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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the, the us police dismantle yet another protesting katelyn, arresting thousands of people at new york university. the other there. and this tells the pain, this is out of their life from the also coming of the students. and you are the gamut and solidarity with palestinians in paris and braelyn and in london saying they refused to be signed on wells press freedom day we hear from john. this is covering the one of the deadliest conflicts for media walk is israel's form and calls costs. i'm catherine slowly in my mind.
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essential telling you about the ongoing operation formerly floods that your thousands of the most student protests and solidarity. we've palestinians are continuing to gain and then to spreading, not only across the united states, but also around the colored police in new york. haven't moved students from a solidarity and competent at new york university. some of the police operations at columbia university, u. c. l a and all the universities have already seen more than 2000 people are arrested in berlin police blocks. the entrance to humboldt university arresting several people who are that protesting and solidarity with palestinians. as in paris, police are moved at least 50 protesters occupying parts of the sciences po, university, 6 of those protest as had been on hunger strike and were staging a certain as well. let's start though in the united states festival is at the
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university of california, irvine. so un hender and is at the university of michigan to for us. and to raise a boat is at new york university for us to raise it. tell us a little bit more about what you're seeing that because it seems that despite the rest today, students are still coming together and rolling again of the . well, that's correct. i'm right in front of and why you new york university and students are getting together again to carry out a riley. and this is happening just after it was this morning. the students were removed from this area, but you can see like right here they have set. so finding time fence not far away from where i am right now. and they were removed very early this morning. we also know that other in cabinets in parsons university, but also in a, in the new school which is another university, had been removed also. and this is what we've been seeing ongoing here in
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universities in new york city of that's also good. what is riley saying about this type of demonstrations that are going on here? they say that these are expressions of anti semitism. however, everyone we haven't spoken to you are saying that this accusation is being used just took it away or press the center, press and prevent people from expressing what they believe has been going on here. let's not forget what's been happening in the united states over to 1200. a rest in over 45 institutions across the country. 56 mass arrests have been ongoing. here we've been talking to some of the students a rest of here in new york. they're saying that many of them were held in solitary confinement, that they were mistreated by the police that they spend 2 days in prison. most of them have been accused of me. do you mean or however, they all say that they are the, you know, they but they talk about their experience with the police here and this is just
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happening as a precedent job. i didn't have started to talk about what's happening in this country. what's happening with the student from the to say that in spite of the administration defending freedom of speech, the, that the rule of law has to prevail. students here are telling us that what needs to be or is justice. they say that they will continue to be on the streets, protesting about what they believe is right to do. one in this case is to demand and then to the war and guys up to raise of our there was a very nice has for us from new york university where those arrests took place, at least today. thank you, teresa. well, that's now speak to john henry and he's at the university of michigan. and on all the john, very different atmosphere, i understand where you are. graduation ceremonies have been going ahead despite the protest movement, i'm being kept them now behind you or that's right. we got a graduation ceremony, smaller ones, not far from where i'm standing and tomorrow and saturday there will be
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a massive undergraduate to celebration for 8000 graduates with the crowd of possibly more than 63000 all the other in one stadium. everybody's got to go through a airport style security or rather sports arena style security to go in there and their volunteers were appointed to shop any what they called disruptions. so it'll be interesting to watch how that gets carried off. but i have with me the student body president at the university here, this is a leaf child dri. she was elected president on a campaign to what exactly. so we ran on a campaign of the investment. we said that if they've estimate demands are not met by this university, we would vowed to shut down us student government operations. so about $1300000.00 goes through student government to be disbursed throughs to different student works . and we're like, if it's, if you don't dave us, then we won't do that. and we won by an overwhelmingly big majority. yeah.
