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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 24, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the the, this is the w news live from the violin. germany says it will review and cooperation with the u. n's agency, the palestinian refugees, an independent investigation, finds no evidence to backup. israel claims that some of the agencies employees to pause in the okay, but the stuff that's happened also coming up on the program arrested for protesting in israel. we meet the palestinian human rights lawyer charged with incitement to terrorism of the leading a demonstration in support of casa plus the us secretary of state to antony, blinking has arrived in china for 3 days of tools. his visits comes as congress pos
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is a bill to bands of social media platform, tick tock, unless it's chinese, the selves of it's us, assets, the many futures mckinnon. thank you for being with us. gemini, will resume its cooperation with unrest. most the united nations agency for palestinian refugees in gaza. several countries holsted the funding temporarily during an investigation into the agency stuff. israel had accused thousands of the agencies employees of being involved in the october the 7th terror attacks. more than a 1000 donors, including the 2 largest ones, the u. s. and germany suspended that under a funding as a result of the recent investigation says that israel has not provided evidence that certain on right employees. what members of terrorist organizations
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w, spoke with germany's development administer about the unrest investigation. she had this to say about the agencies walk on that report. so it's very clear that algebra is able to do the job here, that it's not part of our mazda to separate the phone, them us. and i think these reports of, we will on the list these and these a lot of these reports and data. but the 1st uh, what we see is that this isn't very important for us will be poor to, to show that otherwise doing a very good job here. jonathan falla is the spokes person for the you, an agency for palestinian refugees unwrapped. welcome to g w. jonathan, thanks so much for your time today. can we begin with your reaction to the news that germany will now review corporation with your organization? i mean, this is a very, very positive developments. i do want to stress that the gemini last month that
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already come forward with fresh funding of 45000000 euros for our work in the west bank of georgia and syria and 11. and so what we're talking about today specifically is a kind of on locking of the, the remaining suspension on funding for gaza, which is critical moments. of course, given the, the, the enormous scale to pick your monetary process and gaza is absolutely essential. that gemini and other, the countries act too hastily when they suspended payments to unreal without waiting for a thorough examination of his brows, allegations a little closer. and i'm not in a position to be sort of inside the room in terms of the decision making. but what i mean, what, what the state cause was. it was a huge risk absolute unraveling of our operations in gaza, but also across the rest of the region. and our agency, of course, is the primary humanitarian agency in government,
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but also working with palestine refugees across the region. so the, the decision when it made, i mean, it looked like we were, we were basically gonna have to close up shop in february. but because we had a number of return ease and then germany, posts is not the only government which is listed suspended, lifted suspensions of we've been able now to, to sort of push out operations protected through to the end of june. and we look the basically the kind of guilty as being postponed over and out of a recent months of the us and come back. but that doesn't mean that the situation is perfectly on june. okay, i wanted to ask you, jonathan, be independent investigation concluded that while you have wrote both measures in place to ensure the neutrality of the organization, they're all still neutrality, issues of what will the organization do to address these issues? i absolutely, and then we, we side to fully on board the, the, the outcomes a, this investigation. i mean that this was an independent review. that in fact we had
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asked for before allegations against the 1000 and stuff even to much to them. it's important to emphasize sponsor. this was something we were aware that we needed to do because we over the years space a number of allegations against, you know, i knew on you try the stuff. but the investigation didn't include the we have the robust frameworks in place, and in fact, more robust than any of the other parts of the human system on many international and use. but what we, we, we, we are working on actually, on current leading to, to take on the various recommendations you know, related to the workforce stuff unions, for example. or indeed you know, how we deal with the governments in terms of governance on these issues. and, you know, an organization with 30000 people of functioning in a very, very politicized context. which of course was frank by the, the, the co owner reports so fast, you know, it's inevitable that the things wouldn't be perfect. um,
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but i think you know that this, this is a case more of the glass being hospital and health m. c. when it comes to the outcome of this review. okay. the us, your most important though not, has decided not to fund on rough for another year. and how will this affect you? how will you compensate for this also? well, this of course is extremely challenging because um, i mean with the retired at the number of donors we, we've reduced the sort of financial tax on our organization. but yes indeed, you know, with, with the, the remaining suspensions of 9 member states, we're still looking at the 31 percent loss of our income. and that's $267000000.00 . and i'm the united states makes us around 80, not, not getting 87 percent of that. so almost 90 percent of the congressional decision to, to, to, to decline to fund under until march of next year is, is problematic. we do need to make up that short pool,
