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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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full scale with this or like just the showcase of the best document truth films from across the network on al jazeera, the vandalism, trespassing breaking window, shutting down cap is as forcing the cancellation of classes in graduation. none of this is a peaceful protests. us president joe biden, defense police breaking out protests on university campuses across the country. the head of them are a heil. this is alex. is there a life from the also coming up to us? police tactics are criticized on to offices,
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use tear gas and rubber foot against student pride. sensitive and all this is riley bombardments killed 6 palestinians, including children inside the home. never southern city of ruffled but a student in, during this timeframe on the well press freedom pride as a wanted to kinda send in john list reporting on as well. devastation go on golf. the begin in the united states, where president joe biden has called compass protest against israel's will on guns a chaos. and to said, order must prevail as comments follow one of the largest police rates on a pallet to me in philadelphia, incumbent since demonstrations interrupted across the country. a few weeks ago, at least 200 protesters were arrested. the university of california los angeles.
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tensions on college campuses have risen since police moved in to clear incumbents on white house. correspondent, kimberly hawk. it has more, i'm a president bites and not to say a student protests, some colleges and universities across the united states continue to intensify us president joe 5 and finally broke his silence. speaking from the white house roosevelt room, the us president said that he supports americans right to the sense and also to protest, but he says that it must be done so lawfully. he also says that when it comes to his iron clad support of israel, his policies are not going to change. he says that, well, he sees that there is, in some cases violent freedom of expression. he is going to, at this point, hold back on any calls to bring in the national guard, go see the images and they put through the test to 2 fundamental american
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principles. excuse me. the 1st is the right to free speech and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices her. second is the rule of law. both must be upheld. we are not in a far terry nation where we silence people are squash descent. american people are heard, in fact, peaceful protest has an investigation of how americans respond to concert control issues. but, but neither are we a lawless country. president biding support for israel could, in fact, determine whether the former president, donald trump returns to the white house. in fact, as student protests continue to ramp up across the country, new polls show that in fact, the current president, jo bivens approval ratings have fallen to historic loaves kimberly healthcare alger
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0. the white house as well protesting students at rutgers university in new jersey have dismantles there and come and talk to reaching a deal with compass administrators out there on 1st day that were given a deadline to clear. the area demonstrates as a university officials agreed to support palestinian students and considered divesting from israel protest fullest watkins to postpone final exams. guys, but has moved from the university in new jersey. most of the students we have spoken to say that they are disappointed with biden's comments and that, but they also say that they do not come as a surprise. they say that to the peaceful onto them now have been completely a peaceful that the violence that has come and many of this campuses has come from the police when the rate at columbia university. when they rated, you'll see in a, in los angeles among other universities, then the other things they being thing is that his comments in a way, help profile of the arab communities, muslim communities quite
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a spinning and communities in the united states. and we with a target, many of the students we have spoken to, grew up after $911.00 in this country. they say that they have been discriminated against them for throughout their lifetimes. and that's why they believe that right now, is there a time to speak up to speak up about they've gone through up to speak top of what is happening in gaza. and all of them are convinced that they're standing on the right side of history. there's been approved of ongoing in the past few days and, and come samantha, where i am right now, that people, a groups of students stood up here and they said that they've been making lots of demands with the university. there was some tension today. they were given a deadline by they managed to agree on 8 out of 10 demands that they had among them, for example, is setting up a conference center in this university, scholarships for students coming from garza to these university to be able to study for free and amnesty for the students that have been protesting this past few days and that could have been sanction to the students in cumberland
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w. c. l a was dismantled by police on wednesday night and into the early hours of thursday. and my significant protest side on campus was in and around. royce whole west students erected tense and barriers university declared at an illegal gathering on choose day full of our reports from the university of california, los angeles, to process the site. hey, on the you say a campus has now been cleans up even the top stuff that was holding all of the tests. and what was the tape rate and the possessions that the police clear left a short time ago. in fact, what this does now is it shows you just how small the area was that these protests as well occupied your very densely populated area. but some 2 to 300 people were and that was 200 or so approach has to is that were arrested half now being booked . they have been cited on various misdemeanor charges, but many of them have said, what was the points he was cited? we were released i, we will continue to protest, but as i say very peaceful here. now,
