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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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20 for the adult p u, an official. one is a full blown famine in northern garza and says it's moving south the i'm not inside and out here it is life. and i've also coming up as early as strikes . could at least 9 people in the russell where a 1000000 and a homeless place, palestinians all sheltering. is there any forces demolish your home? and the okey pod westbank while some suspect might as well inside. like you wasting with miss reeds account and thousands on leaving. not hit parts of kenya's country braces for
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the head of the un weld feed programs. as northern garza is now experiencing a full blown fireman, she says thousands of palestinians, a solving officer over 6 months, a full, as well as still restricting the flow of humanitarian aid by land and sea into the gaza strip. meanwhile, at least 31 children have died of malnutrition and the hydration in garza because of the age located. what i can explain to you is that there is famine full blown famine in the north, and it's moving its way south. and so with what we're asking for, and what we've continually asked for is, is a cease fire and the ability to have unfettered access to get in safe and unfettered access to get into the into, in the guys that get various ports and various various k crossings. but we,
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you know, it hasn't always worked that way. was rarely a tax on the southern city of rafa have killed at least 9 palestinians. several of us were injured and taken to hospital earlier on friday, another. and his 6 children were also killed off to, in his rarely attack on that home. in rough. let's go to honey my mood. he is in rough for us and southern guns at honey the attacks on russet continue. what is the latest where you are? yes we're getting confirm reports of from the guys are in hospital. did the earlier attack on the eastern part of pon you and is the cause. the serious injuries of the large number of people who were inspecting their homes are based in part of the city after these really military withdrew from the area, leaving the trails of devastation and destructions. all means of life. all social services facilities in there, the word targeted by artillery,
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southern gonna drawing a tax, they arrive to the hospital and already exhausted health facilities, the over crowded them and they not, they're not space for, for patients an injury. there is a risk that these people invite take long until the medical staff in the hospital can try, can help them or provide the necessary treatment to save them. that includes the, the attacks the earlier hours of this morning because of the artillery sending the data and part of robust city, but over not a talk. so another jeanine at district destination part of robot city. this particular district in rough as they repeatedly attack the initial weeks of this ongoing genocide, the were more families were killed inside these residential homes that have been filtering in the old came all the way from the northern part and goes to the solar heat because they were told, in order to avoid being bombed, they have to evacuated this area, all these to be bombs and killed inside these homes. 3 people reported killed you.
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one of them is a local residence of from rough i city and to are in fox displaced individuals from the northern part of this trip. in addition to the past 24 hours with seeing the, the relentless attacks and how the not only destroyed a residential buildings in central nor that central part of robust city. but also cause cause the, the, the, the death of 7 people, the mother inherits children and find those there. viber is that a topic was the father and of, of that family. it meanwhile, is really military continue to attack the sent from area 1000000, new site out refuge account. that's the northern part of the, of the central area and the area between what does that and the refuge account itself and honey. there's been another warning from the united nations about finding in northern garza in the fact that it is now spreading to the south. how bad is the situation
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to the quite got it started right now. what we're seeing here not only unimpressive ended catastrophic situation, but we see in the negative implications right now affecting everyone equally, particularly we will look at the most vulnerable approval of this war. if we're looking at the children and women who are either breast speeding or they're pregnant or those withheld, the complications and health of problems with the absence complete absence of health facilities and services in the northern parts. not only there is spam and right now that has already caused the depth of 31 to children because of the ongoing in force. the hydration on his far vision on the fact that the very military continue to block the entry of food and continued to block the entrance and it is smooth and 3 on a flow over humanitarian aid, food supplies, and other survival items. much needed right now for people in the northern pharmacy
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and more children are dying out on the record number, if they're not killed, if they're not dying by the unpredictable fall in bonds, they're likely to die because of the in for is the hydrogen and star vision. and right now we're seeing is large number of them suffer from mounting nutrition and missed the ation inside remaining health facilities with no proper health interventions whatsoever. right now here in overcrowded robust city, almost according to a unit step report, every child's here in overcrowded part of this trip, either injured or malnourished, will suffer from severe trauma. that is affected not only the physical health of the ceiling, but also their mental health. okay, thank you for that update. honey must made that for us and rossa in southern gaza now and is rarely a tackle. the school has injured a number of children in darrow bollocks. have been taken to, i'll act so hospital and central garza thousands of displays, palestinians with sheltering app that school. nearly 15000 children have been
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killed and at least 8600 injured. and since the gas in the okey pod westbank, these really ministry has demolished a house with some people still them side. it happened in the town of toe. co room is really full, surrounded the building. an audit is occupants whom they accuse of carrying alton attack in november to come out. they say the men inside killed a soldier most you shouldn't protest in solidarity with palestinians have been gaining momentum spreading across the united states and around the world. demanding an end to israel's nearly 7 months war on gaza. of a 2400 protesters have been arrested on campuses across america. on friday police in new york, we moved students from a sol as ours. so you can come in at new york university. many of the students were sleep when the right began theresa by were doing tap meant
