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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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because as well as threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve the u. s. police dismantled yet another protesting compliment, arresting thousands of people at new york university. the color that i'm just telling you, tell you this is algebra like from the also kind of the students and you have gathered and solid hours. you would palace themes in paris, in berlin and in london, saying they refused to be and on press freedom day we hear from john. having lots of density is conflict to media workers is rails for on cost on talk. i'm catherine
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slowly in my matthew central telling you about the ongoing operations following floods that the student protests in solidarity with palestinians are continuing to gain invention. spreading across the united states and around the globe. police in new york have removed students from the solar darcy and cabinet, and new york university. similar police operations at columbia university. you see how they and other universities have already seen more than 2000 people arrested in berlin. police brought to the entrance to humboldt university that arresting several people who are protesting and solidarity. we have palestinians in paris, a police removed at least 15 protest is occupying parts of the sciences po, university. 6 of those protest as have been on hunger strike. with staging
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assistance while we have a number of correspondents covering the story that stops in the united states. so festival is that the university of california irvine john 100, is at the university of michigan. and kristen salumi is outside a police station near your new york university. system just starting with you there has been hundreds of students arrested. many of them i understand taken to the police station where you are right now. what sort of impact was that had on the board a movement that well, i am standing outside of police headquarters where 60 students who are arrested early this morning have been undergoing their processing and getting court dates having their market shots taken. and it is a huge gathering around me here. they are saying supported by a legal team from the schools, they're getting food, they're getting madison,
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they're getting moral support and shares when they come out, they're being released by the police one by one. after each one goes through their process, they come out and the students gathered outside to them and chance and seeing so it's actually a celebratory environment in a way that the students say that they were not expecting the arrest this morning. many were sleeping, it was 6 am local time when the police showed up unexpectedly and shook for 10. so those who did not want to be arrested were given time to leave at n, y u, for example ins folder about 50 people sleeping in the tense. and about 16 were arrested at the end. when all of a sudden done some didn't want to be arrested because they had been arrested the 1st time. there was a sweep at n y u and a 133 were rest of the 1st time. others were international students who was being deported, so not everybody was willing to be arrested on but beyond the 16 that were arrested
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there, there's a wide circle of support and you see it all behind me as you go over here to i'm just a big crowd of people gathered in solidarity for the move the students weren't given a reason as to why the police moved in today. the new n y p g said that the university administration and ask them to help me where the and cabinets i know at n y, u, g. a student association just about dinner was planned for this evening, is planned for this evening. and some of the students here say that they suspect that they wanted to clear things out before that happened. interestingly enough, the students who were planning their own the students are jewish, were jewish. and so they're planning their own shabat center. and telling me that once everything is taken care of here and all of the other students are released,
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return to n y you, they may not have an opportunity to protest. well, certainly we, for some of ours you there. it does sound a lot like a party, is you say, finality that christine salih meet for us in new york. thank you, kristen. well, that's now speak to john henry and he's at the university of michigan. then on all the john, the protests and the response from with, are to use of meant that graduations elsewhere has been cancelled postponed. i'm just on the ceremonies that are still meant to be going ahead. the as right, many universities seem to have had sweeps of these encampments before their graduation ceremonies, but here at the university, university of michigan, there is a graduation ceremony going on not far away. and as you can see, the encampment is still operating as well. i've got someone who can tell us a little more about that professor derrick peterson is here and he just uh, was add a ceremony for history. students in the history department here at michigan just
