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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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the minds of the congo and from the bodies of candidly is workers. alda 0 is new series, dying or beyond the o n h. the will be placed under arrest. us please correct. down on students supporting palestine. protests is, moves the demonstrations onto the street, the carrier at johnston. this is alta, sarah, not from the whole set coming. the students in europe also gather in support of tennessee opinions and tyrants and but in the end, in london. so i think they refused to be some of the
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ongoing is really raised in the occupied westbank soldiers, storm at town, north to car and destroy a home to the next task. i'm just seeing you in, in san tablo chinney, what journalists from all over the world are gathering to discuss their survival. i mean, unprecedented threats to those, covering everything from wars to the environment, the student protests and sort of down to the palestinians. all gaining momentum spreading across the united states and around the world. well, the 2400 for testers have been arrested on campuses across the country for use in new york. have the new students west on the downside and comment that new york university. many of the students were asleep when the rate began. so it's
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a bug reports from new york. during tab meant at new york university was we moved by the police early friday morning. but in the afternoon, the students took their protests back to the campus because i am so angry at the city of new york and the government of the united states, which has basically taken a position of repression and violence against the students. just for protesting, just for raising their voice, since they are facing such incredible violence for standing up for their rights and for standing up against it. and the students were joined by hundreds of people who marched around downtown, new york, demanding and then to the war on guys, and to us military aid for as well. but not everyone was happy. a. several men approached the protest stairs and accuse them of being how my supporters here are trying to maintain or come in. i think then we've been trying to
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prove that people are surrounding him with me in order to prevent the students who are angry at least 12 pro palestinian students were detained in 2 campuses in new york city. on friday, they were taken one by one for the police, the eviction was a success. most of the students were accused of misdemeanor and trespassing. a good operation. no one got hurt, no incense, bold institutions, a happy, happy. and when moving on, the people here are not a few blocks away. students from protesters gathered for extra bask way, or they want to use that jewish day of arrest to send a message of peace and co existence. students here believe they're fighting in justice and vowed to continue on the streets, demanding, and then to the war city. so we'll just see that new york student process of also
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spread to europe. french police is at least 50 people. ok, fine. also the seals, the university from a natasha box to census report the french police into powers whose prestigious seals pro university campus to remove thousands of students who staged an overnight sits in school for an into israel's foreign garza offices to the students outside. if for allowing them to leave the area in small groups most to remain defiance. i don't know if you guys will set up a system on well, our demands are clearly, we want an inquiry into the academic, an economic legs between our university and those in israel. because israel is violating human rights and that's when the director said it would never happen. we also have 6 students on hunger strikes. i mean, obviously with drawing, but the director said is changing nothing. and then other parts of the city, hundreds of students demonstrated in front of the historic all to going to building
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the students here to show he's on the direction with the palestinian people. but also to denounce would say, say it's growing police repression on university campuses. they cannot assume that there's a university sit in the police are sent in. today we have a government who are increasingly authoritarian with young protesters. a government that won't let young people speak out about these really palestinian conflict. there was a tense moments when a group of counter demonstrators arrived, at least quickly, intervene to restore. com for monday university students are expected to state exams. it's a clear yes, that will be possible if the protest continues. and so now the students say they have no intention to back them down and talk to butler, which is 0 power a protest as occupying a library goals. so as soon as i send you k, have announced that management have seated to the months. they include most
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scholarships for posting and students. demonstrate has had previously occupied the building on campus for 5 weeks in february and march. yeah, we spoke to some of the she's a student organize as it goes to university in london. she says the proud of what they have accomplished, the students that goes must have had a time paying that's been going on for 6 months. really, since outside of, of the 7, it's in both process and we'll couse options with, you know, included occupations like the 5 weeks occupation. the thought was said before, i'm gonna try and they have to send it out to patients. the library. we have several months to out in relation to our university. you know, universities on campus that a, i'm providing support to call listing is the best thing that we want. i'm one of the most single things we welcome is the palestinians. scholarship. so now this university will provide 2 extra cost to me because it's, i'm $1.00 of them, but include the undergraduate scholarship. but i think this is the 1st invest
