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tv   Dying Earth Beyond The Oil Age  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm AST

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costs a 107 districts and toms as see next policies suffer to defeat in upon them into bond election in blackwood south losing the seats to the labor party. let's go to harry forces. he's in london for us and her is not looking good for the conservative. no standing ology a bit, it's been a bit of a site. it's a launch for the conservatives. so far as the results have been coming in from these very extensive rounds of, of local elections, i'm just call them entry by election. the conservatives were prepared for los and black pools south of to the member. i resigned in the midst of a loving scandal, as it was obviously a conservative seat, but it's one so much to labor that it's being seen as a very major defeat, that and one that doesn't all the well for the upcoming general election, it swung by 26 percent from conservative to labor and the concert there's only just
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scraped in the 2nd place ahead of the populace, right when reform policies keeps dom of the main opposition by the leader has wasted no time in heading to black pool of northwest to celebrate with his victorious candidate the saying that the swing was incredible, that it sends a direct message to vs to night because it is time as prime minister is very much, nearly off off the 14 years in power. he's saying that this is really a national sites for labor and against the conservative briefly, harry where, where does this leave where she's seen a well, that is the question that really has to be honest. but i suppose in the coming days as more of the results come in ahead of these elections, sort of some rumbling about potential for the conservative leadership challenge and kind of died away. the priced in a fairly major set hold for versus at the moment posters. analysts to saying that
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it looks like if the trend continues, that going to lose about $500.00 council seats. that would be a lot of scrutiny on whether the 2 high profile matter a little actions with the tories. whether they hold onto those like it is i probably will, that could be a bit of a boost that will be questions being asked over the weekend. doubtless about the future, the tory prime minister hurry for us at that 1st and not. and thank you so much. right, that's a name. my name's side a lot more information on a website. knowledge is there come to check it out. the news continues here on out as they're often times asked to stay with the of the
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settle about the mission to make those chicken and all occasionally portray be wanting to monthly quarter. sure. sure. so the not to show month to, but really for yeah, plus i think $590.00 cuz you don't even have an audi musket body, but you're not being honest with one body to shop the out the
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whole now you do the between the monk, adult people this coming people moya. nice to match up by the brush. junior the on the
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on the on the hill and is it equally done simple but they landed mean it ample on that. let me use the bicycle missing it. is it really simple, but it will if you have the water screws and was sent to sunday, was the last that as, as i'm on the, on the bottom of the as soon as it equal 5. if you sense much, my, dear me at the junkies onto the be believe the citizen's show that this is all i saw these activities with the business with us. i mean, it was part of it. this would be the planet sauce of them.
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if you think about what causes climate change, you're talking about burning coal, oil, or natural gas to produce the energy that runs factories or heats homes. you're talking about the very fundamentals of a modern economy. so we have to find a way to displace the use of fossil fuels in each of those activities. the means moving towards from renewable based sources of energy. but there is a material intensity to creating solar panels, electric batteries, or wind turbines. and this is creating a boom in mining for the cobalt, the lithium, and all the key minerals to make those technologies use of where they i use that
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average c l's effect of the cost. i mean that's the only light going ask you that is being we called the leasing process. so just a moment the font is on demand and meet you is on the vehicle while so it's crucial. who owns the mines? how would they financed? how would they government somebody always gets hurt. and unfortunately, it's usually the people in the world who are poor us and are re stable to defend themselves, including in places like congo where the governance is a shambles. the
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middle of this is what assuming added to this with default, the informant, and just to be as good as the moment i saw a glance on through please. yes, but the media that we've had to go. but so for man, just to be a lot the, you know, the pharmacy and it's by the swimming act isn't on. yeah. the did. is it the will national completely the what a little fed was withdrawn from com. you my son? no, no, no. i mean on the
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not the one i should come on monday, the bottom of the fun day. i'll find a job, but i'm not much up. the flushing and what is she coming from? well, no, not perfect. and what is the name of the metro goes, met the the lizzie, 40 something you see, i mean microphone data move on to met the metric on met the man you need me know when i own the best thing to perform duty. i'll vent then somebody post government prevent the like the, the longest it leaves junky provide us with the gnostic. one of the show me see
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a god visual buses security that the does it advise you, ma'am? it is what i mean, you got these and all of identical and the shows you the, the passage unique passive securities upgrades, a school lady, the getting designed for us. it is a and for us to be blick, you've been watching. so what i find it for you should, we can move with this big set in a team and took up by the funding become us. not all much the flushing body shop by the front of a fun in man, which we don't know yet. bush at finance. you your son. we thought that she was, you don't know, kindly get these just by the, by the way to come up with them when they finally don't get into the findings were nice of them was, you know, the
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name of a title that led to the printing, the minimum i was, i need to know when to find out the funds have been given my letting think anybody's impression during the 1st back a little research and medical center for you. but the shepherdess amazing. the escape with whom they should be never again, i'm more in general to to she get a the the
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the, the vsoft assessed up a list, but we've been shown in one of one of okay, so i'm not going to make you sort of dreams of what the level of a $10.00 on me yet a to do the easy to look through the list. what does that mean yet? that is for the particle would have been sheets me. i see the potter, these are the vision was the of the law lives on the lives of these of us. then i see you see that?