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although it wasn't 1213 hours ago colored zip police in riot to advance information. must students try to hold the line using plywood to 4 to 5. the cub hardhats and the brothers to protect themselves. hundreds of students pushed back against the police, correct out for hours. but at the end, they would so much for the police who had more resources, both power out a brief to get the students off the property as swiftly as possible, has told broke the loss of the students would be taken away sub hi black, while it's heavily what the police gave them was lost, the child's hundreds were arrested. is this the end of the protest? no. for a week now students at u. c. l i have comes here. it's on, it's our see with palestinians. follow the valley and cold. have at least 30
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universities across the us. they was it ad. so the world garza and for the school to divest from israel website, law enforcement supported students. and the professors who support the to this found the peaceful protest. cool, place the rest, the we can try to communicate with administration as best we can, but we're getting many of the same patronize and lines that people forget what you said. you know, militarized police invasion is in the name of student safety. and i think like this is like presentation just at certain before toward office is closed, did a voice hold. clearly the courtyard arresting old who refused to leave after a 5 hours start off. this is what is left of the solidarity count. it's not going to be then because of genocide ends in the funding for the genocide. now students, other campuses are left. what drink is they all next. and so as these protests is leveled to the bus, they continue to shop for the policy type. but then the next destination will be to
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be booked by the los angeles county sheriff's department. there are several rates at these close is waiting to take them away, but is the process started by maybe on this site? yes, but in general, absolutely not. these process the site, they will continue to go as long as they have to for them. this is about how much, why the clothes fit live out, how to say right at the u. c. l. a campus in los angeles. dana saddle is an attorney legal unless she says, california is knows, mean protest is could see the legal system on the side. if they end up in court, if there is a least a 100 or $200.00 a rest yesterday, i believe it will be unless those are dismissed. all right, they will be going through the 1st system and we are going to be during arguments from the, the children who were arrested about their free speech. right? we have very strong here in california. in particular, the courts have really recognized that colleges are essential places for free
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speech. recently because of the nature of colleges causes a meant to be kind of like a hot bed area for free thinking and critical thinking. and so we have quite a bit of latitude, a brown, this kind of protest on college campuses, but they do have a really strong argument in the person. i mean, we will see that play out in the court, not only doing with their rec, so i imagine there might be some sort of lawsuit against the university as well. as right. bob minutes has killed 6 palestinians in a residential area. north of rossa in southern casa, is where the forces from the shaheen family home. several other people have been injured, as well, has increased its plumbing company in an underground rough, just by international pressure, not to launch the ministry offensive, only see any one point. 5000000 positives are seeking shelter in the area of the
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fling as well as attacks elsewhere in the talent trade. and he's one drive that has been killed off his really forces opened fire on a truck. so the queue at round about 10 galls of stacy, that's the inspection on the major road linking north and south concept honey monkwood sensors. this update from rafa in the south. this has been part of the process of preventing aid getting into the northern parts and gaza city. this is not the 1st time we've seen an incident similar to this one where a driver was shot and killed and other his driver was different. a trucks were reported injury to, along with people who work at the side who are trying to approach this is more of like a military area controlled by these really military. there are times that are on the vehicle there rather have the presence of the ground forces at the to wait the traffic circle. they're preventing people from approaching a truck or getting into getting the food supplies in and trying to get in order to
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get back to their families and feed them in the pots with the an incident directly targeting aid seekers that humanitarian work as an attack on. also aided trucks similar to this one. this is old as part of what's going on and from the restriction, the obstructions of the flow over human. it's originated from either the roof back roughly, or from the northern part right now. here is the crossing the rear everetts is one of several elanda crossing that had been virtually blocked for the past 7 months when there's really a military announce a total seas on the ghost of that effectively cutting the gaza strip. cutting it off from the outside world, say it's likely a do it just to happen one more time because there's no stop to it and is likely to hinder any efforts of delivering much needed aid right now. do desperate population struggling with the threat of famine that has already caused the death of more than 30 people because of the ongoing in for the hydrogen and star vision,
