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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EEST

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the only obstacle on the way to this peace, well , while it is still such, it is clear that ukraine needs support, this is security assistance, this is economic assistance, this is humanitarian assistance, well, of course, diplomatic and political actions, so on the one hand, this summit will not bring peace unequivocally, but on the other hand , it will create a certain pressure on our partners, on our friends and those who, let's say, stand aside in order to further support ukraine and show that the only... threat to peace and security in europe and not only russian federation. well, here, the question is quite simple, mr. oleksandr, when will there be a consensus regarding the defeat of russia? that is, when we will clearly hear that putin's russia, or russia in the form in which it is now, threatens the world not only ukraine. well, unfortunately, i don't see any prospects here, especially in washington and in... old europe, well, except for
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probably the united kingdom, because you know that the united states is in a difficult situation now, and some of these trumpians, they are isolationist views, they say that we should focus on our own interests, we don't need these endless warriors, that is , the appetite of the americans to spread democracy or change regimes elsewhere in the world, and there is no such appetite, and therefore this is ... a story, the second part and the important part is that they are afraid of nuclear escalation, because it is clear that if russia disintegrates, the one who will hold the nuclear button may not be foreseen, the next available is the proliferation of weapons, mass destruction, and we we know exactly what russia has in addition to nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, the same skills, and most likely there are bacteriological weapons, because russia violates all those signed by them... related, this is also the possibility
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of civil wars on the territory of the russian federation, look at the ukrainians, 6 million ukrainians are behind border, our refugees, more than 5 million internally displaced persons, so there are about 35-40 million from the country, we do not know the exact number of ukrainians, and there are 140 million, we can imagine the influx of these refugees from the russian federation, and by the way, through the territory of ukraine to european countries, how can it shake... political, social stability, i'm not talking about security, because russians behave in other countries the same way they do at home, so all these fears, they, they exist, they don't go anywhere, with they of course need to be worked on, and the last big fear, well, at least for the united states, who will get siberia, because siberia is rich in deposits, diverse, if it gets to china, it will mean that china will have enough resources to continue. his policy and his strategy
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of acquiring the status of a hegemon in asia, he is to the whole world, and it is clear that this is not what worries the americans first of all, but also the europeans, here are all these, this whole set of issues, the impossibility of imagining a world without russia, but somehow it will be, and maybe these democrats will come to power there, and maybe not so bad after putin , there may be a ruler with whom it will be possible, well, if not to have good relations, then at least... since the cold war, pragmatic relations and control all this contagion from nuclear weapons to 140 million women give birth to keep them in this kuti, that is, all these moments, they are only there our closest friends and partners who have felt the boots or boots of russia or the russian empire or the soviet union, they clearly share our views that russia is a single entity. it must be destroyed,
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it must be destroyed, and then, by the way, this will be a very positive moment for the russians, they will finally then get the opportunity to build not a new empire, but to deal with their immediate affairs and build some kind of normal country, mr. alexander, 24 the state secretary is flying to china until april of the united states of america antony blinken, and that is... he is already there, the editor informs me, to warn beijing of punitive measures from the white house if beijing does not stop supplying russia with military and dual- use technology, although on the eve of blinken's visit to chinese foreign ministry spokesman wang wenbin said that the people's republic of china opposes the baseless accusations of the united states of america against a normal china. of russian trade,
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let's hear what he said. in ukrainian issue, china has taken an objective and fair position. made active efforts to stop peace talks and worked for a political settlement. china is neither the one who created the ukrainian crisis, nor is it a party to it. he never added fuel to the fire, never profited from the crisis and will not accept the blame game. we emphasize china's right to normal economic and trade relations with countries around the world, including russia. well, it seems to me that wang vinh binh, he is a little bit sly when he says that china is not profited from the crisis, and that he didn't buy cheap oil or cheap gas from the russians, because, well, that's actually how it was,