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that says something about the university doesn't, i mean, do you feel like there's a lot of support here for that? cause we do it, there's so many people who just been at the encampment. we had a riley on sunday. there were 60700 people who showed up the communities here to support us. it's. it's just the admin and, and the university officials that are not being supported and tell me about that. i think there's a, there's a feeling among people that this is different than other universities because the administration has not been as harsh as some others. what, what have you seen from them? i just don't think that's true. um the university has been incredibly repressive. um we've had building occupations in protests um a couple of weeks ago. they put out a disruptive action policy saying that protests would have kind of essentially be banned if they weren't under university jurisdictions and criterias and then to the entire student body was like, no, don't do that. and so they have to shut that down. but we did a building occupation a couple months ago in november and they sent the police and there's
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a lot of police brutality people out there who drops taken off. um and right now, $43.00 of our organizers are being prosecuted and, and they have charges pressed against. so it's just not true that the university is, it's been peaceful with us. so you're seeing some of the same kinds of things here . there's so many other universities, the same. one thing i noticed about this in cameron is different than any other i've visited, is that people are being allowed to walk right through. it just got to be a reason for that. what is it? so we, yeah, so we, along with the national campaign for this movement, we believe that this is a popular university for gaza. we've been having a lot of education on teaching and programming in here. and it's, it's meant to be a space where people can come in and learn, especially when what the university does and teaching them. so like what is the conversation, what is, what, what is the college? i'm really, what are we funding for? what is divestment and where is the university getting all of its money? we're doing all of that teaching in this camp and people should be able to come and listen. and so that's,
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that's what we're trying to get out by keeping the space open. all right, elisha, jerry, thank you so much for talking to us. the student body president here at the university of michigan don't have that for us and, and all that with all the lasers. thank you very much, john. well, let's get the view now from phil about. he joins us from university of california, irvine fillings, down to about an hour away from u. c. l. a. where we've seen those confrontations over recent days as well as attacks and violence. now this is the same university for the different campus to go through what you've been saying. yeah, i mean it's kind of like a night inside defense for pets while we slower and highlight folks in terms of the size of the protests because you say light was so bad. and the reason a 3 to 500 people, this is maybe 30 to 40. i'd also like a violent, you know, we saw those horrendous scenes out of this week. you see i life with those. so a policy is supporting process. peace will post that protests were attacked by those disorders of israel who tied up fireworks. and we're trying to really go for
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those protests was let me show you what we've got here. this is effectively what you might refer to as assist that protests because we all stood within the use the system. these guys, i've been in contact with everything i light. in fact, i was told by one member that they were effectively lensing, protest this from this site to travel up to you satellite and come back and go between the 2 sites. because writing as your site like 50 miles an hour away. but it's a much smaller pride test and it has a bit louder in the last few minutes type of a loud speaker out. they've been shot, taking some local drug test as of turns up. but they're not really expecting to see any vitamins compared to what we saw in los angeles. to me, you can see that there are some wooden pallets which are just lined up around the perimeter space that may need to provide support, but also some safety just in case there are any other accounts of horses that sign up to try to cause trouble. but they don't expect to not because if you think about where we all have in orange county and o 5, there is a much larger mostly population. it's not like los angeles, whether it's a large,
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is ready the population that for the likelihood of the accounts protests that said, this protest sprung up the same site. one site, as the one that we saw in los angeles, it was deemed the legal straight to buy it by the administration. i was held by protest is that the university initially tried to effectively smoke the mouth. it said, if you leave the st comments, you called cope, i can not make the call go to the boss for you. you've got trans besetti. i started sending 40 people in the to, i'm going to need to use the toilet, right? so if they have to go out, they call group, i can effectively that would said scraps the university told the university police department to that protest cisco and, and go out to the fact the map of why they were hoping to speak to shortly set to the police to go in the similar so they all think tolerated by the university. in fact, protest is, tell me they all in active talks with the university because they don't want to see half what we saw in los angeles. the university's doesn't want to see what we saw in los angeles. so both sides hoping that they might be able to find a way for it to say, very interesting,