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temper in which we are on the offer and about the projects most of the deposit in. so me think this is really simple and considering the destruction of educational infrastructure and gaza, we recognize that. goldsmith has small uh, investments and you know, the in about thinking universities in for and the resulting is simple. and let me do one of these. never had anyone in companies thought that all complicit a really good thing. the one was that one of the let to is that we will occupying. we have one that is that is going to be renamed after 3 novel. that's why we will occupying the media department of goldsmiths. and so how about recognition of, you know, opposed to being done? that was, that was my dad's by the idea, but not that memorialize the seen a bus table be, you know, amazing is something we're really proud of. the on the ground and goes on is rarely attack on a school has injured a number of children in the they've been taken to ok, so hospitality in central guns are dozens of displaced palestinians,
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with sheltering at the school. and these 15000 children have been killed and at least 8600 injured since the war began. and on this very attack on the southern city, a rafa has killed at least 2 palestinians. residential building was targeted. several injured people have been taken to hospital and the other into 6 children were killed in the bombing of a home. in rafa they include a disabled teenager on the 6 year old, a can all or how about the shed? we work up to the news of the martyrdom of my sister and her 6 children and an entire family wiped out from the civil registry this morning. i just want to convey a message. what is the fault of these children? what are they done to have the building bumped or 3 rockets? what did they do? the children were sleeping. sure of her daughter's bus muller and the son were found in pieces in a mother's embrace. the remains were connected in one back. what did they do to them? i want to understand, what did they gain? will they do to us?
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is unfair and forbidding you and is wanting that as well as plans minutes. your soul to nebraska could to the to knowledge numbers of civilian deaths on the displacement of hundreds of thousands of palestinians. our colleagues from unicef warn the ground operation there would bring catastrophe on top of catastrophe. for some 600000 children. the agencies, executive director catherine russell, said that nearly all of the children living and rough are either sick. it are either injured, sick, malnourished, traumatized for living with disabilities. meanwhile, the world health organization reports that have the 12 hospitals and costs that are still partially functioning. 3 are in rough up w h o says that those facilities will quickly become non functional if there's a military incursion into rafa. either full scale military operation wrap up and lead to a blood bath. it's hi, cindy and homes have been left in ruins. following is very a tax and the jamalia refugee camp in northern. gotcha. well,
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these are the scenes of widespread devastation witnesses, so he's rarely for see 7100 west and so one house to evacuate before carrying out the attack. moving the 2 families had been left for me. this is where the army has stormed the town north of to carmen the occupied westbank where there's fighting between troops and on the palestinians is where the soldiers have destroyed. they seized earlier in the algo, soon they say that men inside killed a soul, which at last, yeah, jealous, immediate workers have gathered in chiles capital for the us. go wealth press freedom de conference protestant in genesis reporting on as well as board. does that one? this is top prize. all that's in america, edits and let's see. and human reports from santiago. he's standing ovation as the we news of eunice goes, world press freedom prize were announced. a conductive award honoring the palestinian journalist covering the war wrong. does none were able to come in
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person facing the pool, while the 18th, the much one of the recipients houses here is guys a bureau chief wide. i do send a message of appreciation. his wife, children, and other relatives were killed by his really bombs before he himself was targeted and nearly killed. he says palestinian journalist and guys need justice and protection. i mean him low for via they can not do the job. so these are the more bit feeling that these himself could become to news or become the headlines. instead of being the ones that are pushing videos. how about they need to do this? at least 143 media workers and journalists have been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months of war. making that the deadliest conflict in modern history from members of the prefer shift. but palestinian journalists are not alone. many others have targeted around the world in the,
