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tv   2024 Campaign Trail Arizonas U.S. Senate Race the Latest Campaign...  CSPAN  May 4, 2024 2:11am-2:45am EDT

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♪ announcer: this week 2024 campaign trail was on the road with vice president harris as she was imported delivering remarks on women's health care as a six-week abortion ban went into effect in the state. in michigan former president donald trump at one of two midwest rallies he held on wednesday. also highlights from a press conference from the poor people's campaign, plus an
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in-depth look at the arizona senate race this year. first the latest swing staples and the presidential race. emerson college looked at the presumptive presidential nominee's support in seven key swing states that are likely to decide this year's election. in all of them, arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, north carolina, pennsylvania, and wisconsin former president trump held a slight advantage, but only one of those leads in arizona with outside the three point margin of error. in an effort to boost the campaign's standing president biden and vice president harris were on the road hitting on their message of women's rights. the vice president was in jacksonville, florida, and reporters noted that her speech included 18 direct mention to former president trump, the most of any remarks she has made this cycle.
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next, some of that event in jacksonville. v.p. harris: across our nation, we witness a full on assault state-by-state on reproductive freedom, and understand who is to blame. former president donald trump did this. [applause] donald trump handpicked three members of the united states supreme court, because he intended for them to overturn roe, and as he intended, they did. now many of you here may recall i served on the judiciary committee as a united states senator, and i questioned two of those nominees. 21 of them i asked, quote, i will quote myself, "can you think of any lot that gives the government the power to make decisions about that male b
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ody?" and it will come as no shock to anyone here he had no good answer. and that day, we all knew what was about to come, and it happened, just as donald trump intended. now, present day, because of donald trump more than 20 states have abortion bans. more than 20 trump abortion bans, and today this very day at the stroke of midnight another trump abortion ban went into effect here in florida. as of this morning, 4 million women in this state woke up with fewer reproductive freedoms than
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they had last night. this is the new reality under a trump abortion ban. starting this morning medical professionals could be sent to prison for up to five years for providing reproductive care even earlier in pregnancy. reality under a trump abortion ban. starting this morning women in florida became subject to an abortion ban so extreme it applies before many women even know that they are pregnant, which by the way tells us of the extremists who wrote this ban either do not know how a woman's body works, or they simply don't care. trump says he wants to leave abortion up to the states, he says. up to the states.
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all right, so here is how that works out. today 1 in 3 women of reproductive age live in a state with a trump abortion ban, many with no exception for rape or incest. this really is a health care crisis, and donald trump is the architect. and by the way, that is not a fact he hides. in fact, he brags about it. is that the collection of abortion bans is working the way it is supposed to. just this week in an interview he said states have the rights to monitor pregnant women to enforce these bans. and states have the rights to punish pregnant women for seeking out abortion care. so florida, the contrast in the
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selection could not be more clear. basically under donald it would be fair game for women to be monitored and punished by the government, whereas joe biden and i have a different point of view. we believe the government should never come between a woman and her doctor. so here is what a second trump term looks like. more bans, more suffering, less freedom, but we are not going to let that happen. [applause] because, you see, we trust women to know what is in their own best interest, and this november up and down the ballot reproductive freedom is on the ballot, and you, the leaders, you, the people, have the power
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to protect it with your vote. donald trump may think he can take florida for granted. it is your power that will send joe biden and me back to the white house. announcer: following vice president harris' remarks and forwarded the campaign but at this ad. >> new comments on abortion saying some states might choose to monitor women up was because pregnancies to possibly prosecute women who violate abortion bans. ♪ >> two years ago i became pregnant with the baby that i desperately wanted to, and i learned that the fetus would have a fatal condition and never survive. because of the new laws in texas i had to flee my own state to receive treat and. if donald trump is elected that is the end of the woman's right to choose. we could lose our rights in
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every state, even the ones where abortion is covered a legal, and that means every woman in every state is at risk. donald trump took away our freedom. we need leaders that will protect our rights and not take them away, and that is joe biden and kamala harris. announcer: former president donald trump, the presumptive republican nominee, was also on the trail the same day as vice president harris. as it was one of the days he did not have to attend his criminal trial centered on hush-money payments to adult film star stormy daniels. former president held two rallies on wednesday, in miss comcast and -- one in wisconsin and one in michigan. next, some of the rally in michigan with comments on the criminal trial and abortion policy. >> joe biden is the worst, most incompetent, most corrupt
