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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 24, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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is outside, the police are roaming just outside the university but those people inside have been given in their tent increment 48 more hours. this goes on. who knows how the university will handle this. they have done nothing we expected them to do. in the face of this. and much of a dangerous at times too. the students on campus fearing not just jewish students but everybody because you are caught in the middle of this. >> johnson has a opportunity here to make people feel and know in this country we know the difference between free speech and that which is not protected speech. we know the difference between love and hate. >> these students need leaders on behalf of them and their freedom to go to class it would be nice to hear from former president barack obama a alumni. here is "america reports." [chanting]
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>> john: anti-israel protesters taking to the streets as college campuses are now in full blown crisis mode. we are awaiting an update from the white house on how the administration is responding to the protests as more are spreading against stomach across the country on john roberts in washington, sandra, every day this week the same thing. >> sandra: it continues to grow. we are covering it i am sandra smith in new york, john, this is "america reports" so far over half of the top 50 universities in the country have seen protests just for the last week and it is growing by the day. >> john: fox team coverage starting now on how this is impacting biden's reelection a chance. >> sandra: let's get to alexis mcadams live at new york university for a alexis what are you seeing at nyu today?
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>> hey, sandra and john come out at nyu we have not seen any protesters just yet though we know there are some planned events throughout this afternoon. we want to keep with you at nyu show you what we are seeing this is in front of the business schools where the tents are popping up now we just have wooden boards to try to prevent more protests. things got pretty out of control the other night, watch this. [chanting] that new video shows protesters chasing after nypd officers at nyu after we were told they made an arrest when the protesters would not get out of there. investigators are telling me this afternoon the crowd grew angry and violent after they had handcuffed a protester. they were trying to take the protester back away from police so the investigators had to go to the building for safety reasons. that shows what the officers have been dealing with, right?
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it was not just that. somebody also threw a chair at police as they tried to clear the scene at nyu it was thrown so hard i am told it smashed an officer's riot helmet he had on. police tell us they believe there are professional agitators who know what they are doing and trying to cause trouble. they are now looking into the possibility, john and sandra, a possible outside group could fund these protests across the city. back out here live at nyu another look here in front of the business school you can see the boards are up is also more activity happening at columbia university. where the calls for that president of the university are growing louder and louder each day. house speaker mike johnson set to speak with columbia jewish students this afternoon and this morning things escalated outside the gates with anti-israel chants like this. open >> isreal, go to hell, it
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is right to rebel exmac >> many are questioning who is organizig this movement pointing out these tents are pretty similar at campuses across the country even though there hundreds of miles apart who is paying for it is the question? mayor of new york city say the agitators bringing in weapons, those tents, and trying to ignite the confrontation with police. back live at nyu waiting to see what events are planned for the day but as you know from watching this, pretty much october across new york city in the country, these protests pop up quick and grow just as fast. that's why these universities are hoping can keep things under control back to you. >> alexis live at nyu for us a lot more coming up on that, thank you. it john? >> john: what a political in a dell micro white house w chief of staff and political analyst carl, start us off your. biden appears to be trying to walk this issue with one-foot on either side of the fence. in doing so he just seems to be angering both sides.
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>> yes. that largely stems from the impromptu comment he made where on the one hand he came out against the protests and the attacks on israel and jewish students and on the other hand recognizing the plight of palestinians. the statements of the written statements and the spokesman for the white house have been generally pretty tough, but the president himself set the tone by answering that question. look, this will get worse before the end of the school year unless these universities step in and make sure that the students are allowed to go to class and that campuses are not overtaken by student protesters. this will be an ugly scene. imagine what it will be like in august when the democrats meet in chicago and we have enormous crowds of protesters in grant park during the democratic national convention. it's not going to be a pretty sight and it will be reminiscent of 1968 and the famous democratic convention that was
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wracked by protests over the vietnam war. >> john: there is a whole bucket of grease they had to put on the statue to keep people from climbing it, what you think of how the president has done so far like into a donald trump set about charlottesville, there are "fine people on both sides what you say? >> i don't see the parallel, john, clearly people can say, and i think the american people in polling have said they support israel, they are opposed to anti-semitism and certainly any kind of bullying and intimidation by these people on the campuses. at the same time, you can be concerned with the plight of the palestinian people in terms of a very strong israeli military offensive that has devastated much of gaza. those are two separate issues and i think that is what the president was speaking to very much unlike charlottesville. in terms of the politics, you know, the reality is the election is not until november.