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but the fact that china constantly refers to some objective and fair position there, regarding the political settlement, it... calls the war the ukrainian crisis, that is, they still expect that russia, continuing the war against ukraine and our western partners , will collapse and they will take a part of siberia for themselves, well, what you said is what they fear, they fear in washington from all resources? well, i am to be honest, i don’t think that they are sleeping and dreaming of capturing siberia, why do it, when demographically, technologically, financially, they... have an advantage, and they are already mastering russian territories without formally controlling them, then that is another question , when russia will fall apart, of course, then the question of siberia, the original chinese lands, it will naturally arise, it should be understood that for china a weak russia is a very good thing, and not
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only, therefore, natural minerals, russia sells at a large discount to the chinese, but there are also the sales market for chinese cars and china itself. have become world leaders in the sale of electric cars, actually thanks to the russians, i am not talking about the dual purpose goods, the junk that they sell to the russian federation, so they, of course, that the chinese, if they are not lying, are at least deceiving when they say that they had no profit, they would like to have such a weak russia, but definitely not to lose this war, because it is a partner, definitely not an ally, but a partner that can come in handy during... let's say, the implementation of the operation ta taiwan's return to his native havat. the russian federation remains the largest nuclear power. i want to remind you that they have as many strategic nuclear warheads and intercontinental ballistic missiles as the americans, but they have much
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more tactical nuclear weapons, and this, of course, will primarily deter the europeans, but can also help as a countdown maneuver for the chinese, who , by the way, are also growing quite quickly. they have created their nuclear potential in just one and a half years for more than 80 warheads and carriers and are going to bring it to thousands, that is why china wants to support russia in any way so as not to be born with secondary sanctions, i.e. secondary sanctions and export control, and this actually worries them more than international law. the 12 points that were announced by the chinese for the second year of the ... large-scale invasion, they are very philosophical, and there is definitely no condemnation of the russian federation, nor a demand for the russian federation to release all illegally occupied, annexed ukrainian territories, of course, what is this for us, let's say yes, this option is not fits, then the chinese constantly talk about
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blocs and bloc thinking and so on, of course they don't like nato in europe, because it actually gives the europeans the opportunity to counterattack by uniting with the americans. of the russian federation, because individually they would not be able to do this, and the chinese definitely do not want any blocs of alliances in the indo-pacific region, and this is actually their principled position, and their actual vision of what happened, why russia attacked ukraine, they believe that the legitimate interests of russia have been violated, that russia tried to settle it politically, diplomatically, gave signals that the expansion of nato was not acceptable, and then in the end was forced. to attack ukraine, i.e. this is roughly the mindset of the chinese. and it is clear that they do not want russia to lose for another strategic reason. this would mean that the west, especially the united states, would concentrate all its resources on containing china. therefore, it is better to have
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a weak partner who, like bovdor, breaks the international system, and actually performs the tasks that china would like to do, but does not does so as not to run into problems. and , of course, to receive all the dividends that a weak partner can give him. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the conversation, it was oleksandr khara, a diplomat, and we, friends, continue. our conversation on the air and i remind you that we are working both on tv and on our platforms in youtube and facebook, and there and there we are conducting a survey today, asking you about whether consular restrictions for men abroad are justified, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube if you have your own a separate opinion, please write in the comments, if you watch us on tv, take your smart phone or phones and vote if you think that the consular restrictions for men abroad... are justified then 0800 211381 no 0800
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211382 all calls to these numbers are free vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. ihor reiterovych, political scientist, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development. mr. igor, i congratulate you. thank you for joining to our broadcast. good evening. therefore, the senate and congress of the united states of america passed. bill on providing aid to ukraine, biden signed this law, and how, mr. igor, does it change and does it change the world's attitude to the russian-ukrainian war, to what extent is this decision such a benchmark and a marker for other countries? well, actually, it's a very important symbolic step, and it's a marker of why, because, well, first of all, the united states has reminded that it's not giving up its leadership role. protect, well, democratic principles and values ​​and standards around the world,
