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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 3, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news line from bottom in it, georgia is capital to pass for more demonstrations against plans, restrictions on media freedoms. protests disappeared on the streets for 3 weeks to announcing a so called a russian law as a threat to the countries in you aspirations, which as president tells dw to veto the bill. also on the program fell in 7th at the top of russian envoy over a series of cyber attacks against baptism for governing, social democratic politics, german foreign minister, and learn about bulk cents, and brush it back to groups and also targeting the company's defense and technology sexes. tyler successfully launch is the pro found for the fall side
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often the it's hope the chance 6 will be an 8 weeks with them. do this on the i'm so glad you're welcome to the program. mass protests in georgia have, and to the 3rd week of thousands of people tied to the streets to denounce a bill that could that media freedom and de, by all the countries hopes of joining the european union protest as opposed well, many a cold and a russian though, as moscow use a similar metro station to come in dependent use, organizations in groups, critical of the crumbling avenue law would require n. jos and media groups that receive more than 20 percent of that funding for the broad to register as the suing the interests of a foreign policy in the united states of georgia to trump,
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the legislation with george's presence. tell him i as would it be, should be at fine says health, increasing the odds with the countries governing pocket. and she told d w, she would know that this bill passed a yes or i really need to be slow as a feature or all of those that are being taken by the government in the recent period and that are going against the letter and the speech of the recommendations that were offered by the european union to trying to pay the way for the opening of negotiations. but it's now very clear that the slow, which is a russian little by essence, because it's the way russia has managed to really repress said the senior society, that's a big overman tiers trying, trying to present to the partners of georgia as ages of relation
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as those are the trying to over, so the government and keeping the side room to on russia as it gets closer now to be on your friends. so that is becoming increasingly clear that it's not only the russian move, that is the problem. the problem is the russian government or government that is prone to making concessions to russia and to turn the orientation of this country towards russia. and that is what the vast majority of this country is protesting. gibbs not only below is a symbol, but the reality is that the countries saying, we want your result are your up and shooter, which is close at hand. we're going to be sending, as well as our independence. we're not going to giving you also saying to all parts and there isn't that. so here is that stage not only the future of georgia, but either way,
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the future of europe and of good strengths last georgia in presence, telling me is what a be should be. a few minutes ago, i kinda spelled a maria cousin mansa into please see i set the scene and tell me what was going the very last night and police and it seems like it's going to be a very long one. different testers have been coming out of out industries to say no to the foreign agents bill. they say that this legislation has been inspired by russia and they see there's a danger to the freedom for the democracy. you can see lots of lots of young people, but people different ages as rocks, there's a grassroots movement and it's a very uh, itself, organized moving site movement. essentially, the people are telling me here that they're coming out on the streets to say no to the government actions on that they see as a sub latasha. they see it as a some,
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as a danger to the european accession. tell us more about that. why the opposing these? why that coming out on the street. so why did they scared of in this legislation? this scare the civil society robust segment ties that the opposition on media will be a reprice. they say that the, the democracy cannot leave without the freedom of press freedom of expression. they fear that these law will make them closer to a restaurant priest away from europe. something that is not acceptable for many in georgia as the majority of more than 80 percent of the population. suppose you are atlantic integration. so they seem, they say that it can be a very dangerous for the future and for the future in europe. now people have been making comparisons between what's going on that in georgia to ukraine's my them
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protest 10 years ago when the government vet press for close to ties with moscow and crowds took to the streets. how did those comparisons look from where you are? yeah, we should highlight that the protests are sa, peaceful. yes, we've seen violent crack down, but the protests as they do not demand. uh the uh, they do not ask the government to actually to step down. they say they ask the governments to drop the bill, but so they're not talking here. people are they not talking about removing the government uninstalling and you want to. so at this point, it would be premature. and also a bit of exaggeration to say that georgia is, i'm frank alpha revolution. yes, the prime minister saw that he will not allow the ukraine ization of georgia, essentially implying that the n g goes on pay democracy forces here in georgia. one thing exactly that, but the protests to say that we are peaceful,
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we just want the bill to be retrieved from the parliament. thank you, mary. mary. it kind of mazda into bracy. i'm a german foreign ministry, has some of the top of russian envoy to protest about the cyber attack dog thing, leading politicians from just governing social democratic policy rush, it denies. involvements in last is a tax on the policies and the email accounts. that's banking in australia, germany, so foreign minister on the bank, bach was clear whom she held responsible to you turn in the same frequency. and because the hard to be, can do this type of attack to a group called the date 28. the problem, we just verified the military intelligence, so be so fresh um. but in other words, if the state sponsor suggestions 5 but a dock 10, many 5 out all this is an opportunity. acceptable. and we'll have consequences. like let's look at this with cast and settle shutout to services