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see how that continues to play out. that's all about for us. i think the rest of california, yvonne, thank so as i was saying earlier, the student protests and solidarity with palestinians have also spent to europe in paris. police removed at least 50 people occupying parts of the sciences po university. from where our correspondent natasha doctor sent us this report. the french police into powers whose procedures seals, po, university campus to remove thousands of students who had staged an overnight sits in school for an into israel's foreign garza offices to the students outside. if for allowing them to leave the area in small groups most to remain defiance. i don't know if you guys will succeed of the system on well, the demands are clearly, we want an inquiry into the academic at economic links between our university and those in israel. because israel is violating human rights and that's when the director said it would never happen. we also have 6 students on hunger strikes. i
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mean, obviously we're drawing, but the director said is changing nothing. and then other parts of the city, hundreds of students demonstrated in front of the historic all to going to building the students are here to show he's on the direction with the palestinian people, but also to denounce would say, is growing police repression on university campuses. they cannot assume that there's a university sit in the police are sent in. today we have a government who are increasingly authoritarian with young protesters. a government that won't let young people speak out about these really palestinian conflict. there was a tense moments when a group of counter demonstrators arrived to these quickly intervene to restore com for monday university students are expected to state exams. it's a clear, yes, that will be possible if the protest continue. so now the students say they have no intention to back them down and talk to butler. how does 0 paris
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the mean model on the ground and gaza? israel's attacks have killed at least $26.00 palestinians in the past 24 hours a woman and has 6 children were killed and a strike on a human rasa thing to, to disable the teenage jet. and a 6 year old, one and a half 1000000 displays, palestinians have been seeking refuge and not something setting in all the about the ship. we work up to the news of the martyrdom of my sister and her 6 children and an entire family wiped out from the civil registry this morning. i just want to convey a message. what is the fault of these children? what are they done to have the building bumped for 3 records? what did they do? these children were sleeping, 2 of her daughters by smaller and the sun were found in pieces in a mother's embrace. the remains were connected in one back. what did they do to them? i want to understand. what did they gain? all they do to us is unfair and forbidding palestinian gentlest covering israel's
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for on garza had been awarded. this is unesco wild press freedom price to do but a sent in july. discovering does an international jury say didn't recognize the courage during political times of darkness and hopelessness. at least a $143.00 media was under unless have been killed in garza and nearly 7 months now . i was there is honey, my phone reports on the dangers faced by jennifer in the office today. it holds a significant significant importance for us as a journalist covering the ongoing war across the gaza strip. that has so far for the past 7 months, the cost to use more than just the word more than just genocide and genocide. the lax on the ground it's, it's, it's, it's about the very existence of palestinians on this land and that's, i think, has been and my views in many journalists to view the, the drug,
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the drive for us to keep going. because it's not only of them for the 5 voices, for justice and it change, but also it symbolizes the importance of, of our voice and in the drawing and sitting lights on the deal is try go. the daily prophet is a parts high. the genocide committed against palestinians. the past a 7 months have been very difficult, very stressful for everyone here, including journalists do are uh how i pay to have a price for covering the truth and for filling exactly what's going on across the the gaza strip the from the tax on homes, the tax on, on civilians as well as the almost 100 for the media workers have been killed in and during this, this board, the shutter sense of safety, the inability to make sure that you are protected and safe for you and your family members or sheltering with you or filtering someone else that bill is struggle of or queuing for long time, for water, and, and food, and other survival items and,
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and, and in between. so you know, you have to be prepared to get in front of the camera. the camera do virtually rise to a areas that are quite risky and do any of this for document what's going on against how often it hasn't been really easy for anyone here for journalist, particularly, it has been really stressful, very difficult for many of our colleagues in a friend have paid a hipaa price, either losing their lives directly as what happened with our colleagues or from the bureau itself, as well as our camera man and other journalists, other colleagues who lost their family members. they were being punished by they are having their families being directly attract a postal, a head here on out a 0 will tell you why russian power, military troops of in to a us military base in asia and wine. i'm a spell out package. west billions is not enough to fix pack of stones economic
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ones. the hello, we all got to say some very heavy rain into eastern pots, although straight over the next couple of days, it was lots of storms here. that's why the system here that is an intensifying area of very wet weather, which will slide its way across the great dividing range, bringing some pretty wet weather in south eastern part. so the south, well southeast in areas of queens, then little swell of cloud to just down towards the southwest level for a little bit of work, whether it's a southern positive w way, nothing too much, but it could do with the rain here. so that's no bad thing. we could do with the rain clearing away from the east coast. my do as we go on through the weekend. it does remain in place. so i'm past could see 100 maybe a 150 but to me to surprise. so the risk definitely a flood risk here as