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but i do want to emphasize we kind of ground swell of supports and so not just the returning suspending my mistakes, but as soon as the day that suspensions were, decisions were made, we face them around sort of public support, we raised rank cold amounts of money from individuals and private sector, done as in the order of $50.00 millions. we have a government traditional down. the government's come forward with extra money in his brain. orleans, for example, storm supporters of our agency. but we've also had a non traditional dentist on the governments of iraq, for example, kindful with money. so this doesn't make up the shortfall, but it does. it is a name of this to reduce the bent, but it costs the the issue of get us funding is extremely, extremely serious. and we, we all think that they will also make a decision in our favor, jonathan falla, from unread jonathan. thank you so much for your time today. thank you. on the week following the smallest her attack on october,
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the 7th last year is randy also receives crackdown on protests that christmas sized is rails menissi military response. while i was the $100.00 palestinians citizens of israel were arrested for participating and protests or posting on social media dw special correspondent, i'm in ss mess up with the human rights lawyer off mode kelly for a palestinian citizen of israel, who was himself arrested at a protest and charged with incitement to terrorism. in a small apartment in haifa, lawyer, an activist off mancha leaf is under house arrest. after spending $114.00 days in prison, it's an improvement. but felicia says he's still essentially a prisoner. that is the best that you can see. exactly. so if he steps outside the apartment with his electronic tag, the police will be alerted. they'll call him on this communication device. and if he doesn't answer, he could be held in violation and sent back to prison. but the worst part for
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relief is that the court ordered him to rent an apartment outside of his hometown, where his children live and go to school. they can only come to visit on school holidays like today. the only thing that we did is going uh, doing this demonstration, the price to support of the people for guys that the under twitter and days of heavy bonding on october 19th, last year, khalifa helped lead a protest and he is really town of mount farm where he's from the chanted slogans in support of gaza. he says not from us. a video from that day shows him urging the crowd to remain civil the without the
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soon after it began heavily armed police intervened and started arresting people. elisa was one of those arrested they wanted to teach the other people listen by us. that's why our artist was so so crude khalifa was charged with incitement to terrorism and spent 3 and a half months and the ghetto and gilbert with prisons where he alleges he was deprived of sleep and food and was beaten by guards as a lawyer who has defended posting and prisoners, the experience was eye opening. i used to think that when they say the physical torture, the people exact so exaggerated because they want to get out from jazz, you know. but the, the stuff is that we saw this is amazing. like it's the whole edit and hold on for
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the, for the claims that in the weeks after the october, 7th and most hair attacks is really just the system abandoned. the rule of law. it's like, if you're not with us, you're against us. that is, that's the thing. and they said that to me clearly in my investigation and it's things that make you think again about everything that you know about the whole system. you know, in one night that there was no, no police, no sort of keys and everything changed. i put her leave his claims to his really authorities, the israel prison service sent me this response. we are not aware of the claims you described, nonetheless, prisoners and detainees have the right to file a complaint that will be fully examined and addressed by official authorities. israel police wrote the individual in question, participated in an unauthorized marge, characterized by incitement,
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where he assumed a leadership role. the israel police will continue working diligently to protect our citizens and will not tolerate individuals endangering public safety through incitement of violence or support of terror. felicia is hopeful that the is really, courts will acquit him once legal proceedings wrap up his life will eventually return to normal. he says, but his face and the justice system has been shaken to the core. a special correspondent, i mean, he says, who fall that report joins me now in studio. hi, i'm in and tell us what is the state's case against calissa, but he's been charged with incitement to terrorism and identification with a terrorist group. this goes back to the chance that we're on chanted at the protest that he helped organize. one of them that he had mentioned was gaza will be the rep translate for us at a gaza will not be conquered. from video we are able to hear another chant which was there's only one thing to do, push out the occupier as and on. both of these are being interpreted by the state as being pro on mos guys will not be conquered and being and basically calling for
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the expulsion of jews from israel. so push out the occupiers, but of course she himself is a lawyer and he's been to protest before he said that he and the other organizers sat down and came up with chance that they believe would not get them in trouble because everybody was afraid that they would get in trouble and he assured the protests that they would be safe if the chain of this chance and he was arrested and sent to prison. so i'm gonna see international alleges, but that has been a crack down on any criticism of the is really state with all of the research you've done, the people you've spoken to. does your a search box this up the seems to have been a period in october, november when there was a 0 tolerance policy for any kind of antique is real protests. now, don't forget, the anti government protest had been tolerated. that's against nothing yahoo in his government, but anything as perceived as being intake state or anti military anti operation and