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primarily in the context of the russian-ukrainian war. secondly, this is a largely symbolic step. secondly, this is a signal , of course, to the partners of the united states, including the alliance, that they are also ready to fulfill their obligations and act as a leader in countering russian aggression, helping ukraine in this way. and by the way, i'm convinced that this aid, this aid package, he just shouldn't let go. european partners, on the contrary , should accelerate them in the sense that the united states is one such decision, albeit a belated one, but they actually blocked all the aid that european countries combined gave, and therefore they have someone to compare to, and there are, well, let's say, certain prospects for increasing the aid that they provide , so it is very telling here that it coincided with the allocation of aid from britain, the netherlands, i understand that it will be in the near future'. france also announced a certain package, well, most likely we will see several more
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such packages there in the near future, in the coming weeks, but already from european countries. well, the most important moment is, of course, a signal from the russian federation, because if you look at the statements of russian propagandists and official representatives of the russian authorities, they have been in such a, you know, clear understanding for the past months that everything is going according to their plan, that they will pressure ukraine as well, and europe in principle. the united states, well, the united states in the sense that they will remove themselves from helping ukraine, and they will be able to achieve such a change in the situation when they dictate their terms. literally in one day the situation has changed radically, it is clear that this aid package, which will be divided into smaller packages, which will be allocated over a long period of time, is not able to radically, instantly, let's say, turn the situation on the battlefield, we must understand that, and they talk about it, including on... our partners, and all the adequate representatives of our military and political leadership, that apart from this package there are many
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other issues that ukraine itself must solve, but it really changes the situation, it does not already russia's position is so good self-confident, confident, and this will force them to now reorient all their plans that they had, which were calculated precisely for the absence of this help from the united states, because if you look at the messages from russia, they had ... well, practically there was full confidence that this story would end negatively for ukraine, and when at the last moment it was largely overplayed, they will now be forced to come up with some new tactics and strategy, taking into account the fact that ukraine received significant support, and this support will be at least until the end of the year. will they have time to do it? well, let's hope not, and we will be able to use this certain confusion, which is present in them now, to our advantage. another question. which arise from the american side to the ukrainian side, they
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are articulated in part in the state report of the state department of the united states of america for the 23rd year, and in particular, it refers to the violation of human rights in ukraine during the war, in particular, the telethon "ediny novyvi" is mentioned there, i quote that what americans write: a national telethon, a rotating platform of channels that toe the government line, war coverage, in impossible without... an unprecedented level of control over primetime television news. moreover, some media outlets reported exclusion from lucrative terrestrial broadcasting contracts and pressure from the president's office. or in the spring of 2022, let me remind you, in the spring of 2022, the three espresso tv channels fifth and direct were turned off, turned off from t2, we did not receive any explanation from the authorities, how these markers are, how they will affect the attitude americans, that the americans will
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extend a helping hand to ukraine and how important they are, because i am... i am now reading the reaction of ukrainian officials, acting as the minister of culture and information, karandeyev said that the quick response from the authorities to there will be no such remarks, but why actually, but look, this is actually the expected position, now the authorities will generally try to pretend that these are just some wishes, some analytical report, which is not, well, you know, a document that is mandatory must be taken into account, because the authorities are actually completely satisfied with this situation, both in the context of information policy and in the context of some other points that are written in this report, and they concern not only the information component there, but many others in principle, so now there will be a certain period of lack of reaction , then they will look at the appropriate reaction from the united states, you see,
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the americans, when they do such things, they don't do them just like that, they give an opportunity, so to speak, you know, simply ... to save face, we hinted to you, we made a certain hint, we give you the opportunity and time for you to draw the appropriate conclusions, but if you do not draw these conclusions, and this time can be several months, it really is not about days or weeks, then we will accept other some solutions and they will already be tougher in relation to the problems that were raised in this report, so now the authorities will try to somehow ignore it, hope that other topics, more relevant, are this negativity that is in this report , one way or another will be covered, but something tells me that they will not forget about it for one simple reason: the elections in the states, including these issues, will be used during the elections, internal ukrainian issues for certain manipulations, manipulations, well , in the end, we have already seen it, we were seen as