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president in the history of our country, and crooked joe knows in a fair election he is going down in a landslide. every poll is showing that. that is why biden is so hard to jail, he wants to jail's political opponents like to do in third world countries were banana republics. there was only one problem. every one of these fake cases is bullshit. every single one of them. terrible. [cheers and applause] and you know i come here today -- [chanting] thank you. as you know i have come here today for new york city where i am being forced to sit for days
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on end in a kangaroo court room with a corrupt and conflicted judge in during a biden sideshow trial at the heinz -- hands of a marxist district attorney who are taking orders from the biden administration. by the way, so if i did not run or i came in fourth i would have no problem right now. i would be someplace beautiful. i would rather be with you. i would much rather be with you. [cheering] i would much rather be with you. but what you were witnessing in new york is not a legal proceeding. it is an unlawful exercise and very stupid invariable politics, but here is the good news. it has driven the poll numbers higher than we ever had before, because people get it.
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it is a scam and people get it. they are not just an attack on me. they are an assault on the constitutional rights of all americans. a lot of political opponents would not do too well under those circumstances, but i have a relationship with the people, and i explained it to them, and they understand it is a scam and they understand it is the worst president in the history of our country. he could not get elected dockets or accepting he is in a party that are really good at cheating. i taxes, bad military, no homes, everything is bad, but they are graded cheating elections. it is the only thing they do well. in the middle of a presidential election, the republican nominee for president is being attacked or like nobody has ever been attacked before, but all of that
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being done and all of that being said, the fake charges, the legal targets and everything, and we have had tremendous reviews from great people, jonathan turley, andy mccarthy, mark levin, sean hannity. the judge is the most conflicted person in their history -- i don't think there is ever been a more conflicted judge, crooked and conflicted. i am unconstitutionally gagged. i am not supposed to be talking to you because he gagged me. think about it, former president , and a popular president. we had the best are in history, the best and safest order that we ever had in history. by the way, while we are on it, it was always the plan from the great legal experts of this country and even the world, everybody, democrats,
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republicans, liberals, conservatives, they wanted to get abortion out of defendable government. you know that. after 50 years, we were able to do that, and know you were seeing it done. some people will be happy. some people will be ok. some people will not be quite as happy. some people will be thrilled. some of the decisions vary quite a bit. as a politician, you have to have heart. you have to have what you are determines and you have to fight for what is in your heart of what is the right thing to do, but remember, you also have to get elected. getting elected is also important. not only on this issue but on taxes and military and everything else. you have to get elected, because if you don't get elected and goes back to the federal government perhaps, where you have many things it can go wrong, so go with your heart. do what is right. we did something that took courage. he did something that everybody
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wanted to see, but now we say it is up to the states and i want to thank the justices for having the courage. for the wisdom and the courage to do this. this took a great deal of courage and a great deal of wisdom to do this, and all we want to do is we have to get our country back together. it takes a very long issue, an issue that was never going to be resolved according to many. it brings it back to the stage where every legal scholar and were most people wanted to see it, and it is working outso want to thank the supreme court for the wisdom and the courage d thank. announcer: one last bit of news for the presidential race. robert f. kenned jr.'s campaign said head secured a ballot aess in california, the
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most populous sta. that makes four states total work he is already on the ballot including utah, hawaii, and michigan and another six where he has met the signature threshold. his campaign called onresident biden to get out of the race, calling the incumbent a spoiler. a video of the campaign released on the internal holding. -- polling. >> i am the director of content and team candidate, and today we will be talking about numbers. by now you probably know robert f. kennedy, jr. is running as independent candidate for president of the united states. >> spoiler candidate. >> candidemia spoiler. >> is bobby really a spoiler? we looked into it and know we have the answers. most polls are conducted by
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mainstream media outlets and typically they have 1000 to 3000 respondents and those bulls have a 3% margin of error. we conducted a nationwide poll of over 25,000 respondents, and our margin of error was .6%. that makes it by far the most accurate predictor of the 2024 election we have so far. this is a head-to-head matchup between biden and trump. trump wins by 50 electoral votes, and you know that is not very close, and with bobby as a third party candidate biden on the picks up two additional states. here is where it gets interesting. in a head-to-head matchup robert f. kennedy, jr. wins 376 versus joe biden 171.
