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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 4, 2024 6:00am-6:15am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin. gorgeous capital prepares for more demonstrations against the law which could crack down on media freedoms protests. there is nothing on the streets for 3 weeks announcing a so called russian law as a threat to the countries you aspirations. george's president tells dw, she will be towards the bill. also coming up in the program, canadian police charged 3 indian nationals over the killing of a 6 separate is in the case that sparked into diplomatic crisis between india and canada. and berlin. some of the top russian envoy over a series of cyber attacks against members of the governing social democratic party,
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german foreign minister and an individual boxes of russian back, whoops. are also targeting the country's defense and technology sectors. the . i'm here until berlin. thank you very much for joining us. mass protest in the country of georgia have entered the 3rd week. the photos are aimed at a government bill, which demonstrators say will crack down on the media and saint george's ambitions to join the european union. the you and us have urged the country to drop the legislation. housing people in georgia have been taking to the streets for weeks, protesting a bill that protected media freedom. crowds oppose was a score the foreign agents bill, which would require immediate non profits to register as working for a foreign power if they get more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad.
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the. so the motivation behind the decision to reintroduce the law despite the problem is that it would not have been is clearly rushed in style even before examining the law itself. that's what many here are calling it the solar russian law. that's because moscow use a similar legislation, declared press freedom and silence. critics of the kremlin georgian presidents, them is what a beast really opposes the bill and to will be w. she would not let it pass as it did with georgia as plans of joining the you. so this low is pretty sorry by everyone. and it's criticized by all your 10 factors by our american partners. that say that this will be an obstacle to the european tasks of georgia when we are expecting by the end of the year to get to the possibility
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to open negotiations for georgia. the entry into the european union. while the president in western partners have opposed the law, georgia's prime minister has dismissed their criticism. he says their interference has in fact accelerated violence. leona fixes with the us the think tank of the council on foreign relations i asked, or if this controversial bill was likely to pass into law as well, the ruling party is very detailed mind to make this law pass. it is the 2nd time that they have already introduced it. so this is not just a one off. this is something where the ruling party, georgia dream would lose all credibility if they were not push it to. so it's a very serious situation. and really at fault in the world for just past what the you being union and to what's the west? well as, as you just mentioned, there are many critics say that this could be an attempt to realign georgia with
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moscow. do you share that assessment for a long time? they have been concerns that the great cause, you know, behind the scenes between or even you should be me, was one judge and prime minister then has step down, but still am actually. so it's most of our overcharging. dream is washer friendly. he has made his business and watch on his business fortunes. but this law would be the 1st really definite of evidence that judge. and we mentioned to you that you basically in the background imitating western politics and implementing a law, which is just to office the model on the wash just for an agent though, that it is really difficult to argue that this is not a move to what's most go know why exactly are we seeing this realignment with moscow? i mean, georgia fought a war against russian back separatists in 2008 and other regional countries like
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armine, are just and see themselves from us. go at the moment. this is a huge power adults, especially as such a huge majority of the population does not want to we align with moscow. so from the perspective of george and we made it seem that you probably should really. um, the, the thinking goes that doctor really has no alternative. that if it opposes washer any further, no one will come to help georgia in the same way as you claim it's being helped right now. that's the argument, the official argument. but at the same time, it is very fair to say that it is the interest of the judge and dream potty adult. to see that even if we need to, we buy these ties to russia. and it is remarkable that the able to do so against the will of a population of the population, which is also because to
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a position is so weak and so discredited after yes of it's actually this will in georgia that was the, on the fix from the us think tank of the council on foreign relations. we turned out to canada where police have a rest of the 3 men over the murder of a 6 separatists and vancouver. the killing sparked a diplomatic route between canada and india, after canadian prime minister adjustment for those suggested deli could be involved . 10 months after hardy to sing the jars, killing canadian police, have their main suspects. 3 indian nationals living in canada are beneficial say they're still looking for others who might be involved in the murder, including agents of the indian government. will underscore that today's announcements are not a complete account of the investigative work currently underway. their a separate and distinct investigations on going into these matters, certainly not limited to the involvement of the people arrested today. and these
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efforts include investigating connections to the government of india. relations between ottawa and delhi have been tense since the jars killing last june. india labeled him a terrorist for his role and the seek separatist movement which aims to carve an independent state college done out of parts of india and pakistan. seeks in canada and india have accused the indian government of a political assassination. in september, canada, as prime minister said, there was reason to believe and a conspiracy. over the past number of weeks, canadian security agencies have been actively pursuing credible allegations of a potential link between agents. so the government of india and the killing of a canadian citizen. for they've seen major india called the allegations absurd and unsubstantiated and expelled dozens of canadian diplomats about the prime minister
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and the render emoji later told the financial times that he would look into the allegations. but so far, no findings have been released. and back here in europe, the german foreign ministry has summoned russia's invoice to protest a cyber attack targeting, leading politicians from the governing, social democratic party, russia to rise involvement in last year as a tax on politicians. e mail accounts, but german foreign minister, unlimited bandwalk, made clear who she held responsible for the hacking. as you turn in these days, we can say, and because the hard to, we can do this type of attack to a group called a be the 28. and we just verified the military intelligence over so fresh um but in other words, if the state sponsor suggestions 5 but a dock 10, many 5 out all this is an opportunity and accepted the ones and we'll have consequence of life. so who exactly is the group behind as a legit hack attack?
