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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 4, 2024 4:00am-4:03am CEST

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calling our services be our guest at frankfurt airport city, managed by front bought the . this is the w news, and these are our top stories. thousands of people have returned to the streets of the georgia and capital tbilisi in opposition to a draft lot. the bill would require and g o's and media groups that receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to register as under the influence of a foreign power. opponents of the laws say it's similar to russian laws used to curb independent news organizations and groups. critical of the kremlin. canadian police have arrested 3 men over the killing of a 6 separate us and then coover last year. hardy, seeing the jar was shot dead by gunman outside of this temple, he led the jar was
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a canadian citizen and wanted by indian authorities for a legend, terrorism. the german foreign ministry has some of the, a top russian envoy over a series of cyber attacks against members of the governing social democratic party, german foreign minister on the lenient mailbox as russian that groups are also targeting the country's defense and technology sectors. or you're watching the w 's berlin. the remember you'll find much more news on our website. that's d, w dot com. the, wait, am i reading this, right? i can follow social media accounts and make over $260.00 in a day. well, it's a scam of course, but scans like this, a huge global business, and many scam us,
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even victims themselves. what topic on this is aaron. he was taken to me on the under false pretences and for us to scam people online or via the phone. we'll show you ever the story at the moment, but what exactly is scamming? essentially things coming in a general form is, is really a way of deception, right? and it's coming anything in particular phones coming or on lines coming is a modern way of social engineering. get tags where basically are exploiting individuals emotions or potentially weaknesses and trying to lose them and, and making some profit. ok. scam us, pray on our trust and often offer money. one of the 1st into those games with poorly, with an email from the so called nigeria connection. for example, i receive money in my account which i then transfer in exchange for a reward. of course that.