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tv   BBC News Now  BBC News  April 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm BST

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live from london. this is bbc news. three people have been arrested to the deaths of five migrants in the english channel on tuesday. president biden confirms that more military assistance will be sent to ukraine within days after the us senate approves a long awaited aid bill. the former leader of the dup sirjeffrey donaldson appears in court charged with sexual offences including rape. four people are injured after it escaped horses both through central london.
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welcome to the programme. we start with breaking news from the past half hour and three men have been arrested after the deaths of five people including a seven—year—old girl who were attempting to cross the english channel from france on tuesday. they have been detained on suspicion of facilitating illegal immigration and illegal entry. you will remember yesterday we saw those dramatic pictures that were filmed by a bbc film crew in france of that boat leaving the coast full of that boat leaving the coast full of migrants, about 112 migrants on that board. it then got into trouble and people were in the water. boats were sent out to rescue them. around 50 people were rescued but sadly, five people lost their lives. three men, a woman and as you mention, a seven year girl. the boat did continue its journey to the united
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kingdom and there were around another 55 people believed to have been unable to made it to uk. within the last hour or so, the national crime agency says that three men have been arrested on suspicion of facilitating illegal immigration entering the uk illegally. the police say that they were arrested in an operation both last night and these morning and they are being questioned by police officers and kind. we have been told the men are sudanese nationals aged 22 and 19 and also a south sudan national aged 22. the police also say that those other 55 people who were on board the boat have also been questioned about what happened and they are also being questioned further at a later date. the national crime agency director... deputy director of investigations, craig turner, has
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issued a statement. it says this tragic incident once again demonstrates the threat to life posed by these crossings and bring into focus white is so important to target the criminal gangs involved in organising them. he goes on to say we will do all we can with partners in the uk and france to secure evidence and identify those responsible for this event, and bring them tojustice. responsible for this event, and bring them to justice. to reiterate, three men have been arrested after that incident in the channel which five people died, three men, a woman and a girl as well. the other 55 people who were on—board the vessel who it to the united kingdom have also been questioned by police and other officials to see what happened on board. i should also point out that was not the only boat that made it across to the united kingdom from france yesterday. earlier today, the authorities saying that there were
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seven boats that made it across the channel and indeed for hundred and two people were taken into detention here in the united kingdom after they had arrived on those boats. the seven boats that cross the channel. the course we have seen the pictures that were caught by that bbc film crew of that boat that was carrying around 112 people that got into trouble, led to the deaths of those five people and now we have the news that three men have been arrested in the uk and they are being held on suspicion of facilitating illegal immigration and entering the uk illegally. immigration and entering the uk illeuall . . ~ i. , immigration and entering the uk illeuall . . ~' , . the us senate has approved a 95 billion dollar aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan. the overwhelming vote in favour marks the end of six months of deadlock in congress and follows the approval of the house of representatives in a vote on saturday. the measures approve around 61 billion dollars in long awaited aid for ukraine alone.
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it also designates more than 26 billion dollars split between military support for israel and humanitarian aid for gaza. and $8 billion for taiwan and us indo—pacific allies. it's expected to be signed into law by president biden today. president zelensky reacted to the news saying it reinforced america's role as a beacon of democracy and leader of the free world. the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, said the united states was showing its allies that it wouldn't turn its back on them. a lot of people inside and outside the congress wanted this package to fail, but today those in congress who stand on the side of democracy are winning the day. to ourfriends in ukraine, to our allies in nato, to our allies in israel and to civilians around the world in need of help, help is on the way. to ourfriends in ukraine, america will deliver more ammo and air defences and basic supplies that you need to resist putin on the battlefield.