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pulled off a graduation ceremony for about a 150 undergraduate major. studying history at all was very celebratory. all the students got their degrees and had an opportunity to enjoy the occasion with their parents. students set their piece from the front. there were students who wanted to make an argument about the university's complicity with the ongoing war of humanity in gaza. but they went on took their degrees and everyone had the opportunity to enjoy. ready the occasion so that, that makes this a little different. the protest here in the, in camden behind is people are allowed to walk through. and i haven't seen that at other pro chess like that. what makes, makes it different here. let me get to where it's saying that this is a public university of the university campus is open to the ann arbor community and 2 other residents. half of our student body comes from the state of michigan. many
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of the students are related to residents, so they have not far from ann arbor. and the students have taken it as an educational opportunity instead of an occasion for confrontation. so the in cabinet is opium. students and community members are encouraged to come in when they come in. they're greeted and given information about the ongoing war and gaza, about the 10s of thousands of palestinians who have died without cause. and israel's ongoing war of attrition. and there's an opportunity for discussion for learning and for engagement. that's a real credit. this university undergraduates have been teachers to all of us this past semester. and it's been for us at michigan, a real learning opportunity to sort of follow their lead and to learn about the history of a place that most americans don't know very much about. and you were telling me a little earlier than the faculty's actually been pretty vocal on this. what do they've been saying? what's the goal and how's the response been? so i'm on the university senate. i'm happy to say that earlier this year the senate passed the resolution calling on this university to does this. it's very
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considerable financial assets from companies that do business with israel's war effort. that is, we want to get the university out of the business of funding or it's a public institution. many of our students come from families who have relatives in gaza or the west bank or other parts of the middle east. michigan is home to a very large community, other of americans, we don't think that this public institution ought to be funding or that's as the international court of justice is found, inclined towards genocide in gaza. it's a dangerous position for a public university to occupy it. we think this university ought to be out of steps with companies to do business with or margaret. so the faculty senate endorsed that view past the resolution, the 1st faculty government to pay such a resolution in the united states. well, professor derrick peterson, thank you for talking to us. we appreciate it very much. so as you can see, this is an ongoing protest. i asked some of the students there whether they were
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going to remain here after graduation. and one student who was graduating told us she was indeed going to stay there. the encampments will almost certainly be diminished in size after graduation. some students will have to go home, but some of them and says they're going to stay until their demands are met. of course it is heading towards the end of the academic eva encouraging seem to start that from both students on faculty in michigan. thank you so much, much on henry. well, that's now speak to phil about. he joins us from the university of california, irvine. so i believe you are then uncommon, which has been much less controversial, this community than the one that you see today, which is just about an hour away where we've seen so much confrontation and violence and recent days. a yeah, and you might call this like a, assessed a protest. so what we saw in your satellite because this is still part of the you see system. what i've done enough, i'm, we are about 50 miles away and it's a much smaller and katlyn, but we all told probably people in the,
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for they actually what effectively lensing protests is to go to ally and come back . you know, you can make the journey within an hour, and that's what they've been sitting. so they've been coordinating with each other . but it's only about once 30 or 40 people strong. this right test. so it's a much smaller one that we sort of like. what you might notice though, is that all of these wooden pallet around the edge behind the power that is obviously so that it, if they need to take and secure themselves out and you know, so there's protests in like, earlier this week where those, those supporters of is res i times off and i obviously started to, there was some filing stuff. that's not something that we're expecting to say, hey, but obviously they taking some precautions just in case of other sites and much, much smaller protests. it sprung off about the same time as the one that we sort you sell. i mean this one started on monday, it was declared to legal, straight away by the administration. and in fact, the protest is here. tell me that the university effectively tried to smoke the mouth it's set, but once i left the incumbents, they would not be allowed to go by. can. that means that nobody could use the