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that new york university was we moved by the police early friday morning, but in the afternoon, the students took their protests back to the campus. i am so angry at the city of new york and the government of the united states, which has basically taken a position of refreshing and violence against the students just for protesting just for raising their voice since they are facing. so it's incredible violence for standing up for their rights and for standing up against it. and the students were joined by hundreds of people who marched around downtown, new york, demanding an end to the world as a and to us military aid for as well. but not everyone was happy. the secretary man approached the protest stairs and accuse them of being how my supporters here are trying to maintain or come in criticizing them. we've been trying to
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prove that people are surrounding him with me in order to be the intent of students who are angry. at least 12 pro palestinian students were detained in 2 campuses in new york city. on friday, they were taken one by one for the police, the eviction was a success. most of the students were accused of misdemeanor and trespassing. a good operation. no one got hurt, no incense, bold institutions, a happy, happy and when moving on, the good people here are not a few blocks away. students from protesters gathered for actual last 4 years. they want to use that jewish day of arrest to send a message of peace and co existence. students here believe they're fighting in justice and vowed to continue on the streets, demanding, and then to the war city. so we'll just see that new york will some of the biggest
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protests on the west coast were broken up this week out the university of california in los angeles. but now it's similar in common is gaining ground at the university of california and of on to lavelle as value centers. this report have seen here a week now and they're not planning on getting anywhere sooner and less talks with a university or successful. this is you see a volume, it's about an hour's drive. south of ally protests is a living and this incumbent day and night to man. things like the others that university type best from companies, supporting israel and cooling for a ceasefire. and israel's will, and garza best protests started on monday, a few days after the launch of what you see. i like, hey it, they've been active to. so with the specials, i'm like they were lights that protesting peacefully desperate to make sure there is no violence like we saw the lights on tuesday, which is really supporting counseling for testers. it sucks the peaceful demo with
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fly works on metal objects. a police store big the account like they did. you see i like but nothing is guaranteed. i know you guys are in touch with the professor somewhere. you say like what do you make of what we saw the and could not happen here? we are in contact with them and they actually did warn us. they told us grew up on protective gear, get a face shields goggles, keep protecting gloves, all that and sure it's a scary and it's horrible what happened. but our community support has been amazing and they have brought us all that we need and we are prepared. this protest could be referred to as like sista protests. the one that we saw in los angeles because we're still within the u. c. system. although this is a night and day difference, whereas that you see a light, we have 3 to 500 processes and not comp here. the number is maybe 30 to 40. also we saw about violence that you see a light press here. we haven't seen any that could be because this area is
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demographically, quite different. the volume has a large muslim population, which probably means most support, unless likelihood of large numbers of counts of protests signing up. that's different to ally which has a much larger jewish and pro is riley population. and the may have, has told the police not to go and they can work this out. and no matter how long it takes, you negotiate what they're teaching. these kids that are standing up for peace right now is that if you don't get your way, you fight your way through and that's something they're fighting against. and so they go on, coming here is c as a small sacrifice compared to what the people have cause that are experiencing the advice that you see right. besides they've reached an agreement with officials according to the university. and they're uncomfortable, close just by the end of day friday, i hope without head to but only if that demands a match fill of out. i'll just see it right. you see a vine in orange county, california. the students in your
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a post showing the saw as i receive with palestinians. french police removed at least 50 people occupying parts of the ceiling, supposed university and powers. i worked for more at natasha butler, some french police into powers whose prestigious seals, po, university campus to remove. thousands of students who had staged in over night sits in school for an into israel's war and gaza offices to the students outside before allowing them to leave the area in small groups, most remain defiance. i don't know if the best way to cut it off the system on well our demands are clear and we want an inquiry into the academic and economic links between our university and those and israel because israel is violating human rights and that's when the director said it would never happen. we also have 6 students on hunger strike, others who would join, but the director said isn't changing nothing. and then other parts of the city, hundreds of students demonstrated in front of the historic all to go building. the
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students are here to show he's on the direction with the palestinian people, but also to denounce will say, is growing police impression on university campuses. they cannot, as soon as there is a university sit in the police are sent in. today we have a government who are increasingly authoritarian with young protesters. a government that won't let young people speak out about these really palestinian conflict. there was a tense moments when a group of counter demonstrators arrived to these quickly intervene to restore com for monday university students are expected to state exams. it's a clear, yes, that will be possible if the protest continue. and so now the students say they have no intention to back them down. and so i should butler, how does their powers or so hes on the al jazeera and explosion in the eastern democratic republic of congo kills at least 9 people on security is high in charge
