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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the, the challenges with the top you and official ones as a full blown famine in northern gaza and says it is moving south the i'm, my name's heidi. this is all just there in life from day was so coming up is rarely strikes. target displaced palestinians, in rough uh, across garza, at least 32 people have been killed. over the past 24 hours, garza ceased fund negotiations as
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a critical stage in cairo as how much representatives hold talks with us guitar. a n egyptian mediation is really full scale to palestinians who they say are key to being scientists during a race in the occupied west. the welcome to the program, we begin with the deteriorating humanitarian situation. in garza, the head of the u. n. weld food program says northern garza is now experiencing a full blown fireman. cindy mccain says, thousands of palestinians a solving of to over 6 months. a full israel has been blocking a to millions of palestinians trapped inside the besieged strip x. those image has more of the people because i haven't had much to eat system where it began. and now
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for the 1st time, the you, when says a state of time, it is evident in north and casa severe restrictions have blocked food deliveries. israel as constant bombardment is for isolating more areas, forcing palestinians to survive, and leaves, scraps and food, hand out the head of the human world, food program is renewing calls for humanitarian ceasefire. what i can explain to you is that there is famine, full blown famine in the north, and it's moving its way south. and so with what we're asking for, and what we've continually asked for is, is a cease fire. and the ability to have unfettered access to get in safe and unfettered access to get into the, into, in the guys that get various ports and various various gate crossings. but we, you know, it hasn't always work that way. israel has been blocking most of the 8th trucks from coming in, allowing only a trickle of a to reach college students. international efforts have shifted to air dropping
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supplies, but that's insufficient and unsustainable to meet the dire need on the ground. is har, it's you know, it's, it's, it's so hard to look at and it's so hard to hear also. so i'm just, i'm and so hoping that we can get a ceasefire and, and begin to, to feed these people at it's, especially in the north, in, i'm in a more and in a much faster fashion that also including, as i said, water sanitation medicine, it's all part of the sam and the famine issue is also something that we need to make sure that the world understands. we can't let this happen. the entire gossip population of 2300000 people do not have enough food. and the crisis is escalating each day. children are struggling to most the hospital started reporting the 1st that's from starvation in early march efforts to prevent the diamond hinge on the
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ceasefire. but the only means as elusive as ever axle sandwich out is there. let's go to honey mass, mood. he is in russia for us and southern guns i. let's begin with the latest attacks honey. those continue within the south and to pursue the very latest yes, smelly and not we're getting more confirmed reports of from the northern part and gauze as it end this time, particularly from a very densely populated area in the southern part of gauze and city. that's the, the brock, a area that's in the southern part of garza city, form and known as the the college university complex. and were the vast majority of, of people evacuating from the eastern part. and the central part of it does have been children in that area. i've drawn fired, at least to miss old going to children so far. those are reported on the
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transferred to allow the baptist hospital at the center of garza city. there are several other injures, also transferred to the hospital. but right now, as we heard from one paramedics that the boxes have the baptist hospital. it is at this health facility at a very, very difficult situation. right now it doesn't have enough medical supply, doesn't have enough medical to stop inside the hospital to oversee the cases. arriving to the hospital to give in the past few months have been very difficult with the ongoing incursions by this really monetary and the prevention of medical. so that we're expecting the number to increase of injuries are, as we told are at the floor of the hospital. they arrive in the weight on the floor of the hospital without any attention given by the medical staff or any of the medical supplies available to intervene. overnight, a taxi or in dropbox city. 3 people reported skilled at the local residence of from broadcast city and to this place individual inside
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a residential homes and several other injuries reported and transferred to the john hospital. this really monetary continued to strike the eastern part of the city. something that we've seen within the past 2 months as part of the strategy. and when building establishing a buffer zone, a base and part of not only robust city, but also the entire eastern area of the golf and stuff that includes a major part of hon. eunice city just within the past couple hours or so is the 3 people reported to gather a fee and hospital arriving, and really pronounce that inside the hospital because this has been severe injuries as a vip talk of the eastern part of hon. units do where they are inspecting the tray of the destruction and devastation caused by these really military. and it's the ground forces when it invaded, con eunice said that the eastern parts of the, the city mean why that is really military continue to targets. more public facility
