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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 4, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news live from berlin, fresh demonstrations erupt in georgia as capital against the law which go to crack down on media freedoms, 1000 states of the streets, up to believe c, 2000 a so called rational as a threats to the countries you aspirations, georgia, as presidents house dw, and she will be to the bill. also in the program. canadian police charge 3 indian nationalist full by the killing of the seek, separate this when a case that spot they get the month of crisis between india and canada. the
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i, i'm eddie michael junior and you welcome to the program. mass protest have now into the fed consecutive week in the country of georgia. the protest i aimed at the government's bill, which critics argue, will crack down on the media and threatens judges and visions of joining the european union. the you and the us have adds to georgia to drop that legislation. a housing just people in georgia has been taking to the streets for weeks, protesting a bill that could touch and media freedom. crowds oppose was a score the foreign agents bill, which would require immediate non profits to register as working for a foreign power if they get more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad. the so the motivation behind the decision to re introduce the law despite the promise that it would not have been, is clearly rushed in style even before examining the law itself.
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that's what many here are calling it the solar russian law. that's because moscow use a similar legislation, declared press freedom and silence. critics of the kremlin georgian presidents loom is what a beast, billy opposes the bill and don't be w. she would not let it pass as it did with georgia as plans of joining the you. so this low is pretty sorry by everyone. and it's criticized by all your 10 factors by our american partners that say that this will be an obstacle to the european pass of georgia when we are expecting by the end of the year to get to the possibility to open negotiations for georgia. entry into the european union, while the president in western partners have opposed the law, georgia's prime minister has dismissed their criticism. he says their interference,
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as in fact, accelerated violence area dw correspondent maria. i've got to miles a told us who's coming out to participate in the protest the very last night and police and it seems like it's going to be a very long one difference has this have been coming out of out industries to say no to the foreign a agents fail, they say that this legislation has been inspired by russia and they see that is a danger to the freedom for the democracy. you can see lots of lots of young people, but people different ages as rocks. there's a grassroots movement and it's a very uh, itself, organized moving site movement. essentially, the people are telling me here that they're coming out on the streets to say no to the government actions on that they see as a sabotage. they see it as a some, as
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a danger to the european accession. it'd be correspondent maria, customize the canadian police have arrest the 3 men over the meadow of his seek, separate taste in vancouver last june, investigate se they are also proven possible ties between the suspects and the indian government. that he had no immediate response to the arrests, but has full month's denied involvement. the union has become the sent out for diplomatic spots between canada and india. 10 months after hardy seeing the jars killing canadian police have their main suspects. 3 indian nationals living in canada. but officials say they're still looking for others who might be involved in the murder, including agents of the indian government. there will underscore that today's announcements are not a complete the account of the investigative work currently underway. there are a separate and distinct investigations on going into these matters. certainly not
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limited to the involvement of the people arrested today. and these efforts include investigating connections to the government of india. relations between ottawa and delhi have been tense since the jars killing last june of india labeled him a terrorist for his role and to seek separatist movement which aims to carve an independent state college done out of parts of india and pakistan. seeks in canada and india have accused the indian government of a political assassination. in september, canada, as prime minister said, there was reason to believe in a conspiracy. over the past number of weeks, canadian security agencies have been actively pursuing credible allegations of a potential link between agents. so the government of india and the killing of a canadian citizen, or they've seen major india called the allegations absurd and unsubstantiated and
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expelled dozens of canadian diplomats about the prime minister. and the range remotely later told the financial times that he would look into the allegations. but so far, no findings have been released. this most star is making headlines around the world . let's look at some of them. humans who the militants groups and will escalate the attacks on ships had in full ease, early ports, and that's how the buys. but the rest, the group setting will target to any ship within its firing range. the round a line group has launched, repeated strikes and ships in recent months. in response to these are eligible in gaza. residence a position the by policy has edge to prime minister obviously. so not to call the general election after you've made a huge gains in local elections in england, the government, conservative policy lost the key tonsils and the regional mass. the results have fed out and raised expectations of the labor party or return to power and the next national board it's us officials,
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the roster has moved. so just onto an ad these in these. yeah, that stole some us troops. the russian forces asked that to be using a separate tongue at abby's one on one in the carpets only. i mean, it comes up to that and these out of us forces who had been fighting as long as the surgeons to leave the country. now at least 59 people having killed a south in brazil and deals it's worst flattening over 80 years rescue as a bottling to rancho rains and such of thousands of people mentioned in the state of rio grande. the so the downfall i suspect that to continue over the weekend and authorities one that several times now at risk of collapse, the, the cost is for p a to pull families to safety. is rising flood water has reached roof tops, the relentless rain forcing thousands to evacuate. milton levels and some cities
