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tv   U.S. Senate Sen. Marshall on FAA Programs Bill  CSPAN  May 2, 2024 9:07am-9:11am EDT

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supporting our nonprofit operations. shoppen visit us online the c-span >> looking to reauthorize federal aviation administration programs for another three years. it's set to expire next friday. if congress does not take action. next, a look at some of the floor debate among senators. >> the federal aviation administration reauthoritization act that is before us shines as a beacon of safety, progress, and efficiency in the realm of aviation. it's not just any piece of legislation, it's a commitment to safeguarding lives, whosestering fostering innovation and our skies are
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safe for all who traverse them, standards for safety, airport control and operations, ensuring that every flight is conducted with the highest level of care and expertise. today i rise to especially acknowledge the hard work that our air traffic controllers do day in and day out to keep our skies clear and safe for all. back home in kansas, we have an air route traffic control center that's responsible for some 130,000 square miles of air space. covering that much air space is no small feat and it takes a team of highly skilled and trained controllers to get the job done. in fact, i made a visit to that control center, and what i found was the most constant bombardment mentally challenging task of any job than i've ever seen, more than i've seen 12 hours in the o-r
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the mental challenge, the constant bombardment of different sequences trying to make sure-- not trying, but ensuring that every flight lands safely. there's no room for error. there's no second chances and it amazes me time after time, day after day, these stalwarts do their job with perfection. and i have to admit in years past i've been disappointed that despite billing allocated, this agency neglected hiring for air traffic controllers not only in kansas, but across the nation. again, based on my business to our towers in kansas, it's clear that our air traffic controllers need relief and we need to prevent burnout for the sake of passenger safety. thankfully, we have a golden opportunity this week to make sure things right with this
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f.a.a. reauthorization. the compromise package included provisions to hire at maximum levels over the life of this bill and adopt a new staffing model to better project hiring needs in the future. i want to especially salute senator braun's air traffic controllers hiring act as it's common sense simple fix that over 30 senators have supported, including this bill and this reauthorization package was the right thing to do and is a bipartisan win that we can all celebrate together. i applaud the committee for including this important language and take care of the folks who work around the clock to keep our deliveries on time and our passengers safe and finally, i want to take a moment to remember and applaud all the members of congress more importantly their dedicated staff who worked


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