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tv   The Stream Students Take A Stand For Gaza  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am AST

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is still going on and the recovery efforts are going to take awhile. so i've been speaking to some of the display, see people who say that they're very disappointed by the government. they say that this is not a natural disaster. it was caused by blocks a drainage and they say that someone has to be held accountable. right now the accounting data loss is some of the relatives have died and they are just trying to make sense of what happened and they want the government to give them on size cost me. so you are the 0, my, my hill kenya trish's from gun elusive during the colonial era have been returned hun artifacts from the sunset kingdom around display, as part of the deal with london's victoria and albert museum and wisdom museums under growing pressure to pretend stolen african artifacts and demona hand has more
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celebrations and gone to, as crowds gathered witness the return of what's been described as a nation's crown jewels is the 1st time they've been back on gone a soil since they were taken by british colonials to 150 years ago. the as dante king underlined the significance of the moment, the items that came back originally, the soul of the people on the display of this for you to see the item that was totally new to drop in 1974. not all of them understand what we have here still and what is the sort of a push out the 32 items were taken by the u. k. during the colonial era. some were loser during wars with us on taking them. this long term loan took decades to negotiate and marks the silver jubilee of this sante king. in the victoria and albert museum hopes this will be a foundation for stronger culture links in the future. and the way to move on from
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a difficult past. we knowledge the very history surrounding the acquisition of these old checks, the history painted by the skulls of imperial conflict. unfamiliar european and u. s. museums are under growing pressure to return stone african items to their place of origin, the name and nigeria. i've also been negotiating similar deals, nissan tay treasures beyond play the public at the mine he a palace museum for the next 3 years. bins and monahan al, just era. so for me, tell him the price of the moment. i'll be back and a half now with more news. the news will continue here on 20 after the stream, which is coming up near the cities with santa, when he's one of the world's most expensive tibits in the black box to try his
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destination. for us. one on one asian investigates the spot to capture india, sandlewood king one out 0 from being processed to the wall in vietnam and opposing pos side. south africa students have long played a crucial role in duration movements. today, a growing tie is speaking of the time is fine. so why is sonia darcy with gaza igniting campuses across the world? i'm marry him fall swap. this is the street the, the future the, the, the
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we are. see right now, the victory, when totally fine is free from japan to australia via it's me. and then what started was ending temperaments at columbia university in new york, 2 weeks ago has turned into a global student movement. the monday and universities divest from israel. is this the peace movement of our generation? and can students succeed west so much? public pressure has failed. joining me from the u. s. u. k. and australia to discusses today, all 3 student organizes mahmoud alphabets of palestinian 1st year student at
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harvard university with the harvard out of occupied palestine, coalition, fraser, almost a ph. d student at the university of war. it with the work stands with palestine coalition. and yes, mean i love that we served you a student at the university of sydney with the students for palestine group. welcome to you all. thank you so much for being a mood. you're joining us from harvard. can you tell us exactly what's happening on campus? right? now uh yeah, so basically on campus right now, we are having an cabinet where students are occupying the whole yard and of many that they will only leave until we have full disclosure of harvard development. as well as a safe estimate from the student is rona is really redeem moods are very high right now. and community members are very strong and vigilant and remaining so fast in
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mind. so the, despite so much administrative impression just mean at the same question over to you that what's the situation in sydney? yeah, we've started our encampments here. uh, seeing what's been happening in the us wanting to send in support of the students are there who set up their and cap, ma'am, and demand similar things for my university in order for them to cut ties with weapons companies that can place it in genocide in gaza so, so the university for example, has ties to this weapons company tyler's, which has done, you know, collaboration projects that have produced the drawings that are used on policy. and so we want to see our university and those ties with weapons companies. uh, and it's rarely institutions in order to stop being a yeah complicit in the genocide happening right now. i'm afraid so your part of
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the fast and comment by a british university is the british student. we've been less politically engaged. oh, what kinds of unique challenges may be do you face as compared? maybe so your us counterparts when speaking out on palestine as well, i think what we haven't seen the same degree of violence and repressing the protests and threats and that we have a columbia in austin. and of course, the us, the british political repression and policing is most sophisticated in some ways. it's more okay, but we have something called to prevent strategy, for instance, original price that you pay universities and effectively criminalizes and problem and sizes. political speech that's on seeing fabulous targets, most of them students. so my goal is to how the wave of the government oppression recent may new legislation of districts. the right to protest which gave securities offices and to operate outside of the little button on the last whizzing students
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in the u. k. are starting to defy that. and i think in the coming days we're going to see an increasing waivers and comments across the country. in america, we've seen snipers on campus rooftops and a very heavy handed policing. but you've also face all the forms of challenges haven't used in terms of boxing and threats of expulsion and of course, accusations of anti semitism. uh yeah, it has been uh very along campus. um, just over the last semester we have had docs and trucks come around a campus into students. parents, houses which were is incredibly frightening. but we've also had several degrees of repression, such as pro palestine proctors being evicted from their houses, or also just having the currently right now i, the cabinet students were occupying, are being passed. i the slips that team that they will trigger their degree will be