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restroom. so obviously they would not be able to stay in that for too long. then they were told that the police that actually rescinded for the university. i told the police to resend that kind of threats. and in fact, the map of the vine has also said that the police should not go in. so there is some support here. how do you want to remember that demographically speaking? we all in a very different position to los angeles, los angeles has a much larger is ready population found here and, and find in orange county has a much larger, mostly population. and so that is also play. and so what we're seeing here really interesting dynamics, whole about the, from joining us from the university of california, irvine, outside of that and cabinet. thank you so much. well, a but as i was saying on a student, protests and solid hours, you with policies and also spread to europe. in paris, police will move to at least 15 people who are occupying parts of the sciences per university. from where of correspondent natasha about us on this report. french police into powers whose procedures, seals, po, university campus to remove thousands of students who had staged an overnight sits
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in school for an into israel's foreign garza offices to the students outside. if for allowing them to leave the area in small groups, most remain defiance. i don't know if you best once it comes up to 6 and one. well, the minds are clear and we want an inquiry into the academic at economic links between our university and those in israel, because israel is violating human rights and that's when the director said it would never happen. we also have 6 students on hunger strikes. i mean, obviously we're drawing but the director said isn't changing nothing. and then other parts of the city, hundreds of students demonstrated in front of the historic all to go building. the students are here to show he's on the direction with the palestinian people, but also to denounce would say, is growing police impression on university campuses. they cannot as soon as there's a university sit in the police are sent in today. we have
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a government who are increasingly authoritarian with young protesters. a government that won't let young people speak out about these really palestinian conflict. there was a tense moments when a group of counter demonstrators arrived to these quickly intervene to restore com for monday university students are expected to state exams. it's a clear, yes, that will be possible if the protest continue. and so now the students say they have no intention to back them down and talk to butler. how does their power us across the channel? students occupying a library at goldsmith's university in the u. k. have announced that management that has seated to their demands, among other things, students want more scholarships for posting and students. they've previously occupied a building on campus for 5 weeks and february and march audio. we spoke just a mirror ali. she is a student organizer at goldsmith in london. she says they're proud of what they've accomplished. the students that goes must have had
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a time paying that's been going on for 6 months, really, since outside of, of the 7 i'm, it's in both products us and we'll couse options with, you know, included occupations like the 5 week occupation. the thought was said before, i'm gonna currently have just send it occupation to the library. we have several months to out in relation to all university. you know, all universities on campus that say on providing support to policy indians, the best thing would be one on one of the most seminal things we bottom is the palestinians. scholarship. so now this university will provide 2 extra policy because it, some, one of them. but we conclude the undergraduate scholarship, i mean, this is the 1st invest temper in which one the offer and about the project scholarships deposited in. so me think this is really important. considering the total destruction of educational infrastructure and gaza, we recognize that goes to how small a investments and you know the in about single universities in for and the resulting is simple. and let me, does one of these every, anywhere near companies stop the alta vista, a really good thing?
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the one was that one of the, let's just say it's available occupied. we have one that is not going to be renamed after siri novel, right? so that we will, occupying the meet the department of goals may seem to have that recognition of, you know, opposed to being done to the so it was my that by the idea, but not that memorialize of the seen a bus table be, you know, amazing is something we're really proud of all, let's take you back across the atlantic now because i want to show you some live pictures of more protests that we're seeing in the united states. this is currently the scene of the massachusetts institute of technology in cambridge, massachusetts, in the united states. as you can see, that reading tomsman and solidarity with policy. and there's also sprung up on this campus as part of the field and reasoning, wasting not only in the us, but as you can see around the sort of this the
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meanwhile on the ground and gaza, israel's attacks have killed at least 26 palestinians in the past 24 hours, a woman and her 6 children were killed and a strike on a home and rough uh thing. through the disabled teenager of the 6 year old, nearly one and a half 1000000 displays, palestinians have been seeking refuge and not cellphones. 3010 all. how about the show? we work up to the news of the martyrdom of my sister and her 6 children and an entire family wiped out from the civil registry this morning. i just want to convey a message. what is the fault of these children? what are they done to have the building bumped for 3 records? what did they do? these children were sleeping, 2 of her daughters by smaller and the son were found in pieces in a mother's embrace. the remains were connected in one back. what did they do to them? i want to understand what did they gain? all they do to us is on faith and forbidden. palestinian john less covering israel's war on garza had been awarded. this is unesco wild press freedom price
