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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the is really strikes head civilian homes and southern guns are at least 6. palestinians have been killed the laura, carl, this is ours. is there a life from the also coming up but a see me in the discovery because of the world press freedom prize is
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awarded to allison in john les reporting on israel's golf view. as presidents condemns chaos on university campuses, off to police arrest hundreds of palestine solidarity incumbents in los angeles and, and hate see people in the caps or pools of friends, please homes, a med, raging gang. von neumann is rarely bombardment has killed 6 palestinians in a residential area, north of rasa and southern gaza. family home in the area was targeted. israel has increased its foaming campaign in and around rafa, despite the international pressure not to launch a military offensive on this se, any one point. $5000000.00 impala citizens are seeking shelter in the area of to
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fling israel's attack elsewhere and gone. so that's bringing on correspondence in the southern guns attack happens, assume joins us from rafa. start festival. what more can you tell us about the strike homeless families, home that of the wells satellite was an extremely bludgeon item. rough spot where a residential building was destroyed or at least 6 palestinians happened, report killed, including 4 children of the attack was carried out off to midnight. well, the attack was carried out without tiny, probably a warning of just the only few minutes away from the house. but i'm sheltering in uh in the north of roughly district. it was really bloody attack us. the entire area has been feeding the shaking of the been bought men's work casual. he's also a monk. children, a woman have been reported and this will happen, painted, have been front sped by impedances to quite the hospital to receive prop medical treatment. but yet ruffle has been widely attack, so an overnight strikes as
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a part of the is very ongoing expansion of the attacks to the that the one that very densely populated area. but similarly, all the areas of the territory have been why they attack, including a great refugee camp, were 9 palestinians happen reported in just in that area um its own going onto the re bombardment on the a southern eastern part of the guns and switching clothing as they to a neighborhood eye witnesses that have been confirming a constant artillery, shooting of residential houses on agricultural farm lands and such areas without to now on the top and 5 think similarly we can set you. that's what we do now is that the ongoing gotten of even bump mentioned strikes the course. the goal is this trip have left behind this wave of destruction where civil defense crews were doing the best in order to recover the injuries from beneath the rustle of the destroyed houses, a light of the ongoing block of essential civil equipment. but it mainly what we, what we can also confirm that the light of the ongoing bottom in the humanitarian
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situation does not really witness a great change in terms of the numbers of the humanitarian 8 to start getting into that territory on a daily basis within the past to 24 hours, only $212.00 talks over humanitarian chromeboys have been allowed to get into the gall. this trip from both roof and carmel of asylum increasing buddha, which cannot really sufficient enough in order to meet the admin needs of the causes population. here in the south a tardy they stay with us because i want to mention that today. hello city and john list covering as well as will ongoing. so i've been awarded you nest goes well press freedom prize to. but a student in the discovery guys and in special jury said and recognize the courage to him once it cooled times of darkness and hopelessness. netscape that'd be award pays tribute to jealous facing difficult. i'm thing just comes down says at least
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143 media work is i'm john list have been killed in garza, in the late 7 months of attack. your one of those, john, unless you've been reporting every day from gaza on the extremely difficult circumstances, what does within this award mean to you of the well, what i can say is that without doing, unless the way it will be adopted, i use the working key in the territory to discover the entire story with full visibility and you try to keep you happy in resting that lives in order to keep the world in phones and that a price is a way to to all palestinian generalist, who have been completely going through difficult circumstances including the internal displacement, the lack of old basic items. these talk that you shouldn't, that just looming on the same time. despite all of these events, challenges that palestinian genet just have been gutting through. they have been
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keep reporting on the ground tirelessly for more than 6 months. right now as the pot to the job. and also despite the unprecedented rate of death among, through joining us since the beginning of this conflict passively. i've been reporting on the ground since that day. one of the fight thing about the on going to inside the military campaign that being surrounded by unprecedented section of a dangerous that's all pulls and goes to this very moment. as bombardment continued in every single day and nights were palestinian 10, let us happy and sacrifice things of life, an old dot to keep the entire international community informed them. despite all of these challenges unfolding them, they are completely in such a one message is that no my tough, what is the cost of reporting the world must be informed. i must know all the details of the story on the ground. of course, the gorgeous truck. so i'd like to send a grey salute and break a message of thanks and appreciation for all of palestinian journalists for the