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they're talking about more it is going to be allowed in 2000 and another part and more here in the southern part of the state, but that's not nearly enough in the face of the the greater demands and the challenges are created by the ongoing, intense bonding campaign and ongoing, worn out of city and john list covering as well as will on dollars. i have been awarded unesco as well as press freedom prize, a to sit in july, discovering guys an international jury said it recognize the courage during those at cool times of darkness and hopelessness. in this case said the award pays tribute to john. let's facing, difficult and dangerous circumstances. at least 143 media was because i'm jealous of being killed in garza. and nearly 7 months of my life in america as salisia newman before from 70. okay,
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i'm in the museum of fine arts here in santa with chilly with a ceremony and a just a short while ago. and it's really emotional ceremony in which it was announced that the panel prize for word press freedom would be given not to one or 2 or 3 to all of the palestinian journalists for covering the war on gaza. the policy, the num bassinger was here, there were many people in the room or even crying a lot, as i say, a lot of emotion, very, very strong applause. so clearly the journalists who are also attending the ceremony that would come from all over the world just about for word press freedom days. we're in agreement. we've had a strong, strong explore massage research, sorry to say that we need to support this moment that, you know, the students are nice because we've seen that globally. we've been using release of facing many face underwater, underwater, male that give not being the heat,
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that ice man for stick with you on this be a match. so we're seeing that the, we need to say stop, please stop. now we need to defend the field, especially on for me through the fence. i'm from all of the safety, the video release. i'm probably it. we went to say this woman doesn't ask you mind if you have a few that we did a scene in your values. we've had a few that they act torres would they are coming then to the feet off the question . so that is the message that the world isn't dead to the journalists who develop stevie and journalist for covering the war on gaza. now this is just the beginning of what was the 2 more days of activities here in city dealing with worlds press freedom day journalists are coming from all over the world and will be discussing not only what is happening in the occupied territories in palestine and in guys have but also the threats and the risk sort of being faced by general. this is from all over the world. you see a human out to 0,
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sun. yeah. and it has here on alex's era, patients in the counsel opposed to print sleeva hines and raging gun violence. massage for flood victims in kenya, at least 188 people. a dead and not toll is expected to ride the . the hello is as yet more wet weather in the full cost of close parts of the middle east is the latest batch of stormy weather, which has swept across the gulf. we had a few lightning strikes rumbling away here as we went through wednesday into with us day friday looks a little dry. what was the chance of the course of it? i know it's cheryl to coming back in. having said that, the main right will be down towards a month to watch. yeah, i mean,
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big down pulls that into like that eastern side of a rock. so moving for the race with cyber towards the caspian. so northern parts of a rock saying some lobby showers, that will cool some localized flooding. met with the weather, making his way towards that kind of spawn again. something of a flood risk coming in here. we can see some why, why the 2 coming into the ducky, i ever the next dial say say good scattering, the showers here on friday, west in areas of syria could catch you a shower to just around the coastal frames you. so i think south is that it will be a loss each, right? that's the case too. as we go through west i plus quinn's coming through. having said that, went to weather all the way across the was the best for us at that stage. for cavities, january dry, plenty of sunshine. can you show us there across central parts of africa? and we also have a developing tropical system making his way towards the eastern path. time for me, the
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foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. it's the that again, you're watching out there. it has remind to about top stories this alice is where the ball environment has killed 6 palestinians and the residential area,
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north of rafa in southern gauze, this is where the forces from the shaheen family have several others being injured . yes, present. joe biden has sent the right to protest is protected in america with abundance of demonstrations will not be tolerated. students and faculty continue to protest across american campuses. and so the director, wisconsin, as well as for freedom of speech and police, have played students and comments at the university of california los angeles. they arrested at least 200 people and they do one of the protesters that you c l, a went viral and he played it to the media. filming his arrest. 22 year old ryan, a jewish american, was beaten and detained before being released. and now he says he will go back to continue his protest. the i was on the front lines. i was, you know, tops, hit me with a bit, tons, and they,