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to but a student in july. discovering does the recognize it kind of thing. but it says times adults and hopelessness at least a $143.00 media watches. and john had been killed and garza in nearly 7 months. now . let's speak child correspondence. honey must what he's on the ground for us. and rafa and southern garza, i think you'll post of a community of journalists has been through so much. and i know your last colleagues over the last few months, can i ask you perhaps, to reflect on how you all holding up, what's keeping you going and doing the work that you will do well today hold a significant, significant importance for our journalists covering the ongoing war across the gaza strip that has so far for the past 7 months,
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cost to use more than just the word more than just genocide and genocide. relax on the ground. it's a, it's a, it's about the very existence of palestinians on, on this land. and that's, i think, has been, and my views in many journalists to view the, the drug, the drive for us to keep going. because it not only it dump, defies voice is for justice and it change, but also it symbolizes the importance of, of our voice. and in the drawing and setting lights on the daily struggles, the daily profit is a part time the genocide committed against palestinians. the past a 7 months have been very difficult, very stressful for everyone here, including journalists do are uh how i pay the hipaa price for covering the truth and for filling exactly what's going on across the the gaza strip the from the tax on homes. this tax on, on civilians as well as the almost 100 for the media workers have been killed in and during this, this for the shadow sense of safety. the inability to make sure that you are
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protected and save the you and your family members, or sheltering with you or filtering someone else. that bill is struggle of or queueing for long time for water and, and food, and other survival items and, and, and in betweens, you know, you have to be prepared to get in front of the camera. the camera do virtually arise to areas that are quite risky and do any of the for the document, what's going on against policy. and it hasn't been really easy for anyone here. but for journalist, particularly, it has to be really stressful. very difficult. many of our colleagues and a friend have paid a hipaa prize, either losing their lives directly as what happened with our colleagues or from the bureau itself, as well as our camera man and other journalists, other colleagues who lost their family members. they were being punished by uh they're having their families being directly attract. honeymoon went to the on the
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ground for us and rough, uh and the southern part of the goal is to strip. thank you, honey, for the walk for you to a false de la head here on out of there will tell you why russian power military troops of into the u. s. military base in new jersey. the hello, the web to us remain unsettled across the western positive here, but at least it will talk a little monitors it go through the next couple of days. we got this cloud spilling in from the atlantic couple of areas of low pressure. this is quite a nasty one here that's going to say this way over towards the black sea. and another one just rolling in from the atlantic that will fade. but whether into spain and portugal, as we go through sash, they own into some basic se,
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increase and kind of right coming through here into from's, up towards the low countries of it'd be best to find on the cards for some 16 celsius there in london with some wet weather around, that is something of the improvement, at least in terms of those temperatures. well, we're not going to scandinavia, i will, tools the politics dates, i'm fine and dry, whether it's eastern pots, if you see that wet weather, that when they are weather, just sliding in the across, stuckey i what, what a sweep 6 way in across a good pos, of best buy and puts cool, much these and brain for a while for us to remain a problem as well as usual. i mean lot of costs know the pulse of africa. few show us just around this, a hot or fading out of the way. plenty of showers across the coastal pot, south west africa, a little spotty as we go one into us sunday. they all the never the less and noticed, depending on the round temperatures into the forty's, the boss, or a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from
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. i'm into the outer big language world wide shaped come out award for translation, and internet general understanding announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website w. w. w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the 12. i'm not sure what technology is here. let's remind you about top storage place in new york. having removing students from the encampment at new york university hold on to thousands. people have now been arrested across the country so far.