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with a held and they continue to occupy the yard right now. however, as i said earlier, students are still remaining that you want to spite administration taking disciplinary action and still say they will dedicate their time to occupy the space until our demands are met to well, let's say from cameron the lead, organize that for jewish voices. so peace at columbia. i'm in a tent right now and being kept man, i feel extremely, extremely safe. i'm just, i'm kept meant. so do my jewish brothers and sisters who are also on the, on this encampment. we have not heard or seen any anti semitic rhetoric used on the encampment or used by people affiliated with it. if there is, by the way, that as i've had some of that being said by outside those who are not on campus, we condemn that. but we didn't, we, we have no control over what random individuals in new york city say or do we
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all we do know is that on this encampment on this campus, jewish students are standing with pro palestinian organizers and are involved. busy in the fight, so yeah, i do believe that anti semitism is being weaponized by the university and by the government because the university wants to do anything in their power to take attention away from the ongoing. tell us hasn't garza and they will even exploits. jewish trauma to get that to get that message across. just mean is jewish safety concerns to you and your colleagues on campus and how do you ensure it's given so much conflicting information concerning what is said to constitute jewish foods, including things like, you know, holding a palestinian flag. um yeah, well our purchase has been extremely inclusive of people of every face and
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every new city and whatnot. um we've had your students camped alongside us here at sydney. we've had a jury speakers at every rally that we've put on and that i think that really indicates just the inclusivity of the palestine movement being present. that is for justice, it's against genocide. it's anti racist and all of that. and i think, you know, the accusations i just used to reflect from the, you know, real things that we're fighting for, the real issues happening in palestine right now. my mood as a palestinian can i ask how you feel about so much media attention being placed on privilege, student safety during an ongoing genocide including that of course of palestinian students. not nice since, of course there was 3 probably send you an students show me an american campus back
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in november 2023 and not long. that was no loan officer, a 6 year old palestinian boy, and his mother was stabbed that, that home in october last year. is there any discussion of palestinians safety happening on campuses? well yeah, there for sure is a definite issue of anti policy and racism. i mean, part of itself has its own issue with the department of education inside this country, opening an investigation to the school because they received a very massive planes over the last semester. however, despite there being so much prejudice and racism, that you just talked to me and every day in this country, a lot of times we use degree and we have to motivate us to take action. i mean, if you just look at brown university after 3 of the men were shot just for, we're going to be speaking arabic. his sham was one of them, and he is a student at brown university. and or afterwards, degree at a brand a bus,
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coalitions demand brown university today, best him to is a state and also ensure that none of their money is going towards investments in genocide, occupation, or per site. you see the same thing over here with refreshing, really energizing people on campus. however, there always is a talk to ensure that gaza and address that going on over there right now is the more more forefront of everything we do. we try doing that with having our, that programming circulate and surround so much about what the travesty is going on and gaza right now. as well as making sure that everyone on the ground is aware of what's going on and committed to things that fast and demeaning cost in liberation . now west and lising of privilege for the cause has been a big talking point on campuses. listen to this, the kids involved are just working class hard working kids. there are your kids with the privilege. those are the kids of congress members and business exacts
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getting old breasted. and that's a big deal. columbia university is where the next generation of leaders is supposed to be born. the next generation of oppressors. and now we have all of these young rich kids using their privilege to fight against a system. yeah. of course the systems freaking out, and that's not to say that there are students that are on that lawn right now, risking everything because they are. but a lot of those cases are weaponized in their privilege against the system that gave them that privilege. frayza i'm. i want to ask you, do you think that part of the tough response we're seeing from also ortiz around the well to these protests is precisely because these all the sons and daughters, often of important people who are expected to uphold the states is closed. yeah, i think that that's definitely a factor in what's happening,
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but i think it speaks the strength of type like personality movement that you have students like that. and now being mobilized to take action. do university work is a savvy prestigious institution in the k, and it's probably, it's tied as the most minute tries university in the u. k. and that position means the students taking an option has already conscious of the pilot, the disproportionate power that we have, and that we be able to name time. and i'm just me, i want to ask you what the wielding privilege look like at this current juncture. as well, i think like the example here at sidney is that our university has this like model or that is leadership for good. and i think what they want is to turn all the students into the future, you know, prime ministers, the future, you know, bosses and c r as in the world. you know,
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people like the current prime minister of australia. graduated from city, uni, anthony helping easy. but, but i think what the student movement is about is kind of concerning condemning that kind of idea of leadership and actually us supporting and involving students in amazement that is about our fighting against oppression that is leading a struggle for uh, a free palestine rather than all the other pathways that our university wants to take us through. um, well, most people will have had about the process at columbia. but have you heard of cal state polytechnic in humboldt because you should count state polytechnic and humbled. they had to sit in and one of the universities, buildings and like they do, the cops showed up and these protestors barricaded them out of the building.