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in the community as your to between 201-820-2383 generous, were murdered, and less than america. i love these figures which are chilling and check, whole list of action. i only supposed by the more than 100 gen list roots in the motor then gone. so this use wordpress freedom conference also focused specifically on the dangers faced by journalists covering the environment. the numbers don't lie . according to a new report, commissioned by unesco, the number of attacks against the journalists who are specifically covering the environment, had risen, 42 percent in the last 5 years. this includes physical attacks as well as murders. and this at a time when the world is facing an unprecedented climate crisis. nobel peace laurie is and journalist might be agnes. i believe that the biggest threat to press freedom is the mean, the pollution and power of big tech companies. the tax has by design, distributed lies lease with fear anger and hate faster and further than journalism
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. it's used to attract journalists. it's used to tear apart, right? that's the foundational corruption. the best antidote experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalists to be held accountable. the one that the prevailing system of impunity serves as a blank check to kill the messenger. to see in human al jazeera, something i will turn this from the occupied westbank, so he's very faulty. so trying to silence palestinian voice is online and on the ground they've been detained. intimidated, and in many cases banned from doing a jobs one to and this was placed on the house arrest and preventive from using her phone or the internet need to. abraham has her story from the okay. pod westbank a she's a journalist, but with no phone internet or access to the field. and it's really court cuts off
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somebody edge away from the outside world as part of her conditions release form in his way. he deal. if she communicates online or speaks to us on camera, she could be arrested and coming back home with somebody it was in her 7th month of pregnancy. so we were worried about to we filtered 1st to be allowed to work from home. but then we were surprised to see the court's ruling all of this for want for accusing her of incitement of, of post on social media. she was allowed to give birth in a hospital. her baby is 3 months old now, but she has no idea when she'll be out out and fears that her career might be over . 43 palestinian journalists from the occupied westbank are still in his way. the jails, almost half of them are held under administrative detention, which is arrest without charges at least $260.00 cases. so these way the
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forces ups truck taking journalists from reporting journalist clearly identified as members of the process and doing their jobs are protected under international law. but in palestine, media workers say they're not. and that the protective gear noon is the press vest that should keep them safe, is turning them into a target. has a lot of families are open. let me check above us. sharina, blacklist, coming with shocking to all of us. the port that had to bid has been in the field for 15 years. and do you members, when his way the forces killed and just need a journalist 2 years ago, while reporting jimmy plucking off this video, he's trying to dodge putting a lot during, in his way the way to the occupied with the had a bit of a soft out them feel that when to come with their own, these really forces the more cautious because like field international backlash
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much if we managed to push joyce away, it's as if israel has a green light to commit more crimes against palestinians. journalists often deployed in groups as a safety measure. this is his colleague, sam. yes, i am a how the sammy was late, arrested without a charge with the almost demo. well, they're telling us that the situation is with israel blocked international reporters from entering the besieged because this trip, after their attack started kind of city and turned in to see the roads to the challenge. they want to tell the story, the displacement and loss, but more often than not, they are forced to become part of it, a new guy, but he just eat all the occupied westbank palestine. so they had all the options here. one international monetary fund failed with feelings guilty enough to fix fucking stones because it was the
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the hello we have another line of severe stones coming in across central positive us looking at right the way up to central canada through the legs. right down through the high value, the tennessee valley, all the way down into the deep south unless or pushing its way for east west. so i was gonna cloud over just around the appalachians easing. i have it will cease disabled temperatures notes back as we go towards the sea and from new york around 14 degrees celsius in new york on saturday. but it gets splattering a shower as usual. chapin we are looking at launch, how damaging waves the potential for some tornadoes, rod along this area of cloud, and right up towards the northwest. it's a different story is cooling off here as well, because the, some snow coming in across the cascade eventually spreading across into the rockies as we go through sunday. so, well,
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the more wintry here typically spring like over to woodside east, the side of the us, we've got some live the showers to still lingering that have across the grades around to is particularly around his spaniel. i would tools puerto rico i would to was the when would all as the shower straight the way right down to was the a, b, c all is well, 2 showers into southern parts of central america. nitrous a savage to become widespread across the greater entities. the indians with sand when he's one of the world's most expensive tibits in the black box to try his destination for what a one agent investigates the spot to capture can be assigned to wood king one out 0 . the colleges
