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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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mechanism such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. the civilian home is telling me said yes again. is there any strides fits southern garza nice 7 palestinians happen to the hi. my name's heidi. this is out. is there a life from the was so coming up but a simian you'll notice the, the wells press freedom prize on is kind of sydney and john this so that reporting on israel's move on gaza. you as president joe biden, defense police action on university campuses, while students demand an end to israel's move on garza and then you guys,
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government and conservative college and could be looking at heavy losses often local and reach the next the we begin in southern gaza where is riley strikes, have killed at least 7 pallets stands in a residential area. know a rough a family home in the area. what's targeted as well, has increased its foaming campaign in and around rafa. despite international pressure not to launch a ministry offensive on the city, nearly one and a half 1000000 displaced palestinians all seeking shelter in rafa of to fling as well as attacks elsewhere in gaza. the united nations has urged israel to drop its plans for ground the tax on rafa, the spikes best and for the un. sexy general says it would be faithful for display civilians. i'm humanitarian aid authorized organizations on the strip. a rough size
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at the heart of our guys that humanitarian operations. it a, it is a trans shipment point for live saving assistance that arrives in gaza from rough uh, from the rough, uh, and the current show on crossings. it is where dozens of 8 organizations store the live saving supplies they deliver to civilians across the gaza strip. most importantly, they are hundreds of thousands of civilians who fled to rafa. just to cape environment, famine and disease. for them, a ground operation would be more mean more suffering. civilians must be protected. and international humanitarian law must be respected by all. while we can speak now so tired assume he is lonely for us in ruffin southern gaza. tarika. let's start with this strike on this family home and northern russell. one more. can you tell us about what happened to yeah, says we've been here for medical sources in fact,
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smelly. and in the quite the hospital. they have been confirming that's at least 7 palestinians, and the strike have been killed including 4 children now that been also a confirmed and gunned, making much more clarification that the vast majority of those in good. but also that been resulting from the strike with at children and civilians that the entire building did not receive any kind of previous warning notification just to allow for residents to flee and been in the building. but the attack has been carried us off to midnight. well, the entire building has been partially destroyed due to the as well as choice spot . the situation sounds perfectly done and the entire roof, our district as we have been recruiting. it's very football. mentioned the eastern part of a rough i'd be serial. now is the last remaining shelter for more than one point. 5000000 palestinians being displaced from the houses, bought otherwise in other parts of the gaza strip. more strikes and all its
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compartments off all the heads. and it has happened confirming that a shift as the and the long side with as a to neighborhood has been widely attacked by the artillery units of mt residential buildings. when i talked with new casualty is being reported amongst our civilian swap, we have seen also receiving files and expressions by as imagine c walk as ensure rings that there are still ongoing efforts being made by that crews on the ground to recover more bodies and more even in just people from under the deputy of the destroyed buildings in multiple areas where they are struggling to get and know most times because of the intensification of the it's very bombardments, specifically in the north, on the so right. and in the area where the latest confrontations between homeless, slightest and the is where the military were raging in these areas. target increasingly it sounds from your reporting, but more and more of rasa is being targeted. and what impact is that having on the
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humanitarian situation, that of the now of palestinians gradually started to slay, to feel the uh, the relative mitigation being made in the humanitarian conditions as the other, there's a kind of a relative. i'm the slight increase of the numbers of the humanitarian took stock dissing into the south by both voters in a rough last city. but people believed that their humanitarian situation we'll get, we'll get much more the 2 rates in, within the coming days in life of the potential monitoring cajun for rough off. because both voters will be forced to shut down as part of the vast majority of goals. but relation won't be able to get such kinds of a humanitarian supplies, which they have been mostly depending on since the beginning of the complex and people believe that any kind of expands another. fighting to reach rough off, there's going to be a plea and bigger. crisis will be made on the humanitarian level,
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where people are trying to cope with the often that somebody is really ongoing, deadly military campaign on detach. repeat. that's why there is going to there, there was a cli wave of condemning and even judging for the use by the government to not invade drop, i had due to the unspeakable humanitarian catastrophe that might be resulted. but meanwhile, palestinians are feeling the relative mitigations being made. some be are completely hoping that the, the, the top on dropbox can be even delayed to or even a ceasefire agreement could be approach within the coming days in order to bring an end for their a few minutes harry and catastrophes on the ground. okay, thank you for that. sorry about doing that for us in rough on palestinian geminus covering israel's war on gauze. i have just been awarded unesco as well. the press freedom prize or to but a sit in the discovery and gaza at least
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a 143 media workers. and this had been killed him down, but as nearly 7 months moved out of there has spoken to the family of sight. i'll tell you who was killed within the 1st few days of the war honey, my food has more of this. so i you, the thought we was among the 1st journal listing dogs or to die covering the war. he was the editor in chief of homicide news agency and was documenting israel deadly destruction of the strength. and then i didn't, i'm going to continue in that i had many dreams for us. i always hopes that my children would be as caring and just calling to me and said was to his mother, but his children didn't get enough time with him to absorb everything from the father who died very young. god will help us kind of guy, that's the key i'm afraid was guilt. when is really forces bom, several media buildings in a female neighborhood, in ga, the city, just a few days into the war. really forces had issue to evacuated an order. and he was