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now that is what we call a landslide. what is crazier about these numbers is when you look at the ad spend, biden and spent $136 million, and we spent a little over two. the next match we pulled was bobby over trump. this is a close election but bobby still wins. biden cannot be trump and i had to and it is not close. bobby wins in a landslide against biden head-to-head and bobby beats trump head-to-head. who is the spoiler here? a spoiler is a non winning candidate affecting the possible winning candidate. if you do not want to see donald trump become the next president of the commended states that is
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only one candidate running who has the power to beat him, and it is robert f. kennedy, jr.. annoce from the nation's capital c-span covered a press conference held this week for poor people's campaign, which announced a massive march on washington d.c. this summer. >> poor wage voters are saying that our votes are demands enough support for candidates, and what we are doing are mobilizing their votes and saying to candidates if you want these votes talk to poor and low-wage folks. the number one reason for and low-wage folks do not vote is nobody talks to them. we have debate after debate for senate, president, and the issues that affect poor and low-wage persons do not,. we had in 2020 a bill come up to present living wage, which would
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have 52 million four and low-wage americans out of poverty, 43% of african-americans alone. most of the persons would have been white and women, and eight democrats and 49 republican said "no." 70% of americans want a living wage because we have not raised the minimum wage since 1979. we must mobilize this power, and we want the media to be clear that when we talk about poverty, we are talking about all of its areas, race, gender, geography. a third of all poor people live in the south, a third of all poor white people live in the south. nearly 60% of black people are poor and low-wage but a majority are white. the largest demographic of
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poverty is among women. our children are 51% are poor and low-wage. these are serious matters, and we have serious power, so this is an offense of move. we are calling by people to come by the thousands to join with us. this is a time for a mass mobilization of consciousness. we do not just need a political vote this year. we need a movement vote not based on party but on principle, based on where people stand on critical issues. this is nonviolent. we are the resurrection, not an insurrection. we are saying the last picture of d.c. not be people turning to capitol building up enter democracy down. we need a picture of folks
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trying to build democracy up and lift up all people regardless of where they are. >> donald hansen is a political reporter with the arizona republic here to talk about the u.s. senate race in that state. when kyrsten sinema said she would not seek another term, but it was the impact of that on this senate race? >> it did have a significant impact. there has been some mystery around this race since she switch to independent in late 2022. it made it difficult to get a fix on with the shape of this race really was. she was an incumbent senator who used to raise a lot of money. she never really pull out of it. from a polling perspective it made it difficult to get a read on what dynamics people were going to face. that has cleared up in the past
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month, though there have been other newsworthy items that every shape race as well. >> before we get to those, who is running? >> u.s. representative ruben gallego is the only prominent democrat. we have two notable republicans running in a primary that former editorial candidate kari lake, it a former tv broadcaster and ran and lost the 2022 governor torres in arizona. we also have the county sheriff mark lamb, from a county that is roughly between phoenix and tucson. >> what is the primary race like between those two, and what are the polls showing? >> kari lake is the presumed
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favored, the presumptive nominee in waiting. there is been no significant polling that suggest anything to the contrary. the national republican senatorial committee has already endorsed kari lake and thrown in with her, that they are raising money for her. they put an ad out for her in a sense by going after ruben gallego. there was no indication that the rnc is anything other than fully behind kari lake, who also which are to be mentioned as the endorsement of former president donald trump as well, so this is a primary race in name only in many respects. there was a possibility there we'll have a debate at the end of june. much like we saw in a lot of the republican presidential primaries, and how strongly will lake do given she is running