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with the passing of the bill in the senate, the us has reaffirmed it's backing to it's key ally israel and it's support to those affected by the conflict in gaza. our middle east correspondent, yolande knell, explains the breakdown of $26 billion package. we have had israel's foreign minister, israel katz, coming out quite quickly thanking the us congress for this, noting that there was overwhelming bipartisan support, and saying that this sends a strong message to israel's enemies. of course, this package was passed after there had been some congressional democrats who had been saying in recent weeks that further military aid to israel from the us should come with conditions attached because of concerns about the conduct of the war in gaza. but this doesn't seem to have been the case, and if you break down that
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$17 billion that's heading the way of israel, it's about 5 billion for replenishing and expanding its air defence system, the real value of that has been proved time and time again in the past six months or so as the war in gaza has raged on and we have had the new threats emerging to israel, the likes of the direct attack by iran using drones and missiles earlier this month for the first time coming directly from iranian soil. then you have also included in this money further billions of dollars that were going towards advanced weapon systems, to enhancing weapons production, to buying supplies and services from the us. and then if you look at that separate money which is included in the same legislation for aid going to israel, that is $9 billion of humanitarian assistance said to be for civilians suffering in conflict zones around the world, but a big portion of that going to palestinians in gaza.
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earlier i spoke to our ukraine correspondent james waterhouse, and asked him the difference this aid package could make to ukraine. it is interesting, i think politically you are hearing a lot of thanks from president zelensky and other members of the government. they do appreciate this aid finally coming from america. they are describing washington as being the beacon for democracy but then of course you have what the ukrainian generals are saying in terms of expectation management and that is very much at play. they are talking about the need for ukraine to simply stabilise its front lines because at the moment, figuratively speaking, they have their backs to russia, as they have their backs to russia, as they are trying to dig new defensive lines and trenches across the east. you talk about the north—east, there are real fears that russia is building for some kind of offensive,
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although it forecasts such as this, it is always hard to tell but public fear at least is that russia trying to push on the second largest city, which sits around a0 comic that from the border with russia and it has seen a notable increase in missiles and a residential block was hit night. authorities in the city worry it could suffer more extensive damage but i have to say russia has tried and failed to take it before, at the beginning of the full scale invasion with a far better trained force but crucially for ukraine, it was able to defend kharkiv with a better trained force. we are into a war of attrition where both sides are playing a crude numbers game in terms of mobilising enough men is possible for their respective fight but what is clear for ukraine if this package will contain much
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needed ammunition which major semi russian tied at the moment. any talk of liberation however is very much on the back burner for now. deep into this conflict, _ on the back burner for now. deep into this conflict, i _ on the back burner for now. deep into this conflict, i wonder- on the back burner for now. deep into this conflict, i wonder how much i need package like this and words of support such as those we have heard in berlin today make to the morale of ukrainians and indeed encourage further mobilisation. £31 encourage further mobilisation. of course, i think there are two things going on in tandem here. i think any front line soldier would like ammunition to be able to do his job, whether it is artillery, whether it is trying to suppress the enemy, whether it is an air defence team trying to prevent russian air strikes because russian forces really do have air superiority in this area. even if a town is still under ukrainian control, the russians are still able to throw everything at it from the sky and there is very little you can do, if you are simply in a trench with
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limited ammunition. that'll be a much—needed boost and if the reports are correct and some of this animation could arrive within days, it would have to come by road because there is a no—fly zone across ukraine. then that would be gratefully received but ukrainian grappling with its own good my meth —— domestic issue of mobilisation because there is no limit on the amount of time served. it is never a clear path for the new —— for ukraine but it is a much—needed piece of news. police in wales are telling us that three people have been injured in a stabbing at a school in south—west wales. two air ambulances were called to the scene in ammanford and one person has been arrested. worried parents at the school gates said they were sent messages by schoolchildren inside saying the classes had been lockdown. let's go to the scene. what more can