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separate topics, about censorship, for example, they used, frankly, ultraradal ones. some right-wing politicians, it is clear that, well , they did it in a not very, you know, correct way, even a wrong way, but it got into the information space, it influenced american citizens, it shaped their public opinion to a certain extent, so actually the authorities now have a great opportunity to take advantage of these comments, these recommendations and try to somehow correct the situation, i will say right away that i do not believe that there the end of the legal regime of the military... state , we will have, for example, a canceled single marathon, well, you know that very well, a good tool that will be used in the future, especially since it is financed from the budget, and partly there are private funds the owners of those tv channels that, for example, participate in the marathon, so to give up such a tool is totally, well, there is no controlled one, let's say it makes sense,
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and it will remain, they will cite certain objective points related to the need to counter russian propaganda, with this no... to argue, but this is not enough in the 24th year, it was enough in the 22nd, but not enough in the 24th, at the same time, the authorities could take one very simple step now, which would largely neutralize that negative from messages that are in this content of the report, what is this step, it is simple, just take and return three channels that were turned off without any arguments, well, don’t even give arguments now, just return, and accordingly you will clean up, well at least some problematic situation'. which you yourself created and which from the point of view of national security is absurd, because these channels did not pose a threat, on the contrary, they contributed to the effectiveness of our information security there, countering russian propaganda and so on, but is it enough for that, let's do it let's say, the current authorities have rivets, well , let's see, they still have the temptation to leave it as it is and hope that
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it will be possible to sit with it for a long enough period of time, and it will not lead to any negative consequences on the part of our partners. another topic and such a key topic for the negotiations between the americans and the ukrainians is corruption, bribery in power, and here we see in the background, once again, the decisions of the senate and congress, the case of mykola solskyi, the minister of agrarian policy and food, who, who was suspected in the case related to land acquisition, the court itself. says that the events about which, according to nabu's information, i was informed of suspicion and about which information is distributed in zmi, refer to the period of 17-18 years, i.e. at a time when i was a lawyer and i was neither the minister of agrarian policy and food, nor the chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on agrarian, land and land policy,
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while the sap requested the arrest of minister sotsky for the alternative payment of uah 200 million in bail, i.e. in this situation that had do solsky? well, look, i have a very simple answer, he... should have given an explanation of what he did, but also should have submitted his resignation immediately. i understand that sometimes there are cases when this resignation, well, it may look there, well , even inappropriate to a certain extent, but well, in this case, we have the position of nabu and sap, and look, despite everything, despite all our desire to believe in independence their authorities, something tells me that, for example, the bank knew about a similar case, if not stop... was it postponed there in one or another informal way, so it was actually supported or sanctioned there by, well, at least some representatives of the president's office, and accordingly, if this
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happens, the person's stay in the position of minister, and a strategically important industry for ukraine, well, it is dubious from a moral and ethical point of view, and it is currently harming the cabinet of ministers, i will remind you, by the way, that in this report, which we mentioned when we discussed the information policy of the state. one with one of the threats just a sufficiently high level of corruption in the government was indicated, that is, it was such a general phrase, but this moment was mentioned, and here we have a story about the fact that such accusations are brought against a minister, an important minister, an important ministry, so even purely humanly , it was probably the right position, i resigned, i defended my honor and dignity, because, by the way, the case here really looks a little strange, as you look at it, i... even some people drew parallels there with the case, for example, against a well-known businessman mazepa, yes, who we discussed there relatively recently, that they took some episode that was there a long time ago, they were brought in now,
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but she is there, and if she has already reached such a level, her tenure, well, causes some damage to the ministry, see , we will have serious negotiations with poland, serious negotiations with other countries, regarding the transit of our agricultural products there and so on, well, a simple question, what do you think, the position of our partners now regarding the minister, when... they will have such the information will change, well, something tells me that yes, that they will not have a particular desire, perhaps to communicate with him somehow, because they will not know how long this person will be in office, and in general, how authorized he is to make certain decisions , won't it happen that later because of these criminal cases he will leave at some crucial moment and everything they will talk about will no longer be worth anything, because you know, such a trait as the heredity of politicians there, it is generally ukrainian cabinet of ministers, v ukrainian executive power. it is, unfortunately, practically absent, and therefore it creates a global problem, and it would be optimal to solve this problem in the following way: defend yourself calmly in court, prove your