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throughout the university of high, but i'm an expert on the side of conflict and cyber security. welcome to the w. let's start with the group. that's the foreign minister claims is behind this attack a p t 28. who are they? what do they want? a well, if it's a $28.00, is a very well known hacker group that is associated with the military intelligence on g o. u of the russian state. and they have a long history of cyber operations against most of course, you're paying democratic states. but of course, also folks out of the united states and they started at the beginning of the century. for example, more with espionage operation, operations against state and political entities, and then later on and also shifted their promotions to what so called tech can sneak operations. so operations where they do not only single information that can be used and foster change it to a certain nation, but also using those kinds of information. for example,
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in the run up often credit collections to meet those information to the public in order to so chaos and distrust and in order to undermine democratic national election processes, as has been the case. for example, in 2016, we sent the mc heck of the appeal ration in the context of u. s. election battle. and of course, when we talk about germany in a 5028, this is also well known because they have seen attribute it as soon as possible. heck, a group for the, for the very well known hacking authoration against the germans, holly on in 2015. so we have lots effective a anom if the russian states launching cyber attacks against the german states does not count as cyber warfare. i wouldn't say so because right now as far as i know, we only know that some data and information might have been stolen and as far as we speak of the data fact from one state against the other. so i'm of
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politically much of a to cyber as to nauseous as not forbidden by international law. and this is fed game it's, um, it's just you, so you through the usual thing that states do that are capable of doing cyber espionage. so it's not cyber warfare, as i would call it. but of course, especially since rush us war against a crane or the invasion in 2022. the i'm the discourse of cyber wolf again, traction again, because we have seen that rational, of course, also uses disruptive cyber operations against new crane, but also again supporting parties. and of course, especially if we think of the possible fear that russia might use information that is, has a gain from the heck from the s p g, but also from, from companies from defense sector for us to teach at decision making. but also, for example, in the context of the upcoming locations in eastern germany,
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which all right, i feel really important for us as well. you're too much of an attractive to. all right, so you're talking about this is something that states do. do we presume that we and by we, i mean the west of germany that they the u. k. i the us that we presume that the, all these countries are, is everybody doing it? you mean side mass? and last yes. yes, i think so for political reasons and purposes, i think yeah, mostly all states do it, but of course it matters to what you do with the information on how you use it. and of course, it also met us if you target, for example, critical infrastructure, because this might be related to potential disruptive operations in the future, which onwards isn't affecting. thank you so much for outlining. math in such detail cast into settled siobhan from the university of high to
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china. it has launched on unprecedented admission to the fall side of the mood. the spacecraft colby chung as 6 lifted off for me, something island province of high mountains expect you to bring a geological samples back to uh, within 2 months. and so latest advance in china is on fishes space. explanation. naturalists and not competes the united states. china over that already landed a rover on the far side of new in 2019 the 1st country to do so. so he has more on the chinese mission. a john uh 6 aims to connect the materials from the fall side of the mood and bring it back to us. it's a complex mission that will involve separately. we're both take modules working together . v a me so long space craft will 1st over the mood and then deploy
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a land to the side that is never visible from us. it means target the south pole 8 can base in the law just no impact quite in this. so the system using a mechanical drew and scale the land a will collect 2 g, those of soil and rocks. and the send mode you will attach to the lambda will bluff back into a new orbit and transfer the samples to the re entry vehicle. if all goes well, it will kind of read the congo safely back to us, the scientist. so the sample review, new information about the means early evolution. it's false site is the logically different from the one we see from uh it has a stick across and its surface smoke has different chemical composition
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on the 6th. and so have instruments made in europe on board. inspect told me to offend suite and will investigate the interaction between solar winds and the surface. when solar wind sweep across the need, they create an electric charge that can endanger afternoon and equipment. the effect is most pronounced on the crate to edges in the polar regions. the, these research trip will pay the ways to china is good for you to the landing, which it hopes to achieve by 2030, to those the us and china, one to establish bases at the moon's south pole. just 100 laundromats up story this hour. thousands of people, i was on the streets of george's capital to please the for the 3rd week of protest against the planned law, restricting media freedoms. critics say the circle russian law would come
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independent news organizations and groups. critical of that set you up to date a lot more world news at the top of our next on the w, a documentary about half of sales leather industry is threatening local. brainstorms a good the stage burst into our is whenever they feel like it limits housing, kind of for design and fashion and most abusive in the sky is many on including the office. how do they do it? the secret lives of the dogs may 22nd on dw, the the amazon is burning every day. more than 2000 hector's of rain forests are
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legally destroyed and area 6.