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there to film the bombing, but his really forces a changed tactics and struck a different much a closer target. going him and 2 other journalists. they had been wearing a flag, jackets and helmets. clearly identified them as oppressed. death has left his father at a loss you so much. and the 1st of all that you didn't see side means so much to 1000000, but that's why you used to carry all of our family bud. and he's now i'm alone and useless and unable to carry those buttons. he's to do so much for us and the say you more than 140 meter workers have been killed in nearly 8 months of war, including alger, the are a camera man, found that i moved up, and journalists have a cute israel of deliberately targeting them and their families and even more data from rough all this time in the united states,
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president joe biden has cooled campus protests against as was more ongoing. as a chaos has said, odom must prevail, is comments holler and one of the largest police raids on the palestinian solidarity encampments since demonstrations began across the country. a few weeks ago was 200 protesters were arrested at the university of california in los angeles . tensions on college campuses have risen since police moved in to clear. the incompetence and white house correspondent give the whole kit has more on president biden's comments. as student protests, some colleges and universities across the united states continue to intensify us president joe 5 and finally broke his silence. speaking from the white house roosevelt room, the us president said that he supports americans right to the sense and also to protest. but he says that it must be done so lawfully. he also says that when it
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comes to his iron clad support of israel, his policies are not going to change. he says that, well, he sees that there is, in some cases, violent freedom of expression. he is going to, at this point, hold back on any calls to bring in the national guard, go see the images and they put to the test to 2 fundamental american principles. excuse me. the 1st is the right to free speech and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices her. second is the rule of law. both must be upheld. we are not in a far terry nation where we silence people are squashed to set. the american people are heard in fact, peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential issues. but, but neither are we
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a lawless country. president biden support for israel could, in fact, determine whether the former president, donald trump returns to the white house. in fact, as student protests, continue to ramp up across the country. new polls show that in fact, the current president, jo bivens approval ratings have fallen to historic gloves. kimberly, how can al jazeera the white house? ok, let's bring it in. mohammed, alas, rays and media studies, professor and political analyst, i've been don't. institute for graduate studies. mohammed, thanks for joining us again. what did you make of biden's comments say on the university per test last night? to me it was no useful, but he didn't address asshole. students demands why they were actually protesting. yeah. you know, in many ways this was an opportunity for biden, to maybe reverse some of the detriment detrimental effects of his policies on the last 6 and a half months. and i'm talking in terms of his own political career and his own
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aspirations for the november election. he had 2 choices. basically, he could have acknowledged the protest or demands as you, as you mentioned. and, and, or he could have, you know, sort of track down in, in this heavy handed manner or joined so sort of the narrative with, along with police and local mayers and university administrators. and it looks like he's, he's opted for the latter, the, the latter option. and he's using the same sort of narrative that us governments have used when they've wanted to, to, to squash other protest movements. whether it was civil rights or iraq or vietnam, or occupied wall street or other protest movements, black lives matter. and so it's not very surprising. this is kind of the familiar playbook that the, the us have ministrations like to draw from. but i think it's going to hurt him in the upcoming election because he needs this, you to vote, as you all have been reporting in order to win in november. i mean times that the
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purchase themselves the, the scale of them, the 1st of them, the active isn't full. this particular issue for the israel palestinian issue a. ready i think it's hard to say we haven't seen something like this before in america. we're seeing a, uh, a real shift here. uh generational shift. this is the 1st time that the palestinian cause has become a domestic issue in the united states. it's become more or less mainstream. you have this kind of intersection ality now where it's not just era of our palestinian, our most i'm students who are protesting on behalf of palestinians of the palestinian cause you have organizations like jewish voice for peace. you have black lives matter activists, you have let you know, and hispanic activist groups and many others. right. um you have really just people, you have secular people. and so this is the kind of mainstreaming of the palestinian cause. i don't think we should be terribly surprised though,
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because if you've followed, if we follow the opinion pulling data for the last 6 and a half months, we've seen that the young people about 18 to 30 demographic. they've been quite sympathetic to the palestinians, very critical of both israel and the way the united states has handled it's, it's guys a policy. so in some ways this has been a natural outcome. and in terms of what you think they could actually achieve. i mean, we, we've seen mean many of the students are protesting because they're looking for universities to change the policies, visit the israel. but in most of the cases, when it comes to these universities, it's not something that acknowledging. so do you actually think it will result in some sort of tangible change? right, so i think there are 2 ways to look at this. there's the short term, right, and i don't have any answers in the short term. i think that all depends on how long these process are sustained for right. do they go into the summer? for instance, when students are typically off campus? to what extent do universities continue to adopt these kind of heavy handed tactics