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hit the highest points since records began nearly 150 years ago. and we have people who came here to help get people out of the flood because it's rough down there. it's very dangerous. there's a strong current, and i brought a boat in the most has the most. so with getting people out there on the best quality of our with that use the down pool began on monday by thursday, the down judge had over whelmed the stem dressing stage. mathis, president, louisa, ignacio, literally, the silva is pledging assistance to those affected your. i want to tell you that there will be no charges or aid from the federal government for health care. there will be no charges of money to take care of transportation, and there will be no charges of money to take care of so many a still coming to terms with the scale of davis sanction. so the local settlement, think the yellows must be doing something different. it is glenn who used to be basically punished. i mean, it's a cool,
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but i think pollution why something is happening because this is not all knowing boys at that point because no, not for a little while or o. this has been caused by some plows. so what was the calls are? it's the full flooding disaster any year to brazil following rains in july, september, and november, that killed 75 people entitled a record breaking heat wave of sweeping across pots of south and in eastern asia. many countries have recorded the hottest april on the record, millions of people in india or bangladesh. the philippines and other countries are still buckling. punishing each temperatures of over 40 degree self shows a force to school close as in some regions. that's $104.00 degrees of fire and nights. authorities are taken precautionary measures to avoid his stroke. as dehydration free mobile showers help beat the he's in manila, they've been supplied by local government officials to residents facing power and
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water shortages and make the soaring temperatures. humans are not the only ones struggling to keep cool. that's in india, say more pets. unusual are coming in after succumbing to heat related illnesses. present lou, we have seen that it will be out of been off. see dogs is coming with the heat. collections of the song. everybody, rid of the eyes. 3 model phone model, sense of the in southern vietnam, hundreds of thousands of fish have died in a reservoir, local se, the heat wave. some bob wills or management are to blame. benefit to parts of asia, sales of air conditioners have rocketed, which ascend price is soaring. for those who cannot afford to electric cooling devices, like many running the refugees living and come some buying a dash. there's no escape from the extreme temperatures. from my, from my number that we don't have a fan in our sand team was the we don't have the money
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to buy the one that runs with solar apple. my good report, we're having difficult days and it does heat. there's being reports of heat stroke and do you hydration within the cups on tooth brushes among the children in india, slum dwellers also describe harsh conditions. yeah, just the house is a made of asbestos, the rooms using metal which absorb lots of heat. we con, stay in our houses, even for an hour, and we can't eat comfortably. the communities like these will have to find ways to adopt in the years ahead assigned to say climate change has increasing the frequency and duration of extreme he's events. china on friday, launched on unprecedented admission to the fast side of the moon or the spacecraft. the term just 6 is expect that to bring duplicates
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a goal samples or geological samples i should say back to as within 2 months. it's the latest advance in china is i'm vicious space exploration program, which not rivals not to the united states in 2019, china became the 1st country to longer robot. on the moon's fast side is more on the chinese mission. john sixteen's to connect the new materials from the fall side of the mood and bring it back to us. it's a complex mission that will involve separately. we're both take modules working together . the a meter long spacecraft will 1st over the mood and then deploy aligned to the side that is never visible from us. any target the south pole 8 can base in the law just no impact quite just in this. so the system using a mechanical drew and scoop the land will collect 2 g, those of soil and rocks. and the spend more due and attached to the land.
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and we'll bluff back into a new orbit and transfer the samples to the re entry vehicle. if it does well, it will carry the cargo safely back to us. the site is designed to review new information about the means. early evolution, it's fall side is the logically different from the one we see from uh it has a stick across and its uh, face smoke has different chemical composition on the 6 and so have instruments made in europe and food inspect told much from sweet and we'll investigate the interact since between solar winds and the surface. when solar wind sweep across the needs, they create an electric charge that can endanger afternoon and equipment. the
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effect is most pronounced on the crate to it just in the polar regions. the, these research trip will have the ways to china is good for you to the landing, which it hopes to achieve by 2030 both the us and china, one to establish bases at the muse, south pole. and finally, as many as 1500000 people, i expect that to attend the my billing concepts on wheels legends where you go back up on a beach the thing that has been sports. and if it hasn't had of the free event as finds data to catch a glimpse of the stop, real officials also said it co generates around 50 medium use for the local economy . it's the final stuff on the only one is the america for the 65 year old cleanup pump is wrapping up the world. that's all for now. i've next
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all to show rev looks at why most countries in the world drive on the right side of the road and how the lights of napoleon and his date of pods in get some people to switch sides states you. we have one years coming up at the top of the out, the hot tips for your package. this romantic calling to check on some great cultural memorials to boot w travel regarding this shadow soft job. these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating colonial har is infected by germany across and he.