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entire palestinian territories. not only in the gaza strip, but also in the west bank who are trying to do everything possible in order to deliver the truth about the old, the latest of what's happening inside the power steering occupied territories, a little tired. we'll so greatly appreciate your courage. bring us the story every day that from gauze. thank you very much tart. assume and rough up southern garza. i know how boss says it's studying the latest proposal for a cease fire and will that caused a positive minor delegation is returning to egypt to discuss the the. busy with mediate as, as well once the return of cops is held in gaza in return for a temporary truce. but how much has repeatedly insisted on a permanent ends to the will. stephanie deca has more from occupied east jerusalem . thomas has had the deal for about 4 days now and there have been since yesterday we were expected a response yesterday then tonight and now it seems that it could still be a couple of days away. it looks like yes,
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yes. and why the leader of how mass is questioning certain things in video clarifying and potentially may even come back with the amendments it's, it's not clear at the moment. well, we do know that there are 2 very opposing points of demons that have mass says this will only negotiate if there is a full cessation of hostilities, meaning an end to the war. and it's not negotiating on that. and these really prime minister says, well, there's not going to be the enter the war, and we are going to go into the office. whatever happened so publicly, these are 2 opposing sides that are impossible, really, to reconcile what is being negotiated privately, of course, is what really matters. and i think for all the speculation that we're getting about, you know, whether that is going to be the idea of whether they're going to go into the alpha . we don't know until we have an official response from how may i ask, what we do know is that if at this point there isn't a deal that gets agreed upon by both sides. israel has made it very clear. it will go into the ha, i mean,
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i should say it's present terabyte and has cooled compass protests against as well as well and gaza chaos and a said order must prevail, has comments fully one of the largest police raids on a pallet and in sort of dieting commonsense demonstrations interrupted across the country. a few weeks ago, at least 200 protesters were arrested at the university of california. los angeles pensions on color scott college campuses have risen since police have moved into clear incumbents. a white house correspondent, company hawk. it has more on what present, but not to say as student protest, some colleges and universities across the united states continue to intensify us president joe 5 and finally broke his silence. speaking from the white house roosevelt room, the us president said that he supports americans right to the sense and also to protest, but he says that it must be done so lawfully. he also says that when it comes to
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his iron clad support of israel, his policies are not going to change. he says, well, he sees that there is, in some cases, violent freedom of expression. he is going to, at this point, hold back on any calls to bring in the national guard. we've all seen the images and they put to the test for 2 fundamental american principles. excuse me. the 1st is the right to free speech for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices her. second is the rule of law. both must be upheld. we are not in a far terry nation where we silence people are squash to set up. the american people are heard in fact, peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential issues. but, but neither are we a lawless country, present abiding support for israel could, in fact,
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determine whether the former president, donald trump returns to the white house. in fact, as student protests, continue to ramp up across the country. new polls show that in fact, the current president, jo bivens approval ratings have fallen to historic loaves kimberly healthcare algebra 0. the white house, the students in continent at u. c. l. a was dismantled by police on wednesday nights been to the early hours of thursday. the most significant protest sites on campus was in and around voice full. my students are active tense and viras university declared that an illegal gathering on tuesday for level reports from the university of california los angeles, the process, the site, hey on the you say a campus has now been cleans up even the top stuff. that was housing all of the tents and it was a day 3 and the possessions that the police clear laughed a short time ago. in fact, what this does now is it shows you just how small the area was that these protests