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you know, they grab me. i did not resist the rest. the school rather physically intimidate their students, basically had 2 students. i didn't even consider this and that it was so frustrating we didn't do anything wrong. i received a citation for an awful assembly interbred after attacked by design us in pod for a flashlight nationalist. we have 2500 squares ations because our people have their heads that ok, bye tablets and wooden stumps that metronome us. not a single person who perpetrated these attacks was arrested not a single one by myself. my mother's trish rapturous my grandson was acute sinus. hi steven, it's a serious and it's in bold and made. so take media and i mean what we've achieved
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was that people, i never thought with the cabinet. i people who didn't seem politically active there after they saw us get a tax and there was no accountability for it. we will be, we will be just about to we're going to continue to be here. we're going to continue to fight for guys, and we're going to continue to fight for the people in the house. and over in canada, university of toronto, students have joined the protest movement and solidarity with palestine. if that's up and a company that's similar to what's happening in the us are just the bonding the university divest from israel, under accusing it of complicity and the destruction of concepts. we are witnessing some of the most horrendous crimes of our lifetime. and we feel as though we are paying for them because our university is taking our tuition money without our consent and investing in companies that contribute to the suffering of the palestinians that were watching on live tv. and there they have ties with academic
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institutions that are upholding the, the, in the apartheid and occupation that's causing all this while in front sales per university says it's closing his main campus parish campus. i have a protest, so instill authority towards palestinians. university is also rejected. demands by protested to review its relations with his riley universities. dozens of students, the staging, assess and response. at least one student has gone on hunger strike. students blow tax. that's the last the last week demanding it condemns, as well as actions attached to butler has moved from the university in paris as well. the administrators of sales full university here in paris has had a meeting with some students, ms. fullers lodge protest last friday with some of the students states, assisting others and purchasing outside the university in show of solidarity with the problems, sending people for thousands of protests that was created by police effectuated
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some students saying that the police were too heavy handed. now the end of this meeting between the administrators and the students, we spoke some of the students and what they said was that they had gone in with a certain set of demo. and they all skiing the day university here in paris costs it's ties with. and he is ready to universities that asking the university to have more opening on this debate. they say about what is happening in golf, and they will save on some insurance from the university's administrative that any students taking part in these protests will not be punished and will not be expelled. will the student say at the end of the meeting, the universities response is very disappointing. that the university hasn't promised or met any of the mones. and now we have a situation in which they say, at least one of the students has decided to go on a hunger strike and protests until the demo and submit. they say all the students by joining and they say that they are now planning all the protests in the future. latasha butler ultra 0 power,
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the united states, your opinion as the u. n. o edging the georgia in parliament to drop. it's for an influence bill. people in georgia have been protesting against the proposal for almost a month. and legislation would require organizations to get more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad to register. as for an agents in the shop of, of a high school from tennessee device process, the quantity of winding down in the georgia in thomasville of the mood. the asthma said was some slightly different, some pets we yesterday or the day before when police were trying to discuss the protests with bolts autonomy to a gas on purpose. pray. a major riley was held today, not far away from the heroes where it's one of the most important trustful junctions in the georgia. this happens to
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a people blocks. this one looks old and they bring street a police twice to the surprise them, but they failed. people hit continue to talk to the russian law. we already have the now clause in place. it guarantees by thursday for each commercial, 9 commercial info, its vantages. they have all the agents to declare their about their income to the source of the money we have doesn't start from. so while we have this was the willing when the next and you one that resembles the rice and conquer part, it raises more concerns. the children's holloman's a box below in the 2nd reading yesterday. and the 3rd and final reason is expected on may the 17th. and we're expecting more pros, it's closer to dante. in the meantime, the country is entering the east to break, which is going to last for 4 days, and there is a hope that things will be a little bit comma 0. but this here to find us 0 really st. georgia.