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is more residential homes. then creating more tragedies as it gives, forcing people into further internal displace. okay, thank you for that. thanks for your reporting honey. my mood that for us in rasa in southern guns that meanwhile sees fine negotiations are being conducted in the egyptian capital and delegation from how much is currently in cairo. if adults, with mediators from both egypt and castle israel once the return of captives held in garza in return for a temporary truce, how much has repeatedly insisted on a permanent and to the war with some of having done is a senior, a spokesman for how much he's told algebra that his organization needs a guarantee from the united states that russell will be invaded by these riley's, as well as to talking about the main issue, which is the complete she's for you. i have to complete with the phone cuz we hope
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to find some good and positive on such today if that had been through and go through this to declare a positive on. so if, if, if, if, if i may say that, but unfortunately, and there was a clear statement from, uh, the, to the whole, uh, showing that regardless to walk may have been, it's been a while just as found on here would, could, you knew that that's a good start of that to me, that would be known she's filed and that means the tech would be continuing, which is again, sort of our discussion. at least we want to know exactly what does that mean. that statement and the actual phone number, the items that i want understanding that i need to achieve meant for these products means that there will be no more attacks against does that do this and does that include the amendment? we have to talk about that in the position of the united states because that is the main issue which will affect the position of these are the lives and mainly need to
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know if the united states administration have said clearly to meeting you out and offers enough you'll have to do this on back. i actually would, that would have been the guarantees enforcement. and if that was given that will give a good, which bush for the, the, the, the negotiations. but also need to have steps to be uh, decided and to reach him in the bottle, which would all agree on. so the guarantees are needed, but we also we need a key of statements which should clarify the position and the commitment. so for each side, because as we all know, it is of trying every time to get out of that commitment. so the guarantee is not good enough. it's important, but it's not the only need to think we need guarantees and we need also click on that and that's okay. let's go to all correspondence. stephanie deca, she's that ok, potties tourism for us. stephanie. so these talks on the going,
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what are you hearing from the is right is about what is going on and car right? that we have had an unnamed source quoted and is really a name source in reaction to those leaks who were reporting earlier that have boss looks like it could be accepting the deal. i remember today or somebody. so is that usual that you have an official speaking out, but it's really media quoting, and it's really official saying that they haven't degree to an end to the war. they haven't agreed not to go into that offer. this is in line with what these ready prime minister has been saying, and it's particularly increasing in what he's been saying in the last couple of days. and you heard of some having done refer to that. in fact, it was quite interesting that natural yahoo started putting a topic on the table even next to us extra estate anthony blinking saying that they're going to go into the off, off dealer know deal which, you know reading between the lines could be seen as an effort, oldest, discover any potential negotiation because how mouse and says that any deal needs
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to include the end of the war sources i've been speaking to are close to the negotiations. say that they say that if there is a deal, it's pretty much the end of the war. if there is a deal, there will be no doubt. and this also comes down to the guarantors as you heard him then there. how about seeking clarification in terms of guarantees, you're going to have to have the americans ensuring that israel doesn't break. if there is a deal, it's promise of not going into the hall. you're gonna have to be addictions. also guaranteeing whatever hamas adheres to. so just as a mediator is also very crucial, so costs are playing a role in that. so i think we're at a crucial point in the tools. we are certainly at a much more cautiously optimistic point than we ever have been since last november . and also crucial because he's ready to have made it very clear that if they don't go ahead with the ceasefire, if it doesn't get agreed by both sides, that they will go into the offer, which is of course, is something that the americans and egypt sions don't want ok many songs for that's