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and a lot of these young people out here today have strong disagreements with the president, president biden's support of israel continues funding the terry support, but you know look at ilhan omar, the congresswoman member of the squad who has strong disagreements with biden's israeli policies, recently she said oh, i am voting for biden. and i think right now that is where the white house is thinking is a lot of these young people have strong disagreements. they have first amendment rights but it's not likely they will change their vote. we did not see that last night in pennsylvania. biden did very well. he did better than prompted in terms of democratic votes. >> john: we don't know what the scope of the uncommitted vote is at this point. we will likely in the days ahead. in terms of terms of ilhan omar, carl, other members of the squad i think they are probably voting for biden because who else are you going to vote for? >> but -- >> and they appear to be driving the bus here.
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this is what aoc, alexander acosta or taz, said about these protests direct contradiction to what biden said she said calling police enforcement and nonviolent demonstrations of young students on campus is a escalatory, reckless, and dangerous act with a heinous failure of leadership that puts people's lives at risk i condemned in the strongest possible terms. biden is condemning anti-semitism going on and she says i am behind you all the w way. >> look, we are not talking about with the politicians are going to do, certainly aoc are going to say we are loyal democrats and we support joe biden but look at grassroots. look at the result of the pennsylvania primary. there is an 8% gap that is to say if you look in the two-party registration in pennsylvania, the democrats have an 8% advantage over republicans. the turnout was a 2% advantage. no races at the top of the ticket but the democrat advantage and registration so virtually disappeared when the
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actual turnout was there. that's not a good sign. and one can say this, plenty of time for this to get handled by the november election, but this animus towards israel and support for the palestinian cause from the river to the sea as they say, the extension of the state of israel is very strong in certain elements of the democratic party and will be reflected with people turning out and people failing to turn out and not voting for joe biden in the presidential race. >> john: what do you say about that but he is alienating jewish voters and at the same time he will not win back arab and muslim americans in places like michigan, they are gone? >> why they would cross that is on-topic like a matter of art you going to have people who don't show up at the polls and carl pointed last night to the level of activism among democratic most are voters and fondling a primary so again i would point out in terms of actual vote, joe biden did better in terms of raining and capturing democratic votes then
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former president trump did in capturing republican votes. and the second thing to say here is i think a lot of people have to make the case, and this is on the biden campaign to do it, that it is a matter of free speech and expression as long as you are nonviolent, nonthreatening, not anti-semitic. but you have the right to express your opinion and a matter of democracy and they will say but look at the alternative, if you care about democracy are you voting for biden or are you going to vote for trump? what an option. that makes biden look quite appealing. >> john: i think the issue with a lot of these protesters, they are definitely engaging in harassment. is a lot of anti-semitism. >> that is wrong. >> definitely. one, carl, great to see they could for kicking things off today appreciate it. >> thank you. >> a lot more head on this coming up. >> sandra: indeed as we continue to cover the life protests happening outside columbia right now.
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we do expect a little bit later on today at 3:45 p.m. eastern time the speaker, mike johnson, is going to be meeting with jewish students at the campus and he will deliver a message. we will of course carry that here live. we will also have a member of the administration come up, pete buttigieg will be joining us, a lot to talk to him about, transportation and otherwise but certainly we will talk about what is happening on college campuses. >> john: he is a graduate of harvard so he knows the environment of ivy league colleges. maybe he can add a little perspective for us. >> without presidential immunity the president cannot function as his political opponents will blackmail and extort him with the threat of wrongful persecution. >> sandra: the supreme court said to debate trump's immunity claim which could be presidential power freak many years to come we have brand-new analysis from brett tolman who will join us live coming up.
