's home and, you know, possiblys me possi buggering her.e we didn't read the full police report, but i think there could be possiblwedn't reaee buggerin, buggering involved, you know, cat, if they ever asked you to do a sketch of like, let's say i committed a crime and they said, we need a sketch >> if , couldeustis
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you even tell them what i look like? >> i don't understand how i don' se anwhatt understand how n do a police sketch like they i couldn't tel al people you looka like. >> but i do know what you look like. i know what you are saying. i have photos of. you know what i'm saying? if you couldn't tell somebody, you couldn't. could >> how i look.n' i don't know how police sketches work is whatrigh i'm saying. yeah, right. t?i it's weird. >> yeah. i also. u get th i also don't know how you get that job. yeah, i also don't think that looks like people to judge at all. >> yeah, i don't know. he does look like somebody who, like, torturese does cats, thoui lee wat'y you think it's him? well, i want to congratulate. yeah, pete. i mean, this is a big win for fore in most communities here in united states. there's not wanted, though. there is a community in the acta and, you know, even ifll eve it's connected to a burglary, good for . okay, that's good. that's good. jamie. thoughts on this today? is that him? ba is a bad crime.
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i hope they catch this two dimensional nineties game ca charactectr and i feel like that's one job. the air is not going to take over jobgoing because this is a piece if that person true i feel for the guy that i actually was on i was face waste on a most not wanted poster and then at my ex-wife's all right we could probably button up this segment, right. jamie, are you going to just sit there and act like you havee almost something to say? >> that i wish i had quit a joke ago? all right. we'll be right back. >> it's you missing out the things you love because of asthma. ev to better breathing with the centro an add on treatment. but you've got to look not and it's taken once every 80% right? is not present breathing
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