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tv   Witness The Sea Wont Scare Us  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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kit and see how the war on gaza has affected them. it's 4 am and the old city alleyways are deserted. we follow the same send of an ancient recipe. one that were told can not be mustered anywhere else, but in this holy city, just below ground, a don't slike rhythm. the go goes into the 300 year old of, and built into these ancient rules and fired by olive would grow and from this conflicted land, wholesale to here, we have a secret to the cock. it just doesn't work outside of the old city of jerusalem. many have tried to go to the flour, all the right ingredients, even the sesame seeds and sugar, but it's never the same, not in ramallah, no way. it's an age old tradition, an ever changing times. it's comfort, food is continuity. it's identity, but for the hundreds of years if this ritual has taken place here for all the conflict intentions that these old city rules have seen. everyone here tells us
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that these times are the worst of us during garza is on everyone's mind. but how masses attack on october, the 7th has had an impact here too many tell us they don't dare travel through israel anymore. is there a reason? palestinians have never been more divided or suspicious of each other than now? the queen, imagine the southern side, your walk, ink, and all that is why you lose around your arms. and so you look at you as if your threat, any movement you make can give them an excuse to kill your. the business here is terrible to, there are far fewer palestinians and tourists have all but disappeared. i know you guys are familiar, familiar, taste, childhood memory. there is comfort in a tradition that hasn't changed in centuries. even if the world around and come century don't. 9, the actual we have the we, we make it with our hands, we make it ourselves using wood. in other places they use machines and electricity,
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they just press a button. the work we do here, we learn from our grandfathers and will continue to do it just like they did. the commitment to keep a much loved tradition alive. one that is intertwined with this holy city. choose little cock and it sits in motion from those we talk to no other version comes close. it apparently doesn't have that special agent. i'm totally blessing stephanie decker all g 0 in the old city of occupied east jerusalem. well that, so if somebody tell me cry for the moment, i'll be back in half an hour with more news. you can also go to our website, pittsville just, sarah, don't com. well then use continue. say on l $20.00 at the windows, which is coming up next to stay with us. the unique perspective. why is it the doctors didn't get to have a site and any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british
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government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, of the
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things that we will look the salon flash
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also allow us the yeah, the little about the soon done on a civil also. and i show the only thing i'm really should have come with the show me the article without me. but the
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lines on the not the the, you know, the, the, the, the, the choices, there's not how the the,
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the, what's the model of the, you know, they'll, you got me still out of the, of those that on my cell phone bill was my show on the sort of the machine on on i'm a little wireless little button and you know the of the on the machine. i noticed that this would be one of the uh, getting the hand out and i'm having to suffer for that necessarily on the face. the
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life i love forget give me a good study and then a short visa auto pay . i like the last a lot a lot. the 3 me a visa or
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a lot of the lower east teen as because of the head. you know, the how to brush i hang on the line. the then handles the well this out also the also said in the middle of a good movie to look up and see
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where you are in the beginning. but i do the restore to sort of the stuff in, but i'm sure, okay, well allow me time tells me that the my, the image of the csc or point me in and really kind of walk in the shop. how far is the on. but you know, the, what time one of the, what's the one on the
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the the what the news on the, on while it was one the fall in love with
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the little fingers world and within a while in the middle. so that, and also in the jungle, kindly on you know, they're coming, she'll be a whole new look of the i'm up here. most of the, i think you, the top of head off for the vision is gonna is enough that when we go these for so like this
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is the city of
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the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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the, the, the vin and look of one quarter of them with that one. and one of them in the beginning we can get this thing and they've shalean did for a while and then we'll have some new level. i mean, my share a little while the life is that about a girl, you know, the levels altima the my loves and the so
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the, the, the i do is like she knew who i to not for the 1st 5 minutes. let's get into about like a little idea of the whole style. unfortunately, the the other, the lease and has only been living 100 percent
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on the old was a little bit of the the young kid that has to be in a center most loving visuals. no other than was in the had an a c. and can you to enjoy knowing that when i 1st so the let me did what? 2200 to 205 and the one on the so we some orlando, muslim muscular. the bad thing,
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nobody's mazda in and this was done in the for lucy norman england. and nothing was labeled and united with do you've seen what a day it was? good. i
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the the
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initial why it is uh, have us on it for the renewal of my days and he is in 7 days. he was like that the, the liability, the guy that was the, comes with a demo. the only thing is that the height is on, on the unit, and then the, the
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close of the $2.00 to $22.00 long. i see. so in good england, president to the, to hold the line david w to, to fit i'm, is it was that it was a bunch of them through the shuttle just a little bit stick. that is the lord, if i was a lot in the one thing run nash, i love to get it from. know yeah. eliza low that 80. yeah. and the last it with the media and then what is you know, the in the that i didn't have on the items from the initial part of about the sign, the lease. yeah. tell me they said that will be an invitation to the level. so my
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son the little button and they let me just put it on a shot. when you do that, she'll be able to talk with you to fix the revise of the old. i will if they get that to of the honda is uh, i'm gonna use it as long as i can. what does it show? the little louder. how goes it wasn't as long as well that i'd wonderful infinity one is the one the son of the the on the banners being in level divided by the each month just amount of so that was like just on us.
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well, no further. they look for that thing, that's how much is it the only people used to hang up. let me get the for sure. what else
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to do? i need to get the people who sold the site for me to find how to go. so how does that headed to the higher was done was the little
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the most of was was the one we're going to show me the cars are you know, the zip code in oklahoma and i have been on the lies in his i know that in the nation for, you know, the normal there and then we'll see it all said i called to go i that she was on the phone with augusta on the, on the higher end in the mean. this will down on your
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thoughtful but allow me and it will have you had been planned on the
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the the one of the biggest selections of 2024. india is general election. will administer now render movies be taking increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've sent employment sway voters in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading and fairly ongoing coverage, but in the, as elections on out as the era,
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there was the time to be directed to the creation of a humanitarian crisis is a tactic, we do not, is it was the policy that we have the was from us, particularly that was very upfront on out of there in a well filled with b. concerning transformation is underway from the amazon lane 1st to the arctic sea environment are generally around the front lines in the lines to reveal the truth as they continue to expose environmental issues and corruption. many have been talking to together not support environmental jazz and ensure that the truth prevails for the 1st world press freedom day conference, and 2nd, to the 4th of may 2024. you will scott a duty and a growth viewing for the p. use
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a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red chris on the vandals trespassing, breaking window, shutting down campuses forcing the cancellation of classes in graduation. none of this is a peaceful protest. you as president you a bonded defense police, breaking out protests on university campuses across the country, the


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