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a stephanie is that get that for us in occupied jury slim. let's get more in these talks with boundaries. there is how shamella bar is here in the studio with us. how some of the one hand there was this up to me see, sense of ultimate, the sense of urgency that a cease by deal is now close. but then you look back to comments. that problem is missing, you know, who made earlier this week. and we, we had our correspondence as deputy decker took about that uh with he said that they will invade roughly regardless of how much agreeing to a deal. and then you want to, where is this optimism coming from? but basically, i've been in touch with sources with not as of the will, the tools, and they confirmed to us of the ways of progress, the tools us to underway. a category technical team is uh, will get out of the details with the, with the egyptians. they are both a key mediators. and usually technical teams are indications. we're moving to the operational aspects of the agreement because it was come together and then the
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phases of disagreement of the we've tried to print out the details of that. well, those faces, as you know, how much has been very much concerned about the implementation of the agreement. and the tools have been focused or convinced that how much that phase one they have to stay away from talking about abilities by because it's not going to happen. there's absolutely no way in the americas. we put pressure on these riders to go for a permanent seas. by a, by the exchange of how much he's been asking for a prolonged ceasefire, something more than a month. that would give a sense of normal that could convince the international community to say, we need to have a deal. i've been covering those talks for the last 67 months. this is the 1st time since december that i'm getting a sense from the kimmie data is that they believe that might be significant breakthrough to have some we had from the homeless folks but, but spoke specing a little earlier, a saying that i must want a guarantee from the americans,
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that israel is not going to invade rough. uh, even if you know a deal will be signed, they'll be an exchange of hostages. but they'll go back when they would do you think we will, they will get this sort of guarantee from the americans. i doubt it. i thought that we get those guarantees. i think the pressure is phenomenal on how mass to go ahead with a deal. and there's also the pressure of accumulates as the, there's based, need full and then that alice meant to be made as soon as possible. and this explains why over the last 48 hours, we've seen different statements from key have mass officials about what is happening. some of the were very my skeptical other things that ultimately if these varieties accept our terms, we would go for it. but you know, ultimately we're bogged down to the team based in gaza, particularly the yes in law. and the top lead as of how mass based in goes uh we'd
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have to give the final say i'm valid in touch with the, with the egyptians about the, about the different steps of this agreement. but you know, the announcement is ultimately an issue of semantics for how much we would like to ensure that once there is a deal that would come back to the people in gusts of they say of to all the suffering, the loss of civilian life, the destruction in gaza, we have a dignified exit strategies that you cannot come back to, to help people off the summer months and say, you know what, we fail to achieve. what we want to achieve in the past is going to backfire on how much. and i think ultimately this is why they're looking for government is particular from called southern, from egypt, that there will be a, a ceasefire for at least the 3 phases of the agreement. we're talking about something like $95.00 days to a 100 days. if that happens, they believe that it becomes a political reality. there will be no more in cuz i don't think this is the ultimate goal for how much the number to the person will survive the one to be made
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as a key player in gaza. and if that happens, it's going to be a major gainful for how much you talk about the role of home us. because that's exactly what i was gonna ask you. i mean, at how, you know, a lot of the places, you know, the existence of homeless going into the future is it no goes on. they don't want him. us to stay. is that a matter of discussion at this point? it is the americans made it clear. and by the way, this is not something new. a 2nd to a 3rd visit to blink into the beach and off to october. the 7th attacks, 5th trigger. they've lost that debate about who takes over gaza and a secretary of the intended blink. and was always talking about a revitalized policy and a forward to basically the american political parlance, new leadership. young, strong policy will forward to lead us to take over backs by key regional players. and recently what blinking was in saudi arabia. it was part of building momentum