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ahead of monday's presidential election and find out why opposition groups, according to the polls to be suspect, the i'm counting the calls protested in the us to bond universities, divest some israel, how the schools make them money. washington, once russia to pay for rebuilding ukraine must go friends to retaliate. plus what's the future of a tick tock for the american market? kind of thing that costs pulled out just a rough pod hitch. i mean to be used as the i r c suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler sees thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know double stand to all of us any, any one in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy if this is
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troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era the latest news as it breaks another mouth x ray of yours more power city on voted over 3 of the, the identities are largely lost and on, on a president in war with in depth reports that this was something they've never seen before from the heart of the story, almost 500 medical workers have been killed inside because this trip putting more pressure on health care system that tens of thousands rely on the the, the watching out is there a mind at the top stories this, our,
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the head of the u. n. well, feed program says northern gauze is now experiencing a full blown fireman. she says, thousands of how the stadiums of stomping off to over 6 months. as well as still restricting the flow of humanitarian aid by land and sea into the goals and strip. in the okey pod, westbank, these are the ministry has demolished a house with some people still in the sunlight. happen in the town of to correct is ready for the surrounding the building, an order, it's occupants whom they accused of carrying allison to talking to them. but to come out, the canyon government has old and people living near a 178 downs to leave the homes authorities, a warning more heavy rains in the region can see downs and the rest of was i fly captain. so it reports from the already east residents, most of the katie holmes. as soon as possible. leave me a, are we bought in nairobi this month says his know where to go.
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i have nothing. i have no money. my salary is only due next week. the canyon government has ordered thousands of people across the country to move away from wetlands that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made, was by the el nino with a phenomenon. miss rhodes, go reports, paint, di, picture the rains with but least increasing both in to ration. i mean intensity for the rest of this month. and possibly after kenya and neighboring towns in you have seen weeks of devastating floods and launch lights. the desktop keeps rising. the problem in that robi has been watson by poor drainage and illegally build settlements. in some areas,
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people who are leaving near the narrow be down, say the know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. this is how close the houses are from the narrow, the down. it doesn't look like march. it's covered by what the highest says. so when it overflows the, what comes to that, how is this several people the last couple of weeks have been tells she learned that you and her neighbors have had to move a field adjacent to the dogs. you gotta look at delta fernando at wherever we go. and the government will, people told us to pack up our things, we have done that we have children. so what's next or to? she says she still waiting for the government to tell them where to go, patting solely onto sierra robi in the united states. severe storms of buffering, the houston area intensifying and already dangerous flooding in texas. officials
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have ordered people living along the sun just into a river to leave the homes. they say those who don't move could be trapped for 2 to 3 days in southern brazil, heavy rain and flooding of killed at least 39 people. 70 others are mistaken for days of down pools of forest over 10000 people from that homes. authorities have declared a state of emergency the floods the land sides of hits, 8 mountainous region in central indonesia, at kenning, at least 14 people, people in south sea. the wesley province had been dealing with heavy rain since 1st day. well then, a 115 people have had to leave the homes. seasonal down pool was all coming in indonesia, the united nations on the us have condemned an attack on a displacement, kept in eastern democratic republic of congo. these 12 people were killed and says he won the injured us state department says the attack came from positions held by
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ones and forces. i'm the m 23 on group, and one hand has more confusion and panic after shell struck a camp in eastern democratic republic of congo. arm conflicted force these people from their homes. but despite thing despising, the violence has followed them here. the many people a heat while we were sleeping, we started running as the bombs were fired at the can. the shells were launched from an area where the army is fighting the m. 23 revel group. both sides tonight, responsibility and our blame each other for the civilian deaths. some people, the camp, se artillery station nearby turned it into a target. the, the rebels, the targeting here because of the heavy artillery overall. i mean, the of the camp to many problems are launched from here since morning, and then the rebels responded to it. this is why we are victims of the ongoing situation. hundreds of thousands of people in the flat, the latest upsurge,
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and fighting the un and western powers. accuser one, the backing of $23.00 fighters, a charge one that denies the years long calls like this part of humanitarian crisis at this place. people run short on basic necessities and spies and continued to spread their increasingly finding that know where it's safe. vent and monahan al jazeera to secure, as he has been increased across charge as a nation from has the monday's presidential election. several opposition members have called for a boy called with a vote amended rest reports. political campaigns here in chad have reached a climax across the country. securities post office just say you to remain so before, during enough time on this presidential vote. for us, all forces have been mobilized in addition to other measures to ensure a violence free election. they will secure the electoral process to allow the champions to exercise their civic duty to the presidential election is expected to