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as well occupied your very densely populated area. but some, 2 to 300 people were and those 200 or so protesters that were arrested half now being booked. they have been cited on various misdemeanor charges, but many of them have said, what was the points he was cited we were released i, we will continue to protest because i say very peaceful here. now, although it wasn't 1213 hours ago, colored zip police in riot to advance information. most students try to hold the line using plywood to 4 to 5. the cub hardhats and the brothers to protect themselves. hundreds of students pushed back against the police correct out for hours, but at the end, they would so much for the police who had more resources, but power out a brief to get the students off the property as swiftly as possible has told
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broke the last of the students would be taken away sub hi black, paula. tell you what the police gave them was lost. the child's hundreds were arrested. is this the end of the protest for a week? now, students at u. c. l i have comes here. it's on it's our and see with palestinians, follow the valley and cold have at least 30 universities across the us. they was, it had so the world garza and for the school to divest from israel website. law enforcement supported students. and the professors who support the to this found the peaceful protest. cool place the rest. so we can try to communicate with administration in the best we can. but we're getting many of the same patronize in lines that people forget. which side says, you know, militarized police invasion is in the name with student safety or things like this is like presentation just certain before told office is closed, did a voice, whole clarity. the courtyard arresting, old who refused to leave after
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a 5 hour start off. this is what is left of the solidarity count. it's not going to be then because of genocide ends in the funding for the genocide. now students, other campuses are left. what drink if they all next? and so as these protests is leveled to the bus, they continue to shop for free policy type for that then next destination will be to be booked by the los angeles county sheriff's department. there are several rates of these posts this way, things to take them away. but is the process started by maybe on this site? yes. but in general, absolutely not. these process, the site, they will continue to go as long as they have to for them. this is about how much why the clothes fit live out, how to say right at the u. c. l. a campus in los angeles. over in canada, university of toronto, students have joined the protest movement and still the doris heat with palestine. they've set up and it comes in fast so many to what's happening in the us protest as
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a demanding the university divest from israel. and are accusing it of complicity in the destruction of gall. so we are witnessing some of the most horrendous crimes of our lifetime. and we feel as though we are paying for them because our university is taking our tuition money without our consent and investing it in companies that contribute to the suffering of the palestinians that were watching on live tv. and there they have ties with academic institutions that are holding the, the, the apartheid an occupation that's causing all this. i said i had head on out to sara to search for flood victims in kenya, at least 188 people a dead. i'm not told is expected to rise the in depth analysis of the days headlines. the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult
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a moment is this for the prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay indefinitely as 5 minutes to the know the state possibly else of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between them is uh and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of miniature partners, and specifically russia inside story. on al jazeera, 2 era writers from different countries, but with much uncommon moraine upstairs. so a palestinian resistance poets jailed for his left wing views, his poetry, what's the width? and he used to fight the whole world. and course something sort of a syrian professor has lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement 11 and syria had us going to the rock. that constantine was not behind rebel writers, palestine and syria on that, which is 0. tots military has been in charge since taking power in the cool 3 years ago. now people will have a child to help their say,
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well the us with growing it schools, i'm groups imposing the front of neighboring so dining conflict. what lies ahead for the country child the elections or not just so you are the, [000:00:00;00] the reminder of our top stories this aisle is right. bombardments has killed 6 pablo simians in a residential area, north of rockford, in southern guns. that was where the forces struck a family home in the area. several of the people in judge unesco as well as press freedom prize has gone to the palestinian jones covering israel's war on garza. and it's
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a $143.00 media workers and just being killed in garza and nearly 7 months of on police of k to students and coming to the university of california los angeles. the rest is at least 200 people protesting students at rutgers university in new jersey have dismantled their incumbent off to reaching a deal with campus administrators as they were on 1st day. they were given a deadline to clear. the area demonstrates as to university officials agreed to support palestinian students and considered divesting from israel protests fullest rock goes to postpone final exams twice a buyer has this report from new jersey us president joe biden has finally spoken on the protest and violence raging across universities. in the united states, the president says, the rule of law must be upheld while a protest is not protected, peaceful protest is so against the law and violence occurs when it goes university,