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you tell us? i let's go to the scene. what more can you tell us?— you tell us? i have spoken to a number of _ you tell us? i have spoken to a number of parents _ you tell us? i have spoken to a number of parents now- you tell us? i have spoken to a number of parents now who i you tell us? i have spoken to a i number of parents now who have you tell us? i have spoken to a - number of parents now who have been in touch with their children inside to say that they are still in lockdown in their classes after in incident took place this morning. some of the children have told their parents and family members that they would miss what happened in the school earlier this morning which seems to have taken place between 11 and 12. as you mention, two air ambulances have been here. also a number of ambulances. you can see concerned parents at one of the entrances. there are three entrances to the school in ammanford. and every one has hundreds of parents outside waiting to greet their children after what has no doubt been hm attic event. the police are speaking to the children inside about the incidents that have taken place and you can see the
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significant police presence behind me in the school. there are a number of air me in the school. there are a number ofairambulances and me in the school. there are a number of air ambulances and a number of police vehicles as well. they have not actually closed the main street just down there where parents come to the school, there are a number of coaches to take children home and they are waiting nearby. those parents who have not been able to get here, those children can get on the buses and go home when they are finally released from the lockdown in their classes. find finally released from the lockdown in their classes.— in their classes. and i believe the olice are in their classes. and i believe the police are not _ in their classes. and i believe the police are not looking _ in their classes. and i believe the police are not looking for - in their classes. and i believe the police are not looking for anyone| police are not looking for anyone else in connection with this incident right now. it else in connection with this incident right now.- else in connection with this incident right now. it is believed the have incident right now. it is believed they have arrested _ incident right now. it is believed they have arrested one - incident right now. it is believed i they have arrested one individual, nobody else in connection with this individual. they have also said in their statement that they are aware that there are videos circulating on social media and people should refrain from circulating that you to a contempt of court risk and a risk to cause further alarm. as is the
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case with a number of similar scenarios. things do out on social media that do spread rumours and sometimes they might not be true. there is a warning, a health warning, from the emergency services again. but we have spoken to one family member whose brother said he witnessed the incident that happened earlier today. and he said that his brother has already been questioned by the police and has been told they may be for some hours yet to come. thank you for that update. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news.
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former democratic unionist party leader sirjeffrey donaldson has appeared in court in newry, charged with rape and ten other historical sex offences. former democratic unionist party leader sirjeffrey donaldson has appeared in court in newry, charged with rape and ten other
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historical sex offences. his wife, lady eleanor donaldson, a co accused in the case, faces four charges. earlier we heard from our ireland correspondentjennifer 0'leary, who spoke from outside the newry magistrates court. this morning, sirjeffrey donaldson turned up to face the media scrum as he walked into newry magistrates' court behind me. he was charged with 11 counts of historical sex offences, one of rape, one of gross indecency involving a child, and nine counts of indecent assault. in court this morning, also was his co—accused, his wife. she was charged with four alleged offences relating to aiding and abetting her husband's alleged offences. neither defendant entered a plea when properly this morning, as is usual, because it was their first appearance. he previously indicated that he intends to strenuously deny
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the charges against him. neither of them also spoke in any detail apart from confirming their names and their data birth and they were released on police bail of £350. the reason for the intense media interest and public interest in the cases because sirjeffrey donaldson are to a number of weeks ago was the democratic unionist party and that is the largest unionist party in northern ireland. and weeks before his arrest he led his party back into a power—sharing executive at stormont. he is the northern ireland longest serving mp and has also been knighted for his political services. he did face a media scrum when he exited the courthouse in the last 30 minutes. i should also add that the
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number of people from this town or other areas had turned up to see what was happening and there was a rush towards the gates as he exited the courthouse and did get quite messy for a time. the police largely seem to be inside behind sirjeffrey donaldson and his solicitor but he did eventually get into the car and leave this area. but as i said, sir jeffrey donaldson, the former leader of the dup, in court this morning, charged with 11 counts of historical sex offences. this is a case that also prompted the police service of northern ireland to unusually issue two warnings in terms of social media posts. prime minister rishi sunak has praised germany for increasing its defence spending, and hailed a strong bond between it and the uk. at a joint press conference in the last few minutes with german chancellor 0laf scholz