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>> plus senate passing a bill making tiktok devices all from china or be banned in the united states. how do content creators feel about it? we will ask one coming up next. brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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ban. how do these tiktoker's feel about it? we will ask one, freddy smith, realtor freddy smith joins us. you get lots of views, lots of clicks come lots of people who want to follow you and hear what you have to say and as a result you create content and you make money as a result of it. what do you think about this the potential for a ban how would that affect you? >> i think there are two sides of it. there is a consumer side of tiktok and then there is the business side of tiktok. to go on the consumer side for all of us who love the app you have people like mr. beast who creates entertaining content. there are people who do skits, who dance and we are entertained but the biggest thing we are doing on tiktok now is educating each other and having important discussions. we may learn something like how to repair a hole in your drywall, changing spark plug, or if you should refinance your house how to get things done but we are talking about things and issues happening in the country coming together and having the discussion. that's what would be missed the
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most. because right now in the current platform like mainstream media, i feel right now i am more presenting my idea, but there is nobody who can comment immediately and correct me if i am wrong or add on that i am doing right. when this is pulled from fox and put to tiktok, thousands of americans can comment on what i am saying if they agree or disagree and we can have a discussion. this happens across the board in so many areas, that's what i love most about this app is we are educating each other, we are seeing real people make actual discussions in the country which is great. >> sandra: very good so how concerned are you, freddie, about our personal information being compromised as a result of china, you know, being in charge of bytedance the parent company does that concern you? >> i think that's what will be discussed over the next nine months of asking the question of what they mean about china
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"buying" what they mean about them looking at our data do they mean they know i watched slam-dunk contest on tiktok or that i buy nike running to make shoes? what do they mean and how is it different then what they are doing with our data like facebook where they sell it for advertisements? i think there is a misconception they are spying through our cameras and stealing our social security numbers. they are just watching our behavior online to sell data to advertise to us. so i think that is the biggest misconception. >> sandra: the senate intelligence committee chair mark warner says in the context of social media platforms, to answer your question, used by nearly half of americans is not hard to imagine a platform that facilitates so much commerce, political discourse, and social debate could be corporately manipulated, he says, to serve the goals of an authoritative regime with a long track record of censorship, transnational oppression and disinformation promotion. that's where some of the
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lawmaker stand on at perry we decided to ask a bunch of users of the app how they feel about this political discussion that is being had come listen. >> it's a good platform. i don't think getting it ban would help at all. >> i don't think they should do it, i don't think it's hurting anybody right now. >> i think it is a form of censorship and it shouldn't happen. >> i definitely think it will impact the job market. >> there should be an american alternative. i think we will see things like snapchat and facebook come with the new platforms. >> i think less apps people are scrolling all day is good. >> sandra: i want to get your reaction to that, freddie. everyone is talking about it. what about an american version of this or somebody buys tiktok and it is housed solely as an american company, what do you see as the answer here? >> i think the answer is that we need to fight to keep tiktok because they have done it better than the other companies, though i love instagram, though i love youtube and i use them just as much as tiktok, there is
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something they have done on tiktok better than any other app. again, when it comes to the disinformation, we still don't see any proof of what that disinformation is that is being shown that everyone is worried about. the app is full of americans like me and you and everyone in that interview having discussions about what is going on in their life or ripping clips from fox and cnn and the senators and congresspeople having discussions and us commenting on what is going on in the world. so i think there is just a huge misconception from people who don't use tiktok of what tiktok really is. and that's okay, but that's what will be the discussion over the next nine months while we fight to keep this apple life. >> sandra: got it because it is your livelihood, right? this is your main source of income, correct? >> yes one of the main sources. myself and seven other million business owners do make money from the app so we have not only the consumer side concern that our livelihood. >> sandra: may i ask are you willing to give us a ballpark of how much you are able to make a
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year using this app? to make a living? obviously you don't have to disclose that it's just a question. >> that the little too personal but i do pretty well and i do it full time with my real estate business so it does well and i hope to continue to do better as well. >> sandra: got it, change could be scary for you. we are listening, we are talking to all of these folks out there the content creators because obviously a lot of people are arguing this and it's a main source of income for so many. freddie smith thank you for joining us, appreciated. >> thank you so much. >> sandra: we appreciate the discussion, right, john? we have been going down this path a while now trying to figure out where these guys to stand on this, how they use it, what their concerns are. are they concerned about the data being compromised with china? >> john: it brings me around to the same point i've been making for months now. yes, the moment it's people having discussions and learning how to change a spark plug in all of that and people tal talking -- >> sandra: six-pack abs. >> john: and like how the
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trojan horse like a garden element looked great outside until greek soldiers came out of it. everything is great right now. all of this information but when they pull the trigger on that, that's when the rubber hits the road. >> sandra: absolutely, think of coming on, freddie. >> john: absolutely. president biden signing if massive aid package with billions to the ukraine, speaking to president zelenskyy after the senate approved the bill greg palkot live in kyiv we have the interview and he has the latest for us. >> hey, john, there's a huge sigh of relief from folks in ukraine and now president biden has delivered on that foreign aid to bill that is $61 billion to the military that has been on hold about six months. no one was more relieved then ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy. this is his reaction to today's news. >> the moment when we waited for
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this, six months decision, 61 billion hopes i am thankful to people of america what i wanted to say. i am thankful not the first time. and i hope that you and the americans will feel the result of that help. the result to save ukraine and ukrainians. >> some of the weaponry they say is already in nearby germany and could get to the front lines within days. could not come any faster. listen to zelenskyy's answer to may be the toughest question. >> will you achieve victory? >> we have two. we don't have alternative. i don't know the kind of retreat, i don't know how it will be. i'm not sure that everybody will be happy, but i know we don't have any alternative. that's why we have to win and we will.