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new jersey. students say the president is making that mistake. they say they want to help and the war and guys bring justice for the palestinian people. so what i would say to the present is, you know, what was happening in columbia and you said it was a freedom of speech and it was peaceful people were chanting. the only the only violation that was done was actually by the police themselves. they were the ones attacking, and i'm not sure if you saw recently, but there were people that attack the protesters that you see all that tension has been high at this campus in the past few days. these young people say they feel discriminated against because there must name and born after 911 and they have to speak up against the war on guys a we've been discriminated against our whole lives. and a lot of comments that have made to us are not in any way shape or form true. and it drives us harder to continue to fight the students headsets happening, camping here, and given until thursday to leave, or face eviction. but they managed to reach an agreement with university of sorties
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. the students and the university were able to agree on fate. out of attendance of the students had, among them is creating an arrow of cultural center in the university scholarships for students from gaza. that will allow them to study in this university for free, and also an amnesty for the students have been protesting in this campus for this past few days. they also agreed to create a task force that we continue discussing the universities finances. it's links to israel and to the companies that students here are saying are profiting from the world guys on what he's probably till the agreement. students say their fight is not over the one president joe biden to know their generation and they're called to end the killing. gaza won't be annoyed. denise, i will defeat in new jersey trying to can you know where floods and land slides have killed at least 188 people,
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hundreds of thousands have been forced from their homes. welcome lab reports from kansas county and kenya. jackson. and don't goose says he's been trying to prevent a crisis in his community for weeks. the crisis came, the now is trying to make a footpath across the river where the road once past weeks of torrential rains flooded his neighborhood on the outskirts of my baby. in key i'm the county people have to be rescued from rooftops. nearly 200 people have been killed in kenya's floods. the what does gave me it was told it was coming in the high speed. so it describes of all of this that were here. and it was not on what's done to my house. i have a good night, susan, and my wife, i do them just get out of the house because they come to no danger. jackson's family survived for the yacht,
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if his property did not. the only way for the water to escape was through these 3 drains, which became completely overwhelmed. the rose and it's and diamond dumbs, the flies cruising we'll system back up this valley, flooding thousands of homes. and the school to jackson says the cool, the highways, all sorts the an awesome to bring and excavate to break open the road and release the will to try and keep people safe and with other community members says he built this foot bridge so that at least pedestrians could still cross even when cause could not then came more rain, and that was destroyed as well. rapid on regulated and development is blocked, waterways and streams of drainage. some people here say they've never known rains or floods like this before. scientists expect climate change to bring more extreme weather can use eye clinic to its destination. the mass i'm more of wildlife is of flooded when
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a river passed its banks. thousands of hotel workers and tourists had to be rescued . can use red cross that's come to help in many places, people are asking why the government hasn't done more positives as peas. usertesting room pope offered pres this year in order to transmit. and i also wish to express to the people of kenya. my spiritual closeness at this time, a severe flooding has tragic a, taking the lives of many of our brothers and sisters. jackson says, a company was contracted to upgrade the bridge neighbors home 5 years ago, but it disappeared with the money. so he's trying to make the possible, at least until the next rain, full malcom web address. there can be county can yeah. and accusation orders have been issued. the following flooding in the us state of texas. more rain is expected on friday, and officials of ordered residents along this on the hudson river in the houston
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area to leave the homes. i say those who don't need could be trucks and it was for 2 to 3 days. it was done to declare a mistrial. and the case brought forward by former detainees of the abu ghraib prison in iraq of to 8 days. the jury was that a deadlock, a form of detainees, say, interrogates, is contracted by the military looking places and the abuse they suffered at the hands of us soldiers. 20 years ago, and then she contractor had argued that its employees on the list will contact with the 3 plaintiffs. in the case, the gangs in hazy, have lost a series of attacks on the capital. just days after new prime minister took office haitians, a calling on the new government to boost the police force and restore law and order and simona and has more law and order is broken down in port a prince. families are fleeing to safer parts of the city. as gang violence intensifies the way of shooting very intensely with heavy way upon the teeth,