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transition chad from military to civil disputed referendum in december military dom, how many took over after his father long company they addressed debbie was killed on the bottom fronting printed to one, his candidacy, drew criticism from the opposition. the campaign has been largely peaceful, but it's what happens after the election that water is most charged and there is always fear that something bad will happen after each election. i hope it doesn't have to happen this time. so several people were killed in the run up to the election, including finest the blood to the debts and the rest of all positions because at the end of february, many chad. yes. looking forward to this election, just as some say they're staying away. those opposed to the vote in says the process that produced the candidates as low as a result. some groups, according one child used to buy the electronics commission says preparations for
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the elections a complete. this is a false graphic. we believe after the electronic constitutional order will be restored and the security situation will improve a great deal. ok. but to get to the main opposition party says they must be an acceptable for you unfair process. what do people tell them you decide? is going to be what everybody should ask. this is what we are pushing for. and this is going to be, i hope, the case to making sure that the, for the 1st time i thought on history, it's identical to control is that he does looming large of what they say election is concerned about security. in april, the charge in government demanded a small group of american troops, patient in charge, leave the country. that decision will likely leave, avoid and apply to guest on the coast like i so, and book or many people here see the boat as crucial to put chide on a pest of reconciliation. if it fails, they say the country could be punched farther into political and such as how many
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degrees, obviously the given well good and transplants are becoming more common in the ukraine. previously, many patients would travel to russia for the procedure. but since the war you courtney and hospitals have been forced to expand their capabilities john home and has more searching to keep medical clinic number one, they've recently carried out 5 multi organ transplants. that would have been on thinkable a few years ago. but 2 things have changed, and ukraine, which have jump started organ transplants here. because it's been in the 1st a new little from 2019 to establish the legal framework for them. and the 2nd, the rule, it meant many people who previously would have had the procedures in russia or bella roost. now by post though, countries didn't have that option anymore. the cranes transplant sector had to expend a boom boom out necessity in just the 1st 3 months of this year. there's been more
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than 130 a wooden trunk xbox phone, the 19 different medical institutions across ukraine. so when you think that about 5 years ago, the number was close to 0, that's a big change. below them is one of the latest ukrainians to benefit the keys. we didn't have such a platoon that is before. it is very different now under you. when i had heart problems and 2011, i was just most from hospital to hospital. now i'm good to include all treatment. he had his trunk spun a week ago. soon he should be back home with his wife and his new hall. the more people are waiting an estimate to buy files and ukrainians, and you really need a transplant it's. it's a major challenge for public health sector that's only recently begun to provide to them. but don't to end a totally, yvonne york head of the cardiovascular department here remains. boy, and we've got good feedback from patients. they see that transplants all possible
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that may be in ukraine. it's not necessary to go elsewhere for this that the results of good and patients survive. misled feeling sick to no real oppressions a successful. but you've got a still hopeful you've come a long way from assume a region staying in a rented room in the capital, waiting for the coast. we have a good day, i trust because i don't have a choice, right? it's scary, of course, that fear is ms. tara pope fear hoping that everything will work out of to oh, he's good enough to live medicine, keep his health going to his to at least that to is now possible. don't home and i would just data keith. okay, that's it for me, molly. inside lots more on websites out there, they'll come to check it out. the news continues, hey, on our to 0. it's accounting. the goal is to stay with
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the the hello pots of scandinavia had been as warm as southern europe in the recent days that will change by the end of the week. and we got a fair bit of cloud spilling in from the atlantic, some west of weather coming back in across france, modem areas of spain and portugal. in particular, this area of low pressure to sliding into the bi pisca will introduce the majority of the chain hard pressure barrier tools east composite. we've been drawing in a southerly way and looking at 21 south just in stock on the 23, and also on a public madrid road. and athens, as you can see, but that's what's the weather, drives its way across from the low countries using it's another positive,
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gemini pushing up into sweet. and i know where those temperature is full back significantly. you will notice that change that as we go on through sunday, still some won't around. i have a towards the north face, but some for you, right? whether they're across the west and south, west and past of you like to, whether to just making his way across, took a, that eastern side of the mediterranean. meanwhile, across north africa, generate drive. you share with the southern paso, algeria. so it's central parts of libya show us continue across the good parts of west africa as a seasonal rise continue to drift. know this is a region that is lucky to me to philip thing, but it's one also that is afflicted by conflicts, political ups, people. some of those we talk to elsewhere is saying that they sled update hearing that other villages had been to talk to what we do and all just there is try to
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balance the stories, the good, the bad, the id tell it says it was. and he, the people allow us into their lives. they gave me 10 to minus. he asked me to tell the story, the hello on the bulk of this discount and the cost of that, which is here in a week. so you look at the world of business and economics this week, calling university funding into question, protest is mainly in the us to non that schools divest them israel. so that's one, gaza. so how do they make them money? who should rebuild ukraine? us moves to make russia pay for its invasion, must go, threatens to retaliation really and.


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