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against someone who was struggling to raise money and has nowhere near the ability that she does? >> what are her strengths and weaknesses in this race? >> for kari lake, in republican primary she is far and away very popular with republican voters. she is very closely identified with former president trump. she is someone who is the america first maga style candidate writ large. the problem is all of those same things are true in a state that is drifting toward the political middle and where she figures do not have as many financial resources perhaps as congressman gallego, and she has a record that has already failed with voters once and could be problematic moving ahead into
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november. >> and congressman gallego's strengths and weaknesses? >> he does not have a primary to get through and a good fundraising track record. he has also picked up the endorsement of senator sinema's seatmate senator kelly and has really put kari lake on his radar screen. he has made that a priority of his to help defeat kari lake. for ruben gallego there is no primary to get through, key has a lot of financial resources and a lot of national democrats want to see them do well. his biggest challenge in this race since he is not especially well-known throughout the state. he is known in phoenix, but more broadly he is undeveloped, and
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that becomes a question of who is going to defined ruben gallego. the nrsc and dennis secondary way kari lake are trying to define him. they have made note of his divorce from the phoenix mayor that happened just before mayor gallego gave birth to their first and only child, so this is a personal line of attack that will stand in contrast to what we will hear a lot about from congressman gallego as it relates to kari lake. >> what are the issues? what of the policy issues that are driving the senate race? >> we have an arizona supreme court ruling that essentially upheld the 1864 abortion ban that bans abortions in nearly
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all cases except the life of the mother. this has placed itself at the fore of a lot of concerns and could bring in a new swath of voters who might have been only marginally engaged. it is something that has added new resources, new energy, new money. it is the kind of thing that feels like it is a significant event that republicans do not feel is going to run to their benefit, so that is something that the democrats want to keep front and center. on the other, republicans really have a pretty effective line of attack as it relates to border and security issues. this state's numbers from mexican immigrants and others has been through the roof since the dawn of the biden administration and the phoenix
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area as you been hardest hit when it comes to inflation, said the inflation and public safety arguments have been pretty effective here both for former president trump and for kari lake in terms of really trying to keep the heat on democrats to make the case that they deserve to keep our -- power, but the conjecture that the abortion issue along with a sense of victory lake is a bridge too far is where you will see the condors in this race. >> would you say the fate of these two candidates are tied to the presidential candidates, or could there be a split ticket scenario? >> there is the possibility of a split ticket, but it is relatively low. the idea ruben gallego could outrun president biden is possible depending upon how issues play themselves out heading into the fall. i have not seen any polling
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suggesting kari lake can out run donald trump, so if it is a good night for president trump you would expect kari lake might have enough support to pull across the finish line. if it is a good night for president biden there is almost no chance kari lake can out run donald trump it is point. >> what about the rumor that kari lake is on the former president's shortlist as a vice presidential candidate. if she were to be picked, what would that happen? >> that would throw the senate race into a good deal of -- tumbled there would be no money they could turn to if you happen to be a primary. if it resulted in more extraordinary circumstances where they had to go back and find somebody and renominate them through sort of already
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means, intraparty means, a gun, then the candidate off the shelves who have been engaged in this race. realistically, mr. trump has the opportunity to show that kind of support for kari lake. and he has said explicitly that he thinks she is going to make a great senator. it was really incompetent and sort of the final lock that that is where you are going, i'm going to the senate race. she has been a permanent surrogate, especially in iowa for the trump campaign, but that has not been a lot of chatter about her being a serious contender at this point, though where the trunk candidacy is involved, it certainly appraises part of the events we have seen many times over the years. >> ronald hansen, national politicarerter with the arizona repubc, thank you for
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your time. >> thank you. >> every mind
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