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goings and haiti have noticed a series of attacks in the capital. just days off to a new prime minister took office haitians, a cooling on the new government to boost the police force and come on ahead as more law and order is broken down in port. the prince. families are fleeing to safer parts of the city. as gang violence intensifies the way shooting very intensely with heavy way upon to the terrible situation that we have been experiencing since last night. they are considering fight with things, non stop criminal gangs, control large parts of the city. they've burned businesses, attack police stations, and broken thousands of inmates out of prison. i have these transitional government announced a new prime minister on tuesday. many hope bass would restore security to hazy, but so far the violence has only intensified. this school has been turned into
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a shelter for dozens of families taking refuge from the violent people here. say there's no hope, the country until it becomes safe to walk the streets to close the school the circumstances we are now experience in our country, unthinkable. we see no way out what is wary and this insecurity because in a country where there is no security, nothing can be for it. more than 1500 people have been killed by gang violence so far this year. and the un says 5000000 people are struggling to get enough to eat until orders restored. ordinary haitians will continue to suffer. bends and monahan al jazeera a and the u. k. demonstrations have blocks the governor's latest attempt to transfer my grandson's assign them, see it goes on to a floating detention center age people. would you to be removed from a hotel in london and take him to the bulge in the south west of england. a group of protest as blocks the road and flashed bus ties to stop every move on. full
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brandon, as more from london peace has now been restored to the streets around the best west and pack them hotel. but just a couple of hours ago, this was the scene of confrontations between protest as on police. the protest as attempting to stop the police from removing some migrants who was staying in the hotel and taking them to the former prison ship. the baby still come, there was a book date of people sitting in the, in the, in the road, linking jobs and preventing the police from getting the migrants out. there was a bus that was brought here to remove the migrants. it had one of its tires slashed . i'm was unable to move in there and that bus left empty and the migrants, well, put back into the hotel. i'm lodge, they as a result of the efforts of local campaigners from around this area. so we determined that the margins should not be removed when the best of all i've actually that was so many people around think i have such
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a big resistance that no one ever got onto the bus and then no one got taken. it's a baby say, which is the massive success section of a people really sorry job. and then when the boss did eventually leave it, let them say it's also local election day here. and migration. immigration has been a major issue in that election to so the timing of this attempted removal, perhaps not an accident, but it's also interesting that in ma gave for example, last week has a very similar scenario, happens where all thought is ones that to remove my gums my hotel van on take them also to this ship be still calm and another group of local campaigns prevented that from happening. and so, because a, it's a very difficult balance between what the government wants to achieve. i want local people are willing to let half of the whole brennan alda 0 south on the front and then slides across county. i have killed a 188 people. hundreds of thousands of being forced from that homes. not from lab reports from camden county and can you jackson in goose says he's been trying to
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prevent a crisis in these community 2 weeks. the crisis came to now is trying to make a footpath across the river where the road once past weeks of 2 in 2 reins flooded his neighborhood on the outskirts of my robi in key, i'm the county. people have to be rescued from rooftops, nearly 200 people are being killed and can use floods. the what does gave, it was told it was coming to the high speed. so it just needs of all of this to him that to a here. i need to was not on was done to my house. i look good night, susan and my wife. i do them just get out of the house because they come to no danger. jackson's family survived that the youngest of his property did not. the only way for the water to escape was through these 3 drains, which became completely overwhelmed. the rose and its environment. dams,
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the flies closing was that's a back up this valley flooding thousands of homes and the school.


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