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we put that question to cast and said to shut off a researcher at the university who heidelberg, an expert on cyber conflict and security. well, 28 is a very well known hacker group that is associated with the military intelligence on g o. u of the russian state. and they have a long history of cyber operations against most and of course your pin democratic states. but of course, also folks out of the united states and they started at the beginning of the century, for example, more with espionage operation, operations against stage and political entities. and then later on and also shift the probations to what so called heck them sneak operations. so operations where they do not only still information that can be used in for a strategic decision making, but also using those kinds of information. for example, in the run of, of them credit collections to meet those information to the public in order to so
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chaos and distrust and in order to undermine democratic national election processes, as has been the case. for example, in 2016, we sent the mc heck of a big operation in the context of u. s. election battle. and of course, when we talk about germany in a 5028, this is also well known because they have seen attribute it as soon as possible. heck, a group for the, for the very well known hacking authoration against the gentleman tall young. and as at least 37 people have been killed as southern brazil, and theirs is worth worst excuse me, flooding and over 80 years. rest of yours are battling torrential rains in search of dozens of people missing in the state of rio grande. they do so, the downpour is expected to continue over the weekend and authorities worn, but several dams are now at risk of collapse. helicopters prepared to pull families to safety. as rising flood waters reached rooftops,
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the relentless rain forcing thousands to evacuate milton levels and some cities hit the highest points since records began nearly 150 years ago. and we had people who came here to help get people out of the flood because it's rough down there. i mean, it's very dangerous. there's a strong current, and i brought a boat and the most has the most. so we're getting people out there on the best of all of our studies. the down pool began on monday. by tuesday, the down dues had over whelmed the stem dressing seas map as president, luis, ignacio literally, the silva is pledging assistance to those affected ok. i want to tell you that there will be no charges or aid from the federal government for health care. there will be no charges of money to take care of transportation and there will be no shortage of money to take care of food. meaning a still coming to terms with the scale of davis sanction. so they'll work with
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settlement, think the yellows must be doing something different implant is used for it to be basically punished. i mean, it's a cool, but i think pollution why something is happening because this is not, i'll know, boys at that point because no, not through a little well or a mo, this has been caused by somebody else. was the calls are. this is the full flooding disaster any year for brazil, following rains in july, september, and november, that killed 75 people entitled and elsewhere a record breaking heat wave is sweeping across parts of southern and eastern asia. many countries have recorded the how does april and record millions of people in india or bangladesh. the philippines and other countries are still battling punishing heat. temperatures of over 40 degrees celsius out for school closures. in some regions, it's a 104 degrees fahrenheit. authorities are taking precautionary measures to avoid heat stroke and dehydration free mobile showers help beat the he's in manila,
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they've been supplied by local government officials to residents facing power and water shortages and make the soaring temperatures. humans are not the only ones struggling to keep cool. that's in india, say more pets. unusual are coming in after succumbing to heat related illnesses. presently, we have seen that it will be out of been off a few doses coming with the heat. collections of the song, the rid of the eyes, 3 model on both ends of the, in southern vietnam, hundreds of thousands of fish have died in a reservoir, local se, the heat wave, some bob wills are management, are to blame. a benefit to parts of asia sales of air conditioners have rocketed, which has cent price of soaring for those who cannot afford to electric cooling devices. like many ro hang the refugees living and come some buying a dash. there's no escape from the extreme temperatures. from my,
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from my number that we don't have a fan in our sand team for so i don't want to, we don't have the money to buy the one that runs with solar apple. my good because we're having difficult days and it does heat. there's being reports of heat stroke and do you hydration within the cups and he rushes among the children in india. slum dwellers also describe harsh conditions. yeah. just houses are made of asbestos, the rooms using metal which absorb lots of heat. we con, stay in our houses, even for an hour, and we can't eat comfortably. coming in the seas like these will have to find ways to adopt in the years ahead assigned to say climate change is increasing the frequency and duration of extreme he's events. and here's a quick recap of the top story we're following for you at this hour. thousands of people have taken to the streets of georgia's capital dive, leasing for
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a 3rd week to protest against a planned law restricting media freedoms. critics say the so called russian law would curve independent news organizations in groups critical of the government. i'm aaron told me berlin, thank you for joining the world of free speech. free open access to free information for every stop dreaming. next, take action. detail use global easier for them. 2024 a bunch of any read.