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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live in from the, in germany summons a top russian envoy over a cyber attack. and i mean, a babel germany's foreign minister has condemned tak, cuz he lost here target to the email accounts of leading politicians. also coming out from the program union of all my a wednesday toby's freedom of speech awards. she's become the face of russia's opposition. following the death of her husband, the alexei nev only earlier this year. and we have list of china's luna approved successfully launches into space. if all goes well, it will land on the moon's fall side. and eventually for ton to with alina samples, [000:00:00;00]
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the money to this mckinnon. welcome to the program. the german foreign office has summoned a top russian on boy and response to a cyber attack last you have cuz targeted the email accounts as leading politicians from the governing social democrats, the german foreign minister, and i'm in a bad book who's currently on a trip to australia made it clear who was responsible to get turned in the same frequency. and because the hard to, we can do this type of attack to a group called the date 28. the problem, we just verified the ministry intelligence over so fresh start at the end the month . in other words, if the state sponsor suggestions 5, but a dock 10, many 5 out all this is an opportunity. acceptable,
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and we'll have consequences, like all right, let's get more from dw political correspondence, simon. young simon, tell us more about what the gym and government is exactly a choosing brochure of yeah, well this unit a p t 28 stands for adults persistent, correct? 28 is potholes, rushes, military intelligence organization, the g o u. and in this case, the investigation has shown that they were involved in hacking the email accounts of senior members of the social democrat party. here in germany, that's sounds slow. i've seltz's policy a, but they're a known quantity. they've been accused in the past. we also have involvement in a hacking attack against the computer system of the gym and parliament back in
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2015 at. and the u is saying that they've also been involved recently in as a cyber attacks, again, states institutions and the number of countries such as poland, sweden as deliberately to a near, into the back. yeah. and so, you know, this is a known organization. and so for that, in that sense, the accusation disclosable and told to us about the timing of these accusations, simon, why now? well this, as you already mentioned, this was a, a hacking attack that happened back in 2023 and already been at suggestions that it could be linked to rush it somehow with surfacing, i think parts he's taking this long to complete this investigation that the at s p d is saying that possibly some data was late through these email accounts, but it fits with this picture of malign activity by russia. there,
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there's been the contract killings they've been attempts to include site political policies. there's been a disruption of a key infrastructure here in germany, and so this would fit with that. the interior minister nancy phase, is also a member of the s b dsl. say the gemini would not be intimidated by this kind of thing. and indeed, would continue to provide massive support to ukraine in its fight against russia. we had the bad luck, lad, talking about consequences. what consequences is germany saying that could be for russia now? yeah, well the foreign minister wasn't specific, but the russians acting showed it shows a defense was summoned to, hey, a protest from the german government today. and jim usually say it will step off the efforts to deter. busy and prevent the cyber attacks in conjunction with its international partners. it's getting a lot of support today rhetorically,
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also from the european union. and they tell you who condemned a russian involvement in the cyber attacks and saying they'll do everything that you can at to stop them as well. so i'm in young dw, for this correspondence. i'm in plenty. so we're going to talk about freedom of speech now on the day that the united nations has declared world press freedom day, the w has chosen a reluctance champion from russia for its own freedom of speech award. usually a novel, naya she is alexis, of all these widow. he died earlier this year and an optic prison, and his death was widely seen as orchestrated by the russian government. now level, naya shares the award with the russian anti corruption foundation, a group, her late husband, founded novel naya continues to fight against pollutants russia. earlier this year, she calls to a ballot and rushed us presidential election at the embassy in berlin. an election went and the re,
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low position had long been dealt with 5 lot to me put in the following the day of alexi in a valley in an optic. okay. no problem and the opposition has been old, but decimated in russia. and the era parents is usually involved in them. it's not their role. she is taken on by choice, but by necessity. just 12 days after her husband's dance, she addressed the, you know, make is and stress, but which includes my husband. i like see now why they, when he saw there's, i think see, was tortured for 3 years. she was starved in the tar needs tone, so collado from the outside world and denied these it's phone calls and then even the letters. and then they killed him. usually in the bottom, the train does an economist, and with that,
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a bang before marrying alexa in about me in 2000 and ivonya was long a quiet supposed to of her husband's anti corruption. if it's, she was as close as political advisor and by his side as he went to court on prison, numerous times when charges criminal critics say what from the top half price outgrew when of on the was points and in 2020. while her husband was fighting for his life in a hospital in siberia, she issued a public letter to apply to me putin and let it pressure campaign to allow her husband to be flown to gemini for treatment. when alexa inevitably returned to russia in 2021, the police arrested him and detained eulley and a volunteer separating the couple of good. she long shunned the spotlights, but after her husband's harsh imprisonment and death,