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gaza. there was a major crack down on this in october and november. um, the state itself said differential figures that a 140 indictments were put out against people for protests or social media posts. a dollar which is the human rights group so that they counted $270.00 indictments arrest or warning talks. 95 percent of these were posted in citizens of israel, so not jewish is released but posted in citizens of israel. a we did, i met with one is jewish, is rarely mer roofing, who was arrested and he was spent 4 days in prison. but he himself said that the palestinian citizens have it was most were for social media posts. and in every case, i've seen it was for instances of speech or protests that could be interpreted as being against the state or against the military. but something that in germany or the us would not have been punished with prison time anyway. okay. and what is the legal basis for this crap down the legal basis is a 2016 counter terrorism law. but of course, the enforcement of that law. a lot of human rights groups today has been political
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in off months case and also mer roofing. the jewish is really they said that it was because there was local authorities far right or had a grievance against them or using this time in october to settle a score off months. lisa is an activist and he did a lot of work about police violence. so the police didn't really like him and he thought they were settling a score with and we weren't able to very, we couldn't verify that. but another thing that human rights groups are saying is that this goes back to the national security minister. it's a more been viewer who is one of the most far right members of the government in israel. and she is in charge of law enforcement, who's in charge of the israel prisons and in charge of the police. and they say that his influence has had a chilling effect on free speech because of the way that the police and the prisons are able to enforce these things. and the don't forget that the supreme court has thrown out a lot of these cases, but a chilling effect is still there when you get thrown in prison, even if you're not convicted or anything. i mean,
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thank you so much. that's the w. special correspondent. i mean, if now we're going to take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world now. and amnesty international is warning the human rights across the world face them most serious threats in decades. conflicts in gaza and ukraine, as well as the spread of authoritarian governments are damaging the world order by violating international law. according to its latest reports, student protests against the wall in gauze, i have spread to universities across the united states. several colleges have closed off campuses. some universities called in police to break out protest accounts under this have been arrested since last week. administrative fee of assistance could spoke anti semitism, but the students say that that defending free speech. meanwhile, lawmakers in the us senate has post
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a crucial $61000000000.00 aid package for ukraine. often months of delay. the bill was approved with broad bipartisan support. the package also included age, the israel, anti one and the president bite, and promised to sign the legislation on wednesday. now included in that package as measures post by congress is a bill to ban the social media platform. take talk, unless it's trainees own us, sells off it's us assets will make, has have been concerned about possible chinese government control of take talk. bike don has denied that it says sensitive use. the data with the chinese government take talk has about 170000000 uses in the us. of us secretary of state asked me blink, and has arrived in china for a 3 day visit us. and the growing tensions between the 2 countries, lincoln is expected to discuss a number of issues,
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including china's support for russia. the us says that china is helping russia's war efforts in ukraine, adding that it damages us security. how to put limits on our relationship without limits on this for the emission to beijing, us secretary of state, anthony blink. and we'll hope to put some distance between russia and china. pushing back on china's role in russia's war machine will be a top priority. china continues to provide materials to support precious defense, industrial base, and all of this is fueling pollutants, warm machine, etc attacks ukrainians and threatens european security relations between the world's 2 top global rivals had been 10 since early last year. after chinese bind balloon, flew across the us territory and fresh disputes relating to silver world taiwan emerged since then. they've thought a little shooting,
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being held face to face talks with the, with president joe biden in san francisco last november. but do you want has kept pressure on vision, sanctioning chinese firms that ship products to russia? the real estate department says china is supporting russia's war machine by supplying machine tools, computer chips, optics, drones, and cruise missiles technology. the micro chips are crucial and filling the gaps in the russian war effort. rushes semiconductor imports from china jumped from 200000000 in 2021 to over 500000000 in 2022. as the war drags on, rushes, growing. economic and diplomatic isolation has made it increasingly reliant on china, its former rival for leadership of the communist bloc during the cold war, china appears to hold the upper hand and the relationship. washington warns it will hold, being responsible, it must go, makes gains new frame. china has shrugged off the criticism to inform you what china has always controlled the export of jew use. items in accordance with
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laws and regulations, relevant country should not smear and attack. what's her normal state to state relations between china and russia? we've tensions ratcheted up again. last week, after joe biden called for hired terrorist on chinese steel and aluminum, lincoln will have his work cut out for him. or i can some more on that story. let's cross over now. so we just saw beyond that quite small who joins us from beijing. fabia and clinton's visit comes at a particularly tense time between china in the us, doesn't it? what are the main issues, the most important issues that are going to be discussed during lincoln's visit? yeah, they have really many controversial issue with this. a lot of thing. i pointing into a lot of accusations that he's ever on the economic front blink months to address the problem of all the capacities and the chinese industrial policy. and the chinese side also says that, um, you know, the us policy is imposing