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to describe the approaches? i don't necessarily have answers to those questions, but i think over the long term there's a lot of potential for very significant change. uh, the united states is going through a kind of reckoning right now with a state of israel and with the, with zion as a more, more broadly for the 1st time. and in the decades long history of this relationship, the special relationship between the us and israel americans, especially young americans, but millions of americans are starting to ask, why does the united states support is real, to the extent that it does diplomatically, but also in terms of billions and billions of dollars of funding, and i think you will start to see changes because it's a cliche but these young people are the future. the future aren't. you know, the future isn't the 65 plus year old people that ardently support israel to the future as these 18 to 30 year olds. okay, good to get your perspective again. how many on mastery media studies profess? and let's go on this at the doha institute for graduate studies. meanwhile,
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in francis cnn's po university, they say it's closing its main power as campus solve the palestinian solidarity purchase that the school has also rejected. demands by protest is to review its relations with is reading universities. thousands of students all staging assistance. in response least one student has gone on hunger strike. students prompt access to the university last week, demanding it, condemn israel's actions. okay, still ahead on al jazeera, if it's on the way in kenya to recover dozens of bodies off to devastating floods, more heavy rainbow is expected. on find out why the month song, gang von in some haiti's capital shows no sign of ending the
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color, the seasonal range, trying to pull away from indonesia, but still some rather live the down pool is coming through. you see a java just makes it so way onto the mat. they have more of the more in the website and right to the north of that and up to will still away see just to the east to allow we say 97 millimeters. the frightening the past 24 hours still quite a heavy pockets of rain that just around that to eastern side of indonesia. so what's the weather to coming into western parts of borneo. so also some must david show his thoughts and to push the way into the philippines over the next couple of days. hopefully that will help to break the hate. and it's a similar scenario to across the entire chart. a little more aware of what the weather started to push its way in here as well, where it's weather really gathering around that at least the side of australia it and see the still clot to storms is up a trough here. that's kind of the easiest way for the east was it was by putting
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a shell. is that just around that? the eastern side, all new south wales going to continue over the next few days. but the system here which makes its way from the interior running over the high ground and that will bring some love you down pulls in a close at eastern side of new south wells as we go through the next couple of days . good, cool, some flash flooding, one or 2 showers to it's a southern parts of w way elsewhere. it's not the fine. the forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congress is cobalt. who owns the mind? how would they explain and how would they govern the dream usa of electric s u. v. 's for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo, and from the bodies of candidly is workers all just the risk new series going beyond the o n age the
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the, they're watching out his era mind if i told stories this our is there any bombardments his skills, 7 palestinians in residential area and northern rafa in southern gaza. joyful so struck a family home in the area. several of the people were injured. the unesco weld press freedom prize has gone to palestinian. john is covering israel's who on golf, at least a 143 media workers and gymnast, have been killed in golfer and nearly 7 months. you as president joe biden has said, the right to protest is protective in america. that buttons at the demonstrations
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will not be tolerated. students and stuff continue to protest across the us campuses in solidarity with gaza as well as the freedom of speech. both adults, christian worship is a mocking good friday and occupied eastern rest of this year. the celebrations have been of a shattered by israel's will. on garza, stephanie deca has the faithful let are making their way down the via the little saw retracing jesus, his son carrying the cross marking of course the crucifixion of jesus christ on holy friday. usually you would have many more religious tours here is part of this procession on orthodox easter. um of course the word goal is, is affecting that so far less people here. and also for the 1st time
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you have no permits issued to policy and christians from the occupied westbank by these ratings, usually in times of tension. it hasn't completely stopped the permits, but this time none of them have been allowed to attend to the procession will now make its way further down the be the little song. this is the, the 5th station station of the cross and then making their way down these alleyways towards the church of the holy sceptical where of course it's believed jesus christ was crucified, buried and resurrected on easter sunday. stephanie decker, which is 0 in the old city of occupied east jerusalem, assigned to it and could complicate efforts to recover the bodies of those killed in kenny as flooding. 52 bodies have been found in recent days, but thousands all still missing in floods that local se, because by a blocked drain. i'm torrential rain. captain soy has this report from my my here
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town in central time you. the document was invalid t. as in my, my, you have a lot area to cover up here in debris as a look for more bodies, possibly chopped under the mud flood, waters gosh, down stream, hiring huge cheese and boulders, thousands of people and houses when the torrents past was swept away. in one boy's harvest cannot be solved, reached the souls. how find the whole mcdonough when there was a body found over there? there many people who cannot be found. many of my neighbors cannot be found. do you watch any big residency? the incident was caused by a bluff stream, which then caused water to accumulate in a dandy upstream. that was the what. how much it was and the people in your state, they are just like to be alive now. hi austin. guerria is here to look for his
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nephew from somebody saying, he says this was a man made disaster. he might, this was caused by the state and national roadways corporation. they are the ones who build the cold down stream and the tunnel up stream. it should be their responsibility to maintain the system, those who lost everything are at the comp for the displaced that getting caught new clothes and medical ok. if you have any be established, whether they will even brokerage in the 1st place. because that team is got into the ground with somebody support at the 40 funds plan. so it would be pretty much want to see if there was a real page, if it was negligence. that is blame when the government boost will waiting for news of the missing relatives say that desperate to find the bodies only then can they find solace. kathleen, so you all just 0 my my hear central. can you as well we can speak to catherine. so where does she's live for us?