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she vowed to continue the fight against the kremlin. vladimir putin has a new vocal critic, not afraid to make use of her freedom of speech. a quick look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world and at least 29 people have been killed in flooding and southern brazil. off the heavy rains cause deadly land slides. storms lead to massive devastation and left over 300000 people without electricity for sales president luis and i see under like a silver travel to the states on thursday to meet with rescue workers and with the families of those affected turkey is suspending old trade with israel anchor says the measures will be in place until israel allows an uninterrupted and sufficient flow of age into gauze. israel's foreign minister responded by accusing it took his president, richard type ad, one of breaking trade agreements. israel caps posted on social media saying this is how
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a dictator behaves. that's all i know has launched an unprecedented admission to retrieve samples from the fall side of the moon. to space cross coal, the trying to 6 lifted off from the southern island province of high non it's expected to bring the samples back to us within 2 months. and it's the latest advance in china is i'm vicious space exploration assets. now, competing with the united states, china already land rover on the fall side in 2019 being the 1st country to do so is more on the chinese main mission. chung uh, 6 chains to connect to the new material from the fall side of the moon. and bring it back to us. it's a complex mission that will involve several you. we're both take modules working together. the
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a for me to long spacecraft will 1st all bit the mood and then deploy aligned to the side that is never visible from us. it means target the south pole 8 can base and the law just known impact criteria in the solar system using a mechanical drew and scale the land, a will collect 2 g, those of soil and rocks. and the send demo do with attached to the land will bluff back into a new orbit and transfer the samples to the re entry vehicle. if we goes well, it will carry the congo safely back to us. the scientists designed to review new information about the means early evolution. it's fall side is geologically different from the one we see from us. it has
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a stake across and itself is smoke has different chemical on position john the 6 and so has instruments made in europe on board a spectrum which are from suite and will investigate the interaction between solar winds and the surface. when solar wind sweep across the needs, they create an electric charge that can endangered afternoon and equipment. the effect is most pronounced on the crate to it just in the polar regions. the, these research trip will have the ways to china is good for you to be landing, which it hopes to achieve by 2030 both the us and china, one to establish bases at the move south pole. new to from the don't use chinese. so this explained to the what china hopes to achieve with this mission. well,
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scientists already didn't knew that the false site up and moon, it looks very different to the need a started up good morning. so this time, the tongue, a 6 missions you a collect tasks and rock sample from the fall side and transport them back to the us full for the analysis. and chinese, as was as an international scientist, choose the items based on the do not cells po area which has had a lot of us to real impacts and the volcano eruptions of a past opinion. yes, they could review with you early history of morning, maybe also of those and i'll ho, so last is okay. now we have seen india. we've seen the us and japan launch emissions to the moon in recent years. now we've got this major milestone for china . can you give us a sense of how important splice space exploration is a to the chinese leadership, as well as this side of everyone,
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including united states, the india, japan. they are all time to get to the morning and of course tie not as an emergent super power. ready doesn't want to be left behind. so china has planned this mission to collect a tasks and rock samples from fossa to one and the in the next. yes, they will be also more complicated than machines. include interviews of human human into robotics, patient in cells, whole area of moon. and also the measuring the in the reports of the we saw before, we watched it before china also aimed at sending astronauts to the moon a wrong video of 2013 which to with not only be signed, typically important, but also be a political press teacher because of course, the time you need to ship one to show some nation, the problem is okay, so it's a definite political aspect to in, in back in 2019 china pulled off
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a historic 1st soft landing on the fall side of the moon with china full, but that was only a one way johnny was in there. and this is clearly formal and vicious is as you mentioned, that in the of 2019 china has already sent the tongue for admission to the fall side. and that's more of a still working there today. and this time tell me the 6 mission and the which just the launch today, one hour ago is the 1st the mission of mankind which collects rock sample from the fast side of more. it is complicated because you cannot communicate directly between us and one fos sites, which means several relates set to lights are necessary. and of course, the rock sam post must be carried back to the us again. and that means complicated all of it to run the post above my let's say from the database chinese service.
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thank you so much for those insights. last and with that you are up to dates coming up next threads asks why the majority of the world drives on the right hand side of the roads. stick around so that if you can, i money keeps mckinnon. thanks so much for watching. dw, the best into our is whenever they feel like it's kind of to design a session and paint most to pieces in this guy. the best have most