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a shout was linked on into the early part of next week. one o 2 shows that i went to new santa but a lot of fine and dry weather for the most part. for the try for the korean peninsula and also for japan as we go one through sad state not to find the course of a positive charge for the heavy bus of rain will cause more flooding, get more flooding across the southern areas. then. so shy was grassy east over tools used disabled bright to altogether talk soon behind. it does not increase the unsettled out across the korean peninsula and eventually have a push into japan. you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for the p. use a call to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the card and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the caught on red crescent and remember to copy revise wells and increases systems
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caught on red chris who the welcome back to what technology is here and let's remind you about top stories, the ssl place in new york. having removing students from being competent at new york university, told them 2000 people have now been arrested across the country. since students tell her how she protested again, a lot of women and has 6 children have been killed and is really strike on a home in rasa. is really attacks of killed at least 26 people in the past 24 hours . unesco wordpress freedom prize has gone to palestinian john that's covering
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israel's war on golf. at least a 143 media was in john. this had been killed in garza and nearly 7 months now on your next go. has also dedication. it's dusty fast wordpress freedom day to dentists covering the global environmental crisis. the agencies has it's, we quoted the killing of at least 40 for the unless investigation environmental issues over the last 15 years. unesco report says that a tax on environmental journalist have more than doubled in recent is almost half of john list of i'd say they have self sense of a fear of being attacked oppression. well, we can now speak to barbara tree on pcs press. freedom advised that the international press institute, she was also the lead, most of the ip report climate and environmental jonathan on the fine. she joins us now from santiago in chalet. barbara, your port covers threats to come join us around the world, but i'm selling the threats to barry from region to region and also from story to
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story. so yeah, so to, to, to you know, to, to write the reports have interviewed over for did you want to list the member mentor? i'm a joiner, it's around the well, that's and uh, and what we have found is that the level of pressure they are under their level of tax they're under is immense. but of course the attacks against environmental jointly joiner. next, the broadly correlates with the general press freedom situation in different country. so obviously countries where we see more confidence stories in general. we would also see more attacks against environment to join a less. but indeed we also do see regional differences here in latin america. there is very much an issue with physical violence physical attacks. that is a problem very often from groups that work together. little companies controlling the mining psych store or the logging sector and working together with organized
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crime organizations and united states and north america. part of europe with the lot of all 9 attacks as one is attacks again, joe and i need to call the climate protested ease of use seen a lot of these in, in, in germany, particularly not a parts of europe. so yeah, there are a regional differences, but the general approach to the general meeting is that these impacts, again, environments of the kind majorities are on the rise. and, and in the know, you know, you know, you know, across the wells, barbara, you mentioned big corporate interest, particularly in south america. i mean, and so in many cases they're also strong political connections that pay how much of the threats to, to come into unless a government sanctioned either directly or indirectly. sure we do c o is the government's being in the course of attack, enjoying
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a very often um a government are either working closely with companies that are engaged in for new thing, businesses or the set themselves the government themselves. they carry out the projects that are for new things and, and i'm thinking of us had, sorry most, oh, it's a very much in terms of the real estate real estate developments that or other for louis frost project. and i mean, that's case and we do see coming also from representative of the government from government agencies. we see a lot of legal sanctions and legal law suits being brought against a jewelry. but the majority is being accused of the crime says, you know, i'm thinking about encouraging, for example, being accused of terrorism for covering and environmental topics that's out of joint mis elsewhere also face a criminal penalties for covering environmental topics. so this is, this is
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a real problem sondra. how then do you trying to enforce grace and protection for environmental dallas, especially when so many of these are folders are working on a freelance basis or heading to a remote areas or of some smaller organizations. how do you do that? you've exactly, you've, you've had accepted and bought them. do something very for them a lot and it's a bigger amount off. environmental jo, underneath my working it's read that and so any other sectors of joint i live and that's a big a boner by the go to their ability on the joint on eastern side. how do we solve this? i think that's what you're nice going start in dcf on well press freedom day, raising attention, bringing that the spotlights on these problem is already a very helpful because we need to be aware about the fact that we want to address the climate crisis. so we need independent joiner. these are