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the all the, [000:00:00;00] the do without just hit remind to what main stores this out place in new york having removing students from an incumbent, touch your university more than 2400 people have been arrested across the us and student protests against is rose wrong johnson got a few weeks ago for these 2 palestinians had been killed in an australia. back on the southern city of ruffled a residential building was talking to several injured taken to the hospital. the
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anesco wells express freedom price has been awarded to protest and engine. it's covering, it's around 400000, at least 143 major workers in gen, chilled income. that is 7 months such a nation's and the us have condemned an attack of displacement camp an eastern democratic republic of congo. that is 9 people were killed. us state department says the attack came from positions held by ones and forces on the m 23 level 3 printing on it, and has more confusion and panic. after shells struck a camp in eastern democratic republic of congo. arm conflicted force. these people from their homes, but despite thing despising, the violence has followed them here. the many people a heat while we were sleeping, we started dragging as the bombs were fired at the camp. that the shells were
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launched from an area where the army is fighting the m. 23 revel group, both sides and i responsibility and are blaming each other for the civilian deaths . some people, the camps, they artillery station nearby turned it into a target. the, the rebels, the targeting here because of the heavy artillery overall. i mean the of the camp to many problems are launched from here since morning. and then the rebels responded to it. this is why we are victims of the ongoing situation. hundreds of thousands of people of fled, the latest up surgeon fighting the un and western powers. accuser one the backing of $23.00 fighters a charge one denies the years long calls like this part to humanitarian crisis. at this place, people run short on basic necessities and as fighting continued to spread, their increasingly finding that know where it's safe. fence and monahan al jazeera russian troops have been to the military base and to share with us soldiers station . because government had austin, americans to leave for the account with us. yeah. you are
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a secretary of defense lloyd. austin says he's confident these troops are safe. so i think, you know, the airbags 101 were uh, 4 inches is, is a new sherry and a air force base that is co located with a international airport in the capital city. um, the russians are in a separate uh, compound and don't have access to us forces or access to our equipment. uh, and this is something that, uh, you know, again, i'm always focused on the, on the safety and protection of our troops. something that we'll, we'll continue to watch. uh, but uh right now i don't see, i don't see a significant issue here in terms of our, our force protection. well, victor, okay, is a professor of international politics up because in that international peacekeeping center, he says that russia's presence in this area is part of the why the plan to expand
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its incidents. and this will help this is more like an act of location on the side of russia and then to prove it point the control, not only in the chair, but linda. so how, and i will implement this going. and then to also let the, i guess no, that, well we don't really care what you think you have to do our business. and for the long term it has implications for not only didn't measure but as a whole region. and then we also took the regional corporation agency, economic pointed cheese. okay, to the continental, what do you like to watch? what is going to be the irish things to be? so it is really an interesting time and now we look it up. what's gonna happen? comes to the point where, let's go back for instance when, when, when these concepts nature of booking up muscle and then models, right? the sensor means that gazed for my, for one, you know, it's almost like friends. so it's come to
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a point where these countries feel that we need a new partnership. okay, when did you buy like a question? either in military, in an economic or whatever mean? so whatever form is now up to them to decide what do you want to engage in going forward and i think based on the trajectory, be willing to participate in operate with russia on all levels. haines, the what am as to hopefully be clear. okay. yeah. so citizen, when do rush f o by electra corporation going forward. donald trump's long time advisor and the former white house official hope hicks as testified to new york quotes in the form of presence hush money trial. fix told of jerry about a full out in trump's in a circle. during the 2016 election campaign, a softer video, it was with ease sharing and bragging about touching women inappropriately. trump is on trial for concealing a payment, made to an adult full mattress during the campaign,