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>> we have to win and we will. emotion, determination, back to you, john. >> john: we will see if weapons make a difference. great at that, greg. >> sandra: anti-israel protesters taking to u.s. roads, bridges, blocking traffic and creating hazardous conditions. remember the golden gate bridge? transportation secretary pete buttigieg is here who will tell us how his department is getting a handle on this situation. john? >> john: and prosecutors and president trump to to forma president trump trump's terminal case are accusing him of another crime. what that is and how strong their cases. former u.s. attorney brett toman joins us on that. >> the underlying falsity or truth of the story is not what is the issue. it's about whether you chose to do it to protect her reputation, to protect your businesses, to incidentally camp might help your campaign at inc. that's where the crux of the case lies.
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be one supreme court set to enter the political right in the 2024 election with oral arguments tomorrow hearing on presidepresident trump's claimsn immunity. they could determine whether the former president will face a federal charge or alleged election interference before voters head to the ballot box in november. let's bring brett toman and former u.s. attorney and former senate judiciary committee council. brett comer this is a big moment for the supreme court. donald trump noting on truth social the following "if they take away my presidential immunity they take away kirk and joe biden's presidential immunity" but the question is typically presidents when they are in office have not faced any sort of charges or indictment. does that follow them after they leave office? >> yeah, i mean we really are talking about the heart of why there is immunity while they are in office. i mean, keep in mind the founders they struggled with separation of powers.
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they attempted to address that issue head on when they created the immunity for president. and they also did something else very telling. i think that might illuminate what the supreme court will do. they also vindicated they were not going to prevent someone from running for office if they were convicted of a felony. when you take those two efforts by the founders of this country to make sure those who wielded the power of the prosecution, the executive branch, that they could not use it against its political opponents, now you are starting to get a basis and a foundation why immunity is such an important thing. i think the supreme court is very definitely going to be reviewing do we allow the prosecution of a former president for commune no, behavior he was president? and it smacks against everything the founders did leading up to
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the creation of the separation of power. so i think the supreme court will probably rule in trump's favor. >> john: interesse perry we would hear the audio in the court proceeding so that will be interesting. in the hush money case against donald trump, the state of new york is now coming up with a new crime, conspiracy to promote or prevent election. this is how it is codified in new york law. "any two or more persons who conspired to promote orbit to prevent the election of any person by unlawful means into public or private office in which conspiracy is active upon shall be guilty of a misde misdemeanor." they say news flash here, there is no underlying crime he said "i have a spoiler alert there is nothing wrong with trying to influence an election is called democracy. they put something sinister on it" where does this case stand in your mind? >> it is quite fascinating to watch the prosecution wringing
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hands and try to create something that really isn't there. think about how circular this is. they are saying that he made false business record that he falsifies business record surrounding how he documented the payment that went to his attorney that ultimately money that transferred to stormy daniels. now, that is the crime they brought. they brought a case against him for falsifying the business record. now they are saying it has to be done in order to conceal another crime. the other crime we are going to say he did was the conspired to win an election through the falsification of the payment of the money. it is circular and it is not with the statute is intended to allow. but there really should be articulating some other time. but guess what? he is right. paying someone to be quiet is not a crime, and also paying
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individuals to get rid of stories you don't think are true or you think are prejudicial is not a crime. so i am not sure where they will go with this theory of the case. >> john: and the alleged false purgation of funds happened after he became president so how do you retroactively affect the outcome of an election with that? i don't know. brett toman, great to get your thoughts will be watching supreme court tomorrow. thank you we appreciate your time, sir. >> thank you. >> now this. >> this is motivated by hate, not ideology. it has been building up. this is how terrorism works. it works on columbia's campus the same way it works in kabul and in raffa. >> distress in university of texas austin just past the noon hour there on campus you are seeing growing police presence i
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assume that is campus police, we will seek to confirm that but this is the first look we are getting at an emerging protest happening on the ut campus. is certainly something we will continue to watch as we see what is happening in new york city and beyond. we will have more on that. >> john: keeping austin weird and from ceo where he says it could be heading, jerry baker will have his next coming up. ad. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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>> it will look more like the 70s like last 20 years. that doesn't mean you can fight off the effects of that inflation or something like that if it gets much worse.