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a terrible situation that we have been experiencing since last night. they are in setting fire to things non stop criminal gangs, control large parts of the city. they've burned businesses, attack police stations, and broken thousands of inmates out of prison. i have these transitional government announced the new prime minister on tuesday. many hope bass would restore security to hazy, but so far the violence has only intensified. this school has been turned into a shelter for dozens of families taking refuge from the violent people here. say there's no hope, the country until it becomes safe to walk the streets, to close the school, the circumstances we are now experience in our country and think people, we see no way out. what is worrying is insecurity because in a country where there is no security, nothing can move forward. more than 1500 people have been killed by gang violence
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so far this year. and the un says 5000000 people are struggling to get enough to eat until order is restored. ordinary haitians will continue to suffer bins and monahan al jazeera a united states. so your opinion on the who, when the old judging the georgia impala, meant to drop, it's for an influence bill, people into attempting protesting against the law for almost a month. and legislation would require organizations to get more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad to register as for an agents, for 6 that could be used to come down on political defend, unlike built the countries chances of joining the game in our shop of oliver has more from too busy. i'm so glad to do wines. things out in the georgia in thomasville. but they moved the atmosphere was completely different. some pets to yesterday or the day before when police were trying to discuss the protests with bolts autonomy to a gas on purpose pray. a major riley was held today,
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not far away from the heroes quest. it's one of the most important trustful junctions in the georgia, the capital a people blocks. this one looks old and they bring street a police twice to the surprise them, but they failed. people hit continue to talk to the russian law. we already have the now clause in place. it guarantees by thursday for each commercial, 9 commercial info. it's vantages. they have all the agents to declare their about their income and the source of the money we have doesn't start from. so while we have this was the willing when the next a new one that either resembles and rice and conquer part, it raises more concerns. the children's holloman's a bond below in the 2nd reason. yes. today on this side and final reason is expected on may the 17th and we're expecting more pros, it's closer to dante. in the meantime, the country is entering the east to break, which is going to last for 4 days. and there is a hope that things will be
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a little bit comma 0, but this here to find us 0 really st. georgia. well, that's it from me, laura kylie, but the weather next, the inside story taking a look at the tensions between american police. i'm protests is on university campuses to stay with us analysis era the the hello the as yet more wet weather in the full costs across parts of the middle east is the latest batch of stormy weather, which has swept across the gulf. we had a few lightning strikes rumbling away here as we went through well wednesday into with us day friday looks a little dry. what was the chance of the course of it? i know it's cheryl to coming back in. having said that,
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the main right will be down towards a month towards yeah, i mean, big down pulls that into like that eastern side, all the rocks all moving for the race with cyber towards the caspian. so northern parts of a rock thanks and lobby sounds that will cool some localized flooding. i met with the weather, making his way towards that kind of spawn again, something of a flood risk coming in here. we can see some wet by the 2 coming into the ducky, i ever the next style saying the sake of scattering the showers here on friday, west in areas of syria could catch you a shower to just around the coastal fridge is. i think south is that it will be a loss each. right. that's the case too. as we go through west i plus quinn's coming through. having said that, went to weather all the way across the was the best for us at that stage. minova for cavities, january dry, plenty of sunshine, kind of the showers there across central parts of africa. and we also have a developing tropical system making his way towards the eastern path cancelling the
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examination. being to of today's headlines, i wish i had word word to describe the setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, your being called anti semitic, and a supporter of care international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspired to options await us in the immediate future. quite a crisis for climate revolution. barnowski to 0. the, the standups between police and palestine solidarity purchases and us college campuses on intensifying the violent confrontation as a, giving rise to see as an outside interference. politicians are taking science. how will these protest effect present, advise and fit for a 2nd time?
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this is inside store


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