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eventually to stop it from making their relationship public. this, as the charges are politically motivated. heavy rain and flat thing in southern brazil has killed at least 13000000 people sent the office. i'm missing 4 days of down pause have forced more than 10000 people from their homes. authorities have declared a states of emergency. the death toll is expected to rise as rescue operations continue. hundreds of people gathers in serbia to commemorate the victims of a school shooting. and there's a silence was held outside of the elementary school in the central bell grade, which was the sides of a mess, shooting one year, a good, a 13 year old boy opened fire and killed 9 that schoolmates a trigger. a nationwide crack down on the guns finished farm and a service she soon that's a conservative policy is saw for the big defeating the collections. suppose come just months before parliamentary but all the main office issues they the policy
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made gains small of policies and independence. also had a good shape. hi, fullstep reports from london elements. the conservatives, it'd been preparing for a bad set of results, but a problem entry, bi election in black pool delivered to natalie, defeat, stinging unit scales, a 26 percent swing to the main opposition labor party. the conservatives only just beating the right wing reform policy in the 2nd place in black pole. a message has been said directly to the prime minister, directly to the prime minister, because this was a paula bent tree vote. this was directly to richie food i to say with fed up with you all decline your tales of your depression. and we won't change the local council elections across england. a similar story. conservative counselors losing seats in numbers at the high end of pre election projections,
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particularly with reform field candidates and attracted right wing votes. one of those just months out from a general election on focus completely on the job at hand that's delivering for people across the country. if you just look at what we're doing in the last week or so, allowing a $900.00 pound tax comp heading people's pay. so that's the 1st failed to saw them see off to rolando at the same time. and well, what of labor said will they said that they are going to scrap the rolanda scheme. and as far as i can tell, offer an amnesty. he's elections with fall from a late the clean sweep. the party lost control of olden counsel to leave the counselors having defect to the policy on gaza. those evidence elsewhere of, of dropping off and leave is traditionally solid mostly and vote to the benefit of the liberal democrats in green parties. the conservatives refused to next, some solace in the result of one of 2 regional merrill t's that they would defending then how to and holding on in the t's valley is majority down from 70 to 53 percent and very much everyone. the idea that the conservatives would have
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another leadership election present the country with a full prime minister since the last general election in 2019 had appeared to be dying down in the day is running out to these elections. but the results of being so bad, the news so relentlessly, the pressing to the conservatives, that the pressure on risky so next position as intensified. once again, i suppose that i'll just say rough london focused on has received the final 1000000000 of a 3000000000 the international monetary fund, known. the government says it will give the economy a much needed boost. the more money is needed to keep the country afloat. as for the account reports that installed, and it's not as bad, kareen can earn says, living selling water amount. if you re, pc makes are worth increasingly less. inflation in pakistan is at around 20 percent day laborers and traders like kareen say they're struggling all the available. i'm
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74 years old and at my age, people rest at home. but unfortunately, still i have to work to feed my kids and have to pay the utility bills which are going up day by day. while the government isn't interested in our plate. pakistan has received the final $1000000000.00 of a $3000000000.00 loan from the international monetary fund. the money has helped the country avoid default bring inflation down and increase its foreign currency reserves. but many pakistani say they are not seeing the benefits of the, you know, more of the internet. we are worried about the sky. it all, could you give the station look at the prices of fruits and vegetables. we kind of for this. on the other hand, the government has voting money from the mess, but i haven't seen in my life, but it does help the poor people like us live and instead, but in us the more taxes. so that'd be gone. even breed prime minister should battery has been clear that pakistan's economy can't survive without another long term biomass baylash, which he hopes to get in the next few months. to do that,
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the government has been pressing ahead with i am f demands, including tax hikes and an increase in domestic energy bills. as the agency says, reforms are essential for stabilizing pakistan's debt strapped economy. people at this market and it's not a bad and across pakistan will likely take on those costs for the a car, which is here. a 300 year old town. and the northern philippines has resurfaced off . it was to much for the construction of a reservoir of 50 years ago, a month ago and drought on extreme heat in recent weeks have caused water in the dam to dry out. but even though has the story now from the ruins of pennsylvania on the concrete ruins of a centuries old town, very much still in place. after half a century underwater since, month to behind in the northern philippines was submerged in 1974 to build


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