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since the students apologize, you purchased again a lot of women until 6 children have been killed and then is rarely strike on a home and rough or is there any attacks have killed at least 26 people in the past 24 hours. and the next go, well press freedom prize has gone to palestinian john covering israel's war on gaza . at least a 143 media watches. and john been killed in garza and what's been nearly 7 months . and i've had a strong income and then who was injured and then his rarely attack gonzalez' is calling from best protection. if media walk is somebody, shonda is still in hospital, his right leg was amputated last month. he works for the tuck, his channel, t o t are ready, a lot of sense of the problem. i want to send a message to the world, but it needs to be more. this should be more protection for journalists. international laws must be upheld, our rights should be protected,
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like those of others around the world. many journalists are now disabled because of a tax, but i hope i am the last one to be injured. after i fully recovered god willing, we will return to work and continue. i work a message to my fellow journalist in the field. be careful and state strong. don't a band and your cameras despise old domestic. who is committed by the use riley army against journalists and other people. if you uh, the, i at the truth, you must document these crimes and spread to them around the world. while john les, from the occupied westbank say, is where the forces a trying to silence palestine invoices online and on the ground. they've been detained. intimidated, and in many cases banned from doing their jobs. one gentlest was placed on the house, the rest and even prevented from using her phone or the internet need to abraham has this report from the occupied west a she's a journalist,
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but with no phone internet or access to the field. and it's really court cuts off, so may edge away from the outside world. as part of her conditions release form in his way. he deal if she communicates online or speaks to us on camera, she could be arrested. i'm coming back home with somebody. it was in her 7th month of pregnancy, so we were worried about to we filtered 1st to be allowed to work from home. but then we were surprised to see the court's ruling. all of this for want for accusing her of incitement of, of post on social media. she was allowed to give birth in a hospital. her baby is 3 months old now, but she has no idea when she'll be allowed out. and fears that her career might be over $43.00, palestinian journalists from the occupied west bank are still in his way the jails, almost half of them are held under administrative detention, which is
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a rest without charges at least 260 cases. so these way the forces ups truck taking journalists from reporting journalist clearly identified as members of the process and doing their jobs are protected under international law. but in palestine, media workers say they're not. and the protective gear noon is the press, the best, the just keep them safe is turning them into a target. has a lot of families are open. let me check above us sharina blacklist. kevin was shocking to all of us. the port that had to bid has been in the field for 15 years . and you members, when is where the forces killed and just need a journalist 2 years ago, while reporting jimmy to clock off this video, he's trying to dodge put in during, in his way the way to the occupied with the, the mute i still have to have them feel it when to come with their own. these
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really forces the more cautious because like fear in the national backlash much if we manage to push to english away. it's as if israel has a green light to commit more crimes against palestinians. journalists often the flowing in groups as a safety measure. this is his colleague, sam. yes, i am a how the sammy was late, arrested with them to charge the almost demo. well, they're telling us that the situation is when israel blocked international reporters from entering the disease because a strip after their attack started palestinian journey to say they rose to the challenge. they want to tell the story they, for displacement and loss. but more often than not, they are forced to become part of it knew that, but he just eat off the occupied westbank palestine. so u. k has announced a 2nd round of sanctions targeting is rarely such as in the occupied westbank sections of being imposed on full prominence for rice individuals,
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the assets in the u. k of being frozen. and they'll also be bought from traveling to the country. also will not target list or 2 groups which are said that they want to expelled palestinians from the land. and they're just government says there's been an unprecedented rise and set to violence like the deposit you turning to west africa now. and russian troops have entered a military base and is yet way us troops of station he's, as government had all, seem americans to leave off to recruit last year. us x ray of defense. so it often says he has confidence that his troops all safe. i think you know that everybody's 101 we're at 4 inches is, is a new sherry and the air force base that is co located with the international airport in the capital city. and the russians are in a separate compound and don't have access to us forces or access to our equipment. and this is something that, uh, you know, again, i'm always focused on the, i'm
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a safety and protection of our troops, something that we'll, we'll continue to watch. uh, but uh right now i don't see, i don't see a significant issue here in terms of our, our forced protection and parts of kenya in terms of may i have seen weeks of devastating floods and lines lines. now even more torrential rain is on the way threatening to be rel, recovery efforts. katherine story has went out from the town of my monthly in central. can you, the government was invalid t, as in my, my, you have a lot area to cover deck here in debris as a look for more bodies, possibly chopped under the mod flagged waters gosh, down stream, hiring huge cheese and boulders, dozens of people and houses and the tartans past was swept away in one boy's harvest cannot be solved,
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reached the souls. how fond of the whole magenta. when there was a body fond over there, there are many people who cannot be found. many of my neighbors cannot be found. so do you watch any rig residency? the incident was caused by a blocked stream, which then caused water to accumulate in a dial. the app stream that was the what, how much it was and the people in your state, they are just lot to to be alive. now. hi austin area is here to look for his nephew from somebody. see, he says this was a man made disaster. he might, this was caused by the state and national roadways corporation and they are the ones who build the cold down stream and the tunnel upstream. it should be their responsibility to maintain the system. those who lost everything are at comp for the displaced that getting caught new clothes and medical ok. if you have read the published whether there was even.


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