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i wonder if it will be more than we have seen before. >> jpmorgan chase ceo jamie dimon worried the economy is heading back to the stagflation time of the 1970s. let's bring jerry baker, what is your reaction to that? at the same time he is saying the consumer is still strong in the economy is still good but that warning, what is your take away from that? >> the worry is we can have persistent inflation we have talked about that before despite the biden administration's attempts to claim it going away. it is not their fault. we have persistent inflation in the economy perry we also have reasonable growth. we have reasonably low unemployment so we don't have stagflation but the risk in the future because inflation is still so high the fed is keeping interest rates higher than people thought they would for longer. now we are told the fed won't
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cut interest rates at all this year as we discussed before they may even have to raise rates even higher. when that happens, the economy will have to slow down. then you will see unemployment rise. you will see growth slow down with inflation remaining at a high-level. so it's a 1970s, sandra, we had 15% inflation and a percent unemployment paired will we have that in the next year? no. but could we be stuck in a situation with persistent inflation, the fed keeping interest rates high, and the economy slowing down? very likely. >> sandra: we had this tiktoker on, freddie smith a couple blocks ago and he said in a lot of his viral videos the american dream is it dead? because among the youngest generation right now they are having a serious discussion of whether or not they will ever be able to afford a home. i mean you have wages the administration like to say her up, they really are not when you account for the high price of just about everything from food to fuel to median home price is soaring to levels we have never seen. now this bank rate survey, je
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jerry, on aspiring homeowners who say it is just unaffordable. people are getting older and older now before they even get themselves into a home. those who believe it is unaffordable, 78% that's 8 out of 10 respondents. jerry i want to pick up the live shot of austin this is our affiliate in texas you have to bear with us they are bringing live shots out of the austin campus. there are different live shots happening right now but it's a group of protesters in monitoring there. as we have seen this happening at so many of our of the last 50 in columbia new york city now it is happening. everyone says not down south but this is live at austin right now where they are gathering we see police presence there. what we originally brought you on with the rising cost of tuition. all these parents spending all this money to send their kids to
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school and this is happening. then not even in the room. look at these life pictures. are these still police or military presence now on the campus? we have more information on what you are seeing right now but austin, texas, live pictures coming in from university of texas. >> we should say something. also people think of texas they think of the south. they think it's a pretty conservative place. as has been pointed out these protests we have seen have been largely confined to these big east coast/west coast/northern universities but it should be pointed out oxidant and university of texas austin is a famously liberal campus and austin itself people have described austin as the capital of texas surrounded almost completely by reality. because it does have a much more west coast feel about it if you like. >> sandra: they are coming in on horses. >> yes they are. this is whoever they are or whether they are university
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authorities like you say or the texas rangers. >> sandra: we are getting information right now. >> by the way the other thing i think is important to say, sandra, we were talking about something different but it's important to take this point that we see these campus protests crop up whether it's obviously columbia we have seen or yale. >> sandra: texas department public safety according to bill melugin. >> we tend to see these as though there's another protest coming up. >> this is obviously pro-israel. >> clearly but these are being organized by these radical organizations that actually are pro-hamas, pro-terrorists, that are actually agitating among students. as you say this is clearly pro-israeli. >> sandra: we see that a lot of the counterprotesters arrived on the scene. there was a big group assembling earlier that has moved on through the campus. you will notice the bottom of our screen and our banner that notes the president is coming to new york tomorrow. he has no plans to visit any of
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these college campuses like columbia where they have now canceled classes until the end of the year. >> so say one thing you watch these pictures and you see the police on horseback and you see prose is really dumb act on pro-israeli -- to take action against those demonstrators that's not what happens. if they are pro-israeli they are almost always entirely peaceful. they will be there is a counter demonstration but some radical palestinians to protect israeli jewish students and pro-israeli students from extremists. you are right, biden is coming to new york, interestingly someone else is going to columbia. we talked about this before, sandra. biden came to office saying he had to stand up against anti-semitism. >> sandra: he said he wanted to unify the country so where is he and why is he not going to
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this campus? jerry thank you very much. >> john: as we continue to follow what's going on in austin for an interview in new york city if you think it will be hard-hitting, wait till you hear who is conducting the interview. "the washington times" opinion editor charlie hurt coming up on that. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs,