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on vis you need to things unit political support from regional players. you knew this out as a board you knew of all thought is a board, you need a judge, sions awards of the same time. you need the financial commitments that they are going to pay significant role in building gaza. now do the c i to i, when it comes to what happens to how much i don't think so, or it's still debatable. some people say how much is a ton shop to others? they know they have to be made and it's up to the people of god, the bodies, sinews, in general, to the slides who takes over and who becomes the only. this is an extremely delicate moment, and this explains a great deal of anxiety that you can see from key players and particularly to from how much i believe covering this part of the world for the last 25 years. this is the most defining moment in this part of the world, and also for how mass if they can manage to survive. this is going to be
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a massive thing for that. but this is the biggest concern because we see the international community buildings that momentum towards putting at the end to the of having us pretty interesting to talk to you and get your analysis hush him off the bottom that for us. thank you. so head on, out to 0, evacuating with move misery to come thousands leaving slot, hit pumps of kenya, the country, braces for. so i take the in depth analysis of the days headlines. the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i ask how difficult a moment is this for 5 minutes with nothing you know, who is trying to stay indefinitely as 5 minutes to know that to stay possibly out of j. frank assessments, how to relations decline between the media and the united states of america? the crux of the matter is new jersey choice school ministry partners,
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and specifically russia inside story. on al jazeera, the carol was the time to be directed to the creation of the humanitarian crisis is a tactic, we do look to. it was a part of it. we, it was from us, particularly from the city upfront on, out to the or the
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the broken back you watching out is there a mind of bob told stories this hour? how much says it studying the latest is really proposal for c sign in a positive manner. the groups engaged in his travels and conway to discuss the deal with mediators as are almost retentive caps of health and gaza in return for a temporary truce. loss has repeatedly insisted on a permanent and the one that's killed over 30000 pounds. the head of the u. n. world feed program says newton garza is now experiencing what she calls a full blown simon. she says, thousands of palestinians of stopping officer over 6 months of israel has been restricting the flow of humanitarian aid by land and sea into because
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one palestinian has been killed by. is there any forces in a raid net took room and the occupied westbank? the rate is still on the way the palestinian red crescent says is rarely forces all preventing medical crews from reaching the casualties. joey forces also demolished a house in the town of deer all good soon. they said a palestinian find to they accused of killing a soldier last year. it was inside the house. okay, same is robbie joins us now from there i'll go soon, which is in the occupied westbank. same one as for exactly what's been happening this morning as well. this rate has been going on for nearly 15 hours now earlier there was some indication that perhaps these really forces were beginning to wind down. witnesses reported seeing a number of armored cars, their military jeeps leaving the village. but then there has been some movement
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back and forth. we know that there's at least 3 or 4 more cheats. still inside the village, along with the military bulldozer now the house that they've been focusing on is a 2 story house. a 2 story building where they say there were a group of palestinian fighters that they were targeting. how mazda official confirmed to us that there were members of the cosigns units in that house. and what we know is that they targeted the house earlier today, hours ago, with at least 10 shoulder launched rockets. they fired on this house. we heard reports that there were women and children inside the building. it was heavily devastated by these explosive rouse. these are pg style weapons and then they went in with construction equipment. and now they're digging through the rubble with a bulldozer trying to see if there's any one left there. we've heard reports that at least one body has been pulled out, and that one survivor has been pulled out and detained at the scene of this activity, we heard some gunfire and a loud explosion. just a short while ago. we've been hearing bangs coming from the village just behind me
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as well. so 15 hours into this rate, this region, no stranger 2 hours long days, long rates like this, by the is really military. we're hearing that this rate is likely to carry on drones. continuing up ahead and incrementing gunfire still coming from the village behind me. okay, thank you for that same as ronnie that for us and the occupied westbank, the, the canyon government has ordered people living near a 178 damns to leave that homes source. he's a warning more heavy rains in the region because he dams on rest of was of as low confidence. so he has more from nairobi, piece residents, most of the katie holmes. as soon as possible. leave me a revised in nairobi this month says he has nowhere to go.