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independent joiners can only say if joiner, these can, can work freely and safety and the old for course, many other it needs to be that can be carried out. i'm thinking about safety protocols, not only for jewelry to cover wars and calmly, we need safety protocols for doing ready to go uncover environmental stories in areas that are dangerous. that's again, i'm thinking about these region where we are here today. latin american lot of the door underneath it covered the amazon they, they need to work with safety protocols set because that's the only way to keep them alive. 6 and safety equipment, of course, and all of that. the problem be that many of them don't have the necessary resources to do so. and finally, niga protection, we need to ensure that joiner needs receive mega protection. so need it protects from, in terms of, um, uh, from from lawsuits and legal defense. bob retrieval and fee,
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the oppressed freedom advise that the international press institute. thank you so much for joining us and, and sharing your thoughts and expertise with our financial 0 parts of kenya and tons of may i have seen weeks of devastating floods in non size. now even more torrential rain is on the way threatening to be around recovery efforts. oh, corresponding, catherine, so i it has more now from the town of my, my here in central, kenya. the government was invalid and t, as in my, my, you have a lot area to cover up here in debris as a look for more bodies, possibly chopped under the mod flagged waters gosh, down stream, hiring huge cheese and boulders, thousands of people and houses on the torrents pos was swept away in one boy's harvest cannot be solved, reached the souls. how fond of the whole magenta, when there was
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a body fond over there, there many people who cannot be found. many of my neighbors cannot be found. do you watch any rate? resident save the incident was caused by a bluff stream which then caused water to accumulate in a dial the app stream. that was the what how much it was and the people in your state, they are just lot to to be alive now. hi austin area is here to look for his nephew from some the see. he says this was a man made disaster fema. this was caused by the state and national red ways corporation. and they are the ones who build the cold down stream and the tunnel upstream. it should be their responsibility to maintain the system. those who lost everything are at comp for the displaced that getting caught new clothes and medical. ok. if you have read the established whether there was even brokerage in the 1st place, because that team is going to be on the ground with somebody support at 40 funds.
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so it would be pretty much want to see if there was a real page. if it was negligence, that is blame on the government. most were waiting for news of the missing relatives said that desperate to find the bodies only then can they find solace. kathleen. so you all to 0, my my hear central, can you? the whole turning to west african now and russian troops have ended a military base in asia when us troops are stationed. he's, as government had all the americans to leave off to recruit honest. yeah. you're a secretary of defense, so it often says that he is confident, has troops all safe. i think you know that everybody's one. 0, one we're at 4 inches is, is a new sherry and the air force base that is co located with the international airport in the capital city. and the russians are in a separate compound and don't have access to us forces or access to our equipment. and this is something that, uh, you know, again, i'm always focused on the, i'm
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a safety and protection of our troops, something that we'll, we'll continue to watch. uh, but uh right now i don't see, i don't see a significant issue here in terms of our, our forced protection office and background advocates to how the region has experienced is a violence. american troops have operated in news yet since 2018. that's a fight on scripts thing to isolate, and i'll try to look in countries within this a how there's been growing dissatisfaction with weston forces and this evening inability to end the attacks. meanwhile, russia has been lobbying to fill that security void, and it's permanent to groups like button that have long formed partnerships with governments in this a how and often is advocating a faster and molly age, experienced cruise venue, military leaders chose to increase cooperation with moscow. instead of the west are now at least 9 people,
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including 7 children have been killed in the bombing at the displacement camp in east and come to and the other person was shot and killed by the army in the off them off the camp in the eastern city of going is home to thousands of refugees who fled to the violence. the rolanda backed in 23 revelry, has been waging an offensive in eastern congo since 2021. let me count this close to the front line of fighting between the m 23 and the company's army and smells immediately care who's responsible for this attack. august on has received the final $1000000000.00 of a $3000000000.00 on the flooding. the government says it will give, give the economy a much needed boost, but more money is still needed to keep the country afloat as part of your call and our phones not installed. and it's not as bad. kareen con ernst is living selling water about 40 rupees he makes are worth increasing. the less inflation in pakistan is at around 20 percent daily.


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