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a from the down in already be catherine. what is the latest situation that yes, um let me just give you the latest update from the government. 6 have 210 people sofa have died 19 are still missing and this number changed increasing. the government also say is that a 1000 schools are eva just destroyed or. 7 under was so now schools are supposed to open on on monday, so it appears to be public casings even more now. right now we are on the narrow b dom and thousands of people across the country have been awesome to me. some of this areas like done, why can we this uh areas uh so people have been tools to me. one of the areas is here into bear off that there is a good um,
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can't see much already because it's covered by what the highest since this with underneath is a loss of water. and this what uh, sometimes comes up to uh, neighborhoods like this ones that the government here has the told people to move. they've given orders. they have mock, some of the houses that have been affected. and we've been talking to the residence for saying that yes, they are happy to move to says law areas, the government has told them not so they, it will provide them with temporary shelters. and with what, with food and other issue, another thing as well. but they are worried because it's on staffing and just saying that so they are worried about what they will find when they go to the temporary shell. says ok, thank you for that. catherine story that 1st live from the down in nairobi. the gangs and hazy have launched a series of attacks and the capital just days off to
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a new prime minister. took office patients according on the new government to boost the police force and restore. no, in order to them on hand has no law. and order is broken down in port the prince. families are fleeing to safer parts of the city. as gang violence intensifies the way of shooting faded intensely with heavy way upon the teeth, a terrible situation that we have been experiencing since last night. they have been setting fire to things, non stop criminal gangs, control large parts of the city. they burned businesses, attack police stations, and broken thousands of inmates out of prison. i hate these transitional government announced a new prime minister on tuesday. many hope bass would restore security to hazy, but so far the violence is only intensified. this school has been turned into a shelter for dozens of families taking refuge from the violent people here. say
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there's no hope, the country until it becomes safe to walk the streets to close the school. the circumstances we are now experience in our country are un thinkable. we see no way out. what is worrying is in security because in a country where there is no security, nothing can move forward. more than 1500 people have been killed by gang filed so far this year. and the un says 5000000 people are struggling to get enough to eat until orders restored. ordinary haitians will continue to suffer bins and monahan al jazeera to okay. i want to take you to china, what we're looking at the some live pictures out of when chain in china. what we are about to see is the launch of a pro, which is heading towards the dock side as the new. it's going to bring back samples for scientists to study and is seen as a major step forward for china's face program that's have
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a lesson. i think it's just about to take off the the, the with all the knowledge. okay. it seems like, yeah, it is, it is taking off it is going seems to be going to plan. it's difficult to tell um. so what do we know about it? it's cool with chung e 6,
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and the idea is that it's going to collect about 2 kilograms nunez samples from the thought side of the moon. we also described as the dock side of the name, which is, is expected to be very technically complex. 53 day mission. and this launch in itself is also unprecedented from the side of the mean always faces away from the a slow. okay, previous mission. let's, let's, let's pretend back down to us. we can go to the united kingdom where the british prime minister richie, so not because facing yet more questions about his leadership. often another set of bad local election results for his governing conservative policy. moving to an a off 1000 council seats were up for grabs across a $107.00 districts. it comes as see next policies suffer to defeat in upon them into bond election in blackwood south using the seats to the labor party. let's go
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to harry forces. he's in london for us and her is not looking good for the consecutive no. so send it out to bid. it's been a bit of a site. it's a launch for the conservatives. so far as the results have been coming in from these very extensive rounds of, of local elections, i'm just call them entry by election. the conservatives were prepared for a loss in black pull south of to the member. i resigned in the midst of a lobbying scandal, as it was obviously a conservative seat, but it's one so much to labor that it's being seen as a very major defeat, that and one that doesn't all the well for the upcoming general election, it swung by 26 percent from conservative to labor in the concert there's only just scraped in the 2nd place ahead of the populace. right wing reform policies keeps tom of the main opposition may the leader has wasted no time in.


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