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>> john: a biden administration taking action in turbulence announcing new travel rules today. that will help you in the airport and get a refund faster if your flight is canceled or substantially delayed. pete buttigieg transportation secretary joins us to show how these have been enforced. one of the first questions i had in this new rule so you talking about it is if your flight is canceled for any reason and i am wondering if that means weather delays because that has always been the great escape valve for these airlines to say it's the weather it's not our fault, you are screwed. >> that is right. any reason means any reason. if your flight is canceled for any reason you are entitled to an automatic cash refund. the reason this change is so important is that in the past passengers have really had to
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fight just to get the money that is technically already owed to them. we are also finally putting a federal definition around what counts as a significant enough delay. it might as well be done might be a cancellation in your right to a refund. if you choose not to play the three hours on a domestic flight, six hours on an international flight because we have issues where you may not even make it to that wedding and you book another ticket on a different airline and you pay more for that. if you're in that scenario then you should at least be getting your original airfare on your original airline back. we are also saying we should give cash. if you ask for that, the automatic default if the passenger does nothing else has to be cash. this is part of a whole package we are moving forward especially like getting your money back of the wi-fi does not work when you pay for wi-fi, baggage fees, and better transparency so when you are booking a ticket you get
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more information up front about the true cost of that including change fees, counsel fees, bag fees, anything else that could go into what you actually wind up paying periods fee to mr. secretary, sandra here, welcome back to the program we you had a set hello. i can tell you so many times i have paid for wi-fi and it didn't work. i can imagine there is a process, though, a lot of us will probably not engage with because it will take time from your everyday life but what had me was the passengers will also be entitled to checked bag fee refunds if they file a report there bag was missing or misplaced. misplaces one thing but mishandled? i feel like every time i get my bag back it is dented and dirty. will i be able to get my money back?
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>> potentially, i mean scuffs and wear and tear is one thing but if the bag gets their hours and hours and hours after you do, at a certain point that becomes really an unfair practice if the airline still took your money for checking in the first place. bottom line if your bag is not delivered properly you should not have to pay for it in and that's now you should get your money back. if you're having a problem with that go to >> john: there is a lot more to talk about if you can stay with us till the end of the break. >> we will be right back i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask?
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>> sandra: fox news alert as we continue to look at life pictures coming out of austin, texas, this is a university of texas on campus they are. where a growing number of protesters have called to walk out. they plan this classroom walkout where students are invited to occupy the south lawn of the campus. we've seen a growing police presence they could be public safety officers. a pretty big growing number of protesters on the campus they
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are. let's bring back transportation secretary pete buttigieg who joins us now. mr. secretary, as we watch this, what are your thoughts? obviously you had to watch the situation very closely as it developed on the golden gate bridge and those protesters that cut off the traffic there, what are your thoughts as we watch these protests growing in number by the day on our college campuses in this country? >> what we saw when it came to the protests that took place on the bridge and others that had taken place near airports in my mind is transportation secretary immediately goes to safety. obviously in america we have a proud tradition of respecting and upholding first amendment rights. it is important when people are exercising those rights to free speech to protest and to assembly that they do so safely. when that is not happening, when there is a concern about safety
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in this context or in any context, that is really one uc law -- the local law enforcement playing the role they do. that is part of what we saw when we had those transportation-related disruptions that took place in the past. we are fundamentally a safety agency so that is what we think about every day before we even get to things like the consumer protection measures that i have been so proud to announce today that passenger protections and refund rules, the fees, the number one reason we are here is a department of safety >> john: you went to harvard you it are a graduate, harvard had an issue with the anti-semitism issue when you look at ivy league colleges like columbia, cornell, yale, and others, how is this allowed to go on what we have seen in the past week? >> any expression of anti-semitism or hatred is unconscionable it should be called out and confronted which is certainly what president biden has done an
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unambiguous terms. again, we have to make a distinction between you know what is legitimate free-speech inquiry protest and debate ferociously contested ideas, that is one thing. and of course, also, a recognition of the pain that is driving so much of the passion around the issues in the middle east. whether we are talking about the pain that was caused by the violence the murder and the kidnappings on october 7th, that reverberated through israel and throughout so many jewish communities, or the pain of the many, many people including the many, many children, who have lost their lives in gaza. it is one thing to recognize that, it's another to see expressions of hate to the idea a student for reasons having nothing to do with any role, it's not like they are policymakers, especially to storming the idea a student would be targeted and harassed simply because they are jewish or simply because they look jewish. that you know, for


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