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a basically trying to contain china's economic, right. so there's a lot of conflict there. and then in terms of political issues, you have to tell one issue a. china has strongly criticized weapon sales of the west to taiwan. then, of course the tensions in the south china sea and then the middle east will be debated. i think in this issue of both have a different positions, both sides, but at least there will be a common ground, both sides once to prevent further escalation. but the most crucial and the most important topic will be the one ukraine. and for this, i mean, the u. s. has basically accused china of exporting a lot of to use product to russia and exporting a lot of machine to will import. i mean that it's really crucial for russia and pulled up not even 14, to build up. it's a mishap program, so in directly china is keeping poor things want machinery going and said it's a strong accusation. and i think this will be the main topic of the top of the
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talks. all right, so the and i go to ask you because, you know, really big news in the us right now is the potential band or full sale of, of tech talk, which is a chinese platform. it's got 170000000 uses in america. how does china see all of this? that's what china is strongly criticized to us. they said that the us would follow a so called a robust logic. they would try to steal one of the most successful company. and i think when i talked to experts, no one believes that basing would actually allow um this uh, sale of take talk to a us competitor. so probably this will not happen because of the national security concerns. but yeah, take talk is crucial off of course on importance for china because it is one of the few companies that has gone global and has done it very successful. so i'll be on face my reporting from beijing. thanks so much fabi and i'm going to stay on the subject of take talk because law as high as i have some dw
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businesses here in the studio with me. hi, laws get to see you. so tell us, how likely is the bite done to the company the intake felt? how likely is it that it will actually sell? i think it's very unlikely, it's almost impossible a we just heard one of the many reasons. right now we have for lar, corresponding and badging. we said that badging would likely not even allow that. but there's other reasons to look at the timeline. that's an easy one. the law says about 9 months may be extended to 12 months, is almost impossible to do a deal of that magnitude in that time. and then talking about magnitude, look at the financial size here, the u. s. portion of tick tock would likely be worth tens of billions of dollars so . so there's not too many companies out there who could even buy that. it would in the end come down to maybe google and made time. those would probably be out for onto antitrust reasons. so, so that, that's just really no chance and one other important thing,
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the law specifically says that in bites, dance has to sell it at a point. so there in the future will be no contact whatsoever between by dance and china and us tip top. and that's going to be possible because the take talk realize of course, on those algorithms and those are still going to be owned by byte dance. so this whole thing cannot work as congress has seen of for. and then of course, is also the, the practical flight in the u. s. isn't it, i mean, how are you going to buy an app that is so popular? i mean, people built this app on the phones. yes. and you can obviously not force them will make them deleted, but of course they can take it out. they can force apple and the other app store to take it out of the app store. so new users can come and they can also ban with provider service providers from hosting uh, new content or so. and that would mean that over the long run, of course take talk you as would eventually run out of a storage capacity probably. and then probably just dias slow death. okay,
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and here in the you, i mean, the european union is also discussing isn't it how to, how to, how to handle take talk here in europe. just tell us a little bit about that. yes, and that's really interesting because it is entirely different story even in process of course have similar problems that the us had as well when it comes to influence in engaging and, and espionage and all this. but in this case, what we're talking about in brussels this week is about a new version of tick tock, tick, tock, a light that the company has launched in france and in spain. and it has a weird model of where it's rewards people viewing videos. the more videos, the more clips you watched, the more points you can get, even more addictive. yes, this is make it, and this is very addictive. and that is exactly where the problem is. that is exactly what the commission doesn't want to allow. it has asked by dan smell for a risk assessment report and that has been filed just last night. i didn't have a chance to read it because it's not out there yet. but i wonder what ever it says
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in this risk assessment. it certainly doesn't solve the problem and so we'll have to really stay on that and see what the you will decide. well, thank you so much. that's t w's business. last how to i welcome. we've just got enough time for reminder of our top story for you. germany is saying that it will review cooperation with the u. n's agency for palestinian refugees. an independent investigation found no evidence to backup is rails claims, but some of its employees to punch in the october the 7th. her attacks. spice come on. and that is, we've got time for coming out next is made in germany. remember, you can get little stories on our website, that's the w dot com and don't forget youtube and also short media channels. either this left on that for you. many kids mckinnon. thank you so much for watching. i will be back to the next hour the,
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