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physically forced them out and setup barricades made of chairs, tables the supplies around them. and i am so proud the students use the skills that we were forced to obtain because we were constantly in fear of being suddenly under attack. and for a lot of those students, they were, we're in america. someone in the building was working from experience somewhere in that building was at least one survivor. and it worked. they successfully fall off the bad guys with guns. my weird american students have basically been trained for roles. i don't know necessarily if the trade will be the right word, but there is a saying that a laws protesters use which is the more these type of silence us, the latter we will be. and that just goes to show how the high degrees of oppression that be as college students every single day. even though people can be
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restricted from protesting with new protests guidelines such as harvard or people are not even allowed to a set of chairs. and you will get a rest for that such as the university of florida last night were 9 people were arrested. and you can see that so many people utilize this repression and use it to energize them, mobilize them, but also learn in future circumstances on how to train their new forms or pro test phrases. in the us, we've seen some professes ad administration stuff and the university standing in solidarity with students and even getting arrested. is that a similar situation in the u. k? yeah, combination is made up of students and stuff and we've been company together with them for months to get the university to the middle tries. and as soon as the uncommon was set up on friday evening, we had loads of stock bringing down supplies and putting out tons helping. and
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that's the way they time. and sort of down into between students and staff. work right now is very, very tight. and we're also seeing members of the community come in is become a real heart of community solidarity and families to bring in that case and drawing pictures in solidarity with cause a. so we really seeing stuff step up and down with students. just mean the indigenous people of canada recently gave their approval to students to protest on the land of mcgill university. how does your own history and that the indigenous people of australia connect you to this movement? um, yeah, i mean, there is a lot of solidarity. uh, amongst uh, indigenous people here in australia with the struggle for a free palestine. i think it is, you know, struggle against races in a struggle against near the history of colonization here in australia. um and i
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think, yeah, like we want to constantly draw connections with the broader system of, you know, a stallion braces in here that continues to see indigenous you know, incarceration rates be some of the highest in the world. continue to see uh, you know, industries, people are more likely to go to prison, then go to university. i think there's a problem of systemic racism and the lack of any sort of reparations being given to indigenous people here. and we always ask them and solidarity with that struggle. and in fact, here at sydney university, where i am right now is where the freedom arrived. i started that was in full authority with what happened in the u. s. where i, since any, any student took a bus across regional towns to draw attention to the issue of indigenous oppression
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and land. right? so it's kind of like, is no longer want me mental aside a protest. i think that's what tradition we're standing in is all of these historic 5 against injustice against races. and i'm in all of that now that has been some criticism online of how the process movement is being framed. take a look at this. yeah, i kind of don't like, but student, the process of being labeled as he will, we are part of a liberation movements. the hash side isn't and why you for know it's n y u for palestine is how our universities divest and palestine is free. the students will keep mobilizing mood. we've seen some people on line describe this as a global student intifada. how do you define this movement? well, personally, i definitely do like that name a lot. uh,
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i do think it describes whats going on on college campuses, which is communities coming together, a mobilizing, inviting to be on the right side of the street, which is to have full disclosure and they've estimate from the is always stay to make sure palestine is free it was in our lifetimes. i mean, just when i ever i walk around and can't get on campus, there is such a strong community that staying vigilant. despite administration coming through the camp every single day and routinely checking ideas with routine, lead threatening graduation. originally tracking to even a suspend students, or some students who are immigrants and who do not have a permanent vis a permanent residence inside the united states. they have, it says they've been threatened with a disciplinary action and they're ok despite the fact that they can literally be deported by the university soon. so i think colleges all across the country right now, there they are mobilized before policy in liberation,