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i have nothing, i have no money. my salary is only due next week. the kenyan government has ordered thousands of people across the country to move away from wetlands that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made, was by the el nino without phenomenon. miss rhodes told reports pain di, picture veterans with but least increasing both in to ration intensity for the rest of this month and possibly after kenya and neighboring times. and you have seen weeks of devastating floods and launch lights, the desktop keeps rising. the problem in that robi has been, was sent by port drainage and illegally build settlements. in some areas the people who are leaving near the narrow be dumb say they know they're not supposed to be
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there, but it's the only place they can afford. this is how close the houses are from the narrow down. it doesn't look like march, it's covered by what the highest sense. but when it or both of those the what comes to that, how is this several people the last couple of weeks have been tells she learned that you and her neighbors have had to move to a field adjacent to the dom, delta fernando, at where we go and is a governmental people told us to pack up our things. we have done that we have children. so what's next door to? she says she still waiting for the government to tell them where to go. catherine solely onto sierra ruby and the united states. severe storms are buffering the houston area intensifying and where the dangerous flooding in texas officials of a wooden people living along the sun just into rebecca to leave the homes. they say
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those who don't live could be trapped for 2 to 3 days. floods, land slides have hit a mountainous region in central indonesia. it can at least 14 people to people in south and west the province. i've been dealing with heavy rain since 1st day. well then, a 115 people have had to leave the home seasonal down for us all coming in indonesia see united nations and the united states have condemned attack on a displacement comp, in eastern democratic republic of congo, least 12 people were killed at 31 injured us, state department says the attack came from positions held by ones and forces on the m. 23 on group intern monahan has all the confusion and panic after shells struck a camp in eastern democratic republic of congo armed conflict and force these
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people from their homes. but despite thing despising the violence as follow them here, the many people a heat while we were sleeping, we started running as the bombs were fired at the cannon. the shelves were launched from an area where the army is fighting the m. 23 revel group. both sides tonight, responsibility interplay, each other for the civilian deaths. some people, the camps, they artillery station nearby turned it into a target. the, the rebels though targeting here because of the heavy artillery overall. i mean the, the, comp, too many palms that launched from here since morning and then the rebels responded to it. this is why we are victims of the ongoing situation. hundreds of thousands of people in the flat, the latest upsurge, and fighting the un and western powers. accuser one, the backing of $23.00 fighters, a charge one that denies the years long calls like this part to humanitarian crisis at this place. people run short on basic necessities and as fighting continued to
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spread, their increasingly finding that know where it's safe venting. monahan al jazeera. ok, that's it for me. molly. inside the weather is next and inside story looks the generational divide in the us of israel's war gods. the fellow rain clouds of gathering across the korean peninsula. we got some very wet weather pulsing its way out of eastern china unless it will run up towards south korea to boast. japan as we go through the next couple of days, a lot of pressure with the environment that's drifting its way further east west. so as we say this class start to push this way and some heavy rain once again for time across size, 5 hit pots of southern china, but that will, it'll make its way across the eastern china, through the east tennessee,
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running up towards the korean peninsula. property, when they read warnings in force across the pots of the korean peninsula. as we go through the next, i will say that was a whether we'll slip further east was the freshman something noticeably behind. 17 celsius there. and so we're, so whether come in across q, c, the west and thoughts all the whole issue as well. so you losey, drive, east and then southern parts of china. right? never ready to fall away. having said that, we've got some rain, hopefully useful, right? that will be live, you shall, was warning, same photos up tools that tunnel faced in corner of india into bangladesh. it'll help to adjust the size, very high temperatures that we have seen recently. still getting into the low forty's, not poor, could touch 43 degrees again. wanting same force, a chance of one to show us to the northwest. the 11 days that ended the mold and 60 young life in may 2021.
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the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza as they remember the children killed during the is really bombing 3 years ago. the 11 days in may on al jazeera enjoy your free speech. the us how speak of faces anti war protesters at columbia university poll suggests an increasing number of young americans, assigning with palestinians. so what's behind list? generational gas for the us response to the war on garza, this is inside story the .


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