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i think the streets of washington is, i mean it is a duty on the other off. uh, did you uh look see nicely with the diesel photo. mm. uh, but the going on with the farms. what's going on? i was looking at the top 20 by page equal made on the news news. when do you provide you with a splendid use companies on the left of the show in the man the way to i can see the flash of front of it up for the balconies of the shop . what's going on with them? yeah, just so cool man. but you should remember, we need what we should be a month, 13 of us and go when i was with the pillow
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top of what any spots video saw. and this ever since we've been in business when i teach that teaches right, that is really a problem, but it's a little to do that. is that the us get the diesel duty? do you think accept the young this for this one? the yeah, these are not on, but i see that going to be lead on at the point left over to the book and so they will be lower this for this on the yeah. because then honestly luck regarding the scene for the piece. a lot of books on today that is just in yet a lot of and it did not show anybody the lesson key to distribute will keep her feet open, that ssl stuff will fit in it. in the conditions in which that money is happening in many countries, deeply exploitative of children of labor as they should be dignified and well paid jobs.
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extractive industries ultimately always impoverish the countries where they're expecting a very few exceptions to that. the working in the global south, where many people are living on less than a dollar a day. it's not so much about, you know, decelerating grace. because what we have is actually populations that are facing starvation and hung up because of climate change. the date need most need more of everything, not less, but how can we get more of everything without having to industrialize in the same way that the way the
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jill at the good digital about these bucket, elizabeth or somebody yes. you see or not there's a vic, you'll see glass of that. you have less of that page and looked at the dates or to do this estella. so i mean, yeah, yeah. did he had he thought about the shop for get active in the next couple months? mostly by law equal me the that he's yeah. oh no, hope you do to get, let me pick sheet the, the kind of good, the good, you know, you know, super, super not going to use your just the money.
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you could include them in the google to a bunch. i'm going to attend this. i much that's where the money moving. you purchased it so much you so much. do you need to know is it on the real logo? because there's some really i'm pulling up for me. see what i'm not gonna need. okay. what's your money?
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would you come on the most so much you will have, but a really good just to give you a simple quiz is not the one the the seem to be the there is a simple narrative that topping or fossil fuels will get us to below a 1.5 degrees, it's not enough. we need
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a mix of solutions. yes, we do need to scale down and reduce fossil fuels, but how do we do so without completely changing our way of life in terms of balancing growth and balancing the innovation? but what generally happens, especially in africa, is that a solution is imposed is always about offering alternatives and bringing people along to see what those alternatives want to buy this you did you finally, finally google it? that's good news. just it's all i see value to get what that's shown on implant that's on the plaza, shows the program magical sunday. the
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people that live bring it up a few this i thought the some of the pretty much about the mission of them, of the most interesting because this only started to really really be the sitting or was the part of the
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this but this one me yeah. the the be, this is a long use lot loving. yeah. they didn't the sit that the bill i visit, that'd be good. and one of the 4 digits i think i see the adults are between us or not. give them assess, but digit beautiful by deals will be on. are all going to read this, i sent that to please me. yet the spot. so the political look is public about this faucet. boston editing us on the on the 1st 30 back to the the growth see the north today relies on this massive net appropriation of resources. and energy basically means that the damages from the global north gross are effectively suffered in the global south.
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not is known as who compatible with the news about the deep transformation that's required of the transition toward clean technologies is one that is only available to precisely those who are most responsible for emissions. that is unacceptable. so there is a double responsibility of those who have higher carbon footprint 1st to clean up their own app. and secondly, to support those who also need to have access to a better life. the country is like the us. so like the you have
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a responsibility to make sure that while they are drawing on these resources that are important to to make the transition to the renewable energy economy are not extracted on the backs of people who just don't have any other options in life than to work in terrible and sometimes deadly conditions by you them the dream in the usa of electric as easy as for all the rest on the back of extraction from the mind of congo. and from the bodies of con, the leaves workers who are supposed to bear the drugs of that stream. this is not a bible future. the
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i don't here. certainly the people talking about is simply using less energy. i think we need to completely read the fine when we think of his progress. and instead of like more energy faster, you know, bigger houses, bigger cars. we have to instead think of progress as more empathy, more compassion dealing in towns those you, this is which is dental sicily daddy's over the victim. didn't expect so you can predict once a month if you notice all the logic loss somebody polluted this lot. because some of the method that the need this and they said they get so lucky before they start . so i mean, yeah, above the deep or so to show this
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love wish you, if you don't mind when i oh my gosh. and you know, you may somewhere but the should talk to the people talk, i use the bull, my degree one symbol, but when i went to bay, but musket and the my shuttle. but oh, what are they about? i need no one to who now i'm a shuttle name. what's up typically would you the young, i'm me for buddies. full sauce. mean to sound about the joy. amazing about the the me from implementing the medical additional mice b, b, i look at the
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no, no, no, no, no, no, go need. okay. the image and woke up to punch, i'll move to turn this. i much that's the money the lakers can is on this other trio none. ms. vega, we need fi, do you ever have the total? well no, we're pulling up from the now the never could somebody you can play the music,
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but the kind of will feed the by the funds, the money google and i was reading it goes for thing doesn't know guys budget looks almost like you know, when a ship was a network of stuff done by the the, in the amazon home to indigenous people. and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil. they're living in direct contact with petroleum through fear, border and so in ecuador, communities of fighting the corporate joins in
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a battle for survival and to save their lives. so as the word, how does he was view seems doing the fine glass this business uptake these bolts and by the city bank growth partner of bundle dash football. he is the
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this business uptake these roads thought no bundle dash football is he is the the hello, i'm real about this and this is the news on life from joe. how coming up in the next 60 minutes palestinian homes of left in ruins over night is very strikes and southern gaza of killed. at least 7 people. women and children are among the dead. but a student in the discovery world press freedom flies owners, old palestinian journalists for their reporting on israel's board on golf.


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