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in berlin, the prime minister spoke of rising threats around the world and " a new chapter in the security relationship" between their two nations. at this dangerous moment, the bond between _ at this dangerous moment, the bond between our nations are stronger than ever— between our nations are stronger than ever and between our nations are stronger than everand we between our nations are stronger than ever and we meet as the war rages— than ever and we meet as the war rages on— than ever and we meet as the war rages on our— than ever and we meet as the war rages on our continent and new threats— rages on our continent and new threats are _ rages on our continent and new threats are rising around the world. i want _ threats are rising around the world. lwant to— threats are rising around the world. i want to congratulate you on your leadership— i want to congratulate you on your leadership and in recognising that and taking the historic decision to increase _ and taking the historic decision to increase defence spending and we stand _ increase defence spending and we stand you — increase defence spending and we stand you together as the leading defence _ stand you together as the leading defence spenders in europe. unshakeable nato allies and the two largest— unshakeable nato allies and the two largest military supporters of ukraine — largest military supporters of ukraine in europe. and together, we will continue to provide unwavering support— will continue to provide unwavering support for— will continue to provide unwavering support for yard ukrainian friends. as you _ support for yard ukrainian friends. as you said. — support for yard ukrainian friends. as you said, for as long as it takes — as you said, for as long as it takes and _ as you said, for as long as it takes. and we look forward to the recovery— takes. and we look forward to the recovery conference being hosted in berlin _ recovery conference being hosted in berlin in _ recovery conference being hosted in berlin injune. and i know we will continue — berlin injune. and i know we will continue to— berlin injune. and i know we will continue to work closely on other
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global— continue to work closely on other global challenges including putting the release on a better path and together— the release on a better path and together we have acted to meet this moment _ together we have acted to meet this moment. we have taken greater responsibility for our collective security — responsibility for our collective security as the —— today we are going _ security as the —— today we are going even_ security as the —— today we are going even further, opening a new chapter— going even further, opening a new chapter in— going even further, opening a new chapter in the security rating ship between — chapter in the security rating ship between our nations, as you heard, and we _ between our nations, as you heard, and we have — between our nations, as you heard, and we have committed to delivering and we have committed to delivering a new _ and we have committed to delivering a new framework for our co—operation on defence _ a new framework for our co—operation on defence and delivering an immediate expansion of our co—operation, procuring the artillery— co—operation, procuring the artillery system and providing our soldiers _ artillery system and providing our soldiers with a new cutting—edge readability and supporting hundreds of german and british jobs. let's readability and supporting hundreds of german and britishjobs. let's be clear. _ of german and britishjobs. let's be clear. this _ of german and britishjobs. let's be clear. this is — of german and britishjobs. let's be clear, this is a partnership that connects— clear, this is a partnership that connects with all aspects of our economy— connects with all aspects of our economy and our society. the connects with all aspects of our economy and our society. the two men have been speaking _ economy and our society. the two men have been speaking with _ economy and our society. the two men have been speaking with a _ economy and our society. the two men have been speaking with a number - economy and our society. the two men have been speaking with a number of l have been speaking with a number of issues, relating to ukraine. the russian issues, relating to ukraine. tie: russian aggression to ukraine has marked a watershed moment, i have
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repeatedly stated that. and that of course also means we need to take note of the fact that the russian war of aggression has changed and has put at risk the european security architecture. in europe, and in the world, we need to make it clear that borders must not be shifted by the use of force. we need to strengthen the european pillar of nato also want especially when it comes to survation oppositional deterrence. 0ur european to tear undefined and must always remain credible. 0ur berlin correspondent, jessica parker, said this about the meeting. it was a bit of a love in. lots of compliments between the two, in terms of the support that they are offering ukraine. in europe, the united kingdom and germany are the
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top two donors in terms of military aid to kyiv. it is a really important partnership in that sense but if you scratch beneath the service a little bit more, there are some differences in approach. for example, when it came up in the press conference, the chancellor has refused to send a long—range cruise missile to ukraine despite significant pressure and suggestions, diplomatic suggestions from the uk, that they feel that germany should do so but he was holding his ground today and basically saying he was not going to be sending those missiles to ukraine. 0n defence spending, rishi sunak announced yesterday that britain would be hiking up defence spending to 2.5% by 2030, certainly thatis spending to 2.5% by 2030, certainly that is the intention, he was questioned about exactly how he plans on paying for that should he be re—elected as prime minister in a