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innocence, because in our country the court makes only such decisions, but not not to do political risks in principle for the activities of the cabinet as a whole, but judging by the fact that this resignation and talks about it did not even take place there, well , literally after the announcement of this suspicion, maybe he will still be a minister for some time will stay, unless of course the court makes a decision. according to which he will be detained there and will not be able to simply perform his duties, well, as a minister of a european country, he should actually resign, or at least ask to be suspended from performing his duties, for the duration of the investigation, this is a good option as well, which let's allow it absolutely within the limits of our regulatory and legal framework, yes, and not like in russia, where they have already taken the deputy minister of defense of the russian federation, timur ivanov, who is close to shaygu and his there... they accuse him of receiving bribes, and for many years he worked as serhii shuigu's deputy and was the hero of anti-corruption investigations
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of alexei navalny's associates. the russian edition of important history writes with reference to sources in the ministry of defense of the russian federation that the real reason for the arrest of the deputy minister of defense of russia is the state council, and in march 24, ukrainian forces. intelligence carried out a special operation, as a result of which they gained access to a significant mass of confidential information and official documents of timur ivanov, well, they write about about about such a story that ours pulled out some documents, as a result of which it became known about the bribes of the deputy minister of defense of the russian federation, i don't know what conspiracy to believe anymore kgbists against the security forces, against... those who in the army serves there in the kremlin, or gur against the entire russian federation, what do you say about this? i think that here, well, it's unlikely that it's really about
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bribes, i don't know to what extent... it's about treason, well, everyone knew about bribes a long time ago, no one touched him, this is most likely a story about the struggle of these bashes of the kremlin again, and it is clear that this is a blow to shaig, because he is a very trusted person, a person who is almost the right hand of some, let's say question, and if he was arrested, and you pay attention, he came straight there in a uniform with orders and so on, sat in that glass cage there, yes, when he was announced there , well, the decision according to the previous courts, that is a clear story. about the fact that, well, finally either finish off or minimize some kind of influence there, who remained with shuigu, and to promote him, perhaps in the perspective of the entire position there, in the end, this always happens in russia, they start with some figures of a lesser rank, in order to get to the one who is at the head of this or that corrupt organization of the clientelistic pyramid built there, and here is this story, well, most of all, it is a story about a certain settlement of accounts there, a struggle for increasing one's influence there, and a story about
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the state. treason and there about the role of the main intelligence agency, well, according to tradition, it's simple could the special services have prepared there, because putin likes such stories, and as they say, only after he saw this type of accusation of treason, he authorized this arrest himself accordingly, so you know this is a story about fattening each other, do it faster and on an even larger scale, and we will be happy to observe all this, absolutely sure, thank you mr. igor for the conversation, it was igor reiterovich, during this broadcast, we conduct a survey and ask you the following: are the consular restrictions for men abroad, the interim results of the tv survey 58 percent yes 42% - no, about the same numbers we have on youtube, 47% yes, 53% - no, after a 15-minute break, rather news on the bbc, we will return to the studio , we will have
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political experts maksym rozumny and... koshel: wait, we will return to the studio, there are discounts on zippelor 15% in pharmacies psyllium, pam and oskad, there are discounts on pills pulmolor, 15% in pharmacies psylsynyk, pam and oskad . anxiety, insomnia, restlessness. vasyl zima's big ether, this is a big ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we
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will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about... war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, welcome please and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, liena chechenna, for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready. to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football,
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stronger together. watch this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. quick evaluations of the vkks, how the judge's wife passed the interview in 7 minutes. i have worked in the judicial system all my life. but where did the candidate's daughter of an ex-deputy get valuable property. my brother gave me his apartment. watch on thursday, april 25. at 5:45 p.m. the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp serve facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine at the border.


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