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1st and foremost at the forefront and the stone mountain. visualize i see, personally as of health thing. it truly does keep the movement alive in it and keeps me going every single day to mobilize, but also to organize and just stay stuck fast. i want to ask you, oh uh, one by one. now about the objectives of this global movement phase at what all the objectives of the movement as you understand it on what do palestinians sits in defining those objectives? a while and time and and on time pain is 1st and foremost inspired by the struggle with the palestinian people and the people gaza, way demanding the universe to divest and break old ties with on companies. but it condensed the genocide occupation. the dispossession of the protestant young people, but it's such as to how we build causes education sector and then it protects free speech and some authority with palestine. and i think at the same time as seeing
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this and comment as part of the global palestine, some dollar to movement. we also see how the struggle to protest and people is connected to the struggles or the press people against colonialism and how the war machine that's tested in gaza is deployed around the world by the united states and its allies to suppressed liberation struggles. just mean, same question to you. is this an an anti war movement? liberation struggle. how do you define it and where the palestinians sits within that? um yeah. well i think uh, i think there isn't necessarily something mutually exclusive about fighting for palestinian liberation, but also fighting against for like a lot of the weapons companies that were demanding. our university cut ties with are also complicit in, you know, trading the weapons used by the strongly in military that have deployed them there
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in when they joined the invasions of iraq and afghanistan. so i think we want to fight against these arms companies in order to not only see like an end to the genocide happening in gaza. but the n a future genocide and a future war on that sees you know, our government and have a compromise across the world, put their own interest uh, their imperialist interest. beyond the interest of ordinary people and my mood as opposed to me in yourself. how do you feel about the fact this issue is igniting us campuses? i'm global campuses. uh yeah. like i said earlier, a truly does where my heart, i mean, just talking to my mother uh the other day and she was the organizer for policy and the ration in her time as well. uh, she told me she would never expected such a global student move in that bites her policy in liberation to the extent where it
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is right now. but i mean, truly i feel like this with this move in general. it does show how students are now changing their believes and how there's been so much design as propaganda. the past is being disrupted. i mean, students who are in universities right now will eventually obtain jobs. will that eventually obtain places of power within their lives. but i truly of hope that this ends up with change to the is, is all your team and for that, for the quantization and occupation of palestine. and it will be free in our life time because of the student move man, because people have shown are solitary to post and he ends and stood on the right side of history with postilion demand. the liberation, fortunately and well, one thing we have had from student process is we've spoken to is the need to sense of palestinians. so let's end this discussion by hearing from father ahmad, a student from gaza, who was doing a degree in media before the is really a sold,
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dramatically changed her life over to you, father. hello, and for the i think is it the media which had be in the exam. and the either or the case might be on the i, the day in the back on my life was before before. so i was due today because i didn't go actually to investigate your best convenience and they, i go through it, but now i have a know my message. this is a just of the lord and a i think the most amount of was a some on the warning done to i want to thank you all guess my mood phrase a and yes mean of goals. thank you for watching all you part of the global student
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movement. we want to hear from you. send us your content getting taught to using the hash tag or to handle a very stream, and we will look into it. stay away and i'll see you a foster months to fight with thousands of people killed and millions fools from this house. what does the future hold for? sit down and its people. the sedan contact one year on out to 0. ok, foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hobbins. it goes through the roof,
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the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. business latest is brought to you while i guess as i live slowly on, one of your this makes modern pleads, the
12:00 am
business latest is free, if you believe, i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern pleads the, the, the other one told me to try this is and use our line from coming up in the next 16 minutes. vandalism, trespassing breaking window, shutting down cabins as forcing the cancellation of classes in graduation. none of this is a peaceful protests. us president, job bottom defends police, breaking up protests on university campuses across the country. us play.


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