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general election. that is expected later this year. the polls are looking a bit gloomy for him but he insisted that there was a plan to pat’- insisted that there was a plan to pay. the german defence spending set to reach 2% this year, not set to reach 2.5% and no commitment that i am aware of to do so. and actually it is interesting, they are only hitting 2% for the first time since the early 1990s, since the end of the early 1990s, since the end of the cold war. there is a feeling there is a lot of catching up to and they mentioned a couple of times this idea of this idea of a turning point in how germany approaches defence and security. people would say that is a work in progress and they have the accusations that the change has been too slow. than change has been too slow. an interesting question as well, are you 100% convinced that donald trump is 100% committed to the central
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tenets of nato? that prospect of him being back at the white house is focusing the minds of european leaders when it comes to their defence spending.— leaders when it comes to their defence spending. absolutely. i think this is — defence spending. absolutely. i think this is another _ defence spending. absolutely. i think this is another central - defence spending. absolutely. i l think this is another central issue that they will talk about very diplomatically in public, which they did so today. 0laf scholz talked about nato is an alliance between nations. i am about nato is an alliance between nations. iam not about nato is an alliance between nations. i am not courting about nato is an alliance between nations. iam not courting him verbatim but he was saying presidents come and go but we trust in this long—term partnership. they are three nothing in public, we are really worried about the potential president trump return to the white house. but when i speak to officials in berlin, they are certainly doing some contingency planning around how to as they would put it and was mentioned, strengthen the european pillar of the nato military alliance and part of that is as we have seen more defence spending and there seems to be a public recognition from rishi sunak and 0laf scholz
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that europe does need to do more as the complaint is notjust from donald trump, although maybe he is the most vocal in the way he goes about it, but complaints from other us presidents in the past as well that they felt europe was not spending enough on defence and leaders now saying that does need to change. at least four people have been injured and taken to hospital after escaped military horses bolted through central london during the morning rush hour. 0ne horse crashed into a bus, another into a taxi. police say all the animals have now been recaptured and are being treated by a vet. a person was thrown from a horse at around 8:30am. the london ambulance
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service confirming four people were injured and the horses have been contained. you are watching bbc news. hello, there is very little sign of the weather warming up over the next few days. we will stick with this unusually chilly feel for the time of year. there will be some sunshine and a scattering of showers and some of those showers will be wintry of the high ground in the north of the uk. we will keep this cold air mass, being drawn down from the north. you can see the blue colours. that takes us through thursday and on into friday. forthe us through thursday and on into friday. for the rest of the day, sills showers around, affecting eastern areas. a brisk breeze and it will feel cold. the best of the sunshine further west. highest temperatures around 12, 13 degrees. this evening and tonight, areas of
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cloud drifting southwards, bringing showers. some of those showers wintry over high ground, in scotland. we could see some snow mixing in with the showers. saying quite windy across northern and eastern coasts. temperatures dropping close to or even below freezing in some spots. that'll take us into tomorrow morning. areas of cloud southwards across england and. should brighten up across northern england and sunny spells for northern ireland. scotland with a mixture of sunshine and showers. wintry nurse still in those showers over high ground. just 8 degrees in aberdeen. perhaps 13 in cardiff and in plymouth. through thursday night and into friday, anotherfront will system just grazing the south of the uk. more cloud and showers in southern england and south wales as well. sunny spells and showers, hints of something wintry in those showers over the hills and the
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mountains. still called in the north—east. even further south, just 11, 12 degrees. north—east. even further south, just 11,12 degrees. 0n north—east. even further south, just 11, 12 degrees. 0n the weekend, some signs of something a little bit less chilly but only a little bit. these yellow colours spilling northwards but the reason for that is an area of low pressure. not a heatwave and certainly not completely dry for the weekend. some outbreaks of rain for england and sound a better chance of sunshine in northern ireland and scotland.
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boeing revenues fall 8%, the first decline in seven quarters as the us plane maker battles production and delivery woes. and the countdown begins for tiktok, the us moves a step closer to banning the social media app after the senedd approves the bill. welcome to world business report. we begin in the us, where we'vejust had earnings results from boeing. it's been a challenging time for the plane—maker, after a door panel blew out on a commercialflight,
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leading to the company having to pay out compensation to customers


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