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tv   U.S. Senate Sen. Moran on FAA Programs Bill  CSPAN  May 2, 2024 9:11am-9:18am EDT

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f.a.a. reauthorization. the compromise package included provisions to hire at maximum levels over the life of this bill and adopt a new staffing model to better project hiring needs in the future. i want to especially salute senator braun's air traffic controllers hiring act as it's common sense simple fix that over 30 senators have supported, including this bill and this reauthorization package was the right thing to do and is a bipartisan win that we can all celebrate together. i applaud the committee for including this important language and take care of the folks who work around the clock to keep our deliveries on time and our passengers safe and finally, i want to take a moment to remember and applaud all the members of congress more importantly their dedicated staff who worked on this f.a.a. reauthoritization legislation, along with the dedicated agencies who strive
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to keep us safe and on time. thank you, mr. president, i yield back. >> mr. president, i rise today to discuss a bipartisan, bicameraal federal aviation administration reauthorization. you would know as a member of our committee that we have worked hard to bring the f.a.a. aviation community together to make certain that we do not end up with a result of one more extension after extension after extension and we can provide some certainty the f.a.a. in fulfilling its mission. when i became the ranking member of the aviation subcommittee, i stated the importance of passing a long-term reauthorization and pledged to work with senators duckworth, cruz and cantwell, as well as my other colleagues on the commercial committee to get a comprehensive agreement completed. i want to thank the leaders of both the senate commerce committee, cantwell and cruz,
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and congressman larson for months of work to get us to this point. i want to thank my counterpart the chairman of that committee senator duckworth of illinois. she has been a pleasure to work with with a commitment to aviation. much of this year is for planning and growth in the civil aviation industry including the modernization of aviation infrastructure and technology. continue short-term extensions are detrimental to the industry, and to the flying public. this week and next week, congress must come together to assure our current extension of the federal aviation administration may the 10th will be our last. no more extension. last october, the senate recognized how critical the f.a.a. is to the country and evidence that recognition by voting 98-0, to confirm mike
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whitaker as the f.a.a. administrator. if the united states is to remain a leader in the aviation and aerospace domain it's critical that we provide the f.a.a. with resources that they require. they've seen close calls and near misses that plagued our air space in addition to quality control concerns. and indicate now more than ever, our aviation system needs certainty, stability, and that's provided in part by a long-term authorization of congress. the original senate legislation was drafted after eight committee and subcommittee hearings and i'm pleased that many of my priorities were included in this legislation. kansas will have an important role to play in advancing our aviation industry, including research and development, and hypersonic flight and testing, as well as aam's and uav's. this legislation also includes
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my priorities to one, bolster, the aviation work force, improve the f.a.a. backlog, promote women, extend travel for people with disabilities, attract air service to smaller communities. support staff and training for air traffic controllers for the first time in decades. address new aircraft entering the air space. expand air mobility and extend air service programs. i encourage my colleagues to once again find a collaborative way to move forward to address f.a.a. reauthorization. we manufacture lots of airplanes in the state of kansas and we're the air capital of the world. more generational aircraft in the world are manufactured there as well as commercial aircraft and i sometimes think that if i have any reputation as being an advocate for aviation, it's probably because
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we manufacture so many airplanes, but i also, and that certainly is true, but i also would highlight the importance of an airport and airplanes to small communities in kansas, not just in the manufacturing that's centered around south central kansas, but every community and their airport is an especially way in which that community has a brighter future. and airports including commercial air service to small airports is hugely important to the well-being of states like ours. the american people deserve the safest. in fact, that's probably the most important component of what we can do here is ensure, as best we can, the safety of the travelling, the flying public. there is no future of aviation in aerospace in kansas or elsewhere, if the-- if citizens of our country and around the globe are not feeling safe and secure to fly. the american people deserve nothing less than the safest
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and most efficient aviation system in the world. our bill provides critical safety enhancements and grows america's aviation work worse and invest in airports and clear for advancing aviation, improves the public's flying travelling experience and assures a healthy general aviation sector for years to come. again, i thank nigh my colleagues in the committee and look forward to the vote later today and encourage my colleagues to work hard to see that we get this completed in the next few days. mr. chairman, mr. president, i yield the floor. >> mr. president, i come to the floor today in support of the f.a.a. reauthorization act of 2024. this has been a truly bipartisan, bicameral endeavor and that's how it should be. it's taken longer than we hoped, but the final product is worth it. this bill would


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